The mystery that is now

is the science of tomorrow.”

-Gavin Robert McGowen


Tons more coming! Check back often!


Whispers of the Unseen

In twilight’s grasp, where shadows dance and play,
The mystery that is now, in whispers sways.
A tapestry of thought, both veiled and bright,
Beneath the surface glimmers hidden light.

What speaks in silence, woven threads of fate,
Unraveled truth, yet cloaked by time’s own weight?
A riddle spun from ether’s breath and sigh,
In every heartbeat, echoes softly cry.

What is the seed that in the dark does dwell,
Yet blossoms forth, its fragrance casting spell?
The unseen seen, in dreams that softly weave,
A tapestry of worlds that none perceive.

O traveler of the mind, seek not the shore,
For in the depths, the ocean’s secrets roar.
The currents pull, the tide of thought unbends,
In labyrinths of reason, wisdom bends.

What light breaks forth, when shadows fold their wings?
What knowledge stirs when silence softly sings?
The unknown known, in paradox entwined,
A mirror held to all that’s undefined.

From ashes rise the phoenix of the soul,
In riddles lost, the spirit finds its role.
Each question asked is but a door ajar,
To realms where light and darkness dance afar.

The alchemist of thought, the poet’s hand,
Crafts visions grand, where time and space expand.
In every line, a universe concealed,
In every word, the truth is slowly revealed.

So ponder well, ye seekers of the flame,
For in the now, the future calls your name.
Embrace the mystery, let the riddles flow,
For science waits in shadows yet to grow.

In every breath, the echoes of the past,
In every heartbeat, futures loom steadfast.
The science of tomorrow, born from today,
In hidden riddles, light shall find its way.