April 7, 2022- Supplemental social services improve outcomes in public addiction treatment
- Slaying the dragon: The history of addiction treatment and recovery in America
- Myths about the treatment of addiction.
- Effectiveness of coerced addiction treatment (alternative consequences): A review of the clinical research
- Staff beliefs about addiction treatment
- Drug abuse and addiction treatment research: the next generation
- Integrating primary medical care with addiction treatment: a randomized controlled trial
- Problem-service’matching’in addiction treatment: A prospective study in 4 programs
- A community reinforcement approach to addiction treatment.
- addiction treatment: Theory and practice
- The origins of the Minnesota model of addiction treatment–a first person account
- Coming clean: Overcoming addiction without treatment
- Does clinical case management improve outpatient addiction treatment
- Taboo topics in addiction treatment: An empirical review of clinical folklore
- Overview of addiction treatment effectiveness
- Internet addiction: Evaluation and treatment
- The handbook of addiction treatment for women: Theory and practice
- Opiate addiction: A critique of theory and some implications for treatment
- Diagnosis and treatment of sexual addiction
- Effective medical treatment of opiate addiction
- The Maudsley addiction Profile (MAP): a brief instrument for assessing treatment outcome
- Developing a national addiction treatment information system: An introduction to the Drug Evaluation Network System
- addiction: brain mechanisms and their treatment implications
- Research on the treatment of narcotic addiction: State of the art
- Measuring treatment process beliefs among staff of specialized addiction treatment services
- Science-based views of drug addiction and its treatment
- History and review of contemporary addiction treatment
- The treatment of addiction: what can research offer practice?
- The ego, the self and opiate addiction: Theoretical and treatment considerations
- Acupuncture and addiction treatment
- Sexual addiction: Designation and treatment
- Alcohol addiction and its treatment
- Shame reduction, affect regulation, and sexual boundary development: Essential building blocks of sexual addiction treatment
- Sex and love: addiction, treatment, and recovery
- RESEARCH REPORT A meta‐analysis of predictors of continued drug use during and after treatment for opiate addiction
- “Out there”: The ecology of addiction in drug abuse treatment discourse
- The neurobiology of craving: implications for the understanding and treatment of addiction.
- Research on psychopathology and addiction: treatment implications.
- Therapeutic communities vs methadone maintenance: a prospective controlled study of narcotic addiction treatment: design and one-year follow-up
- A novel strategy for the treatment of cocaine addiction
- Drug addiction and treatment careers among clients in the Drug Abuse treatment Outcome Study (DATOS).
- A study of barriers to the engagement of significant others in adult addiction treatment
- An integrated treatment model for dual diagnosis of psychosis and addiction
- Creativity and shame reduction in sex addiction treatment
- The relationship of Axis II personality disorders to other known predictors of addiction treatment outcome
- Perceived social support and treatment retention on an inpatient addiction treatment unit
- The dynamics and treatment of chronic alcohol addiction
- What psychologists can learn from addiction treatment research.
- Benefit-cost analysis of residential and outpatient addiction treatment in the State of Washington
- Enhancing addiction treatment through psychoeducational groups
- Substance use disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder comorbidity: addiction and psychiatric treatment rates.
- Tobacco addiction: implications for treatment and cancer prevention
- Understanding drugs of abuse: The processes of addiction, treatment, and recovery
- Survey of Hepatitis B and C in addiction treatment Unit*
- Heroin addiction: Theory, research and treatment.
- addiction in the treatment of pain: significance, recognition, and management
- What works in addiction treatment and what doesn’t: is the best therapy no therapy?
- Comorbid cigarette and alcohol addiction: epidemiology and treatment
- The ego, the self and opiate addiction: Theoretical and treatment considerations
- A study of visualization and addiction treatment
- Spiritual thinking in addiction–treatment providers: The Spiritual Belief Scale (SBS)
- Women and addiction: Process, treatment, and outcome
- A pharmacologic strategy for the treatment of nicotine addiction
- addiction: treatment and outcome.
- Mortality in heroin addiction: impact of methadone treatment
- Nicotine addiction and treatment
- A medical treatment for diacetylmorphine (heroin) addiction: a clinical trial with methadone hydrochloride
- addiction and the brain: the role of neurotransmitters in the cause and treatment of drug dependence
- The role of the physician in addiction prevention and treatment
- addiction careers: Etiology, treatment, and 12-year follow-up outcomes
- The concept of paradigm and the treatment of addiction.
- Access to narcotic addiction treatment and medical care: prospects for the expansion of methadone maintenance treatment
- Reductions in acquisitive crime and drug use after treatment of addiction problems: 1-year follow-up outcomes
- Sexual addiction and compulsion: Recognition, treatment, and recovery
- Ideological implications of addiction theories and treatment
- Gender differences in drug addiction and treatment: Implications for social work intervention with substance-abusing women
- Change in alcohol effect and self-efficacy expectancies during addiction treatment
- The use of hallucinogens in the treatment of addiction
- Oral spit tobacco: addiction, prevention and treatment
- The addiction of overeating: Self‐help groups as treatment models
- Including narcotic addiction treatment in an office-based practice
- Assessing spirituality in addiction treatment and follow-up: Development of the Brown-Peterson Recovery Progress Inventory (B-PRPI)
- “To every thing there is a season”—social time and clock time in addiction treatment
- Developing an integrated information system for specialized addiction treatment agencies
- Opioid use in the treatment of chronic pain: assessment of addiction
- Comorbidity of pathological gambling in addiction treatment facilities
- The treatment of alcohol addiction: a review of the literature.
- The prospects and limitations of compulsory treatment for drug addiction
- Commentary: Reconsidering the self-selection factor in addiction treatment research.
- Compulsary treatment of narcotic addiction
- Recovery from opiate addiction without treatment: A summary
- A systems approach to the treatment of chemical addiction
- Pharmacological advances in addiction treatment
- Clinical studies of cyclazocine in the treatment of narcotic addiction
- Policy issues for integrating parenting interventions and addiction treatment for women
- Costs and benefits of treatment for cocaine addiction in DATOS
- Heroin addiction treatment and crime reduction
- The influence of recovery status and education on addiction counselors’ approach to treatment
- Simple fairness: ending discrimination in health insurance coverage of addiction treatment
- Understanding drug addiction: implications for treatment
- The “concerned other” call: Using family links and networks to overcome resistance to addiction treatment
- The theoretical basis of narcotic addiction treatment with narcotic antagonists
- Reducing resistance and denial by exercising ambivalence during the treatment of addiction
- Cocaine addiction: theory, research, and treatment
- Narcotics addiction and its treatment
- Development of a “treatment program” descriptor: The addiction treatment inventory
- Natural recovery from addiction treatment implications
- Heroin addiction and the role of methadone in its treatment
- Opiate addiction in adult offspring through possible imprinting after obstetric treatment.
- Three therapeutic communities: A prospective controlled study of narcotic addiction treatment: Process and two-year follow-up results
- The treatment of drug addiction: Toward new models
- Models for addiction treatment in psychiatric populations
- Adding a choice-based program for tobacco smoking to an abstinence-based addiction treatment program
- An epidemiologic evaluation of long-term methadone maintenance treatment for heroin addiction
- A case of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid withdrawal syndrome during alcohol addiction treatment: utility of diazepam administration.
- Clonidine and opiate receptor antagonists in the treatment of heroin addiction
- Support for harm-reduction among staff of specialized addiction treatment services in Ontario, Canada
- addiction Severity Index data from general membership and treatment samples of HMO members: one case of norming the ASI
- treatment for drug addiction: it won’t work if they don’t receive it
- Cocaine addiction as a neurological disorder: implications for treatment
- Development of a therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of cocaine addiction
- Preventing relapse in the treatment of nicotine addiction: current issues and future directions
- Evaluation of patients treated for pathological gambling in a combined alcohol, substance abuse and pathological gambling treatment unit using the addiction Severity …
- Development of a heroin-addiction treatment program: Effect on urban crime
- Issues in the treatment of female addiction: A review and critique of the literature
- Incorporating nicotine dependence into addiction treatment
- Psychoanalytic approaches to alcoholism and addiction: treatment and research.
- New European instruments for treatment outcome research: reliability of the maudsley addiction profile and treatment perceptions questionnaire in Italy, Spain and …
- Crack addiction: treatment and recovery issues
- Cigarette smoking, nicotine addiction, and its pharmacologic treatment
- In search of a new pharmacological treatment for drug and alcohol addiction: N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonists
- treatment of drinamyl addiction.
- An immunotherapeutic program for the treatment of nicotine addiction: hapten design and synthesis
- Changes in HIV-related behaviors among heterosexual alcoholics following addiction treatment
- Patient-treatment matching in substance abuse: Drug addiction severity
- treatment of khat addiction
- The impact of managed care on substance abuse treatment: a report of the American Society of addiction Medicine
- Models and perspectives of addiction. Implications for treatment.
- The psychoanalytic treatment in a sanatorium of chronic addiction to alcohol
- The substance‐abusing patient and primary care: linkage via the addiction treatment system?
- Countertransferential and attitudinal considerations in the treatment of drug abuse and addiction
- treatment of maternal addiction to prevent child abuse and neglect
- An individual drug counseling approach to treat cocaine addiction: The collaborative cocaine treatment study model
- Combat addiction: Overview of implications in symptom maintenance and treatment planning
- Clinical Studies of Drug addiction: II.” Rossium” treatment of Drug addiction
- treatment of drug addiction
- Medical care utilization as a function of recovery status following chemical addiction treatment
- addiction: Some theoretical considerations as to its nature, cause, prevention and treatment
- addiction beliefs of treatment providers: Factors explaining variance
- Molecular and neuroanatomical properties of the endogenous opioid system: implications for treatment of opiate addiction
- The use of art therapy in treatment programs to promote spiritual recovery from addiction
- Rational treatment of addiction
- Use of buprenorphine in the treatment of opiate addiction. I. Physiologic and behavioral effects during a rapid dose induction
- Validation of a scale for network therapy: a technique for systematic use of peer and family support in addiction treatment
- Use of buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid addiction. II. Physiologic and behavioral effects of daily and alternate‐day administration and abrupt withdrawal
- Can the treatment Services Review be used to estimate the costs of addiction and ancillary services?
- Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid efficacy, potential abuse, and dependence in the treatment of alcohol addiction
- Mortality risks in alcoholism and effects of abstinence and addiction treatment
- Opiate addiction in gravidity-consequences for the newborn. Results of an interdisciplinary treatment concept
- A lost world of addiction treatment
- Federal regulation of clinical practice in narcotic addiction treatment: purpose, status, and alternatives
- The treatment of addiction by aversion conditioning with apomorphine
- Prevalence of personality disorders among clients in treatment for addiction
- Meta-analysis of desipramine as an adjunct in the treatment of cocaine addiction.
- The treatment of disabled persons with alcohol and drug problems: results of a survey of addiction services.
- Acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction investigation of a needle puncture control
- Relapse rates after treatment for heroin addiction.
- Adolescent gambling in Oregon: A report to the Oregon gambling addiction treatment foundation
- Opioid addiction treatment modalities and some guidelines to their optimal use
- addiction professionals’ attitudes regarding treatment of nicotine dependence.
- The addiction liability of methadon (amidone, dolophine, 10820) and its use in the treatment of the morphine abstinence syndrome
- Childhood trauma and drug addiction: Assessment, diagnosis, and treatment
- addiction treatment and the making of large claims.
- Bridges to recovery: addiction, family therapy, and multicultural treatment
- What treatment for addiction can do and what it can’t: What treatment for addicton should do and what it shouldn’t.
- treatment of drug addiction in London.
- Research issues in assessing addiction treatment efficacy: How cost effective are Alcoholics Anonymous and private treatment centers?
- Buprenorphine versus methadone in the treatment of opioid dependence: self-reports, urinalysis, and addiction severity index
- The treatment of addiction in group psychotherapy
- treatment of drinamyl addiction
- Tolerance and dependence: implications for the pharmacological treatment of addiction
- Clinical communications: Extramural psychoanalytic treatment of a case of narcotic addiction
- On becoming oriented to inpatient addiction treatment: Inducting new patients and professionals to the recovery movement
- People with physical disabilities admitted to a residential addiction treatment program
- Methadone vs. L-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM) in the treatment of Opiate addiction: A Meta-Analysis of the Randomized, Controlled TriaIs
- Auricular acupuncture as an adjunctive treatment for cocaine addiction: a pilot study
- Centres for treatment of drug addiction. treatment in the community.
- Physician Leadership on National Drug Policy finds addiction treatment works
- Street pharmacology: uses of cocaine and heroin in the treatment of addiction
- Therapeutic interventions recommended for treatment of sexual addiction/compulsivity
- A clinical, controlled study of l-alpha-acetylmethadol in the treatment of narcotic addiction.
- Hyperimmunoglobulinemia associated with narcotic addiction: effects of methadone maintenance treatment
- Specialized addictions assessment/referral services in Ontario: A review of their characteristics and roles in the addiction treatment system
- The aro drug addiction research and treatment centre: A first report
- Heroin addiction: sequential treatment employing pharmacologic supports
- Terminating addiction naturally: Post-addict identity and the avoidance of treatment
- Successful treatment of a case of drinamyl addiction
- Hypnosis in treatment of alcohol addiction; controlled trial, with analysis of factors affecting outcome
- Chronic treatment with Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol enhances the locomotor response to amphetamine and heroin. Implications for vulnerability to drug addiction
- A response to Aviel Goodman’s “Sexual addiction: Designation and treatment”
- The dream interview method in addiction recovery a treatment guide
- Rational Recovery: Finding an alternative for addiction treatment
- The gay male client in sex addiction treatment
- Naltrexone treatment of heroin addiction: efficacy and safety in a double-blind dosage comparison
- Online sexual addiction and compulsivity: Integrating web resources and behavioral telehealth in treatment
- Recovery oriented psychotherapy: A model for addiction treatment.
- Acupuncture in the treatment of addiction: a review and analysis
- Acupuncture therapy for the treatment of tobacco smoking addiction
- Countertransferential and attitudinal considerations in the treatment of drug abuse and addiction
- Iatrogenic addiction and its treatment
- Research issues related to development of medications for treatment of cocaine addiction
- Women in treatment for addiction: What’s new in the literature?
- Methadone treatment for opiate addiction: Benefits in the first month
- Cyclazocine, an adjunct in the treatment of narcotic addiction
- Bromocriptine‐desipramine protocol in treatment of cocaine addiction
- treatment of drug addiction: Experience in India
- The treatment of perinatal addiction. Identification, intervention, and advocacy.
- Replication of an effective opiate addiction pharmacotherapeutic treatment model: minimal need for modification in a different country
- Involuntary treatment of drug addiction
- Behavioral treatment of drug addiction: A review
- Program development and integrated treatment across systems for dual diagnosis: Mental illness, drug addiction, and alcoholism (MIDAA)
- An Economic Explanation for the Ineffectiveness of addiction treatment
- General View of Drug Abuse in Iran and a One-Year Report of Outpatient treatment of Opiate addiction in
- LAAM in the treatment of Opiate addiction
- The pharmacological rationale for methadone treatment of narcotic addiction
- Psychotherapeutic treatment of opiate addiction
- Pharmacodynamics of nicotine: Implications for rational treatment of nicotine addiction
- Alcohol use following treatment for drug addiction. A four-year follow-up.
- The treatment of heroin addiction: Naltrexone alone and with behavior therapy
- Cultural Aspects of Adolescent addiction & (and) treatment
- Integration of trauma-based, cognitive, behavioral, systemic and addiction approaches for treatment of hypersexual pair-bonding disorder
- treatment outcome and the role of the community in narcotic addiction.
- Trends in injection drug use among persons entering addiction treatment–New Jersey, 1992-1999
- Assessment of hepatitis C infection in injecting drug users attending an addiction treatment clinic
- Gaudenzia, Incorporated: Historical and theoretical background of a self-help addiction treatment program
- Diphosphopyridine nucleotide in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of drug addiction
- Social work, social science and the disease concept: New directions for addiction treatment
- addiction problems and methadone treatment
- Early treatment of women with alcohol addiction (EWA): a comprehensive evaluation and outcome study. I. Patterns of psychiatric comorbidity at intake
- Explaining relapse to opiate addiction following successful completion of treatment
- Prevalence and treatment models for addiction in psychiatric populations
- An addiction treatment program in Laos: The first year’s experience
- Behavioral treatment of drug addiction: A review and analysis
- addiction treatment in psychiatric settings
- Aversion treatment of alcohol addiction
- Employment and addiction: Perspectives on Existing Business and treatment Practices. Final Report.
- Narcotics addiction treatment: Behavioral methods concurrent with methadone maintenance
- The addiction treatment Unit: A Dual Diagnosis Progralll at the California Medical Facility—A Descriptive Report
- NIDA-NIAAA workshop: efficacy of therapies in drug and alcohol addiction. Strategies for treatment of alcohol problems.
- The treatment of tobacco addiction
- Naltrexone treatment of heroin addiction: one-year follow-up
- New horizons in the treatment of narcotic addiction
- Basic concepts and use of cyclazocine in the treatment of narcotic addiction
- The Dole-Nyswander treatment of heroin addiction
- A review of the evidence for methadone maintenance as a treatment for narcotic addiction.
- Overview of pharmacologic treatment approaches for alcohol and other drug addiction: intoxication, withdrawal, and relapse prevention
- … Assessment Inventory substance-use scales: Convergent and discriminant relations with the addiction Severity Index in a residential chemical dependence treatment …
- Denial-of reality and of freedom-in addiction research and treatment
- German/American report on the effective use of pressure in the treatment of drug addiction.
- Three approaches to the treatment of drug addiction
- The treatment of chronic alcohol addiction
- Test-retest reliability of the addiction Severity Index composite scores among clients in residential treatment
- treatment of narcotic addiction: Issues and problems
- Primary care and addiction treatment: Lessons learned from building bridges across traditions
- Chronic addiction relapse treatment: a study of the effectiveness of the high-risk identification and prediction treatment model: Part I.
- Integration of health care economics for addiction treatment in clinic care
- Use of milieu as a problem-solving strategy in addiction treatment.
- A family therapy approach to the treatment of drug addiction
- Clinician’s guide to cocaine addiction: Theory, research, and treatment.
- Opioid addiction: P300 assessment in treatment by methadone substitution
- The use of a multicultural conceptual model in perinatal addiction treatment.
- The role of compulsory supervision in the treatment of addiction
- addiction severity, psychopathology and treatment compliance in cocaine-dependent mothers
- Specialists criticise treatment for heroin addiction
- Out‐Patient treatment of Narcotic addiction. Who Benefits?
- A study of employee attitudes toward patients in a hospital for the treatment of drug addiction
- Religion and the Church in Relation to Alcohol addiction; I. Religious Resources in the treatment of Alcobol addiction
- treatment of cocaine addiction during pregnancy
- Etiology and biological treatment of alcohol addiction
- The Videotaped addiction Challenge Tool: a new instrument for qualitative substance abuse assessment, treatment planning and research in therapeutic communities
- Urine testing schedules in methadone maintenance treatment of heroin addiction
- Dual addiction: Pharmacological issues in the treatment of concomitant alcoholism and drug abuse
- Centres for treatment of drug addiction. Advantages of special centres.
- Health care economics for integrated addiction treatment in clinical settings
- An evaluation of detoxification as an initial step in the treatment of heroin addiction.
- addiction treatment for the nurse.
- treatment for narcotic addiction in a Buddhist monastery
- addiction Among Immigrants and Migrants: Epidemiology and treatment
- Outpatient treatment of cocaine addiction: suggestions to increase its effectiveness
- The treatment of narcotic addiction
- An investigation of the feasibility of predicting outcome indices in the treatment of heroin addiction
- Biofeedback treatment of narcotic addiction: A double-blind study
- Differences among treatment clinic types in attitudes toward narcotic addiction.
- Using the addiction Severity Index to predict treatment outcome among substance abusing parolees
- Ethnicity and Psychotherapy A Component in the treatment of Cocaine addiction in African Americans
- addiction treatment and continuing care in forensic populations
- The use of hypnosis in the treatment of drug addiction.
- Selected bibliography on narcotic addiction treatment, 1960-1966. Reports of treatment programs.
- Centres for treatment of drug addiction. Importance of research.
- Development of polylactic/glycolic acid delivery systems for use in treatment of narcotic addiction.
- Controlled drinking, treatment effectiveness, and the disease model of addiction: A commentary on the ideological wishes of Stanton Peele
- The methadone treatment of heroin addiction
- Follow-up at a Dutch addiction hospital and effectiveness of therapeutic community treatment
- Narcotic addiction and methadone treatment in Hong Kong: Lessons for the United States
- Staff attitudes and conflict regarding the use of methadone in the treatment of heroin addiction
- Drug addiction in India and its treatment
- The treatment of drug addiction: Private practice experience with 84 addicts
- The impact of managed care on addiction treatment: evaluating physicians’ views and the value of health plan benefits
- An innovative short-term group therapy model for inpatient addiction treatment
- Advocating for Women in the Criminal Justice and addiction treatment Systems.
- The management of heroin addiction at a general hospital drug addiction treatment centre
- Electrostimulation: addiction treatment for the coming millennium
- Comparison of clients assigned to in-patient and out-patient treatment for alcoholism and drug addiction
- Metronidazole in the treatment of Alcohol addiction A Controlled Trial
- The heuristic system: Precision and creativity in addiction treatment
- addiction treatment: A historical nursing perspective
- The hang-over in relation to the theory and treatment of alcohol addiction
- Desensitization and the treatment of alcohol addiction
- Use of narcotic antagonists (naltrexone) in an addiction treatment program
- Staff perceptions of organization change of treatment delivery on an addiction unit
- A study of the use of clonidine and naltrexone in the treatment of opioid addiction in the former USSR
- Drug addiction and its individual psychological treatment.
- How much treatment does a person need? addiction, spontaneous remission and” family” as biographical as leitmotiv
- The use of naltrexone, an opiate antagonist, in the treatment of opiate addiction
- Parent-infant interaction during perinatal addiction treatment
- Use of pharmacologic agents in the treatment of addiction
- A Comparison of HIV-Positive and HIV-Negatlve Crack Users Enrolled in a Residential addiction treatment Program
- A medical treatment for diacetylmorphine (heroin) addiction
- Relapse precipitants in opiate addiction: Assessment in community treatment setting
- Drug addiction: II. An aversive counterconditioning technique for treatment
- addiction beliefs of treatment providers: Factors explaining variance.
- treatment of heroin addiction with aversion therapy, relaxation training and systematic desensitization.
- addiction treatment: Promoting a medical approach to substance use
- Excessive behaviours: An archival study of behavioural tendencies reported by 471 patients admitted to an addiction treatment centre
- addiction treatment: Gone yesterday, gone tomorrow
- The use of acupuncture in the treatment of drug addiction
- Buddhist temple treatment of narcotic addiction and neurotic-psychosomatic disorders in Thailand
- V. The treatment of Alcohol addiction
- Chemical dependency treatment: The integration of the alcoholism and drug addiction/use treatment systems
- Problems of inpatient treatment of addiction
- Couples’ reciprocal patterns in narcotics addiction: A recommendation on treatment strategy
- Personality characteristics of women with alcohol addiction: a Rorschach study of women in an early treatment programme
- Methadone treatment of heroin addiction
- Crucial factors in the treatment of narcotic addiction
- addiction in adolescence—some comments about its diagnosis, treatment, and vulnerable groups
- A model continuum for a community-based program for the prevention and treatment of narcotic addiction
- Maintenance treatment for opioid dependence in care centers: the OPPIDUM program of the Evaluation and Information Centers for Drug addiction
- Meperidine addiction or treatment frustration?
- Lack of toxicity of high dose propoxyphene napsylate when used for maintenance treatment of addiction
- The” fatigue factor” in drug addiction: Insufficient motivation for treatment
- Organizational change required for paradigmatic shift in addiction treatment
- Psychiatric treatment of narcotic addiction
- Experiences with a combination of group therapy and methadone maintenance in the treatment of heroin addiction
- Report on the treatment of drug addiction
- The Karolinska project for early treatment of women with alcohol addiction
- Gambling and problem gambling in oregon: Report to the Oregon Gambling addiction treatment Foundation
- Science misapplied: mandatory addiction screening and treatment for welfare recipients in Ontario
- Why health insurers should pay for addiction treatment: treatment works and would lead to net societal benefits
- Diseasing of America: addiction treatment Out of Control
- Carbamazepine treatment of cocaine dependence in methadone maintenance patients with dual opiate-cocaine addiction.
- Application of urine analysis to diagnosis and treatment of heroin addiction
- Effect of prior narcotic addiction on response to treatment of alcoholism
- addiction to aerosol treatment: the asthmatic alternative to glue sniffing.
- Current approaches to the treatment of narcotic addiction.
- On the Role off Chemotherapy in the treatment of Heroin addiction
- The use of propoxyphene napsylate in the treatment of heroin and methadone addiction
- Apneic aversion and covert sensitization in the treatment of a hydrocarbon inhalation addiction: A case study
- An overview of acupuncture in the treatment of stroke, addiction, and other health problems
- The history of addiction treatment and recovery in America
- A token economy treatment of drug addiction
- treatment of perinatal cocaine addiction: use of the modified therapeutic community
- Measuring substance abuse treatment provider training needs: Developing an index of training need: Harvard Medical School, Division on addictions addiction …
- The treatment of alcohol addiction in relation to the prevention of inebriety
- Can alcoholism and other drug addiction problems be treated away or is the current treatment binge doing more harm than good?
- treatment of Tobacco addiction: Experiences in Tobacco Withdrawal Clinics.
- Management and treatment of drug addiction
- The marital dyad as a diagnostic and treatment variable in alcohol addiction.
- Time element in the treatment of drug addiction
- Nurse-led art expression in addiction treatment
- treatment of polydrug abuse and addiction by covert sensitization: Some contraindications
- A diagnostic tool with important implications for treatment of addiction: Identification of factors underlying relapse and remission time distributions
- Risk Factors, Attendance, and Abstinence Patterns of Low-Income Women in Perinatal addiction treatment Lessons from a 5–Year Program
- The use of L-α-acetylmethadol in treatment of heroin addiction: an open study
- Therapeutic advances in the treatment of cigarette addiction
- Evaluation on the treatment of morphine addiction by acupuncture Chinese herbs and opioid peptides
- Centres for treatment of drug addiction. Integrated approach.
- addiction treatment in the mid-1990s.
- The treatment of Morphine addiction in Tuberculosis by Pawlow’s Conditioning Method
- Behavioral treatments of cocaine addiction: Assessing patient needs and improving treatment entry and outcome
- Methadone: treatment and Control of Narcotic addiction
- addiction to aerosol treatment
- Reflections on the epidemiology of heroin and narcotic addiction from the perspective of treatment data
- Attributions for the development of substance addiction among participants in a 12-step oriented treatment program
- Methadone maintenance treatment of narcotic addiction: A unit of medical care based on over 50,000 patient treatment years
- A behaviorally-oriented treatment program for drug addiction: a preliminary report.
- Employee utilization of addiction treatment
- Pharmacological treatment of narcotic addiction
- treatment approaches for child welfare mothers with addiction problems: An empirical review to guide practice
- Creating and maintaining an optimal medical practice environment for the treatment of nicotine addiction
- Disseminating a treatment program to outpatient addiction treatment agencies in Ontario: A case study
- Perceived client and program moderators of successful therapeutic community treatment for drug addiction
- The treatment of Alcohol (and Tobacco) addiction by Differential Conditioning: New Manual and Mechanical Methods
- The etiology and treatment of drug addiction: A problem in self concept and adaptation.
- Biologic False-positive Reactions in Serologic Tests for Syphilis in Narcotic addiction: Reduced Incidence during Methadone Maintenance treatment
- Can addiction-related self-help/mutual aid groups lower demand for professional substane abuse treatment?
- The use of over-the-counter preparations by drug users attending an addiction treatment unit.
- Behavioral assessment of drug addiction: Strategies and issues in research and treatment
- Clinical update of opioid agonist and partial agonist medications for the maintenance treatment of opioid addiction
- Directory of Narcotic addiction treatment Agencies in the United States, 1968-1969
- A bibliography of the methadone maintenance treatment of heroin addiction
- Effective medical treatment of heroin addiction
- The role of the ex-addict in treatment of addiction
- Outpatient induction to methadone maintenance treatment for heroin addiction
- Development of a buprenorphine-naloxone combination drug for the treatment of drug addiction
- Withdrawal treatment of drug addiction
- Family outreach residential addiction treatment: changes in addicts’ beliefs about social support
- Development of injectable microcapsules for use in the treatment of narcotic addiction.
- Opting into treatment: Increasing the rate of first appointment attendance with a community addiction team
- Modern hypnotic treatment of various forms of addiction, in particular alcoholism
- Striatal dopamine receptors and adenylyl cyclase activity in a rat model of alcohol addiction: effects of ethanol and lisuride treatment.
- Heroin in the treatment of morphine addiction
- treatment of narcotic addiction by inhibition of craving: Contending with a cherished habit
- The ethics of statutory coercion in the treatment of chemical substance abuse/dependence (addiction)
- treatment of heroin addiction: Multimodality approach.
- Methadone vs. psychotherapy in the treatment of heroin addiction
- The Argument Against Long Term addiction treatment in Prison
- The Conditioned-Reflex treatment in the Light of Our Knowledge of Alcohol addiction
- Access to narcotic addiction treatment and medical care
- Medical ethnocentrism and the treatment of addiction
- Coming Clean: Overcoming addiction without treatment
- Elements for building a culturally specific addiction treatment program.
- Topical corticosteroid-induced acne: Three treatment strategies to break the ‘addiction‘cycle
- The peer principle: The key to addiction treatment
- Involuntary chemical addiction treatment. EAP implications for occupational health nurses.
- Limbic target surgery in the treatment of intractable pain with drug addiction
- addiction Psychiatry: Current Diagnosis and treatment
- A pilot methadone program to introduce comprehensive addiction treatment
- Cyclazocine in the treatment of Opiate addiction: A Review with Recommendations
- Hyperbaric oxygenation in the treatment of patients with drug addiction, narcotic addiction and alcoholism in the post-intoxication and abstinence periods
- Insulin treatment of drug addiction
- Testing of drug delivery systems for use in the treatment of narcotic addiction.
- CONCERNING MORPHIN addiction AND ITS treatment.
- Pre-treatment natural history of cocaine addiction
- Further modifications in the technique of conditioned-reflex treatment of alcohol addiction
- Psychiatric diagnosis in addiction treatment experiments
- Some trends in the treatment and epidemiology of drug addiction: Psychotherapy and synanon.
- The physical and psychosocial consequences of opioid addiction: an overview of changes in opioid treatment.
- addiction intervention: treatment models and public policy
- Lithium treatment of cocaine addiction
- treatment of opioid addiction in physicians’ offices: it’s about time
- Overall evaluation of treatment modalities for heroin addiction in a toxicology unit.
- Antisocial personality traits and patients’ satisfaction with treatment for addiction
- Alcohol addiction—Problems in treatment
- The treatment of heroin addiction
- Haloperidol treatment of a sixty-year narcotic addiction: case report.
- addiction to aerosol treatment.
- treatment of nicotine addiction.
- The hospital treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction
- Brief residential treatment for nicotine addiction: a five-year follow-up study
- Methadone maintenance for treatment of addiction
- addiction Under the Mental treatment Act, Eire, 1945
- The treatment of narcotic addiction
- An eclectic therapeutic community for the treatment of addiction
- Methadone blockade in the treatment of opiate addiction: a follow‐up study
- Dimensions of narcotic addiction treatment.
- Synanon: A breakthrough in the treatment of drug addiction
- Socio-cultural factors affecting drug addiction treatment in Italy (fear of treatment).
- Analysis of Native American cultural practices used as a treatment modality for alcohol addiction
- A multicomponent model for substance abuse treatment: The addiction research and treatment corporation
- The treatment of drug addiction
- The first 100 referrals to a Scottish drug addiction treatment centre
- Rapid treatment of percodan addiction: a case report
- addiction to a strait jacket: A case report of treatment of self-injurious behaviour in an autistic child.
- treatment of drug addiction
- Systems analysis approach to computer-based counseling (SCNRCO) for addiction treatment
- Propoxyphene for maintenance treatment of narcotic addiction
- The sexual addiction model in treatment of incarcerated offenders: A study on recidivism
- Efficacy of addiction treatment in a correctional setting for female offenders as measured by the addiction Severity Index
- Theoretical and Clinical Approaches to the treatment of Drug addiction
- What works!: Innovation in community mental health and addiction treatment programs.
- Atropine coma in treatment of opiate addiction
- Portrait of an addiction treatment Agent
- … and excitatory-antagonist actions at opioid receptors on sensory neurons: New rationale for improved clinical analgesia and treatment of opiate addiction
- The Need for Realistic treatment of Alcohol and Drug addiction
- The treatment of Drug addiction
- treatment of drug addiction: past myths and present problems
- Perspectives on the Self-Help-Psychiatry Controversy in addiction treatment
- Some physiological consequences of the rapid smoking treatment for cigarette addiction
- The society for the study of addiction: Temperance, treatment or tolerance?(1930–1961)
- The treatment of drug addiction
- Nicotine addiction: Current treatment options
- Reading and Writing; Adult Education in Comprehensive Combined addiction treatment: Needs, Problems, and Benefits.
- treatment of Alcohol addiction
- Denial of the inner reality: Observations on drug abuse and addiction based on psychotherapies after treatment in a therapeutic community in the Netherlands
- treatment of addiction in British Columbia
- Richard Lane: A tireless fighter for treatment of drug addiction
- Training the Staff of a Drug addiction treatment Facility: A Case Study of Hogar De Encuentro
- Heroin addiction: The science and ethics of the new treatment pluralism
- Drug addiction, psychotic illness and brain self-stimulation: effective treatment and explanatory hypothesis
- Medical treatment of opiate addiction
- Sphenopalatine ganglion blocks for the treatment of nicotine addiction.
- addiction, family treatment, and healing resources: an interview with David Berenson
- Hospital treatment of narcotic addiction
- A prospective assessment of opiate addiction treatment protocols for inpatients with HIV-related syndromes
- Methadone Maintenance Blockade treatment: A Solution for addiction
- An evaluation of the use of tetraethylthiuram disulfide in the treatment of 560 cases of alcohol addiction
- Evaluation of four treatment approaches for drug addiction
- Controlled-drinking advocates challenge use of abstinence model in treatment of addiction.
- Helping your patients beat cocaine addiction: The four dimensions of treatment
- Provider pulse: Principles of therapeutic touch applied to the treatment of addiction
- treatment of hospital addiction
- Development and validation of an instrument to predict attrition from addiction treatment
- “I Got a Yen for that Darvon-N”: A Pilot Study on the Use of Propoxyphene Napsylate in the treatment of Heroin addiction
- A multiple baseline analysis of treatment for heroin addiction
- Benzedrine in treatment of Morphine addiction.
- Methadone maintenance treatment for harm reduction approach to heroin addiction
- Family therapy and methadone treatment of opiate addiction.
- A Model for Evaluation of addiction treatment Programs.
- Self-help and science in the treatment of addiction.
- A morphine-triggered delivery system useful in the treatment of heroin addiction
- An assessment and treatment program for individuals in family systems with addiction
- Zyban: an effective treatment for nicotine addiction
- Individual and organization level predictors of emotional exhaustion and intention to quit: A study of the addiction treatment counseling occupation
- Characteristics of a population undergoing treatment for drug addiction in a therapeutic community setting in Spain.
- The operation of the data system in the methadone maintenance treatment program for heroin addiction.
- Interpersonal factors in the genesis and treatment of alcohol addiction
- Hospital treatment of alcohol addiction
- Drug addiction and criminality: A model for predicting the incidence of crime among a treatment population
- treatment of narcotics addiction with narcotic drugs
- Characteristics of in-patient versus out-patients in addiction treatment.
- The tenacity of error in the treatment of addiction
- A Psychotherapeutic and Skills-Training Approach to the treatment of Drug addiction
- Opium addiction and its treatment
- Sexual addiction: Boundaries, didactic education, twelve step programs, psychotherapy issues, and effective treatment strategies and recovery
- The treatment of Alcohol and Drug addiction: An Overview
- Limited role of naltrexone in the treatment of opiate addiction
- Case Studies in Bioethics: Drug treatment or Drug addiction?
- Drug treatment beats prison for cutting crime and addiction rates
- … detoxification in the treatment of opiate addicts in Israel: Suggesting evidence for cultural differences in the effectiveness of treatment modalities for opiate addiction.
- Bromocriptine treatment for cocaine addiction
- addiction treatment services in the Russian Federation
- addiction to aerosol treatment.
- Theoretical and clinical approaches to the treatment of adolescent drug addiction.
- addiction treatment: the policy of separate alcoholism and drug abuse services
- The parallel process in the addiction treatment staff system: An ethical perspective
- A Conceptual and Methodological Model for Evaluating the Effect of the Psychosocial treatment of Narcotic addiction
- treatment of drug addiction
- Pharmacological treatment of addiction: Normalization of physiology and AIDS risk reduction
- treatment of opium addiction.
- Evolution of treatment Roles in More Recent Response to addiction Problems
- treatment of Khat addiction with Bromocriptine Mesylate: A Case Report and Review of Cocaine-and Amphetamine-Like Effects.
- Acute treatment of heroin addiction with special reference to mixed addictions
- Drug addiction: the welfare treatment
- addiction treatment training in Russia: Cultural adaptation of the bio-psycho-social-spiritual model
- Cross-Validation of a Heroin addiction (He) Scale In A treatment Setting
- Outpatient treatment of heroin addiction: Patterns and problems
- Drawing upon the strengths of couples in the treatment of chronic drug addiction
- The problem of narcotic addiction: Innovative approaches for study and treatment.
- The use of native spirituality in addiction treatment: A case study of the five New Brunswick native treatment centres
- Caring interventions in drug addiction treatment: The experience of therapist and client of really feeling cared for
- The effects of treatment for opiate addiction on health promoting behavior
- Organization of opioid receptors in human brain and drug interactions studied by PET and SPECT imaging: implications for treatment strategies for opiate addiction
- A controlled study using cyclazocine in the treatment of narcotic addiction
- … Cost Avoidance: An Eighteen Month Follow-Up Study of Indigent Persons Served by Washington State’s Alcoholism and Drug addiction treatment and Support Act …
- Slaying the Dragon: The History of addiction treatment and Recovery in America William L. White
- To Fill the Void: Heterodox Programing in Drug-free Residential treatment for addiction—Utilizing a Theoretical Position From Evolutionary Biology
- treatment of drug and alcohol addiction within the context of Christian ministry.
- Mental health treatment and heroin addiction
- The contribution of treatment data to epidemiologic perspectives of narcotic addiction
- The treatment of drug addiction: the individual caught between public welfare and private capitalism
- Descriptive analysis of patients in anatolia addiction treatment center
- Attachment in adolescents and their families: A qualitative analysis of attachment in the early months of adolescent addiction treatment
- Justice system clients of a Toronto youth addiction treatment program
- Psychodynamic psychotherapy and counselling: what contribution can it make to the treatment of addiction?
- The Family: A therapeutic model for the treatment of drug addiction.
- Drug addiction and Its Individual Psychological treatment Rudolf Dreikurs
- Successful treatment of amphetamine addiction in a schizophrenic woman
- The intensive treatment of morphine addiction
- addiction treatment
- Valproate in the treatment of Cocaine addiction a Preliminary Report
- Behavioural treatment of drug addiction: A multiple approach.
- COMMENTARY ON “treatment OF DRINAMYL addiction”
- Book Review: addiction: The treatment of Drinking Problems. A Guide for the Helping Professional
- treatment of Opiate addiction in Asia
- treatment of opium addiction.
- The use of chlorpromazine hydrochloride in the treatment of barbiturate addiction with acute withdrawal syndrome
- Guidelines for the treatment of opiate addiction
- A cognitive behavioural intervention in the context of methadone tapering treatment for opiate addiction—two single cases
- Smoking addiction treatment, with nicotine chewing gum, in primary care. Double-blind study
- Attrition from an Adolescent addiction treatment Program: A Cross Validation.
- Developing inpatient services for community-based treatment of narcotic addiction
- treatment, training, and credentials: An editorial on the fabric of addiction care.
- The network of Centres for the Prevention and treatment of Drug addiction in the Republic of Slovenia.
- Ethical and methodological issues in evaluating a perinatal addiction treatment program with a fluid population
- A medical approach to nicotine addiction treatment.
- Cost-Benefit Analysis and Program Target Populations: The Narcotics addiction treatment Case
- The discovery of addiction: Levine and the philosophical foundations of drug abuse treatment
- CE Feature: Methadone Maintenance: A Viable treatment Approach for Chronic Heroin addiction
- Drug addiction among young people: a study of typology and its relevance to treatment programmes
- … of African-American and White male drug addicts in methadone maintenance treatment programs: The role of social causality in the development of addiction
- Coming Clean: Overcoming addiction without treatment
- Development, preliminary testing and use of the parenting tracking form in perinatal addiction treatment
- Buprenorphine-Naloxone combination drug for the treatment of drug addiction
- A new approach to the treatment of drug addiction
- The treatment of Drug addiction
- treatment of Drug addiction
- Mortality in heroin addiction: impacat of methadone treatment
- The Salter Unit—an Experimental In‐Patient treatment Centre for Narcotic Drug addiction in Men
- … State. A Four-and-a-Half Year Follow-up Study of Indigent Persons served by Washington State’s Alcoholism and Drug addiction treatment and Support Act (ADATSA …
- Methadone: The Drug and Its Therapeutic Uses In the treatment of addiction. Series 31, No. 1.
- Research on the Phenomenon and treatment of addiction: a Multi-Disciplinary Perspective
- Comments on the treatment of drug addiction with protracted narcosis
- … of alcohol treatment completion as a function of addiction severity, psychological type, and expectancies: Toward a predictive screening device for alcohol treatment
- Human immunodeficiency virus-associated autonomic neuropathy, drug addiction, and zidovudine treatment
- Family Influences in addiction: A review of Research and Implications for treatment
- Drug dependence (addiction) and its treatment
- Alcoholism and cocaine addiction: similarities, differences, treatment implications
- WHO accused of slowness in evaluating Swiss heroin-addiction treatment
- Book Review: treatment and Education: TREATING addiction AS A HUMAN PROCESS. By Edward J. Khantzian. Northvale, NJ: Jason Aronson, 1999, 687 pp …
- Overcoming personal and professional fears of sexuality issues in addiction treatment through values clarification: Theory and practice
- The treatment of Morphine addiction in Tuberculosis by Pavlov’s Conditioning Method
- Native American cultural values influence on the perception of therapeutic factors operating in inpatient addiction treatment groups
- addiction treatment: Avoiding pitfalls–a case approach
- Narcotic antagonists. treatment tool for addiction.
- B vitamins status: effect of prolonged heroin addiction and methadone treatment.
- Tobacco addiction and current treatment methods
- Drug addiction, crime, and treatment
- A biobehavioral approach to treatment of amphetamine addiction: A four-way integration
- addiction treatment: Avoiding pitfalls–A case approach
- Use of methadone in the treatment of narcotic addiction
- Review of addiction intervention: Strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behavior.
- Age-specific versus mainstream approaches to the treatment of elderly alcoholics: addiction counselor perceptions of efficacy
- Diseasing of America: addiction treatment Out of Control by S. Peele (Book Review)
- The treatment of cocaine addiction: A case study
- A Proposal to Place the treatment of addiction in the Private Medical Office
- Book Review: addiction treatment: Avoiding Pitfalls–A Case Approach.
- addiction treatment: Avoiding Pitfalls—A Case Approach
- Diseasing of America: addiction treatment Out of Control
- addiction treatment: Avoiding Pitfalls—A Case Approach
- treatment of heroin addiction.
- The Problem of Opium addiction in India and Its treatment
- AUTOGENOUS SERUM treatment OF NARCOTIC addiction
- Diseasing of America: addiction treatment Out of Control
- Autogenous Serum treatment of Narcotic addiction
- Book Review: Diseasing of America: addiction treatment Out of Control
- The development of addiction treatment in North America
- Specialized addiction treatment program at John L. Norris ATC
- addiction treatment: WHAT ON EARTH ARE WE DOING?
- addiction: the treatment of dual diagnosis.
- Clinics in general practice. An addiction to drug treatment.
- Alcohol addiction treatment
- Combined Tertiary Prevention: The Existence and treatment Together of the addiction/Mental Health Interface
- Drug addiction treatment Centre
- Drug addiction: the role of social work in its recognition and treatment
- Anthropological research. Its relevance to the treatment of alcoholism and drug addiction.
- Principles of Drug addiction treatment: A Research-Based Guide
- Slaying the Dragon. The History of addiction treatment and Recovery in America
- NIH consensus panel advocates increased access to treatment for opiate addiction
- Cocaine addiction: Theory, Research and treatment
- treatment of Opiate addiction Using Methadone: A Counselor’s Manual
- Multi-faceted treatment of tobacco addiction in a group of health professionals
- The church and addiction treatment: a ministry of service and integration
- Interactive impacts of trauma, addiction, relapse, specialized treatment, and recovery on the lives of individuals.
- The role of the probation officer in the treatment of drug addiction
- Drug addiction, treatment, and policy
- Member Profile: Drug addiction treatment: What Works and What Doesn’t
- … three measures of addiction severity to predict treatment continuance of outpatients and counselor-evaluated prognosis of post-treatment abstinence of inpatients
- The role of addiction severity and patient health perspective in naltrexone versus methadone treatment for opiate addiction
- Directory of Narcotic addiction treatment Agencies in the United States
- Evaluation of addiction treatment programs.
- Prescription of psychopharmaceuticals in general practice. 2. Purpose, psychiatric diagnosis and treatment, addiction
- The effectiveness of psychodrama and role play for treatment of inpatients with heroin addiction
- The treatment of Smoking and Nicotine addiction with Acupuncture
- Report on Drug addiction treatment Centre Admissions 2000
- Innovative Roles The “Nursing Role” in the Italian addiction treatment Units (ATUs)
- The relationship between addiction severity and treatment outcome in a heroin detoxification program
- Chemotherapy in the treatment of heroin addiction: an alternative to methadone
- addiction Research and treatment
- Relationship of gender to characteristics of patients referred to a Rural Wisconsin addiction treatment Unit.
- Counselors’ perceptions of the nature and treatment of sexual addiction/compulsivity
- A treatment for Morphin addiction
- The role of life stress and social support in naltrexone versus methadone treatment for opiate addiction
- Individual treatment of smoking addiction. Results using 2 and 4 mg nicotine gum
- A study of physicians’ experiences of addiction, treatment, and recovery
- addiction: Its Causes, Problems, and treatment
- The treatment of addiction.
- Report on Drug addiction treatment Center Admissions, 1991
- The treatment of Narcotic addiction
- A Practical Solution to an Intractable Problem: Heroin addiction, Methadone Maintenance treatment and the National Drug Strategy
- The addiction potential of benzodiazepines. Application of the results of treatment of alcohol withdrawal syndrome
- treatment of addiction
- The Job Skills Bank in Drug addiction treatment
- Booking clients for addiction treatment: what works best?
- treatment of Opium addiction with Lecithin and Glucose and Its Effects on Abstinence Symptoms
- addiction treatment for Older Adults: evaluation of an innovative client-centered approach
- Book Review: Substance Abuse: addiction treatment: Avoiding Pitfalls—A Case Approach
- The Earle E. Morris, Jr. Alcohol and Drug addiction treatment Center: A brief history.
- Staff attitude consensus toward drug addiction treatment.
- The effectiveness of perceived coercive and noncoercive pressures to enter methadone maintenance treatment for heroin addiction
- Proceedings of the 10th Annual Eagleville Conference on Alcoholism and Drug addiction: Abstinence and controlled use as treatment objectives for alcoholics and …
- Drug addiction treatment in Italy in the 80s Fear of treatment
- Methadone alternative for addiction treatment
- addiction to Intoxicant: Prevention and treatment methods
- Women’s Recovery Programs: A Directory of Residential addiction treatment Centers
- Effect of counselor and client education in nicotine addiction on substance abusers’ readiness to begin smoking cessation treatment
- Achievement and addiction: A Guide to the treatment of Professionals
- Relationship of mutually perceived treatment values and purposes to patients’ recovery in addiction treatment
- Characteristics of in-patient versus out-patient drop outs in addiction treatment
- … characteristics, reproductive and drug addiction histories, HIV/STD risk behaviors, and utilization of prenatal care services and substance abuse treatment …
- The power within or the power without: The effects of level and source of self-efficacy in predicting addiction treatment outcomes
- treatment of Drug addiction
- Report of the Committee on the Study and treatment of Narcotic addiction
- Opiate addiction: Origins and treatment
- The patient at Mountcollins-an institution for the treatment of addiction
- OHIP no longer cash cow for US-based addiction–treatment centres, province says
- Can Successful Clients Become Successful Staff in addiction treatment Programs?
- addiction treatment and The Criminal Justice System: The Rebirth of Rehabilitation and a Therapeutic Justice System.
- Innovative Roles Founder of Feminist addiction treatment Centers for Women
- Solution oriented hypnotic analgesia in Naltrexone treatment for heroin addiction
- The “Concerned Other” Call: Using Family Links and Networks to Overcome Resistance to addiction treatment
- Team Approach to treatment of addiction
- Cost-Benefit Analysis and Program Target Populations: The Narcotics addiction treatment Case
- treatment of Drug addiction
- Research Reviews: Mood Stabilizers in addiction treatment
- Testing Medications for the treatment of addiction in
- treatment of Drug addiction
- Perspectives: Pathological Gambling: A Concern in addiction treatment
- Drug addiction: Some Aspects of treatment
- Use of a Quick Personal Inventory Scale to Help in the addiction treatment Process.
- treatment of Drug addiction
- THE treatment OF DRUG addiction
- treatment OF DRUG addiction
- Understanding and treatment for Children of addiction
- Identifying gender differences in self-esteem gains which occur during residential addiction treatment
- Predictors of client completion for a long-term Christian-based residential addiction treatment program
- Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy (KPT) in the treatment of heroin addiction: Multiple v single KPT sessions
- Gender and addiction–Prevalence, Course and treatment
- Achievement and addiction: A Guide to the treatment of Professionals
- Achievement and addiction: A Guide to the treatment of Professionals
- The treatment of Crack addiction
- Drug addiction in India and Its treatment
- Tobacco addiction and treatment
- The relationship of pretreatment status variables to treatment implementation: A latent variable structural model for cocaine addiction treatment.
- treatment of Alcohol addiction
- addiction under the Mental treatment Act, Eire
- The Extent of addiction in Switzerland, and its treatment.
- Assessment of addiction treatment Counselors at Publicly Supported treatment Facilities in the State of Nevada.
- Drug addiction in India and Its treatment
- Achievement and addiction: A Guide to the treatment of Professionals
- Book Review: addiction: Dual Disorders: Essentials for Assessment and treatment
- Stereotypical sex-roles: A barrier to success in addiction treatment?
- The Red Road approach to healing as used in Native American adolescent addiction treatment
- Models of dependence and treatment in the social construction and control of addiction
- Early Experience and Drug addiction: A treatment Report
- Novel synthesis of [11C] GVG (Vigabatgrin) for pharmacokinetic studies of addiction treatment
- The Physician in treatment of Drug addiction
- Drug addiction: The nursing approach to treatment
- The treatment of Drug addiction: A Recent Canadian Report
- ESB in the treatment of addiction. A case report.
- drugs. of addiction, their symptoms and treatment. The
- Cocaine addiction: treatment, Recovery and Relapse Prevention. By Arnold M. Washton. New York: Norton. 1989. 243 pp.£ 13.95.
- The development of an educational component in a program for the treatment of drug addiction.
- Cocaine addiction: treatment, Recovery and Relapse Prevention. By AM Washton. New York: WW Norton. 1991. 243 pp.£ 8.95/515.95.
- … administration of alpha-methyl-para-tyrosine (AMPT) and 5-butylpicolinic acid (fusaric acid) treatment of narcotic and amphetamine addiction in humans: preliminary …
- F or a perspective on drug addiction and drug treatment in viticultural coun
- Drug addiction Prevention in Institutional treatment
- Heroin addiction: treatment and control in Britain
- Brron1’District Attorney Proposes Control-treatment Prrogs: am lo Combat addiction
- addiction intervention: strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behaviour
- Drug addiction: Narcotics treatment and Rehabilitation Within the Correctional System: the Hong Kong Approach
- Neurohormonal Systems Underlying Drug addiction: Relevance for treatment Strategies
- Coming Clean: Overcoming addiction without treatment, by Robert Granfield and William Cloud (Book Review)
- treatment of Alcohol addiction in Relation to Prevention of Inebriety
- Testing Medications for the treatment of addiction in Pregnancy: One Reviewer’s
- Pharmacologic treatment of Alcohol Abuse and addiction
- Introduction: Pharmacologic treatment of Alcohol Abuse and addiction
- Group art therapy with African-American women: enhancing self-esteem in addiction treatment
- Analysis of Internet addiction and Relevant Prevention & treatment
- Cocaine addiction: treatment, Recovery, and Relapse Prevention—by Arnold M. Washton, Ph. D.; New York, WW Norton & Co., 1989, 243 pages, $22.95
- THE treatment OF OPIUM AND NARCOTIC addiction
- treatment, follow-up and prognosis of drug addiction (author’s transl)
- Methadone in the treatment of Narcotic addiction
- treatment and control of narcotic addiction
- Comorbidity problems and addiction; Implication for detection and treatment
- treatment of Heroin addiction
- treatment of Heroin addiction
- Drug Delivery Systems: Possible Applications in the treatment of Drug addiction
- Proceedings of a Symposium on the Use of Group Procedures in the Prevention and treatment of Drug and Alcohol addiction.
- Methadone treatment of Opiate addiction
- Methadone treatment of Opiate addiction
- Heroin addiction: Theory, Research, and treatment
- treatment in an alcoholism and drug addiction unit.
- treatment of Heroin addiction in the United States
- treatment of heroin addiction in the United States
- A Guide to addiction and its treatment. By MM Glatt. London: Medical & Technical Publishing Co. 1974. Pp. 345. Price£ 7.50.
- Savitt, Robert: Extramural psychoanalytic treatment of a case of narcotic addiction (Tratamiento psicoanalítico ambulatorio de u
- Prognosis in treatment of addiction in alcoholics
- addiction intervention. Strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behaviour
- Heroin addiction: Psychosocial Characteristics and Considerations for treatment.
- Evolution of the treatment of Drug addiction by Chinese Acupuncture
- Heroin addiction: Theory, Research, and treatment
- Insulin treatment of Drug addiction.(Journ. Nerv. and Ment. Dis., vol. lxxxiii, p. 281, March, 1936.) Chen, MP, et al.
- Buprenorphine in the treatment of opiate addiction
- Gerry V. Stimson and Edna Oppenheimer, Heroin addiction: treatment and Control in Britain, Tavistock, London, 1982. vii+ 261 pp.£ 16.00.
- The effects of treatment for opiate addiction on health promoting behaviors
- Initial experience with clotiapine in the treatment of heroin addiction
- addiction services in hospitals: Handbook of Hospital Based Substance Abuse treatment
- Desensitization and the treatment of Alcohol addiction
- addiction Intervention Strategies to Motivate treatment-Seeking Behaviour
- addiction Psychiatry: Current Diagnosis and treatment. By Norman S. Miller. New York: Wiley-Liss. 1995. 300 pp.£ 42.50.
- treatment of Morphine addiction Q.-What is the best treatment for morphine addiction?
- The treatment of drug addiction by hypnosis.
- Reflections on alternative treatment of alcohol addiction in a Federal German provincial psychiatric hospital
- Concomitant treatment of psychosis and drug addiction.
- A New treatment for Morphine addiction
- Buprenorphine in the treatment of Opiate addiction, European Status
- Clinician’s Guide to Cocaine addiction: Theory, Research, and treatment
- Tobacco addiction and its treatment using replacement therapy
- Sexual addiction in a Gay Man: A Brief treatment Approach
- The First Pharmacological treatment for Narcotic addiction: Methadone Maintenance
- Drug addiction and personality disorder: reflection on treatment.
- Mental Illness and addiction Disorder treatment and Prevention
- Covert conditioning in the treatment of drug addiction.
- Morphine addiction with special reference to treatment
- Pain, Analgesia and addiction. The Pharmacologie treatment of Pain
- “treatment Modalities,”“Special Ap-proaches and treatment Programs,”“Special Populations,” and “Special Topics.”“The Nature of addiction” covers
- Methadone Maintenance in the treatment of Narcotics addiction
- From the Source: A Guide for Implementing Perinatal addiction Prevention and treatment Programs
- Drug addiction complicating treatment of chronic otitis media
- The Nonpharmacological treatment of Abuse and addiction to Alcohol and Drugs
- Modern Hypnotic treatment of Various Forms of addiction, in Particular Alcoholism
- Lithium treatment of cocaine addiction: Reply.
- CONTROVERSIES IN THE addiction FIELD: Ugly American Politics of Alcohol and Drugs Use, Education, treatment, and Public Policies
- Demographic characteristics of dropouts from inpatient treatment for alcohol and drug addiction
- … assessment technique used by counselling psychologists And the role of perceived social support in the process of therapeutic change in addiction treatment
- Drug addiction in the light of Biopsychology and Psychopharmacology: Neural mechanisms and their treatment implications
- Computerized Clinical Simulations for Diagnosis and treatment of addiction to Prescription Drugs: A Demonstration
- Dual addiction: Pharmacological Issues in the treatment of Concomitant Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
- Systemic-relational factors associated with addiction severity and frequency of formal treatment of alcoholics
- Clinician’s Guide to Cocaine addiction: Theory, Research, and treatment—edited by Thomas R. Kosten, MD, and Herbert D. Kleber, MD; New York, Guilford Press …
- Naltrexone in the treatment of alcohol addiction
- Pain, Analgesia and addiction: The Pharmacologic treatment of Pain
- Getting Off the Hook: treatment of Drug addiction and Social Disorders Through Body and Mind
- Recovery From Opiate addiction Without treatment: A Summary (From Collection and Interpretation of Data From Hidden Populations, P 113-119, 1990, Elizabeth Y …
- Women and addiction: Process, treatment, and Outcome (From Collection and Interpretation of Data From Hidden Populations, P 120-127, 1990, Elizabeth Y Lambert …
- treatment OF OPIUM OR MORPHINE addiction
- Methadone highlighted as safe and effective treatment for opioid addiction
- A Pilot Study of treatment Centers for Heroin Drug addiction in New York City
- Personalized minimal treatment of smoking addiction. Results of a multicenter study. Study Group of the treatment of Tobacco addiction. Spanish Society of …
- Review of Integrated treatment for mental illness, drug addiction and alcoholism across Alaska.
- Tuesday, October 23, 2001-9: 42 AM Abstract# 20508 Using the DATCAP and ASI to estimate the costs and benefits of residential addiction treatment in the state of …
- Heroin addiction and methadone treatment: a descriptive study of the addict’s behavior
- Crack addiction of African American women in the lower socioeconomic strata and barriers to treatment, 1994
- Efficacy of Civil Commitment in Treating Narcotic addiction (From Compulsory treatment of Drug Abuse: Research and Clinical Practice, P 8-34, 1988, Carl G …
- Disulfiram treatment of Cocaine addiction
- Methadone Maintenance treatment of Heroin addiction in Sweden
- Drug addiction and Its treatment: Nexus of Neuro-science and Behavior
- Long term drug and alcohol treatment program: An outcome study comparing secular-based treatment with faith-based treatment for addiction
- Reviews: Drugs, Society and Man. A guide to addiction and its treatment. MM Glatt, MD, MRCP, FRCPsych, DPM. Lancaster: Medical and Technical Publishing Co. Ltd …
- An application of the addiction Severity Index to the study of treatment outcomes of indigent alcoholics in Northwest Ohio.
- Legal Strategy (From addiction Intervention: Strategies to Motivate treatment-Seeking Behavior, P 115-126, 1998, Robert K. White, Deborah G. Wright, eds.-See NCJ …
- P02. 193 Apinarcotherapy—New progressive method of alcohol and drug addiction treatment
- Predicting injection drug users’ compliance with treatment for drug addiction using template matching procedures.
- P03. 421 Antidepressants in heroine addiction treatment
- treatment Options in addiction: Medical Management of Alcohol and Opiate Abuse. Edited by Colin Brewer. London: Gaskell. 1993. 108 pp.£ 7.50 (pb).
- Sphenopalatine Ganglion Blocks for the treatment of Nicotine addiction
- Disulfiram in the treatment of Alcoholism. Toronto, Canada: addiction Research Foundation of Ontario. 1978. Pp 346. $8.00.
- The effects on treatment outcomes of counselors’ access to the addiction severity index scores of substance abusers
- Heroin addiction and Methadone treatment in America: Using Our Heads in the Search for Solutions
- Stress, Coping and Social Support Among African-American Women in treatment or” Crack” Cocaine addiction
- Wednesday, November 15, 2000-3: 23 PM Abstract# 10361 Culturally Competent Outreach, addiction treatment, and HIV Prevention Services for Native Hawaiian …
- A group living unit for drug addicts: an assessment of the narcotic drug addiction research and treatment units at Oakalla Prison Farm, 1956-1960.
- Conceptual Issues in Alcoholism and Substance Abuse; Dual addiction: Pharmacological Issues in the treatment of Concomitant Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
- Medical Strategy: Interventions (From addiction Intervention: Strategies to Motivate treatment-Seeking Behavior, P 21-36, 1998, Robert K. White, Deborah G. Wright …
- Withdrawal treatment for alcohol and nicotine addiction in patients with carcinoma in the oral cavity: luxury or necessity?
- Reduction in addiction Severity Among African-American and Hispanic Patients Receiving Standard Methadone Maintenance: Six-Month treatment Outcome
- The Pharmacological treatment of the Acute Intoxication and Detoxification of Alcohol and Drugs of Abuse and addiction
- … study of the relationship between attitudinal change toward addiction and addictive behavior among substance abusers entering an inpatient treatment …
- Community treatment of Drug Misuse: More Than Methadone• The addiction-Prone Personality
- Wednesday, October 24, 2001-1: 30 PM Abstract# 32391 Alternative and Complementary Health Practices in addiction treatment
- Employee Assistance Program Strategy (From addiction Intervention: Strategies to Motivate treatment-Seeking Behavior, P 55-71, 1998, Robert K. White, Deborah G …
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Associated Autonomic Neuropathy, Drug addiction, and Zidovudine treatment-Reply
- … Evaluation of Agreements Between Managed Care Organizations and Community-Based Mental Illness and addiction Disorder treatment and Prevention Providers
- Empirical Study of the Relationship Between Heroin and addiction, Crime and Medical treatment (From Reduction of Drug-Related Harm, P 154-161, 1992, PA O’ …
- … J. Milstead., Female addiction. By Walter R. Cuskey and Richard B. Wathey. and Dynamic Approaches to the Understanding and treatment of Alcoholism. Edited by …
- The neurobiology and preclinical evaluation of GABAb agonists for the treatment of cocaine addiction.
- Pregnancy care in drug-dependent patients under the charge of SERT (Public Service for the treatment of Drug addiction) of Massa-Carrara. The prevention of fetal …
- Variability of Tobacco addiction and narcissistic disposition: A comparison of non-smokers and smokers undergoing stop smoking treatment
- Opiate agonists and antagonists in the treatment of heroin addiction: differential outcomes according to methadone and naltrexone treatment practice
- Neurometric QEEG Studies of Crack Cocaine Dependence and treatment Outcome (From Neurobiology of Cocaine addiction: From Bench to Bedside, P 39-53, 1996 …
- … main sources of psycho-analytic interest in drug-addic-tion. In the first place its aetiology is still obscure; consequently the treatment of drug-addiction lags behind that …
- Monday, November 13, 2000-1: 30 PM Abstract# 16991 Managing Bias in Observational Research on Acupuncture in addiction treatment
- P02. 363 GHB treatment of alcohol and drug addiction
- P03. 435 Complex treatment of emergency conditions in patients with drug addiction
- … 23, 2001-Board 6 Abstract# 24647 Substance Abuse treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPS) Evaluation Project: Results of the addiction Technology Transfer Center …
- The Drinker’s addiction: Its Nature and Practical treatment
- P01. 76 Use of dalargin in the treatment of compulsive craving in opiate addiction
- Neurobiology of addiction: treatment and public policy ramifications
- Reconsidering the evaluation of addiction treatment: from retrospective follow‐up to concurrent recovery monitoring
- Contemporary addiction treatment: A review of systems problems for adults and adolescents
- The Network for the Improvement of addiction treatment (NIATx): enhancing access and retention
- Can the national addiction treatment infrastructure support the public’s demand for quality care?
- The use of confrontation in addiction treatment: History, science and time for change
- Assessment of spirituality and its relevance to addiction treatment
- Have we evaluated addiction treatment correctly? Implications from a chronic care perspective
- Readiness and stages of change in addiction treatment
- What should we be aiming for in the treatment of addiction?
- Improving drug addiction treatment in China
- An empirical exploration of spirituality and religiousness in addiction treatment
- Patient attitudes concerning the inclusion of spirituality into addiction treatment
- Videogame addiction and its treatment
- addiction treatment and recovery careers
- Evidence-based addiction treatment
- addiction treatment services and co-occurring disorders: Prevalence estimates, treatment practices, and barriers
- Evidence-based practices in addiction treatment: Review and recommendations for public policy
- Uses of coercion in addiction treatment: clinical aspects
- Cost-effectiveness analysis of addiction treatment: paradoxes of multiple outcomes
- Modeling stress and drug craving in the laboratory: implications for addiction treatment development
- Prescription OxyContin abuse among patients entering addiction treatment
- Reductions in criminal convictions after addiction treatment: 5-year follow-up
- Benefit‐cost analysis of addiction treatment: Methodological guidelines and empirical application using the DATCAP and ASI
- The business of addiction treatment: A research agenda
- Internet addiction: A handbook and guide to evaluation and treatment
- Spiritual direction in addiction treatment: Two clinical trials
- Physical and sexual abuse history and addiction treatment outcomes.
- A survey of clinical practices and readiness to adopt evidence-based practices: Dissemination research in an addiction treatment system
- Barriers and solutions to addressing tobacco dependence in addiction treatment programs
- Assessment for addiction in pain-treatment settings
- Social control and coercion in addiction treatment: towards evidence‐based policy and practice
- The duration and correlates of addiction and treatment careers
- Clinical guidelines for the use of buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid addiction
- Use of buprenorphine for addiction treatment: perspectives of addiction specialists and general psychiatrists
- Coerced addiction treatment: Client perspectives and the implications of their neglect
- Failure to treat tobacco use in mental health and addiction treatment settings: a form of harm reduction?
- The effect of matching comprehensive services to patients’ needs on drug use improvement in addiction treatment
- Internet addiction: Diagnosis and treatment considerations
- Towards generous constraint: freedom and coercion in a French addiction treatment
- Research advances in the understanding and treatment of addiction
- treatment of smokers with co-occurring disorders: emphasis on integration in mental health and addiction treatment settings
- Assessing the dual diagnosis capability of addiction treatment services: The Dual Diagnosis Capability in addiction treatment (DDCAT) Index
- The association of persistent pain with out‐patient addiction treatment outcomes and service utilization
- treatment of internet addiction
- Psychological trauma and addiction treatment
- Association between concurrent depression and anxiety and six-month outcome of addiction treatment
- Internet sex addiction: Risk factors, stages of development, and treatment
- Improving public addiction treatment through performance contracting: The Delaware experiment
- Understanding online gaming addiction and treatment issues for adolescents
- Individuals receiving addiction treatment: are medical costs of their family members reduced?
- Replication and sustainability of improved access and retention within the Network for the Improvement of addiction treatment
- Accessibility of addiction treatment: results from a national survey of outpatient substance abuse treatment organizations
- Staff smoking and other barriers to nicotine dependence intervention in addiction treatment settings: a review
- The legitimacy of addiction treatment in a world of smart people
- Neurobiology of addiction and implications for treatment
- Adolescent drug addiction treatment and weight gain
- Policy progress for physician treatment of opiate addiction
- Facilitating factors and barriers to the use of medications in publicly funded addiction treatment organizations
- Traditional medicine in the treatment of drug addiction
- Diacetylmorphine versus methadone for the treatment of opioid addiction
- Brain stimulation in the study and treatment of addiction
- Making “stone soup”: Improvements in clinic access and retention in addiction treatment
- A better widget? Three lessons for improving addiction treatment from a meta‐analytical study
- Using the DATCAP and ASI to estimate the costs and benefits of residential addiction treatment in the State of Washington
- Anti-relapse medications: preclinical models for drug addiction treatment
- Traditional Chinese medicine in treatment of opiate addiction
- Structural and cultural barriers to the adoption of smoking cessation services in addiction treatment organizations
- Turnover intention and emotional exhaustion” at the top”: adapting the job demands-resources model to leaders of addiction treatment organizations.
- Long-term cost effectiveness of addiction treatment for criminal offenders
- addiction treatment in Russia
- From neurobiology to treatment: progress against addiction
- Applying laboratory research: drug anticipation and the treatment of drug addiction.
- Improving continuity of care in a public addiction treatment system with clinical case management
- The neurosurgical treatment of addiction
- Addressing tobacco use through organizational change: a case study of an addiction treatment organization
- Neuropharmacology of addiction and how it informs treatment
- Counseling for the family: The neglected aspect of addiction treatment in Canada
- Healing addiction: An integrated pharmacopsychosocial approach to treatment
- Socio-spatial stigmatization and the contested space of addiction treatment: remapping strategies of opposition to the disorder of drugs
- Dopamine in drug abuse and addiction: results of imaging studies and treatment implications
- Overlap of clusters of psychiatric symptoms among clients of a comprehensive addiction treatment service.
- Socially sanctioned coercion mechanisms for addiction treatment
- addiction treatment and stable housing among a cohort of injection drug users
- Love addiction: Definition, etiology, treatment
- Something of value: The introduction of contingency management interventions into the New York City Health and Hospital addiction treatment Service
- Pharmacotherapy in the treatment of addiction: methadone
- Conflict and repair in addiction treatment: An attachment disorder perspective
- It’s time to stop kicking people out of addiction treatment
- Systematic review: opioid treatment for chronic back pain: prevalence, efficacy, and association with addiction
- Using concept mapping to design an indicator framework for addiction treatment centres
- Opioid dependence and addiction during opioid treatment of chronic pain
- Heroin: The treatment of addiction in twentieth-century Britain
- Novel approaches to the treatment of cocaine addiction
- Prevention and treatment of drug addiction by environmental enrichment
- Understanding the importance of organizational and system variables on addiction treatment services within criminal justice settings
- Behavioral health recovery management: Transcending the limitations of addiction treatment
- The neurocircuitry of addiction: Implications for treatment
- Barriers to obtaining waivers to prescribe buprenorphine for opioid addiction treatment among HIV physicians
- Individual characteristics and needs associated with substance misuse of adolescents and young adults in addiction treatment
- GABAB receptors in addiction and its treatment
- Recovery management and people of color: Redesigning addiction treatment for historically disempowered communities
- Sexual abuse and the outcome of addiction treatment
- Confrontation in addiction treatment
- The addiction treatment planner
- Introduction to the special issue on the behavior analysis and treatment of drug addiction
- Neurobiology of nicotine addiction: implications for smoking cessation treatment
- A possible mechanism underlying the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of drug addiction
- Medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction in opioid treatment programs
- Barriers to effective drug addiction treatment for women involved in street‐level prostitution: a qualitative investigation
- Attitudes and beliefs about 12-step groups among addiction treatment clients and clinicians: Toward identifying obstacles to participation
- Individual cognitive-behavioral therapy and behavioral couples therapy in alcohol use disorder: A comparative evaluation in community-based addiction treatment …
- EMDR in the treatment of addiction
- Technology transfer and the treatment of addiction: what can research offer practice?
- addiction and the treatment of pain
- Counselor attitudes toward the use of motivational incentives in addiction treatment
- Hypothesis-driven medication discovery for the treatment of psychostimulant addiction
- Barriers to the dissemination of four harm reduction strategies: a survey of addiction treatment providers in Ontario
- addiction treatment strives for legitimacy
- Exploring the limits and utility of operant conditioning in the treatment of drug addiction
- Theories of motivation in addiction treatment: Testing the relationship of the transtheoretical model of change and self-determination theory
- Integrating medical care and addiction treatment
- … to reduce the stigma attached to addiction, treatment, and recovery within the City of Philadelphia (with particular reference to medication-assisted treatment …
- Naloxone treatment in opioid addiction: the risks and benefits
- What’s new in the treatment of cocaine addiction?
- Diagnosis and treatment of sexual addiction: A survey among German sex therapists
- Linking addiction treatment & Communities of Recovery: A Primer for Addicition Counselors and Recovery Coaches
- Acupuncture treatment for opiate addiction: a systematic review
- addiction treatment in Vancouver
- A survey of PTSD screening and referral practices in VA addiction treatment programs
- A multi-site, two-phase, Prescription Opioid addiction treatment Study (POATS): rationale, design, and methodology
- The integrated recovery model for addiction treatment and recovery
- Toward a philosophy of choice: A new era of addiction treatment
- Treating addiction with tunes: A systematic review of music therapy for the treatment of patients with addictions
- Day hospital and residential addiction treatment: randomized and nonrandomized managed care clients.
- GABAB receptor agonists for the treatment of drug addiction: a review of recent findings
- Patients with addiction and personality disorder: treatment outcomes and clinical implications
- Integrated treatment of co-occurring mental illness and addiction: clinical intervention, program, and system perspectives
- The psychological and neurochemical mechanisms of drug memory reconsolidation: implications for the treatment of addiction
- Therapeutic advances in the treatment of nicotine addiction: present and future
- treatment of patients comorbid for addiction and other psychiatric disorders
- Parity and the medicalization of addiction treatment
- A review of opioid dependence treatment: pharmacological and psychosocial interventions to treat opioid addiction
- Recent advances in the treatment of opiate addiction
- Research network involvement and addiction treatment center staff: Counselor attitudes toward buprenorphine
- Search for genetic markers and functional variants involved in the development of opiate and cocaine addiction and treatment
- Sociodemographic disparities in access to addiction treatment among a cohort of Vancouver injection drug users
- treatment of addiction: Current issues for arts therapists
- Association of personality disorders, family conflicts and treatment with quality of life in opiate addiction
- Recovery management and the future of addiction treatment and recovery in the USA
- addiction Research and treatment
- addiction to prescription opioids: characteristics of the emerging epidemic and treatment with buprenorphine.
- Controlled trial of prescribed heroin in the treatment of opioid addiction
- Applied cognitive and behavioural approaches to the treatment of addiction: A practical treatment guide
- Cognitive-behavioural therapy in the treatment of addiction
- Pharmacogenetics and nicotine addiction treatment
- Office-based treatment of opiate addiction with a sublingual-tablet formulation of buprenorphine and naloxone
- Spirituality, sense of coherence, and coping responses in women receiving treatment for alcohol and drug addiction
- Safety and efficacy of the nicotine patch and gum for the treatment of adolescent tobacco addiction
- Individualized sexual addiction treatment: A developmental perspective
- Unrecognised dual diagnosis–a risk factor for dropout of addiction treatment
- Requiring a one-week addiction treatment experience in a six-week psychiatry clerkship: effects on attitudes toward substance-abusing patients
- Need and non-need factors associated with addiction treatment utilization in a cohort of homeless and housed urban poor
- Effectiveness of community treatments for heroin and crack cocaine addiction in England: a prospective, in-treatment cohort study
- treatment planning for person-centered care: The road to mental health and addiction recovery
- Biological basis of tobacco addiction: Implications for smoking-cessation treatment
- Recent advances in the treatment of opiate addiction
- addiction-related assessment tools and pain management: instruments for screening, treatment planning, and monitoring compliance
- Psychosocial work conditions and work stress in an innovating addiction treatment centre. Consequences for the EFQM Excellence Model
- Abuse liability in opioid therapy for pain treatment in patients with an addiction history
- Social support as a protective factor of recurrence after drug addiction treatment
- Utilization of EMDR in the treatment of sexual addiction: A case study
- Cognitive function as an emerging treatment target for marijuana addiction.
- Article Commentary: Moving Towards Integrated addiction treatment Systems
- Improving consistency and quality of service delivery: implications for the addiction treatment field
- Cue exposure therapy for the treatment of opiate addiction: results of a randomized controlled clinical trial
- Screening and assessment of personality disorders in addiction treatment settings
- From morphine clinics to buprenorphine: regulating opioid agonist treatment of addiction in the United States
- treatment Experiences of Gays and Lesbians In Recovery from addiction: A Qualitative Inquiry.
- The effectiveness of brief multimodal experiential therapy in the treatment of sexual addiction
- Sexual addiction and Christian college men: Conceptual, assessment, and treatment challenges
- Visual representation tools for improving addiction treatment outcomes
- Children attending addiction treatment services in Dublin, 1990–1999
- Challenges in increasing access to buprenorphine treatment for opiate addiction
- Improving the transition from residential to outpatient addiction treatment: Gender differences in response to supportive telephone calls
- treatment of addiction in the elderly
- Women, girls, and addiction: Celebrating the feminine in counseling treatment and recovery
- The role of family history in addiction severity and treatment response
- Effectiveness of therapies for heroin addiction in retaining patients in treatment: results from the VEdeTTE study
- addiction treatment: science and policy for the twenty-first century
- treatment of heroin (diamorphine) addiction
- Fatalities after taking ibogaine in addiction treatment could be related to sudden cardiac death caused by autonomic dysfunction
- Prior Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) affiliation and the acceptability of the Twelve Steps to patients entering UK statutory addiction treatment.
- Improving the dual diagnosis capability of addiction and mental health treatment services: Implementation factors associated with program level changes
- Improving access to opiate addiction treatment for prisoners
- Opioid treatment of chronic pain in patients with addiction
- Benefit–cost analysis of addiction treatment in Arkansas: specialty and standard residential programs for pregnant and parenting women
- Cytisine for the treatment of nicotine addiction: from a molecule to therapeutic efficacy
- Pediatric obesity: parallels with addiction and treatment recommendations
- Inability to access addiction treatment and risk of HIV infection among injection drug users recruited from a supervised injection facility
- Investigating variation in the costs and benefits of addiction treatment: Econometric analysis of the Chicago Target Cities Project
- Comparison of completers and dropouts in psychological treatment for cocaine addiction
- Assessment and treatment of co-occurring eating disorders in publicly funded addiction treatment programs
- Client and service characteristics associated with addiction treatment completion of clients with co-occurring disorders
- How many cravings? Pharmacological aspects of craving treatment in alcohol addiction: a review
- Trauma-focused, present-centered, emotional self-regulation approach to integrated treatment for posttraumatic stress and addiction: Trauma adaptive recovery group …
- CB1 receptor antagonists for the treatment of nicotine addiction
- Extinction of drug-and withdrawal-paired cues in animal models: relevance to the treatment of addiction
- The treatment of addiction
- A Photographic Essay addiction treatment in the United States: Early Pioneers and Institutions
- The ‘British System’of heroin addiction treatment and the opening of drug dependence units, 1965–1970
- Pharmacokinetic approaches to treatment of drug addiction
- Commentary: Spiritual guidance, addiction treatment and long-term recovery
- Medication-Assisted treatment For Opioid addiction in Opioid treatment Programs. treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 43.
- Feasibility of referring drug users from a needle exchange program into an addiction treatment program: experience with a mobile treatment van and LAAM …
- Crushing virtual cigarettes reduces tobacco addiction and treatment discontinuation
- Novel pharmacotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of drug addiction and craving
- Affective neuroscience and the treatment of sexual addiction
- Collaborative behavioral management: integration and intensification of parole and outpatient addiction treatment services in the Step’n Out study
- Inability to access addiction treatment and risk of HIV infection among injection drug users
- Future advances in addiction treatment
- Personality disorder and chronicity of addiction as independent outcomepredictors in alcoholism treatment
- Out of touch or on the money: Do the clinical objectives of addiction treatment coincide with economic evaluation results?
- Boston consortium of services for families in recovery: A trauma-informed intervention model for women’s alcohol and drug addiction treatment
- Multimodal drug addiction treatment: A field comparison of methadone and buprenorphine among heroin-and cocaine-dependent patients
- Family member involvement in relapse prevention improves alcohol dependence outcomes: a prospective study at an addiction treatment facility in India
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of addiction treatment
- Can 12-step group participation strengthen and extend the benefits of adolescent addiction treatment? A prospective analysis
- Drug addiction maintenance treatment and quality of life measurements
- Integrating tobacco dependence treatment and tobacco-free standards into addiction treatment: New Jersey’s experience
- Neurocognitive and neuroimaging evidence of behavioural dysregulation in human drug addiction: implications for diagnosis, treatment and prevention
- Sandtray therapy for inpatient sexual addiction treatment: An application of constructivist change principles
- The capacity for dynamic process scale (CDPS) and patient engagement in opiate addiction treatment
- Results of a statewide evaluation of “paperwork burden” in addiction treatment
- Effects of gender and diagnosis on addiction history, treatment utilization, and psychosocial functioning among a dually-diagnosed sample in drug treatment
- Dual diagnosis competency among addiction treatment staff: Training levels, training needs and the link to retention
- Racial disparities in completion rates from publicly funded alcohol treatment: economic resources explain more than demographics and addiction severity
- Buprenorphine: an analgesic with an expanding role in the treatment of opioid addiction
- Women & addiction: Gender Issues in Abuse and treatment.
- Safety and efficacy of γ‐vinyl GABA (GVG) for the treatment of methamphetamine and/or cocaine addiction
- Automating addiction treatment: Enhancing the human experience and creating a fix for the future
- EMDR in the addiction continuing care process: Case study of a cross-addicted female’s treatment and recovery
- Ethical issues in sex and love addiction treatment
- Knowledge and attitudes about pharmacotherapy for alcoholism: a survey of counselors and administrators in community-based addiction treatment centres
- Ethical issues in the conduct of longitudinal studies of addiction treatment
- A critical review of accounting and economic methods for estimating the costs of addiction treatment
- A web-based therapeutic workplace for the treatment of drug addiction and chronic unemployment
- addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry in America: Commonalities in the medical treatment of addiction
- Inside the black box: Measuring addiction treatment services and their relation to outcomes
- Integrating the creative arts into trauma and addiction treatment: Eight essential processes
- Length of outpatient addiction treatment and risk of rehospitalization
- Use of low-energy laser as adjunct treatment of alcohol addiction
- Hepatitis C treatment in patients with drug addiction: clinical management of interferon-alpha-associated psychiatric side effects
- Training substance abuse treatment organizations to adopt evidence-based practices: The addiction Technology Transfer Center of New England Science to Service …
- treatment of sleep disturbance in alcohol recovery: a national survey of addiction medicine physicians
- The dynorphin/kappa opioid receptor system: a new target for the treatment of addiction and affective disorders?
- addiction treatment ultimatums and US health reform: A case study
- A quality framework for addiction treatment programs
- Strengthening resilience within families in addiction treatment
- Targeting endogenous mu-and delta-opioid receptor systems for the treatment of drug addiction
- An evaluation study of art therapy provision in a residential addiction treatment Programme (ATP)
- Managing trauma reactions in intensive addiction treatment environments
- Dual dopamine/serotonin releasers: potential treatment agents for stimulant addiction.
- Ethical perspectives: opioid treatment of chronic pain in the context of addiction
- Applying motivational interviewing to the treatment of sexual compulsivity and addiction
- An examination of addiction treatment completion by gender and ethnicity
- Endocannabinoid release from midbrain dopamine neurons: a potential substrate for cannabinoid receptor antagonist treatment of addiction
- Improving acceptance of naltrexone in community addiction treatment centers: A pilot study
- Weight gain after adolescent drug addiction treatment and supervised abstinence
- Faith-based treatment for addiction in Puerto Rico
- China reins in wilder impulses in treatment of ‘Internet addiction‘
- Noradrenergic α1 receptors as a novel target for the treatment of nicotine addiction
- Pharmacological treatment of addiction
- Anticipating clinical integration of pharmacogenetic treatment strategies for addiction: are primary care physicians ready?
- A 3‐year study of addiction mutual‐help group participation following intensive outpatient treatment
- Latinas in cultural transition: addiction, treatment and recovery
- Community referral sources and entry of treatment-naïve clients into outpatient addiction treatment
- A case report of topiramate in the treatment of nonparaphilic sexual addiction
- The URGES approach: Urge reduction by growing ego strength (URGES) for trauma/addiction treatment using alternate bilateral stimulation, hypnotherapy, ego state …
- Industry evolution through consolidation: Implications for addiction treatment
- Using e-health programs to overcome barriers to the effective treatment of mental health and addiction problems
- The treatment of eating disorders as addiction among adolescent females
- Subtyping patients with heroin addiction at treatment entry: factor derived from the Self-Report Symptom Inventory (SCL-90)
- Stereotactic neurosurgical treatment of addiction: minimizing the chances of another’great and desperate cure’
- The endocannabinoid system: a new molecular target for the treatment of tobacco addiction
- Does America spend enough on addiction treatment? Results from public opinion surveys
- Integrated opioid use disorder and HIV treatment: rationale, clinical guidelines for addiction treatment, and review of interactions of antiretroviral agents and opioid …
- addiction to MMORPGs: Symptoms and treatment
- Meditation as a coping intervention for treatment of addiction
- Contrasting and converging philosophies of three models of alcohol/other drugs treatment: Minnesota model, social model, and addiction therapeutic communities
- Influencing factors on client satisfaction in governmental addiction treatment centers and
- “Kitchen cupboard drinking”: a review of South African women’s secretive alcohol addiction, treatment history, and barriers to accessing treatment
- A bio-behavioral model of addiction treatment: Applying dual representation theory to craving management and relapse prevention
- Methadone and the anti-medication bias in addiction treatment
- Methadone dosing & safety in the treatment of opioid addiction
- treatment of drug addiction and psychopathology: A field study
- Evaluating addiction treatment outcomes
- Lesbian, gay, and bisexual clients’ experiences in treatment for addiction
- addiction treatment services and co-occurring disorders: the ASAM-PPC-2R taxonomy of program dual diagnosis capability
- An existential model of flourishing subsequent to treatment for addiction: The importance of living a meaningful and spiritual life
- Moving empirically supported practices to addiction treatment programs: Recruiting supervisors to help in technology transfer
- Adapting the integrated dual-disorder treatment model for addiction services
- Performance improvement in addiction treatment: efforts in California
- The outcomes movement in addiction treatment: Comments and cautions.
- A case study using a patient satisfaction survey to improve the delivery and effectiveness of drug addiction treatment services: marketing implications and …
- Masculinity issues in addiction treatment in Swiss inpatient alcohol programs: bringing men’s treatment needs back to the research agenda
- treatment of drug addiction in traumatised refugees
- Stereotactic neurosurgical treatment of drug addiction
- Effects of voucher-based intervention on abstinence and retention in an outpatient treatment for cocaine addiction: a randomized controlled trial.
- Attitudes of anesthesiologists about addiction and its treatment: a survey of Illinois and Wisconsin members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists
- Scientific and political challenges in North America’s first randomized controlled trial of heroin-assisted treatment for severe heroin addiction: Rationale and design of …
- Racial and ethnic composition as a correlate of medication availability within addiction treatment organizations
- Designated case managers as facilitators of medical and psychosocial service delivery in addiction treatment programs
- Advances in heroin addiction treatment with traditional Chinese medicine: a systematic review of recent Chinese language journals
- addiction treatment homework planner
- Methamphetamine addiction, treatment, and outcomes: Implications for child welfare workers
- Long-acting opioid-agonists in the treatment of heroin addiction: Why should we call them “substitution”?
- A review of work‐force development literature for the Māori addiction treatment field in Aotearoa/New Zealand
- Interpreting conflicting findings from clinical trials of auricular acupuncture for cocaine addiction: does treatment context influence outcome?
- An integration of three approaches to addiction and methadone maintenance treatment: the self-medication hypothesis, the disease model and social criticism
- Under-utilisation of addiction treatment services by heroin users from ethnic minorities: results from a cohort study over four years
- Drug addiction treatment in Russia: no substitution therapy.
- Prediction of abstinence from heroin addiction by childhood trauma, dissociation, and extent of psychosocial treatment
- Drug addiction during pregnancy: Advances in maternal treatment and understanding child outcomes
- Weight gain during substance abuse treatment: The dual problem of addiction and overeating in an adolescent population
- Concurrent cocaine and alcohol use in individuals presenting to an addiction treatment program
- A theory-based analysis of coercion in addiction treatment
- Guidelines and evidence-based practice: a critical appraisal of the Swedish national guidelines for addiction treatment
- Neuroimaging, genetics and the treatment of nicotine addiction
- Illegal addiction treatment centers’ mushrooming’
- … smoking to help their future patients? Assessment of New York City fourth-year medical students’ knowledge of tobacco cessation and treatment for nicotine addiction
- When “enough” is still not “enough”: effectiveness of high-dose methadone in the treatment of heroin addiction
- Methamphetamine addiction: From basic science to treatment
- Drug addiction from a psychodynamic perspective: Methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) as transitional phenomena
- A herbal medicine used in the treatment of addiction mimics the action of amphetamine on in vitro rat striatal dopamine release
- Putting addiction treatment medications to use: Lessons learned
- Enhancing hope and resilience through a spiritually sensitive focus in the treatment of trauma and addiction
- Conceptions of addiction and implications for treatment approaches
- Script (ing) treatment: Representations of recovery from addiction in Hollywood film
- Employee benefits managers’ opinions about addiction treatment
- Predicting Methadone Maintenance treatment Outcomes Using the addiction Severity Index and the MMPI‐2 Content Scales (Negative treatment Indicators and …
- The stigma paradox in methadone maintenance: Naïve and positive consequences of a “treatment punishment” approach to opiate addiction
- The addiction treatment roundtable: A clinical wisdom study
- Self-help treatment for combined addiction and mental illness
- Integrating cognitive neuroscience research and cognitive behavioral treatment with neurofeedback therapy in drug addiction comorbid with Posttraumatic Stress …
- addiction medicine and addiction psychiatry in America: The impact of physicians in recovery on the medical treatment of addiction
- Automation in an addiction treatment research clinic: Computerised contingency management, ecological momentary assessment and a protocol workflow system
- Overcoming pessimism about treatment of addiction
- addiction treatment history, medical services utilization, and cost: a longitudinal analysis of problem drinkers
- Ear acupuncture in addiction treatment
- Drug counseling for cocaine addiction: The collaborative cocaine treatment study model
- Extraction and determination by liquid chromatography and spectrophotometry of naloxone in microparticles for drug‐addiction treatment
- Employment-based reinforcement in the treatment of drug addiction
- A comparison of patients relapsing to addictive drug use with non-relapsing patients following residential addiction treatment in Antigua
- Preclinical evidence of new opioid modulators for the treatment of addiction
- Attachment style, early maladaptive schemas, coping self-efficacy, therapy alliance and their influence on addiction severity in methadone-maintenance treatment
- Methadone matters: Evolving community methadone treatment of opiate addiction
- Perceived addiction treatment needs among alcohol using injection drug users
- Centers to weave addiction treatment into medical education
- A cross-sectional assessment of utilization of addiction treatment among injection drug users in Kabul, Afghanistan
- Buprenorphine: a new alternative in the treatment of opioid addiction
- Probing the role of AMPAR endocytosis and long‐term depression in behavioural sensitization: relevance to treatment of brain disorders, including drug addiction
- New findings on nicotine addiction and treatment
- Drug and alcohol addiction in Singapore: Issues and challenges in control and treatment strategies
- The integration of psychotherapy and 12-step programs in sexual addiction treatment
- addiction treatment and recovery: A primer for criminal justice personnel
- Psychodynamic approach to addiction treatment
- treatment of opiate addiction
- Addressing the treatment needs of children affected by maternal addiction: Challenges and solutions
- A randomised clinical trial of nicotine patches for treatment of spit tobacco addiction among adolescents
- Design paper: The CapOpus trial: A randomized, parallel-group, observer-blinded clinical trial of specialized addiction treatment versus treatment as usual for …
- The powerlessness of control: A unifying model for the treatment of male battering and substance addiction
- Group therapy in the treatment of drug addiction
- Alcohol addiction: evaluation of alcohol abstinence after a year of psycho‐medical‐social treatment
- Burgered: quality of life and addiction treatment
- A Review of:“addiction treatment Matching: Research Foundations of the American Society of addiction Medicine (ASAM) Criteria” Edited by David R. Gastfriend, MD …
- Solution and resource-oriented addiction treatment with the choices of abstinence or controlled drinking
- Strategies for incorporating women-specific sexuality education into addiction treatment models
- Novice, seasoned and veteran counselors’ views of addiction treatment manuals: The influence of counselor characteristics on manual usefulness
- Literature review of research in family systems treatment of sexual addiction
- Creative Recovery: A Complete addiction treatment Program that Uses Your Natural Creativity
- PRECLINICAL STUDY: Long‐term haloperidol treatment (but not risperidone) enhances addiction‐related behaviors in mice: role of dopamine D2 receptors
- Food and Drug Administration approval of buprenorphinenaloxone for office treatment of addiction
- Pain management in patients with substance abuse: treatment challenges for pain and addiction specialists
- Making the shift from ‘addict self’to ‘spiritual self’: Results from a Stage I study of Spiritual Self-Schema (3-S) therapy for the treatment of addiction and HIV risk behavior
- A systems biology network model for genetic association studies of nicotine addiction and treatment
- Medical illness and comorbidities in drug users: implications for addiction pharmacotherapy treatment
- Using relational-cultural theory to conceptualize couple interventions in the treatment of sex addiction
- Standardized assessment in substance abuse treatment in the Netherlands: The case of the addiction Severity Index and new developments
- The history of prescribing heroin and other injectable drugs as addiction treatment in the UK
- Effectiveness of addiction science presentations to treatment professionals, using a modified Solomon study design
- Novel pharmacological approaches to treatment of drug overdose and addiction
- Medications for the treatment of cocaine addiction: Emerging candidates
- The temperament and character inventory in addiction treatment
- Cocaine & methamphetamine addiction: treatment, recovery, and relapse prevention
- Educating treatment professionals about addiction science research: demographics of knowledge and belief changes
- Endogenous morphine: opening new doors for the treatment of pain and addiction
- Quetiapine as add-on treatment for bipolar I disorder with comorbid compulsive buying and physical exercise addiction
- Bromocriptine treatment for cocaine addiction: association with plasma prolactin levels
- addiction and women gender differences concerning drug abuse and its treatment
- Another quality chasm: the failure of nursing to clearly communicate its role within the addiction treatment workforce
- Results of a comprehensive workplace program for the prevention and treatment of smoking addiction
- Safe & Sound: Models for Collaboration between the Child Welfare & addiction treatment Systems.
- Safety and tolerability of the switch from buprenorphine to buprenorphine/naloxone in an Italian addiction treatment centre
- The clinical course of addiction treatment: the role of nonspecific therapeutic factors
- A randomized, open-label trial comparing methadone and levo-alpha-acetylmethadol (LAAM) in maintenance treatment of opioid addiction
- The adolescent addiction treatment workforce: Status, challenges, and strategies to address their particular needs
- treatment of comorbid opiate addiction and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (residual type) with moclobemide: a case report
- Undergraduate and graduate students’ attitudes toward addiction treatment manuals
- Could sigma receptor ligands be a treatment for methamphetamine addiction?
- Inpatient hospitalization in addiction treatment for patients with a history of suicide attempt: a case of support for treatment performance measures
- Utilization of community-based outpatient addiction treatment programmes in Kenya
- Effects of citalopram treatment of protracted withdrawal (syndrome of anhedonia) in patients with heroin addiction
- Carbon nanotube membranes for use in the transdermal treatment of nicotine addiction and opioid withdrawal symptoms
- Buprenorphine in maintenance treatment: experience among Italian physicians in drug addiction centers
- addiction treatment: Science and policy for the twenty-first century
- Second Betty Ford Institute conference extending the benefits of addiction treatment: Practical strategies for continuing care and recovery
- Effects of self reflection on engagement in a 12-step addiction treatment programme: A linguistic analysis of diary entries
- Vaccines and depot medications for drug addiction: rationale, mechanisms of action, and treatment implications
- Leadership in addiction treatment: The coming crisis
- Appropriateness of methadone maintenance treatment for opiate addiction: evaluation by an expert panel
- Emerging therapeutic targets for the treatment of nicotine addiction
- A comparison of Caribbean and non-Caribbean clients in a residential addiction treatment facility in Antigua, West Indies
- Differences in addiction severity between social and probable pathological gamblers among substance abusers in treatment in Rio de Janeiro
- Drug interactions between antiretroviral medications and medications used in the treatment of drug addiction: research needs
- Motivation for addiction treatment-Hindi scale: Development and factor structure
- Opiate agonist treatment for addiction
- Developing a national addiction treatment information system
- Building a customized module for the treatment of drug addiction under the remedial programs to be implemented on inmates at the drug rehabilitation centers …
- Evolving use of buprenorphine in the treatment of addiction
- Neurobiological Approach to treatment of addiction: Targeting the Syndrome of Anhedonia
- Perspective: Translational studies on glutamate and dopamine neurocircuitry in addictions: implications for addiction treatment
- Drug courts and the treatment of addiction: Therapeutic jurisprudence and neoliberal governance
- Dual dopamine–5-HT releasers: potential treatment agents for cocaine addiction
- addiction and chronic pain: diagnostic and treatment dilemmas.
- treatment of tobacco dependence: a responsibility of psychiatry and addiction medicine
- Biology of opiates: affects prevalence of addiction, options for treatment
- Medications in the treatment of addiction: workplace issues.
- Buprenorphine for office-based treatment of patients with opioid addiction
- Informed consent in the treatment of drug-addiction
- Mortality risk up to 25 years after initiation of treatment among 420 Swedish women with alcohol addiction
- Buprenorphine treatment: A three-year prospective study in opioid-addicted patients of a public out-patient addiction center in Milan
- Efficacy of treatment in an opioid–dependent population group using the Maudsley addiction Profile (MAP) tool
- The 42 CFR Part 2 and NHIN conundrum: as the Nationwide Health Information Network evolves, addiction treatment providers still must comply with confidentiality …
- Psychological Trauma and addiction treatment, by Bruce Carruth (Ed.) Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press, 316 pp. Paper, $29.95. ISBN: 9789031907
- The value of adopting a human science perspective in the management and treatment of addiction
- addiction treatment: update
- Textbook addiction treatment: A Move towards Teacher and Student Autonomy.
- Acupuncture or counselling: outcomes and predictors of treatment choice in a non‐statutory addiction service
- Evidence-based and best practice addiction treatment resources: A primer for librarians
- Perception of social context and activity following participation in a physical fitness intervention during residential adolescent addiction treatment
- A treatment approach for drug and alcohol addiction that integrates holistic principles and the 12-step model
- Acupuncture & auriculotherapy: Valuable natural treatment modalities for addiction
- Impulsivity, personality disorders and the engagement in addiction treatment
- Women’s addiction and treatment through a historical lens
- Attitudes towards 12-step groups and referral practices in a 12-step naive treatment culture; a survey of addiction professionals in Norway
- Prevention and treatment of addiction
- Use of object relations and self-psychology as treatment for sex addiction with a female borderline patient
- New advances in the understanding and treatment of addiction
- Tanning addiction: Current trends and future treatment
- Discovery of a novel nicotinic receptor antagonist for the treatment of nicotine addiction: 1-(3-picolinium)-12-triethylammonium-dodecane dibromide (TMPD)
- Hepatitis C treatment in an HIV-HCV-coinfected patient with drug addiction and psychiatric illness: a case report.
- Surviving Hurricane Katrina: Winds of change transform a New Orleans addiction treatment agency
- Study of Efficacy of Various Methods of addiction treatment from View of Addicts
- Neurobiological effects determine treatment options for alcohol, cocaine, and heroin addiction
- The practice guideline’treatment of tobacco addiction‘
- BP 897, a Selective Dopamine D3 Receptor Ligand with Therapeutic Potential for the treatment of Cocaine‐addiction
- Opioid treatment for chronic back pain and its association with addiction
- An integrated sensory-linguistic approach for drug addiction: A synthesis of the literature and new directions for treatment research
- Assessing addiction treatment agreement for cross‐national transport to Ukraine
- A Perspective Regarding treatment for Methamphetamine addiction
- Maintaining addiction: Tobacco cessation policy and substance abuse treatment for youth
- Assessing and comparing attitudes toward addiction and methadone treatment
- Use of capillary electrophoresis and poly (ethylene oxide) as the coating agent for the determination of substances related to heroin addiction and treatment
- Gaps between addiction treatment and research: Challenges for rehabilitation counselors
- Overcoming addiction without formal treatment: A qualitative study of the process of self-managed change
- Behavioral assessments in Russian addiction treatment inpatients: a comparison of audio computer-assisted self-interviewing and interviewer-administered …
- Psychodynamic psychotherapies and the treatment of co-occurring psychological trauma and addiction
- The effectiveness of life skills training on tendency toward opium in clients who referred to rehabilitation and treatment centers of addiction
- Ibogaine and the treatment of opiate addiction
- addiction and emotion: Theories, assessment techniques, and treatment implications.
- Capopus trial: an observer-blinded RCT of specialized addiction treatment versus standard treatment for young patients with cannabis abuse and psychosis
- Opportunities, challenges, and successes in the development of medicines for the treatment of addiction
- Reentry after addiction treatment: research or retrain?
- Family issues in the field of addiction treatment.
- Acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction
- … study of the treatment improvement protocols (TIPs): An assessment of the use of TIPs by individuals affiliated with the addiction Technology Transfer Centers (ATTCs …
- Naltrexone implants in the treatment of heroin addiction
- The Current State of addiction treatment
- Use of Veterans Affairs Health Care Services by Veterans Receiving addiction treatment in Washington State.
- … for the treatment of pain: A consensus document from the American Academy of Pain Medicine, the American Pain Society, and the American Society of addiction …
- Intraoral implant for drug delivery in addiction and chronic disease treatment
- The influence of treatment philosophy on drop-out: An investigation into treatment at three types of addiction institutions
- Factors contributing to premature termination of addiction treatment
- Treating addiction, Tackling Crime: The Impact of Probation-Led Residential treatment on Offender Substance Misuse, Recidivism and Attitudes toward the …
- Forensic addiction treatment in germany (Section 64 of the Penal Code): three therapeutically and predicatively relevant clusters of drinkers
- addiction in Adolescence: Why don’t adolescent addicts turn up for treatment?
- Slaying the dragon: the history of addiction treatment and recovery in America
- Family and Community Burdens of addiction: case-mix analysis at a new community-based methadone treatment service
- Global flows in drug treatment: heroin addiction and therapeutic community approaches in China
- Acute treatment of opiate addiction in patients in 2001
- The relationship between substance-related disorders and depression, sexual addiction, and pathological gambling in a treatment center for substance …
- Drug treatment participation and retention rates among former recipients of supplemental security income for drug addiction and alcoholism
- Longitudinal research that can inform dynamic models for the treatment of addiction as a disease
- Cue exposure therapy for the treatment of heroin addiction
- Patient-physician relationship in the addiction treatment clinics
- Development and use of an indicator system for an addiction treatment center
- The Impact of Modern Neuroscience on treatment of Parolees: Ethical Considerations in Using Pharmacology to Prevent addiction Relapse
- Understanding The Female Conceptualization Of Sexual addiction And The Role Of addiction treatment
- Office-based treatment of opiate addiction.
- Teaching addiction/treatment/Recovery History: Relevance, Methods and Resources
- Maintaining the Continuum of Care: Arguing for Community-Based Residential addiction treatment Programs
- An integrated framework for the treatment of substance addiction and dependency in the Free State
- addiction treatment: Science and policy for the twenty-first century
- Detection methods of the drug-addiction and alcoholism treatment programme of the Spanish National Railway Company (RENFE).
- Biology and Psychology in the treatment of addiction.
- What does the public really think about addiction and it s treatment?
- The Healing Power of Self Love: Enhance Your Chances of Recovery from addiction Through the treatment Program of Your Choice, by Utilizing the Ancient
- Abstinence-oriented treatment for opiate addiction
- The protected addiction: exploring staff beliefs toward integrating tobacco dependence into substance abuse treatment services
- Evaluation of tobacco addiction among adolescents and its treatment within the health care
- Trauma resolution‐the key to addiction treatment
- Ten steps to leaving an organization in good hands: the coming leadership exodus in addiction treatment requires effective leadership development and succession …
- Modeling the costs and effects of maintenance treatment for opiate addiction
- Impact of bidirectional translational research on treatment of addiction
- High dose levo-methadone treatment for cancer pain in a patient with a history of drug addiction
- Mothers in recovery: Women’s perceptions of a parenting program in an outpatient addiction treatment centre.
- addiction Professionals’ attitudes regarding treatment of nicotine dependence
- Issues In-Depth: Advancing Understanding of Drug addiction and treatment
- treatment of nicotine addiction: a current perspective
- Sex addiction, sexual compulsivity, and sexual impulsivity: A model for improving diagnosis and treatment of out-of-control sexual behaviors
- addiction Severity Index composite scores: Contribution of objective vs. subjective items to post‐treatment change
- Auricular acupuncture for the treatment of cocaine addiction.
- Cross training program in Montréal’s south west: best practices and training in a context of continuum of services in mental health care and addiction treatment
- Prescription opiate medications: Clinical assessment and treatment of addiction, tolerance, and dependence
- A Basic Set of Core Ethical Guidelines For addiction treatment Professionals
- The self-psychology of addiction and its treatment. Narcissus in Wonderland
- Dynamic dualities: the ‘British system’of heroin addiction treatment, 1965-1987
- treatment planning for person-centered care: the road to mental health and addiction recovery
- Auricular acupuncture as a treatment of cocaine, heroin, and alcohol addiction: A pilot study
- Pharmacological treatment of methamphetamine addiction
- Decentralisation and integration of addiction treatment-Does it make any difference?
- Naltrexone in the treatment of addiction
- Politics, practice, and research into treatment of heroin addiction
- Diagnosis and treatment of the attention-deficit/hyperactivity syndrome (ADHS) in adults with drug addiction in in-patient and out-patient setting
- addiction nursing and the quality of adolescent substance abuse treatment
- Brief interventions for the treatment of alcohol or other drug addiction
- Managing your way to better addiction treatment outcomes: Deming’s insights transformed Toyota, why not your business?
- Alpha-theta Neurofeedback therapy: A non-invasive treatment for addiction and post-Traumatic Stress disorder
- addiction: selecting appropriate treatment and using the self-help system.
- The effect of unwanted sexual experiences on motivation among substance abusing women in addiction treatment
- Therapeutic targeting of “DARPP-32”: a key signaling molecule in the dopiminergic pathway for the treatment of opiate addiction
- Prescribing and Proscribing: The Public-Private Relationship in the treatment of Drug addiction in England, 1970-99
- treatment considerations for methamphetamine addiction.
- Implications of Personal Recovery History for Training and Development of addiction treatment Workers
- Applying a chronic disease paradigm to safe and effective treatment of tobacco addiction
- A patient flow analysis within the Munich addiction treatment system–a pilot study
- Buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid addiction: Balancing medication access with quality care
- Affect regulation, emotional intelligence and addiction: a five-factor personality model and neuropsychological study to assess treatment outcome and efficacy in …
- Political challenges in randomized controlled trials of heroin-assisted treatment for severe heroin addiction: a Spanish experience
- Misunderstanding addiction: Overcoming Myth, Mysticism, and Misdirection in the addictions treatment Industry
- … drugs in maintenance and detoxification treatment of opiate addiction; addition of buprenorphine and buprenorphine combination to list of approved opioid treatment …
- Poppy to fugu: a historical perspective of the treatment of opiate addiction in China
- Consumer financing for addiction treatment: a Better Tomorrow allows clients to make monthly payments for their treatment
- Monitoring of the misuse of prescription drugs by clients of outpatient addiction treatment centres (PHAR-MON, formerly: Ebis-med). Monitoring of medication misuse
- Promoting benchmarking in addiction treatment: three partners launch a national benchmarking initiative
- … cyclic-AMP-response element binding protein by short-term and long-term morphine treatment: implications for understanding the “switch” to opiate addiction
- The Efficacy of Brief Family Based treatment in Changing Family Members’ Attitudes Toward People with addiction and Attitudes Toward a Relative with addiction
- Development of Teacher Training Programs for Game addiction treatment
- Facilitating treatment adherence in diabetic women using a specialized addiction support group model: An exploratory study
- Cynthia A. Briggs and Jennifer L. Pepperell (eds): Women, girls, and addiction: Celebrating the feminine in counseling treatment and recovery
- Implementation science and the adoption of practice in addiction treatment
- Epigenetic modifications: significance in drug addiction and treatment
- Alexithymia in patients with substance addiction being treated by cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy within Minnesota model treatment
- Substance abuse research consortium (SARC) introduction: Moving forward to improve addiction treatment in California
- A quality framework for addiction treatment programmes: Results of a Concept Mapping strategy
- A comparative study of family-centered home based and traditional addiction treatment approaches
- Assessment of Japanese Stimulant Control Law Offenders Using the addiction Severity Index—Japanese Version: Comparison with Patients in treatment Settings
- Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy in the treatment of addiction: A treatment Planner for Clinicians
- Toward a rational selection of treatment for addiction
- Drug evaluation: CYT-002-NicQb, a therapeutic vaccine for the treatment of nicotine addiction.
- addiction: mechanisms, phenomenology and treatment
- Novel synthesis of [1‐11C]γ‐vinyl‐γ‐aminobutyric acid ([1–11C]GVG) for pharmacokinetic studies of addiction treatment
- A 50-year-old woman addicted to heroin: review of treatment of heroin addiction
- addiction and personality disorders: towards integrated treatment. Implementation in an Axis II treatment team
- addiction–what’s Really Going On?: Inside a Heroin treatment Program
- addiction treatment Disparities: Ethnic and Sexual Minority Populations
- Native American addiction: A Response to French (Alcoholism treatment Quarterly, Volume 22, 2004)
- Moving empirically-supported treatment to the workplace: recruiting addiction program supervisors to help in technology transfer
- The impact of substitution treatment by methadone among opiate-dependent subjects evaluated by addiction Severity Index and by urine tests
- Acupuncture treatment of drug addiction
- addiction treatment–Avoiding Pitfalls–A Case Approach
- What is the experience of shame and the impact of self-disclosure on the healing process of women involved in a gender-specific addiction treatment program …
- Clinical and therapeutic aspects in the treatment of alcohol addiction
- ASAM Assesses Public Policies on addiction treatment
- The Rorschach in Planning treatment of Alcohol addiction Patients
- Cognitive–behavioural approaches in the treatment of alcohol addiction
- Technology that informs treatment: an award-winning electronic health record gives Texas addiction providers tools for improvement
- Challenges of an Evidence-Based Approach to addiction treatment
- Psychological Trauma and addiction treatment
- EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE SERIES: Enhancing addiction recovery outcomes through post-treatment monitoring, support and early re-intervention
- Agency offers guidance on office-based drug treatment for opioid addiction
- Inpatient withdrawal treatment of patients suffering from alcohol addiction in Berlin (1993-1999)
- Reflecting on 30 years of research: A look at how NIDA has advanced the research, prevention, and treatment of drug abuse and addiction
- Development of transmural myocardial infarction in young persons with intact coronary arteries during methadone use for the treatment of heroine addiction
- addiction treatment: a Strengths Perspective
- The role and the impact of the NADA protocol (daily group acupuncture treatment used in addiction): explanatory case studies
- Youth addiction treatment Outcomes
- Motivation for cocaine abuse treatment: Can the addiction Severity Index be used at treatment intake to predict during-treatment outcomes?
- Criminal Justice And addiction treatment: Best Practices in addiction treatment In the Criminal Justice System
- Hepatitis C treatment of substance users in pharmacotherapy for addiction
- Prescribing for Buprenorphine in the treatment of Opioid addiction
- Opioid treatment for chronic back pain and its association with addiction
- Criminal Justice System and addiction treatment
- Chinese traditional medicine as an effective pharmacological treatment for heroin addiction
- Spirituality in addiction treatment
- addiction Counselor: the impact of counselor’s attitude towards clients with numerous treatment attempts-recovery/relapse
- US Surveys Show Paths to addiction treatment
- addiction treatment in the era of translational medicine
- addiction and celebritization: reality television portrayals of drug abuse treatment
- P0103-Can auricular acupuncture have a place in conventional addiction and mental health treatment?
- Cognitive and Group treatment of Internet addiction in Adolescents
- Pain management and addiction treatment
- treatment of nicotine addiction. Drug therapy for smoking cessation
- Grave Cause for Concern’? Private Practice, Professional Disputes and the treatment of Heroin addiction in Britain During the 1980s
- Erratum to “Opioid dependence and addiction during opioid treatment of chronic pain”[Pain 129 (2007) 235–255]
- Safety and Efficacy of the Nicotine Patch and Gum for the treatment of Adolescent Tobacco addiction
- ASAM Conference Attendees Consider addiction treatment Developments
- Neurochemical Approaches to addiction treatment
- Criminal Justice And addiction treatment In Egypt
- Process Improvement Education with Professionals in the addiction treatment Field
- Preparing for major healthcare reform: a look at possible consequences for addiction treatment
- Novel Pharmacologic treatment of Stress and addiction: The Role of CRF and Glucocorticoid Antagonists
- Effectiveness and efficiency of substitutive drugs in opiates addiction treatment: summary
- Targeted liposomal drug delivery for the treatment of pain and opioid addiction
- Reasons for not seeking treatment. A study of the health-based addiction treatment system in Stockholm.
- Islamic treatment/approach to drug addiction treatment in Malaysia
- New developments in the treatment of addiction
- Bupropion: off-label treatment for cocaine and methamphetamine addiction
- Little Hoover Commission Takes a Stand for addiction treatment
- Manual-Guided Therapy for addiction treatment
- Women at risk: Legal involvement among mothers in addiction treatment.
- Chronic Pain And addiction treatment At The Foothills addiction Centre
- Automating addiction treatment: experts envision a more technologically enabled care system
- Cocaine Alternative treatment Study: A Multi-site, Randomized Controlled Trial of Acupuncture for the treatment of Cocaine addiction
- Strengthening resilience within families in addiction treatment
- P. 6.036 A double-blind, placebo controlled trial of naltrexone and fluoxetine for heroin addiction treatment
- Physicians Prepare to Provide Office-Based addiction treatment
- A case study of institutional change in a drug addiction treatment centre in Hong Kong
- A case study of nicotine use in addiction treatment
- Primary research Subtyping patients with heroin addiction at treatment entry: factor derived from the Self-Report Symptom Inventory (SCL-90)
- Van Wormer, Katherine and Davis, Diane Rae, addiction treatment A Strength’s Perspective
- The nature and function of the existential dimension of addiction treatment in postmodern Sweden
- 288: Buprenorphine vs. methadone for treatment for opioid addiction during pregnancy: A retrospective study of prenatal compliance and neonatal outcomes
- treatment of addiction made easier
- Time to take ACTION: a national campaign aims to help providers increase access to and engagement in addiction treatment services
- Lines we must not cross: the field must stand firm on some issues as addiction treatment receives more national attention
- addiction Treatement Inc.: Barry Karlin has the drive–and the financing–to make CRC Health a national addiction treatment enterprise. Will he shake up the field …
- addiction Specialists Confront Obstacles to Providing treatment
- Unmet need for wrap-around services in out-patient addiction treatment
- Gender Differences Should Be Considered in treatment of addiction
- Molecular Genetics and the treatment of addiction
- Qigong improves addiction treatment outcomes
- Developing an Internet-based practice tool to assist physicians associated with buprenorphine treatment of opioid addiction.
- P0221-Special issues in addiction treatment: Addressing the unique needs of addict women in a recovery program in Cairo
- Physical activity as part of adolescent addiction treatment.
- Review of Review of addiction treatment: A Strengths Perspective. Katherine van Wormer & Diane Rae Davis. Reviewed by Mike Gorman.
- Introduction to buprenorphine and office-based opioid addiction therapy under the new paradigm established by the Drug addiction treatment Act of 2000
- Expanding the treatment mission through technology: a leader in addiction treatment makes an uncommon entry into the software business
- The PRIME Theory of Motivation as a Possible Foundation for addiction treatment in the 21st Century
- The Handbook of addiction treatment for WomenStraussner BrownJosey‐Bass. ISBN: 0‐787‐95355‐5, 2002, 578 pp with index, $59.50
- treatment, myths and misconceptions about addiction are discussed
- Out of Touch or on the Money: Do the Clinical Objectives of addiction treatment Coincide with Economic Evaluation Results?
- Testimony on the Proposed House Bill for Mental Health and addiction treatment Parity March 12, 2007
- Bringing New Medications to the treatment of addiction
- Pain in Opioid-Addicted Patients Entering addiction treatment
- Referral behaviour of general practitioners to professionals in outpatient care and in addiction treatment sites in Mecklenburg-West Pommerania
- The therapists’ experience of alcohol addiction treatment–a qualitative study
- FC03-02-Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens in treatment resistant alcohol addiction-a novel treatment option?
- Emphasizing the greater good: important traits need to be passed onto the next generation of addiction treatment leaders
- A review of ethical issues in the treatment of addiction
- Concepts of addiction: Assessing the Beliefs of addiction in University and treatment Center Populations
- Assessment of the differences in staff beliefs about sustance abuse in mental health and addiction treatment centres
- Staff Turnover and Retention in addiction treatment Annotated Bibliography FINAL: October 4, 2007 Susan M. Gordon Seabrook House
- Mothers in addiction treatment: The role of onsite childcare
- A Study of Spiritual and Religious Visiting in a Mental Health and addiction treatment Institution
- Commentary: The potential role of physical exercise in addiction treatment and recovery: The social costs of substance misuse: Erratum.
- To sink or swim: the use of dream material in addiction treatment
- What Does America Think About addiction Prevention and treatment?
- Security measures of compulsory drug addiction treatment and compulsory alcohol addiction treatment in judicial practice
- Presentation Title: Medications Development for Drug addiction treatment: Successes, Failures, and Ongoing Efficacy Trials.
- Effectiveness of a multi-level intervention to improve tobacco policy in alcohol addiction treatment centers
- addiction treatment workforce: Counselor credentials, training and turnover
- Is it time for treatment trials in addiction?
- Implicit and explicit self-esteem in the outcome prediction of alcohol addiction treatment
- A personal profile: addiction treatment specialist & medical intuitive, Rhonda Lenair.(Medical Journalist Report of Innovative Biologics)
- Drug addiction and Its treatment. By M. Gossop.(Pp. 343;£ 32.50; ISBN 0-19-852608-3.) Oxford University Press: Oxford. 2003.
- Innovations in pharmacological treatment of addiction
- An opportunity to improve lives and the bottom line: addiction treatment centers should consider treating eating disorders
- Hepatitis C: Lower prevalence in Young Persons’ addiction treatment Programme than in Adult Programmes
- Demand for crack and cocaine addiction treatment drops
- Alcohol addiction treatment in Cape Town: Exploratory investigation of the public-private mix
- Presentation Title: Medication Discovery for Drug addiction treatment, and the Preclinical Pipeline at NIDA
- The Science of addiction: From Neurobiology to treatment
- Trends in the adoption and implementation of Naltrexone in the US addiction treatment system (1995–2009)
- … Session With Substance Abusers: A Step-by-Step Guide• Beyond the Influence: Understanding and Defeating Alcoholism• addiction treatment: Theory and Practice
- A problem of moral, medical and social nature. The views on alcohol and drug problems among staff in the addiction treatment in Stockholm
- Incidence of stimulant drug abuse in a population treated in a private addiction treatment facility in Mexico City.
- The Science of addiction: From Neurobiology to treatment
- Incidence of depressor substance consumption in a population treated in a private addiction treatment facility in Mexico City.
- An Interview with Stephen Strobbe, MS, RN, NP, APRN-BC, CARN, Clinical Director, University of Michigan addiction treatment Services
- Recovery from addiction does not require professional treatment.
- Healing addiction: An Integrated Pharmacopsychosocial Approach to treatment
- Finnish-born and Swedish-born patients in the Stockholm county health-based addiction treatment system
- The re-education of adolescents in a therapeutic community: the drug addiction treatment in a religious institution
- The Role of Clients in a Recovery-oriented System of addiction treatment: The Birth and Evolution of the NET Consumer Council
- Opiate agonist treatment for addiction–Authors’ reply
- From Victim to Survivor: Healing and Recovery in a Drug addiction treatment Program in San Francisco
- < The> quality and quantity assessment of marital satisfaction in addicted people and their husbands or wives who came to the addiction treatment clinic
- A Primer on Drug addiction, Crime, and treatment
- Forging strategic alliances to fill gaps in addiction treatment: learn the capabilities of intervention and consulting firms
- addiction treatment: A Strengths Perspective (2nd ed.)., by Katherine van Wormer and Diane Rae Davis: (2008). Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole, 570 pp. Paper …
- Drug induced. addiction and treatment in perspective
- Attitudes and risk-taking behaviour for HIV infection, of drug addicts followed by a Drug addiction treatment Service (Ser. T).
- Leaving survival mode behind: Seabrook House and its leader emerge stronger from a period of financial strain in addiction treatment
- An investigation into the treatment of sexual addiction in Ireland
- Cocaine and Methamphetamine addiction: treatment, Recovery and Relapse Prevention, by Arnold Washton and Joan Ellen Zweben: (2009). New York, NY: Norton …
- Acupuncture in the treatment of addiction
- An Exploration into Factors Contributing to Patient-Initiated Termination from addiction treatment Programs by Opioid-Dependent Persons
- New drugs in the treatment of tobacco addiction
- … 30CH, Nux vomica 30CH, and Staphysagria delphinium 30CH) as compared with homoeopathic similimum treatment in the management of tobacco addiction
- Drug Induced addiction and treatment in Perspective
- Integrated approach to dual diagnosis treatment in an inpatient addiction setting
- Opioid detoxification: The relationship of anxiety and physical withdrawal symptoms to addiction treatment program compliance
- A Database on Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment for Drug addiction
- Homeopathic treatment of addiction
- Clinical Topics in addiction: Updates From Advances in Psychiatric treatment
- American Indian and Alaska Natives in treatment for substance use disorders at publicly funded US addiction treatment programs
- Pharmacology treatment Of addiction-NIDA: Pharmacology treatment of addiction-NIDA
- Social support as a protective factor of recurrence after drug addiction treatment Importancia del apoyo social en la permanencia de la abstinencia del consumo de …
- Amethyst: integrating tobacco dependence services with long-term alcohol and other drug addiction treatment for homeless and low-income women
- … , Planning, & Statistics Section), Prisons Department, Hong Kong, with the co-operation of the staff at the Prisons Department’s drug addiction treatment centres.
- The Therapeutic Potential of к-Opioids for treatment of Pain and addiction
- A Reviews of:“Healing addiction: An Integrated Pharmacopsychosocial Approach to treatment” Peter R. Martin, Bennett Alan Weinberg, and Bonnie K. Bealer, John …
- Applied Cognitive and Behavioural Approaches to the treatment of addiction: A Practical treatment Guide
- Heroin addiction and The British System: Volume II treatment & Policy Responses
- The status of drug addiction rehabilitation programmes in Kenya: A case study Asumbi treatment centre
- Methadone treatment of Opiate addiction
- Perception and quality of life: contrasting personal faith based wellness and the traditional medical models of care used in alcohol abuse and addiction treatment …
- Pilot Testing a Paperless Nursing Assessment of Medical, Psychiatric, and addiction treatment and Re-entry Needs Among Women at Jail Intake
- The drug addiction as an incurable disease and its relation with a possible treatment
- treatment of Patients with addiction Problems by Means of Electrical Stimulation: A Review of the Rationale and Studies
- Concepts In Harm Reduction As Part Of addiction Intervention & treatment
- treatment of addiction: from abstinence programs to abstinence-supported treatment
- Drug addiction and mothers: does parenting get better with treatment?
- A cross-sectional assessment of utilization of addiction treatment among injection drug users in Kabul, Afghanistan Catherine S. Todd, Abdullah MS Abed 2 …
- Adolescents in Drug and Alcohol treatment: Do They Gain Knowledge on addiction?
- … balance; Drugs and work: Responding to alcohol and other drug problems in Australian workplaces; A community reinforcement approach to addiction treatment
- Nicotine addiction–diagnosis and treatment
- Heroin: The treatment of addiction in Twentieth-Century Britain
- Heroin: The treatment of addiction in Twentieth-century Britain
- Vampires and Art: addiction and treatment from a Jungian Perspective
- Evaluating the Effect of Self-selected treatment on Drug addiction
- Chronic Pain and addiction: Assessment, Monitoring & treatment in the ISAM Policy Framework
- Partial program evaluation with observational data: the effect of treatment on drug addiction
- Importance of the development of self-confidence in the treatment of heroin addiction
- Book Review: The Science of addiction: From Neurobiology to treatment (2007). Carlton Erickson, New York: WW & Company, Inc., 209 pp., US $32.00, ISBN 978-0 …
- Prescription medicine primer: maintenance treatment of opiate addiction
- The trauma of drug addiction: measuring impact on drug treatment effectiveness
- Methadone treatment For Opioid addiction
- The treatment of addiction and Withdrawal Associated with Tobacco and Alcohol InetCE 221-146-04-063-H01
- Review on Oriental Medical Approaches for the Detoxification and treatment of Narcotics addiction
- Using the addiction/Offender Cycle to Move From treatment to Change
- Beyond the end of the line: Case reports of conversion from dextromoramide to other opiates within addiction maintenance treatment
- Center for Substance Abuse treatment (CSAT) update on physician prescribing for opioid addiction with buprenorphine
- The bottle’s nearly empty? treatment of drug addiction
- treatment of Heroin addiction with Acupuncture at Points of the Du Channel
- Heroin: The treatment of addiction in Twentieth-Century Britain. By Alex Mold.
- treatment in a new light: a New York City organization creates a life-affirming space for addiction detox and rehabilitation
- … improves retention in substance abuse treatment and post-treatment outcomes (Platt, 1995). However, historically addiction treatment clients have had …
- Group motivational interviewing for the treatment of alcohol addiction
- Acupuncture for the treatment of Cocaine addiction—Reply
- Integrating methadone and buprenorphine treatment for opiate addiction into physician office settings: The San Francisco OBOT pilot program
- The Use of Immunotherapies and Sustained-Release Formulations in the treatment of Drug addiction: Will Current Law Support Coercion?
- Alex Mold, Heroin: the treatment of addiction in twentieth-century Britain, DeKalb, IL, Northern Illinois University Press, 2008, pp. x, 236, $49.00 (978-0-87580-386-9).
- Family, Twins And Molecular Genetics Studies Of Drug addiction: Implication For treatment And Prevention
- Heroin addiction. Study on the Effectiveness of In-Patient treatment and the Subsequent Disorder Dynamics
- treatment Options in Methamphetamine addiction and Withdrawal
- A multi-level multi-method analysis of substance abuse treatment policy and outcomes for opiate addiction in the United States
- Ondansetron for the treatment of stimulant addiction
- The significance of psychotropic substance abuse and addiction in the treatment of psychosomatic rehabilitation patients
- Half of prison drug users want treatment for their addiction
- The neurochemical investigation and treatment of cocaine addiction using rodent models
- Effectiveness of treatment for heroin addiction in retaining patients and reducing mortality: results from the VEdeTTE Cohort Study
- Differences in treatment issues and modalities of chemically dependent adolescents treated for chemical addiction between the periods of 1985–1988 and 1994 …
- Attitudes of Anesthesiologists About addiction and Its treatment: A Survey of Illinois and Wisconsin Members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists
- The Family Therapy and Inpatients treatment for the Adolescent Internet addiction
- Auriculotherapy in the treatment of nicotine addiction
- … Habits: Global and Historical Perspectives on How Cultures Define Drugs. Edited by Jordan Goodman/Heroin: The treatment of addiction in Twentieth Century Britain …
- AUTHOR APPROVED PRESS RELEASE April 7, 2010 Failure to Treat Tobacco Use in Mental Health and addiction treatment Settings: A Form of Harm Reduction?
- Therapy Manuals for Drug addiction: The Collaborative Cocaine treatment Study Model. Drug Counseling for Cocaine addiction. Manual 4
- Sustained release Naltrexone, a promising alternative in treatment of opiate addiction
- Alcohol screening in general health: good news for treatment: specialty addiction professionals should link into SBI initiatives
- Physiological correlates of motivational effects on information processing: Study of ERP indicators of drug addiction and response to rehabilitation treatment
- Effect of Oral Corticosteroid addiction in treatment of Controlled Asthma Patients: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
- Cue Exposure Therapy for the treatment of opiate addiction can be harmful: Results of a randomised controlled trial
- Victory celebration: 30 years of innovation and adaptation in addiction treatment
- Prescribing for Buprenorphine in the treatment of Opioid addiction
- Gamma-vinyl GABA in the treatment of methamphetamine addiction
- Vaccines and Depot Medications for Drug addiction: Rationale, Mechanisms of Action, and treatment Implications
- Novel treatment (new drug/intervention; established drug/procedure in new situation): A novel possible strategy for the management of petrol sniffing addiction …
- Integrating viral hepatitis services into residential drug treatment programs: the addiction Recovery Hepatitis Intervention Project (ARHIP)
- … study of the treatment Improvement Protocols (TIPs): An assessment of the use of TIPs by individuals affiliated with the addiction Technology Transfer Centers …
- Harm reduction: the least worst treatment of all; tackling drug addiction has few easy solutions. Charlotte Allan and Nat Wright explore the controversial option of harm …
- … Drugs for publishing John Wallace’s brilliant anicle” Controlled Drinking, treatment Effectiveness, and the Disease Model of addiction: A Commentary on the
- Discovery of Novel Negative Allosteric Modulators of Neuronal Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors: Implications in the treatment of addiction and Other Neurological …
- There’s Entrancing News About Hypnosis; It’s gaining credibility as a treatment for a multitude of troubles, from nicotine addiction to post-traumatic stress disorder
- … studies have declared substance abuse and dependence a growing health problem among women in the United States (Center on addiction and Substance Abuse …
- HEPATITIS C AND addiction: Retention rate and side effects in a prospective trial on hepatitis C treatment with pegylated interferon alpha‐2a and ribavirin in opioid …
- events && Patient-rated unmet needs and quality of life improvement && Abstinence-oriented treatment for opiate addiction && Diagnostic stability and status of …
- S32-03-Changing paradigms in the treatment of addiction-the orpheus project
- … diseases. Not all trials were successful. In fact, the application of ECT in patients seeking treatment for homosexuality, drug addiction, alcoholism, phobias, and con …
- … form in: White, W., Boyle, M. And Loveland, D.(2002). addiction as chronic disease: From rhetoric to clinical application. Alcoholism treatment Quarterly, 3/4 …
- Infectious Diseases And Medical Complications Of Drug Abuse-Part 1: Naltrexone treatment and HIV risk reduction for heroin addiction: 10-years Penn-Pavlov …
- T06-O-02 treatment in sexual addiction
- Making the shift from ‘addict self?’to ‘spiritual self?’: Results from a Stage I study of Spiritual Self-Schema (3-S) therapy for the treatment of addiction and HIV risk …
- … usage and its functions, then to an epidemiological study of opium addic-tion, and finally to clinical studies of opium addiction, its treatment, and course (Westermeyer …
- S29. 01-The role of impulsivity in the pathogenesis and treatment of addiction
- 777 REVIEW Cytisine for the treatment of nicotine addiction: from a molecule to therapeutic efficacy. Piotr Tutka, Witold Zatoñski 799 REVIEW Transforming growth …
- Psychostimulant addiction treatment
- Drop-out from addiction treatment: a systematic review of risk factors
- Smoking prevalence in addiction treatment: a review
- Leveraging technology to enhance addiction treatment and recovery
- Adoption and implementation of medications in addiction treatment programs
- New addiction-recovery support institutions: Mobilizing support beyond professional addiction treatment and recovery mutual aid
- Inside rehab: The surprising truth about addiction treatment–and how to get help that works
- Predictors of addiction treatment providers’ beliefs in the disease and choice models of addiction
- Evolution of concept, but not action, in addiction treatment
- Principles of drug addiction treatment: A research-based guide
- Neuroimaging and biomarkers in addiction treatment
- Assessing clinical trials of Internet addiction treatment: A systematic review and CONSORT evaluation
- addiction treatment dropout: Exploring patients’ characteristics
- Implementing evidence-based practices in community corrections and addiction treatment
- Barriers to implementation of evidence-based addiction treatment: a national study
- Evaluation and treatment of sex addiction
- treatment of internet addiction: a meta-analysis
- Blacks and Hispanics are less likely than whites to complete addiction treatment, largely due to socioeconomic factors
- Progress monitoring in mental health and addiction treatment: a means of improving care.
- addiction treatment-related employment barriers: The impact of methadone maintenance
- The New York policy on smoking in addiction treatment: findings after 1 year
- Impulsivity as a vulnerability factor for poor addiction treatment outcomes: a review of neurocognitive findings among individuals with substance use disorders
- Clinical approaches to treatment of Internet addiction
- Moving toward trauma-informed practice in addiction treatment: A collaborative model of agency assessment
- Texas Christian University (TCU) short forms for assessing client needs and functioning in addiction treatment
- Re-envisioning addiction treatment: A six-point plan
- Meta-analyses of seven of the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s principles of drug addiction treatment
- Dual diagnosis capability in mental health and addiction treatment services: an assessment of programs across multiple state systems
- Pharmacogenetic approaches to the treatment of alcohol addiction
- Community-based addiction treatment staff attitudes about the usefulness of evidence-based addiction treatment and CBO organizational linkages to research …
- Roxanne’s dress: Governing gender and marginality through addiction treatment
- A randomized clinical trial of alcohol care management delivered in Department of Veterans Affairs primary care clinics versus specialty addiction treatment
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of substance addiction
- A qualitative study of specific needs ofwomen for treatment of addiction
- Producing the “problem” of addiction in drug treatment
- The therapeutic potential of κ-opioids for treatment of pain and addiction
- Efficacy combined with specified ingredients: A new direction for empirically supported addiction treatment
- Psilocybin-occasioned mystical experiences in the treatment of tobacco addiction
- The evidence doesn’t justify steps by state Medicaid programs to restrict opioid addiction treatment with buprenorphine
- Addressing Tobacco Through Organizational Change (ATTOC) in residential addiction treatment settings
- Examining attrition rates at one specialty addiction treatment provider in the United States: a case study using a retrospective chart review
- Effective addiction treatment
- Smoking and its treatment in addiction services: clients’ and staff behaviour and attitudes
- Exercise as a novel treatment for drug addiction: a neurobiological and stage-dependent hypothesis
- Sexual addiction and substance addiction: Comparing sexual addiction treatment outcomes among clients with and without comorbid substance use disorders
- Surviving drug addiction: the effect of treatment and abstinence on mortality
- Gender differences in substance use, problems, social situation and treatment experiences among clients entering addiction treatment in Stockholm
- The readiness of addiction treatment agencies for health care reform
- Integration of parenting skills education and interventions in addiction treatment
- Modifications of evidence-based practices in community-based addiction treatment organizations: a qualitative research study
- CBT-IA: The first treatment model for internet addiction
- Bioethical differences between drug addiction treatment professionals inside and outside the Russian Federation
- Two tiers of biomedicalization: Methadone, buprenorphine, and the racial politics of addiction treatment
- Randomized trial comparing mindfulness-based relapse prevention with relapse prevention for women offenders at a residential addiction treatment center
- Substance use and access to health care and addiction treatment among homeless and vulnerably housed persons in three Canadian cities
- Improving the quality of addiction treatment.
- Mindfulness as a treatment for behavioural addiction
- New approaches to addiction treatment based on learning and memory
- The medicalization of addiction treatment professionals
- Acupuncture for the treatment of opiate addiction
- Stigma, discrimination, treatment effectiveness, and policy: public views about drug addiction and mental illness
- Dopamine D3 receptor ligands for drug addiction treatment: update on recent findings
- A review of computer-based interventions used in the assessment, treatment, and research of drug addiction
- treatment goals in addiction healthcare: the perspectives of patients and clinicians
- Exercise addiction-diagnosis, bio-psychological mechanisms and treatment issues
- Assessing self-determined motivation for addiction treatment: Validity of the treatment Entry Questionnaire
- Research to practice in addiction treatment: Key terms and a field-driven model of technology transfer
- addiction to propofol: a study of 22 treatment cases
- Sanctions against Iran and the impact on drug use and addiction treatment
- A role for pharmacotherapy in the treatment of “internet addiction”
- Inability to access addiction treatment among street-involved youth in a Canadian setting
- Sociodemographic and substance use correlates of repeated relapse among patients presenting for relapse treatment at an addiction treatment center in Kolkata …
- … in addiction treatment programs: Comparing staff reports on motivational interviewing, adolescent community reinforcement approach, assertive community treatment …
- An exploration of cohesion and recovery outcomes in addiction treatment groups
- addiction treatment centers’ progress in preparing for health care reform
- treatment of nicotine addiction: present therapeutic options and pipeline developments
- Examining access to addiction treatment: scheduling processes and barriers
- A Guide to addiction and its treatment
- Internet addiction: coping styles, expectancies, and treatment implications
- A qualitative study of the adoption of buprenorphine for opioid addiction treatment
- Cognitive‐behavioral approaches to outpatient treatment of Internet addiction in children and adolescents
- Gendering addiction: The politics of drug treatment in a neurochemical world
- Statement of the American Society of addiction Medicine Consensus Panel on the use of buprenorphine in office-based treatment of opioid addiction
- The “new masculinity”: addiction treatment as a reconstruction of gender in Puerto Rican evangelist street ministries
- Advances in the psychosocial treatment of addiction: the role of technology in the delivery of evidence-based psychosocial treatment
- Measuring smoking knowledge, attitudes and services (S-KAS) among clients in addiction treatment
- rTMS in the treatment of drug addiction: an update about human studies
- The duality of oncomiR addiction in the maintenance and treatment of cancer
- treatment outcomes in patients with internet addiction: a clinical pilot study on the effects of a cognitive-behavioral therapy program
- Monitoring utilization of a large scale addiction treatment system: The Drug and Alcohol treatment Information System (DATIS)
- Consent and coercion in addiction treatment
- Integrating addiction treatment into primary care using mobile health technology: protocol for an implementation research study
- Breaking the loop: oxytocin as a potential treatment for drug addiction
- Personalized addiction treatment: how close are we?
- Borderline personality disorder and comorbid addiction: epidemiology and treatment
- Exploration of “food addiction” in overweight and obese treatment-seeking adults
- Public views on food addiction and obesity: implications for policy and treatment
- Collaboration between addiction treatment and child welfare fields: Opportunities in a Canadian context
- Potential roles for new communication technologies in treatment of addiction
- Prescription drug addiction: the treatment challenge
- Ayahuasca and the treatment of drug addiction
- treatment of addiction and anxiety using extinction approaches: neural mechanisms and their treatment implications
- The Soviet doctor and the treatment of drug addiction:” A difficult and most ungracious task”
- Common and distinct neural targets of treatment: changing brain function in substance addiction
- Consumer attitudes about opioid addiction treatment: a focus group study in New York City
- Psychiatric comorbidity in patients with substance use disorders attending an addiction treatment center in India over 11 years: Case for a specialized “Dual Diagnosis …
- The impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on addiction treatment
- Food addiction in adults seeking weight loss treatment. Implications for psychosocial health and weight loss
- addiction: from mechanisms to treatment
- The self psychology of addiction and its treatment: Narcissus in wonderland
- Implications from addiction research towards the understanding and treatment of obesity
- Development of the addiction dimensions for assessment and personalised treatment (ADAPT)
- Prevalence of oral mucosal abnormalities in addiction treatment centre residents in Southern Ireland
- Facilitating factors in implementing four evidence-based practices: Reports from addiction treatment staff
- Deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens for the treatment of addiction
- The Affordable Care Act: New opportunities for social work to take leadership in behavioral health and addiction treatment
- l-tetrahydropalamatine: a potential new medication for the treatment of cocaine addiction
- Internet-based intervention for the treatment of online addiction for college students in China: a pilot study of the Healthy Online Self-helping Center
- Pharmacokinetic strategies for treatment of drug overdose and addiction
- Effects of a manualized short-term treatment of internet and computer game addiction (STICA): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
- Topiramate for the treatment of cocaine addiction: a randomized clinical trial
- Characteristics and treatment response of self-identified problematic Internet users in a behavioral addiction outpatient clinic
- A quantitative signature of self-control repair: Rate-dependent effects of successful addiction treatment
- Deep brain stimulation for the treatment of addiction: basic and clinical studies and potential mechanisms of action
- A critical analysis of user satisfaction surveys in addiction services: opioid maintenance treatment as a representative case study
- Buprenorphine in the treatment of opioid addiction: opportunities, challenges and strategies
- Repeated addiction treatment use in Sweden: A national register database study
- The need for ibogaine in drug and alcohol addiction treatment
- Cost of specialized addiction treatment of clients with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Canada
- Working with different logics: A case study on the use of the addiction Severity Index in addiction treatment practice
- A randomized, placebo‐controlled trial of sustained‐release dextroamphetamine for treatment of methamphetamine addiction
- Analyzing performance in addiction treatment: An application of data envelopment analysis to the state of Maryland system
- The behavioral economics and neuroeconomics of reinforcer pathologies: implications for etiology and treatment of addiction
- A business case for quality improvement in addiction treatment: evidence from the NIATx collaborative
- NMDA receptor modulators in the treatment of drug addiction
- Computerized working-memory training as a candidate adjunctive treatment for addiction
- Important factors of early addiction recovery and inpatient treatment
- addiction treatment Provider Attitudes on Staff Capacity and Evidence‐Based Clinical Training: Results from a National Study
- Integrating addiction and mental health treatment within a national addiction treatment system: Using multiple statistical methods to analyze client and interviewer …
- Beneficial effects of Rosmarinus officinalis for treatment of opium withdrawal syndrome during addiction treatment programs: a clinical trial
- Fenobam sulfate inhibits cocaine-taking and cocaine-seeking behavior in rats: implications for addiction treatment in humans
- A Canadian perspective on addiction treatment
- Are pharmacokinetic approaches feasible for treatment of cocaine addiction and overdose?
- Factors associated with the outcome of drug addiction treatment
- Topiramate for the treatment of methamphetamine addiction: a multi‐center placebo‐controlled trial
- Family intervention for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addiction: An exploratory study
- Organizational readiness for change in community-based addiction treatment programs and adherence in implementing evidence-based practices: a national study
- Opioid addiction and abuse in primary care practice: a comparison of methadone and buprenorphine as treatment options
- Counselor training in several evidence-based psychosocial addiction treatments in private US substance abuse treatment centers
- A contribution to the clinical characterization of Internet addiction in a sample of treatment seekers: Validity of assessment, severity of psychopathology and type of co …
- Residential addiction treatment for injection drug users requiring intravenous antibiotics: a cost-reduction strategy
- Factors associated with recent suicide attempts in clients presenting for addiction treatment
- Can antipsychotic treatment contribute to drug addiction in schizophrenia?
- Behavior analysis and treatment of drug addiction.
- Adoption and diffusion of evidence‐based addiction medications in substance abuse treatment
- Impact of addiction severity and psychiatric comorbidity on the quality of life of alcohol-, drug-and dual-dependent persons in residential treatment
- Staff turnover in addiction treatment: Toward science-based answers to critical questions
- Predictors of staff turnover and turnover intentions within addiction treatment settings: Change over time matters
- Brief trauma and mental health assessments for female offenders in addiction treatment
- Bupropion sustained release treatment decreases craving for video games and cue-induced brain activity in patients with Internet video game addiction.
- Clinical characteristics of computer game and internet addiction in persons seeking treatment in an outpatient clinic for computer game addiction
- Clinical supervisor and counselor perceptions of clinical supervision in addiction treatment
- Essential elements of treatment: a comparative study between European and American therapeutic communities for addiction
- Examination of treatment episodes among women and racial and ethnic minorities in addiction treatment
- A multilevel approach to predicting community addiction treatment attitudes about contingency management
- A therapeutic workplace for the long-term treatment of drug addiction and unemployment: Eight-year outcomes of a social business intervention
- Common methods to treat addiction in treatment-rehabilitation centers in Tehran
- Cigarette smoking and short-term addiction treatment outcome
- Diet and body composition outcomes of an environmental and educational intervention among men in treatment for substance addiction
- Enzyme-therapy approaches for the treatment of drug overdose and addiction
- Inhibition of FAAH and activation of PPAR: new approaches to the treatment of cognitive dysfunction and drug addiction
- Orexin/hypocretin based pharmacotherapies for the treatment of addiction: DORA or SORA?
- Demographic variables associated with relapse in women and men referred to the selected addiction treatment centers in Tehran, 2009: A case-control study.
- Massachusetts’s experience suggests coverage alone is insufficient to increase addiction disorders treatment
- CYP2B6 SNPs are associated with methadone dose required for effective treatment of opioid addiction
- Management of mental health problems prior to and during treatment of hepatitis C virus infection in patients with drug addiction
- Medication-assisted treatment for opioid addiction: methadone and buprenorphine
- … of Intravenous KB220IV-Neuroadaptagen Amino-Acid Therapy (NAAT)™ Improves Behavioral Outcomes in a Residential addiction treatment Program: A Pilot Study
- Effectiveness of a health professional training program for treatment of tobacco addiction
- … to buprenorphine uncover novel and opposing roles of μ‐opioid‐and nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptors in cell development: implications for drug addiction treatment …
- addiction treatment in Iceland
- addiction treatment trials: how gender, race/ethnicity, and age relate to ongoing participation and retention in clinical trials
- Severity of anxiety in mental health versus addiction treatment settings when social anxiety and substance abuse are comorbid
- addiction potential of phentermine prescribed during long-term treatment of obesity
- Characteristics of a treatment-seeking population in outpatient addiction treatment centers in Mexico
- Survey of factors related to the relapse of addiction from view of addict patients attending to drug abuse treatment clinics in West Azerbaijan
- Risky decision-making predicts short-term outcome of community but not residential treatment for opiate addiction. Implications for case management
- Chronic disease and recent addiction treatment utilization among alcohol and drug dependent adults
- Changes in quality of life (WHOQOL-BREF) and addiction severity index (ASI) among participants in opioid substitution treatment (OST) in low and middle income …
- Comorbid psychiatric diagnoses among individuals presenting to an addiction treatment program for alcohol dependence
- Acupuncture for the treatment of drug addiction
- Comparison of four search engines and their efficacy with emphasis on literature research in addiction (prevention and treatment)
- Ibudilast for the treatment of drug addiction and other neurological conditions.
- Sex differences in outcomes of methadone maintenance treatment for opioid addiction: a systematic review protocol
- treatment of sexual addiction within the British National Health Service
- Continuous quality improvement (CQI) in addiction treatment settings: design and intervention protocol of a group randomized pilot study
- Cost-effectiveness of injectable opioid treatment v. oral methadone for chronic heroin addiction
- addiction in LGBTQ communities: Influences, treatment, and prevention
- addiction and recovery: Perceptions among professionals in the Swedish treatment system
- Outcome predictors of smoking cessation treatment provided by an addiction care unit between 2007 and 2010
- Food addiction and its impact on weight-based stigma and the treatment of obese individuals in the US and Australia
- Demographic and clinical profile of substance abusing women seeking treatment at a de-addiction center in north India
- Genetic influence on methadone treatment outcomes in patients undergoing methadone maintenance treatment for opioid addiction: a pilot study
- Predisposing, enabling, and need factors associated with addiction treatment among Massachusetts Puerto Rican drug users
- … of substance abusing Black men who have sex with men and women in addiction treatment programs: A need for a human sexuality educational model for addiction …
- Using virtual environments for trigger identification in addiction treatment
- The dual diagnosis capability of residential addiction treatment centres: priorities and confidence to improve capability following a review process
- Screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment: Overview of and student satisfaction with an undergraduate addiction training program for nurses
- Do client attributes moderate the effectiveness of a group cognitive behavioral therapy for depression in addiction treatment?
- Association of genetic variation in pharmacodynamic factors with methadone dose required for effective treatment of opioid addiction
- Modulation of the endocannabinoid system: vulnerability factor and new treatment target for stimulant addiction
- Can Neuroscience Improve addiction treatment and Policies?
- The Burnaby treatment center for mental health and addiction, a novel integrated treatment program for patients with addiction and concurrent disorders …
- Rasch model of the GAIN Substance Problem Scale among Canadian adults seeking residential and outpatient addiction treatment
- Vitamin D as an effective treatment approach for drug abuse and addiction
- addiction treatment in deprived urban areas in EU countries: Accessibility of care for people from socially marginalized groups
- treatment of pain in patients taking buprenorphine for opioid addiction# 221
- New trends in the treatment of nicotine addiction.
- Validation of the treatment identification strategy of the HEDIS addiction quality measures: concordance with medical record review
- The many roles of social workers in the prevention and treatment of alcohol and drug addiction: A major health and social problem affecting individuals, families, and …
- Involuntary discharge from medication-assisted treatment for people with heroin addiction–patients’ experiences and interpretations
- The influence of an educational course on language expression and treatment of gaming addiction for massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) …
- Injectable and implantable sustained release naltrexone in the treatment of opioid addiction
- Development and validation of the scale to assess satisfaction with medications for addiction treatment-methadone for heroin addiction (SASMAT-METHER)
- addiction and the search for the sacred: Religion, spirituality, and the origins and treatment of substance use disorders.
- Monoclonal antibodies as pharmacokinetic antagonists for the treatment of (+)-methamphetamine addiction
- Cocaine addiction treatments to improve Control and reduce Harm (CATCH): new pharmacological treatment options for crack-cocaine dependence in the …
- Service user, family and friends’ views on the meaning of a ‘good outcome’of treatment for an addiction problem
- … of ABCB1 and CYP2B6 genetic polymorphisms on methadone metabolism, dose and treatment response in patients with opioid addiction: a systematic review …
- Alcohol addiction: toward a patient-oriented pharmacological treatment
- “What Do You Mean by Spirituality? Please Draw Me a Picture!” Complementary Faith-Based addiction treatment in Switzerland From the Client’s Perspective
- Methylphenidate treatment in adolescent rats with an attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder phenotype: cocaine addiction vulnerability and dopamine …
- Korean addiction treatment guidelines series (II): Pharmacological treatment of alcohol withdrawal
- Use of doping agents and symptoms of eating disorders among male and female patients in drug addiction treatment
- Internet gaming addiction. Reasons, diagnosis, prevention and treatment
- Acceptance of naltrexone by pregnant women enrolled in comprehensive drug addiction treatment: an initial survey
- Impact of genetic variability in nicotinic acetylcholine receptors on nicotine addiction and smoking cessation treatment
- Kava for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder RCT: analysis of adverse reactions, liver function, addiction, and sexual effects
- Duration of methadone maintenance treatment during pregnancy and pregnancy outcome parameters in women with opiate addiction
- Nurse practitioners’ inability to prescribe buprenorphine: Limitations of the Drug addiction treatment Act of 2000
- Korean addiction treatment guidelines (III): psychosocial treatment of alcohol use disorder
- Twelve-step recovery in inpatient treatment for Internet addiction
- Integrated treatment for co-occurring disorders: personality disorders and addiction
- Estimating the risk of fatal arrhythmia in patients in methadone maintenance treatment for heroin addiction
- Food addiction: Evidence, evaluation, and treatment
- Assessing covariates of drug use trajectories among adolescents admitted to a drug addiction center: Mental health problems, therapeutic alliance, and treatment …
- Complementary modalities: Twelve-step programs and group psychotherapy for addiction treatment
- Measuring attitudes toward empirically supported treatment in real-world addiction services
- Individual characteristics and response to contingency management treatment for cocaine addiction
- Advancing addiction treatment: what can we learn from animal studies?
- Thai men’s experiences of alcohol addiction and treatment
- Contingency management for patients with dual disorders in intensive outpatient treatment for addiction
- Concise review: cancer cells escape from oncogene addiction: understanding the mechanisms behind treatment failure for more effective targeting
- The Tobacco‐Dependence Clinic: Intensive Tobacco‐Dependence treatment in an addiction Services Outpatient Setting
- When problem gambling is the primary reason for seeking addiction treatment
- Examining the sustainment of the Adolescent-Community Reinforcement Approach in community addiction treatment settings: protocol for a longitudinal …
- Lateral habenula deep brain stimulation for personalized treatment of drug addiction
- Ethical considerations in deep brain stimulation for the treatment of addiction and overeating associated with obesity
- Assessing drug use during follow-up: Direct comparison of candidate outcome definitions in pooled analyses of addiction treatment studies
- Fine-grain analysis of the treatment effect of topiramate on methamphetamine addiction with latent variable analysis
- Functional relevance of μ–δ opioid receptor heteromerization: A Role in novel signaling and implications for the treatment of addiction disorders: From a symposium …
- addiction treatment: level of care determination
- addiction training for undergraduate nurses using screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment
- Motivational interviewing and psychiatry: Use in addiction treatment, risky drinking and routine practice
- Developing a rational approach to tobacco use treatment in pulmonary practice: a review of the biological basis of nicotine addiction
- Enhancing transitions from addiction treatment to primary care
- Attitudes toward evidence-based pharmacological treatments among community-based addiction treatment programs targeting vulnerable patient groups
- Korean addiction treatment guidelines series (I): development of Korean guidelines for the treatment of alcohol use disorder
- Therapeutic potential of histaminergic compounds in the treatment of addiction and drug-related cognitive disorders
- Repurposing buspirone for drug addiction treatment
- Development of a multilevel framework to increase use of targeted evidence-based practices in addiction treatment clinics
- Promoting new practices to increase access to and retention in addiction treatment: An analysis of five communication channels
- Integral recovery: A revolutionary approach to the treatment of alcoholism and addiction
- Varenicline and neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors: A new approach to the treatment of co‐occurring alcohol and nicotine addiction?
- Adding integrative meditation with ear acupressure to outpatient treatment of cocaine addiction: a randomized controlled pilot study
- Coerced addiction treatment: How, when and whom?
- Prevalence of training in addiction psychology and treatment in APA-accredited clinical and counseling psychology doctoral programs
- Wait times for publicly funded addiction and problem gambling treatment agencies in Ontario, Canada
- Training addiction professionals in empirically supported treatments: Perspectives from the treatment community
- Effects of biperiden on the treatment of cocaine/crack addiction: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
- Advances in opioid antagonist treatment for opioid addiction
- Pilot study of the 5-HT2AR agonist psilocybin in the treatment of tobacco addiction
- What Oregon’s parity law can tell us about the federal Mental Health Parity and addiction Equity Act and spending on substance abuse treatment services
- Working on treatment teams: Educating social work students to function as addiction specialists within interdisciplinary groups
- Ethical concerns related to developing pharmacogenomic treatment strategies for addiction
- Supervisory styles, supervision outcome and counselor self-efficacy of addiction treatment professionals
- Psychopathological symptoms of patients with heroin addiction entering opioid agonist or therapeutic community treatment
- Women and problem gambling: Therapeutic insights into understanding addiction and treatment
- Public attitudes toward the treatment of nicotine addiction
- Genetics and genomics: Unraveling new opportunities for addiction treatment and education
- Front-loaded versus weekly counseling for treatment of tobacco addiction
- Functional near-infrared spectroscopy in addiction treatment: preliminary evidence as a biomarker of treatment response
- Feasibility of applying the life history calendar in a population of chronic opioid users to identify patterns of drug use and addiction treatment
- Clinical and ethical considerations for the treatment of cybersex addiction for marriage and family therapists
- addiction intervention: Strategies to motivate treatment-seeking behavior
- Acupuncture-related techniques for the treatment of opiate addiction: a case of translational medicine
- Virtual reality as a complementary therapy to sexual addiction treatment
- Behavior and major barriers faced by non-injectable drug users with HBV/HCV seeking treatment for hepatitis and drug addiction in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Psychoanalytic treatment of psychological addiction to alcohol (alcohol abuse)
- Lipid transmitter signaling as a new target for treatment of cocaine addiction: new roles for acylethanolamides and lysophosphatidic acid
- How important are positive and negative outcome expectancies in the treatment of addiction: a narrative review of the literature
- Mixed methods analysis of counselor views, attitudes and perceived competencies regarding the treatment of internet pornography addiction
- Cannabis use, addiction risk and functional impairment in youth seeking treatment for primary mood or anxiety concerns
- Improved treatment of nicotine addiction and emerging pulmonary drug delivery
- Symptoms of eating disorders among females in drug addiction treatment
- Etiology and treatment of obesity in adults and children: Implications for the addiction model
- The predictive validity of the dual diagnosis capability in addiction treatment (DDCAT) index
- Opium and opium addiction treatment in persian traditional medicine
- Drug abuse and addiction in medical illness: causes, consequences and treatment
- Perception of the role of spirituality and religiosity in the addiction treatment program among the Italian health professionals: A pilot study
- Mindfulness-based sobriety: A clinician’s treatment guide for addiction recovery using relapse prevention therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and …
- Latino/as in substance abuse treatment: substance use patterns, family history of addiction, and depression
- Successful testing and treating of HIV/AIDS in Indonesia depends on the addiction treatment modality
- Early treatment for women with alcohol addiction (EWA) reduces mortality: A randomized controlled trial with long-term register follow-up
- A framework for the treatment of pain and addiction in the emergency department
- treatment process and participant characteristic predictors of substance use outcome in mentorship for addiction problems (MAP)
- Perioperative implications of buprenorphine maintenance treatment for opioid addiction
- addiction, assessment, and treatment with adolescents, adults, and families
- Effect of medicinal plants in the treatment of opium addiction Review of laboratory studies
- What influences participation in QI? A randomized trial of addiction treatment organizations
- Eating disorders and addiction: Comparing eating disorder treatment outcomes among clients with and without comorbid substance use disorder
- Audio therapy significantly attenuates aberrant mood in residential patient addiction treatment: putative activation of dopaminergic pathways in the meso-limbic …
- Persuading addiction treatment providers to practice the concept of recovery will not be easy
- HCV treatment uptake in people who have injected drugs—observations in a large cohort that received addiction treatment 1970–1984
- Behavioral addiction: Screening, assessment, and treatment
- Medications for addiction treatment: an opportunity for prescribing clinicians to facilitate remission from alcohol and opioid use disorders
- Internet addiction: opportunities for assessment and treatment by psychiatric-mental health nurses
- Reduction of harmful consumption versus total abstinence in addiction treatment
- Integrating addiction and mental health networks to improve access to treatment for people with alcohol and drug‐related problems: a qualitative study
- … Real Parity: Increasing Access to treatment for Substance Use Disorders Under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Mental Health and addiction …
- Partial MHC/neuroantigen peptide constructs: a potential neuroimmune-based treatment for methamphetamine addiction
- Consensus by debate on the conundrum of best treatment for addiction‘?
- Does dual diagnosis affect violence and moderate/superficial self-harm in heroin addiction at treatment entry?
- treatment of tobacco addiction using the Feeling-State addiction Protocol (FSAP) of the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) treatment
- Clinical supervision and addiction treatment.
- Comparison of the addiction Severity Index (ASI) and the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs (GAIN) in predicting the effectiveness of drug treatment programs for …
- Outcomes following treatment of veterans for substance and tobacco addiction
- Profile of inhalant users seeking treatment at a de-addiction centre in north India
- Mindful bodies: The use of guided meditation with dance/movement therapy in addiction treatment
- N-Acetylcysteine as a treatment for addiction
- Opioid treatment of opioid addiction
- Pilot Results of a New Model of addiction treatment: Managing addiction as a Chronic Disease.
- Factor analysis of treatment outcomes from a UK specialist addiction service: Relationship between the L eeds D ependence Q uestionnaire, S ocial S atisfaction Q …
- addiction-related cognitive impairment in substance use disorder treatment: Behavioral suggestions for addictions treatment practitioners
- addiction: White House seeks “third way”: Policy emphasizes prevention, treatment, recovery
- Contribution of the Awajún culture to the drug addiction treatment
- Complementary and integrative modalities in addiction treatment
- Association between addiction treatment staff professional and educational levels and perceptions of organizational climate and resources
- Cocaine addiction treatment and home remedies: use of the scopolamine transdermal patch
- Proper Subjects for Medical treatment–addiction, Prison-Based Drug treatment, and the Eighth Amendment
- The use of acupuncture in addiction treatment programs
- Factors associated with treatment seeking behaviour in adolescent substance abuser in a de addiction centre in North India
- Collecting behavioural addiction treatment data using Freedom of Information requests
- … pathway analysis of genes expressed differentially in participants with or without a positive response to topiramate treatment for methamphetamine addiction
- Neurobiology and addiction: Assisting the family and support system to get resistant loved ones into treatment
- A physician-centered approach to addiction identification and treatment misses the opportunity for interdisciplinary solutions
- Essential Ingredients for Successful Redesign of addiction treatment
- Predictive factors of relapse among patients treated with methadone maintenance treatment referred to addiction centers in Hamadan based on health belief model
- Perceived social support in families with addicted member admitted to one of the addiction treatment centers of Gorgan
- Comparison of the efficacy of methadone maintenance therapy vs. narcotics anonymous in the treatment of opioid addiction: a 2-year survey
- Pharmacogenomics of alcohol addiction: personalizing pharmacologic treatment of alcohol dependence
- Extreme risk seeking addiction: theory and treatment
- Oral health status and treatment needs of substance abusers attending de-addiction centers in Bangalore city
- Emotion focused therapy for couples in addiction treatment: The relationship between quality of recovery, attachment style, and relational satisfaction
- Natural history of addiction in psychotic heroin-addicted patients at their first agonist opioid treatment
- The preclinical discovery of lofexidine for the treatment of opiate addiction
- A systematic review of addiction treatment in Mexico
- treatment of GHB withdrawal syndrome: Catch 22 or challenge for addiction medicine?
- Brain mechanisms of addiction treatment effects
- Effects of a nonpharmacological treatment program for alcohol addiction: A meta-analysis
- On the comparison of the therapeutic effects of matrix treatment on severity of addiction and mental health between female and male methamphetamine abusers
- Multiple mechanisms underlying the long duration of action of thienorphine, a novel partial opioid agonist for the treatment of addiction
- Client characteristics within the Chilean national youth addiction treatment demonstration system
- Compulsory methadone maintenance treatment of severe cases of drug addiction in a residential setting in Tehran, Iran (2): Outcome evaluation in two and six-month …
- Improving maintenance treatment of opiate addiction: Clinical aspects
- Myths about the treatment of addiction
- Private and public approaches to addiction treatment: evidence and beliefs
- Culture change in addictions treatment: A targeted training and technical assistance initiative affects tobacco-related attitudes and beliefs in addiction treatment …
- A study on the present situation of the treatment services provided by alcohol addiction specialized hospitals
- … S)-3-Amino-4-difluoromethylenyl-1-cyclopentanoic Acid (CPP-115), a Potent γ-Aminobutyric Acid Aminotransferase Inactivator for the treatment of Cocaine addiction
- Perspectives on addiction: an integrative treatment model with clinical case studies
- Nicotine addiction treatment: A Review
- The system of medical treatment for addiction in france
- … treatment of addiction-Assistance Medications and Opiate Pain Medications Under the Law: Permitting the Proliferation of Opiates and Limiting Access to treatment
- Professionalising the addiction treatment Services in Asia
- treatment of comorbid tobacco addiction in substance use and psychiatric disorders
- Smoking and co-occurring disorders: Implications for smoking cessation interventions for adolescents in residential addiction treatment
- Safety of nicotine addiction treatment
- A Latter-Day Saint approach to addiction: Aetiology, consequences and treatment in a theological context
- The Amen Anti-addiction Intervention: Theoretical Foundations of an Alternative Protocol for the Prevention and treatment of addiction
- Buprenorphine in the treatment of heroin addiction
- Peter Riederer “70th birthday” Neurobiological foundations of modern addiction treatment
- INTEGRAL THERAPEUTIC COMMUNITY A Framework for Adolescent addiction treatment.
- Hypotheses regarding ayahuasca’s potential mechanisms of action in the treatment of addiction
- The relationship of social stress, economic hardship, and psychological distress to addiction severity among kentucky substance abuse treatment participants
- Technical, ethical and social issues in the bioprediction of addiction liability and treatment response
- Advocacy for gender-specific addiction treatment and recovery support: an interview with Dr. Stephanie Covington
- What works for patients in outpatient treatment for alcohol addiction? An explorative study into clients’ evaluation of subjective factors and therapy satisfaction
- … , 3 S)-3-amino-4-difluoromethylenyl-1-cyclopentanoic acid (CPP-115), a GABA aminotransferase inactivator and new treatment for drug addiction and infantile spasms
- They are part of what made my treatment positive. And maybe more meaningful.: Participants’ experience of horse-assisted therapy in addiction treatment
- A brief history of drug abuse, addiction concepts and community treatment
- Compulsory methadone maintenance treatment of severe cases of drug addiction in a residential setting in Tehran, Iran (1): Process evaluation
- An Investigation of Male Youth Experiences with Exercise and Leisure Education within an addiction treatment Program.
- Cognitive enhancement in combination with ‘brain repair’may be optimal for the treatment of stimulant addiction
- The probable impact of the global financial and economic crisis on medical addiction treatment
- Advanced Nurses’ Perspectives on the Drug addiction treatment Act, 13 Years Later
- Evaluating and prioritizing addiction treatment methods through the TOPSIS technique
- Sexual addiction‘: diagnosis and treatment in clinical practice
- What’s in the ‘treatment gap’? Ethnographic perspectives on addiction and global mental health from China, Russia, and the United States
- Meta-analysis of effectiveness of CBT treatment on addiction and general health of addicted
- Regional cerebellar metabolism (18FDG PET) predicts the clinical outcome of the short-term inpatient treatment of alcohol addiction
- addiction treatment and work-related outcomes: Examining the impact of employer involvement and substance of choice on absenteeism, tardiness, and productivity
- General level of knowledge about brief solution focused therapy (BFST) in Polish addiction treatment centers
- Ideological Implications of addiction Theories and treatment
- … of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in cardiovascular changes following chronic treatment with cocaine and testosterone: a role beyond drug seeking in addiction …
- Drug discovery for the treatment of addiction: medicinal chemistry strategies
- Opium Abuse among Patients with Chronic Physical Pain as a Misleading Cause in addiction treatment Center
- Substance Abuse treatment: Spice and Bath Salt addiction—So What’s Next?
- Ressource-Oriented treatment of addiction-the Orpheus Programme
- Drug abuse Pattern and Frequency of High Risk Be-haviors the Clients to Outpatient addiction treatment Centers
- Motivational interview: evidence based strategy in the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction: ethical issues in clinical psychology
- Identifying the evidence base for “what works” in community corrections and addiction treatment
- Drug users need more choices at addiction treatment facilities
- addiction treatment coupled with higher education
- addiction and attachment: mental health clinicians’ use of attachment theory in the treatment of substance use disorders
- Drug substitution treatments and addiction pharmacotherapies: Integrating pharmacotherapy into the addiction syndrome treatment paradigm.
- Six-month follow-up study of drug treatment for cannabis addiction: comparison study of four drugs
- Drug addiction and the awareness regarding its possible treatment and rehabilitation of young drug users in Kashmir
- Compulsory detention in addiction treatment-response
- A critical ethnography of the Ottawa drug treatment court: Linking discourses of addiction, addicted subjects & treatment practices
- The treatment of opiate addiction using attachment theory
- addiction treatment: Escaping the Trap
- Design principles of addiction treatment centers: An analytical study
- The development of game addiction treatment program using digital storytelling
- A mixed-methods study of treatment adherence and progress for offenders referred to community-based drug addiction treatment
- Long-term effectiveness of psychodynamic outpatient treatment of addiction
- Integral recovery: A case study of an AQAL [all-quadrants, all-levels, all-lines, all-states, all-types] approach to addiction treatment
- Modifying the role of serotonergic 5‐HTTLPR and TPH2 variants on disulfiram treatment of cocaine addiction: a preliminary study
- Assessment of educational needs for retraining physicians working at addiction treatment and rehabilitation centers
- Dynamic Baseline Variables Predict treatment Outcomes for addiction Generally, and Smoking in Particular
- Bulimia nervosa treated with an adapted version of Carroll’s cognitive-behavioral approach for treatment of cocaine addiction
- Commentary: Why does the addiction treatment field continue to tolerate smoking instead of treating it
- Principles of the pharmacological treatment of drug addiction
- The Nature and Issues of Drug addiction treatment under Constraint
- Variation in the average cost of addiction treatment: an examination of process
- Technology-Assisted addiction treatment for Key Populations
- For-profit treatment of opioid addiction
- Group therapy and self-help groups in addiction treatment.
- addiction research centres and the nurturing of creativity: addiction treatment outcomes, process and change: Texas Institute of Behavioral Research at Texas …
- A comprehensive review of psychotherapeutic treatment of sexual addiction.
- addiction Education and treatment
- Primary and behavioral healthcare integration: threat or opportunity for addiction treatment organizations?
- … properties and prediction of human PK using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for YQA‐14, a new dopamine D3 receptor antagonist candidate for treatment of drug addiction
- treatment of tobacco addiction and the cardiovascular specialist
- Motivation for treatment of addiction may differ according to type of application: Results from a Turkish sample
- Evaluation of prevention and treatment services and harm reduction of addiction with an emphasis on HIV infection in afghan refugees in Iran
- Medication development for the treatment of cocaine addiction–progress at preclinical and clinical levels
- Addressing the family of origin as a cause of addiction: a treatment programme for substance abuse
- addiction as a disease: The call for perspectives from addicted individuals’ family members and treatment providers
- A community-based approach to the treatment of pain and addiction
- Study the Primary and addiction Relapse Prevention Strategies from the Perspective of Addicted Persons’ Referred to treatment Centers for Substance Abuse, Ahvaz
- An inspiration from Internet addiction mal-treatment in China
- Christian therapeutic community in addiction treatment
- addiction severity, psychopathology and quality of life of persons who have started alcohol or drug treatment
- Commentary on Gustafson et al.(2013): can we know that addiction treatment has been improved without evidence of better patient outcomes?
- Mapping the addiction treatment gap
- Unraveling the mysteries of addiction treatment and recovery: An interview with Rudolf Moos, PhD
- Pharmacogenetics in the treatment of tobacco addiction
- Modeling opioid addiction treatment policies using system dynamics
- addiction Genetics: A Harbinger of Advanced Research and New treatment for addiction
- Exploring the treatment integrity of custodial addiction therapeutic communities
- Social service and addiction treatment: rehabilitation or harm reduction?
- Self-reported differences in side-effects for 110 heroin addicts during opioid addiction and during methadone treatment
- Substance abuse and addiction treatment programs in India: exploring the voices of Indian treatment and research professionals
- W03-02-Depression and internet addiction: Correlation and treatment approaches
- Smoking cessation services in addiction treatment: Challenges for organizations and the counseling workforce
- Lighting the darkness of addiction: Can phototherapy enhance contingency-management-based treatment of substance-related and addictive disorders?
- What works in mentalization-based treatment: systematic case studies in personality disorder and addiction
- Preliminary data on validity of the Drug addiction treatment Efficacy Questionnaire
- The role of treating nicotine addiction prior to treatment of periodontal diseases
- The role of personality and neurocognitive dimensions of impulsivity in predicting addiction treatment outcomes
- Outpatient addiction Care for Pathological Gamblers in Bavaria: Do treatment Services Meet Clients’ Needs?
- Meaningful learning experiences: The influence of group-based adventure recreation on behavioral addiction treatment
- Evidence based treatment approaches in behavioral addiction
- Mixing oil and water: Developing integrated treatment for people with the co-occurring disorders of mental illness and addiction
- A mixed methods study evaluating aftercare outcomes for addiction treatment within spiritually based and nonspiritually based programs
- Guidelines in the treatment of opiate addiction: a review and recommendation
- Predictors of research use among staff in aboriginal addiction treatment programs serving women
- Outpatient long-term treatment of addiction in higher age
- One CEO attacks bait-and-switch marketing: deceptive online marketing of addiction treatment centers is as old as the Internet, but it’s time for industry leaders to say …
- The lipid addiction of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and potential treatment strategies with novel fatty acid synthase (FASN) small molecule inhibitors
- … journey of recovery from addiction: A report evaluating the service provided via the secondary treatment programs of Tabor Lodge addiction and Housing Services …
- Combined Psycho-Physical Neurofeedback Therapy in the Stimulant addiction treatment: Clinical-Psychological and EEG/FMRI Study
- Testing is’ the technology of addiction‘: for prevention and treatment, ASAM says that drug testing is” vastly underutilized”
- addiction treatment for Families: Is there a need?
- Evolution in Community-Based addiction treatment Driven by the Crack Epidemic: A Professional Time-Line of Psychological Work in the Trenches of the War …
- addiction treatment and cancer treatment: Personal reflections of a long-tenured addiction professional
- Pharmacotherapy in the treatment of addiction: methadone
- New directions in the pharmacological treatment of food addiction, overeating, and obesity
- Effectiveness of methadone treatment for heroin addiction
- The significance of motivation, stages of readiness to behavior changes, factors of compliance to treatment of alcohol addiction
- … social support in smartphone-based addiction support groups: Seeking, giving, and receiving emotional support and their effects on alcoholism treatment
- Study on the Feasibility of Sports Prescription to treatment of Young Internet addiction
- Internet addiction: Causes, Formation Mechanisms, Diagnosis, treatment and Prevention Approaches
- Transformative Learning through the Therapeutic Community Model of treatment in addiction Recovery
- A Design for addiction Diagnosis and treatment System Based On the Pattern of Smartphone Use
- Methamphetamine addiction: From Basic Science to treatment
- A Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Model for the treatment of Online Video Game addiction
- Awareness and wisdom in addiction therapy: The in-depth systemics treatment of mental-somatic models
- Buprenorphine in the treatment of Heroin addiction: Déjà Vu all over again
- A Multidisciplinary Approach to addiction Developed in a Patient Receiving Chronic Pain treatment with Fentanyl.
- treatment of tobacco addiction using the feeling-state addiction protocol (FSAP) of the eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) treatment
- Relationship of reasons and fears of treatment with outcome in substance using population attending a de-addiction centre
- The impulsivity and aggressivity, and its treatment outcomes of the inpatients with internet addiction disorder by intergrafion interview
- Methadone Maintenance treatment service evaluation and critical appraisal of the electronic database at addiction Prevention and treatment Services, Nova Scotia …
- Limiting the Duration of Medication Assisted treatment for Opioid addiction: Will New State Policies Help or Hurt?
- Intensive treatment Program for Students with Game addiction based on Multiple Intelligences
- Taking the Pulse of the addiction treatment Profession
- Medications for the treatment of cocaine addiction: focus on glutamatergic compounds
- addiction and treatment
- Biological Research on addiction: Chapter 43. Brain Mechanisms of addiction treatment Effects
- Methadone population pharmacokinetics: Toward understanding the dose-response relationship in the treatment of opiate addiction
- Neurobiological Bases of addiction treatment
- Opioid drugs in maintenance and detoxification treatment of opiate addiction; proposed modification of dispensing restrictions for buprenorphine and buprenorphine …
- Bridging Research and Clinical Practice: Key strategies to creating innovative addiction treatment services
- The Role of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase in treatment Strategies for Fear and Drug addiction
- The relationship between professional sexual boundary violation and sex addiction: An exploratory study of post-treatment and retrospective pre-treatment …
- Topiramate for the treatment of methamphetamine addiction: A multi-center placebo-controlled trial: Corrigendum.
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 62. Economic Analysis of addiction treatment Programs
- The CYP2D6 gene determines oxycodone’s phenotype-specific addictive potential: implications for addiction prevention and treatment
- Relieve me of the bondage of self: addiction practitioners from three treatment centres in New Zealand discuss the use of community as a method of healing the self: a …
- Alternatives to diagnosis-based denominators for addiction treatment quality measures
- Recover to Live: Kick Any Habit, Manage Any addiction: Your Self-treatment Guide to Alcohol, Drugs, Eating Disorders, Gambling, Hoarding, Smoking, Sex …
- Predictors of addiction treatment Attrition
- The Role of Social Support and Early Engagement in addiction treatment
- Electro-acupuncture (EA) as an adjunct therapy to methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in heroin addiction: A study of 2D EEG power spectral topography and …
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 60. Improving the Quality of addiction treatment
- (out) patient: queer addiction treatment and neoliberal affect
- Ownership mix of addiction treatment centres in the USA
- Cognitive Function in the Alcohol addiction treatment Population
- treatment OF DRUG addiction
- The impact of the effectiveness of needle exchange programs on addiction–treatment dynamics
- 1612–Clinical characteristics and disorder-specific cognitions in treatment-seeking patients with internet addiction and borderline personality organization
- Internet addiction treatment, counseling, and support
- Fallen giants: The loss of addiction treatment and recovery pioneers in the United States
- Factors Associated with Provision of addiction treatment Facility Information by Tennessee Community Pharmacists
- Pharmacological basis of opioids dependence [addiction] and its treatment
- Organizational Characteristics of Outpatient addiction treatment Facilities and their Impacts on Client Services and Outcomes
- Integrating the Creative Arts into Trauma and addiction treatment: Eight Essential Processes
- Redemption and Recovery: Further Parallels of Religion and Science in addiction treatment
- Inside Rehab: The Surprising Truth About addiction treatment and How to Get Help That Works, by Anne M. Fletcher: (2013). New York, NY: Penguin, 429 pp …
- Community Corrections addiction treatment: Strategies to Adopt, Implement, and Sustain Effective Practices
- Sleep & Anxiety in addiction treatment and Recovery
- Slaying the Dragon: The History of addiction treatment and Recovery in America Second Edition, 2014
- Struggling to hold addiction treatment talk and relapse in mind
- Evaluation of an addiction treatment Manual Integrating the 12 Steps with Psychodynamic Themes
- Drug addiction and its treatment
- The Genetics and Neurochemistry of Schizophrenia and addiction: Enhanced Options for treatment Using Nicotinic Acid (Vitamin B3).
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 61. Evaluating treatment Efficacy
- Comparing medications used in opioid addiction treatment in Greece
- The assortment analysis of medical preparations for tobacco addiction treatment
- treatment outcomes of a tailored smoking cessation programme for individuals accessing addiction treatment services
- What do Differences in Emotional Regulation in Individuals Addicted to Different Substances Tell us About addiction treatment?
- Trauma and addiction: an integrated approach to diagnosis and treatment
- Predictors of Smoking Behavior and Readiness to Quit in addiction treatment
- An Art Therapy Exploration of Complex Trauma and addiction treatment
- Use of addiction treatment services by Irish youth: does place of residence matter?
- Criminological profile of patients in addiction treatment= Perfil criminológico en pacientes adictos en tratamiento
- Accreditation standards concerning patients’ rights: a review of the current state of affairs related to drug-addiction treatment centers in Colombia
- treatment Allocation Guidelines on treatment Outcome in Routine Outpatient addiction treatment Using Structured Assessment of Patient Characteristics
- addiction treatment in the New Millennium: From Jail Cells to Brain Cells
- Alcohol addiction treatment, comorbidity and after-care in 12 short residential programs during 2009 in ItalyIna Maria Hinnenthal
- Post career counseling workshop series for adults in addiction treatment programs
- Comorbid mental disorders among clients in addiction treatment: The costs of care
- addiction treatment and community mental health in Africa: The implication of policy and institutional gaps for effective intervention
- The Experiences of Service Users in Family Focused Institutional addiction treatment
- addiction Neuroethics: The Ethics of addiction Neuroscience Research and treatment
- Feasibility and Efficacy of an addiction treatment Program in Patients With Upper Aerodigestive Tract Cancer
- Playing the game, fighting the fight: professional billing organizations specialize in behavioral health, addiction treatment claims
- Opium abuse among patients with chronic physical pain as a misleading cause in addiction treatment center
- Cooperative work and vocational rehabilitation in the drug addiction treatment: opportunities and limitations of current practices
- Rethinking Assumptions about Drug addiction and treatment
- … manual” Problematic use and dependence of prescipted drugs” in daily routine care-a study among participants in a training to qualify in” primary addiction treatment“
- Sexual addiction & Its treatment
- State of knowledge (concerning the alcohol dependence) of the patients undergoing a therapy in the Department of twenty-four-hour addiction treatment in …
- addiction and technology: technology in the treatment of smoking
- ACUPUNCTURE treatment FOR addiction
- A conversation with Andy Eckert: in his first interview, CRC Health Group’s new CEO looks forward to his work with the nation’s largest addiction treatment provider
- Smoking addiction and methods of treatment
- < The> effects of gabapentin on methadone based addiction treatment: a randomized controlled trial
- Dopamine D3 receptor ligands for drug addiction treatment: update on recent findings
- Using the dual diagnosis capability of addiction treatment (DDCAT) index to improve outcomes: An evaluation of a community-based behavioral health program
- HIV and syphilis infections and influence factors among drug addicts under compulsory addiction treatment
- Iatrogenic opioid dependence is endemic and legal: Genetic addiction risk score (GARS) with electrotherapy a paradigm shift in pain treatment programs
- Impact of Merger/Acquisitions in a Nonprofit addiction treatment Hospital
- Ethics: treatment claims must match reality, says CEO: Memorial-Hermann PaRC CEO warns against unethical practices in addiction treatment
- Weighing cost, liability in delivering recommended addiction treatment: whether or not you agree with an insurer’s coverage decisions, you’re liable for your treatment …
- treatment of alcohol and drug dependence in 2011 and relevance to food addiction.
- Barriers to addiction treatment among homeless adults and the expected impact of health care reform
- Prescription Opioid addiction treatment Study (POATS) Blending Initiative Product Resource List
- … of evidence-based practices in community-based addiction treatment organizations: the association between funder requirements and treatment staff reports of …
- addiction and school: the role of school in the prevention and treatment of internet addiction among pupils and teenagers
- treatment of alcohol addiction syndrome with cytoflavin
- An exploration of the effect of family interaction within the treatment and aftercare programme of addiction
- addiction to Propofol: A study of 22 treatment cases: Erratum.
- Beneficial Effects of Rosmarinus Officinalis for treatment of Opium Withdrawal Syndrome during addiction treatment Programs: A Clinical Trial
- Patient with Psychosis Needs treatment for addiction
- MMORPG addiction in Women: Diagnosis and treatment
- Common methods to treat addiction in treatment-rehabilitation centers in Tehran
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 64. Evidence-Based treatment
- Changes in client functioning during treatment at a secondary stage addiction facility: an analysis of case records
- treatment of Tobacco addiction in Mental Health and addictive Disorders
- The Impact of Prior Authorization on Buprenorphine Dose, Relapse and Cost of Opioid addiction treatment
- Inside Rehab: The Surprising Truth About addiction treatment-and How to Get Help That Works; and Clean: Overcoming Adiction and Ending America’s Greatest …
- Pharmacogenetics and the treatment of addiction
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 63. Ethical Issues in the treatment of Drug Dependence
- Internet addiction: a handbook and guide to evaluation and treatment
- Meaning of Self-Help Groups in the treatment of Behavioural addiction
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 69. Improving Medication Use in addictions treatment
- … al., A Randomized Clinical Trial of Alcohol Care Management Delivered in Department of Veterans Affairs Primary Care Clinics Versus Specialty addiction treatment
- < A> qualitative study of specific needs of women for treatment of addiction
- Can Genetics Help in treatment of Smoking addiction?
- The teotherapeutics and psycotherapeutics communities as a treatment against SPA addiction: an approchement to its state of art
- The new misdemeanor law and old issues with security measures ordering compulsory alcohol and drug addiction treatment
- treatment FOR PERSONS WITH HEROIN addiction
- Chronic non-cancer pain and six-month follow-up outcomes among community-based opiate addiction treatment clients on methadone
- The Amen Anti-addiction Intervention: Theoretical Foundations of a Novel Neurotrophic Protocol for the Prevention and treatment of addiction
- The effect of Centralized Psychological Counseling within the Person in the treatment of the addiction Cases
- Substitute treatment–the way out of an addiction or continuation of a long
- EPA-0667–Video game addicted patients of an inpatient treatment center for addiction–a description according to DSM-IV-TR multiaxial diagnostic
- Developing an addiction Attitude and Belief Scale For Use with Non-treatment, Web-Based Populations
- Meaning-Centered Counseling and Therapy (MCCT): An integrative and comprehensive approach to motivational counseling and addiction treatment
- Deep Brain Stimulation for the treatment of addiction
- History of Medication-Assisted treatment for Opioid addiction
- Transformations: treatment of Alcohol addiction as a Process of Consciousness Expansion
- Access and Engagement in treatment-Aided addiction Recovery: Differences between Men and Women
- The Insatiable Gorge: An Existentialist View of Opiate addiction and its treatment
- Use and abuse of the notion of addiction in the treatment system, in daily life and in politics–Different ideas on and definitions of „addiction “are regularly being used in …
- The Role of Subculture Theory in the treatment and Correction of addiction and Drug Related Crime
- Heroin addiction: A Novel treatment Delivery System
- Internet and video game addiction needs better treatment
- Pain: Evaluation and treatment mitigating abuse and addiction liabilities.
- addiction, the Brain, and Evidence-Based treatment-Interview With Redonna K. Chandler
- Use-dependent Antagonism of Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors as a Novel treatment for Drug addiction
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 52. treatment of Anxiety in Substance-Using Patients
- Farmacogenetica bij de behandeling van tabaksverslaving [Pharmacogenetics in the treatment of tobacco addiction]
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 68. Dissemination of Evidence-based treatment into Practice
- CPP-115, a potent γ-aminobutyric acid aminotransferase inactivator for the treatment of cocaine addiction
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 26. treatment-as-Usual for Substance Abuse in Community Settings
- Justice and Equity in Trials of Deep Brain Stimulation for the treatment of addiction and Overeating
- Program of the University Clinic of Toxicology, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in treatment of Drug addiction (Buprenorfin treatment Protocol)
- treatment and prevention of tobacco addiction. Antinicotinic vaccine
- Family intervention for the treatment and rehabilitation of drug addiction: an exploratory study
- An empirical study of the relationship between heroin addiction, crime and medical treatment CS]. Fazey
- Cocaine self-administration in rhesus monkeys: effects on neurobiology and cognition and evaluation of cognitive enhancement for addiction treatment
- A Research Based Approach To The treatment of Anger, Aggression & addiction
- Gender differences in heroin addiction and treatment in the Italian” VEdeTTE” Cohort Study
- The Italian Manifesto for the treatment of heroin addiction. The mixed care model
- Laser Acupuncture Therapy for the treatment of Tobacco addiction
- Beliefs About addiction Among People In treatment And Alcohol And Other Drug Professionals
- A critical analysis of user satisfaction surveys in addiction services: Opioid maintenance treatment as a representative case study
- Examination of the religious orientation and burden of family as predictors of treatment permanence of addiction
- … : From onset to recovery a phenomenological investigation of six adult men in substance abuse treatment programs concerning their experiences of addiction
- Women, Girls, and addiction: Celebrating the Feminine in Counseling treatment and Recovery, by Cynthia A. Briggs and Jennifer L. Pepperell: (2009). New York, NY …
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 50. The treatment of Depressed Alcoholics
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 20. PTSD and Substance Abuse treatment
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 33. treatment for Co-occurring Substance Abuse and Mental Health Disorders
- TA-CD Vaccine: An Innovative treatment for Cocaine addiction?
- Determining the efficacy of social skills training in treatment of drug addiction in patients refering to Tehran Clinic
- Contributions of the built health-care environment to effective treatment and recovery: a proposed community hospital for addiction and mental health in Durban.
- The therapeutic alliance as a main factor of building cooperation during the treatment of patients with opiate addiction
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 27. Disparities in Health Services for the treatment of Substance Use Disorders
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 42. Medications for treatment of Marijuana Dependence
- Drug arrest referral schemes and forensic perspectives on the treatment of addiction
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 45. Antagonists for the treatment of Opioid Dependence
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 8. Network Support treatment for Alcohol Dependence
- The treatment goal in maintenance treatment of heroin addiction ought to be more than retention
- Modeling Deep Brain Stimulation in the Nucleus Accumbens as a Potential treatment for addiction
- A rodent model of phenotypic variation in sweet preference, addiction vulnerability, and pharmacological treatment sensitivity
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 41. Anticonvulsant Medications for the treatment of Alcohol Dependence
- … decorated approaches in the Russian addiction psychiatry: some thoughts about ML Zobin’s paper” Placebo technologies in the treatment of substance abuse”
- The Effects of Withdrawal treatment on Attentional Biases towards Drug Cues in Opioid addiction
- … I-OA3 Study Title: Observational study of the long-term efficacy of ibogaine-assisted treatment in participants with opiate addiction Principal Investigator: Valerie …
- 2891–Motivational approaches to addiction through movies within the context of treatment models
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 11. Brief Strategic Family Therapy for Adolescent Drug Abuse: treatment and Implementation
- Is Internet addiction Prevalent among Methadone Maintenance treatment (MMT) patients? Data from Las Vegas and Tel Aviv
- Assessment of application and value of acupuncture as an adjunct treatment for addiction and posttraumatic stress among counselors
- Nicotine addiction: Role of the Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors Genetic Variability in Knowledge, Prevention and treatment
- treatment of cocaine addiction with amphetamine, a sleep-suppressant drug: associative learning, sleep patterns and clinical perspectives
- Deep Brain Stimulation of the Nucleus Accumbens for the treatment of Cocaine addiction
- Promoting smoking cessation among parents: integrating treatment and prevention of nicotine addiction?
- The Execution of the Security Measure of Compulsory Psychiatric treatment and the Security Measure of Compulsory treatment of addiction from the Aspect of the …
- Exploiting Glutamine addiction of Tumor Cells for Selective and Improved Delivery of Chemotherapic Drugs in Cancer treatment
- Interventions For addiction: Chapter 47. Agonist-Like (Substitution) treatment for Cocaine and Other Stimulant Dependence
- Magnetic Nanoparticle-based Targeted Drug Delivery for treatment of Neuro-AIDS and Drug addiction
- … management of health services from romania-co-production and” health in all” collaboration in the treatment and rehabilitation of persons with substances addiction
- [Compulsory methadone maintenance treatment of severe cases of drug addiction in a residential setting in Tehran, Iran [2]: outcome evaluation in two and six-month …
- … motivating adolescents who are deaf or hard of hearing with drug and alcohol addiction: Components of a curriculum that links adolescents to appropriate treatment
- Online Sexual addiction and Compulsivity: Integrating Web Resources and Behavioral Telehealth in treatment
- Is there a role for resveratrol and sirtuins in the treatment of cocaine and methamphetamine addiction?
- Chronic morphine treatment-modulated trafficking of AMPA receptors: a potential mechanism for drug addiction
- Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor is a novel alcohol-responsive gene: Implications for the treatment