December 22, 2021
December 22, 2021- Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY for clinical applications
- Conceptualizing functional NEUROPLASTICITY
- Homer2 is necessary for EtOH-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Stress, depression, and NEUROPLASTICITY: a convergence of mechanisms
- Threoretical aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Toward a theory of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Antidepressants and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Mitochondria and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Central NEUROPLASTICITY and pathological pain
- NEUROPLASTICITY subserving motor skill learning
- NEUROPLASTICITY mediated by altered gene expression
- The musician’s brain as a model of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Learning in the fast lane: new insights into NEUROPLASTICITY
- Training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in young children
- Invited Review: NEUROPLASTICITY in respiratory motor control
- Natural rewards, NEUROPLASTICITY, and non-drug addictions
- Contribution of central NEUROPLASTICITY to pathological pain: review of clinical and experimental evidence
- Evidence for four forms of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Mitochondria in NEUROPLASTICITY and neurological disorders
- Social influences on NEUROPLASTICITY: stress and interventions to promote well-being
- NEUROPLASTICITY: from MRI to depressive symptoms
- NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation
- NEUROPLASTICITY and cellular resilience in mood disorders
- Drug addiction as a pathology of staged NEUROPLASTICITY
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY
- The dark side of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Buddha’s brain: NEUROPLASTICITY and meditation [in the spotlight]
- The dynamic brain: NEUROPLASTICITY and mental health
- Alterations of NEUROPLASTICITY in depression: the hippocampus and beyond
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Alzheimer’s disease
- NEUROPLASTICITY and swallowing
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the context of motor rehabilitation after stroke
- Principles of NEUROPLASTICITY and behavior
- Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY after cochlear implantation
- Corticosteroid receptors and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and its applications for rehabilitation
- What blindness can tell us about seeing again: merging NEUROPLASTICITY and neuroprostheses
- NEUROPLASTICITY in mood disorders
- Dynamic network connectivity: a new form of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Structural and functional NEUROPLASTICITY in relation to traumatic stress
- Stress during development: Impact on NEUROPLASTICITY and relevance to psychopathology
- NEUROPLASTICITY failure in Alzheimer’s disease: bridging the gap between plaques and tangles
- Exercise and NEUROPLASTICITY in persons living with Parkinson’s disease
- NEUROPLASTICITY promoted by task complexity
- Studies of NEUROPLASTICITY with transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Functional and structural imaging of pain-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY, psychosocial genomics, and the biopsychosocial paradigm in the 21st century
- NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery in multiple sclerosis
- NEUROPLASTICITY of neocortical circuits in schizophrenia
- NEUROPLASTICITY and brain repair after stroke
- Modification of hippocampal neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY by social environments
- Enteric NEUROPLASTICITY evoked by inflammation
- NEUROPLASTICITY—exercise-induced response of peripheral brain-derived neurotrophic factor
- D1-receptor impact on NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY for clinical applications
- Brain damage and NEUROPLASTICITY: mechanisms of recovery or development?
- Neural interface technology for rehabilitation: exploiting and promoting NEUROPLASTICITY
- Sex differences in cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the mesolimbic dopamine system and cocaine addiction
- Vulnerability to depression: from brain NEUROPLASTICITY to identification of biomarkers
- Preemptive analgesia. Clinical evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY contributing to postoperative pain.
- Dynamic NEUROPLASTICITY after human prefrontal cortex damage
- NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive aging: the scaffolding theory of aging and cognition
- NEUROPLASTICITY and constraint-induced movement therapy
- Cellular mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY signaling pathways linked to the pathophysiology of schizophrenia
- Systems NEUROPLASTICITY in the aging brain: recruiting additional neural resources for successful motor performance in elderly persons
- NEUROPLASTICITY following non-penetrating traumatic brain injury
- Stress risk factors and stress-related pathology: NEUROPLASTICITY, epigenetics and endophenotypes
- Impairments of NEUROPLASTICITY and cellular resilience in severe mood disorders: implications for the development of novel therapeutics.
- Enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY in the basal ganglia: the role of exercise in Parkinson’s disease
- Schizophrenia as a disorder of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY–a holistic approach and future perspectives
- Voluntary exercise induces a BDNF-mediated mechanism that promotes NEUROPLASTICITY
- Neurotoxicity, NEUROPLASTICITY, and magnetic resonance imaging morphometry: what is happening in the schizophrenic brain?
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Evidence from aphasia
- Angiogenesis, neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in ischemic stroke
- Consolidation of human motor cortical NEUROPLASTICITY by D-cycloserine
- Molecular mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and pharmacological implications: the example of tianeptine
- Probing the role of HDACs and mechanisms of chromatin-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY
- How NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive reserve protect cognitive functioning
- Old dogs learning new tricks: NEUROPLASTICITY beyond the juvenile period
- Development of a cortical visual neuroprosthesis for the blind: the relevance of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Improving poststroke recovery: NEUROPLASTICITY and task-oriented training
- Cortisol inhibits NEUROPLASTICITY induction in human motor cortex
- Using NEUROPLASTICITY-based auditory training to improve verbal memory in schizophrenia
- Influence of different estrogens on NEUROPLASTICITY and cognition in the hippocampus
- NEUROPLASTICITY after spinal cord injury and training: an emerging paradigm shift in rehabilitation and walking recovery
- The pathogenesis of clinical depression: stressor-and cytokine-induced alterations of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Preoperative back pain is associated with diverse manifestations of central NEUROPLASTICITY
- New medications for drug addiction hiding in glutamatergic NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY-based cognitive training in schizophrenia: an interim report on the effects 6 months later
- Mechanisms of epilepsy progression: current theories and perspectives from NEUROPLASTICITY in adulthood and development
- Serotonin affects transcranial direct current–induced NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- NMDA and opioid receptors: their interactions in antinociception, tolerance and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation
- Serotonin neurons, NEUROPLASTICITY, and homeostasis of neural tissue
- Structural NEUROPLASTICITY in the sensorimotor network of professional female ballet dancers
- NEUROPLASTICITY regulation by noradrenaline in mammalian brain
- Brain-derived neurotrophic factor and NEUROPLASTICITY in bipolar disorder
- Focusing effect of acetylcholine on NEUROPLASTICITY in the human motor cortex
- Neural circuitry and NEUROPLASTICITY in mood disorders: insights for novel therapeutic targets
- Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY induced by early-life stress: functional and molecular aspects
- Signaling pathways regulating gene expression, NEUROPLASTICITY, and neurotrophic mechanisms in the action of antidepressants: a critical overview
- Antipsychotic drugs and NEUROPLASTICITY: insights into the treatment and neurobiology of schizophrenia
- Effectiveness of sensory and motor rehabilitation of the upper limb following the principles of NEUROPLASTICITY: patients stable poststroke
- The role of BDNF as a mediator of NEUROPLASTICITY in bipolar disorder
- Homers regulate drug-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: implications for addiction
- Exercise‐induced behavioral recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY in the 1‐methyl‐4‐phenyl‐1, 2, 3, 6‐tetrahydropyridine‐lesioned mouse basal ganglia
- Neurodevelopment, NEUROPLASTICITY, and new genes for schizophrenia
- Adult neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY
- The role of motor learning and NEUROPLASTICITY in designing rehabilitation approaches for musculoskeletal pain disorders
- Wind-up and NEUROPLASTICITY: is there a correlation to clinical pain?
- Acute and chronic craniofacial pain: brainstem mechanisms of nociceptive transmission and NEUROPLASTICITY, and their clinical correlates
- Reproduction‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY: Natural behavioural and neuronal alterations associated with the production and care of offspring
- Beyond the monoaminergic hypothesis: NEUROPLASTICITY and epigenetic changes in a transgenic mouse model of depression
- Endogenous control of waking brain rhythms induces NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- Cellular NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms mediating pain persistence.
- NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms in the pathophysiology of chronic pain
- Endocrine regulation of cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY: our pursuit to unveil the complex interaction between hormones, the brain, and behaviour.
- Random noise stimulation improves NEUROPLASTICITY in perceptual learning
- NEUROPLASTICITY of dopamine circuits after exercise: implications for central fatigue
- Cocaine and amphetamine-like psychostimulants: neurocircuitry and glutamate NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and schizophrenia
- Catecholaminergic consolidation of motor cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- NEUROPLASTICITY and major depression, the role of modern antidepressant drugs
- Therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic aphasia
- NEUROPLASTICITY in old age: sustained fivefold induction of hippocampal neurogenesis by long‐term environmental enrichment
- Improving the potential of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Intensive amplitude-specific therapeutic approaches for Parkinson’s disease: toward a NEUROPLASTICITY-principled rehabilitation model
- Non-invasive brain stimulation to assess and modulate NEUROPLASTICITY in Alzheimer’s disease
- Assistive listening devices drive NEUROPLASTICITY in children with dyslexia
- Brain NEUROPLASTICITY in healthy, hyperactive and psychotic children: insights from neuroimaging
- Serotonin and brain: evolution, NEUROPLASTICITY, and homeostasis
- New strategies in the development of antidepressants: towards the modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY pathways
- New insights into the roles of microRNAs in drug addiction and NEUROPLASTICITY
- The impact of voluntary exercise on mental health in rodents: a NEUROPLASTICITY perspective
- Rho GTPases as regulators of morphological NEUROPLASTICITY
- Functional MRI of swallowing: from neurophysiology to NEUROPLASTICITY
- Respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY and cervical spinal cord injury: translational perspectives
- Dental NEUROPLASTICITY, neuro‐pulpal interactions, and nerve regeneration
- Examining the neuroscience evidence for sensory-driven NEUROPLASTICITY: implications for sensory-based occupational therapy for children and adolescents
- The NEUROPLASTICITY-associated arc gene is a direct transcriptional target of early growth response (Egr) transcription factors
- Seasonal NEUROPLASTICITY in the songbird telencephalon: a role for melatonin
- NEUROPLASTICITY and brain imaging research: implications for rehabilitation
- NEUROPLASTICITY of semantic representations for musical instruments in professional musicians
- NEUROPLASTICITY predicts outcome of optic neuritis independent of tissue damage
- Changes in hippocampal morphology and NEUROPLASTICITY induced by adolescent THC treatment are associated with cognitive impairment in adulthood
- Physiological evidence consistent with reduced NEUROPLASTICITY in human adolescents born preterm
- Perinatal brain damage in children: NEUROPLASTICITY, early intervention, and molecular mechanisms of recovery
- Allergen–Induced Sensory NEUROPLASTICITY in Airways
- A proposed model of NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive reserve in older adults
- Neuropathic pain is associated with depressive behaviour and induces NEUROPLASTICITY in the amygdala of the rat
- The origin of synaptic NEUROPLASTICITY: crucial molecules or a dynamical cascade?
- Expanding the biological basis of tinnitus: crossmodal origins and the role of NEUROPLASTICITY
- The effects of intra-oral pain on motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with short-term novel tongue-protrusion training in humans
- The pharmacology of NEUROPLASTICITY induced by non‐invasive brain stimulation: building models for the clinical use of CNS active drugs
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the adjustment to blindness
- Quantitative sensory testing and human surgery: effects of analgesic management on postoperative NEUROPLASTICITY
- Long-term effects of spinal cord injury on sexual function in men: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the mesolimbic system induced by natural reward and subsequent reward abstinence
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a double-edged sword: Deaf enhancements and dyslexic deficits in motion processing
- Noninvasive brain stimulation to modulate NEUROPLASTICITY in traumatic brain injury
- Face sensorimotor cortex and its NEUROPLASTICITY related to orofacial sensorimotor functions
- Distinct patterns of functional and structural NEUROPLASTICITY associated with learning Morse code
- NEUROPLASTICITY, learning and recovery after stroke: a critical evaluation of constraint-induced therapy
- PET evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY in adult auditory cortex of postlingual deafness
- NEUROPLASTICITY in human callosal dysgenesis: a diffusion tensor imaging study
- NEUROPLASTICITY of face primary motor cortex control of orofacial movements
- How antidepressant drugs act: a primer on NEUROPLASTICITY as the eventual mediator of antidepressant efficacy
- Axonal response to traumatic brain injury: reactive axonal change, deafferentation, and NEUROPLASTICITY.
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis early in life requires recurrent recruitment of stress-regulating brain regions
- Neurocircuitry and NEUROPLASTICITY in PTSD
- The role of brain extracellular proteins in NEUROPLASTICITY and learning
- The dorsal raphe nucleus and serotonin: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY linked to major depression and Alzheimer’s disease
- Enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY through upregulation of β1-integrin in human umbilical cord-derived stromal cell implanted stroke model
- Long-term effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation on markers for NEUROPLASTICITY: differential outcomes in anesthetized and awake animals
- Impact of exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in spinal cord injured humans
- NEUROPLASTICITY, culture, and society
- The salutary effects of DHA dietary supplementation on cognition, NEUROPLASTICITY, and membrane homeostasis after brain trauma
- NEUROPLASTICITY in brain reward circuitry following a history of ethanol dependence
- NEUROPLASTICITY within the mesoaccumbens dopamine system and its role in tobacco dependence
- NEUROPLASTICITY of edentulous patients with implant‐supported full dentures
- Time window for voluntary exercise–induced increases in hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY molecules after traumatic brain injury is severity dependent
- NEUROPLASTICITY. Key to recovery after central nervous system injury.
- Transcriptome analysis of synaptoneurosomes identifies NEUROPLASTICITY genes overexpressed in incipient Alzheimer’s disease
- Gender-specific modulation of short-term NEUROPLASTICITY in the visual cortex induced by transcranial direct current stimulation
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a target for the pharmacotherapy of anxiety disorders, mood disorders, and schizophrenia
- NEUROPLASTICITY and successful cognitive aging: a brief overview for nursing
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the processing of pitch dimensions: A multidimensional scaling analysis of the mismatch negativity
- NEUROPLASTICITY in amputees: main implications on bidirectional interfacing of cybernetic hand prostheses
- NEUROPLASTICITY in addiction: cellular and transcriptional perspectives
- Modifying the brain activation of poor readers during sentence comprehension with extended remedial instruction: A longitudinal study of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Meditation and NEUROPLASTICITY: Using mindfulness to change the brain
- Exercise-mediated locomotor recovery and lower-limb NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke.
- Spinal cord NEUROPLASTICITY following repeated opioid exposure and its relation to pathological pain
- Musical expertise induces NEUROPLASTICITY of the planum temporale
- Sex-specific effects of chronic fluoxetine treatment on NEUROPLASTICITY and pharmacokinetics in mice
- NEUROPLASTICITY, aging, and cognitive function
- Homer isoforms differentially regulate cocaine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Fluoxetine exerts age-dependent effects on behavior and amygdala NEUROPLASTICITY in the rat
- Network-level NEUROPLASTICITY in cortico-basal ganglia pathways
- NEUROPLASTICITY of sensory and sympathetic nerve fibers in a mouse model of a painful arthritic joint
- Cross‐modal NEUROPLASTICITY in neonatally enucleated hamsters: structure, electrophysiology and behaviour
- Implantation of olfactory ensheathing cells promotes NEUROPLASTICITY in murine models of stroke
- Nicotinergic impact on focal and non-focal NEUROPLASTICITY induced by non-invasive brain stimulation in non-smoking humans
- NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery: Training models and compensatory strategies in music therapy
- Neurogenesis is absent in the brains of adult honey bees and does not explain behavioral NEUROPLASTICITY
- Neurophysiological evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY at multiple levels of the somatosensory system in patients with carpal tunnel syndrome.
- NEUROPLASTICITY in cigarette smokers is altered under withdrawal and partially restituted by nicotine exposition
- Who is the ideal candidate?’: decisions and issues relating to visual neuroprosthesis development, patient testing and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Tianeptine: potential influences on NEUROPLASTICITY and novel pharmacological effects
- D-cycloserine: an evolving role in learning and NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia
- NEUROPLASTICITY: an appreciation from synapse to system
- Cellular signalling pathways of spinal pain NEUROPLASTICITY as targets for analgesic development
- Tests for NEUROPLASTICITY in the anuran retinotectal system
- Historical notes on reorganization of function and NEUROPLASTICITY.
- Combining transcranial direct current stimulation and neuroimaging: novel insights in understanding NEUROPLASTICITY
- Accumbens Homer2 overexpression facilitates alcohol-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in C57BL/6J mice
- Engraftment of human nasal olfactory stem cells restores NEUROPLASTICITY in mice with hippocampal lesions
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the olfactory system: differential effects of central and peripheral lesions of the primary olfactory pathway on the expression of B‐50/GAP43 and the …
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neurorecovery
- NMDA receptor mechanisms contribute to NEUROPLASTICITY induced in caudalis nociceptive neurons by tooth pulp stimulation
- Cochlear implants and NEUROPLASTICITY: linking auditory exposure and practice
- Human NEUROPLASTICITY and education
- Dose-dependent nonlinear effect of L-DOPA on paired associative stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- Positive and negative NEUROPLASTICITY: Implications for age-related cognitive declines
- NEUROPLASTICITY in addictive disorders
- A review of NEUROPLASTICITY: some implications for physiotherapy in the treatment of lesions of the brain
- Prolonged therapeutic hypothermia does not adversely impact NEUROPLASTICITY after global ischemia in rats
- Doublecortin as a marker of adult NEUROPLASTICITY in the canary song control nucleus HVC
- Lithium and neuropsychiatric therapeutics: NEUROPLASTICITY via glycogen synthase kinase-3β, β-catenin, and neurotrophin cascades
- Face sensorimotor cortex: its role and NEUROPLASTICITY in the control of orofacial movements
- … depressive phenotype induced in adult female rats by adolescent exposure to THC is associated with cognitive impairment and altered NEUROPLASTICITY in the prefrontal …
- NEUROPLASTICITY of excitatory and inhibitory cortical circuits in schizophrenia
- Neuroendocrine actions of organohalogens: thyroid hormones, arginine vasopressin, and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Motor training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Intracerebral peripheral blood stem cell (CD34+) implantation induces NEUROPLASTICITY by enhancing β1 integrin-mediated angiogenesis in chronic stroke rats
- Neurotoxicity, NEUROPLASTICITY, and magnetic resonance imaging morphometry
- Neuropeptide modulation of central amygdala NEUROPLASTICITY is a key mediator of alcohol dependence
- Interhemispheric NEUROPLASTICITY following limb deafferentation detected by resting-state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (fcMRI) and functional …
- An evaluation of NEUROPLASTICITY and behavior after deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens in an animal model of depression
- Can endocrine disruptors influence NEUROPLASTICITY in the aging brain?
- A NEUROPLASTICITY (brain plasticity) approach to use in artificial neural network
- The new neuroscience frontier: promoting NEUROPLASTICITY and brain repair in traumatic brain injury
- NEUROPLASTICITY and sensitization
- Role of NEUROPLASTICITY in functional recovery after stroke
- Spatio-temporal mapping cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in carpal tunnel syndrome
- Corticosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone have opposing effects on adult NEUROPLASTICITY in the avian song control system
- NEUROPLASTICITY and cellular therapy in cerebral infarction
- NEUROPLASTICITY changes during space flight
- Time-dependent effects of escitalopram on brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and NEUROPLASTICITY related targets in the central nervous system of rats
- The role of genes involved in NEUROPLASTICITY and neurogenesis in the observation of a gene-environment interaction (GxE) in schizophrenia
- Reserve pool neuron transmitter respecification: Novel NEUROPLASTICITY
- Tracking the expression of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmission-related proteins and NEUROPLASTICITY markers after noise induced hearing loss
- Stress and addiction: contribution of the corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) system in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Electrophysiological markers of skill-related NEUROPLASTICITY
- Brain and memory: modulation and mediation of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Neuronal nitric oxide contributes to NEUROPLASTICITY-associated protein expression through cGMP, protein kinase G, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase
- Dissecting structure–function interactions in acute optic neuritis to investigate NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a target for the pharmacotherapy of psychiatric disorders: New opportunities for synergy with psychotherapy.
- Postinjury administration of L-deprenyl improves cognitive function and enhances NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury
- Corticotropin releasing factor and NEUROPLASTICITY in cocaine addiction
- NEUROPLASTICITY of sign language: implications from structural and functional brain imaging
- Rapid effect of nicotine intake on NEUROPLASTICITY in non-smoking humans
- Extended allergen exposure in asthmatic monkeys induces NEUROPLASTICITY in nucleus tractus solitarius
- Catalpol increases hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and up-regulates PKC and BDNF in the aged rats
- Modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY pathways and antidepressant-like behavioural responses following the short-term (3 and 7 days) administration of the 5-HT4 receptor …
- NEUROPLASTICITY and psychiatry
- Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY in a model of cerebral hemispherectomy and stroke
- … on spontaneously active developing neuronal networks—an inquiry into the reciprocal linkage between intrinsic biorhythms and NEUROPLASTICITY in early ontogeny
- Treatment-induced NEUROPLASTICITY following intensive naming therapy in a case of chronic Wernicke’s aphasia
- Stress-induced tau phosphorylation: functional NEUROPLASTICITY or neuronal vulnerability?
- Sex steroid‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY and behavioral activation in birds
- NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery of function after brain injury
- Functional electrical therapy for hemiparesis alleviates disability and enhances NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in specific limbic system circuits may mediate specific kindling induced changes in animal affect—implications for understanding anxiety associated …
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the damaged dentate gyrus of the epileptic brain
- Genetic manipulation of cell death and NEUROPLASTICITY pathways in traumatic brain injury
- Plasticity and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and positive psychology in clinical practice: A review for combined benefits
- Central NEUROPLASTICITY and decreased heart rate variability after particulate matter exposure in mice
- Different NEUROPLASTICITY for task targets and distractors
- D2 receptor block abolishes theta burst stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the human motor cortex
- Modulation by GABA of NEUROPLASTICITY in the central and peripheral nervous system
- Cross-modal NEUROPLASTICITY in the blind mole rat Spalax ehrenbergi: a WGA-HRP tracing study.
- Intrahippocampal transplantation of mesenchymal stromal cells promotes NEUROPLASTICITY
- Motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with lingual nerve injury in rats
- Ependymin, a gene involved in regeneration and NEUROPLASTICITY in vertebrates, is overexpressed during regeneration in the echinoderm Holothuria glaberrima
- A putative role for cell cycle‐related proteins in microtubule‐based NEUROPLASTICITY
- … in BDNF and synapsin I within the occipital cortex and hippocampus after mild traumatic brain injury in the developing rat: reflections of injury-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and depression
- Influence of Testosterone Metabolites on Song-Control System NEUROPLASTICITY during Photostimulation in Adult European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Teaching an old brain new tricks
- Neuropathic pain and NEUROPLASTICITY in functional imaging studies
- NEUROPLASTICITY‐based computerized cognitive remediation for geriatric depression
- Inducible proto-oncogenes of the nervous system: their contribution to transcription factors and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Depression and treatment. Apoptosis, NEUROPLASTICITY and antidepressants.
- MDMA (“ecstasy”) abuse as an example of dopamine NEUROPLASTICITY
- Assessing and inducing NEUROPLASTICITY with transcranial magnetic stimulation and robotics for motor function
- Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY: roles in early life seizures and chronic epilepsy.
- Curcumin prevents corticosterone‐induced neurotoxicity and abnormalities of NEUROPLASTICITY via 5‐HT receptor pathway
- Focal hand dystonia–a disorder of NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Psychostimulant drugs and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Death receptor Fas (CD95) signaling in the central nervous system: tuning NEUROPLASTICITY?
- NEUROPLASTICITY associated with tactile language communication in a deaf-blind subject
- Nonsenescent Hsp27-upregulated MSCs implantation promotes NEUROPLASTICITY in stroke model
- Perineural α2A-Adrenoceptor Activation Inhibits Spinal Cord NEUROPLASTICITY and Tactile Allodynia after Nerve Injury
- Arc expression and NEUROPLASTICITY in primary auditory cortex during initial learning are inversely related to neural activity
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampal formation
- Biologic transplantation and neurotrophin-induced NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury
- Neurologic links between epilepsy and depression in women: Is hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY the key?
- NEUROPLASTICITY following traumatic brain injury: a study of GABAergic terminal loss and recovery in the cat dorsal lateral vestibular nucleus
- Molecular mechanisms of cytokine-induced neuroprotection: NFκB and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the smooth muscle of the myenterically and extrinsically denervated rat jejunum
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the rearrangement of olfactory tract fibers after neonatal transection in hamsters
- Ups and downs in the hippocampus: the influence of oscillatory sleep states on “NEUROPLASTICITY” at different time scales
- Deletion of CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 1 induces pathological aggression, depression-related behaviors, and NEUROPLASTICITY genes dysregulation in …
- Structural NEUROPLASTICITY following T5 spinal cord transection: increased cardiac sympathetic innervation density and SPN arborization
- The complex role of the serotonin transporter in adult neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY. A critical review
- Stroke: NEUROPLASTICITY and recent approaches to rehabilitation
- Chronic infection with Toxoplasma gondii causes myenteric NEUROPLASTICITY of the jejunum in rats
- Rapid action on NEUROPLASTICITY precedes behavioral activation by testosterone
- Characterization of KIAA0513, a novel signaling molecule that interacts with modulators of NEUROPLASTICITY, apoptosis, and the cytoskeleton
- Glutamatergic NEUROPLASTICITY in cocaine addiction
- NEUROPLASTICITY, learning, and memory.
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the sensorimotor cortex during learning
- Selected Contribution: NEUROPLASTICITY in nucleus tractus solitarius neurons after episodic ozone exposure in infant primates
- Morphine produces circuit-specific NEUROPLASTICITY in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
- The ageing brain: NEUROPLASTICITY and lifelong learning
- Emotion regulation, happiness, and the NEUROPLASTICITY of the brain.
- The tyrosine phosphatase STEP constrains amygdala-dependent memory formation and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Structural brain alterations following 5 days of intervention: dynamic aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY–a paradigm shift in neurosciences.
- VEGF signaling mediates bladder NEUROPLASTICITY and inflammation in response to BCG
- Neuromaturation and NEUROPLASTICITY of the Central Auditory System.
- Learning experience and NEUROPLASTICITY–a shifting paradigm
- NEUROPLASTICITY induced by tooth pulp stimulation in trigeminal subnucleus oralis involves NMDA receptor mechanisms
- Literacy and NEUROPLASTICITY: Transforming Our Perspectives and Ourselves.
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the sparing or deterioration of function after early olfactory tract lesions
- Treatment-induced NEUROPLASTICITY following focal injury to the motor cortex
- Methamphetamine enhances paced mating behaviors and NEUROPLASTICITY in the medial amygdala of female rats
- Implications of positive and negative NEUROPLASTICITY on cognition in HIV
- Explanatory models for NEUROPLASTICITY in retinotectal connections
- Is NEUROPLASTICITY promoted by task complexity?
- Long-term NEUROPLASTICITY and functional consequences of single versus recurrent early-life seizures
- New type of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY after nerve repair in brachial plexus lesions
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the auditory system.
- Animal models of depression and NEUROPLASTICITY: assessing drug action in relation to behavior and neurogenesis
- Extinction-induced NEUROPLASTICITY attenuates stress-induced cocaine seeking: a state-dependent learning hypothesis
- Are symbolic behaviour and NEUROPLASTICITY an example of gene-culture coevolution?
- From restoration of NEUROPLASTICITY to the treatment of depression: clinical experience
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neuroprotection in enteric neurons: role of epithelial cells
- Tyrosine hydroxylase regulation in neurotransmission and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Tamalin is a critical mediator of electroconvulsive shock-induced adult NEUROPLASTICITY
- Periaqueductal gray NEUROPLASTICITY following chronic morphine varies with age: role of oxidative stress
- The adaptive NEUROPLASTICITY hypothesis of behavioral maintenance
- NEUROPLASTICITY, the aging brain, and Alzheimer’s disease.
- Quantum theory and NEUROPLASTICITY: Implications for social theory.
- NEUROPLASTICITY, cultural evolution and cultural difference
- In Vivo Imaging of Fatty Acid Incorporation into Brain to Examine Signal Transduction and NEUROPLASTICITY Involving Phospholipids
- NEUROPLASTICITY, development, and steroid hormone action
- Investigating cognitive NEUROPLASTICITY in single cases: Lessons learned from applying functional neuroimaging techniques to the traditional neuropsychological case …
- Opioid tolerance and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY: The basis for brain development, learning, and recovery from injury
- NEUROPLASTICITY in vagal afferent neurons involved in cough
- … and cell cycle activation in neurons are alternative effector pathways: the ‘Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde concept’of Alzheimer’s disease or the yin and yang of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Corticotropin-releasing factor, NEUROPLASTICITY (sensitization), and alcoholism
- Potential for polysialylated form of neural cell adhesion molecule-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY within the gonadotropin-releasing hormone neurosecretory system of the …
- Neuropsychiatric illness: a case for impaired NEUROPLASTICITY and possible quantum processing derailment in microtubules
- Functional recovery in T13–L1 hemisected rats resulting from peripheral nerve rerouting: role of central NEUROPLASTICITY
- Pharmacological characterisation and modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- Glutamate-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in an animal model of self-injurious behaviour
- Timed changes of synaptic zinc, synaptophysin and MAP2 in medial extended amygdala of epileptic animals are suggestive of reactive NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation research for speech, language, and swallowing disorders
- Long-term NEUROPLASTICITY effects of febrile seizures in the developing brain
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the progression of Alzheimer’s disease
- NEUROPLASTICITY and impulse control disorders
- Face sensorimotor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with intraoral alterations
- Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in patients recovering from acute optic neuritis
- NEUROPLASTICITY and phonotaxis in monaural adult female crickets (Gryllus bimaculatus de Geer)
- Innovative treatment approaches in schizophrenia enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY: aerobic exercise, erythropoetin and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Seasonal NEUROPLASTICITY of the song control system in tropical, flexibly, and opportunistically breeding birds
- Cellular and molecular bases of NEUROPLASTICITY: brainstem effects after cochlear damage
- NEUROPLASTICITY after injury
- Calcium channel antagonists prevent urinary bladder growth and NEUROPLASTICITY following mechanical stress
- Developmental hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in a model of nicotine replacement therapy during pregnancy and breastfeeding
- Respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY following carotid body denervation: Central and peripheral adaptations☆
- Peripheral chemosensitivity and central integration: NEUROPLASTICITY of catecholaminergic cells under hypoxia
- NEUROPLASTICITY: biological evolution’s contribution to cultural evolution
- NEUROPLASTICITY and clinical pain
- Implications of NEUROPLASTICITY for neurosurgeons
- Circadian modulation off NEUROPLASTICITY in humans and potential therapeutic implications
- Transfer of NEUROPLASTICITY from nucleus accumbens core to shell is required for cocaine reward
- Phantom limbs, self-organizing feature maps, and noise-driven NEUROPLASTICITY
- Infant stress, NEUROPLASTICITY, and behavior
- Depression and NEUROPLASTICITY. Interaction of nervous, endocrine and immune systems
- NEUROPLASTICITY of primary afferents in the neo‐natal cat and some results of early deafferentation of the trigeminal spinal nucleus
- Sex differences in NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Evidence from unilateral brain lesions in children.
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation and PAS-induced cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in the awake rhesus monkey
- NEUROPLASTICITY induced by transcranial direct current stimulation
- Common aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY, stress, mood disorders and mitochondrial functions
- Altered interaction between cardiac vagal influence and delta sleep EEG suggests an altered NEUROPLASTICITY in patients suffering from major depressive disorder
- Effects of the standardized Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761® on NEUROPLASTICITY
- Effect of caloric restriction on myenteric NEUROPLASTICITY in the rat duodenum during aging
- Contributions of cyclooxygenase-2 to NEUROPLASTICITY and neuropathology of the central nervous system
- Long-term intellectual outcome of traumatic brain injury in children: limits to NEUROPLASTICITY of the young brain?
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the cat’s visual system Origin, termination, expansion, and increased coupling of the retino-geniculo-middle suprasylvian visual pathway following …
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a Proposed Mechanism for the Efficacy of Optometric Vision Therapy & Rehabilitation.
- NEUROPLASTICITY after unilateral visual cortex damage in the newborn cat
- Induction and modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY by transcranial direct current stimulation
- NEUROPLASTICITY as an Ecology of Mind A Conversation with Gregory Bateson and Catherine Malabou
- A conceptual framework for interpreting neuroimaging studies of brain NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive recovery
- Neuroactive steroids, mood stabilizers, and NEUROPLASTICITY: alterations following lithium and changes in Bcl-2 knockout mice
- NEUROPLASTICITY and learning lead a new era in stroke rehabiliation
- Sympathetic nervous system NEUROPLASTICITY
- Ortho-substituted 2, 2′, 3, 5′, 6-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 95) alters rat hippocampal ryanodine receptors and NEUROPLASTICITY in vitro: evidence for altered hippocampal …
- … cognitive deficits in senescence-accelerated mouse (SAMP8) involves the amelioration of angiogenic/neurotrophic factors and NEUROPLASTICITY systems in the …
- Role of neurostimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY in the rehabilitation of dysphagia after stroke
- NEUROPLASTICITY of face sensorimotor cortex and implications for control of orofacial movements
- Accessories to addiction: G protein regulators play a key role in cocaine seeking and NEUROPLASTICITY
- SONU20176289, a compound combining partial dopamine D2 receptor agonism with specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor activity, affects NEUROPLASTICITY in an animal …
- Glutamate-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in a limbic input to the hypothalamus
- Intact nociception-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in transgenic mice deficient in neuronal nitric oxide synthase
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the developing brain: implications for therapy
- Dynamic NEUROPLASTICITY and the automation of motivated behavior
- Acute stress regulation of NEUROPLASTICITY genes in mouse hippocampus CA3 area—Possible novel signalling pathways
- Bidirectional regulation of mitochondrial gene expression during developmental NEUROPLASTICITY of visual cortex
- Present and accounted for: Sensory stimulation and parietal NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and repair in the central nervous system: implications for health care
- NEUROPLASTICITY may play a role in inter-individual difference among neuropsychiatric disease treatment efficacy.
- NEUROPLASTICITY: main mechanisms and their clinical significance
- Amyloid beta‐derived NEUROPLASTICITY in bone marrow‐derived mesenchymal stem cells is mediated by NPY and 5‐HT2B receptors via ERK1/2 signalling pathways
- Transcription factors: potential roles in drug-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Role of quantitative electroencephalography, neurotherapy, and NEUROPLASTICITY in recovery from neurological and psychiatric disorders
- Respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY: respiratory gases, development, and spinal injury
- Specificity of developmental NEUROPLASTICITY in humans: Evidence from sensory deprivation and altered language experience
- Biological bases of NEUROPLASTICITY–in vivo and in vitro studies: Interest for the auditory system
- Theoretical and clinical significance of NEUROPLASTICITY
- … of CREB expression in the periaqueductal gray induces a predator stress-like pattern of changes in pCREB expression, NEUROPLASTICITY, and anxiety in …
- Commonality of molecular mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and neuropathology: integrative approach
- Ependymins and their potential role in NEUROPLASTICITY and regeneration: calcium-binding meningeal glycoproteins of the cerebrospinal fluid and extracellular matrix
- NEUROPLASTICITY Research and Its Educational Implications [J]
- Structural NEUROPLASTICITY induced by melatonin in entorhinal neurons of rats exposed to toluene inhalation.
- Steroidogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in the songbird brain
- You can teach an old dog new tricks: harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY after brain injury in older adults
- … on the expression and ultrastructural localization of N-cadherin and neural cell adhesion molecule in the quail ciliary ganglion: an in vivo model of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Glutamate-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY deficits in mood disorders
- Long-term treadmill exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and associated memory recovery of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats: an experimenter blind, randomized …
- Spinal cord mechanisms of referred pain and related NEUROPLASTICITY
- Drugs used in Alzheimer’s disease and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Panexperientialism, quantum theory, and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Specific activation of estrogen receptor alpha and beta enhances male sexual behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY in male Japanese quail
- Roles of BDNF in spinal NEUROPLASTICITY in cats subjected to partial dorsal ganglionectomy
- Integration by the neuronal growth cone: a continuum from NEUROPLASTICITY to neuropathology
- … smooth muscle by atypical sympathetic pathways following neonatal ganglionectomy in the rat: structural and functional investigations of enhanced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Recovery potentials following CNS lesions: A brief historical perspective in relation to modern research data on NEUROPLASTICITY
- Gangliosides, NEUROPLASTICITY, and behavioral recovery after brain damage
- NEUROPLASTICITY and chronic pain
- NEUROPLASTICITY and aggression: an interaction between vasopressin and serotonin
- Polysialylated neural cell adhesion molecule is involved in the NEUROPLASTICITY induced by axonal injury in the avian ciliary ganglion
- Hearing Matters: NEUROPLASTICITY: The New Frontier in Audiology
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the superior cervical ganglion as a consequence of long-lasting inhibition
- Do the calmodulin-stimulated adenylyl cyclases play a role in NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Connectivity of transplants in the cerebellum: A model of developmental differences in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Spinal brain-derived neurotrophic factor governs NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery from cold-hypersensitivity following dorsal rhizotomy
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the MPTP-lesioned mouse and nonhuman primate
- NEUROPLASTICITY in hemispheric syndrome: An interesting case report
- … opiate abusers: relation to mitogen activated protein kinase, phosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes of 15 kDa, and Akt signaling pathways involved in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Deep brain stimulation: challenges to integrating stimulation technology with human neurobiology, NEUROPLASTICITY, and neural repair
- A tropomyosine receptor kinase inhibitor blocks spinal NEUROPLASTICITY essential for the anti-hypersensitivity effects of gabapentin and clonidine in rats with peripheral …
- Tissue pathophysiology, NEUROPLASTICITY and motor behavioural changes in painful repetitive motion injuries
- The effect of post‐surgical NEUROPLASTICITY on the stability of systemic pain perception: A psychophysical study
- Learning and implicit memory: mechanisms and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROwords 8 Plasticity and NEUROPLASTICITY
- The controversial nature of the evidence for NEUROPLASTICITY of afferent axons in the spinal cord
- NEUROPLASTICITY in vision dysfunction
- Role of Neurotrophin 3 in spinal NEUROPLASTICITY in rats subjected to cord transection
- Brain NEUROPLASTICITY in occipital areas in blind teenagers
- Time-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in mesostriatal projections after unilateral removal of vibrissae in the adult rat: compartment-specific effects on horseradish peroxidase …
- Can concepts of neurodevelopment and NEUROPLASTICITY explain post-traumatic psychoses?
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Learning Physically Changes the Brain
- Changes in signaling pathways regulating NEUROPLASTICITY induced by neurokinin 1 receptor knockout
- Phantom limb pain: aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY and intervention
- … kinase A activation down-regulates, whereas extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation up-regulates σ-1 receptors in B-104 cells: Implication for NEUROPLASTICITY
- A cautionary note from a neuroscientist’s perspective: Interpreting from mirror neurons and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Perceptual learning induces NEUROPLASTICITY, enabling improvement of visual functions
- Late LEO: A new system for the study of NEUROPLASTICITY in Xenopus
- Cortical brain dysfunction in early schizophrenia: secondary pathogenetic hierarchy of NEUROPLASTICITY, psychopathology and social impairment
- Distribution of GAP-43 mRNA in the immature and adult cerebellum: a role for GAP-43 in cerebellar development and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the human hypothalamus during ageing
- Lesion-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and the sparing or recovery of function following early brain damage
- Stroke rehabilitation and NEUROPLASTICITY: Efficacy and methods available
- NEUROPLASTICITY—A New Approach to the Pathophysiology of Depression
- The mind and the brain: NEUROPLASTICITY and the power of mental force
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the central hypercapnic ventilatory response: Teratogen‐induced impairment and subsequent recovery during development
- Spinal NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic pain
- Identification of Munc13-3 as a candidate gene for critical-period NEUROPLASTICITY in visual cortex
- Genomics and variation of ionotropic glutamate receptors: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY following skill and strength training: Evidence from transcranial magnetic stimulation studies
- Endogenous opioids and prenatal determinants of NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY of descending and segmental systems after spinal cord contusion
- NEUROPLASTICITY: a new window on therapeutics in neuropsychiatric disease
- Neurotoxicity, NEUROPLASTICITY, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Morphometry—Reply
- Noise-driven NEUROPLASTICITY in self-organizing feature maps: a neurocomputational model of phantom limbs.
- Therapy, NEUROPLASTICITY, and rehabilitation
- … implant of intraneural multielectrodes in human for controlling a 5-fingered hand prosthesis, delivering sensorial feedback and producing rehabilitative NEUROPLASTICITY
- Face motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with alterations in the oral environment of the adult rat
- Absolute Pitch and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY: New biochemical mechanisms
- Influence of toxicants on neural cell adhesion moleculemediated NEUROPLASTICITY in the developing and adult animal: persistent effects of chronic perinatal low-level …
- NEUROPLASTICITY and development: The acquisition of morphosyntax in children with early focal lesions and children with specific language impairment
- Insulin-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in the central nervous system
- Interrelationships between NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery of function after cerebellar lesions in rats
- Reply: Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY for clinical applications
- “Anomalous” representations and perceptions: implications for human NEUROPLASTICITY
- Long-Chain Fatty Acid Transport at the Blood-Brain Barrier and Incorporation into Brain Phospholipids: A New In Vivo Method for Examining NEUROPLASTICITY, and Brain Second …
- Thomistic Hylomorphism, Self-Determination, NEUROPLASTICITY, and Grace: The Case of Addiction
- … prolonged exposure therapy for posttraumatic stress disorder with D-cycloserine: further support for treatments that promote experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY
- What exactly is central to the role of central NEUROPLASTICITY in persistent pain?
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Parkinson’s disease
- The Existence of FGFR1–5-HT1A Receptor Heterocomplexes in Midbrain 5-HT Neurons of the Rat: Relevance for NEUROPLASTICITY
- Central Auditory Processing and Language Learning Impairments: Implications for NEUROPLASTICITY Research.
- From NEUROPLASTICITY to scaffolding: a giant step for cognitive aging research?
- Atypical antidepressive mechanisms: glutamatergic modulation and NEUROPLASTICITY in case of tianeptine
- Proteinase‐activated receptors (PARs) in the nervous system: Roles in NEUROPLASTICITY and neurotrauma
- Anatomical and metabolic corticotectal NEUROPLASTICITY after neonatal cerebral hemispherectomy: Correlations with visual field sparing.
- Neurobiology and NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia: continuity across the life cycle
- Steroid receptor coactivator 2 modulates steroid‐dependent male sexual behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY in Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica)
- Update on surgery for diffuse low-grade gliomas: brain mapping, hodotopy and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Growth factors involved in the development, maturation and NEUROPLASTICITY of midbrain dopamine neurons
- Potential treatment strategies for enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY and regeneration after ischemic stroke
- ReGrasp, a robotic tool to investigate fine motor control and track therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Can selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) improve motor recovery after stroke? What is the role of NEUROPLASTICITY?
- NEUROPLASTICITY explained by broad-scale networks and modularity?
- Enhancing Performance for Action and Perception: Multisensory Integration, NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuroprosthetics, Part I
- NEUROPLASTICITY and The Feldenkrais Method®
- Enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY to Improve Peak Performance
- NEUROPLASTICITY Induced by Robot-assisted Gait Training in a Stroke Patient: A case report
- Cognitive adaptations and NEUROPLASTICITY: Lessons from event-related brain potentials
- Neuroimaging in cerebral palsy: A clearer vision of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Recovering from acquired childhood aphasia (ACA)–20 years later, learning about the NEUROPLASTICITY of language
- Clinical consequences of the role of glutamate and NEUROPLASTICITY in depressive disorder
- NEUROPLASTICITY induced by transcranial direct current stimulation
- Re-organization of pain care: NEUROPLASTICITY to health system plasticity
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the spinal cord of monoarthritic rats: from metabolic changes to the detection of interleukin-6 using mRNA differential display
- Compensatory mechanisms to heal NEUROPLASTICITY impairment under Alzheiemer’s disease neurodegeneration. I: The role of amyloid beta and its’ precursor protein
- The phenomenon of NEUROPLASTICITY in the mechanisms of reflexotherapy
- Sustainability in the synapses: NEUROPLASTICITY and transformative learning
- Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY within and across sensory modalities
- Effects of chronic blockade of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors by MK-801 on NEUROPLASTICITY of the micturition reflex pathway after partial urethral obstruction in the rat
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Rehabilitation
- NEUROPLASTICITY following traumatic diffuse versus focal brain injury in children: Studies of verbal fluency
- Upper extremity training for individuals with cervical spinal cord injury: functional recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Modification of alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorders: In vitro and in vivo studies of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Towards a new paradigm in neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Monitoring nociceptive NEUROPLASTICITY: quantitative sensory testing: a better therapeutic endpoint for managing the pain of surgery?
- DNA content revealed by cytophotometry in neurons: variability related to NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with implant supported full dentures
- Compensatory mechanisms to heal NEUROPLASTICITY impairment under Alzheiemr’s disease neurodegeneration. I: The role of amyloid beta and its’ precursor protein
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Bridging psychoanalysis and neuroscience
- Cochlear nuclei NEUROPLASTICITY after auditory nerve and cochlea removal
- NEUROPLASTICITY in major depression may be indicated by S100B
- NEUROPLASTICITY: from physiological adaptation to the concept of therapeutic plasticity
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a basis for therapeutics in spinal cord injuries and diseases
- Does NEUROPLASTICITY have a role on postoperative pain?
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the hippocampus and striatum: models for aging and neurodegenerative disease
- Editorial Focus: role for neural growth factor in autonomically driven arrhythmogenesis? Focus on:“Structural NEUROPLASTICITY following T5 spinal cord …
- NEUROPLASTICITY, Experience, and Mechanisms of Brain Information Storage
- Protease-activated receptors and NEUROPLASTICITY: Protease-activated receptors as a possible target for cathepsin B
- Different profiles of NEUROPLASTICITY in human neurocognition
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the cat’s visual system: test of the role of the expanded retino-geniculo-parietal pathway in behavioral sparing following early lesions of visual cortex
- Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in children after early cochlear implantation
- Daily Administration of Ibuprofen Modifies Neuroinflammation Gene Expression, but not NEUROPLASTICITY Gene Expression in Traumatic Brain Injured Rats
- Structural and functional characteristics of potassium channels and their role in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Acoustic tone or medial geniculate stimulation cue training in the rat is associated with neocortical NEUROPLASTICITY and reduced akinesia under haloperidol challenge
- Induction of GAP‐43 modulates NEUROPLASTICITY in PBSC (CD34+) implanted‐Parkinson’s model
- Stress hormones and NEUROPLASTICITY in the diabetic brain
- Enhancing Performance for Action and Perception: Multisensory integration, NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuroprosthetics, Part II
- NEUROPLASTICITY of CNS oxygen toxicity (CNS‐OT): increased risk of seizure due to hyperbaric preconditioning (PC) and kindling effect
- NEUROPLASTICITY and its application for skills in innovative workplaces
- Electrical Stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Identification of disabled‐1 as a candidate gene for critical period NEUROPLASTICITY in cat and mouse visual cortex
- Afferent and efferent connectivity of neocortical transplants in the cerebellar hemisphere of the rat: A study of age differences in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Chronic Deep Brain Stimulation and Pharmacotherapy for the Treatment of Depression: Effects on NEUROPLASTICITY in Rats
- Asymmetrical behavior without an asymmetrical brain: Corpus callosum and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Meditation and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in middle age: an ecologically valid approach
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the auditory pathway: From basic research to clinics
- Application of the NEUROPLASTICITY theory through the use of the Feldenkrais method with a canine with traumatic spinal cord injury: a case study. Orthoped
- Importance of NEUROPLASTICITY changes in mood disorder
- Conference Report (8th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY)
- NEUROPLASTICITY in carpal tunnel syndrome
- … of growth‐associated protein B‐50 (GAP‐43) in the cerebellum of weaver and PCD‐mutant mice: Lack of B‐50 involvement in NEUROPLASTICITY of Purkinje cell terminals …
- Assessment of musical training induced NEUROPLASTICITY by auditory event related potentials and neural networks
- Protein kinase C pathway on cardiac sympathetic nerve NEUROPLASTICITY and myocardial interstitial remodeling [J]
- The mind and the brain: NEUROPLASTICITY and the power of mental force
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a basis for early rehabilitation of stroke patients
- A Benefit Cost Study of a new Preschool Program Based on NEUROPLASTICITY
- Motor learning and NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- Twisted Thoughts and Elastic Molecules: Recent Developments in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Depressive recurrence: cognitive alterations and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Mitochondria in NEUROPLASTICITY, Neurologic Disease and Aging.
- The neurobiology of orthodontics: treatment of malocclusion through NEUROPLASTICITY
- Effects of chronic stress on memory and NEUROPLASTICITY: Animal studies.
- Aβ inhibits specific kinesin motors involved in both mitosis and neuronal function; potential implications for neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in Alzheimer’s disease …
- Maturational regulation of glutamate receptors and their role in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Functional roles of intrinsic neurotrophin-3 in spinal NEUROPLASTICITY of cats following partial ganglionectomy
- NEUROPLASTICITY of emotional processing in cerebellar lesions as evidenced by event-related potentials
- Is NEUROPLASTICITY of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Axis Maternally Mediated?
- Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampus: an interplay of prefrontal-limbic circuits
- Neurotransmitters and NEUROPLASTICITY during cochlear development: in vivo and in vitro studies
- Hippocamus NEUROPLASTICITY in immature rats following recurrent seizure injury
- Gender differences of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in humans, as revealed by transcranial direct current stimulation
- Adrenergic NEUROPLASTICITY is maintained in the nutritional rehabilitated adult rat
- NEUROPLASTICITY in an animal model of abnormal stereotyped motor behavior: Effects of environmental enrichment
- Chronic Antidepressant Treatment in the Nigrostriatal System: the Impact of Antidepressant-Mediated NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and learning
- Role of the peripheral vestibular system on NEUROPLASTICITY induced by hypergravity stimulation
- Pharmacological and behavioral enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY in the MPTP-lesioned mouse and nonhuman primate
- NEUROPLASTICITY and aphasia: Lessons from constraint-induced language therapy
- Cognitive Rehabilitation Computer Brain Solutions: Prevention Powerhouse or a Warm Fuzzy Wannabe? A Perspective in NEUROPLASTICITY and Practicality
- NEUROPLASTICITY in adult hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system: Mechanisms involved in responding to a single systemic hypertonic saline injection.
- Characterisation and Therapeutic Application of NEUROPLASTICITY in the Human Swallowing Motor Cortex
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Evidence from
- Functional and structural cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in trigeminal neuropathic pain
- Enhancing human cognitive capital by harnessing the brain’s inherent NEUROPLASTICITY
- The role of variation in singing behavior in the regulation of seasonal NEUROPLASTICITY in European starlings
- NEUROPLASTICITY in young bilingual children: Evidence from ERPs in an executive control task
- NEUROPLASTICITY and high frequency rTMS in hereditary pure cerebellar degeneration
- Development, Learning, and NEUROPLASTICITY: Where We Are Now
- Involvement of Gangliosides in NEUROPLASTICITY of the Central Nervous System in Physiological and Pathological Conditions
- Cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY in the remitted state of unipolar depressive disorder
- The Effect of Repeated Exposure to Unpredictable Reward on Dopamine NEUROPLASTICITY
- Recent Knowledge on NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation
- The Promise of NEUROPLASTICITY: An Interview with Sharon Begley
- NEUROPLASTICITY and temporal retardation of development (paedomorphic morphology) inhuman evolution: A consideration of biological requirements for the plasticity …
- Clinical lmplications of NEUROPLASTICITY and Chronic
- Involvement and NEUROPLASTICITY of cholinergic interneurons of the nucleus accumbens in initiation and excessive alcohol drinking
- Atomic force microscopy study of ECM‐integrin modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampal dentate granule cells in epilepsy
- Cerebral NEUROPLASTICITY: a clinical perspective
- Visual Neuroprosthesis Development: The Implications of NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and its implications on rehabilitation
- Small steps to NEUROPLASTICITY in adults
- Decisions and Issues Relating to Visual Neuroprosthesis Development, NEUROPLASTICITY and Patient Testing
- CENT Computer Enabled NEUROPLASTICITY Treatment
- Literacy and NEUROPLASTICITY: Transforming Our Perspectives and Ourselves
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Post-Stroke Patients
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Implications for the Clinical Anesthesiologist
- Emerging analgesics and future directions: targeting NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and sensory stimulation
- Orthodontic Avenues to NEUROPLASTICITY
- Change Your Mind: NEUROPLASTICITY & Buddhist Transformation
- Nerve Growth Factor and NEUROPLASTICITY
- To Harness NEUROPLASTICITY, Start with Enthusiasm
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Psychotropic Drugs
- Is NEUROPLASTICITY promoted by task complexity?
- The concept of the integrative activities of neurons and mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Dopaminergic impact on NEUROPLASTICITY in humans: the importance of balance
- The impact of type II diabetes on behavioral and cellular aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the Power of Mental Force (New York: Harper, 2003).
- NEUROPLASTICITY after a spinal cord injury
- NEUROPLASTICITY of inhibitory control
- The Administration of the Flesh: The discourse of self-improvement and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Novel insights in the neurobiology of depression: a role for NEUROPLASTICITY
- Impact of Ephedrine and Its Nature Derivates on NEUROPLASTICITY in Rats
- Between Mind and Brain: Final and Efficient Causation in Relation to NEUROPLASTICITY
- Donald G. Stein: Pioneer in the Areas of NEUROPLASTICITY and Recovery of Function
- Molecular and cellular NEUROPLASTICITY in animal models of depression
- The Role of NEUROPLASTICITY in Persistent Low Back Pain.: A Literature Review
- Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and depression
- Effects of nicotine on PAS-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the healthy human
- Augmented Cognition as Rehabilitation: Facilitating NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Musicians as a model for early and going NEUROPLASTICITY
- Angiotensin, NEUROPLASTICITY and stroke
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Repair Following Injury to the Central Nervous System
- Facilitating NEUROPLASTICITY: evidence-based novel interventions for occupational therapists
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Opioid Addiction
- Cervical spinal cord injury and respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
- Cocaine rooted NEUROPLASTICITY
- Imaging Pathophysiology and NEUROPLASTICITY After Stroke
- Modulation of Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology and NEUROPLASTICITY by Environmental Factors
- Approaches to optimise NEUROPLASTICITY induction in the human motor cortex.
- What does NEUROPLASTICITY Teach us about Treatment-Resistant Depression?
- NEUROPLASTICITY in olfactory sensation
- Fragile X Syndrome: From NEUROPLASTICITY to New Hope
- AMPA receptor potentiators: mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY, interindividual variability and functional recovery in neuropsychology
- Effects of amygdala prestimulation on NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampus
- Pain and NEUROPLASTICITY: Anatomical changes and somatotopic reorganization: A reply to JS Morley.
- The role of glutamate in my professional life: From molecular NEUROPLASTICITY to the relief of suffering
- Research of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation on Effect Post-stroke Disphasia and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Age-and disease-related NEUROPLASTICITY of chemically identified neuronal circuits: A tribute to Professor Erminio Costa
- Uterine NEUROPLASTICITY in the adult virgin rat
- Brain NEUROPLASTICITY and Computer-Aided Rehabilitation in ADHD
- Allergic airway inflammation and sensory NEUROPLASTICITY
- New non-invasive transcranial stimulation techniques in NEUROPLASTICITY research
- Age Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in the Hamster Hippocampus
- Functional and structural correlates of skilled behaviour: lateralisation and NEUROPLASTICITY
- A rapid kindling paradigm used to examine hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the visual system after early brain lesion
- NEUROPLASTICITY after Physical Therapy A Pre-Study: Test-Retest-Effects in Healthy Participants
- Morphological insight into new opportunities using Bcl-2 and P53 in studies of neurotrophicity, neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY in brain ischemia
- Activity-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY following contusion spinal cord injury in the adult rat
- Reply [NEUROPLASTICITY Predicts Outcome of Optic Neuritis Independent of Tissue Damage]
- Importance of public policy areas for instructional technology in economically challenging times: brain fitness as a self-help NEUROPLASTICITY tool
- Transcranial direct current stimulation and human NEUROPLASTICITY
- Keynote: Neuronal and glial signalling in pain NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neurotrophin regulation by genetics, exercise and neural injury
- Hormonal and environmental control of NEUROPLASTICITY in adult male songbirds
- The genes associated with termination of the critical period of NEUROPLASTICITY in visual cortex
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis evoked by early-life experience: Molecular and functional aspects
- Long-term effects on learning and memory and hippocamus NEUROPLASTICITY in immature rats following recurrent seizures
- The effects of sildenafil on NEUROPLASTICITY in human neuroblastoma cells
- Imaging of the recovery from stuttering reveals spontaneous NEUROPLASTICITY
- Involvement of Gangliosides in NEUROPLASTICITY of the Central Nervous System in Physiological and Pathological
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the cochlear nucleus of the developing chinchilla
- Psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy efectiveness on brain NEUROPLASTICITY in patients suffering from anxiety disorders
- The NEUROPLASTICITY potential of melatonin following transient focal cerebral ischemia in rats
- NEUROPLASTICITY-based training may normalise auditory gating in schizophrenia and improve verbal processing
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the Enteric Nervous System Induced by Inflammatory Conditions of the Gut
- Motor learning and NEUROPLASTICITY in an aged mouse model of cerebral ischemia
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Calcium Signaling in Stressed Rat Amygdala
- and Self-Directed NEUROPLASTICITY: Integrating Psychospiritual and Biological Approaches to Mental Health with a Focus on Obsessive-Compulsive
- Using the MPTP Mouse Model to Understand NEUROPLASTICITY: A New Therapeutic Target for Parkinson’s Disease?
- NEUROPLASTICITY-based training may normalise auditory gating and improve verbal processing in schizophrenia
- The Serotonergic System and NEUROPLASTICITY are Implicated in the Effect of Phytochemicals on Mood and Cognitive Disorders
- Characterization of conditioned effects in the kindling model of epilepsy and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY of explicit memory during training–a fMRI study in normal aging and MCI
- Face sensorimotor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with intraoral alterations
- Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY With Spinal Manipulation, Exercise, Injury and Pain
- Cervical Radicular Pain Induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Somatosensory Pathway.
- Neuron Restrictive Silencer Factor-mediated epigenetic processes in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Investigating signal cascades promoting activity-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in monkey primary visual cortex
- Implantation of olfactory ensheathing cells promotes NEUROPLASTICITY in murine models of stroke
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the Mesolimbic System Induced by Sexual Experience and Subsequent Reward Abstinence
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neurotoxicology: Central breathing control following developmental nicotine or ethanol exposure
- Cortical functional activations in musical talents and nontalents in visuomotor and auditory tasks: implications of the effect of practice on NEUROPLASTICITY
- A Review of:“The Mind and the Brain NEUROPLASTICITY and the Power of Mental Force” Jeffrey M. Schwartz and Sharon Begley, 2002, Harper Collins Publishers, New …
- NEUROPLASTICITY for Readaptation to Earth’s Gravity in the Vestibular System following Hypergravity Stimulation
- Modelling the inhibitory effects of epileptiform activity on NEUROPLASTICITY in the rat hippocampal slice
- The impact of hypothyroidism on neurocognitive functioning: A model of NEUROPLASTICITY in the mature adult human brain
- Transcriptional response to spatial learning and foraging in honey bees: molecular bases for adult NEUROPLASTICITY
- … Based Medicine Review: Can Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRI) improve motor recovery after stroke? What is the role of NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Central excitation and inhibitory mechanisms and NEUROPLASTICITY are also manifested in trigeminal nociceptive pathways
- NEUROPLASTICITY for Readaptation to Earth’s Gravity in the Vestibular System Following Hypergravity Stimulation
- Role of BDNF-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in patients affected by Fibromyalgia versus other chronic rheumatic diseases
- NEUROPLASTICITY after constraint induced movement therapy: Patients with ipsilateral cortico-spinal organisation
- AMPA-type glutamate receptors and behavioural NEUROPLASTICITY: Bidirectional role of GluA1 subunits
- Art meets science–empowering stroke patients to regain muscular control through creative graphics technology, psycho-physiology and NEUROPLASTICITY.
- The Effects of Ephrin Receptor B2 on Angiogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in Areas Remote From the Cortical Infarction
- Vulnerability and Resilience to Social Defeat: The Role of NEUROPLASTICITY Within the Mesolimbic Dopamine Circuit
- Neuropeptide Y (NPY) as a modulator of NEUROPLASTICITY and emotional behavior in animal models
- NEUROPLASTICITY following pallidal stimulation for dystonia
- … assessment and development of treatment strategies for brain tumors: Promoting neurorestoration and reducing harm to bystander cells and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY-based computerized cognitive training, depressive symptoms, and functional outcome in schizophrenia
- NEUROPLASTICITY in cat Deiters nucleus following brain injury; a light and electron microscopic immunocytochemical study of terminal loss and recovery.
- Role of BDNF-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in patients affected by Fibromyalgia versus other chronic rheumatic diseases.
- Nerve growth factor and/or monosialoganglioside GM1-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in brain of decorticated adult and aged rats.
- Experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in the perilesion cortex after focal cortical infarcts in rats
- Dipole parameter estimation of M50 auditory evoked fields applied to the study of training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia
- Inducing NEUROPLASTICITY in the human motor system by transcranial magnetic stimulation: from pathophysiology to a therapeutic option in movement disorders
- Deafferentation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in chick auditory neurons: A matter of life or death
- Non-invasive interventions to alter maladaptive NEUROPLASTICITY in the Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A systematic review and a pilot study
- Role of the calcium-stimulated adenylyl cyclases in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and neurogenesis in major depressive disorder: a high field MRI study
- Indications of NEUROPLASTICITY using diffusion tensor imaging of children with spastic cerebral palsy before and after intensive voice treatment
- Functional Recovery in T13 Spinal Cord Injury Rats Resulting from Peripheral Nerve Rerouting: Role of the Central Nervous System NEUROPLASTICITY: 826
- Cell loss and impaired NEUROPLASTICITY in prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in major depressive disorder (MDD)
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the phrenic motor system: Intermittent hypoxia, spinal cord injury and stem cell transplantation
- Neural networks, NEUROPLASTICITY, and neuromodulation: A framework for understanding formal thought disorder and delusions
- Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY in the human visual cortex following beneficial anti‐VEGF treatment in exudative age‐related macular degeneration
- New approaches and targets in psychiatry hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY pathways in an animal model of depression: influence of chronic fluoxetine and Δ-9 …
- Compensatory mechanisms to heal NEUROPLASTICITY impairment under Alzheiemer’s disease neurodegeneration. I: The role of amyloid beta and its’ precursor protein
- Highly transient NEUROPLASTICITY following one session of learning to use a sensory substitution device: an fMRI study
- Changes in Anal Sphincter Muscle Physiology and Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY with Temporary Sacral Nerve Stimulation
- Greater gray matter volume in Broca’s area in psychiatric patients with preserved verbal working memory–evidence for compensatory NEUROPLASTICITY?
- NEUROPLASTICITY of Micturition Reflex Pathways with Cyclophosphamide-Induced Cystitis
- The effects of experimental pain on primary motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY associated with novel orofacial motor learning
- Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY–A short consensus of the concepts: Clinical utility of neurotrophic factor therapy (cerebrolysin) in VaD–Data from a new pilot …
- Trk Moves on Track: retrograde transport of TrkA mediates sensory NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental colitis
- Fetal–Neonatal Iron Deficiency Affects Neurotrophic Factor Expression, Neural Differentiation, and NEUROPLASTICITY in the Rat Hippocampus
- Anatomical specificity of cocaine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the nucleus accumbens of sensitized rats
- Brains in fast forward: Comment on” Rapid action on NEUROPLASTICITY precedes behavioral activation by testosterone” by Charlier, Ball and Balthazart.
- The role of the IQ motif, a protein kinase C and calmodulin regulatory domain, in NEUROPLASTICITY, RNA processing, and RNA metabolism
- Changes in executive function after NEUROPLASTICITY-based cognitive remediation training in first-episode versus chronic schizophrenia
- Functional NEUROPLASTICITY in Acute Diverticulitis: Differential Regulation of Colonic Excitatory Nerve Pathways By Cyclooxygenase Isoforms
- Actions and Interactions of Cholinergic and Excitatory Aminoacid Receptors on Phosphoinositide Signals, Excitotoxicity and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Differential NMDA and GABA-A receptor expression during critical period NEUROPLASTICITY of the cat visual cortex
- Asymmetrical localisation of the motor cortex after perinatally acquired intracerebral hemorrhage: Volume shift versus NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY of spinal cord neurons based on piezoelectric stimulation and electrophysiological analysis after stem cell-derived progenitor transplant
- Amyloid Beta-derived NEUROPLASTICITY in Bone Marrow-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells is Mediated by NPY and 5-HT2B Receptors via ERK1/2 Signaling Pathways
- Effects Of Apolipoprotein E, Sex, And Estrogen On The NEUROPLASTICITY Of Olfactory Receptor Neurons In Mice Following Olfactory Bulbectomy
- NEUROPLASTICITY pathways-ß-catenin, AKT/PKB, BDNF-in an animal model of depression: influence of chronic F9-tetrahydrocannabinol administration
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampus of adult Syrian hamsters, a region of the central nervous system involved in both memory formation and the neural control of …
- … play a central role in the development of stress-induced neuronal abnormalities. Stress has been proposed to impair NEUROPLASTICITY by selectively target-ing …
- NEUROPLASTICITY of rat trigeminal subnucleus oralis neurons after tooth pulp deafferentation and after depletion of somatosensory C-fiber afferents with neonatal …
- … circuitry activated by cocaine-associated cues in an animal model of cocaine craving: Involvement of AMPA glutamate receptors and cortical NEUROPLASTICITY
- PW01-22-Agomelatine treatment reverses changes in NEUROPLASTICITY induced by prenatal stress in rats
- The role of interleukin-6 and interferon-in alterations of NEUROPLASTICITY associated with chronic stressor exposure
- 5 Attachment genes? Associations of dopaminergic, serotonergic, oxytonergic and NEUROPLASTICITY candidate genes with attachment security and disorganization
- O-031 Hyperacute cortical NEUROPLASTICITY following preoperative embolization of brain AVMs
- * Poster 165: Qi Gong for Physical Rehabilitation for Parkinson-Related Falls: A NEUROPLASTICITY Approach
- O-28-Serotonin-1A receptor related morphogenic signaling is associated with regional brain volumes and network NEUROPLASTICITY
- Article 1: Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation at 1 Day Versus 1 Week After Cerebral Ischemia on Functional Improvement and NEUROPLASTICITY in Rats
- Raskin, SA (Ed.). (2011). NEUROPLASTICITY and Rehabilitation. New York, NY: Guilford Press. ISBN 978-1-60918-137-6, 351 pp.
- 237. Stem cell therapy: NEUROPLASTICITY as a novel cellular mechanism for regeneration
- 7 Routes to memory: NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampal formation
- 2 The malleable brain: NEUROPLASTICITY in the motor system
- XVIII-11 Neonatal Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY: A Critical Contribution from Environment
- Induction of GAP-43 Modulates NEUROPLASTICITY in PBSC (CD34+) Implanted-Parkinsonâ s Model
- The role of Abl in regulation of AP-1 transcription factor in NEUROPLASTICITY
- … games for rehabilitation purposes combines innovative computer technology with contemporary rehabilitation and NEUROPLASTICITY theories. With technological …
- Adult NEUROPLASTICITY: more than 40 years of research
- Beneficial effects of physical exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY and cognition
- Harnessing the power of NEUROPLASTICITY for intervention
- Neuropathological approaches to cerebral aging and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Dynamic brains and the changing rules of NEUROPLASTICITY: implications for learning and recovery
- NEUROPLASTICITY in depressed individuals compared with healthy controls
- NEUROPLASTICITY and dysfunction after gastrointestinal inflammation
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a function of second language learning: anatomical changes in the human brain
- Neurorehabilitation: applied NEUROPLASTICITY
- Molecular mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY: an expanding universe
- Physical exercise, NEUROPLASTICITY, spatial learning and memory
- Principles of NEUROPLASTICITY-based rehabilitation
- Exploring a NEUROPLASTICITY model of music therapy
- Investigating the evolution of a NEUROPLASTICITY network for learning
- Advanced MRI techniques to improve our understanding of experience-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and clinical practice: building brain power for health
- Brain-derived neurotrophic factor: a bridge between inflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY
- The effects of poststroke aerobic exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY: a systematic review of animal and clinical studies
- The aging mind: NEUROPLASTICITY in response to cognitive training
- Anaesthetic neurotoxicity and NEUROPLASTICITY: an expert group report and statement based on the BJA Salzburg Seminar
- NEUROPLASTICITY underlying the comorbidity of pain and depression.
- New treatment strategies of depression: based on mechanisms related to NEUROPLASTICITY.
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the next wave of antidepressant strategies
- Respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY–Overview, significance and future directions
- NEUROPLASTICITY and virtual reality
- Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in major depressive disorder
- In vivo evidence for NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults
- Evolution of NEUROPLASTICITY in response to physical activity in old age: the case for dancing
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the adaptation to prosthodontic treatment.
- The brain’s way of healing: Remarkable discoveries and recoveries from the frontiers of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Serotonin and NEUROPLASTICITY–links between molecular, functional and structural pathophysiology in depression
- Chemoreception and NEUROPLASTICITY in respiratory circuits
- Exercise-enhanced NEUROPLASTICITY targeting motor and cognitive circuitry in Parkinson’s disease
- From serotonin to NEUROPLASTICITY: evolvement of theories for major depressive disorder
- Targeted NEUROPLASTICITY for rehabilitation
- NEUROPLASTICITY associated with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
- Microglia: an interface between the loss of NEUROPLASTICITY and depression
- Mind over matter–what do we know about NEUROPLASTICITY in adults?
- Associative learning and sensory NEUROPLASTICITY: how does it happen and what is it good for?
- NEUROPLASTICITY of supraspinal structures associated with pathological pain
- Allocating structure to function: the strong links between NEUROPLASTICITY and natural selection
- Mechanisms of action and persistent NEUROPLASTICITY by drugs of abuse
- NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury
- Epigenetic mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and the implications for stroke recovery
- The various forms of NEUROPLASTICITY: Biological bases of learning and teaching
- Is NEUROPLASTICITY in the central nervous system the missing link to our understanding of chronic musculoskeletal disorders?
- Structural and functional NEUROPLASTICITY in human learning of spatial routes
- Exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in human Parkinson’s disease: What is the evidence telling us?
- A review of cardiorespiratory fitness-related NEUROPLASTICITY in the aging brain
- Moving toward a NEUROPLASTICITY view of bilingualism, executive control, and aging
- Insights into rapid modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY by brain estrogens
- Relationships among cognition, emotion, and motivation: implications for intervention and NEUROPLASTICITY in psychopathology
- Pornography addiction–a supranormal stimulus considered in the context of NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY beyond sounds: neural adaptations following long-term musical aesthetic experiences
- A single bout of aerobic exercise promotes motor cortical NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and predictors of alcohol recovery
- Molecular aging of the brain, NEUROPLASTICITY, and vulnerability to depression and other brain-related disorders
- Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery after stroke: future directions for rehabilitation clinical trials
- Corticotropin releasing factor in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Hyperbaric oxygen induces late NEUROPLASTICITY in post stroke patients-randomized, prospective trial
- Diffuse low-grade gliomas and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY for motor rehabilitation after stroke: considering the effects of aerobic exercise and genetic variation on brain-derived neurotrophic factor
- Moderating variables of music training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: a review and discussion
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the maternal hippocampus: Relation to cognition and effects of repeated stress
- Consciousness, brain, NEUROPLASTICITY
- Epigenetic mechanisms in mood disorders: targeting NEUROPLASTICITY
- Non-pharmacological interventions and NEUROPLASTICITY in early stage Alzheimer’s disease
- Rehabilitation and NEUROPLASTICITY in children with unilateral cerebral palsy
- Neuroscience of exercise: NEUROPLASTICITY and its behavioral consequences
- NEUROPLASTICITY: insights from patients harboring gliomas
- NEUROPLASTICITY and pain: what does it all mean?
- Digital media, the developing brain and the interpretive plasticity of NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in response to cognitive behavior therapy for social anxiety disorder
- Systems level NEUROPLASTICITY in drug addiction
- NEUROPLASTICITY and MRI: a perfect match
- Lifestyle modulators of NEUROPLASTICITY: how physical activity, mental engagement, and diet promote cognitive health during aging.
- Physical exercise as a diagnostic, rehabilitation, and preventive tool: influence on NEUROPLASTICITY and motor recovery after stroke
- A review of transcranial magnetic stimulation and multimodal neuroimaging to characterize post-stroke NEUROPLASTICITY
- The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in dopaminergic therapy for Parkinson disease
- Efficient NEUROPLASTICITY induction in chronic stroke patients by an associative brain-computer interface
- Effects of exercise on mitochondrial function, NEUROPLASTICITY and anxio-depressive behavior of mice
- Exercise regulation of cognitive function and NEUROPLASTICITY in the healthy and diseased brain
- Adaptive responses of neuronal mitochondria to bioenergetic challenges: Roles in NEUROPLASTICITY and disease resistance
- Altered expression of NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes in the brain of depressed suicides
- Cerebral versus ocular visual impairment: the impact on developmental NEUROPLASTICITY
- Impact of exercise training on NEUROPLASTICITY-related growth factors in adolescents
- The origin, and application of somatosensory evoked potentials as a neurophysiological technique to investigate NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY following anterior cruciate ligament injury: a framework for visual-motor training approaches in rehabilitation
- Clinical implications of NEUROPLASTICITY–the role of rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis
- Effects of physical exercise on neuroinflammation, NEUROPLASTICITY, neurodegeneration, and behavior: what we can learn from animal models in clinical settings
- Environmental enrichment duration differentially affects behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY in adult mice
- Sonic hedgehog signaling and hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY
- Increase in PAS-induced NEUROPLASTICITY after a treatment courseof transcranial direct current stimulation for depression
- Recovery of olfactory function induces NEUROPLASTICITY effects in patients with smell loss
- Botanicals as modulators of NEUROPLASTICITY: focus on BDNF
- Cognitive tutoring induces widespread NEUROPLASTICITY and remediates brain function in children with mathematical learning disabilities
- Recognising NEUROPLASTICITY in musculoskeletal rehabilitation: a basis for greater collaboration between musculoskeletal and neurological physiotherapists
- Stress-induced NEUROPLASTICITY:(Mal) adaptation to adverse life events in patients with PTSD–A critical overview
- Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY and the origin of neurodegenerative diseases
- Structural NEUROPLASTICITY in expert pianists depends on the age of musical training onset
- Genetic variation and NEUROPLASTICITY: role in rehabilitation after stroke
- Interpreting intervention induced NEUROPLASTICITY with fMRI: the case for multimodal imaging strategies
- A NEUROPLASTICITY hypothesis of chronic stress in the basolateral amygdala
- Induction of NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery in post-stroke aphasia by non-invasive brain stimulation
- An acoustic gap between the NICU and womb: a potential risk for compromised NEUROPLASTICITY of the auditory system in preterm infants
- Brain-derived neurotrophic factor: its impact upon NEUROPLASTICITY and NEUROPLASTICITY inducing transcranial brain stimulation protocols
- Exercise and environmental enrichment as enablers of task-specific NEUROPLASTICITY and stroke recovery
- Adult hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY triggers susceptibility to recurrent depression
- Agomelatine, a novel intriguing antidepressant option enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY: a critical review
- Cognitive and NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms by which congenital or early blindness may confer a protective effect against schizophrenia.
- Electroconvulsive therapy mediates NEUROPLASTICITY of white matter microstructure in major depression
- NEUROPLASTICITY of selective attention: Research foundations and preliminary evidence for a gene by intervention interaction
- Estrogen-and progesterone-mediated structural NEUROPLASTICITY in women: evidence from neuroimaging
- Social plasticity relies on different NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms across the brain social decision-making network in zebrafish
- An investigation of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY following stroke in adults: is there evidence for a critical window for rehabilitation?
- Engagement in community music classes sparks NEUROPLASTICITY and language development in children from disadvantaged backgrounds
- Social isolation stress induces anxious-depressive-like behavior and alterations of NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes in adult male mice
- NEUROPLASTICITY-based auditory training via laptop computer improves cognition in young individuals with recent onset schizophrenia
- Dynamics and function of distal regulatory elements during neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Strength and aerobic exercises improve spatial memory in aging rats through stimulating distinct NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms
- Clinical value of serum NEUROPLASTICITY mediators in identifying the central sensitivity syndrome in patients with chronic pain with and without structural pathology
- Brain-derived neurotrophic factor as a driving force behind NEUROPLASTICITY in neuropathic and central sensitization pain: a new therapeutic target?
- The effect of aerobic exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY within the motor cortex following stroke
- Reduced NEUROPLASTICITY in aged rats: a role for the neurotrophin brain-derived neurotrophic factor
- Hodotopy, NEUROPLASTICITY and diffuse gliomas
- Colitis-induced NEUROPLASTICITY disrupts motility in the inflamed and post-inflamed colon
- The roles of sensitization and NEUROPLASTICITY in the long-term regulation of blood pressure and hypertension
- Crebinostat: a novel cognitive enhancer that inhibits histone deacetylase activity and modulates chromatin-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY-based computerized cognitive remediation for treatment-resistant geriatric depression
- NEUROPLASTICITY and motor rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis
- Constraint-induced movement therapy: a method for harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to treat motor disorders
- Enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY to augment cognitive remediation in schizophrenia
- Intelligence and eeg measures of information flow: efficiency and homeostatic NEUROPLASTICITY
- Default-mode network functional connectivity in aphasia: therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Ephrin‐B2 prevents N‐methyl‐D‐aspartate receptor antibody effects on memory and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Estrogen and female reproductive tract innervation: cellular and molecular mechanisms of autonomic NEUROPLASTICITY
- Augmenting NMDA receptor signaling boosts experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in the adult human brain
- Opposite optimal current flow directions for induction of NEUROPLASTICITY and excitation threshold in the human motor cortex
- NEUROPLASTICITY: unexpected consequences of early blindness
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Effects of Physical and Cognitive activity on brain structure and function.
- Language exposure induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the bilingual brain: A follow-up fMRI study
- Electroconvulsive therapy and structural NEUROPLASTICITY in neocortical, limbic and paralimbic cortex
- Increased fractional anisotropy in the motor tracts of Parkinson’s disease suggests compensatory NEUROPLASTICITY or selective neurodegeneration
- Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and inflammation: relevance for multiple sclerosis
- Dental occlusal changes induce motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY
- Influence of aerobic training and combinations of interventions on cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke
- Multiple neuroimaging measures for examining exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults: a quasi-experimental study
- Two types of exercise‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY in congenital hemiparesis: a transcranial magnetic stimulation, functional MRI, and magnetoencephalography study
- Musical training orchestrates coordinated NEUROPLASTICITY in auditory brainstem and cortex to counteract age-related declines in categorical vowel perception
- Cannabidiol reduces neuroinflammation and promotes NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery after brain ischemia
- Respiration following spinal cord injury: evidence for human NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY of language in left‐hemisphere stroke: Evidence linking subsecond electrophysiology and structural connections
- NEUROPLASTICITY of prehensile neural networks after quadriplegia
- Amygdalar expression of proteins associated with NEUROPLASTICITY in major depression and suicide
- Chronic enhancement of serotonin facilitates excitatory transcranial direct current stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Spaceflight-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in humans as measured by MRI: what do we know so far?
- Functional and structural NEUROPLASTICITY induced by short-term tactile training based on braille reading
- Cross-species approaches to cognitive NEUROPLASTICITY research
- Physical activity modulates common NEUROPLASTICITY substrates in major depressive and bipolar disorder.
- The effects of exercise on dopamine neurotransmission in Parkinson’s disease: targeting NEUROPLASTICITY to modulate basal ganglia circuitry
- NeuroLSD1: splicing-generated epigenetic enhancer of NEUROPLASTICITY
- B-vitamin and choline supplementation increases NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery after stroke
- Visual attention in deaf humans: A NEUROPLASTICITY perspective
- NEUROPLASTICITY to a single-episode traumatic stress revealed by resting-state fMRI in awake rats
- Hyperbaric oxygen can induce NEUROPLASTICITY and improve cognitive functions of patients suffering from anoxic brain damage
- Repeated tongue lift movement induces NEUROPLASTICITY in corticomotor control of tongue and jaw muscles in humans
- Analysis of 23andMe antidepressant efficacy survey data: implication of circadian rhythm and NEUROPLASTICITY in bupropion response
- NEUROPLASTICITY-dependent and-independent mechanisms of chronic deep brain stimulation in stressed rats
- Pharmacologic approaches to cerebral aging and NEUROPLASTICITY: insights from the stroke model
- Motor learning in a complex balance task and associated NEUROPLASTICITY: a comparison between endurance athletes and nonathletes
- RNA-sequencing of the brain transcriptome implicates dysregulation of NEUROPLASTICITY, circadian rhythms and GTPase binding in bipolar disorder
- Thyroid hormones and learning-associated NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY of ascending and descending pathways after somatosensory system injury: reviewing knowledge to identify neuropathic pain therapeutic …
- Negative NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic traumatic brain injury and implications for neurorehabilitation
- Effects of vitamin D supplementation on NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults: a double-blinded, placebo-controlled randomised trial
- Exercise promotes NEUROPLASTICITY in both healthy and depressed brains: An fMRI pilot study.
- NEUROPLASTICITY subserving the operation of brain–machine interfaces
- Pleiotropic control by testosterone of a learned vocal behavior and its underlying NEUROPLASTICITY
- The stress-proof brain: Master your emotional response to stress using mindfulness and NEUROPLASTICITY
- The modulation of adult NEUROPLASTICITY is involved in the mood-improving actions of atypical antipsychotics in an animal model of depression
- Regular exercise promotes memory function and enhances hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mice
- Effects of high-versus moderate-intensity training on NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery after focal ischemia
- Transcriptomics in interferon-α-treated patients identifies inflammation-, NEUROPLASTICITY-and oxidative stress-related signatures as predictors and correlates of …
- A clinical value of NEUROPLASTICITY in ischemic stroke
- Fluoxetine modulates hippocampal cell signaling pathways implicated in NEUROPLASTICITY in olfactory bulbectomized mice
- Combining computerized social cognitive training with NEUROPLASTICITY-based auditory training in schizophrenia
- The power of NEUROPLASTICITY for pastoral and spiritual care
- TRPV currents and their role in the nociception and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in post-stroke gait recovery and noninvasive brain stimulation
- NEUROPLASTICITY in human alcoholism: studies of extended abstinence with potential treatment implications
- The effect of manual therapy and NEUROPLASTICITY education on chronic low back pain: a randomized clinical trial
- Treadmill exercise alleviates impairment of cognitive function by enhancing hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in the high-fat diet-induced obese mice
- The effects of stress during early postnatal periods on behavior and hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY markers in adult male mice
- Cortical development and NEUROPLASTICITY in auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder
- Transcriptional evidence for the role of chronic venlafaxine treatment in neurotrophic signaling and NEUROPLASTICITY including also glutatmatergic-and insulin …
- A review of impaired NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia investigated with non-invasive brain stimulation
- Similarities and differences in NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms between brain gliomas and nonlesional epilepsy
- Increasing NEUROPLASTICITY to bolster chronic pain treatment: A role for intermittent fasting and glucose administration?
- Second messengers mediating the expression of NEUROPLASTICITY in a model of chronic pain in the rat
- The role of orphanin FQ/nociceptin in NEUROPLASTICITY: relationship to stress, anxiety and neuroinflammation
- Low-dose candesartan enhances molecular mediators of NEUROPLASTICITY and subsequent functional recovery after ischemic stroke in rats
- NEUROPLASTICITY-based brain stimulation interventions in the study and treatment of schizophrenia: a review
- Airway vagal NEUROPLASTICITY associated with respiratory viral infections
- Mental practice: applying motor PRACTICE and NEUROPLASTICITY principles to increase upper extremity function
- Agmatine, by improving NEUROPLASTICITY markers and inducing Nrf2, prevents corticosterone-induced depressive-like behavior in mice
- Melatonin attenuates impairments of structural hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in OXYS rats during active progression of A lzheimer’s disease‐like pathology
- Hypnosis, NEUROPLASTICITY, and the plastic paradox
- Diabetes mellitus may induce cardiovascular disease by decreasing NEUROPLASTICITY
- Minocycline enhances hippocampal memory, NEUROPLASTICITY and synapse-associated proteins in aged C57 BL/6 mice
- Harnessing cueing training for NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson disease
- Subcortical and cortical correlates of pitch discrimination: Evidence for two levels of NEUROPLASTICITY in musicians
- A framework for understanding the relationship between descending pain modulation, motor corticospinal, and NEUROPLASTICITY regulation systems in chronic …
- Measuring NEUROPLASTICITY associated with cerebral palsy rehabilitation: an MRI based power analysis
- Mild thyroid hormone insufficiency during development compromises activity-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampus of adult male rats
- Interindividual variability and intraindividual reliability of intermittent theta burst stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms in the healthy brain
- The effects of aerobic exercise on the recovery of walking ability and NEUROPLASTICITY in people with multiple sclerosis: a systematic review of animal and …
- Intravenous infusion of human bone marrow mesenchymal stromal cells promotes functional recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY after ischemic stroke in mice
- NEUROPLASTICITY and amblyopia: vision at the balance point
- Hemispheric contributions to language reorganisation: An MEG study of NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic post stroke aphasia
- Serotonergic NEUROPLASTICITY in alcohol addiction
- Age-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms in Alzheimer Tg2576 mice following modulation of brain amyloid-β levels
- Language experience and the brain: variability, NEUROPLASTICITY, and bilingualism
- Brain‐derived neurotrophic factor Val66Met polymorphism, human memory, and synaptic NEUROPLASTICITY
- Baclofen facilitates sleep, NEUROPLASTICITY, and recovery after stroke in rats
- MicroRNA-17–92 cluster in exosomes enhance NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery after stroke in rats
- The promise of NEUROPLASTICITY for pastoral care and counseling
- Structural but not functional NEUROPLASTICITY one year after effective cognitive behaviour therapy for social anxiety disorder
- Acute and chronic effects of noradrenergic enhancement on transcranial direct current stimulation‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- Impairment of NEUROPLASTICITY in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex by alcohol
- NEUROPLASTICITY changes of rat brain by musical stimuli during fetal period
- Meta-analysis of six genes (BDNF, DRD1, DRD3, DRD4, GRIN2B and MAOA) involved in NEUROPLASTICITY and the risk for alcohol dependence
- Poststroke NEUROPLASTICITY processes
- Embodied cognitive flexibility and NEUROPLASTICITY following Quadrato Motor Training
- Rolipram improves cognition, reduces anxiety-and despair-like behaviors and impacts hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY after transient global cerebral ischemia
- Stress induced NEUROPLASTICITY and mental disorders
- Testosterone has antidepressant-like efficacy and facilitates imipramine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in male rats exposed to chronic unpredictable stress
- The role of celestial compass information in Cataglyphis ants during learning walks and for NEUROPLASTICITY in the central complex and mushroom bodies
- fMRI assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in youths with neurodevelopmental-associated motor disorders after piano training
- Individual and environmental contributions to treatment outcomes following a NEUROPLASTICITY-principled speech treatment (LSVT LOUD) in children with dysarthria …
- The effects of taekwondo training on peripheral NEUROPLASTICITY-related growth factors, cerebral blood flow velocity, and cognitive functions in healthy children: A …
- Computational models and motor learning paradigms: Could they provide insights for NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke? An overview
- An mGlu 5-Positive Allosteric Modulator Rescues the NEUROPLASTICITY Deficits in a Genetic Model of NMDA Receptor Hypofunction in Schizophrenia
- Neural basis of tDCS effects on auditory verbal hallucinations in schizophrenia: a case report evidence for cortical NEUROPLASTICITY modulation
- Endogenous opioid-induced NEUROPLASTICITY of dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area influences natural and opiate reward
- NEUROPLASTICITY: synaptogenesis during normal development and its implication in intellectual disability
- Brain circuit–gene expression relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY of multisensory cortices in blind children
- The neuroimmune-NEUROPLASTICITY interface and brain pathology
- NEUROPLASTICITY in action post-stroke: Challenges for physiotherapists
- Features of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY associated with multidirectional novel motor skill training: a TMS mapping study
- NEUROPLASTICITY changes on human motor cortex induced by acupuncture therapy: a preliminary study
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the logic of cognitive neuropsychology
- Role of IGF1R+ MSCs in modulating NEUROPLASTICITY via CXCR4 cross-interaction
- NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery after intensive language therapy in chronic post stroke aphasia: which factors are relevant?
- Cocaine‐specific NEUROPLASTICITY in the ventral striatum network is linked to delay discounting and drug relapse
- Auditory NEUROPLASTICITY, hearing loss and cochlear implants
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the brain connectome: what can Jean Talairach’s reflections bring to modern psychosurgery?
- Motherhood and infant contact regulate NEUROPLASTICITY in the serotonergic midbrain dorsal raphe
- Mechanisms of nicotinic modulation of glutamatergic NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- Sub-chronic agmatine treatment modulates hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and cell survival signaling pathways in mice
- Caspase 3 involves in NEUROPLASTICITY, microglial activation and neurogenesis in the mice hippocampus after intracerebral injection of kainic acid
- Treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: the legacy of the cholinergic hypothesis, NEUROPLASTICITY, and future directions
- Toward unraveling reading–related modulations of tDCS–induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the human visual cortex
- Occlusion and adaptation to change: NEUROPLASTICITY and its implications for cognition
- NEUROPLASTICITY, axonal guidance and micro‐RNA genes are associated with morphine self‐administration behavior
- Translational studies exploring NEUROPLASTICITY associated with motor skill learning and the regulatory role of the dopamine system
- Mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and ethanol’s effects on plasticity in the striatum and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the spinal cord
- Pre-reproductive maternal enrichment influences rat maternal care and offspring developmental trajectories: behavioral performances and NEUROPLASTICITY …
- IGF-II promotes neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY recovery in a long-lasting model of oxidative damage induced by glucocorticoids
- Preoperative transcranial direct current stimulation: exploration of a novel strategy to enhance NEUROPLASTICITY before surgery to control postoperative pain. A …
- Communication difficulty and relevant interventions in mild cognitive impairment: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY
- Trigeminal NEUROPLASTICITY underlies allodynia in a preclinical model of mild closed head traumatic brain injury (cTBI)
- Executive dysfunction predicts treatment response to NEUROPLASTICITY-based computerized cognitive remediation (nCCR-GD) in elderly patients with major depression
- Cognitive consequences of aging with HIV: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation
- Unilateral pyramidotomy of the corticospinal tract in rats for assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY-inducing therapies
- Alcohol intoxication by binge drinking impairs NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and behavioral effects of fluoxetine after experimental stroke
- Enhanced NEUROPLASTICITY by the metabolic enhancer piracetam associated with improved mitochondrial dynamics and altered permeability transition pore …
- The impact of chronic early administration of psychostimulants on brain expression of BDNF and other NEUROPLASTICITY-relevant proteins
- The role of NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive reserve in aging with HIV: Recommendations for protection and rehabilitation
- Motor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY following brachial plexus transfer
- Participation of group I p21-activated kinases in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Computer enabled NEUROPLASTICITY treatment: a clinical trial of a novel design for neurofeedback therapy in adult ADHD
- Subacute intranasal administration of tissue plasminogen activator promotes NEUROPLASTICITY and improves functional recovery following traumatic brain injury …
- Genetic association of the transcription of NEUROPLASTICITY‐related genes and variation in stress‐coping style
- Increased NEUROPLASTICITY and hippocampal microglia activation in a mice model of rapid antidepressant treatment
- Exercise induced NEUROPLASTICITY to enhance therapeutic outcomes of cognitive remediation in schizophrenia: analyzing the Role of Brai Nderived Neurotrophic Factor
- How People Change: Relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY in Psychotherapy (Norton Series on Interpersonal Neurobiology)
- Angiogenic factors, bladder NEUROPLASTICITY and interstitial cystitis—new pathobiological insights
- (In) activity-related NEUROPLASTICITY in brainstem control of sympathetic outflow: unraveling underlying molecular, cellular, and anatomical mechanisms
- Melatonin improves NEUROPLASTICITY by upregulating the growth‐associated protein‐43 (GAP‐43) and NMDAR postsynaptic density‐95 (PSD‐95) proteins in cultured …
- NEUROPLASTICITY and memory formation in major depressive disorder: an imaging genetics perspective on serotonin and BDNF
- NEUROPLASTICITY of imagined wrist actions after spinal cord injury: a pilot study
- The social construction of mental illness and its implications for NEUROPLASTICITY
- Neurosteroid Agonist at GABA A receptor induces persistent NEUROPLASTICITY in VTA dopamine neurons
- Structural imaging for addiction medicine: from neurostructure to NEUROPLASTICITY
- Cognitive neuroscience: targeting NEUROPLASTICITY with neural decoding and biofeedback
- Combined transcranial alternating current stimulation and continuous theta burst stimulation: a novel approach for NEUROPLASTICITY induction
- Epimedii Herba: A Promising Herbal Medicine for NEUROPLASTICITY
- Preserving NEUROPLASTICITY: Role of glucocorticoids and neurotrophins via phosphorylation
- Anatomically discrete sex differences in NEUROPLASTICITY in zebra finches as reflected by perineuronal nets
- The role of Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1) in brain development, maturation and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Pharmacological treatment of sleep disorders and its relationship with NEUROPLASTICITY
- Genes involved in neurodevelopment, NEUROPLASTICITY, and bipolar disorder: CACNA1C, CHRNA1, and MAPK1
- Dose dependency of transcranial direct current stimulation: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY induction in health and disease
- The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental neck pain: a study of potential mechanisms impeding clinical outcomes of training
- Functional analysis of rare variants found in schizophrenia implicates a critical role for GIT1–PAK3 signaling in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Investigating the extent of NEUROPLASTICITY: Writing in children with perinatal stroke
- Cognitive stimulation during lifetime and in the aged phase improved spatial memory, and altered NEUROPLASTICITY and cholinergic markers of mice
- Variability of neuronal responses: Types and functional significance in NEUROPLASTICITY and neural Darwinism
- Periodic maternal deprivation may modulate offspring anxiety-like behavior through mechanisms involving NEUROPLASTICITY in the amygdala
- Long-term NEUROPLASTICITY in spinal cord injury patients: a study on movement-related brain potentials
- Use of sensory substitution devices as a model system for investigating cross-modal NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- Chronic methylphenidate regulates genes and proteins mediating NEUROPLASTICITY in the juvenile rat brain
- Structural MRI-based measures of NEUROPLASTICITY in an extended amygdala network as a target for attention bias modification treatment outcome
- Neurocircuitry and NEUROPLASTICITY in PTSD.
- Toward development of epigenetic drugs for central nervous system disorders: Modulating NEUROPLASTICITY via H3K4 methylation
- Acute ketamine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: ribosomal protein S6 phosphorylation expression in drug addiction-related rat brain areas
- Modulation of hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY by Fas/CD95 regulatory protein 2 (Faim2) in the course of bacterial meningitis
- KB220Z™ a pro-dopamine regulator associated with the protracted, alleviation of terrifying lucid dreams. Can we infer NEUROPLASTICITY-induced changes in the …
- Role of HIF-1α-activated Epac1 on HSC-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in stroke model
- Dopamine D3 and acetylcholine nicotinic receptor heteromerization in midbrain dopamine neurons: Relevance for NEUROPLASTICITY
- Effect of electro-acupuncture on NEUROPLASTICITY of spinal cord-transected rats
- n-3 fatty acids: role in neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Transcranial direct current stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY genes: implications for psychiatric disorders
- CNS NEUROPLASTICITY and salt-sensitive hypertension induced by prior treatment with subpressor doses of ANG II or aldosterone
- Accessible online NEUROPLASTICITY-targeted training for children with ADHD
- Paternal physical exercise improves spatial learning ability by enhancing hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in male pups born from obese maternal rats
- Acupuncture therapies and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Modulating motor cortical NEUROPLASTICITY with priming paired associative stimulation in young and old adults
- Ventral tegmental area dopamine cell activation during male rat sexual behavior regulates NEUROPLASTICITY and d-amphetamine cross-sensitization following sex …
- Motor cortex hyperexcitability, NEUROPLASTICITY, and degeneration in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Modulation of testosterone-dependent male sexual behavior and the associated NEUROPLASTICITY
- Your brain on ink: a workbook on NEUROPLASTICITY and the journal ladder
- Invited Address:“The Times They Are A-Changin’” Gene Expression, NEUROPLASTICITY, and Developmental Research
- Intrinsic exercise capacity in rats influences dopamine NEUROPLASTICITY induced by physical training
- Respiratory modulation of human autonomic function: long‐term NEUROPLASTICITY in space
- Distribution and fate of DCX/PSA-NCAM expressing cells in the adult mammalian cortex: a local reservoir for adult cortical NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Lactulose enhances NEUROPLASTICITY to improve cognitive function in early hepatic encephalopathy
- Application of NEUROPLASTICITY theory through the use of the Feldenkrais Method® with a runner with scoliosis and hip and lumbar pain: A case report
- Evidence for schizophrenia as a disorder of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Heterogeneity of stimulus-specific response modification—an fMRI study on NEUROPLASTICITY
- Systems biology of immunomodulation for post-stroke NEUROPLASTICITY: multimodal implications of pharmacotherapy and neurorehabilitation
- Vascular signal transducer and activator of transcription-3 promotes angiogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY long-term after stroke
- Special issue on anaesthetic neurotoxicity and NEUROPLASTICITY
- D-Cycloserine restores experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury in the developing rat brain
- … and volumetric magnetic resonance imaging using an MR-compatible hand-induced robotic device suggests training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with …
- Electrophysiological correlates of morphological NEUROPLASTICITY in human callosal dysgenesis
- Supplementation with complex milk lipids during brain development promotes NEUROPLASTICITY without altering myelination or vascular density
- Enhancement of the FGFR1 signaling in the FGFR1-5-HT1A heteroreceptor complex in midbrain raphe 5-HT neuron systems. Relevance for NEUROPLASTICITY and …
- Timing of motor cortical stimulation during planar robotic training differentially impacts NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults
- NEUROPLASTICITY for spontaneous functional recovery after neonatal hypoxic ischemic brain injury in rats observed by functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging
- Long-term effects of cocaine experience on NEUROPLASTICITY in the nucleus accumbens core of addiction-prone rats
- Effect of the Nicotinic α4β2-receptor Partial Agonist Varenicline on Non-invasive Brain Stimulation-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the Human Motor Cortex
- Assessing and stabilizing aberrant NEUROPLASTICITY in autism spectrum disorder: the potential role of transcranial magnetic stimulation
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neurorehabilitation
- Dairy fat blend improves brain DHA and NEUROPLASTICITY and regulates corticosterone in mice
- … and anxiety-like responses and influences the response of fluoxetine in olfactory bulbectomised mice: adaptive changes in hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY markers and 5 …
- Anodal transcranial direct current stimulation provokes NEUROPLASTICITY in repetitive mild traumatic brain injury in rats
- Benign essential blepharospasm is a disorder of NEUROPLASTICITY: lessons from animal models
- Functional NEUROPLASTICITY in the nucleus tractus solitarius and increased risk of sudden death in mice with acquired temporal lobe epilepsy
- Adaptive and pathological inhibition of NEUROPLASTICITY associated with circadian rhythms and sleep.
- Clozapine counteracts a ketamine-induced depression of hippocampal-prefrontal NEUROPLASTICITY and alters signaling pathway phosphorylation
- Long‐term NEUROPLASTICITY of the face primary motor cortex and adjacent somatosensory cortex induced by tooth loss can be reversed following dental implant …
- Distinct NEUROPLASTICITY processes are induced by different periods of acrobatic exercise training
- NEUROPLASTICITY and second messenger pathways in antidepressant efficacy: pharmacogenetic results from a prospective trial investigating treatment resistance
- NEUROPLASTICITY-based technologies and interventions for restoring motor functions in multiple sclerosis
- NEUROPLASTICITY-based cognitive and linguistic skills training improves reading and writing skills in college students
- Bridging the gap between clinical neuroscience and cognitive rehabilitation: The role of cognitive training, models of NEUROPLASTICITY and advanced neuroimaging in …
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a model for bilingualism: Commentary on Baum and Titone
- Multisensory integration and NEUROPLASTICITY in the human cerebral cortex
- Omega-3 fatty acids and traumatic neurological injury: from neuroprotection to NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Exercise as a way of capitalizing on NEUROPLASTICITY in late adulthood
- In vivo and in vitro effects of vortioxetine on molecules associated with NEUROPLASTICITY
- fMRI and MRS measures of NEUROPLASTICITY in the pharyngeal motor cortex
- Local and extensive NEUROPLASTICITY in carpal tunnel syndrome: a resting-state fMRI study
- S182 Introduction to NEUROPLASTICITY and its application in neurorehabilitation
- No difference in paired associative stimulation induced cortical NEUROPLASTICITY between patients with mild cognitive impairment and elderly controls
- tPA promotes ADAMTS-4-induced CSPG degradation, thereby enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY following spinal cord injury
- Worker brain development and colony organization in ants: Does division of labor influence NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Increased NEUROPLASTICITY may protect against cardiovascular disease
- NEUROPLASTICITY, neurotransmitters and new directions for treatment of anomia in Alzheimer disease
- A role for interleukin 17A in IBD‐related NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY pathways and protein-interaction networks are modulated by vortioxetine in rodents
- l‐3‐n‐butylphthalide promotes neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in cerebral ischemic rats
- Activity-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY induced by an enriched environment reverses cognitive deficits in scribble deficient mouse
- Qi Gong to improve postural stability (QTIPS) for Parkinson fall prevention: a NEUROPLASTICITY approach
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the edentulous patient-toward a paradigm shift in oral rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation after stroke: the role of NEUROPLASTICITY and sensorimotor integration
- Optimization of artificial neural network architecture using NEUROPLASTICITY
- Vimentin regulates NEUROPLASTICITY in transected spinal cord rats associated with micRNA138
- Altered differential control of sympathetic outflow following sedentary conditions: role of subregional NEUROPLASTICITY in the RVLM
- The changeable nervous system: Studies on NEUROPLASTICITY in cerebellar cultures
- Failure of spinal paired associative stimulation to induce NEUROPLASTICITY in the human corticospinal tract
- NEUROPLASTICITY and outcome in schizophrenia: the role of psychological interventions.
- The clinical relevance of NEUROPLASTICITY in corticostriatal networks during operant learning
- Innovative strength training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and increased muscle size and strength in children with spastic cerebral palsy: an experimenter-blind case study …
- Role of Wnt/β‐catenin pathway in the nucleus accumbens in long‐term cocaine‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY: a possible novel target for addiction treatment
- The cognitive NEUROPLASTICITY of reading recovery following chronic stroke: A representational similarity analysis approach
- Responses of neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY related genes to elevated CO2 levels in the brain of three teleost species
- Therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY of language in chronic post stroke aphasia: a mismatch negativity study of (A) Grammatical and meaningful/less mini …
- Recovery of consciousness as manifestation of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Positive NEUROPLASTICITY: The neuroscience of mindfulness
- … corticosterone-induced depression-like behavior and restores brain-derived neurotrophic factor expression, neurogenesis, and NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampus
- NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery in rehabilitation after stroke
- NEUROPLASTICITY, sensitization, and pain
- Post-stroke rehabilitation: importance of NEUROPLASTICITY and sensorimotor integration processes
- NEUROPLASTICITY, sensitization, and pain
- Retrogenesis: a model of dementia progression in Alzheimer’s disease related to NEUROPLASTICITY
- Irritable bowel syndrome may be induced by decreased NEUROPLASTICITY
- Staging of NEUROPLASTICITY alterations during epileptogenesis (temporal lobe epileply as an example)
- Genes involved in NEUROPLASTICITY and stressful life events act on the short‐term response to antidepressant treatment: a complex interplay between genetics and …
- … and keishito prevents social isolation-induced behavioral abnormalities and down-regulation of phosphorylation of NEUROPLASTICITY-related signaling molecules …
- Response contingency directs long-term cocaine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in prefrontal and striatal dopamine terminals
- Binge alcohol alters exercise-driven NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY associated with treated aphasia recovery
- New approaches in the study of the NEUROPLASTICITY process in patients with central nervous system lesions
- Neuroinflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in pain
- Thinking, fast and slow: highlights from the 2016 BJA seminar on anaesthetic neurotoxicity and NEUROPLASTICITY
- IGF1R+ dental pulp stem cells enhanced NEUROPLASTICITY in hypoxia-ischemia model
- Induction of NEUROPLASTICITY by transcranial direct current stimulation
- dl-3-n-butylphthalide promotes NEUROPLASTICITY and motor recovery in stroke rats
- Aristotle and agent-directed NEUROPLASTICITY
- Foreword for NEUROPLASTICITY and neurorehabilitation
- Seizure-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive network reorganization in epilepsy
- NEUROPLASTICITY and its relevance for multiple sclerosis
- Structural NEUROPLASTICITY of the superior temporal plane in early and late blindness
- Enhanced serotonin signaling increases intestinal NEUROPLASTICITY
- Oral biomarkers in exercise‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson’s disease
- Behavioral improvement and regulation of molecules related to NEUROPLASTICITY in ischemic rat spinal cord treated with PEDF
- A murine model of cervical spinal cord injury to study post-lesional respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
- Di-n-butyl phthalate exposure negatively influences structural and functional NEUROPLASTICITY via Rho-GTPase signaling pathways
- Predegenerated Schwann cells–a novel prospect for cell therapy for glaucoma: neuroprotection, neuroregeneration and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on NEUROPLASTICITY in corticomotor pathways of the tongue muscles
- NEUROPLASTICITY, genre, and identity: Possibilities and complications
- 5-HTT deficiency affects NEUROPLASTICITY and increases stress sensitivity resulting in altered spatial learning performance in the Morris water maze but not in the …
- Compromised NEUROPLASTICITY in cigarette smokers under nicotine withdrawal is restituted by the nicotinic α 4 β 2-receptor partial agonist varenicline
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neuromodulation in children
- Long-term treatment with oriental medicinal herb artemisia princeps alters NEUROPLASTICITY in a rat model of ovarian hormone deficiency
- Recovery from anomia following semantic feature analysis: therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY relies upon a circuit involving motor and language processing areas
- Effects of withdrawal from repeated amphetamine exposure in peri-puberty on NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes in mice
- Decreased NEUROPLASTICITY may play a role in irritable bowel syndrome: implication from the comorbidity of depression and irritable bowel syndrome
- ICD and DSM: NEUROPLASTICITY and staging are still missing
- NEUROPLASTICITY and its relevance to psychiatric disorders
- NEUROPLASTICITY-related mechanisms underlying the antidepressant-like effects of traditional herbal medicines
- Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY in Diogenes syndrome: a proposed mechanism to explain clinical improvement
- Transcranial direct current stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Bone marrow stromal cells promote NEUROPLASTICITY of cerebral ischemic rats via a phosphorylated CRMP2-mediated mechanism
- Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol disrupts hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and neurogenesis in trained, but not untrained adolescent Sprague-Dawley rats
- NEUROPLASTICITY of A-type potassium channel complexes induced by chronic alcohol exposure enhances dendritic calcium transients in hippocampus
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the blind and sensory substitution for vision
- Nicotine-induced NEUROPLASTICITY counteracts the effect of schizophrenia-linked neuregulin 1 signaling on NMDAR function in the rat hippocampus
- NEUROPLASTICITY in dynamic neural networks comprised of neurons attached to adaptive base plate
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neurogenesis: changing moment-by-moment
- Sensorimotor cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in the early stage of Bell’s palsy
- … construct of “habitus operativus bonus” compatible with the modern neuroscience concept of human flourishing through NEUROPLASTICITY? A consideration of …
- Introduction to special issue:“Current perspectives on NEUROPLASTICITY”
- How can NEUROPLASTICITY be utilized to improve neuropathy symptoms?
- Applying NEUROPLASTICITY to educating agile-thinking managers
- Commentary: Extraordinary environments, extreme NEUROPLASTICITY and mental disorder–reflections on pathways from adversity to mental disorder prompted by …
- Perinueronal nets development correlates with developmental and adult NEUROPLASTICITY related to song learning in the songbird brain
- Atomic force microscopy investigations of fibronectin and α5β1-integrin signaling in NEUROPLASTICITY and seizure susceptibility in experimental epilepsy
- Randomized Controlled Trial of CI Therapy for Progressive MS: Increased Real-World Function and NEUROPLASTICITY on MRI (I7-1.008)
- Effects of lithium and aripiprazole on brain stimulation reward and NEUROPLASTICITY markers in the limbic forebrain
- Neuronutrient amino-acid therapy protects against reward deficiency syndrome: dopaminergic key to homeostasis and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Commentary on “Moving toward a NEUROPLASTICITY view of bilingualism”: The early years
- NEUROPLASTICITY, Performativity, and Clergy Wellness: Neighbor Love as Self-Care
- Cholinergic impact on NEUROPLASTICITY drives muscarinic M1 receptor mediated differentiation into neurons
- Non-cytotoxic concentration of cisplatin decreases NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins and neurite outgrowth without affecting the expression of NGF in PC12 cells
- NEUROPLASTICITY in aging: Implications for behavioral and lifestyle combined interventions
- Functions of microglia in the healthy brain: focus on NEUROPLASTICITY
- A critical period in postnatal NEUROPLASTICITY of olfaction: a pediatric tracheostomy model
- Improvement and NEUROPLASTICITY after Combined Rehabilitation to Forced Grasping
- Increase in PAS-induced NEUROPLASTICITY after a treatment course of intranasal ketamine for depression. Report of three cases from a placebo-controlled trial
- Enteric NEUROPLASTICITY in seawater‐adapted European eel (Anguilla anguilla)
- Nongenomic actions of 17-β estradiol restore respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY in young ovariectomized female rats
- Can Digital Games Be a Way of Improving the NEUROPLASTICITY in Stroke Damage? Can the Adult Brain Grow New Cells or Rewire Itself in Response to a New …
- Individual predisposition for learning and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Does Neuroimaging Provide Evidence of Meditation-Mediated NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Gene therapy and respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
- Change in NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in response to acute activity-based therapy in persons with spinal cord injury
- NEUROPLASTICITY–basis for lifelong learning
- Chronic cerebral ischemia, NEUROPLASTICITY, possibilities of therapy
- Surgical leg rotation: cortical NEUROPLASTICITY assessed through brain mapping using transcranial magnetic stimulation
- The role of spasticity in functional neurorehabilitation–Part 1: the pathophysiology of spasticity, the relationship with NEUROPLASTICITY, spinal shock and clinical …
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the bilingual brain: Cognitive control and reserve
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Healthy Lifestyle: How Can We Understand This Relationship?
- Body-brain-avatar interface: a tool to study sensory-motor integration and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Postinjury NEUROPLASTICITY in central neural networks
- 361. Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex NEUROPLASTICITY Deficits in Alzheimer’s Disease
- Cultural Revolution in Cognitive Science: From NEUROPLASTICITY to Genetic Mechanisms of Acculturation.
- Toward a more personalized motor function rehabilitation in Myotonic dystrophy type 1: The role of NEUROPLASTICITY
- An optimized dosing regimen of cimaglermin (neuregulin 1β3, glial growth factor 2) enhances molecular markers of NEUROPLASTICITY and functional recovery after …
- NEUROPLASTICITY and rehabilitation therapy
- Neurocognition and NEUROPLASTICITY:: What Does It All Mean for Clinical Practice?
- Syrian hamster NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms fail as temperature declines to 15° C, but histaminergic neuromodulation persists
- NEUROPLASTICITY of central corticotropin-releasing factor and serotonergic systems in anxiety-related behavior
- NEUROPLASTICITY and mental wellness: Our path forward
- Role of the ventral tegmental area in methamphetamine extinction: AMPA receptor-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY
- The use of immersive virtual Reality in neurorehabilitation and its impact in NEUROPLASTICITY
- … of a whole-body approach to brain health in autism: how transduction between metabolism and electrophysiology points to mechanisms for NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in multiple sclerosis
- C-40 Computerized NEUROPLASTICITY Training Increases Processing Speed of Verbal Information: A Pilot Study of Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury
- The role of emotion, vision, and touch in movement learning NEUROPLASTICITY and the mirror neuron system
- Advanced perceptual learning techniques induce NEUROPLASTICITY to enable improved visual functions
- Glucagon-like peptide-1 as predictor of body mass index and dentate gyrus neurogenesis: NEUROPLASTICITY and the metabolic milieu
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the Pain, Emotion, and Cognition Nexus
- NEUROPLASTICITY and repair in rodent neurotoxic models of spinal motoneuron disease
- The Adaptable Brain: Biology of Social NEUROPLASTICITY
- Meditation experience associated with structural NEUROPLASTICITY
- Adult NEUROPLASTICITY: working one eye gives an advantage to the other
- Post-Oberlin procedure cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in traumatic injury of the upper brachial plexus
- Emergence of the consonance pattern within synaptic weights of a neural network featuring Hebbian NEUROPLASTICITY
- Epigenetics and NEUROPLASTICITY-Evidence and Debate
- Hearing matters: Debilitating tinnitus a problem, and solution, in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Understanding adolescent NEUROPLASTICITY: a guide to developing resiliency programmes for adolescents
- Electrical stimulation and tinnitus: NEUROPLASTICITY, neuromodulation, neuroprotection
- Reversal of neuronal atrophy: role of cellular immunity in NEUROPLASTICITY and aging
- Influence of motor cortex stimulation during motor training on NEUROPLASTICITY as a potential therapeutic intervention
- NEUROPLASTICITY after aquired brain injury
- Design, construction and analysis of an alternative stroke rehabilitation device based on the principels of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Calbindin‐D28k and calretinin in chicken inner retina during postnatal development and NEUROPLASTICITY by dim red light
- NEUROPLASTICITY of PACAP expression and function in micturition reflex pathways
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Extracellular Proteolysis
- NEUROPLASTICITY in normal and brain injured patients: Potential relevance of ear wiggling locus of control and cortical projections
- NEUROPLASTICITY and mindfulness meditation
- Pediatric Constraint Induced Movement Therapy: Harnessing Adaptive NEUROPLASTICITY
- Exercise, NEUROPLASTICITY, and growth factors in adolescence
- Central NEUROPLASTICITY and functional outcome of swinging upper limbs following repetitive locomotor training of lower limbs in stroke patients
- S183 Physiologic basis of NEUROPLASTICITY
- 6. NEUROPLASTICITY, epilepsy and NEUROPLASTICITY as a potential treatment for some forms of epilepsy
- Stress, Depression and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in constraint-induced movement therapy
- Changes to the brain: Methods of investigation, aging, and NEUROPLASTICITY.
- NEUROPLASTICITY: A Fresh Beginning for Life
- Computerized cognitive training based upon NEUROPLASTICITY
- Contribution of Corticospinal Modulation and Total Electrical Energy for Peripheral-Nerve-Stimulation-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY as Indexed by Additional Muscular …
- Neurofilament heavy chain expression and NEUROPLASTICITY in rat auditory cortex after unilateral and bilateral deafness
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Exciting experiences make neurons less excitable
- Exercise and NEUROPLASTICITY: Benefits of High Intensity Interval Exercise
- On Defining NEUROPLASTICITY: A Book Review of Dr. Norman Doidge’s The Brain That Changes Itself
- Enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY by drug therapy
- SUMOylation in NEUROPLASTICITY and neurological disorders
- Serotonin buffers hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and emotional behavior
- Assessing and stabilizing aberrant NEUROPLASTICITY in autism spectrum disorder using transcranial magnetic stimulation: preliminary findings from a proof-of-principle …
- Simulating pancreatic NEUROPLASTICITY: in vitro dual-neuron plasticity assay
- NEUROPLASTICITY induced by exercise
- Cognitive rehabilitation and modulating NEUROPLASTICITY with brain stimulation: promises and challenges
- The use of immersive virtual reality in neurorehabilitation and its impact in NEUROPLASTICITY
- The Significance of Sleep Deprivation in the Development of Local Epilepsy from the Point of View of NEUROPLASTICITY
- New approaches in the study of NEUROPLASTICITY process in patients with central nervous system lesion
- NEUROPLASTICITY-targeted intervention for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: A new therapeutic direction
- Acquiring Tastes through Online Activity: NEUROPLASTICITY and the Flow Experiences of Web Users
- The role of spinal manipulation in modulating NEUROPLASTICITY and sensorimotor integration
- Study the effects of NEUROPLASTICITY on major depression disorder in rTMS combined with antidepressant treatments
- The comparative pattern of neuromidin and magnetic stimulation influence on NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental traumatic neuropathy
- Cerebrospinal biomarkers in Alzheimer disease—potential roles as markers of prognosis and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Thinking in 140 characters: The internet, NEUROPLASTICITY, and intelligence analysis
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Early Onset Multiple Sclerosis
- Aberrant cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in the OSA patient (Commentary on Opie et al.)
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Bipolar Disorder: Insights from Neuroimaging
- Initiation of olfactory memory in patients after successful treatment of patients with congenital hyposmia–the role of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Mapping the dynamics of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY of skilled motor learning using micro X-ray fluorescence and histofluorescence imaging of zinc in the rat
- An exploration of the role of cellular NEUROPLASTICITY in large scale models of biological neural networks
- New insights on the interplay between psychopharmacology and NEUROPLASTICITY in psychiatric disorders
- What Educators and Parents Should Know About NEUROPLASTICITY, Learning and Dance
- Letter to Editor: Application of NEUROPLASTICITY theory through the use of the Feldenkrais Method with a runner with scoliosis and lower quarter pain: Additional …
- The role of NEUROPLASTICITY types in aphasia recovery and its influencing factors: a systematic review of literature
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a model for bilingualism: Commentary on Baum and Titone
- P312 fMRI analysis of the human brain’s NEUROPLASTICITY as a basis of movement disorders compensation after traumatic brain injury
- Connectivity modeling and NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury
- Significance of sleep deprivation in the development of local epilepsy from NEUROPLASTICITY opinion
- Learning in the damaged brain/spinal cord: NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Antipsychotics in Treatment of Schizophrenia
- Bilingualism, executive control and NEUROPLASTICITY
- … Imaging of Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy Patients Treated with Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy: Predictors and Clinically Correlated Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY
- INAUGURAL ARTICLE by a Recently Elected Academy Member: NEUROPLASTICITY of selective attention: Research foundations and preliminary evidence for a …
- The bilingual neurocognitive network: an investigation of NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive performance
- Visual intelligence in action: A question of balance? NEUROPLASTICITY: recent findings on the visual system for the practitioner
- Dopaminergic Modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY in Humans-Contribuition of Receptor Subtypes and Dosage
- NEUROPLASTICITY-A Biochemical Wonder
- Developing a NEUROPLASTICITY-Based Treatment Program for Psychopathy: Treatment Foci and Options
- Translational studies exploring NEUROPLASTICITY associated with motor skill learning and the regulatory role of the dopamine system.
- Central NEUROPLASTICITY and lower limbs functional outcome following repetitive locomotor training in stroke patients
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Headaches: A Review of the Literature
- The potential therapeutic effect of BDNF on GABAergic NEUROPLASTICITY dysfunction in late-life anxiety
- Addiction, hippocampal neurogenesis, and NEUROPLASTICITY in the adult brain
- Reply to El-Dib and Glass: NEUROPLASTICITY in the auditory cortex in premature newborns exposed to recorded maternal sounds
- Effects of an acute bout of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise on motor learning and NEUROPLASTICITY.
- Effects of β-asarone on NEUROPLASTICITY-related factors in hippocampus of rat model of depression
- Exercising the Tibialis Anterior Muscle of Children with Cerebral Palsy for Improved NEUROPLASTICITY using an Electrical Guitar
- The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in cholinergic neurons of the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus for cocaine addiction.
- Dependence of nociceptive detection thresholds on physiological parameters and capsaicin-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: a computational study
- The contribution of NEUROPLASTICITY induced in cholinergic neurons of the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus to cocaine addiction.
- The long-term effects of methamphetamine on depressive-like behaviour and NEUROPLASTICITY in stress-sensitive rats
- Higher Neural Functions and Behavior: Motor learning in a complex balance task and associated NEUROPLASTICITY: a comparison between endurance athletes …
- Main theoretical, pathophysiological and practical aspects of NEUROPLASTICITY.
- Molecular and functional study of vasopressin/oxytocin-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Targeted NEUROPLASTICITY training (TNT)
- Nigrostriatal degeneration dictates a top-down genetic program for NEUROPLASTICITY and neurorepair: Focus on the hippocampus and Wnt/GSK-3β/β-catenin signaling …
- 5. T cell immunity and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Inflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in the cornea
- Postinjury NEUROPLASTICITY in Central Neural Networks
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Rehabilitation Therapy
- Christopher A. Shaw and Jill C. McEachern Is There a General Theory of NEUROPLASTICITY?
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Healthy Lifestyle: How Can We Understand This Relationship?
- … : Glucoallostasis control of plasticity of the neural networks of error commission, detection, and correction modulates NEUROPLASTICITY to influence task precision
- NEUROPLASTICITY aspects of the traumatic brain injury consecuences
- Shining a light on new thinking in NEUROPLASTICITY: Lessons for the classroom.
- C. Campbell Teskey A General Framework for NEUROPLASTICITY Theories and Models
- NEUROPLASTICITY: the impact of age and injury
- 396. NEUROPLASTICITY benefits of adding aerobic exercise to cognitive training in first-episode schizophrenia patients
- From NEUROPLASTICITY to Applied Proposals: Early Stimulation and Its Implementation in Costa Rica
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Predictors of Alcohol Recovery
- Brain Development and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY Protocols: Inducing and Measuring Change
- NEUROPLASTICITY: A study to understand the formation of neural pathways when learning a new skill
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Blindness: From Clinical Setting to Technology Research
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Changing concept in understanding chronic pain
- Ear manipulations help model NEUROPLASTICITY limitations
- Stress Induced NEUROPLASTICITY and Mental Disorders
- Feedback and NEUROPLASTICITY rehabilitation for brain damage
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Athletic Training
- A Case Study on Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY in a Patient With Schizophrenia
- Redesigning the Brain: The Effect of Bilingualism on NEUROPLASTICITY
- Reaction Time as a Measure of NEUROPLASTICITY After Aerobic Exercise
- Modulation Of NEUROPLASTICITY In Humans By Advanced Stimulation Protocols And Neuromodulators
- The influence of attentional focus on NEUROPLASTICITY following a seven-day balance training intervention
- Effect of brevican deficiency on NEUROPLASTICITY mediating molecules
- NEUROPLASTICITY and auditory deprivation
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neurorestoration in the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease: Experimental studies in the mouse
- Interactions Between Diffuse Low-Grade Glioma (DLGG), Brain Connectome and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Coordinated reset and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY after Traumatic Brain Injury
- Modulating NEUROPLASTICITY in the healthy and injured brain
- Nine. The Plastic Brain Fundamentals of Neuroscience and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Investigating the NEUROPLASTICITY of Chronic Pain Utilizing Biofeedback Procedures
- Spinal NEUROPLASTICITY in Chronic Pain
- P299 Inter-individual variability and intra-individual reliability of iTBS-induced NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms in the healthy brain
- The Use of Clinical Improvisation to Improve Attention and Memory Deficits in Stroke Patients: The Role of NEUROPLASTICITY in the Recovering Brain. A Critical …
- Commentary: NEUROPLASTICITY as a model for bilingualism: Commentary on Baum and Titone—ADDENDUM
- Effects of blueberries on cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Expression of NEUROPLASTICITY Genes in Cerebral Cortex of Down Syndrome
- Enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY by cortical stimulation
- Second-Language Phonology Learning and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Measuring NEUROPLASTICITY Associated with Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation
- Could NEUROPLASTICITY be an answer to different antidepressants efficacy among individuals?
- Effect of NEUROPLASTICITY-based BRAINFIT Mind Exercises on Attention Skills of Primary School Students
- Improving and Predicting Outcomes of Traumatic Brain Injury: NEUROPLASTICITY, Imaging Modalities, and Perspective Therapy
- NEUROPLASTICITY: The brain as a master key for the physical recovery after a cerebral vascular incident
- Motor learning induced NEUROPLASTICITY in minimally invasive surgery
- Assessing NEUROPLASTICITY with Convolutional and Recurrent Neural Networks
- Fatigue as a potential modulator of NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke
- Landscape Architecture and NEUROPLASTICITY: A Role for Design in Addressing the Impact of Early Childhood Trauma
- Pedagogical implications of vocal learning and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Effects of NEUROPLASTICITY-based Auditory Processing Speed Training in Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury
- Effects of Exercise-Altered Immune Functions on NEUROPLASTICITY
- Designing and evaluating technologies for virtual reality therapies that promote NEUROPLASTICITY
- The role of neuroimaging in understanding the impact of NEUROPLASTICITY after CNS damage
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the spinal cord following laser irradiation
- Characterization and Comparison of NEUROPLASTICITY Mechanisms in Rat and Human Cortex
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Art Therapy for Depression
- NEUROPLASTICITY induced by peripheral nerve stimulation
- Improving and predicting outcomes of traumatic brain injury: NEUROPLASTICITY, imaging modalities, and perspective therapy
- The Power of NEUROPLASTICITY for Pastoral and Spiritual Care by Kirk A. Bingaman
- NEUROPLASTICITY during motor rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Apraxia Recovery
- Common NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms underlying drugs and food reward
- NEUROPLASTICITY-targeted therapy for Down syndrome: a translational approach
- NEUROPLASTICITY and motor rehabilitation in sclerosis
- Questioning the Medical Model of Mental Health: A Review of The Social Construction of Mental Illness and Its Implications for NEUROPLASTICITY
- Physiological Basis to Use NEUROPLASTICITY for Rehabilitation after CNS Damage
- Experimental and clinical neck pain: Studies on training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Cortical Injury and NEUROPLASTICITY During Brain Development
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the mammalian clock: the effect of aging and seasons
- Relationship between serum and brain luteinizing hormone and markers of NEUROPLASTICITY during the mouse estrous cycle
- Non Invasive Brain Stimulation Therapy Restores NEUROPLASTICITY in Depression
- Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy Promotes NEUROPLASTICITY After Stroke: mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and evidence from animal models
- Enteric NEUROPLASTICITY in seawater-adapted European
- Androgens and NEUROPLASTICITY: contributions to the pathogenesis and treatment of depression
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Early Intervention: Effectiveness on Children with Perinatal Stroke
- The efficacy of non-invasive brain stimulation protocols for inducing NEUROPLASTICITY
- Measuring motor-training induced NEUROPLASTICITY using diffusion and functional MRI: A Sensitive, Pathology-Robust Approach
- NEUROPLASTICITY isn’t Just About the Brain… 1: Review of a Webinar by Pat Ogden on 20th February 2013
- NEUROPLASTICITY Deficits and Working Memory Performance in Individuals with Early Alzheimer’s Disease
- NEUROPLASTICITY in deafness: Evidence from studies of patients with cochlear implants
- NEUROPLASTICITY and spinal control: Latest evidence of sensorimotor involvement in low back pain
- The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental neck pain: a study of potential mechanisms impeding clinical outcome…
- Therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in aphasia: A better understanding of brain function for more efficient interventions
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Speech-Language Pathology: What it Means for Language Development and How to Apply it to Therapy
- Endogenous and treatment-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in mouse models of Parkinson’s disease
- The Effects of Gonadal Hormones on Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY
- Abstract T MP46: Stroke-Related NEUROPLASTICITY During Steering of Human Gait
- Altered NEUROPLASTICITY of prefrontal cortex in adult autism spectrum disorder
- NEUROPLASTICITY with cochlear implants: Underlying neuronal mechanisms
- Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY To Repair The Injured Spinal Cord
- Reviews of Textbooks of Motor Learning and NEUROPLASTICITY
- The Effect of Exercise on Motor Function and NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson’s Disease
- Long-Term Behavioral Adaptations and NEUROPLASTICITY following Adolescent Anesthetic Exposure
- NEUROPLASTICITY, neuroimaging, and bilingualism: Commentary on Baum and Titone
- Accessible online NEUROPLASTICITY-targeted training for children with ADHD
- DP Cain Synaptic Models of NEUROPLASTICITY: What Is LTP?
- P310 Brain stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY underlying therapeutic response in phantom sounds
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuromarker Driven Neuromodulation: The Future Path to Normalizing Brain Function
- Neurogenesis, NEUROPLASTICITY, and the Treatment of Brain Disorder
- Exploring NEUROPLASTICITY in acute mild traumatic brain injury
- Novel role for transcranial magnetic stimulation to study post-traumatic respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
- Docosahexaenoic Acid Promotes Recovery of Motor Function by Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY Mechanisms
- Improving NEUROPLASTICITY and motor learning by brain stimulation techniques
- Design of a Novel Servo-motorized Laser Device for Visual Pathways Diseases Therapies Based on NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in play: Outcomes after Hemispherectomy in Rasmussen Encephalitis
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the female brain-Short and long term effects of hormonal contraception
- Contribution of NEUROPLASTICITY in the insular cortex induced by nerve injury to neuropathic pain
- The Relationship Between NEUROPLASTICITY Associated With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction and Patient reported Function
- Perineuronal nets and song learning-related NEUROPLASTICITY in the songbird brain
- The effects of ethanol on memory and NEUROPLASTICITY in a vertebrate and an invertebrate model of learning
- Perception of non-native sounds in a second language: Electrophysiological evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY in the phonological system
- Role of Smad2 in the processes of NEUROPLASTICITY related to hippocampal-dependent spatial learning and memory
- Cholinergic enhancing strategies and brain NEUROPLASTICITY. From preclinical evidence to clinical applications.
- Motor planning and Sensory NEUROPLASTICITY after ACL Reconstruction
- TDCS polarity-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY changes in physiological brain aging: a multimodal study
- Epigenetic regulation of HCN channels: a window into NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Fingolimod-induced functional NEUROPLASTICITY in Multiple Sclerosis (P4. 372)
- Combined transcranial alternating current stimulation and cTBS: a novel approach for NEUROPLASTICITY induction
- Defining the role of ciliary proteins BBS (Bardet-Biedl syndrome) in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Research in Non invasive brain stimulation to enhance NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery in Stroke rehabilitation
- The regulation of thyroid hormone action during developmental and seasonal NEUROPLASTICITY in the songbird song control system
- Epigenetic Modifications Mediate Experience-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY; Relevance to the Etiology and Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Highlights in basic autonomic neurosciences: Sympathetic NEUROPLASTICITY in the post-ischemic heart
- P093 Transcranial cortex stimulation, NEUROPLASTICITY and learning: An experimental and computational study
- Mechanisms of respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY elicited by reduced respiratory neural activity
- Poster Abstracts from the Seventh International Symposium on Gait and Balance in Multiple Sclerosis: NEUROPLASTICITY and Rehabilitation in MS
- Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY Across Auditory, Visual, and Somatosensory Modalities in Children with Cochlear Implants
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Mindfulness in Brain Injury Rehabilitation: Cause for Great Optimism
- NEUROPLASTICITY after Sexual Experience in the Nucleus Accumbens of Syrian hamsters
- Does the Co-citation Map Predict Disciplinary Clusters in NEUROPLASTICITY Theory?
- Effects of NEUROPLASTICITY-based Cognitive Rehabilitation Training on Neuropsychological Functioning and White…
- Notes on NEUROPLASTICITY Investigation using Coupled Electrical and Electrochemical Sensing through Carbon Electrodes
- C0075 Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy: A Method for Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to Treat Motor Disorders
- The Effects of Diet Induced Obesity and Metabolic Irregularities on Hippocampal-Based Cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY in Young Female and Male Rat
- Comparison of the Influences of Neuromidin and Magnetic Stimulation on NEUROPLASTICITY in Experimental Traumatic Neuropathy
- Effect of breviscapine on NEUROPLASTICITY in intracerebral hemorrhage in rats
- UTR extension and alternate polyadenylation in NEUROPLASTICITY: an emerging paradigm?
- Moving toward a NEUROPLASTICITY view of bilingualism, executive control, and aging.
- Keynote: Research that Improves Lives: Harnessing the Power of NEUROPLASTICITY to Improve Language Function for Survivors of Stroke and Brain Injury
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neurodegeneration in patients suffering from mood disorders: putative blood biomarkers and cognitive functions.
- Moving toward a NEUROPLASTICITY view of bilingualism, executive control, and aging: Commentary on Baum and Titone.
- O mega-3 fatty acids and traumatic neurological injury: from neuroprotection to NEUROPLASTICITY
- Long term administration of methamphetamine in Tat mice causes altered behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY gene expression–Implications in neuroAIDS
- Chapter 4. Contemporary issues and theories of motor control, motor learning and NEUROPLASTICITY
- T014 A brain network perspective on tDCS induced NEUROPLASTICITY: Single versus dual or multiple sites stimulation
- The efficacy of paired-associative stimulation for inducing NEUROPLASTICITY in motor cortex of healthy individuals: a qualitative review
- A Pilot Study of NEUROPLASTICITY Based Cognitive Remediation in Early Onset Psychosis
- Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Sexual Experience-Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY of the Nucleus Accumbens after in Syrian Hamsters
- Synaptic Sweet Talk: How Do Perineuronal Nets Contribute to Epileptogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Calcium binding proteins NEUROPLASTICITY in vertebrate retinas exposed to dim light
- HD Brain-Train: NEUROPLASTICITY as a Target to Improve Function in Huntington’s Disease
- Intermittent hypoxia induces NEUROPLASTICITY changes in the nucleus of the solitary tract (1132.1)
- Case report: using NEUROPLASTICITY principles in the physiotherapy management of a person with chronic hemiplegia whose goal is community ambulation
- NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with Parkinson’s disease and myoclonus epilepsy
- Electrophysiological Evidence for Central NEUROPLASTICITY of the Contralesional Ear in Patients with Unilateral Vestibular Schwannoma
- Mindful Awareness and Self-Directed NEUROPLASTICITY: Integrating Psychospiritual and Biological Approaches to Mental Health with a Focus on Obsessive-Compulsive …
- NEUROPLASTICITY possibly induced by a series of prefrontal rTMS for major depression
- Recognising NEUROPLASTICITY in musculoskeletal rehabilitation: A basis for greater collaboration between musculoskeletal and neurological physiotherapists
- Alterations to hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY across the lifespan in a rodent model of FASD
- George D. Mower Immediate Early Gene Expression and Critical Period NEUROPLASTICITY in the Visual Cortex
- Feed-forward thalamic modulation and NEUROPLASTICITY in the auditory cortex
- Abstract TP143: Effects of Aerobic Exercise Intensity on Novel Blood Biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY After Stroke
- Neuroscience of Mind Empowerment: Epigenetics, NEUROPLASTICITY, Meditation, and Music Therapy
- Differences and Similarities in the Impact of Different Types of Stress on Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in Serotonin Transporter Deficient Mice
- Acquisition and retention of asymmetric bimanual skills: Behavioral correlates of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Anatomical specificity of the action of testosterone in relation to the regulation of birdsong and the underlying NEUROPLASTICITY
- Hebbian NEUROPLASTICITY in the Human Corticospinal Tract as Induced by Specific Electrical and Magnetic Stimulation Protocols
- Optogenetic Deconstructing the Mechanism of NEUROPLASTICITY Modulated by Repetitive Cortical Stimulation
- Reduced NEUROPLASTICITY in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in patients with depression as indexed by paired associative stimulation paradigm combined with EEG
- Cognitive flexibility, NEUROPLASTICITY mechanisms and brain synchrony in mouse models of Alzheimer’s disease
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the developing brain: The psychophysiological effects of mindfulness meditation on school-aged children
- Promotion of NEUROPLASTICITY by modifying perineuronal nets using polysialic acid
- NEUROPLASTICITY hypothesis of the mechanism of electroconvulsive therapy: a proton magnetic resonance and functional connectivity investigation
- Correction: Age-Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY Mechanisms in Alzheimer Tg2576 Mice Following Modulation of Brain Amyloid-β Levels
- NEUROPLASTICITY, Dosage and Repetition Priming Effects in Individuals with Stroke Induced Aphasia
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Human Alcoholism: Studies of Extended Abstinence with Potential Treatment Implications George Fein1, 2 and Valerie A. Cardenas1 …
- Vascular Stat3 Promotes Angiogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY Long-Term After Stroke
- Identifying potential NEUROPLASTICITY changes in the brains of young Chinook salmon during salt water entry
- Effect of optogenetic stimulation on NEUROPLASTICITY of the embryonic chick motor system
- The treatment of tinnitus by modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY in the auditory cortex and the role of Mg ions
- NEUROPLASTICITY, Dosage, and Repetition Priming Effects in Individuals with Stroke-Induced Aphasia
- Synaptic Abnormalities and NEUROPLASTICITY: Molecular Mechanisms of Cognitive Dysfunction in Genetic Mouse Models of Schizophrenia
- … mild cognitive impairment (MCI). Theoretical propositions spec-ulating the potential benefits of mindfulness intervention on inflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in MCI are …
- The Role of Gonadal Sex Steroids in NEUROPLASTICITY of Brains of Male Peromyscus leucopus Subjected to Different Photoperiods
- Correction: Transcriptional Evidence for the Role of Chronic Venlafaxine Treatment in Neurotrophic Signaling and NEUROPLASTICITY Including also Glutatmatergic-and …
- Naturally Motivated Behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY: How Sexual Experience Affects Neural Activation During Sexual Behavior in Female Syrian Hamsters
- Exploring outcomes for Wilsonian organic NEUROPLASTICITY (WON) on test anxiety scores of students enrolled in an introduction to helping relationship class: A …
- New avenues to facilitate NEUROPLASTICITY in the healthy brain: The effect of transcranial direct current stimulation on motor learning and the impact of acute physical …
- Vagus Nerve Stimulation Enhances NEUROPLASTICITY and Forelimb Recovery after Stroke in Aged Rats
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex of Older People with Schizophrenia Measured by Paired Associative Stimulation
- Pre-reproductive maternal enrichment influences rat maternal care and offspring developmental trajectories. Behavioral performances and NEUROPLASTICITY correlates
- Doublecortin-like knockdown in the adult mouse brain: implications for neurogenesis, NEUROPLASTICITY and behaviour
- Altered developmental NEUROPLASTICITY due to polysialyltransferase ST8SiaII deficiency in mice leads to schizophrenia-like phenotype
- Intermittent Hypoxia during Gestation Disrupts Respiratory Rhythm and NEUROPLASTICITY in Newborn Rat Brainstem‐spinal cord Preparations In Vitro
- Orthodontic tooth movement is associated with orofacial mechanical and thermal hypersensitivities and face sensorimotor cortex NEUROPLASTICITY
- Intensive stuttering therapy based on NEUROPLASTICITY and motor learning principles: treatment efficacy for adults who stutter
- Investigating effects of behavioural flexibility and NEUROPLASTICITY on acclimation success of outcrossed Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) …
- Using stimulation and repetitive task practice to promote NEUROPLASTICITY targeted at improving hand function in individuals with chronic tetraplegia.
- Sympathetic NEUROPLASTICITY following T5 spinal cord transection increases the susceptibility to ischemia-induced sustained ventricular tachycardia
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the nucleus tractus solitarius precedes development of functional changes in autonomic regulation of arterial pressure in obese Zucker rats
- Effects of a poor maternal diet on stress-induced tau phosphorylation in offspring: implications in HPA axis reactivity and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Aging, NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuro Rehabilitation. Aging Sci 2: e110. doi: 10.4172/2329-8847.1000 e110 Page 2 of 2 Volume 2• Issue 1• 1000e110 Aging Sci …
- Altered expression of NEUROPLASTICITY related genes is associated with pathophysiology of human depression: expression analysis in postmortem human brain of …
- Protocol Title: Cracking addiction: does BRAIN Stimulation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY reverse prefrontal cortex hypoactivity in cocaine and neW stImulanTs …
- Experience-Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY of the Dorsal Striatum and Prefrontal Cortex in the MPTP-Lesioned Mouse Model of Parkinson’s Disease
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Post-Synaptic Rebound-Induced Spiking at Purkinje Cell-Deep Cerebellar Nuclei Synapses.
- Part I: Catalytic Direct Carbon-Hydrogen Arylation of Pyrazoles Part II: Toward Modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY with Small Molecules
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the adult visual cortex: role of Semaphorin 3A aggregation by perineuronal nets and development of a custom apparatus for longitudinal evaluation …
- Sox9 conditional knockdown reduces chondroitin sulphate proteoglycan expression, increases NEUROPLASTICITY, and improves motor function in a mouse model of …
- RNA sequencing to profile transcriptional changes within the medullary raphe: potential mechanisms of central NEUROPLASTICITY driving the recovery of eupneic …
- P 138: Improving NEUROPLASTICITY Through Neuroinflammation Pathways as a Therapeutic Goal in the Treatment of Autism
- 124. Experimental Medicine Approaches to Leveraging Auditory Information Processing NEUROPLASTICITY Toward Therapeutic Development in Schizophrenia
- Conditional Sox9 ablation 30 days after spinal cord injury: Testing the therapeutic value of a successful acute strategy to increase NEUROPLASTICITY in a model of chronic …
- FV 13 Electrophysiological correlates of language recovery–an MEG study of NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic post stroke aphasia
- A Review of Kirk A. Bingaman’s The Power of NEUROPLASTICITY for Pastoral and Spiritual Care
- EP 28. Fornix DBS enhances long-term spatial memory independent of hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY
- Keynote lecture 5: NEUROPLASTICITY-based strategies applied to delay onsets of-and to treat-psychiatric and neurological disorders
- Type 2 deiodinase in the developing song system of the zebra finch: a path to NEUROPLASTICITY?
- ID 26–Chronic enhancement of serotonin facilitates excitatory tDCS induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- 5 Marina E. Wolf The NEUROPLASTICITY of Addiction
- The involvement of TOR protein kinase and PI3K class 1 in the regulation of circadian NEUROPLASTICITY in the visual system of Drosophila melanogaster
- The role of pulmonary mast cells in neurotrophin 4 mediated cholinergic NEUROPLASTICITY in neonatal asthma
- Biological Research on Addiction: Chapter 30. Addiction, Hippocampal Neurogenesis, and NEUROPLASTICITY in the Adult Brain
- 2 Q Advanced MRI techniques to improve our understanding of 3 experience-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Neurological Rehabilitation: Chapter 3. NEUROPLASTICITY in the spinal cord
- B101 ASTHMA PATHOGENESIS: Mast Cells Are Essential Source Of Neurotrophin 4 (nt4) For Allergen-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY In Neonatal Allergic Asthma
- Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY: modern approaches and clinical future
- Dance for NEUROPLASTICITY: A descriptive systematic review
- NEUROPLASTICITY in cognitive and psychological mechanisms of depression: an integrative model
- Intermittent metabolic switching, NEUROPLASTICITY and brain health
- Beyond clinical changes: rehabilitation-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in MS
- NEUROPLASTICITY of language networks in aphasia: Advances, updates, and future challenges
- NEUROPLASTICITY in adult human visual cortex
- Exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: a mechanistic model and prospects for promoting plasticity
- The translational landscape in spinal cord injury: focus on NEUROPLASTICITY and regeneration
- Mimicking NEUROPLASTICITY in a hybrid biopolymer transistor by dual modes modulation
- Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY with strength training
- Neurotrophic factors and NEUROPLASTICITY pathways in the pathophysiology and treatment of depression
- NEUROPLASTICITY of sensorimotor control in low back pain
- Functional relevance of resistance training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in health and disease
- Achieving NEUROPLASTICITY in artificial neural networks through smart cities
- Central nervous system NEUROPLASTICITY and the sensitization of hypertension
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a foundation for human enhancements in space
- NEUROPLASTICITY and aphasia treatments: new approaches for an old problem
- Now is the critical time for engineered NEUROPLASTICITY
- Brain functional reserve in the context of NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke.
- Precision Neuroimaging Opens a New Chapter of NEUROPLASTICITY Experimentation
- Post-learning micro-and macro-structural NEUROPLASTICITY changes with time and sleep
- Persistent effects of obesity: a NEUROPLASTICITY hypothesis
- Potential effects of MSC-derived exosomes in NEUROPLASTICITY in Alzheimer’s disease
- Lactate and BDNF: Key Mediators of Exercise Induced NEUROPLASTICITY?
- A review of exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in ischemic stroke: pathology and mechanisms
- NEUROPLASTICITY-driven timing modulations revealed by ultrafast functional magnetic resonance imaging
- NEUROPLASTICITY across the lifespan and aging effects in bilinguals and monolinguals
- Preclinical studies of NEUROPLASTICITY following experimental brain injury: an update
- MicroRNA-dependent control of NEUROPLASTICITY in affective disorders
- Physical exercise enhances NEUROPLASTICITY and delays Alzheimer’s disease
- Effects of teaching the concept of NEUROPLASTICITY to induce a growth mindset on motivation, achievement, and brain activity: A meta-analysis
- Shaping NEUROPLASTICITY by using powered exoskeletons in patients with stroke: a randomized clinical trial
- Finding the intersection of NEUROPLASTICITY, stroke recovery, and learning: scope and contributions to stroke rehabilitation
- Systematic review on exercise training as a NEUROPLASTICITY-inducing behavior in multiple sclerosis
- Bite or brain: implication of sensorimotor regulation and NEUROPLASTICITY in oral rehabilitation procedures
- Occupational NEUROPLASTICITY in the human brain: a critical review and meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies
- Olfactory loss and regain: lessons for NEUROPLASTICITY
- Exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson’s disease: a metasynthesis of the literature
- Targeting NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with neurodegenerative diseases using brain stimulation techniques
- Imaging functional NEUROPLASTICITY in human white matter tracts
- Spinal interneurons as gatekeepers to NEUROPLASTICITY after injury or disease
- Evidence for training-dependent structural NEUROPLASTICITY in brain-injured patients: a critical review
- Differences in NEUROPLASTICITY after spinal cord injury in varying animal models and humans
- The role of fMRI in the assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in MS: a systematic review
- The potential of virtual reality for inducing NEUROPLASTICITY in children with amblyopia
- Photoperiod-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the circadian system.
- NEUROPLASTICITY in aphasia: A proposed framework of language recovery
- NEUROPLASTICITY and environment: A pharmacotherapeutic approach toward preclinical and clinical understanding
- Acute aerobic exercise and NEUROPLASTICITY of the motor cortex: a systematic review
- Rehabilitation following spinal cord injury: how animal models can help our understanding of exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Yoga-and meditation-based lifestyle intervention increases NEUROPLASTICITY and reduces severity of major depressive disorder: a randomized controlled trial
- NEUROPLASTICITY in stroke recovery. The role of microglia in engaging and modifying synapses and networks
- Circadian modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY by melatonin: a target in the treatment of depression
- Lateral artificial synapses on hybrid perovskite platelets with modulated NEUROPLASTICITY
- Peripheral nerve injuries, pain, and NEUROPLASTICITY
- The antidepressant effect of testosterone: An effect of NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Principles of motor learning to support NEUROPLASTICITY after ACL injury: implications for optimizing performance and reducing risk of second ACL injury
- Chronic linaclotide treatment reduces colitis-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and reverses persistent bladder dysfunction
- Functional and dysfunctional NEUROPLASTICITY in learning to cope with stress
- Gut Microbiota and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Flavonoids as a Natural Enhancer of NEUROPLASTICITY—An Overview of the Mechanism of Neurorestorative Action
- High-intensity interval training after stroke: an opportunity to promote functional recovery, cardiovascular health, and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Evaluating visual NEUROPLASTICITY with EEG in schizophrenia outpatients
- Functional hypoxia drives NEUROPLASTICITY and neurogenesis via brain erythropoietin
- Shifting focus: a clinician’s guide to understanding NEUROPLASTICITY for anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation
- The effects of biological sex and ovarian hormones on exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY and brain degeneration: strategies for protection during the aging process
- Neurosteroids: non-genomic pathways in NEUROPLASTICITY and involvement in neurological diseases
- Neuroprocessing mechanisms of music during fetal and neonatal development: a role in NEUROPLASTICITY and neurodevelopment
- Modulation of binary NEUROPLASTICITY in a heterojunction-based ambipolar transistor
- Chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment is associated with cytokine dysregulation and disruptions in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Impact of coffee and cacao purine metabolites on NEUROPLASTICITY and neurodegenerative disease
- Exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: Balance training increases cortical thickness in visual and vestibular cortical regions
- Leveraging NEUROPLASTICITY to enhance adaptive learning: the potential for synergistic somatic-behavioral treatment combinations to improve clinical outcomes in …
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the visual cortex: in sickness and in health
- Training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in children with developmental coordination disorder
- Language in preterm born children: atypical development and effects of early interventions on NEUROPLASTICITY
- Hormones and NEUROPLASTICITY: A lifetime of adaptive responses
- NEUROPLASTICITY following short‐term strength training occurs at supraspinal level and is specific for the trained task
- Electroconvulsive therapy, electric field, NEUROPLASTICITY, and clinical outcomes
- Magnetic seizure therapy reduces suicidal ideation and produces NEUROPLASTICITY in treatment-resistant depression
- The olfactory system of zebrafish as a model for the study of neurotoxicity and injury: implications for NEUROPLASTICITY and disease
- Enriching communicative environments: Leveraging advances in NEUROPLASTICITY for improving outcomes in neurogenic communication disorders
- Single housing‐induced effects on cognitive impairment and depression‐like behavior in male and female mice involve NEUROPLASTICITY‐related signaling
- Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive function in early-stage, mild-moderate hearing loss: Evidence of neurocognitive benefit from hearing aid use
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a convergent mechanism of ketamine and classical psychedelics
- Physical exercise prevents cognitive impairment by enhancing hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and mitochondrial function in doxorubicin-induced chemobrain
- Cerebrospinal fluid NEUROPLASTICITY-associated protein levels in patients with psychiatric disorders: a multiplex immunoassay study
- Exercise alleviates cognitive functions by enhancing hippocampal insulin signaling and NEUROPLASTICITY in high-fat diet-induced obesity
- Class I histone deacetylase inhibition by tianeptinaline modulates NEUROPLASTICITY and enhances memory
- Cafeteria diet and probiotic therapy: cross talk among memory, NEUROPLASTICITY, serotonin receptors and gut microbiota in the rat
- NEUROPLASTICITY and anterior cruciate ligament injury
- Effects of physical exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY and brain function: a systematic review in human and animal studies
- NEUROPLASTICITY, limbic neuroblastosis and neuro-regenerative disorders
- NEUROPLASTICITY-related correlates of environmental enrichment combined with physical activity differ between the sexes
- Biomarkers of Angiogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY as Promising Clinical Tools for Stroke Recovery Evaluation
- NEUROPLASTICITY and network connectivity of the motor cortex following stroke: a transcranial direct current stimulation study
- Recovery of offline and online sentence processing in aphasia: Language and domain-general network NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in desert ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)–importance for the ontogeny of navigation
- Melatonergic agonist regulates circadian clock genes and peripheral inflammatory and NEUROPLASTICITY markers in patients with depression and anxiety
- Dysregulated bile acid synthesis and dysbiosis are implicated in Western diet–induced systemic inflammation, microglial activation, and reduced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Dysregulation of auditory NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia
- High motor cortex excitability in highly hypnotizable individuals: a favourable factor for NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Disconnected body representation: NEUROPLASTICITY following spinal cord injury
- Functional and structural NEUROPLASTICITY associated with second language proficiency: An MRI study of Chinese-English bilinguals
- Impaired NEUROPLASTICITY in the prefrontal cortex in depression indexed through paired associative stimulation
- Pharmacological modulation of hypoxia-induced respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
- Experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY of the developing hypothalamus: integrative epigenomic approaches
- Changes in NEUROPLASTICITY following early-life social adversities: the possible role of brain-derived neurotrophic factor
- Dopamine D3 Receptor Heteromerization: Implications for NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuroprotection
- Ginsenoside Rg1 prevents chemotherapy-induced cognitive impairment: associations with microglia-mediated cytokines, neuroinflammation, and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Nurturing the preterm infant brain: leveraging NEUROPLASTICITY to improve neurobehavioral outcomes
- Protocols of non-invasive brain stimulation for NEUROPLASTICITY induction
- Vasogenic edema versus NEUROPLASTICITY as neural correlates of hippocampal volume increase following electroconvulsive therapy
- Effects of Different High-Intensity Interval Training Regimens on Endurance and NEUROPLASTICITY After Cerebral Ischemia
- Mechanisms of timing, timbre, repertoire, and entrainment in NEUROPLASTICITY: mutual interplay in neonatal development
- Cholinergic NEUROPLASTICITY in asthma driven by TrkB signaling
- Retraining walking over ground in a powered exoskeleton after spinal cord injury: a prospective cohort study to examine functional gains and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY for Functional Recovery
- Common cellular and molecular mechanisms and interactions between microglial activation and aberrant NEUROPLASTICITY in depression
- Exploratory study of the long-term footprint of deep brain stimulation on brain metabolism and NEUROPLASTICITY in an animal model of obesity
- Immediate early genes in social insects: a tool to identify brain regions involved in complex behaviors and molecular processes underlying NEUROPLASTICITY
- Dose-related target occupancy and effects on circuitry, behavior, and NEUROPLASTICITY of the glycine transporter-1 inhibitor PF-03463275 in healthy and schizophrenia …
- Environmental signals on microglial function during brain development, NEUROPLASTICITY, and disease
- Digital Financial Decision With A View of NEUROPLASTICITY/Neurofinancy/Neural Networks
- Inverse paired-pulse facilitation in NEUROPLASTICITY based on interface-boosted charge trapping layered electronics
- NEUROPLASTICITY in cerebral visual impairment (CVI): assessing functional vision and the neurophysiological correlates of dorsal stream dysfunction
- Role of astroglia in diet-induced central NEUROPLASTICITY
- Reduced tactile acuity in chronic low back pain is linked with structural NEUROPLASTICITY in primary somatosensory cortex and is modulated by acupuncture …
- Comparative hippocampal synaptic proteomes of rodents and primates: differences in NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins
- Neurofeedback and NEUROPLASTICITY of visual self-processing in depressed and healthy adolescents: A preliminary study
- High-intensity interval training on NEUROPLASTICITY, balance between brain-derived neurotrophic factor and precursor brain-derived neurotrophic factor in poststroke …
- Weight loss, behavioral change, and structural NEUROPLASTICITY in children with obesity through a multidisciplinary treatment program
- Motor learning, NEUROPLASTICITY, and strength and skill training: moving from compensation to retraining in behavioral management of dysphagia
- Sleep as a model to understand NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery after stroke: observational, perturbational and interventional approaches
- Diabetes and the link between NEUROPLASTICITY and glutamate in the aging human motor cortex
- NEUROPLASTICITY of cognitive control networks following cognitive training for chronic traumatic brain injury
- Mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY linking early adversity to depression: developmental considerations
- Modulation of DNA methylation and gene expression in rodent cortical NEUROPLASTICITY pathways exerts rapid antidepressant-like effects
- Translational profiling of stress-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the CA3 pyramidal neurons of BDNF Val66Met mice
- White matter NEUROPLASTICITY: Motor learning activates the internal capsule and reduces hemodynamic response variability
- Effects of metformin on recognition memory and hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in rats with metabolic syndrome
- Stress induced NEUROPLASTICITY and mental disorders 2018
- Memory and cognition-related NEUROPLASTICITY enhancement by transcranial direct current stimulation in rodents: a systematic review
- Spinal cord injury: lessons about NEUROPLASTICITY from paired associative stimulation
- Motor NEUROPLASTICITY: A MEG-fMRI study of motor imagery and execution in healthy ageing
- Curcumin protects against chronic stress-induced dysregulation of NEUROPLASTICITY and depression-like behaviors via suppressing IL-1β pathway in rats
- Ca2+ channel dynamics explain the nonlinear NEUROPLASTICITY induction by cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary motor cortex
- Dance, aging, and NEUROPLASTICITY: An integrative review
- Locomotor activities as a way of inducing NEUROPLASTICITY: insights from conventional approaches and perspectives on eccentric exercises
- Blueberry supplementation attenuates microglia activation and increases NEUROPLASTICITY in mice consuming a high-fat diet
- Feasibility aspects of exploring exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson’s disease: a pilot randomized controlled trial
- The role of Smad2 in adult NEUROPLASTICITY as seen through hippocampal-dependent spatial learning/memory and neurogenesis
- AIM2 deletion promotes NEUROPLASTICITY and spatial memory of mice
- NEUROPLASTICITY in visual impairments
- Mimicking NEUROPLASTICITY via Ion Migration in van der Waals Layered Copper Indium Thiophosphate
- Molecular and microstructural biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY in neurodegenerative disorders through preclinical and diffusion magnetic resonance imaging …
- The treatment of Goji berry (Lycium barbarum) improves the NEUROPLASTICITY of the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus in aged rats
- Increase in blood levels of growth factors involved in the NEUROPLASTICITY process by using an extremely low frequency electromagnetic field in post-stroke …
- General anesthetic exposure in adolescent rats causes persistent maladaptations in cognitive and affective behaviors and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Brain endothelial cell-derived exosomes induce NEUROPLASTICITY in rats with ischemia/reperfusion injury
- Environmental enrichment and social isolation mediate NEUROPLASTICITY of medium spiny neurons through the GSK3 pathway
- Physical exercise ameliorates psychiatric disorders and cognitive dysfunctions by hippocampal mitochondrial function and NEUROPLASTICITY in post-traumatic stress …
- Effects of tDCS on NEUROPLASTICITY and inflammatory biomarkers in bipolar depression: Results from a sham-controlled study
- Reduction of BDNF results in GABAergic NEUROPLASTICITY dysfunction and contributes to late-life anxiety disorder.
- Overcoming resistance to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: targeting serotonin, serotonin-1A receptors and adult NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neuroprotective effect of treadmill training in the chronic mouse model of Parkinson’s disease
- In vivo online monitoring of testosterone-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in a female songbird
- The NEUROPLASTICITY marker PSA-NCAM: Insights into new therapeutic avenues for promoting neuroregeneration
- An integrated model of slow-wave activity and NEUROPLASTICITY impairments in major depressive disorder
- Implications on hypnotherapy: NEUROPLASTICITY, epigenetics and pain
- Depression impedes NEUROPLASTICITY and quality of life after stroke
- Brain stimulation‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY underlying therapeutic response in phantom sounds
- Exploring the effect of adaptogenic Rhodiola Rosea extract on NEUROPLASTICITY in humans
- Experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY in trained musicians modulates the effects of chronic pain on insula-based networks–A resting-state fMRI study
- Sex differences after chronic stress in the expression of opioid-, stress-and NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes in the rat hippocampus
- The NEUROPLASTICITY of division of labor: worker polymorphism, compound eye structure and brain organization in the leafcutter ant Atta cephalotes
- Reading intervention and NEUROPLASTICITY: A systematic review and meta-analysis of brain changes associated with reading intervention
- Effects of exercise on proactive interference in memory: potential NEUROPLASTICITY and neurochemical mechanisms
- Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can induce NEUROPLASTICITY and significant clinical improvement in patients suffering from fibromyalgia with a history of childhood …
- Central irisin administration affords antidepressant-like effect and modulates NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of mice
- NEUROPLASTICITY of Cortical Planning for Initiating Stepping Poststroke: A Case Series
- NEUROPLASTICITY and brain reorganization associated with positive outcomes of multidisciplinary rehabilitation in progressive multiple sclerosis: A fMRI study
- A high-fat high-sugar diet in adolescent rats impairs social memory and alters chemical markers characteristic of atypical NEUROPLASTICITY and parvalbumin interneuron …
- Activity-Dependent Neurodegeneration and NEUROPLASTICITY of Auditory Neurons Following Conductive Hearing Loss in Adult Mice.
- Distinct regulation of hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and ciliary genes by corticosteroid receptors
- Therapy-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic aphasia after phonological component analysis: A matter of intensity
- Music therapy enhances executive functions and prefrontal structural NEUROPLASTICITY after traumatic brain injury: evidence from a randomized controlled trial
- Influencing NEUROPLASTICITY in stroke treatment with advanced biomaterials-based approaches
- Tau-mediated dysregulation of NEUROPLASTICITY and glial plasticity
- Neural stem cell transplantation promotes functional recovery from traumatic brain injury via brain derived neurotrophic factor-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY
- Appropriate exercise level attenuates gut dysbiosis and valeric acid increase to improve NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive function after surgery in mice
- Constraint induced movement therapy promotes contralesional-oriented structural and bihemispheric functional NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke
- Functional NEUROPLASTICITY in response to cerebello-thalamic injury underpins the clinical presentation of tremor in multiple sclerosis
- Glucocorticoid regulation of the glutamatergic synapse: Mechanisms of stress-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the role of exercise and diet on cognition
- Mechanisms underlying NEUROPLASTICITY in the nucleus tractus solitarii following hindlimb unloading in rats
- Adult mouse DRG explant and dissociated cell models to investigate NEUROPLASTICITY and responses to environmental insults including viral infection
- Altered corticomotor latencies but normal motor NEUROPLASTICITY in concussed athletes
- Serotonin depletion causes valproate-responsive manic-like condition and increased hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY that are reversed by stress
- Targeting NEUROPLASTICITY to improve motor recovery after stroke
- Extreme NEUROPLASTICITY of hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons in hibernating mammalian species
- Differentiated effects of robot hand training with and without neural guidance on NEUROPLASTICITY patterns in chronic stroke
- A cross-talk between blood-cell NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes and environmental enrichment in working dogs
- Modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY-related targets following stress-induced acute escape deficit
- NEUROPLASTICITY in brain injury: maximizing recovery
- Hydrogen sulfide: a target to modulate oxidative stress and NEUROPLASTICITY for the treatment of pathological anxiety
- Can non-invasive brain stimulation be considered to facilitate reoperation for low-grade glioma relapse by eliciting NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Photophobia: shared pathophysiology underlying dry eye disease, migraine and traumatic brain injury leading to central NEUROPLASTICITY of the trigeminothalamic …
- Enteric NEUROPLASTICITY and dysmotility in inflammatory disease: key players and possible therapeutic targets
- Activation of 5-HT1A postsynaptic receptors by NLX-101 results in functional recovery and an increase in NEUROPLASTICITY in mice with brain ischemia
- A NEUROPLASTICITY and functional restoration after stroke
- Cognitive Load of Exercise Influences Cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY of Healthy Elderly: An Exploratory Investigation
- Nicotine‐induced NEUROPLASTICITY in striatum is subregion‐specific and reversed by motor training on the rotarod
- Reduced cortical excitability, NEUROPLASTICITY, and salivary cortisol in 11–13-year-old children born to women with gestational diabetes mellitus
- NEUROPLASTICITY, bilingualism, and mental mathematics: A behavior-MEG study
- Higher-order surgical questions for diffuse low-grade gliomas: supramaximal resection, NEUROPLASTICITY, and screening
- Developmental NEUROPLASTICITY of the white matter connectome in children with perinatal stroke
- NEUROPLASTICITY in post-stroke aphasia: A systematic review and meta-analysis of functional imaging studies of reorganization of language processing
- Efficacy, trainability, and NEUROPLASTICITY of SMR vs. alpha rhythm shooting performance neurofeedback training
- Social isolation in rats: Effects on animal welfare and molecular markers for NEUROPLASTICITY
- rTMS induces analgesia and modulates neuroinflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in neuropathic pain model rats
- GABA-enriched fermented Laminaria japonica improves cognitive impairment and NEUROPLASTICITY in scopolamine-and ethanol-induced dementia model mice
- Autonomic flexibility reflects learning and associated NEUROPLASTICITY in old age
- Combination of jaw and tongue movement training influences NEUROPLASTICITY of corticomotor pathways in humans
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the sensorimotor neural network associated with walking aid training in people with multiple sclerosis
- NEUROPLASTICITY in children and adolescents in response to treatment intervention: A systematic review of the literature
- The role of cell adhesion molecule genes regulating NEUROPLASTICITY in addiction
- Therapeutic effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) on neuroinflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with Parkinson’s disease: a placebo …
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the cerebello-thalamo-basal ganglia pathway: A longitudinal in vivo MRI study in male songbirds
- Targeted application of motor learning theory to leverage youth NEUROPLASTICITY for enhanced injury-resistance and exercise performance: OPTIMAL PREP
- Overground gait training promotes functional recovery and cortical NEUROPLASTICITY in an incomplete spinal cord injury model
- Sex differences in NEUROPLASTICITY-and stress-related gene expression and protein levels in the rat hippocampus following oxycodone conditioned place preference
- Circadian clock genes and respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY genes oscillate in the phrenic motor system
- … lucidum aqueous extract prevents hypobaric hypoxia induced memory deficit by modulating neurotransmission, NEUROPLASTICITY and maintaining redox …
- Physiotherapy based on problem‐solving in upper limb function and NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic stroke patients: A case series
- Eccentric cross-exercise after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: Novel case series to enhance NEUROPLASTICITY
- Effects of exercise timing and intensity on NEUROPLASTICITY in a rat model of cerebral infarction
- Intensive treadmill exercise increases expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1α and its downstream transcript targets: a potential role in NEUROPLASTICITY
- An integrated approach to neuro-development, NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive improvement
- Transcranial magneto-acoustic stimulation improves NEUROPLASTICITY in hippocampus of Parkinson’s disease model mice
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the acoustic startle reflex in larval zebrafish
- The prevalence of the Val66Met polymorphism in musicians: Possible evidence for compensatory NEUROPLASTICITY from a pilot study
- Effects of subanesthetic intravenous ketamine infusion on NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in the prefrontal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus of Sprague …
- NEUROPLASTICITY, neurotransmission and brain-related genes in major depression and bipolar disorder: focus on treatment outcomes in an asiatic sample
- Effects of testosterone treatment on hypothalamic NEUROPLASTICITY in female-to-male transgender individuals
- Nociception, pain, NEUROPLASTICITY and the practice of osteopathic manipulative medicine
- Hallucinations, NEUROPLASTICITY, and prediction errors in schizophrenia
- Involvement of the serotonergic system and NEUROPLASTICITY in the antidepressant effect of curcumin in ovariectomized rats: comparison with oestradiol and fluoxetine
- CD74 promotes perineural invasion of cancer cells and mediates NEUROPLASTICITY via the AKT/EGR-1/GDNF axis in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
- Single Exposure to the Cathinones MDPV and α-PVP Alters Molecular Markers of NEUROPLASTICITY in the Adult Mouse Brain
- Tumour necrosis factor in NEUROPLASTICITY, neurogenesis and alcohol use disorder
- Effect of acute exposure to toluene on cortical excitability, NEUROPLASTICITY, and motor learning in healthy humans
- Erratum to “The Role of fMRI in the Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in MS: A Systematic Review”
- How musical training shapes the adult brain: predispositions and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults revealed by temporary occlusion of one eye
- Inducing NEUROPLASTICITY through intracranial θ-burst stimulation in the human sensorimotor cortex
- Mimic Drug Dosage Modulation for NEUROPLASTICITY Based on Charge‐Trap Layered Electronics
- Disentangling the effects of spinal cord injury and related neuropathic pain on supraspinal NEUROPLASTICITY: a systematic review on neuroimaging
- The death of localizationism: The concepts of functional connectome and NEUROPLASTICITY deciphered by awake mapping, and their implications for best care of brain …
- Diffusion tensor-MRI detects exercise-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in the hippocampal microstructure in mice
- NEUROPLASTICITY associated with changes in conversational turn-taking following a family-based intervention
- Computerized Training for NEUROPLASTICITY and Cognitive Improvement.
- Environmental enrichment and brain NEUROPLASTICITY in the kainate rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation-electroencephalography measures of cortical NEUROPLASTICITY are altered after mild traumatic brain injury
- Petroleum pollution and decrease NEUROPLASTICITY in brain development of the Ogoni children in Rivers State, Nigeria
- The elusive obvious: The convergence of movement, NEUROPLASTICITY, and health
- Second hit hypothesis in dystonia: Dysfunctional cross talk between NEUROPLASTICITY and environment?
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the Pathology of Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Protective effects of vortioxetine in predator scent stress model of post-traumatic stress disorder in rats: Role on NEUROPLASTICITY and apoptosis
- Uncovering a ‘sensitive window’of multisensory and motor NEUROPLASTICITY in the cerebrum and cerebellum of male and female starlings
- Caffeine consumption plus physical exercise improves behavioral impairments and stimulates NEUROPLASTICITY in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR): an animal …
- Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY with robotic hand exoskeleton for post-stroke rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial
- In vitro nociceptor NEUROPLASTICITY associated with in vivo opioid-induced hyperalgesia
- Examining the relationship between NEUROPLASTICITY and learned helplessness after ACLR: early versus late recovery
- A multivariate neuromonitoring approach to NEUROPLASTICITY-based computerized cognitive training in recent onset psychosis
- Effect of long-term administration of antiretroviral drugs (Tenofovir and Nevirapine) on neuroinflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY in mouse hippocampi
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Multilevel System of Connections Determine the Integrative Role of Nucleus Accumbens in the Brain Reward System
- Portable neuromodulation induces NEUROPLASTICITY to re-activate motor function recovery from brain injury: a high-density MEG case study
- α-Cyperone Confers Antidepressant-Like Effects in Mice via NEUROPLASTICITY Enhancement by SIRT3/ROS Mediated NLRP3 Inflammasome Deactivation
- Chronic AdipoRon Treatment Mimics the Effects of Physical Exercise on Restoring Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in Diabetic Mice
- Genetic manipulation of cyclic nucleotide signaling during hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and memory formation
- NEUROPLASTICITY of Acupuncture for Stroke: An Evidence-Based Review of MRI
- NEUROPLASTICITY in cholinergic neurons of the laterodorsal tegmental nucleus contributes to the development of cocaine addiction
- Exercise attenuates maternal separation-induced mood disorder-like behaviors by enhancing mitochondrial functions and NEUROPLASTICITY in the dorsal raphe
- Contemporary issues and theories of motor control, motor learning, and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Improving cognitive training for schizophrenia using NEUROPLASTICITY enhancers: lessons from decades of basic and clinical research
- Cdh1 overexpression improves emotion and cognitive-related behaviors via regulating hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in global cerebral ischemia rats
- Toward the existence of a sympathetic NEUROPLASTICITY adaptive mechanism influencing the immune response. A hypothetical view—part II
- Effects of MDMA on NEUROPLASTICITY, amyloid burden and phospho-tau expression in APPswe/PS1dE9 mice
- Is the “lactormone” a key-factor for exercise-related NEUROPLASTICITY? A hypothesis based on an alternative lactate neurobiological pathway
- Experience-dependent NEUROPLASTICITY across the lifespan: from risk to resilience
- The immediate impact of transcranial magnetic stimulation on brain structure: Short-term NEUROPLASTICITY following one session of cTBS
- … positively influences depression-and anxiety-like behavior in serotonin transporter knockout rats through the modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY, spine, and GABAergic …
- The effect of dance interventions on cognition, NEUROPLASTICITY, physical function, depression, and quality of life for older adults with mild cognitive impairment: A …
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the Biological Role of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor in the Pathophysiology and Management of Depression
- Central AT1 receptor signaling by circulating angiotensin II is permissive to acute intermittent hypoxia-induced sympathetic NEUROPLASTICITY
- Targeting phosphodiesterase 4 as a potential therapeutic strategy for enhancing NEUROPLASTICITY following ischemic stroke
- NEUROPLASTICITY induced by the retention period of a complex motor skill learning in rats
- Age-related decline of NEUROPLASTICITY to intermittent theta burst stimulation of the lateral prefrontal cortex and its relationship with late-life memory performance
- Insights about the NEUROPLASTICITY state on the effect of intramuscular electrical stimulation in pain and disability associated with chronic myofascial pain …
- SRF and SRFΔ5 splicing isoform recruit Corepressor LSD1/KDM1A modifying structural NEUROPLASTICITY and environmental stress response
- Systemic morphine produces dose-dependent nociceptor-mediated biphasic changes in nociceptive threshold and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Repeated morphine exposure activates synaptogenesis and other NEUROPLASTICITY-related gene networks in the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex of male and female rats
- Neurobiology of wild and hatchery-reared Atlantic salmon: how nurture drives NEUROPLASTICITY
- Chondroitin 6-sulphate is required for NEUROPLASTICITY and memory in ageing
- Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on visual NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia
- The experimental research on NEUROPLASTICITY in rats’ hippocampus subjected to chronic cerebral hypoperfusion and interfered by Modified Dioscorea Pills
- Adult NEUROPLASTICITY: A new “cure” for major depression?
- NEUROPLASTICITY within and between Functional Brain Networks in Mental Training Based on Long-Term Meditation
- NEUROPLASTICITY and motor learning in sport activity
- Type 2 diabetes impairs odour detection, olfactory memory and olfactory NEUROPLASTICITY; effects partly reversed by the DPP-4 inhibitor Linagliptin
- Individual differences in inhibitory control abilities modulate the functional NEUROPLASTICITY of inhibitory control
- Neuropsychological rehabilitation, neuroimaging and NEUROPLASTICITY: A clinical commentary
- Clinical Neurorehabilitation: Using Principles of Neurological Diagnosis, Prognosis, and NEUROPLASTICITY in Assessment and Treatment Planning
- Loss-of-function of NEUROPLASTICITY-related genes confers risk for human neurodevelopmental disorders
- Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY and neuropsychological functioning in frailty through an app-based sensorimotor training: study protocol for a randomized trial
- NEUROPLASTICITY in music learning
- NEUROPLASTICITY transcript profile of the ventral striatum in the extinction of opioid-induced conditioned place preference
- Daily activities are associated with non-invasive measures of NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults
- Brain Stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Machine Learning in Neuroimaging: A New Approach to Understand Acupuncture for NEUROPLASTICITY
- Effect of Acupuncture on NEUROPLASTICITY of Stroke Patients with Motor Dysfunction: A Meta-Analysis of fMRI Studies
- Advanced non-invasive MRI of NEUROPLASTICITY in ischemic stroke: Techniques and applications
- Infusion of plasma from exercised mice ameliorates cognitive dysfunction by increasing hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and mitochondrial functions in 3xTg-AD mice
- NEUROPLASTICITY: A Key Player in the Antidepressant Action of Chinese Herbal Medicine
- Activation of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus by acute intermittent hypoxia: Implications for sympathetic long-term facilitation NEUROPLASTICITY
- Longitudinal effects of rTMS on NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic treatment-resistant depression
- Wnt signaling in the hippocampus in relation to neurogenesis, NEUROPLASTICITY, stress and epigenetics
- 7-Chloro-4-(phenylselanyl) quinoline with memory enhancer action in aging rats: modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY, acetylcholinesterase activity, and cholesterol levels
- How do serotonergic psychedelics treat depression: The potential role of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Effects of combination antiretroviral drugs (cART) on hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in female mice
- Compromised Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in the Interferon-α and Toll-like Receptor-3 Activation-Induced Mouse Depression Model
- Elezanumab, a human anti-RGMa monoclonal antibody, promotes neuroprotection, NEUROPLASTICITY, and neurorecovery following a thoracic hemicompression …
- Exergame training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive improvement in institutionalized older adults: A preliminary investigation
- Stress aggravates high-fat-diet-induced insulin resistance via a mechanism that involves the amygdala and is associated with changes in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Endocannabinoids and aging—Inflammation, NEUROPLASTICITY, mood and pain
- Motor Recovery: How Rehabilitation Techniques and Technologies Can Enhance Recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY and depression: Rewiring the brain’s networks through pharmacological therapy
- Detecting structural and functional NEUROPLASTICITY in elite ice-skating athletes
- Effect of NEUROPLASTICITY-Principles-based SEnsory-Rehabilitation (NEPSER) on sensori-motor recovery in stroke: study protocol for a randomized controlled …
- Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to Promote Brain Health in Aging Adults: Protocol for the MOVE-Cog Intervention Study
- The link between estradiol and NEUROPLASTICITY in transgender women after gender-affirming surgery: A bimodal hypothesis
- Is High-Intensity Interval Training Suitable to Promote NEUROPLASTICITY and Cognitive Functions after Stroke?
- Nonlinear NEUROPLASTICITY corresponding to sports experience: A voxel‐based morphometry and resting‐state functional connectivity study
- Early Enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY Index, the Ratio of Serum Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Level to HAMD-24 Score, in Predicting the Long-Term …
- The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Serum Biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY and Brain Repair in Stroke: A Systematic Review
- PI3K/AKT/GSK3β/CRMP-2-mediated NEUROPLASTICITY in depression induced by stress
- Modulating NEUROPLASTICITY: Lessons Learned from Antidepressants and Emerging Novel Therapeutics
- Ayahuasca, a psychedelic beverage, modulates NEUROPLASTICITY induced by ethanol in mice
- Corticospinal Motor Circuit Plasticity After Spinal Cord Injury: Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to Improve Functional Outcomes
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Corticolimbic Brain Regions in Patients After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
- Targeting NEUROPLASTICITY, cardiovascular, and cognitive-associated genomic variants in familial Alzheimer’s disease
- Interactions between Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Autophagy: Implications for Apoptosis and NEUROPLASTICITY-Related Proteins in Palmitic Acid-Treated …
- An individualized approach to NEUROPLASTICITY after early unilateral brain damage
- … enteric-coated capsule alleviates cognitive impairment by enhancing hippocampal glucose metabolism, hemodynamics and NEUROPLASTICITY of rat with chronic …
- Language NEUROPLASTICITY in brain tumor patients revealed by magnetoencephalography
- Electrical epidural stimulation of the cervical spinal cord: implications for spinal respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY after spinal cord injury
- Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in late-life depression with transcranial magnetic stimulation
- Physical exercise promotes brain remodeling by regulating epigenetics, NEUROPLASTICITY and neurotrophins
- Role of heat shock transcription factor 2 in the NMDA‐dependent NEUROPLASTICITY induced by chronic ethanol intake in mouse hippocampus
- The Adaptable Mind: What NEUROPLASTICITY and Neural Reuse Tells Us About Language and Cognition
- Binge-like alcohol exposure in adolescence: behavioural, neuroendocrine and molecular evidence of abnormal NEUROPLASTICITY… and return
- Excessive endoplasmic reticulum stress and decreased NEUROPLASTICITY-associated proteins in prefrontal cortex of obese rats and the regulatory effects of aerobic …
- NEUROPLASTICITY in the phonological system: The PMN and the N400 as markers for the perception of non-native phonemic contrasts by late second language learners
- NEUROPLASTICITY and inflammatory alterations in the nucleus accumbens are corrected after risperidone treatment in a schizophrenia-related developmental …
- Development of a Spinal Cord Injury Model Permissive to Study the Cardiovascular Effects of Rehabilitation Approaches Designed to Induce NEUROPLASTICITY
- Widespread morphometric abnormalities in major depression: NEUROPLASTICITY and potential for biomarker development
- Effect of Tetramethylpyrazine on NEUROPLASTICITY after Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia Reperfusion in Rats
- Repetitive anodal transcranial direct current stimulation improves neurological recovery by preserving the NEUROPLASTICITY in an asphyxial rat model of cardiac …
- … postsynaptic density-95/discs large/zona occludens-1 ligand of nNOS) interaction promotes functional recovery after stroke via enhanced structural NEUROPLASTICITY
- Targeting cognitive control deficits with NEUROPLASTICITY-based computerized cognitive remediation in patients with geriatric major depression: a randomized, double …
- NEUROPLASTICITY mediated by motor rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease: a systematic review on structural and functional MRI markers
- Dihydroartemisinin Ameliorates Decreased NEUROPLASTICITY-Associated Proteins and Excessive Neuronal Apoptosis in APP/PS1 Mice
- Does NEUROPLASTICITY Support the Hypothesis of Multiple Realizability?
- NEUROPLASTICITY modifications following a lower‐limb amputation: A systematic review
- NEUROPLASTICITY Improves Bipolar Disorder: A Review
- Phosphoproteomic basis of NEUROPLASTICITY in the antennal lobes influences the olfactory differences between Apis mellifera and Apis cerana honeybees
- Inhibition of excessive kallikrein-8 improves NEUROPLASTICITY in Alzheimer’s disease mouse model
- NEUROPLASTICITY in N‐methyl‐d‐aspartic acid receptor signaling in subregions of the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla following sedentary versus physically active …
- Olfactory bulb NEUROPLASTICITY: a prospective cohort study in patients with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps
- Overground exoskeletons may boost NEUROPLASTICITY in myotonic dystrophy type 1 rehabilitation: A case report
- Growth Hormone (GH) Enhances Endogenous Mechanisms of Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY after Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation Injury (OGD) and …
- Life without a brain: Neuroradiological and behavioral evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY necessary to sustain brain function in the face of severe hydrocephalus
- Effects of chronic ethanol consumption on the expression of GLT-1 and NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in the nucleus accumbens of alcohol-preferring rats
- NEUROPLASTICITY and microglia functions applied in dense wireless networks
- Caveolin-1 and MLRs: A potential target for neuronal growth and NEUROPLASTICITY after ischemic stroke
- … Brain–Body Connection Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS): Validating a Promising Tool to Provide Biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY and Central Nervous …
- Oxidized Cell-Free DNA Rapidly Skews the Transcriptional Profile of Brain Cells toward Boosting Neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Substrates of speech treatment-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in adults and children with motor speech disorders: A systematic scoping review of neuroimaging evidence
- Functional Polymorphism of MMP9 and BDNF as Potential Biomarker of Auditory NEUROPLASTICITY in Prelingual Deafness Treatment With Cochlear Implantation—A …
- Decreased NEUROPLASTICITY in minor burn injury survivors compared to non-injured adults: A pilot study in burn injury survivors aged 45 years and older
- Exercise alone impacts short-term adult visual NEUROPLASTICITY in a monocular deprivation paradigm
- Genetic and neurophysiological biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY inform post-stroke language recovery
- NEUROPLASTICITY: a century-old idea championed by Adolf Meyer
- A neurodevelopment and NEUROPLASTICITY-based framework for early intervention in psychotic disorders
- Region-specific changes in markers of NEUROPLASTICITY revealed in HIV-1 transgenic rats by low-dose methamphetamine
- … to stress and contributes to the AKT/GSK3β/CRMP2 pathway and microtubule dynamics mediated protective effects on NEUROPLASTICITY in male C57BL/6 mice
- 5-HTT independent effects of fluoxetine on NEUROPLASTICITY
- Novel erythropoietin‐based therapeutic candidates with extra N‐glycan sites that block hematopoiesis but preserve NEUROPLASTICITY
- Nicotinic restoration of excitatory NEUROPLASTICITY is linked to improved implicit motor learning skills in deprived smokers
- … : Deceptology in cancer and vaccine sciences: Seeds of immune destruction‐mini electric shocks in mitochondria: NEUROPLASTICITY‐electrobiology of response profiles …
- Bumetanide: A review of its NEUROPLASTICITY and behavioral effects after stroke
- Take a deep breath. Benefits of NEUROPLASTICITY practices for software developers and computer workers in a family of experiments
- The Role of Acupuncture Improving Cognitive Deficits due to Alzheimer’s Disease or Vascular Diseases through Regulating NEUROPLASTICITY
- The entorhinal cortex modulates trace fear memory formation and NEUROPLASTICITY in the mouse lateral amygdala via cholecystokinin
- The Evolution of NEUROPLASTICITY and the Effect on Integrated Information
- The effects of NEUROPLASTICITY-based auditory information processing remediation in adults with chronic traumatic brain injury
- Dynamic brain network changes reflect NEUROPLASTICITY: molecular and cognitive evidence
- Robotic treatment of the upper limb in chronic stroke and cerebral NEUROPLASTICITY: a systematic review.
- Short-term lithium treatment protects the brain against ischemia–reperfusion injury by enhancing the NEUROPLASTICITY of cortical neurons
- Essential infantile esotropia: Potential pathogenetic role of extended subcortical NEUROPLASTICITY
- Childhood Adversity and the Brain: Harnessing the Power of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Global and age-related neuroanatomical abnormalities in a Pax6-deficient mouse model of aniridia suggests a role for Pax6 in adult structural NEUROPLASTICITY
- Testing rTMS-induced NEUROPLASTICITY: A single case study of focal hand dystonia
- NEUROPLASTICITY and crossmodal connectivity in the normal, healthy brain.
- Cortical and subcortical contributions to NEUROPLASTICITY after repetitive transspinal stimulation in humans
- Overview: NEUROPLASTICITY and synaptic function in neuropsychiatric disorders
- Language NEUROPLASTICITY in brain tumour patients revealed by magnetoencephalography
- Confounding effects of caffeine on NEUROPLASTICITY induced by transcranial alternating current stimulation and paired associative stimulation
- Practice effects in healthy older adults: Implications for treatment-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Aphasia
- NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive training in schizophrenia
- NEUROPLASTICITY induced by general anaesthesia: study protocol for a randomised cross-over clinical trial exploring the effects of sevoflurane and propofol on …
- Structural NEUROPLASTICITY Following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial with Secondary …
- Chronic mild corticosterone exposure during adolescence enhances behaviors and upregulates NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in rat hippocampus
- Cognitive training and NEUROPLASTICITY in mild cognitive impairment (COG-IT): protocol for a two-site, blinded, randomised, controlled treatment trial
- Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to Assess Exercise-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Ketamine-induced hypnosis and NEUROPLASTICITY in mice is associated with disrupted p-MEK/p-ERK sequential activation and sustained upregulation of survival p …
- A single session of hyperbaric oxygen therapy demonstrates acute and long-lasting NEUROPLASTICITY effects in humans: a replicated, randomized controlled …
- Effects of aerobic physical exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY after stroke: systematic review
- Anti-chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan strategies in spinal cord injury: temporal and spatial considerations explain the balance between NEUROPLASTICITY and …
- Advances on the acupuncture therapies and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Yoga and schizophrenia—a comprehensive assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY: Protocol for a single blind randomized controlled study of yoga in schizophrenia
- Role of Lifestyle in NEUROPLASTICITY and Neurogenesis in an Aging Brain
- Dysfunctional NEUROPLASTICITY in newly arrived Middle Eastern refugees in the US: Association with environmental exposures and mental health symptoms
- Diabetes mellitus type 2 impedes functional recovery, NEUROPLASTICITY and quality of life after stroke
- The regulation of reactive neuroblastosis, NEUROPLASTICITY, and nutraceuticals for effective management of autism spectrum disorder
- … octadec-9-enyl-amide, a novel peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors α and γ dual agonist, enhances hippocampal neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in rats with …
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Insights of Neural Reorganization
- The Discovery and Implications of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Aberrant brain NEUROPLASTICITY and function in drug addiction: a focus on learning-related brain regions
- NEUROPLASTICITY: The other side of the coin
- NEUROPLASTICITY during the transition period: How the adolescent brain can recover from aphasia. A pilot study
- NEUROPLASTICITY of second language vocabulary acquisition: The role of linguistic experience in individual learning
- Investigation of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor‐dependent NEUROPLASTICITY on rat nucleus tractus solitarius and phrenic nerve after chronic sustained …
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Spiritual Formation
- Grant Report on d-Serine Augmentation of NEUROPLASTICITY-Based Auditory Learning in Schizophrenia
- The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in stroke nursing
- Ketamine’s potential mechanism of action for rapid antidepressive effects–a focus on NEUROPLASTICITY
- Effects of subanesthetic intravenous ketamine infusion on NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in male and female Sprague-Dawley rats
- NEUROPLASTICITY: From Cells to Circuits and Brains Towards the Classroom
- Capitalizing on NEUROPLASTICITY Across Development to Redirect Pathways from Juvenile Justice Involvement
- Best core stabilization exercise to facilitate subcortical NEUROPLASTICITY: a functional MRI neuroimaging study
- Dynamic structural NEUROPLASTICITY during and after epileptogenesis in a pilocarpine rat model of epilepsy
- The medical avatar and its role in neurorehabilitation and NEUROPLASTICITY: A review
- Glutamatergic NEUROPLASTICITY in addiction
- Intraspecific variation in testosterone-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in two canary strains
- N3-CPL: NEUROPLASTICITY-based neuromorphic network cell proliferation learning
- Lateral ankle instability-induced NEUROPLASTICITY in brain grey matter: A voxel-based morphometry MRI study
- S 47445 counteracts the behavioral manifestations and hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY changes in bulbectomized mice
- A human translational model based on NEUROPLASTICITY for pharmacological agents potentially effective in Treatment-Resistant Depression: focus on …
- Low-intensity exercise improves NEUROPLASTICITY and spatial memory on young adult of male wistar rats
- Genes involved in neurodevelopment, NEUROPLASTICITY and major depression: no association for CACNA1C, CHRNA7 and MAPK1
- Wavelet Analysis of Big Data Contaminated by Large Noise in an fMRI Study of NEUROPLASTICITY.
- When the brain looks imperfect: An example of NEUROPLASTICITY as seen in a patient with arachnoid cysts–a case study
- A Study of Adaptive CMOS Circuits Extracting Feature of NEUROPLASTICITY in Human Brain
- MAP‑1B, PACS‑2 and AHCYL1 are regulated by miR‑34A/B/C and miR‑449 in NEUROPLASTICITY following traumatic spinal cord injury in rats: Preliminary …
- Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Reveals NEUROPLASTICITY After Repeated Treatment With Ketamine in Treatment-Resistant Depression
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Spinal Trauma: A Current Narrative Review of Treatments
- Hypothesis: Regulation of NEUROPLASTICITY may involve I-motif and G-quadruplex DNA formation modulated by epigenetic mechanisms
- NEUROPLASTICITY Caused by Peripheral Proprioceptive Deficits
- Creative Therapies, Complex Childhood Trauma, and Neurological Improvement: How the Arts can Enhance NEUROPLASTICITY: A Literature Review
- Molecular Markers of Dopamine Transport in Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic Neurons as an Index of Neurodegeneration and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Basic mechanism of NEUROPLASTICITY
- The Silver Lining in a Time of Crisis: The Foundation of the Society for the Study of Neuroprotection and NEUROPLASTICITY (SSNN) Conference Proceedings Go …
- The power of “touch” and early enriched stimulation: NEUROPLASTICITY effects in rodents and preterm infants
- NEUROPLASTICITY and central sensitization in orofacial pain and TMD
- TTC9A deficiency induces estradiol-mediated changes in hippocampus and amygdala NEUROPLASTICITY-related gene expressions in female mice
- In vivo reduction of hippocampal Caveolin-1 by RNA interference alters morphine addiction and NEUROPLASTICITY changes in male mice
- NEUROPLASTICITY and non-invasive brain stimulation in the developing brain
- (Pushing) the Limits of NEUROPLASTICITY Induced by Adult Language Acquisition
- Harnessing Neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY with Stem Cell Treatment for Addictive Disorders
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Epilepsy Surgery in Brain Eloquent Areas: Case Report
- The Role of the Social Environment on Adaptive NEUROPLASTICITY in Early Development
- Molecular Mechanisms of Aberrant NEUROPLASTICITY in Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Types of NEUROPLASTICITY and factors affecting language recovery in patients with aphasia: a systematic review
- Exploring NEUROPLASTICITY in the Classroom: Teaching Cortical Reorganization in the Visual System with a Stroke Patient Study
- Sleep-dependent upscaled excitability and saturated NEUROPLASTICITY in the human brain: From brain physiology to cognition
- NEUROPLASTICITY vs. cognitive prediction models in acute ischaemic stroke: limitations must be remembered
- Music Therapy explained by the Principles of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Cerebral Damage after Stroke: The Role of NEUROPLASTICITY as Key for Recovery
- Regulation of miR‐128 in the nucleus accumbens affects methamphetamine‐induced behavioral sensitization by modulating proteins involved in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Virtual Reality, a Neuroergonomic and Neurorehabilitation Tool for Promoting NEUROPLASTICITY in Stroke Survivors: A Systematic Review with Meta-analysis
- Crossmodal NEUROPLASTICITY in deafness: Evidence from animal models and clinical populations
- Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY Using EEG Signal in Rehabilitation of Brain Stem Stroke Patients
- A dynamical approach to the phenomenology of body memory: Past interactions can shape present capacities without NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Cholinergic Projections from the Basal Forebrain to the Basolateral Nucleus of the Amygdala in the Kainic Acid Model of Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY with robotic hand exoskeleton study for post-stroke rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial
- Neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in Major Depression: Its Therapeutic Implication
- A NEUROPLASTICITY-inspired neural circuit for acoustic navigation with obstacle avoidance that learns smooth motion paths
- Gut Microbiota and NEUROPLASTICITY. Cells 2021, 10, 2084
- NEUROPLASTICITY following Nerve Transfer of the Anterior Interosseous Nerve for Proximal Ulnar Nerve Injuries
- Speech‐language Pathology Approaches to Neurorehabilitation in Acute Care During COVID‐19: Capitalizing on NEUROPLASTICITY
- Serotonin modulates learning content-specific NEUROPLASTICITY of functional brain networks
- 6‐Gingerol, an active constituent of ginger, attenuates lipopolysaccharide‐induced oxidation, inflammation, cognitive deficits, NEUROPLASTICITY, and amyloidogenesis in …
- Valuable insights into visual NEUROPLASTICITY after optic neuritis
- The role of Beta-arrestin2 nuclear signalling in NEUROPLASTICITY
- Correction to: principles of motor learning to support NEUROPLASTICITY after ACL injury: implications for optimizing performance and reducing risk of second ACL injury
- Mimicking NEUROPLASTICITY by Memristive Circuits
- The association between cross-frequency coupling and NEUROPLASTICITY via paired associative stimulation: TMS-EEG study
- The role of fMRI in the assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in MS: A systematic review
- Molyneux, NEUROPLASTICITY, and technologies of sensory substitution
- Molecular Mechanisms of Aberrant NEUROPLASTICITY in Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Photonic Synapse: Mimicking NEUROPLASTICITY in a Hybrid Biopolymer Transistor by Dual Modes Modulation (Adv. Funct. Mater. 31/2019)
- Cognitive impairment in neurodegenerative pathology as index of NEUROPLASTICITY in psychoneurological model of adaptation of patients
- Sensorimotor and Locomotor Adjustments in the Chronic Post-Traumatic Spinal Cord Damage in Human Adults as Evidence of Activity-Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY
- Patterns of motor recovery and structural NEUROPLASTICITY after basal ganglia infarcts
- Non-invasive brain stimulation in stroke: Do the electrical currents have the potential to enhance NEUROPLASTICITY?
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the Unknown Limits of the Possible
- NEUROPLASTICITY as a transformational tool for improving managerial approaches
- Can Adult Neurogenesis Be Considered as NEUROPLASTICITY?
- Impact of NGF signaling on NEUROPLASTICITY during depression: Insights in NEUROPLASTICITY-dependent therapeutic approaches
- Detection of motor-learning related NEUROPLASTICITY in white matter using functional MRI techniques
- Brain changes after peripheral nerve repair: limitations of NEUROPLASTICITY.
- The Birth of NEUROPLASTICITY Interventions: A Twenty Year Perspective
- Ultrafast functional magnetic resonance imaging reveals NEUROPLASTICITY-driven timing modulations
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Braille reading
- NEUROPLASTICITY Biomarkers in Experimental Stroke Recovery
- Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY Due to Acupuncture: An fNIRS Study
- Do sensorimotor cortex activity, an individual’s capacity for NEUROPLASTICITY, and psychological features during an episode of acute low back pain predict …
- Behavioral, NEUROPLASTICITY and Metabolic Effects of 7, 8-dihydroxy-4-methylcoumarin Associated With Physical Activity in Mice
- Morpholino-mediated knockdown of the brain mineralocorticoid receptor affects glucocorticoid signaling and NEUROPLASTICITY in wild ocellated wrasse (Symphodus …
- Rewire: A Game About NEUROPLASTICITY
- The photosensitive phase acts as a sensitive window for seasonal multisensory NEUROPLASTICITY in male and female starlings
- NEUROPLASTICITY, network connectivity and language processing across the lifespan
- Optimizing Compliance With Home Programming Through NEUROPLASTICITY Education Among Parents of Children Receiving Outpatient OT
- Why Early Intervention is Important: NEUROPLASTICITY in Early Childhood
- Involvement of the VGF-derived peptide TLQP-62 in nerve injury-induced hypersensitivity and spinal NEUROPLASTICITY
- Functional and Structural NEUROPLASTICITY in Depression
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Neuro-oncology: Neuropsychological and neuroimaging correlates of brain tumors
- Psychedelics and NEUROPLASTICITY: A Systematic Review Unraveling the Biological Underpinnings of Psychedelics
- NEUROPLASTICITY and the auditory system
- (REH07) Systematic Review on Exercise Training as a NEUROPLASTICITY-Inducing Behavior in Multiple Sclerosis.
- An Investigation of the NEUROPLASTICITY Underlying an Improved Reactive Balance Response
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Healing the Brain from Psychological Disorders Through Biblical Meditation
- Machine Learning, Robotics and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Hurdle Aerobic Exercise Increases Angiogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY in the Hippocampus and Improves the Spatial Memory Ability of Middle-aged Mice
- Conditioned aversion and NEUROPLASTICITY induced by a superagonist of extrasynaptic GABAA receptors: correlation with activation of the oval BNST neurons …
- Multi-neuroimaging model of identifying NEUROPLASTICITY under motor cognitive learning condition: MRI based study.
- Vitamin D, Testosterone, Epigenetics and Pain an Evolving Concept of Neurosignaling, NEUROPLASTICITY and Homeostasis
- Computational Simulation and Analysis of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Spinal mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY induced by neuromidin in treatment of traumatic neuropathies
- Correction: Social isolation in rats: Effects on animal welfare and molecular markers for NEUROPLASTICITY
- Molecular mechanisms of neurodegeneration and NEUROPLASTICITY in the nigrostriatal system at modeling Parkinson’s disease as an instrument for translational …
- NEUROPLASTICITY-Targeted Therapy Alleviates Severe Addiction
- Intermittent metabolic switching, NEUROPLASTICITY and brain health: Publisher correction.
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Other Treatment Options for Cognitive and Behavioral Neurological Syndromes
- Binge-like Alcohol Exposure in Adolescence: Behavioural, Neuroendocrine and Molecular Evidence of Abnormal NEUROPLASTICITY… and Return. Biomedicines …
- Sex-specific differences in adult cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY following repeated combinatory stress and TrkB receptor antagonism in adolescence
- Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to Promote Rehabilitation: CI Therapy for TBI
- Role of Lifestyle in NEUROPLASTICITY and Neurogenesis in an Aging Brain
- Decreased hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and behavioral impairment in an animal model of inhalant abuse
- The NEUROPLASTICITY of Depression: How Antidepressants and Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) can Reverse Depression
- Cannabidiol confers neuroprotection in rats in a model of transient global cerebral ischemia: impact of hippocampal synaptic NEUROPLASTICITY
- Corrigendum to “Beta version’of NEUROPLASTICITY or absolute beta power in preterm infants as electroencephalographic correlate of synaptogenesis”[International …
- Translation, Interpreting, and the Bilingual Brain: Implications for Executive Control and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Movement Imagery-Dependent NEUROPLASTICITY can be predicted by Motor System Activation and Behavioural Assessments
- The entorhinal cortex modulates trace fear memory formation and NEUROPLASTICITY in the lateral amygdala via cholecystokinin
- Cognitive Improvement Via Left Angular Gyrus-Navigated Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Inducing the NEUROPLASTICITY of Thalamic System in …
- Immunohistochemical Signs of Apoptosis and NEUROPLASTICITY in the Cerebral Cortex of White Rats after Occlusion of the Common Carotid Arteries
- (RHI01) Significant Structural NEUROPLASTICITY Changes Can Follow Physical Behavioral Change Therapy for Multiple Sclerosis.
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neuronal communications in the healthy and in the disease brain
- How People Change: Relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY in Psychotherapy
- Grape juice consumption and/or exercise training-induced NEUROPLASTICITY and memory improvement in healthy elderly women
- Proteins of the Vesicular Cycle as a Marker of NEUROPLASTICITY of Dopaminergic Neurons in the Substantia Nigra of the Brain
- Ketamine’s pharmacogenomic network in human brain contains sub-networks associated with glutamate neurotransmission and with NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY in visual word recognition: An exploration of learning-related behavioural and neural changes
- Investigation into the role of the RNA methyltransferase NSun2 in NEUROPLASTICITY regulation
- Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY with robotic hand exoskeleton study for post-stroke rehabilitation: a randomized controlled trial
- Brains, Breakthroughs and Beyond: True Stories of How Groundbreaking Methods In NEUROPLASTICITY Changed The Impossible Into Possible
- … of the Cognitive Component of Professionally-Oriented Mathematical Competence of Future Radio Specialists in the Context of NEUROPLASTICITY of the Human Brain
- What is NEUROPLASTICITY? Why it is important?: Types and its basic mechanisms
- How People Change: Relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY in Psychotherapy
- A hardwired neo-cortex—What role for NEUROPLASTICITY and developmental processes?
- Human survival and immune mediated mitophagy in NEUROPLASTICITY disorders
- Effects of maternal separation with early weaning on cocaine addictive behaviour and consequences on NEUROPLASTICITY
- Environmental enrichment increases NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery after SCI
- Physical activity reduces clinical symptoms and restores NEUROPLASTICITY in major depression
- Dopamine Synthesis by Non-Dopaminergic Neurons as an Effective Mechanism of NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the dendritic spine: early dysfunction in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Sport, NEUROPLASTICITY, and Freedom
- Retraining walking after spinal cord injury: functional gains and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Magnetic Seizure Therapy Produces NEUROPLASTICITY in Treatment-Resistant Depression
- Prospective cohort study reveals MMP-9, a NEUROPLASTICITY regulator, as a prediction marker of cochlear implantation outcome in prelingual deafness treatment.
- Symposium (SY) Symposium 1: Non-invasive brain stimulation SY1. 1. The effects of non-invasive brain stimulation and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Changing Brains, Changing Lives: Researching the Lived Experience of Individuals Practicing Self-Directed NEUROPLASTICITY
- Changes in NEUROPLASTICITY following early-life social adversities: the possible role of
- Use of functional correlation tensors for fMRI monitoring of NEUROPLASTICITY during motor learning
- Investigating the NEUROPLASTICITY of emotional memories
- LSVT®BIG Exercise Induced NEUROPLASTICITY in People with Parkinson’s Disease: An Assessment of Physiological and Behavioral Outcomes
- Effects of Virtual Reality-based Motor Control Training on Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and NEUROPLASTICITY in Patients with Chronic Stroke: A Randomized …
- NEUROPLASTICITY of Ipsilateral Cortical Motor Representations, Training Effects and Role in Stroke Recovery
- Abnormal cortical NEUROPLASTICITY induced by paired associative stimulation after traumatic spinal cord injury: a preliminary study
- Bipolar-associated miR-499-5p controls NEUROPLASTICITY by downregulating the Cav1. 2 L-type voltage gated calcium channel subunit CACNB2
- 1817-P: Metabolic Surgery Affects Brain Glucose Metabolism, Cognitive Function, and NEUROPLASTICITY in Humans
- A18894 Depression after stroke: the effects on NEUROPLASTICITY and quality of life
- Negative NEUROPLASTICITY in Moderate-To-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury and Healthy Aging, and the Development of an Intervention to Attenuate Hippocampal-Related …
- The Effect of Futsal toward NEUROPLASTICITY
- The relationship between cognitive reserve and NEUROPLASTICITY in older adults
- Unravelling the role of thyroid hormones in seasonal NEUROPLASTICITY in European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris)
- NEUROPLASTICITY, individual differences, and context of learning in second language acquisition
- The Portable Neuromodulation Stimulator: Targeting NEUROPLASTICITY for Balance or Gait Deficit
- Vagus nerve stimulation induced cognitive enhancement: Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in healthy male rats
- Biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY Improve Predictions of Aphasia Severity
- Artificial NEUROPLASTICITY with Deep Learning Reconstruction Signals to Reconnect Motion Signals for the Spinal Cord
- Assessment of Ultrastructural NEUROPLASTICITY Parameters After In Utero Transduction of the Developing Mouse Brain and Spinal Cord
- NEUROPLASTICITY of word learning
- How to Promote NEUROPLASTICITY Following Trauma
- NEUROPLASTICITY Training: What is it, and Does it Work?
- Corticospinal NEUROPLASTICITY and sensorimotor recovery in rats treated by infusion of neurotrophin-3 into disabled forelimb muscles started 24 h after stroke
- Pyramid Exploration Intervention, Environmental Enrichment, Aerobic Swimming Exercise and Brain NEUROPLASTICITY in the Kainate Rat Model of Temporal …
- Induction of NEUROPLASTICITY by Brain Stimulation Techniques in Stroke Patients: A Systematic Review
- Restoring Independent Living after Disability Using a Wearable Device: A Synergistic Physio-Neuro Approach to Leverage NEUROPLASTICITY
- Electrically induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY of the Corticospinal System: Applications of Neuromodulation-Based Therapies
- The role of exercise on cognitive processes and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Locomotor Activities as a Way of Inducing NEUROPLASTICITY: Insights and Perspectives on Conventional and Eccentric Exercise Approaches
- NEUROPLASTICITY and neuromotor synergies in context of rehabilitation after stroke: a systematic review
- How People Change: Relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Cortical NEUROPLASTICITY Provoked by Muscle Pain and Non-Invasive Cortical Modulation of Pain-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- Risk Factors for Muscle Injury: Can Adaptability and NEUROPLASTICITY Improve the Risks?
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Implications for Mental Health
- Modulation of NEUROPLASTICITY in humans after acute intake of antidepressant, anxiolytic and adaptogenic herbs
- Physical and Cogni-tive Evaluation of a NEUROPLASTICITY Exercise Program: A Pilot Study
- The Role of Astrocytes and Microglia in Exercise-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY in Parkinson’s Disease
- Hacking the Brain: Triggering NEUROPLASTICITY for Enhancing Musical Talent: A study on Monkey and Human behavior after Exposure to Videogames and Visual …
- Subcutaneous neurotrophin-3 infusion induces corticospinal NEUROPLASTICITY and improvements in dexterity and walking in elderly rats after large cortical strokes
- Neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY following olfactory fear conditioning
- Corticosteroid effects on airway NEUROPLASTICITY in experimental models of asthma
- NEUROPLASTICITY of Language Networks
- NEUROPLASTICITY in NMDA receptor signaling in subregions of the rat rostral ventrolateral medulla following sedentary versus physically active conditions.
- Genetic biomarkers of NEUROPLASTICITY in the treatment of children with prelingual deafness with cochlear implantation
- Constructive spiking neural networks for simulations of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Effects of Exercise-induced Muscle Damage on NEUROPLASTICITY and Stiffness
- New drivers of NEUROPLASTICITY adopting recent technologies
- Chemokine Modulation of MDPV-Induced Behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Targeted NEUROPLASTICITY in rat primary auditory cortex with vagus nerve stimulation and near-threshold tones
- Using priming to promote NEUROPLASTICITY and motor learning post-stroke
- What Role does Age-Associated NEUROPLASTICITY Play in the Efficacy of Cochlear Implantation?
- EEG-Correlates of Neuroinflammation and NEUROPLASTICITY Processes in Patients with Depressive-Delusional Conditions
- Physical Activity Optimizes Circuit-Specific Cellular Metabolism in NEUROPLASTICITY: A Role for Hypoxia-Inducible Factor-1 and its Downstream Targets
- Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY of corticospinal tract induced by antigravity treadmill (AlterG) in cerebral palsy children
- NEUROPLASTICITY and functional change after therapy in inpatients with spinal cord injury-An explorative study
- Investigating metabolic, vascular and structural NEUROPLASTICITY in healthy and diseased brain using advanced neuroimaging techniques
- Adult NEUROPLASTICITY under the influence of vocal motor skill practice and sex hormones: new findings and new tools
- Investigating Exercise-Induced NEUROPLASTICITY and its Mechanisms in Parkinson’s Disease: Targeting Executive Function and Brain Circuitry
- Electrically induced NEUROPLASTICITY: Exploring the effects of electroconvulsive therapy for depression using high field MRI
- Immune NEUROPLASTICITY (Power Within) is Weakened by Vaccines and Drugs (Power Without): Mitochondrial Sink Holes, Genomic Destabilization and Immune …
- Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY Genes to Combat Synucleinopathy-Mediated Axonopathy
- A hardwired neo-cortex–What role for NEUROPLASTICITY and developmental processes?
- Pluripotent stem cell derived airway cholinergic neurons for disease modelling of NEUROPLASTICITY in asthma
- NEUROPLASTICITY of Spatial Working Memory in Signed Language Processing
- Exploring Functional NEUROPLASTICITY and the Associations with Outcomes of Advanced Gross Motor Interventions for Children with Cerebral Palsy
- Making connections: From NEUROPLASTICITY data to treatment
- Genetic assimilation in the evolution of hominin NEUROPLASTICITY
- Stress Induced NEUROPLASTICITY and Mental Disorders 2018
- Wavelet Analysis of Big Data Contaminated by Large Noise in an fMRI Study of NEUROPLASTICITY
- The Effect of Futsal toward NEUROPLASTICITY (Experiment study on Junior High School)
- The Role of fMRI in the Assessment of NEUROPLASTICITY in MS: A Systematic Review
- Effects of low intensity repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in murine models: Impact on NEUROPLASTICITY, neurochemistry and behaviour
- Extracellular matrix and cellular interactions in NEUROPLASTICITY and memory
- Different Anesthetic Drugs Mediate Changes in NEUROPLASTICITY During Cognitive Impairment in Sleep-Deprived Rats via Different Factors
- NEUROPLASTICITY corresponding to different electrical stimulation waveforms–Preliminaries
- Investigating if Motor Preparation Enhances Visuomotor Associative NEUROPLASTICITY
- Molecular and Cellular Investigations Relating to NEUROPLASTICITY in Stroke
- How People Change: Relationships and NEUROPLASTICITY in Psychotherapy, Edited by Marion Solomon and Daniel J. Siegel
- Alterations in Measures of NEUROPLASTICITY Following Sleep Deprivation and Recovery Sleep in Major Depression
- The area of the penumbra: NEUROPLASTICITY and therapeutic target in acute ischemic stroke.
- Investigating Concurrent NEUROPLASTICITY and Changes in Level of Functionality in SCI Individuals
- NEUROPLASTICITY: Maintaining and Building Brain Health
- Role of Growth Factors & Neurophysiological Markers In Evaluation of NEUROPLASTICITY Using 1Hz rTMS With Physical Therapy In Ischemic Stroke: A Double Blind …
- Brain nutrition, aging and NEUROPLASTICITY
- NEUROPLASTICITY, Quran Reading and Mindfulness: Selected Review
- Regional and developmental profile of hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in adolescence: lessons from animal studies
- External counterpulsation enhances NEUROPLASTICITY to promote stroke recovery
- Aspects of cerebral NEUROPLASTICITY induced by kinetotherapy combined with transcranial magnetic stimulation in patients with acute ischemic stroke
- The Effects of Acute Bouts of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on NEUROPLASTICITY
- The NEUROPLASTICITY Paradox: Can Lack of NEUROPLASTICITY Protect Older Adults from Motor Memory Interference?
- NEUROPLASTICITY in Young Age: Computer-Based Early Neurodevelopment Classifier
- Using Optogenetics to Reverse NEUROPLASTICITY and Inhibit Cocaine Seeking in Rats.
- F194. Cerebellar contributions to somatosensory induced NEUROPLASTICITY
- P75-T Adaptation of the motor system is associated with NEUROPLASTICITY
- Effects on Recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY in Brain Injury Patients
- Exercise, symptom severity, and NEUROPLASTICITY in schizophrenia
- Effects of the Environment on Recovery and NEUROPLASTICITY in Brain Injury Patients
- Bariatric surgery improves brain glucose metabolism, cognitive function and NEUROPLASTICITY in Obese non-diabetic Subjects
- Disorders of fine motor skills after a stroke: the processes of NEUROPLASTICITY and sensorimotor integration
- Investigating NEUROPLASTICITY in burn injury in older adults
- NEUROPLASTICITY after olfactory training in post-surgical olfactory impaired patients, using functional magnetic resonance imaging. A randomized pilot study
- Evidence of NEUROPLASTICITY and Neuroimaging Techniques following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
- The Substantiality of the NEUROPLASTICITY Hypothesis of Major Depressive Disorder: The Prospective Use of Ketamine-Like Drugs as Antidepressants
- Occipital radionecrosis and NEUROPLASTICITY in astrocytoma
- Narrative therapy, NEUROPLASTICITY and their connections
- The Role Of Bdnf-Mediated NEUROPLASTICITY In Cardiovascular Regulation Within The Hypothalamus And Brainstem
- Nociceptive NEUROPLASTICITY of the murine knee joint precedes severe structural joint damage in a surgical model of OA
- The Emerging Role of Recombinant Tissue Plasminogen Activator in Improving NEUROPLASTICITY in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke (P3. 3-071)
- Investigating the effect of ageing on the functional NEUROPLASTICITY of adults using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: A sham-controlled study
- NEUROPLASTICITY and brain reorganization associated with positive outcomes of multidisciplinary rehabilitation in progressive multiple sclerosis: A fMRI study.
- New study indicates: NEUROPLASTICITY” brain retraining” program is a promising treatment for Fibromyalgia
- Integrative bioinformatics to discover disease and chemical modulators of critical period NEUROPLASTICITY
- Motor Evoked Potential Recruitment Curves Indicate NEUROPLASTICITY after Spinal Cord Injury
- Sleep deprivation, NEUROPLASTICITY and psychopatology
- Suppressing the Violence in the Brain by NEUROPLASTICITY; Is it ethical?
- Neuroimaging in the diagnosis of NEUROPLASTICITY in patients with diabetes mellitus
- Targeted NEUROPLASTICITY Training: A Novel Approach to Improving Mental Performance and Addressing the Excellence Gap
- The NEUROPLASTICITY paradox: Can lack of NEUROPLASTICITY protect older adults from motor memory interference?
- NEUROPLASTICITY and Chronic Pain
- Music and neural connectivity: neuroaesthetics, NEUROPLASTICITY and the default mode network of the brain
- NEUROPLASTICITY and chronic low back pain: an investigation into altered tactile discrimination, body schema and motor function.
- Corrigendum to:“Sleep as a model to understand NEUROPLASTICITY and recovery after stroke: Observational, perturbational and interventional approaches”[Journal of …
- Effect of Bariatric Surgery on NEUROPLASTICITY in Humans
- NEUROPLASTICITY of attention: How brain stimulation and mental fatigue affect attentional performance
- Induced NEUROPLASTICITY via transcranial magnetic stimulation in subjects with ischemic stroke
- NEUROPLASTICITY of Primary Sensory Neurons in Visceral Nociception
- Fluoxetine treatment for more than 2 days decreases the cellular NEUROPLASTICITY and microtubule plasticity in differentiated PC12 cells
- Whole-brain mapping of NEUROPLASTICITY in different experimental paradigms in mice-a computational perspective
- Effect of fluoxetine on adult amblyopia: a placebo-controlled study combining NEUROPLASTICITY-enhancing pharmacological intervention and perceptual training
- Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY to Enhance Functional Recovery in Allogeneic Hand Transplant and Heterotopic Hand Replant Recipients
- Erythropoietin as a Driver of Neurodifferentiation, NEUROPLASTICITY and Cognition-A Continuum View of the Neuronal Lineage
- Exercise Induced NEUROPLASTICITY: Contemporary Literature Review on Rodent and Human Models
- NEUROPLASTICITY in F16 fighter jet pilots
- TENS stimulation: Impact on motor skills of healthy volunteers and patients with spinal cord injury-With an additional view to NEUROPLASTICITY.
- Rethinking Neoteny and NEUROPLASTICITY in Language Evolution
- Neural correlates of improved working memory following NEUROPLASTICITY-Based Computerized Cognitive Remediation in major depressive disorder
- The Effects of Early Life Stress on Behavior and Hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY
- DTI longitudinal data processing method using subject specific template in NEUROPLASTICITY project
- Spinoza’s monism, Plato’s «matter» as the basis for the phenomenon of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Cooperative synthesis of dopamine by striatal non-dopaminergic neurons as a mechanism of NEUROPLASTICITY at parkinsonism
- Conditioned Aversion and NEUROPLASTICITY Induced by a Superagonist of Extrasynaptic GABAA Receptors: Correlation With Activation of the Oval BNST Neurons and …
- Effects of Mirror-Box Therapy on NEUROPLASTICITY and Functional Outcome in Hemiparetic Upper Limb Post Stroke: A Crossover Randomised Controlled Feasibility …
- Effects of Reproductive Maturity on NEUROPLASTICITY in Male Bumble Bees (Bombus impatiens)
- The mechanisms of NEUROPLASTICITY during acclimatization to‐and deacclimatization from chronic hypercapnia are fundamentally different
- Correction to: Transcranial Magneto-Acoustic Stimulation Improves NEUROPLASTICITY in Hippocampus of Parkinson’s Disease Model Mice
- Constraint-induced Movement Therapy, NEUROPLASTICITY, and Upper Extremity Motor Recovery after Stroke
- Radiologic diagnostics in complex estimation of the features of NEUROPLASTICITY in preterm newborns with extremely low birth weight
- Pharmacologic and Genetic Targeting of Neural Extracellular Matrix to Restore NEUROPLASTICITY in the Striatum for Normal and Pathologic Aging-Related Cognitive …
- Music Therapy Enhances Executive Functions and Prefrontal Structural NEUROPLASTICITY after Traumatic Brain Injury: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled …
- Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation over the Primary Motor Cortex Induces Nonlinear NEUROPLASTICITY with Modulations of Intensity and Duration
- The role of NEUROPLASTICITY in ECT-induced hippocampal volume changes and cognitive side effects
- Developmental Postnatal NEUROPLASTICITY of the Primate Amygdala: A Quantitative Analysis of Parvalbumin Neurons and Perineuronal Nets
- Study Progress of TCM Syndrome and NEUROPLASTICITY Mechanism of Parkinson’s Disease with Depression
- Exploring structural NEUROPLASTICITY in the zebra finch brain using in vivo MRI
- The Effects of Intermittent Training on Recovery of Fine Motor Control and NEUROPLASTICITY After Stroke in a Mouse Model
- Allostatic NEUROPLASTICITY And Epigenetic Mechanisms In Personality Development
- NEUROPLASTICITY of language: Mismatch Negativity elicited by pseudowords before and after language training
- Assessing NEUROPLASTICITY Using Magnetoencephalography (MEG) in Patient with Left-Temporo-Parietal Pilocytic Astrocytomas Treated with Endoscopic Surgery
- Enriching Communicative Environments: Leveraging Advances in NEUROPLASTICITY for Improving Outcomes in Neurogenic Communication Disorders, by Julie A.
- NEUROPLASTICITY in post-stroke aphasia: the effectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation
- The Developing Brain Under Stress: Long-Term Consequences of Early Life Adversity on Behavior and NEUROPLASTICITY in the Hippocampus
- Deficit of Inhibition as a Marker of NEUROPLASTICITY (DEFINE Study) in Rehabilitation: A Longitudinal Cohort Study Protocol
- 20Q: Harnessing NEUROPLASTICITY in Hearing Loss for Clinical Decisionmaking
- Bobath oncept and brain-computer interface: combined approach to enhance NEUROPLASTICITY in chronic stroke
- Development of a Phrenic Nerve Injury Model in Rats to Study Axonal Regeneration and Compensatory Respiratory NEUROPLASTICITY
- … rTMS on cognitive functions in depression, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease and investigation of the impaired prefrontal NEUROPLASTICITY in treatment-resistant …
- Interpersonal Neurobiology, the Brain, Psychotherapy, Brain Plasticity/NEUROPLASTICITY, the Mind vs the Brain, and Consciousness
- Development of a Rodent Spinal Cord Injury Model Permissive to Study the Cardiovascular Effects of Rehabilitation Approaches Designed to Induce NEUROPLASTICITY
- 132 Brushstrokes after stroke–art and NEUROPLASTICITY
- The function of mirror neurons based on NEUROPLASTICITY activity on the upgrading of functional skills in the transfer of a beginner athlete to a professional athlete
- Convergence insufficiency, NEUROPLASTICITY, and hanging upside down over a cliff
- Working memory testing reveals NEUROPLASTICITY acutely and longitudinally after mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)
- Does Second Language Learning Promote NEUROPLASTICITY in Aging? A Systematic Review of Cognitive and Neuroimaging Studies
- NEUROPLASTICITY, belief bias and IRAC—Old pedagogy but brand-new tools for first-year legal education?
- Towards a tailored approach to NEUROPLASTICITY enhancement based on brain and behavioral predictors of language learning success
- Abstract TMP103: NEUROPLASTICITY of Functional Connectivity in Language Networks in Children After Perinatal Stroke
- BDNF-TrkB signaling mediates cholinergic NEUROPLASTICITY in asthma
- Chondroitin 6-sulphate is required for NEUROPLASTICITY and memory in ageing
- NEUROPLASTICITY and motor rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis: a systematic review on MRI markers of functional and structural changes
- An Otologist’s Experience as a Cochlear Implant Patient—The Power of NEUROPLASTICITY
- Lactate as Potential Mediators for Exercise-Induced Positive Effects on NEUROPLASTICITY and Cerebrovascular Plasticity
- Effects of chronic ethanol exposure on the expression of GLT-1 and NEUROPLASTICITY-related proteins in the nucleus accumbens of alcohol-preferring rats.
- Eeg Recordings Of Induced NEUROPLASTICITY Through Physical And Social Pain Assessment In Chronic Pain Management Patients Following Spinal Cord Stimulation …
- Correction to: Principles of Motor Learning to Support NEUROPLASTICITY After ACL Injury: Implications for Optimizing Performance and Reducing Risk of Second Acl injury …
- NEUROPLASTICITY and cognitive benefits associated with chronic intranasal oxytocin administration in aging
- Effect of magnolol on hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY in unpredictable chronic mild stress treated rats
- NEUROPLASTICITY of motor aphasia patients with stroke: a resting state BOLD-fMRI study
- NEUROPLASTICITY after acute and repeated exposure to oxytocin: a multi-site MRI analysis
- LSC-2021-Pluripotent stem cell derived airway cholinergic neurons for disease modelling of NEUROPLASTICITY in asthma
- 4 th International symposium and School of Young Scientists: Brain & NEUROPLASTICITY: Structural and Molecular Acpects. May 1-7, 2019 Tbilisi, Giorgia. Abstracts. Ilia …
- … receptor 2 deficiency enhances isoflurane-induced spatial cognitive impairment in adult mice by affecting neuroinflammation, neurogenesis and NEUROPLASTICITY
- Exercise Intervention Promotes the Growth of Synapses and Regulates NEUROPLASTICITY in Rats With Ischemic Stroke Through Exosomes
- Abstract# 88: Cortical Contributions to NEUROPLASTICITY after Repetitive Transspinal Stimulation in Healthy Humans
- Oral human-equivalent L-DOPA/Carbidopa dosages administered during the postnatal critical period of NEUROPLASTICITY rescues retinal morphology and visual function …
- Rehabilitation 2.0: Addressing NEUROPLASTICITY in the Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation Model
- 34. NEUROPLASTICITY and development: Discourse in children with perinatal stroke and children with language impairment
- … at the site of lesion, and (3) elec-trical stimulations to reactivate central pattern generators and enhancement of the NEUROPLASTICITY [8]. Long Term Epidural …
- The Influence of Breastfeeding and the Infant’s Social Environment on NEUROPLASTICITY and Brain Development: The First 1000 Days
- Abstract# 71: Effects of Repetitive Transcranial magnetic Stimulation on Cognition and NEUROPLASTICITY in Subacute Stroke Patients
- … chronic EEG power spectral density (μV2) response of gamma frequency (25–40 Hz) for brain health: enhancement of NEUROPLASTICITY, neural synchrony, cognitive …
- S. 4.01 NEUROPLASTICITY and neuronal cell adhesion molecules
- 128. NEUROPLASTICITY and Psychopathology: Master Regulators With a Focus on Doublecortin (DCX) and Fear Processing
- 22 NEUROPLASTICITY and Rewiring of the Brain
- Neuron‐Targeted Caveolin‐1 gene therapy preserves hippocampal NEUROPLASTICITY and memory in Alzheimer’s Disease mice