August 10, 2022XENOBIOTICS
August 10, 2022 BPA & OBESITY
August 10, 2022XENOBIOTICS
August 10, 2022- The role of animal behaviour in the study of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and disease susceptibility
- Ten years of mixing cocktails: a review of combination effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and public health protection: a statement of principles from The endocrine Society
- New modes of action for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: an endocrine Society scientific statement
- Developmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in wildlife and humans.
- Thyroid effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Cognitive effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in animals.
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: from basic research to clinical practice
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in indoor and outdoor air
- Health effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on wildlife, with special reference to the European situation
- State of the science of endocrine disrupting chemicals 2012: summary for decision-makers
- Impact of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals on the development of obesity
- endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and obesity development in humans: a review
- Immunomodulatory effects of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Environmental signaling: what embryos and evolution teach us about endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Small fish models for identifying and assessing the effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in activated sludge treatment works
- Heavy metals as endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Hormones and endocrine–disrupting chemicals: low-dose effects and nonmonotonic dose responses
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals use distinct mechanisms of action to modulate endocrine system function
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: associated disorders and mechanisms of action
- Occurrence and treatment trials of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in wastewaters
- Definition, classification and mechanism of action of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Sources of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in urban wastewater, Oakland, CA
- Review of the effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in birds
- Large effects from small exposures. I. Mechanisms for endocrine–disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity.
- Sorption and degradation of selected five endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquifer material
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish: developing exposure indicators and predictive models of effects based on mechanism of action
- The steroid hormone biosynthesis pathway as a target for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and sexual behaviors in fish–a critical review on effects and possible consequences
- Review of evidence: are endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the aquatic environment impacting fish populations?
- Occurrence and removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater
- Occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in indoor dust
- Study on endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plants
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: a new and emerging public health problem?
- The EDKB: an established knowledge base for endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The male reproductive system and its susceptibility to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Estrogen-like endocrine disrupting chemicals affecting puberty in humans–a review.
- endocrine disrupting chemicals targeting estrogen receptor signaling: identification and mechanisms of action
- Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on adrenal function
- Degradation of five selected endocrine–disrupting chemicals in seawater and marine sediment
- Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by ozone/AOPs
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and the developmental programming of adipogenesis and obesity
- Analytical methodologies for determining the occurrence of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage treatment plants and natural waters
- The challenge posed by endocrine–disrupting chemicals.
- Effects of Ag and Pt on photocatalytic degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water
- Analysis of synthetic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in food: a review
- Hypothesis: exposure to endocrine‐disrupting chemicals may interfere with timing of puberty
- Role of nutrition and environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals during the perinatal period on the aetiology of obesity
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: effects on behavioral development
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: human exposure and health risks
- Sorption and degradation of estrogen‐like‐endocrine disrupting chemicals in soil
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals as modulators of sex steroid synthesis
- Degrading endocrine disrupting chemicals from Wastewater by T i O 𝟐 Photocatalysis: A Review
- Low-dose effects and nonmonotonic dose–responses of endocrine disrupting chemicals: has the case been made?
- Analysis of industrial effluents to determine endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Anthropogenic tracers, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and endocrine disruption in Minnesota lakes
- Cryptorchidism and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Potential effects of certain persistent organic pollutants and endocrine disrupting chemicals on the health of children
- Zearalenone and its metabolites as endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Fate and seasonal variation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in a sewage treatment plant with A/A/O process
- endocrine potency of wastewater: contents of endocrine disrupting chemicals and effects measured by in vivo and in vitro assays
- Behavior of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in leachate from MSW landfill sites in Japan
- Developmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in wildlife and humans
- endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in a source water
- Toxicological characteristics of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: developmental toxicity, carcinogenicity, and mutagenicity
- Human risk assessment of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals derived from plastic food containers
- Potential endocrine disrupting organic chemicals in treated municipal wastewater and river water
- Sorption of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals to different aquatic colloids
- Epigenetic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on female reproduction: an ovarian perspective
- Developmental effects of dioxins and related endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (phenol and phthalates) in the South African environment: a need for more monitoring
- Assessment of human contamination of estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their risk for human reproduction
- Modeling effects of mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals at the river catchment scale
- In silico tools to aid risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- A graphene oxide-based molecularly imprinted polymer platform for detecting endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Bridging epidemiology and model organisms to increase understanding of endocrine disrupting chemicals and human health effects
- endocrine–disrupting activity of chemicals in diesel exhaust and diesel exhaust particles.
- Distribution and accumulation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals in wastewater irrigated soils in Hebei, China
- Preparation and characterization of cross-linked laccase aggregates and their application to the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Regulation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Critical overview and deficiencies in toxicology and risk assessment for human health
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and endocrine active agents
- Pharmaceuticals, personal care products and endocrine–disrupting chemicals in US surface and finished drinking waters: a proposed ranking system
- Oxidation of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by potassium permanganate in synthetic and real waters
- Application of the OECD 301F respirometric test for the biodegradability assessment of various potential endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The fate and behavior of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in full scale wastewater and sludge treatment unit processes
- Hazard identification and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals with regard to developmental effects
- Behaviour of selected endocrine–disrupting chemicals in three sewage treatment plants of Beijing, China
- Exposures to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and age of menarche in adolescent girls in NHANES (2003–2008)
- Science based guidance for the assessment of endocrine disrupting properties of chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and climate change: a worst-case combination for arctic marine mammals and seabirds?
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and other substances of concern in food contact materials: an updated review of exposure, effect and risk assessment
- endocrine disrupting chemicals accumulate in earthworms exposed to sewage effluent
- … matrix effects in environmental liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry water analysis for endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Ozonation and advanced oxidation technologies to remove endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in …
- Elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals using white rot fungi and their lignin modifying enzymes: a review
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the expression of CYP19 genes in zebrafish (Danio rerio) juveniles
- Detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in samples of second trimester human amniotic fluid
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: A review of the state of the science
- Consequences of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproductive endocrine function in birds: establishing reliable end points of exposure
- Peer reviewed: Monitoring endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Decay of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in aerobic and anoxic groundwater
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: prepubertal exposures and effects on sexual maturation and thyroid function in the male rat. A focus on the EDSTAC …
- Risk of hypospadias in relation to maternal occupational exposure to potential endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Role of metabolism in the endocrine–disrupting effects of chemicals in aquatic and terrestrial systems
- The use of in vitro bioassays to quantify endocrine disrupting chemicals in municipal wastewater treatment plant effluents
- Bird populations as sentinels of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Occupation and occupational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in male breast cancer: a case–control study in Europe
- Interference of endocrine disrupting chemicals with aromatase CYP19 expression or activity, and consequences for reproduction of teleost fish
- Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals bisphenol A, ethinyl estradiol, and estradiol during UV photolysis and advanced oxidation processes
- A survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in municipal sewage and animal waste effluents in the Waikato region of New Zealand
- Proteomics in zebrafish exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Behaviour of endocrine disrupting chemicals during the treatment of municipal sewage sludge
- Maternal exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals and hypospadias in offspring
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals from leather industry effluents on male reproductive system
- Characterization of endocrine–disrupting chemicals based on hormonal balance disruption in male and female adult rats
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Multiple effects on testicular signaling and spermatogenesis
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: prepubertal exposures and effects on sexual maturation and thyroid activity in the female rat. A focus on the EDSTAC …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals research program of the US Environmental Protection Agency: summary of a peer-review report
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in food
- Developmental exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals programs for reproductive tract alterations and obesity later in life
- Occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in riverine sediments from the Pearl River Delta, China
- Sexual dimorphic responses in wildlife exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Physiological effects and mechanisms of action of endocrine disrupting chemicals that alter estrogen signaling
- The exposure of fetuses and children to endocrine disrupting chemicals: a European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology (ESPE) and Pediatric endocrine Society …
- Cellular responses, biodegradation and bioaccumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in marine diatom Navicula incerta
- Effects of activated carbon types and service life on removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals: amitrol, nonylphenol, and bisphenol-A
- Neuroendocrine and behavioral effects of embryonic exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in birds
- Microwave-assisted extraction followed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in river sediments
- Bioaccumulation and occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs), persistent organic pollutants (POPs), and other organic compounds in fish and other …
- Epigenetic mechanisms in the actions of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals: gonadal effects and role in female reproduction
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: interference of thyroid hormone binding to transthyretins and to thyroid hormone receptors
- Removal of selected pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) during sand filtration and ozonation at a …
- Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in stormwater canals and Bayou St. John in New Orleans …
- The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the ovary
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: effects on human male reproductive health.
- Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the transcription of genes related to the innate immune system in the early developmental stage of zebrafish (Danio rerio)
- Occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in sewage and sludge samples in Toronto, Canada
- Human exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and prenatal risk factors for cryptorchidism and hypospadias: a nested case–control study
- Generation of reactive oxygen species in sperms of rats as an earlier marker for evaluating the toxicity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Molecular effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the Chironomus riparius estrogen-related receptor gene
- Problems in testing and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals with regard to developmental toxicology
- Occurrence and environmental risk of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in surface waters of the Pearl River, South China
- Development of a Reproductive Performance Test for endocrine disrupting chemicals Using Pair-Breeding Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas)
- A new database for food safety: EDID (endocrine disrupting chemicals-Diet Interaction Database)
- endocrine disrupting chemicals, phthalic acid and nonylphenol, activate pregnane X receptor-mediated transcription
- Chemical communication threatened by endocrine–disrupting chemicals.
- Parental occupational exposure to potential endocrine disrupting chemicals and risk of hypospadias in infants
- A job–exposure matrix for potential endocrine–disrupting chemicals developed for a study into the association between maternal occupational exposure and …
- Removal of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) during ferrate (VI) treatment of secondary …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in house dust: results of a representative monitoring
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment by Fenton-like oxidation
- Decomposition of various endocrine–disrupting chemicals at boron-doped diamond electrode
- The water flea Daphnia magna (Crustacea, Cladocera) as a test species for screening and evaluation of chemicals with endocrine disrupting effects on crustaceans
- Solid-phase microextraction with on-fiber silylation for simultaneous determinations of endocrine disrupting chemicals and steroid hormones by gas chromatography …
- Nondestructive biomarkers of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in endangered species of wildlife
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in industrial wastewater samples in Toronto, Ontario
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human follicular fluid impair in vitro oocyte developmental competence
- Immobilisation of laccase on Eupergit supports and its application for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a packed-bed reactor
- Mysid crustaceans as standard models for the screening and testing of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Sorption of endocrine disrupting chemicals by condensed organic matter in soils and sediments
- Female sexual maturation and reproduction after prepubertal exposure to estrogens and endocrine disrupting chemicals: a review of rodent and human data
- Analyses of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in marine samples by both gas and liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry
- Detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aerial invertebrates at sewage treatment works
- Determination of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals and acidic pharmaceuticals in surface water of the Pearl Rivers in South China by gas chromatography …
- Towards an integrated biosensor array for simultaneous and rapid multi-analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Marijuana extracts possess the effects like the endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Early life exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals causes lifelong molecular reprogramming of the hypothalamus and premature reproductive aging
- Distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in South and Southeast Asian mussels
- Is exposure to environmental or industrial endocrine disrupting estrogen-like chemicals able to cause genomic instability?
- Neuroendocrine and behavioral implications of endocrine disrupting chemicals in quail
- Decomposition of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water by use of TiO2 photocatalysts immobilized on polytetrafluoroethylene mesh sheets
- Partition of endocrine–disrupting chemicals between colloids and dissolved phase as determined by cross-flow ultrafiltration
- Analysis of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals using the E-screen method and stir bar sorptive extraction in wastewater treatment plant effluents
- Research efforts towards the development and validation of a test method for the identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the liquid and solid phases of activated sludge by solid phase extraction and gas chromatography–mass …
- Actions of estrogens and endocrine disrupting chemicals on human prostate stem/progenitor cells and prostate cancer risk
- Experimental study of behavior of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in leachate treatment process and evaluation of removal efficiency
- endocrine disrupting chemicals affect the adipogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells in distinct ontogenetic windows
- … molecular imprinted polymer by the surface RAFT polymerization for the fast and selective removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from aqueous solutions
- Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction in Japanese quail
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in urine of Japanese male partners of subfertile couples: a pilot study on exposure and semen quality
- Short-term effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the expression of estrogen-responsive genes in male medaka (Oryzias latipes)
- Utilization of cross‐linked laccase aggregates in a perfusion basket reactor for the continuous elimination of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
- Profile and removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by using an ER/AR competitive ligand binding assay and chemical analyses
- Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in surface water and industrial wastewater from Beijing, China
- Distribution and bioaccumulation of steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in wild fish species from Dianchi Lake, China
- Comparison of two fluorescence immunoassay methods for the detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water
- Synergistic interaction of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals: model development using an ecdysone receptor antagonist and a hormone synthesis inhibitor
- The effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on thyroid hormone binding to Japanese quail transthyretin and thyroid hormone receptor
- Novel modes of capillary electrophoresis for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Human exposures and body burdens of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in New Orleans surface waters and Mississippi Sound sediments
- … of laccase from the white rot fungus Coriolopsis polyzona and use of the immobilized biocatalyst for the continuous elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on wildlife in Canada: past, present and future
- Brain and gonadal aromatase as potential targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a model species, the zebrafish (Danio rerio)
- Identification of estrogen-regulated genes by microarray analysis of the uterus of immature rats exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Ethotoxicology: an evolutionary approach to the study of environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Toxicity monitoring and classification of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) using recombinant bioluminescent bacteria
- Sonophotocatalysis of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals nonylphenol and bisphenol A and personal care product ingredient triclosan using enzyme preparation from the white …
- … Validation of Endogenous Reference Genes for Expression Profiling of Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals by Quantitative Real …
- Differential Estrogenic Actions of endocrine–disrupting chemicals Bisphenol A, Bisphenol AF, and Zearalenone through Estrogen Receptor α and β in Vitro
- Interactions of endocrine–disrupting chemicals with stress responses in wildlife
- Parental occupational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and male genital malformations: a study in the Danish National Birth Cohort study
- Specific issues in health risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals and international activities
- Modulation of cytokine expression in human myeloid dendritic cells by environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals involves epigenetic regulation
- The possible role of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the aetiology of cryptorchidism and hypospadias: a population‐based case–control study in rural Sicily
- An analytical method for the simultaneous trace determination of acidic pharmaceuticals and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater and sewage …
- Phytoestrogen signaling and symbiotic gene activation are disrupted by endocrine–disrupting chemicals.
- Occurrence and removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plants in the Three Gorges Reservoir area, Chongqing, China
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in mammals
- Diverse animal models to examine potential role (s) and mechanism of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the tumor progression and prevention: Do they …
- Neuroendocrine systems as targets for environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Mechanisms of interaction of endocrine–disrupting chemicals with glutamate-evoked secretion of gonadotropin-releasing hormone
- Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on lipopolysaccharide-induced tumor necrosis factor-α and nitric oxide production by mouse macrophages
- Potential toxicological hazard due to endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Mediterranean top predators: state of art, gender differences and methodological tools
- Fate simulation and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a reservoir receiving recycled wastewater
- Degradation of the endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) carbamazepine, clofibric acid, and iopromide by corona discharge over water
- VirtualToxLab™-In silico prediction of the toxic (endocrine–disrupting) potential of drugs, chemicals and natural products. Two years and 2,000 compounds of …
- Validation of housekeeping genes as internal controls for studying biomarkers of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in disk abalone by real-time PCR
- A repeated 28-day oral dose toxicity study of methoxychlor in rats, based on the’Enhanced OECD Test Guideline 407’for screening endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Spatial distribution and quantification of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Sado River estuary, Portugal
- Factors considered in using birds for evaluating endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Chemical monitoring and temporal variation in levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals (priority phenols and phthalate esters) from selected wastewater treatment …
- Biological effects and bioaccumulation of steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in high-back crucian carp exposed to wastewater treatment plant …
- Feminisation of male clams Scrobicularia plana from estuaries in Southwest UK and its induction by endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals during ozonation of municipal sewage with brominated byproducts control
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and testicular cancer: a case-control study
- Screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals with MELN cells, an ER-transactivation assay combined with cytotoxicity assessment
- Expression of two cytochrome P450 aromatase genes is regulated by endocrine disrupting chemicals in rare minnow Gobiocypris rarus juveniles
- Environmental effect assessment for sexual endocrine‐disrupting chemicals: Fish testing strategy
- Effects of possible endocrine disrupting chemicals on bacterial component-induced activation of NF-κB
- Occurrence and effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the environment
- Predicting the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on fish populations
- Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental solid matrices by extraction with a non-ionic surfactant (Tween 80)
- Optical biosensor for pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, hormones, endocrine disrupting chemicals and pesticides in water: Assay optimization process for estrone as …
- Treatment of model soils contaminated with phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals with laccase from Trametes sp. in a rotating reactor
- Misregulated inflammation as an outcome of early-life exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Analysis and occurrence of typical endocrine–disrupting chemicals in three sewage treatment plants
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on China’s rivers and coastal waters
- Blocked Pathways: Potential Legal Responses to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Suppression of NO production and 8-nitroguanosine formation by phenol-containing endocrine–disrupting chemicals in LPS-stimulated macrophages: involvement of …
- Removal efficiencies of endocrine disrupting chemicals by coagulation/flocculation, ozonation, powdered/granular activated carbon adsorption, and chlorination
- Phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in Anzali Wetland, Iran: Elevated concentrations of 4-nonylphenol, octhylphenol and bisphenol A
- Parasitism as a source of potential distortion in studies on endocrine disrupting chemicals in molluscs
- Pesticides as endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- … and cholesterol side-chain cleavage (P450scc)-regulated steroidogenesis as an organ-specific molecular and cellular target for endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish
- An alternative mode of action of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and chemoprevention
- Aromatase in zebrafish: a potential target for endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Environmental and biological monitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Association of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals with total organic carbon in riverine water and suspended particulate matter from the Pearl River, China
- Influence of rainfall and basic water quality parameters on the distribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in coastal area
- Review of suggested testing methods for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- … via reversible addition fragmentation chain transfer polymerization: A facile three-in-one system for recognition and separation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Fully automated immunoassay system of endocrine disrupting chemicals using monoclonal antibodies chemically conjugated to bacterial magnetic particles
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and environmental diseases
- Developmental programming: impact of fetal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals on gonadotropin-releasing hormone and estrogen receptor mRNA in sheep …
- UV/H2O2 degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water evaluated via toxicity assays
- In vivo testing system for determining the estrogenic activity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in goldfish (Carassius auratus)
- Behavior, mass inventories and modeling evaluation of xenobiotic endocrine–disrupting chemicals along an urban receiving wastewater river in Henan Province …
- Removal characteristics of endocrine–disrupting chemicals by laccase from white-rot fungi
- Neuropeptides and enzymes are targets for the action of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the vertebrate brain
- Pathology of the liver, kidney and gonad of flounder (Platichthys flesus) from a UK estuary impacted by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Differential transcription of heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) in the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum by copper and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Modelling the interaction of steroid receptors with endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Significance of experimental studies for assessing adverse effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) with (anti) estrogenic and (anti) androgenic modes of action affecting reproductive biology of Xenopus laevis: II. Effects on …
- The application of membrane bioreactors as decentralised systems for removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals
- Investigation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a drinking water work located in Songhua River basin
- A pretreatment method for GC–MS determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in mollusk tissues
- Study of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environment
- Influence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the immune system
- Facile and rapid magnetic relaxation switch immunosensor for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Molecular characterization of estrogen receptor genes in Gobiocypris rarus and their expression upon endocrine disrupting chemicals exposure in juveniles
- Laccase-mediated transformations of endocrine disrupting chemicals abolish binding affinities to estrogen receptors and their estrogenic activity in zebrafish
- … 28 days) oral toxicity study of flutamide in rats, based on the draft protocol for theEnhanced OECD Test Guideline 407’for screening for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Improvement of marine environmental pollution using eco-system: decomposition and recovery of endocrine disrupting chemicals by marine phyto-and zooplanktons
- Interaction of endocrine disrupting chemicals, singly and in combination, with estrogen-, androgen-, and corticosteroid-binding sites in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus …
- Organizational and activational effects of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Rapid magnetic-mediated solid-phase extraction and pre-concentration of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in natural waters by poly (divinylbenzene-co …
- Molecular cloning and characterization of estrogen receptor gene in the Scallop Chlamys farreri: expression profiles in response to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Human exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals: assessing the total estrogenic xenobiotic burden
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and pathogens removal in an hybrid CW system for a tourist facility wastewater treatment and reuse
- Rejection of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by low pressure reverse osmosis membranes
- A novel hybrid system for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals: nanofiltration and homogeneous catalytic oxidation
- Incorporation of endocrine disruption into chemical hazard scoring for pollution prevention and current list of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Photocatalytic behavior of TOPO-capped TiO2 nanocrystals for degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- On-line solid-phase extraction and fluorescence detection of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in water by high-performance liquid chromatography
- Do endocrine disrupting chemicals threaten Mediterranean swordfish? Preliminary results of vitellogenin and Zona radiata proteins in Xiphias gladius
- Effects of estrogens and endocrine–disrupting chemicals on cell differentiation–survival–proliferation in brain: contributions of neuronal cell lines
- Rapid resolution liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), pharmaceuticals and …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (bisphenol A, 4-nonylphenol, 4-tert-octylphenol) modulate expression of two distinct cytochrome P450 aromatase genes differently in …
- Dechlorination of endocrine disrupting chemicals using Mg0/ZnCl2 bimetallic system
- Sensors and biosensors for endocrine disrupting chemicals: State-of-the-art and future trends
- Mechanistic evaluation of the sorption properties of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage sludge biomass
- … -responsive gene transcription in the embryo, larval, juvenile and adult life stages of zebrafish as biomarkers of short-term exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals. What? Where
- Validation of in vitro and in vivo methods for assessing endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Molecular characterization of mu class glutathione-S-transferase from disk abalone (Haliotis discus discus), a potential biomarker of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- … characterization of glutathione S-transferase gene in the intertidal copepod Tigriopus japonicus and its expression after exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Permeability characteristics of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using an in vitro cell culture model, Caco-2 cells
- A repeated 28-day oral dose toxicity study of genistein in rats, based on the’Enhanced OECD Test Guideline 407’for screening endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Neuroendocrine impacts of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in birds: life stage and species sensitivities
- Impact of induced fit on ligand binding to the androgen receptor: a multidimensional QSAR study to predict endocrine–disrupting effects of environmental chemicals
- Computational studies of interactions between endocrine disrupting chemicals and androgen receptor of different vertebrate species
- Determination of natural and synthetic endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in sewage based on SPE and MEKC with amperometric detection
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals and microbial indicators by a decentralised membrane bioreactor for water reuse
- Introduction to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Characteristics of 3, 5, 3′-triiodothyronine (T3)-uptake system of tadpole red blood cells: effect of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on cellular T3 response
- Full automation of solid-phase microextraction/on-fiber derivatization for simultaneous determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and steroid hormones by gas …
- Analysis of six phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in surface water and sediment
- Removal of estrogenic activity from endocrine–disrupting chemicals by purified laccase of Phlebia tremellosa
- Induced growth of BG-1 ovarian cancer cells by 17β-estradiol or various endocrine disrupting chemicals was reversed by resveratrol via downregulation of cell cycle …
- Cross-talk between endocrine–disrupting chemicals and cytokine signaling through estrogen receptors
- Choice of animal feed can alter fetal steroid levels and mask developmental effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Differential expression of metallothionein (MT) gene by trace metals and endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the hermaphroditic mangrove killifish, Kryptolebias …
- Biomarkers as diagnostic and prognostic tools for wildlife risk assessment: integrating endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- An advanced biosensor for the prediction of estrogenic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the estrogen receptor alpha
- Wildlife as models for the study of how mixtures, low doses, and the embryonic environment modulate the action of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a surface plasmon resonance sensor
- An improved method for simultaneous analysis of steroid and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in biological samples
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: origins, fates and transmission into the food chain
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals probed as potential pathways to illness
- Mobilization of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and estrogenic activity in simulated rainfall runoff from land‐applied biosolids
- The implementation of a battery of in vivo and in vitro bioassays to assess river water for estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The effects of UV-B radiation and endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on the biology of amphibians
- LANCE: Laccase-nanoparticle conjugates for the elimination of micropollutants (endocrine disrupting chemicals) from wastewater in bioreactors
- … in zebrafish and channel catfish brains: changes in transcript abundance associated with the reproductive cycle and exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Prenatal testosterone exposure as a model for the study of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the gerbil prostate
- Predicting the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on healthy and disease impacted populations of perch (Perca fluviatilis)
- Non-traditional targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals: the roots of hormone signaling
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in CAPD dialysate and effluent
- chemicals with endocrine‐disrupting Potential: A Threat to Human Health?
- The influence of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the proliferation of ERα knockdown-human breast cancer cell line MCF-7; new attempts by RNAi technology
- Sonic spray ionization applied to liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in environmental water samples
- Fast GC-MS of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- p53 gene expression is modulated by endocrine disrupting chemicals in the hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias marmoratus
- Enhanced expression of laccase during the degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Trametes versicolor
- Development of an analytical method to determine phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage and sludge by GC/MS
- Enzymatic degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in aquatic plants and relations to biological Fenton reaction
- Molecular cloning of Foxl2 gene and the effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on its mRNA level in rare minnow, Gobiocypris rarus
- Development of a nanomechanical biosensor for analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Multiresidue screening of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals in aqueous samples by multi-stir bar sorptive extraction–single desorption–capillary …
- … 28-day oral dose toxicity study of 17α-methyltestosterone in rats, based on the’Enhanced OECD Test Guideline 407’for screening the endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- The UV-filter benzophenone-1 inhibits 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 3: Virtual screening as a strategy to identify potential endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Differing effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on basal and FSH-stimulated progesterone production in rat granulosa-luteal cells
- Preliminary investigation on endocrine disrupting chemicals in a sewage treatment plant of Beijing
- Zebrafish for testing endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Improvement of a two-stage carcinogenesis model to detect modifying effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on thyroid carcinogenesis in rats
- Analysis of the stress effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on Escherichia coli
- Fate and analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in some sewage treatment plants in Australia
- endocrine disrupting chemicals—Linking internal exposure to vitellogenin levels and ovotestis in Abramis brama from Dutch surface waters
- Quantification of steroids and endocrine disrupting chemicals in rat ovaries by LC-MS/MS for reproductive toxicology assessment
- Determination of four phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in Dianchi Lake, China
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the brain
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the microtubule network in Chinese hamster V79 cells in culture and in Sertoli cells in rats
- Alterations in male reproductive development: the role of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- A toxicological assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals found in the BMW (Border, Midland and Western) region of Ireland
- Risk communication of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: improving knowledge translation and transfer
- Our toxics regulatory system and why risk assessment does not work: endocrine disrupting chemicals as a case in point
- Electrochemical treatment of trace endocrine disrupting chemicals with a three-dimensional electrode system
- Environmental biosensors for organochlorines, cyanobacterial toxins and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- New strategies to screen for endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Portuguese marine environment utilizing large volume injection–capillary gas chromatography …
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on expression of phospholipid hydroperoxide glutathione peroxidase mRNA in rat testes
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on distinct expression patterns of estrogen receptor, cytochrome P450 aromatase and p53 genes in oryzias latipes liver
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) using low pressure reverse osmosis membrane (LPROM)
- The different effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on estrogen receptor-mediated transcription through interaction with coactivator TRAP220 in uterine tissue
- Rachel Carson’s legacy: endocrine disrupting chemicals and gender concerns
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and domestic animals.
- A survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage and a preliminary treatment trial
- Achievements of the RIANA and AWACSS EU projects: immunosensors for the determination of pesticides, endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals
- In ovo exposure quail assay for risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Screening for genotoxicity and oestrogenicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals in vitro
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on amphibian metamorphosis and mitochondrial membrane permeability transition
- Natural attenuation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in on-site domestic wastewater treatment systems
- Piezo electric sensor for endocrine–disrupting chemicals using receptor-co-factor interaction
- Human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: the case of bisphenols
- Suitability of zebrafish as test organism for detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Determining indicators of exposure and effects for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): An introduction
- Exploration of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on estrogen receptor α by the agonist/antagonist differential-docking screening (AADS) method: 4-(1-Adamantyl) …
- Inhibitory effects of some possible endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the isozymes of human 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and expression of their mRNA in …
- endocrine–disrupting chemical pollution: why the EPA should regulate these chemicals under the clean water act
- Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by genetic transformants with two lignin degrading enzymes in Phlebia tremellosa
- Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals by ozonation in sewage treatment
- A hierarchical approach to the evaluation of chemicals for estrogenic and other endocrine–disrupting properties
- Development and evaluation of a tool for retrospective exposure assessment of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals and EMF in the car manufacturing industry
- Study on contamimation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic environment of Qiantang River
- Toxicological mechanism of endocrine disrupting chemicals: is estrogen receptor involved?
- Removal of typical endocrine disrupting chemicals by membrane bioreactor: in comparison with sequencing batch reactor
- Fate of indicator endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage during treatment and polishing for non-potable reuse
- Novel type of Gq/11 protein‐coupled neurosteroid receptor sensitive to endocrine disrupting chemicals in mast cell line (RBL‐2H3)
- Removal of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals and personal care products in surface waters and secondary wastewater by ozonation
- Screening California surface waters for estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EEDC) with a juvenile rainbow trout liver vitellogenin mRNA procedure
- Biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aerobic and anaerobic sludges
- A UV-transparent passive concentrator/spectrum deconvolution method for simultaneous detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and related …
- The feasibility of using mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) for detecting endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in the freshwater environment
- Emerging issues related to endocrine disrupting chemicals and environmental androgens and antiandrogens
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and pubertal development
- Determination of trace chlorophenols endocrine disrupting chemicals in water sample using [Bmim] BF4-NaH2PO4 aqueous two-phase extraction system coupled …
- Understanding ligninase-mediated reactions of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water: reaction rates and quantitative structure–activity relationships
- Comparison of the legal regulations of pesticides and hazardous chemicals in the European Union with emphasis on genotoxic and endocrine disrupting effects
- Toxicity monitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) using freeze-dried recombinant bioluminescent bacteria
- Reproductive and developmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on marine mammals
- Brominated Flame Retardants–endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Swiss Environment
- Marsupial development in the mysid Neomysis integer (Crustacea: Mysidacea) to evaluate the effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Behavioural effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on laboratory rodents: statistical methodologies and an application concerning developmental PCB exposure
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and carcinogenesis–breast, testis and prostate cancer
- In vitro exposure of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) testis to estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals: mRNA expression of genes encoding steroidogenic …
- Preliminary investigation on 13 endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Songhua River
- A cause without a disease: endocrine‐disrupting chemicals have become a topic of public concern because they could potentially cause cancer and male …
- A repeated 28-day oral dose toxicity study of nonylphenol in rats, based on the ‘Enhanced OECD Test Guideline 407’for screening of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Gene expression profiling of HepG2 cells treated with endocrine disrupting chemicals using the HazChem human array V3
- 18 endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Enhanced treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicals by a granular bed electrochemical reactor
- Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on expression of ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase mRNA in testis and brain of the Japanese common goby
- New discoveries of heating effect on trimethylsilyl derivatization for simultaneous determination of steroid endocrine disrupting chemicals by GC–MS
- Discovery and validation of gene classifiers for endocrine–disrupting chemicals in zebrafish (danio rerio)
- Two-generation reproductive toxicity studies in rats with extra parameters for detecting endocrine disrupting activity: introductory overview of results for nine chemicals
- Ultra‐trace analysis of multiple endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in municipal and bleached kraft mill effluents using gas chromatography–high‐resolution mass …
- Toxicity tests with crustaceans for detecting sublethal effects of potential endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Circuits of regulation: transatlantic perspectives on persistent organic pollutants and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: a conceptual framework
- Homology model of the rainbow trout estrogen receptor (rtERα) and docking of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Biological analysis of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in animal meats from the Pearl River Delta, China
- Liquid Chromatography—Mass Spectrometry Methods for Analysis of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Wastewaters
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on fetal testes hormone production
- Hydroxyl group derivatization of steroid environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aqueous solution by interaction of photocatalytic oxidation and ferrate (VI) oxidation
- endocrine disrupting chemicals bind to a novel receptor, microtubule‐associated protein 2, and positively and negatively regulate dendritic outgrowth in hippocampal …
- The effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on thyroid hormone binding to Xenopus laevis transthyretin and thyroid hormone receptor
- Breast and prostate cancer: Sources and pathways of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Determination of three endocrine disrupting chemicals, triclosan, 4-n-nonylphenol, and di-n-butyl phthalate using stir bar sorptive extraction in samples of different …
- Effect of known and suspected endocrine disrupting chemicals on the demographic parameters of the copepod Tigriopus japonicus
- Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by genetic transformants in Irpex lacteus with an inducible laccase gene of Phlebia tremellosa
- Novel detection method of endocrine disrupting chemicals utilizing liposomes as cell membrane model
- Perinatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity and the development of obesity
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: testing to protect future generations
- Priority analysis for controlling endocrine disrupting chemicals in municipal wastewater treatment plants of China
- Mass spectrometric analytical methods for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Corrigendum to “Science based guidance for the assessment of endocrine disrupting properties of chemicals”[Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 59 (2011) 37–46]
- Modeling the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Atlantic croaker: understanding biomarkers and predicting population responses
- Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water using textile-related wastes. I Removal of 4-nonylphenol by microporous carbons prepared from cotton waste
- A Review of Epidemiological Studies about the Incidence and Etiological Factors of Cryptorchidism Relevance to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Embryonic effects of androgen active endocrine disrupting chemicals on avian immune and reproductive systems
- Human biomonitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals by HPLC methods
- Environmental agents, endocrine disrupting chemicals and rat thyroid carcinogenesis
- Enhanced one-generation reproductive toxicity study in rats for detecting endocrine–disrupting effects of chemicals
- Fluorescence molecular sensing for endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their analogues based on dansyl or anthranilate modified β-and γ-cyclodextrins
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCS) and childhood obesity: what do epidemiological studies tell us?
- Hormonal processes in decapod crustacean larvae as biomarkers of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the marine environment
- endocrine control of sexual differentiation: effects of the maternal–fetal environment and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Thyroid hormone biosynthesis is a sensitive target for the action of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC)
- NIH panel confirms that endocrine disrupting chemicals cause effects at very low doses
- Development of an analytical method to determine phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage and sludge by GC/MS
- Detection and assessment of androgenic potency of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus
- The Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens)–An alternative fish species to use in evaluating the impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals with focus on …
- Fluorescent molecular recognition for endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their analogs by fluorescent hetero-modified cyclodextrins
- DR-and ER-CALUX assays as tools to direct toxicity identification and evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Degradation of liposome cluster caused by the interaction with endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals and personal care products in water
- Developmental effects of dioxins and other endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Treatment of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals by lignin-degrading enzymes.
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in pesticides and herbicide in Fars Province, Iran.
- Health risk assessment protocol for endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Exposure to very low doses of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) during fetal life permanently alters brain development and behavior in animals and humans
- Occurrence and effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in frogs and soil samples
- Removal of Pharmaceutical and endocrine disrupting chemicals by Sequential Photochemical and Biological Oxidation Processes.
- Talking with patients and the public about endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Spatial distribution of three endocrine disrupting chemicals in sediments of the Suzhou Creek and their environmental risks
- Research development of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water in China
- Evaluation of a bioluminescent mouse model expressing aromatase PII-promoter-controlled luciferase as a tool for the study of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Apoptosis-inducing activity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in cultured PC12 cells
- Expression of R-ras oncogenes in the hermaphroditic fish Kryptolebias marmoratus, exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Research trace of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Human Health A Review of Epidemiological Studies Focused on Hypospadias and Cryptorchidism
- Application of Photocatalysis for the degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals: Endosulphan and lindane
- Gene Expression Characteristics in the Japanese Medaka (Oryzias latipes) Liver after Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water samples by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction combined with liquid chromatography–fluorescence …
- Epigenetic control of endocrine disrupting chemicals on gynecological disease: Focused on phthalates
- Biological functions of protein disulfide isomerase as a target of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Effect of polyphosphate on removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals of nonylphenol and bisphenol-A by activated carbons
- Decomposition of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by potassium permanganate and γ-ray irradiation
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and reproductive disorder in birds
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Children’s Health Problems in Epidemiological Studies
- Concentration levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental media of Korea
- Issues related to screening and testing for endocrine disrupting chemicals
- In Vivo and In Vitro Exposures of Carp and Carp Tissues to Graded Concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on pubertal development in the rat: use of the EDSP pubertal assays as a screen
- Changes in serum α2u-globulin levels in male rats given diethylstilbestrol and applicability to a screening test for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Effects of salinity and endocrine–disrupting chemicals on expression of prolactin and prolactin receptor genes in the euryhaline hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias …
- An evaluation of the factors controlling biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals during wastewater treatment
- Cumulative exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: A study of pregnant women in the lower Rio Grande Valley
- endocrine disrupting substances and ecological risk assessment of commercial chemicals in Canada
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by phytoremediation
- Development of plasma vitellogenin assay for estrogenic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using ovariectomized goldfish (Carassius auratus)
- Microfluidic system for endocrine disrupting chemicals detection in waterish solution
- Behavior of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Johkasou improved septic tank in Japan
- endocrine disrupting chemicals modulate expression of O6-methylguanine DNA methyltransferase (O6-MGMT) gene in the hermaphroditic fish, Kryptolebias …
- Mechanisms and performance of potassium ferrate in endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in activated sludge.
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in polycystic ovary syndrome: an evidence-based minireview
- A high-throughput screening assay of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using a receptor-modified Au-electrode
- Reflections on bioanalytical techniques for detecting endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine System and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Policy implications of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in humans
- Analytical study of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in leachate treatment process of municipal solid waste (MSW) landfill sites.
- Distribution characteristics of five kinds of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Yangtze River Estuary and adjcent areas
- Effects of embryonic exposure to androgen-active endocrine disrupting chemicals in Japanese quail
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from aqueous phase using spherical microporous carbon prepared from waste polymeric exchanger
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the immune system of the edible bivalve mollusc Mytilus.
- Human epidemiologic studies of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and altered hormone levels
- Electrolysis and its hybrid methods applied to decomposition of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Reverse osmosis and nanofiltration membrane rejection of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Construction and validation of human cDNA microarray for estimation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (KISTCHIP-400 ver. 1.0)
- Early origins of endometriosis: role of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Chemical analysis of household and personal care products for endocrine disrupting compounds and other chemicals of emerging concern
- The two faces of endocrine disrupting chemicals and genital development
- High sensitive immunoassay for endocrine disrupting chemicals using antibody immobilized microcapillary bundle structure
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and carcinogenicity
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: From basic research to clinical practice
- Health risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Issues associated with the validation of in vitro and in vivo methods for assessing endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemical pollution: why the EPA should regulate these chemicals under the clean water act
- Distribution and accumulation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals in wastewater irrigated soils in Hebei, China
- Toxicity evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals using human HepG2 cell line, Lumbricus rubellus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- Investigation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in source water and tap water in a city
- Advanced Oxidation Processes for Destruction of endocrine disrupting chemicals In Water Treatment: Kinetic Modeling and Free-Radical Reaction …
- Isolation of polyphenol oxidase genes from Portulaca oleracea and evaluation of their ability to metabolize endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in Minnesota Lakes: Water-quality and Hydrological Data from 2008 and 2010
- Advances of endocrine disrupting chemicals research
- Toxicologic/carcinogenic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the female genital organs of rodents
- Discharges of endocrine disrupting chemicals by combined sewer overflows into receiving water: case-study of the Paris conurbation
- Zebrafish (Danio rerio) and Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) as model species for evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- National Security, Risk, and the Politics of Precaution: Addressing the Military Role in endocrine disrupting chemicals
- … Pleurotus ostreatus DSM 1833 during submerged cultivation on banana peels and enzyme applicability for the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Concentration of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceutical and personal care products entering wastewater treatment plants in South East …
- Transgenerational teratogenesis by prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Distribution characteristics of five endocrine disrupting chemicals in Luoshi River.
- Decomposition of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by potassium permanganate
- Mechanisms of action of particular endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Emerging environmental threats: endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- A State of the Art of Testing Methods for endocrine disrupting chemicals in Fish and Daphnids
- The Japanese Quail as an avian model for testing endocrine disrupting chemicals: endocrine and behavioral end points
- Concentration and ecological risk level of estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the effluents from wastewater treatment plants.
- Fate and mass balance of 13 kinds of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a sewage treatment plant
- Epidemiological Approaches to the Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Human Health
- Effect of humic acid on the oxidation of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by permanganate
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on invertebrates in the marine environment
- Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on fish reproduction and reproductive indicators
- Studies on the evaluation of the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals using transgenic see-through medaka (Oryzias latipes), olvas-GFP/STII-YI strain.
- Study of invertebrate-specific effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the estuarine mysid Neomysis integer (Leach, 1814)
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and spermatogenesis
- endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Community Interventions to Reduce Exposure to chemicals with endocrine–disrupting Properties
- Characteristics, behavior and potential assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in surface water and suspended solid of the Pearl River Delta, China.
- The effects of sex steroids of endocrine disrupting chemicals on fishes.
- Association between glycodelin and aryl hydrocarbon receptor in Iranian breast cancer patients: impact of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Regulatory Safety Assessment of Nanomaterials: Are we facing the same challenges as the regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals?
- Separation and deter mination of vitelllogenin and lts Application as a biomarker for the screening of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by the ligninolytic enzyme versatile peroxidase
- The study of endocrine disrupting chemicals in waterplant
- What Can We Do About endocrine–disrupting chemicals?
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Interaction with Estrogen Receptors an in vitro Assessment of endocrine Activity Potential
- A Balanced Approach to Regulating endocrine disrupting chemicals in Drinking Water
- Human health risk-based prioritization of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water: a perspective
- High sensitive molecular recognition by monomer and exciplex emissions for endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their analogs based on fluorescent hetero-modified …
- Symbiotic gene activation is interrupted by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Study on DNA damage of spermary cell in mice induced by environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Assays for endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Beyond environmental estrogens
- Apoptosis induction of mouse splenic cells by exposure to high-level 17β-estradiol and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Development of Exposure Biomarkers for endocrine disrupting chemicals Using DNA Microarray
- An Evaluation of the Factors Controlling Biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals During Wastewater Treatment
- Development of multi-residue and selective methods for the ultra-sensitive determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aqueous samples
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: linking internal exposure to effects in wild fish
- Optimization of accelerated solvant extraction (ASE) of wide range of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC) in sediment
- Modifying effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on N-bis (2-hydroxypropyl) nitrosamine and sulfadimethoxine-induced thyroid carcinogenesis in rats
- Mutistep fractionation based on normal phase SPE and reverse phase HPLC (RP-HPLC) for isolation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental extracts
- In vivo and in vitro screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity in Japanese quail
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: A Challenge for the EU?
- Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by Laccase Transformant of Phlebia tremellosa
- Effects of Ginseng Radix Against Osteoblasts Damaged by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Study on water quality criteria of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Weihe River based on species sensitivity distributions theory
- … to low doses of estrogen: reproductive effects in male and female mice and implications for regulation of endocrine disrupting environmental chemicals
- Effect of Coexisting Natural Organic Matters (NOM) on the Rejection of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by A Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis (LPRO) …
- Kinetics of photoelectrocatalytic degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals using sulfur-doped TiO_2/Ti photoelectrodes
- The feminizing environment: How endocrine disrupting chemicals may be impacting human reproductive development
- … Contaminants When Wastewater is Used for Ground-Water Recharge3rd International Conference on Pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting chemicals in Water
- Field survey on the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceutical residues in oxidation ponds and constructed wetlands in tropical areas
- New paper questions low-dose effects in endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Computer-aided methodologies to predict endocrine–disrupting potency of chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the coastal sediments in Japan
- Framework for quantitative ranking of endocrine–disrupting chemicals according to risk
- Data exploration and knowledge extraction: their application to the study of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on semen quality
- The concentrations, distribution and health risk assessment of suspected endocrine disrupting chemicals (phenols, phthalates and heavy metals) in freshwater …
- The population-level impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish
- On the ecological risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in Drinking Water: Risks to Human Health and the Environment
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Male Reproductive Function Epidemiological Views
- Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Male Reproductive System
- Contribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals to the obesity epidemic: consequences of developmental exposure
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in Hungarian canned foods
- Emerging Global Issues–endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and Cyanotoxins
- The TSCA Interagency Testing Committee (ITC) proposed strategy for identifying and coordinating US government data needs for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and Conservation of Terrestrial Mammals
- Discussion by Reinhard Länge et al. on” Degradation of the endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) carbamazepine, clofibric acid, and iopromide by corona discharge …
- Screening method of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a surface plasmon resonance sensor
- Genetics, epigenetics and genomic technologies: importance and application to the study of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Investigation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a sewage treatment plant of Changchun in frozen period
- A mechanism of reduced sperm count–exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Sensitive Determination of Eleven Phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Human Urine using Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry-Selected Ion Monitoring
- Behaviour and health risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals from wastewater
- Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on estrone and estradiol content in fish
- The Apoptotic Molecular Changes of Cellular Injury in Mouse Testis Induced by endocrine disrupting chemicals.
- Developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: Is there a connection with birth and childhood weights?
- Epidemiological evidence on impaired reproductive function and cancer related to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on sexual differentiation in Japanese quail
- … for Water Resources: Field Reconnaissance Investigation of Risks to Fishes and Other Aquatic Biota Exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in Lake …
- endocrine-immune interactions and the immunotoxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
- Sorption and decomposition of endocrine disrupting chemicals in solid waste layer
- Assessment of the physiological impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on salmonid fish from selected sites in Scotland and Northern Ireland
- The Importance of Reverse Osmosis in Removal of Notification Level chemicals and Selected endocrine disrupting chemicals-A Pilot Study
- Rejection Capabilities of RO Membranes to DHS Notification-Level chemicals and Selected endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Molecular responses of the Murray River rainbowfish, Melanotaenia fluviatilis exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Formulation and characterization of immobilized laccase biocatalysts and their application to eliminate endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals with estrogenic activity on the female reproductive system in rats
- Biosensor for the detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals based on the degradation of cell membrane model immobilized on qcm and its application to the …
- Laccases immobilized on magnetic particles and their application in bioreactor for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Removal of the endocrine disrupting chemicals nonylphenol from water by activated carbon
- An evaluation of the fate and behaviour of endocrine disrupting chemicals during anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Selected Reproductive Features of the Male Sharptooth Catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
- Behavior of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment process and their removal by ozonation
- Application of Artificial Neural Networks to the QSPR Study–Automated Classification of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals lead to earlier age of menopause: a cross-sectional study using the US population-based NHANES database
- B,“Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals Using Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Membrane,”
- Development of SPR immunosensing system using microchannel cell for simultaneous detection of several endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Exposure to very low doses of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) during fetal life permanently alters brain development and behavior in animals and humans
- Preliminary Study on the Development of HPLC-fluorescence Determination of Phenolic Compounds as endocrine disrupting chemicals (PROCEEDINGS OF 24TH …
- Short term accumulation and recovery of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals in water to medaka, oryzias latipes
- endocrine disrupting chemicals-Assaying androgenicity by quantitating the induced expression levels in two different prostate cell lines: Human prostate carcinoma …
- Adsorptive removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by calix [4] crown oligomer: Significant improvement of removal efficiency by oligomerization
- Effects of perinatal exposure of five putative endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), methoxychlor, genistein, diisononylphthalate, 4-nonylphenol and bisphenol A, on …
- The use of molecular biological methods to assess the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals and natural hormones on growth in the sheepshead minnow …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and ovotoxicity
- … displayed the Inhibitory effect of BG-1 ovarian cancer cell growth Induced by 17beta-estradiol or various endocrine disrupting chemicals via down-regulating cell …
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals bisphenol A and p-nonylphenol on marine microalga Nannochloropsis oculata ST-3
- Short-Term Exposure Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Brain-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis Response of the Fathead Minnow.
- … : Taylor and Francis, 2000. McLachlan, JA Environmental signaling: What embryos and evolution teach us about endocrine disrupting chemicals. endocrine Rev. 22 …
- Biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by genetic transformants of Phlebia tremellosa using manganese peroxidase gene from Trametes versicolor
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Review of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Assessing the risks of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: FROM BASIC RESEARCH TO CLINICAL PRACTICE
- EDITORIAL OVERVIEW: Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals 249
- endocrine disrupting chemicals—how to strengthen safety assessment
- Cognitive effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): Its Impact On Health
- Sources and Pathways of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Their biological aspects
- Changing concept of endocrine disrupting chemicals and its background
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and endocrine Active Agents
- Emerging issues for endocrine disrupting chemicals in naval operations
- Activities of MOE on endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting environmental chemicals-hazards to man and animal
- Development of a Research, Screening, and Testing Strategy for endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Wildlife
- Progress in the rapid screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals.
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Marine Environment
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in Foods
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and Human Health
- endocrine disrupting chemicals—A Strategy of the European Commission
- Toxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting Action of Environmental chemicals on Mammals
- Environmental Risk of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Potential effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the health of children
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: an emerging threat to public health?
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in Natural Water Sources
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and emerging contamination issues
- Surveillance of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in foods
- Monitoring of endocrine disrupting chemicals in surface water
- Andrea C. Gore (ed): endocrine–disrupting chemicals: From Basic Research to Clinical Practice
- The Ecological Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Japan
- The involvement of endocrine disrupting chemicals in spermatogenic cell apoptosis
- Behaviour of endocrine disrupting chemicals and nitrate in the environment
- Ten years of mixing cocktails: a review of combination effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals.
- Review of the Scientific Basis for Dealing with endocrine disrupting chemicals within the EC Reach Regulations
- Social Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and the growth of environmental health in Israel
- The Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Freshwater Supplies: CWA and SDWA Revisited
- US Environmental Protection Agency’s endocrine disrupting chemicals Research Program: Summary of a Peer-Review Report
- Analytiek van hormoon verstorende stoffen in milieumatrices= Analytics of endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental matrices
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and male fertility
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in streams of Northern and Southern Missouri
- Impedance measurements as a tool for the detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Chemical Genomic Study of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Metabolic Pathways
- Fish Toxicity Tests for endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Its Effects on Breast Cancer
- QSAR Study of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Metabolism and degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Development of a porcine model for exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Environmental Modelling of EDCs (endocrine disrupting chemicals)
- Influence of endocrine disrupting chemicals (Environmental Hormones) on Human Health
- Guidelines for measuring endocrine disrupting chemicals in water: the interface: human-environment
- Selected endocrine disrupting chemicals and Their Analysis by Capillary GC-MS
- Research advance in joint effects of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals.
- Study on the treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater by ionizing radiation
- Incidence and toxicological significance of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in drinking water
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and endocrine potency of wastewater measured by in vivo and in vitro assays
- Potential of metals to act as endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human reproduction
- Risk Assessment of Classic endocrine disrupting chemicals in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan District
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Sex Differentiation in Fish
- Chemical Industry’s approach for endocrine disrupting chemicals; Naibunpitsu kakuran kagaku busshitsu mondai eno kagaku kogyokai no taio. Nichibeio {center_dot} …
- Ecotoxicity Evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Health Hazards of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Humans as Examined from the Standpoints of Their Mechanisms of Action
- Determination of Carcinogenic and endocrine disrupting chemicals in Airborne Particulates
- 97 THE REGULATION OF UTERINE CONTRACTION BY endocrine–disrupting chemicals IN RATS
- Assessing Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals: Functional Outcomes of Exposure to Mixtures.
- A Single Cell Multimedia Fate Model for endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting compounds in the Antarctic: How man-made chemicals could put the continent’s future at risk
- Effects and interactions of endocrine disrupting chemicals and diet on the mouse reproductive system
- Environmental screening of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and biological characterization of their effects on reproductive health
- Screening for Genotoxicity and Oestrogenicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Vitro
- Comparison of Automated and Manual Methods for Solid Phase Extraction from endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the sexual development of fish
- Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Pike River
- Study on the Treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Wastewater by Ionizing Radiation
- Thyroid gland affected by environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals: an update
- A nationwide survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals in source and drinking waters in Japan
- WARNING: pesticides are dangerous to your health! Stop endocrine disrupting chemicals!
- Eliminating endocrine–disrupting chemicals from our plastic drinking bottles
- Role of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Occurrence of Female Reproductive Tumors in Tehran Sepideh Arbabi Bidgoli
- Preparation of Activated Carbon from Wastepaper and Adsorption of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Water Environment on Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
- Developmental and behavioral neurotoxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Effect of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the Development of Macaque Socialization
- Bioavailability assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in soil and sediment
- Role of xenoestrogens and endocrine disrupting chemicals on the occurrence of breast cancer and female reproductive disorders
- Treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by Constructed Wetlands
- Dynamic Behavior of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Domestic Wastewater Treatment Facility (Gappei-shori Johkasou)
- An Improved Method for the Derivatization of Phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The Efficiencies of Subsoils for on-site wastewater disposal with respect to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Partitioning of 13 Kinds of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a Sewage Treatment Plant
- Session 8-National security, risk, and the politics of precaution: Addressing the military role in endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Phytochemical Signaling and Symbiosis: Potential Threats from endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals during activated sludge treatment
- National Security, Risk, and the Politics of Precaution: the Military Role in endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Elution and Behavior of endocrine disrupting chemicals from FRP or DCPD-made Gappei-shori Johkasous
- Changes in interrenal stress responsiveness and immune activity of fish exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Transformation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by Manganese (IV) Oxide
- DNA-adducts and Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Contribution of effect directed analysis approach to the identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic systems
- Treatment of wastewater and sludge, and decomposition of endocrine disrupting chemicals with radiation
- Development Of A Suite Of Bioassays To Detect endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) And Evaluate EDC Synergy
- endocrine disrupting chemicals, exposures and clinical outcomes in 324 pregnancies in Calgary, Canada
- endocrine disrupting chemicals Addressing this Emerging Concern in the Wastewater Industry
- Potential sources of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals among companion canines
- Proteomics and ecotoxicoldgy:. marine invertebrates and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Restructuring Regulatory Review of endocrine–disrupting chemicals under California’s Proposition 65: Lessons from the Review of BPA
- Development of a stably transfected cell line to screen for potential endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Effects of androgen-active endocrine disrupting chemicals in Japanese quail
- The Impact of Estrogens and endocrine disrupting chemicals on Prostate Disease
- An Indicative Evaluation to Determine if Selected endocrine disrupting chemicals can be Detected and Warrant Further Investigation in Royal Navy Submarines
- The WHO/UNEP/ILO International Programme on Chemical Safety (IPCS) Global Assessment of the State-of-the-Science of endocrine disrupting chemicals …
- Epigenetic Changes After Intrauterine Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Development of a bioassay for thyroid disruption in patients exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Assessing Levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Groundwater Associated with Karst Areas in Northeast Wisconsin
- A Survey on endocrine disrupting chemicals in Animal Wastes Treated with Methane Fermentation
- Factoring removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals into drinking water treatment plant design
- Effect of Natural Aquatic Colloids on the Adsorption of Three Selected endocrine disrupting chemicals by Sediments
- Highly sensitive detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in sewage using immunoassay
- GIS study of occurrence and distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plant and groundwater in El Paso
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Bisphenol A and the Developing Brain
- Application of estrogen receptor binding assay in the endocrine disrupting chemicals screening tests.
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals may interfere with reproductive development in humans and affect timing of puberty
- Personal Care Product Use and endocrine disrupting chemicals in Urban Minority Children
- Evaluation of an in vitro-model for standardized testing of endocrine disrupting chemicals and their effects on female reproduction
- GIS study of occurrence and distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plant and groundwater in El Paso
- Analysis, occurrence and control of chloro-s-triazine endocrine disrupting chemicals in drinking water
- Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)-BP by combination of UV/micro-aeration process and impact factors
- Genome-Wide Analysis of Methylation Patterns in Ovaries Exposed to endocrine–disrupting chemicals.
- Development of chemosensors for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): synthesis and evaluation of solid-phase bound receptors
- The fate and behaviour of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Australia sewage treatment plants and the receiving environment
- An integrated approach to unravel the effect pathways of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the developing zebrafish, Danio rerio
- Fate of Pharmaceuticals, Personal Care Products, and endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Water 2
- Fate and Transport of Selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in Recycled Water Through a Tropical Soil
- Apoptosis-inducing activity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in cultured PC12 cells
- Detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Fish and the Use of Fish Vitellogenin as a Biomarker
- Evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals-Complex Mixture in Diesel Exhaust Respirable Particulate Matter
- Evaluation of the contamination of North Sea Porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) by endocrine disrupting chemicals using CG-MS and in vitro assays
- Disruption of nitrogen fixing symbiosis by pesticides and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Multiple site of action of endocrine–disrupting chemicals.-Possible effects on neuronal membrane and transcriptional machinery.
- Qualitative analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water bodies of southeastern parts of Texas using retention time locking technique (RTL) on …
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Wastewater by Nitrifying Sludge
- Risk assessment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in consumer products
- Toxicogenomic analysis of alkylphenols, endocrine disrupting chemicals, using human c-DNA microarray in MCF-7 cell line
- The endocrine disrupting activities of major industrial chemicals-the phthalate esters and 4-nonylphenol
- Cyberspace Chat: Part II: Beyond genetics—evidence suggests environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) impact our hormones and could …
- Criterial Time vs. Impact Time: Entraining Timescales in the Governance of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the air: investigation of emission sources and ambient concentrations with reporter gene assays and chemical analysis
- The influence of endocrine disrupting chemicals on postnatal growth and male reproductive health–a prospective longitudinal birth cohort study
- … by the Dean of the Graduate School, have examined the thesis entitled Effects and Interactions of Diet and endocrine disrupting chemicals On the Mouse …
- 234 Autism Spectrum (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity (ADHD) Disorders Epidemics: Does Fetal Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals Play a Role?
- Identifying the characteristics of individuals with high body burdens of endocrine disrupting chemicals: An analysis of the National Health and Nutrition Examination …
- Sensitive Determination of the Eleven Phenol endocrine disrupting chemicals using GC/MS-SIM in Human Urine
- The Effect of Some endocrine disrupting chemicals on Mouse Testis Leydig cel1s (TM3) and Sertoli cells (TM4)
- Bioavailability of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): liposome-water partitioning and lipid membrane permeation
- Removal of steroidal sex hormones and related synthetic compounds considered as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by ultrafiltration
- Exposure of Ovarian Cancer Cells Expressing Estrogen Receptors to endocrine disrupting chemicals Resulted in the Gene Alteration with Proliferation and …
- Quadrupole ion trap tandem mass spectrometry to probe ion chemistry and for trace analysis of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Bombina orientalis Aromatase Activity Expressed in Cultured Mammalian Cells
- Laccases immobilized on mesoporous silica particles and their application in a continuous stirred reactor for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Use of medaka (Oryzias latipes) as a model teleost to identify reproductive endpoints indicative of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Differential regulation of nuclear receptors and aminoacyl-TRNA-synthetases by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Sperm Functions Impairments and Steroidogenesis Transcriptomic Alternations in Fish Exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The Effects of Coexisting Substances on Rejection of endocrine disrupting chemicals by Low Pressure Reverse Osmosis Membrane
- Preparation of cross-linked laccase aggregates using mild cross-linking conditions and their application to the elimination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals induced alteration of cell cycle related genes resulting in proliferation of human breast cancer cells via an estrogen receptor-mediated …
- Induction of Imposex in Rock Shell, Thais clavigera, Exposed to Organotins and Other endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Development of evaluation systems for the detection of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in aquatic environments using estrogen-inducible …
- Treatment with resveratrol resulted in an inhibition of cell proliferation induced by 17 [beta]-estradiol or various endocrine disrupting chemicals via down-regulating the …
- Inhibitory Effect of Some Known and Probable endocrine disrupting chemicals on Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory Gene Expression in Testis Leydig K28 Tumor Cells
- Degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals and removal of estrogenic activity by Lentinus tigrinus and its extracellular enzymes
- The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on sex differentiation in Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) and the role of brain aromatase
- Alteration of gonadotropin-immunoreactive cell numbers in pituitary anterior lobe of rat offspring perinatally exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Regulation of the steroidogenic acute regulatory protein by nuclear receptor signaling pathways and by endocrine disrupting chemicals in largemouth bass …
- Evaluation of DNA strand-breakage of seven phthalate analogues, potential endocrine disrupting chemicals, using single cell gel electrophoresis (Comet assay)
- Effects on Detection of DNA Strand-Breakage of Phthalate Analogues. Potential endocrine disrupting chemicals, Using Single Cell Gel Electrophoresis …
- State of the science of endocrine disrupting chemicals 2012
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health
- Critical comments on the WHO-UNEP State of the Science of endocrine disrupting chemicals–2012
- Introduction to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Why endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) challenge traditional risk assessment and how to respond
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in the atmosphere: Their effects on humans and wildlife
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the regulation of energy balance
- Regulatory decisions on endocrine disrupting chemicals should be based on the principles of endocrinology
- Analytical tools monitoring endocrine disrupting chemicals
- EDC-2: the endocrine Society’s second scientific statement on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Estimating burden and disease costs of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the European Union
- Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the ovary
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and fatty liver disease
- Scientific principles for the identification of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a consensus statement
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and female cancer: Informing the patients
- Obesity, diabetes, and associated costs of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the European Union
- endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and reproductive health
- Direct action of endocrine disrupting chemicals on human sperm
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and endometriosis
- A proposed framework for the systematic review and integrated assessment (SYRINA) of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- A path forward in the debate over health impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: review of toxicological mechanisms using molecular pathway analysis
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and immune responses: a focus on bisphenol-A and its potential mechanisms
- Human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: effects on the male and female reproductive systems
- Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the USA: a population-based disease burden and cost analysis
- Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on neural development and the onset of neurological disorders
- Executive summary to EDC-2: the endocrine Society’s second scientific statement on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Non-monotonic dose responses in studies of endocrine disrupting chemicals: bisphenol a as a case study
- In silico methods in the discovery of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Blood plasma concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Hong Kong populations
- Male reproductive disorders, diseases, and costs of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the European Union
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals—Mechanisms of action on male reproductive system
- Introduction to endocrine disrupting chemicals–is it time to act?
- Marked for life: epigenetic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Using in Vitro High Throughput Screening Assays to Identify Potential endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Neurobehavioral deficits, diseases, and associated costs of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the European Union
- Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals during pregnancy and weight at 7 years of age: a multi-pollutant approach
- Environmental estrogen-like endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on in vitro global DNA methylation and adipocyte differentiation
- Gut microbiota, endocrine–disrupting chemicals, and the diabetes epidemic
- Estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals: molecular mechanisms of actions on putative human diseases
- Methodological issues in human studies of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and fertility: A case–control study in male subfertility patients
- A comparison of various rural wastewater treatment processes for the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Molecular mechanism (s) of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and their potent oestrogenicity in diverse cells and tissues that express oestrogen receptors
- Omics’ and endocrine–disrupting chemicals—new paths forward
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: some actions of POPs on female reproduction
- Analysis and occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in airborne particles
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and uterine fibroids
- Childhood obesity and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Environmental signaling: from environmental estrogens to endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and beyond
- Polycystic ovary syndrome: do endocrine–disrupting chemicals play a role?
- Assessment and molecular actions of endocrine–disrupting chemicals that interfere with estrogen receptor pathways
- Female exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and fecundity: a review
- Developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals alters the epigenome: identification of reprogrammed targets
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in mixture and obesity, diabetes and related metabolic disorders
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and neurodevelopmental alterations
- … disrupter science–A rebuttal of industry-sponsored critical comments on the UNEP/WHO report “State of the Science of endocrine disrupting chemicals 2012 …
- Exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals in consumer products—a guide for pediatricians
- Environmental exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and miscarriage
- Female reproductive disorders, diseases, and costs of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the European Union
- Multigenerational and transgenerational effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals: A role for altered epigenetic regulation?
- Assessing dose–response relationships for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs): a focus on non-monotonicity
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Pearl River Delta and coastal environment: sources, transfer, and implications
- Polluted pathways: mechanisms of metabolic disruption by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs): In Vitro Mechanism of Estrogenic Activation and Differential Effects on ER Target Genes
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and ovulation: Is there a relationship?
- The non-genomic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on mammalian sperm
- Behaviour of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting chemicals in simplified sewage treatment systems
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and endometrial cancer: an overview of recent laboratory evidence and epidemiological studies
- Year-long evaluation on the occurrence and fate of pharmaceuticals, personal care products, and endocrine disrupting chemicals in an urban drinking water treatment …
- Gestational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and reciprocal social, repetitive, and stereotypic behaviors in 4-and 5-year-old children: the HOME study
- Early-life exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and later-life health outcomes: an epigenetic bridge?
- Racial/ethnic disparities in environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and women’s reproductive health outcomes: epidemiological examples across the life …
- endocrine–disrupting activity of hydraulic fracturing chemicals and adverse health outcomes after prenatal exposure in male mice
- The effect of maternal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals on fetal and neonatal development: A review on the major concerns
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater by enzymatic treatment with fungal laccases
- The impact of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals on oxidative stress and innate immune response in zebrafish embryos
- Chronic exposure of mice to environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals disturbs their energy metabolism
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and oil and natural gas operations: potential environmental contamination and recommendations to assess complex environmental …
- Detection of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from maternal blood plasma and amniotic fluid in Indian population
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and skin manifestations
- Burden of disease and costs of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the E uropean U nion: an updated analysis
- Adsorption and aerobic biodegradation of four selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in soil–water system
- The epidemiologic evidence linking prenatal and postnatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals with male reproductive disorders: a systematic review and …
- Plastic bodies in a plastic world: multi-disciplinary approaches to study endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Gestational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in relation to infant birth weight: a Bayesian analysis of the HOME Study
- A multiresidue method for the determination of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in human breast milk based on a simple extraction procedure
- Occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and birth weight and length of gestation: a European meta-analysis
- … and characterization of two thermostable laccases from Pycnoporus sanguineus and potential role in degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in relation to thyroid hormone levels in infants–a Dutch prospective cohort study
- Removal of pharmaceuticals and endocrine disrupting chemicals by a submerged membrane photocatalysis reactor (MPR)
- Peer-reviewed and unbiased research, rather than ‘sound science’, should be used to evaluate endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Occurrence and removal of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in the water treatment processes
- Pharmaceutically active compounds and endocrine disrupting chemicals in water, sediments and mollusks in mangrove ecosystems from Singapore
- Temporal changes in biological responses and uncertainty in assessing risks of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Insights from intensive time-course studies with fish
- Toxicogenomics to evaluate endocrine disrupting effects of environmental chemicals using the zebrafish model
- Association between some endocrine–disrupting chemicals and childhood obesity in biological samples of young girls: a cross-sectional study
- Addressing the temporal fit of institutions: the regulation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Europe
- Investigation of pharmaceuticals, personal care products and endocrine disrupting chemicals in a tropical urban catchment and the influence of environmental factors
- Polish Society of Endocrinology Position statement on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in HSF and VF pilot-scale constructed wetlands
- endocrine disrupting alkylphenolic chemicals and other contaminants in wastewater treatment plant effluents, urban streams, and fish in the Great Lakes and Upper …
- Removal strategies for endocrine disrupting chemicals using cellulose-based materials as adsorbents: A review
- EDCs DataBank: 3D-Structure database of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals and fatty liver disease
- Interpretation of fish biomarker data for identification, classification, risk assessment and testing of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The role of epigenetics in the latent effects of early life exposure to obesogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and human growth and maturation: a focus on early critical windows of exposure
- Degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals during activated sludge reduction by ozone
- Using systematic reviews for hazard and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- To cull or not to cull? Considerations for studies of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on onset and development of female reproductive disorders and hormone-related cancer
- … on the opinions published by Bergman et al.(2015) on Critical Comments on the WHO-UNEP State of the Science of endocrine disrupting chemicals (Lamb et al …
- Cyclodextrin-Functionalized Fe3O4@TiO2: Reusable, Magnetic Nanoparticles for Photocatalytic Degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Water Supplies
- Sex-specific enhanced behavioral toxicity induced by maternal exposure to a mixture of low dose endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- A plea for risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Biochemical and physicochemical processes contributing to the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals by the aquatic ascomycete Phoma sp …
- Occurrence, distribution and risk assessment of suspected endocrine–disrupting chemicals in surface water and suspended particulate matter of Yangtze River …
- Occurrence and fate of selected endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water and sediment from an urban lake
- Ecological risk of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage plant effluent and reclaimed water
- Distribution and bioconcentration of endocrine disrupting chemicals in surface water and fish bile of the Pearl River Delta, South China
- Advancing research on endocrine disrupting chemicals in breast cancer: expert panel recommendations
- A novel framework for interpretation of data from the fish short‐term reproduction assay (FSTRA) for the detection of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
- Identification of putative estrogen receptor-mediated endocrine disrupting chemicals using QSAR-and structure-based virtual screening approaches
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals perturbs lipid metabolism and circadian rhythms
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and human health risk assessment: a critical review
- Occurrence of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals concern in sewage plant effluent
- Occurrence and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products and endocrine disrupting chemicals in reclaimed water and receiving groundwater in …
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and birth weight—a prospective cohort study
- Exposure to widespread environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and human sperm sex ratio
- … epithelial mesenchymal transition related with cancer progression and metastasis and potential effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on epithelial mesenchymal …
- Targeting testis-specific proteins to inhibit spermatogenesis: lesson from endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Distribution and bioaccumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water, sediment and fishes in a shallow Chinese freshwater lake: Implications for ecological and …
- The burden of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the USA
- Estrogenic and anti-androgenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and their impact on the male reproductive system
- Challenges and future directions to evaluating the association between prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and childhood obesity
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and growth of children
- Urinary levels of endocrine–disrupting chemicals, including bisphenols, bisphenol A diglycidyl ethers, benzophenones, parabens, and triclosan in obese and non …
- Estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals influencing NRF1 regulated gene networks in the development of complex human brain diseases
- Human cost burden of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals. A critical review
- Neonicotinoids act like endocrine disrupting chemicals in newly-emerged bees and winter bees
- Dietary exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in metropolitan population from China: a risk assessment based on probabilistic approach
- Actions of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on stem/progenitor cells during development and disease
- Perinatal exposure to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals reduces female rat follicle reserves and accelerates reproductive aging
- Partitions and vertical profiles of 9 endocrine disrupting chemicals in an estuarine environment: effect of tide, particle size and salinity
- Organophosphate flame retardants act as endocrine–disrupting chemicals in MA-10 mouse tumor Leydig cells
- Considerable exposure to the endocrine disrupting chemicals phthalates and bisphenol-A in intensive care unit (ICU) patients
- Application of passive sampling in assessing the occurrence and risk of antibiotics and endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Yangtze Estuary, China
- Tracing endocrine disrupting chemicals in a coastal lagoon (Sacca di Goro, Italy): Sediment contamination and bioaccumulation in Manila clams
- A multiclass method for the analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in human urine samples. Sample treatment by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction
- Oxidation mechanism and overall removal rates of endocrine disrupting chemicals by aquatic plants
- Weight of evidence approaches for the identification of endocrine disrupting properties of chemicals: Review and recommendations for EU regulatory …
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: adverse effects of bisphenol A and parabens to women’s health
- The occurrence and ecological risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sewage effluents from three different sewage treatment plants, and in natural seawater from …
- Occurrence, distribution, and sources of six phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in the 22 river estuaries around Dianchi Lake in China
- Phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in an urban receiving river (Panlong river) of Yunnan–Guizhou plateau: Occurrence, bioaccumulation and sources
- Impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction in wildlife
- Interactions between three typical endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in binary mixtures exposure on myocardial differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cell
- Development and characterization of magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers for the selective enrichment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water and milk …
- Disruption of parenting behaviors in California Mice, a monogamous rodent species, by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Effect of maternal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction and mammary gland development in female Sprague-Dawley rats
- … prevalence in intersex variation from toxicological dysregulation in fetal reproductive tissue differentiation and development by endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Impact of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals on Reproductive Function in Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
- Bridging the gap between academic research and regulatory health risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Graphene Nanoplatelets: Electrochemical Properties and Applications for Oxidation of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
- Determination of free and conjugated forms of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human biological fluids by GC− MS
- Polyamide 6/chitosan nanofibers as support for the immobilization of Trametes versicolor laccase for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Modulation of aromatase activity as a mode of action for endocrine disrupting chemicals in a marine fish
- Assessment of potential biological activities and distributions of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in sediments of the west coast of South Korea
- The endocrine disrupting chemicals as possible stillbirth contributors
- Seasonal variation and partitioning of endocrine disrupting chemicals in waters and sediments of the Pearl River system, South China
- Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a Virus‐Based Colorimetric Sensor
- Supported gold clusters as effective and reusable photocatalysts for the abatement of endocrine–disrupting chemicals under visible light
- Revealing ecological risks of priority endocrine disrupting chemicals in four marine protected areas in Hong Kong through an integrative approach
- Implication of microRNA deregulation in the response of vertebrates to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Self-assembly fabrication of ZnO hierarchical micro/nanospheres for enhanced photocatalytic degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Occurrence, fate, and risk assessment of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plants and receiving river of Shanghai, China
- Progression of breast cancer cells was enhanced by endocrine–disrupting chemicals, triclosan and octylphenol, via an estrogen receptor-dependent signaling …
- Assessing human health risk to endocrine disrupting chemicals: a focus on prenatal exposures and oxidative stress
- Bioaccumulation of pharmaceutically active compounds and endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic macrophytes: Results of hydroponic experiments with …
- A novel approach for estimating the removal efficiencies of endocrine disrupting chemicals and heavy metals in wastewater treatment processes
- Fabrication of long-range ordered, broccoli-like SERS arrays and application in detecting endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Mixtures of environmentally relevant endocrine disrupting chemicals affect mammary gland development in female and male rats
- The relative risk and its distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals, pharmaceuticals and personal care products to freshwater organisms in the Bohai Rim, China
- Alternatives to in vivo tests to detect endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in fish and amphibians – screening for estrogen, androgen and thyroid hormone …
- Possible relationship between endocrine disrupting chemicals and hormone dependent gynecologic cancers
- Science-based regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Europe: which approach?
- Distribution and estrogenic potential of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in estuarine sediments from Mumbai, India
- Risk evaluation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: effects of developmental exposure to low doses of bisphenol A on behavior and physiology in mice (Mus musculus)
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in the marine environment
- Development of classification model and QSAR model for predicting binding affinity of endocrine disrupting chemicals to human sex hormone-binding globulin
- endocrine disrupting chemicals promote the growth of ovarian cancer cells via the ER‐CXCL12‐CXCR4 signaling axis
- An international riposte to naysayers of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Spatial and seasonal variations of occurrences and concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in unconfined and confined aquifers recharged by reclaimed …
- Epigenetic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Matrix solid phase dispersion for the extraction of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals from human placental tissue prior to UHPLC-MS/MS analysis
- Dimorphic placental stress: a repercussion of interaction between endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and fetal sex
- The role of activated carbon and disinfection on the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from wastewater
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on bacterial communities in mangrove sediments
- … ultra high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry methods for the determination of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in human breast …
- HOMO–LUMO energy interactions between endocrine disrupting chemicals and ionic liquids using the density functional theory: Evaluation and comparison
- Fish biomarkers for regulatory identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- … phenolic compounds bind stronger with transthyretin than their neutral forms: Nonnegligible mechanisms in virtual screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals and intersex in wild crucian carp from Hun River, China
- Selecting the right bird model in experimental studies on endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Chemical and biological assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a full scale dairy manure anaerobic digester with thermal pretreatment
- … of a polymeric ionic liquid-based adsorbent for multiple monolithic fiber solid-phase microextraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals in complicated samples
- Determination of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in Lake Van, Turkey
- A combination of electro-enzymatic catalysis and electrocoagulation for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from water
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals among residents of a rural vegetarian/vegan community
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic environments: A potential reason for organism extinction?
- In Silico Identification and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel endocrine disrupting chemicals That Act via the Ligand-Binding Domain of the Estrogen Receptor α
- Oral exposure of pubertal male mice to endocrine‐disrupting chemicals alters fat metabolism in adult livers
- Simultaneous detection of 13 endocrine disrupting chemicals in water by a combination of SPE-BSTFA derivatization and GC-MS in transboundary rivers (France …
- Correlation of endocrine disrupting chemicals serum levels and white blood cells gene expression of nuclear receptors in a population of infertile women
- Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on birth outcomes
- Performance of metal-organic framework MIL-101 after surfactant modification in the extraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals from environmental water samples
- Reproductive effects of oestrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in Astyanax rivularis inhabiting headwaters of the Velhas River, Brazil
- Contribution of inhibitor of dna binding/differentiation-3 and endocrine disrupting chemicals to pathophysiological aspects of chronic disease
- Multiphase partitioning and risk assessment of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in the Pearl River, China
- Photodegradation of the endocrine–disrupting chemicals 4n-nonylphenol and triclosan by simulated solar UV irradiation in aqueous solutions with Fe (III) and in the …
- Known and emerging factors modulating estrogenic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Contributions of abiotic and biotic processes to the aerobic removal of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in a simulated estuarine aquatic environment
- … tandem mass spectrometry and gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for the highly sensitive determination of 15 endocrine disrupting chemicals in …
- A rapid screening test for endocrine disrupting chemicals using primary cell culture of the marine medaka
- Environmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a special focus on phthalates and bisphenol A
- Biomonitoring of 21 endocrine disrupting chemicals in human hair samples using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry
- Androgen receptor involvement in rat amelogenesis: an additional way for endocrine–disrupting chemicals to affect enamel synthesis
- Monitoring the contents of six steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in chicken, fish and aquaculture pond water samples using pre-column …
- The effects of three selected endocrine disrupting chemicals on the fecundity of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster
- Determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human milk by dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction
- Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals and antiretroviral compounds in surface water: a disposable sorptive sampler with comprehensive gas …
- Concentrations, potential sources and behavior of organochlorines and phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in surficial sediment of the Shaying River, eastern …
- Bisphenol A effects on mammalian oogenesis and epigenetic integrity of oocytes: a case study exploring risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Salinity and sensitivity to endocrine disrupting chemicals: A comparison of reproductive endpoints in small-bodied fish exposed under different salinities
- Distribution and removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in industrial wastewater treatment
- Sexually dimorphic effects of gestational endocrine–disrupting chemicals on microRNA expression in the developing rat hypothalamus
- Bioinspired production of magnetic laccase‐biotitania particles for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Differential activation of a mouse estrogen receptor β isoform (mER β 2) with endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Proteomic Analysis of the Reproductive Organs of the Hermaphroditic Gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis Exposed to Different endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Determination of 13 endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental solid samples using microwave-assisted solvent extraction and continuous solid-phase …
- AroER tri-screen is a biologically relevant assay for endocrine disrupting chemicals modulating the activity of aromatase and/or the estrogen receptor
- Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on female reproductive health
- The scaffold protein RACK1 is a target of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) with important implication in immunity
- Epigenetic impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on lipid homeostasis and atherosclerosis: a pregnane X receptor-centric view
- disrupting regulation: understanding industry engagement on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Determination of 13 endocrine disrupting chemicals in sediments by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry using subcritical water extraction coupled with …
- … of a full-scale newly developed stacked constructed wetland and an assembled bio-filter for reducing phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals from secondary effluent
- Development of a functionalized polymeric ionic liquid monolith for solid-phase microextraction of polar endocrine disrupting chemicals in aqueous samples coupled …
- Degrading two endocrine–disrupting chemicals from water by UV irradiation with the presence of nanophotocatalysts
- Sustainable biodegradation of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals by Phragmites australis–rhizosphere bacteria association
- Sorption behavior and modeling of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on natural sediments: role of biofilm covered on surface
- Acute toxicity of industrial endocrine–disrupting chemicals, natural and synthetic sex hormones to the freshwater planarian, Dugesia japonica
- Adsorption and biodegradation of three selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in river-based artificial groundwater recharge with reclaimed municipal wastewater
- Efficient photodegradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals with Bi2O3–ZnO nanorods under a compact fluorescent lamp
- Thyroid-stimulating hormone levels in newborns and early life exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals: analysis of three European mother–child cohorts
- Migration and biotransformation of three selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in different river-based aquifers media recharge with reclaimed water
- Sonochemical degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals 17β-estradiol and 17α-ethinylestradiol in water and wastewater
- Adsorption of three selected endocrine disrupting chemicals by aquatic colloids and sediments in single and binary systems
- Seasonal variation in exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Exploitation of Trametes versicolor for bioremediation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in bioreactors
- Urine, peritoneal fluid and omental fat proteomes of reproductive age women: Endometriosis-related changes and associations with endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Impact of operating conditions on the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by membrane photocatalytic reactor
- California condors and DDT: Examining the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a critically endangered species
- Estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals modulate the production of inflammatory mediators and cell viability of lipopolysaccharide-stimulated macrophages
- Reprint of “In silico methods in the discovery of endocrine disrupting chemicals”
- Accumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the polychaete Paraprionospio sp. from the Yodo River mouth, Osaka Bay, Japan
- Photodegradation of the endocrine–disrupting chemicals benzophenone-3 and methylparaben using Fenton reagent: optimization of factors and mineralization …
- Simultaneous determination of steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry …
- The effect of the UV photon flux on the photoelectrocatalytic degradation of endocrine–disrupting alkylphenolic chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: elucidating our understanding of their role in sex and gender-relevant end points
- Label-free detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals by integrating a competitive binding assay with a piezoelectric ceramic resonator
- Occurrence and partitioning of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) between surface water and suspended particulate matter in the North Tai Lake Basin …
- Simultaneous detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals including conjugates in municipal wastewater and sludge with enhanced sample pretreatment and UPLC …
- Metabolic disruption in context: clinical avenues for synergistic perturbations in energy homeostasis by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Phytoplankton blooms: an overlooked marine source of natural endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Aerobic biodegradation potential of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in surface‐water sediment at Rocky Mountain National Park, USA
- The role of retinoic acid receptors and their cognate ligands in reproduction in a context of triorganotin based endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish bile: A rapid method of analysis using English sole (Parophrys vetulus) from Puget Sound, WA, USA
- Developmental endpoints of chronic exposure to suspected endocrine–disrupting chemicals on benthic and hyporheic freshwater copepods
- Quantification of the sub-lethal toxicity of metals and endocrine–disrupting chemicals to the marine green microalga Tetraselmis suecica
- The impact of variations of influent loading on the efficacy of an advanced tertiary sewage treatment plant to remove endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Thin-film microextraction for the preconcentration of some endocrine disrupting chemicals in aqueous samples before chromatographic analysis
- Metabolic targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals assessed by cord blood transcriptome profiling
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in food and their toxicological implications
- Development of predictive models for predicting binding affinity of endocrine disrupting chemicals to fish sex hormone-binding globulin
- Cloning of circadian rhythmic pathway genes and perturbation of oscillation patterns in endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)-exposed mangrove killifish …
- Expression of stress response HSP70 gene in Asian paddle crabs, Charybdis japonica, exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, bisphenol A (BPA) and 4 …
- Inhibitory effects of 3, 3′-diindolylmethane on epithelial-mesenchymal transition induced by endocrine disrupting chemicals in cellular and xenograft mouse models …
- A visible‐light driven photoelectrochemical aptasensor for endocrine disrupting chemicals bisphenol A with high sensitivity and specificity
- Tumorigenic effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals are alleviated by licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) root extract through suppression of AhR expression in mammalian …
- Integration of in silico approaches to determination of endocrine–disrupting perfluorinated chemicals binding potency with steroidogenic acute regulatory protein
- Rapid, portable detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals through ligand-nuclear hormone receptor interactions
- Application of ionic liquids for the extraction and passive sampling of endocrine–disrupting chemicals from sediments
- Genomic organization and transcriptional modulation in response to endocrine disrupting chemicals of three vitellogenin genes in the self-fertilizing fish Kryptolebias …
- Estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish
- Relative contribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals to the estrogenic potency of marine sediments of Osaka Bay, Japan
- Different transcriptional responses of heat shock protein 20 in the marine diatom Ditylum brightwellii exposed to metals and endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
- … expression of two 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase genes in the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis following exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Nanoporous carbon as the solid-phase extraction adsorbent for the extraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals from juice samples
- Magnetic porous carbon derived from Co‐doped metal–organic frameworks for the magnetic solid‐phase extraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- … liquid chromatography coupled with qualitative and quantitative high-resolution mass spectrometry for the evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in H295R cells
- Neonatal expression of amh, sox9 and sf-1 mRNA in Caiman latirostris and effects of in ovo exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Screening for potential effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in peri-urban creeks and rivers in Melbourne, Australia using mosquitofish and recombinant receptor …
- Vitellogenin gene characterization and expression of Asian paddle crabs (Charybdis japonica) following endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and behavior: Re-evaluating the science at a critical turning point
- Cultured human peripheral blood mononuclear cells alter their gene expression when challenged with endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Rapid and sensitive determination of multiple endocrine‐disrupting chemicals by ultrasound‐assisted in situ derivatization dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction …
- Invasive species may offer advanced phytoremediation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in aquatic ecosystems
- Bioaccumulation of dietary endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by the polychaete, Perinereis nuntia
- Biomagnification of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by Pleuronectes yokohamae: Does P. yokohamae accumulate dietary EDCs?
- Co-assembly of CdTe and Fe3O4 with molecularly imprinted polymer for recognition and separation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on estrogen receptor alpha and heat shock protein 60 gene expression in primary cultures of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta …
- Histomorphological changes in testes of broad‐snouted caimans (Caiman latirostris) associated with in ovo exposure to endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the diabetes epidemic in countries in the WHO South-East Asia region
- Adsorption and desorption behaviors of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in simulated gastrointestinal fluids
- Assessment of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals Attenuation in a Coastal Plain Stream Prior to Wastewater Treatment Plant Closure
- Risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals–introduction to this special issue
- Detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals and evidence of their effects on the HPG axis of the European anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus
- The multigenerational effects of water contamination and endocrine disrupting chemicals on the fitness of Drosophila melanogaster
- Enhanced screening efficiency for endocrine–disrupting chemicals in milk and powdered milk using UPLC/QTOF-MS by the introduction of dansyl chloride …
- Probing the binding of an endocrine disrupting compound-Bisphenol F to human serum albumin: Insights into the interactions of harmful chemicals with functional …
- A review on environmental distributions and risk management of phenols pertaining to the endocrine disrupting chemicals in Taiwan
- List of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Determination of 26 endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish and water using modified QuEChERS combined with solid-phase extraction and UHPLC-MS/MS
- Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and conventional pollutants in a continuous-operating activated sludge process integrated with ozonation for excess …
- Assessing exposure of young children to common endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the home environment: a review and commentary of the questionnaire-based …
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in coastal lagoons of the Po River delta: sediment contamination, bioaccumulation and effects on Manila clams
- Transgenerational epigenetics of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- The evolutionary consequences of disrupted male mating signals: an agent-based modelling exploration of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the guppy
- Managing the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater-impacted streams
- … of the mitochondria dysfunction hypothesis of metabolic syndrome to atherosclerosis with emphasis on the endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and biophysical laws
- Emerging endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals in Vietnam: A review of environmental occurrence and fate in aquatic and indoor environments
- … transcriptional responses of heat shock protein 70/90 in the marine diatom Ditylum brightwellii exposed to metal compounds and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- … and characterization of a nanodendritic silver-based solid-phase extraction sorbent for selective enrichment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water and milk …
- Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on thyroid function and brain development
- Graphene oxide coated capillary for the analysis of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals by open‐tubular capillary electrochromatography with amperometric detection
- Refinement of the ECETOC approach to identify endocrine disrupting properties of chemicals in ecotoxicology
- Luteinizing hormone receptor (lhcgr) as a marker gene for characterizing estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in zebrafish ovarian follicle cells
- Prostate-specific antigen levels in relation to background factors: are there links to endocrine disrupting chemicals and AhR expression?
- Distribution and health risk assessment of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in two fish species obtained from Choba River in Rivers State, Nigeria
- Differentiation of PC12 cells expressing estrogen receptor alpha: A new bioassay for endocrine–disrupting chemicals evaluation
- Regulation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals insufficient to safeguard public health
- Sorption and toxicity reduction of pharmaceutically active compounds and endocrine disrupting chemicals in the presence of colloidal humic acid
- Coming to grips with scientific ignorance in the governance of endocrine disrupting chemicals and nanoparticles
- Potential exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and selected adverse pregnancy outcomes: a follow-up study of pregnant women referred for …
- Soil ecotoxicity of seven endocrine‐disrupting chemicals: a review
- Neonatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals impairs learning behaviour by disrupting hippocampal organization in male Swiss Albino mice
- Simultaneous enzymatic hydrolysis and extraction of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in fish bile using polyethersulfone polymer
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in municipal wastewaters: effective degradation and detoxification by fungal laccases
- 3.4 occurrence, effects, and treatment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Water
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- The distributions, removals and estrogenic effects of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in two drinking water factories in China
- The ecological cost of continued use of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Predicting Fecundity of Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas) Exposed to endocrine–disrupting chemicals Using a MATLAB®-Based Model of Oocyte …
- Simultaneous profiling of 17 steroid hormones for the evaluation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in H295R cells
- Developmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the ovary and on female fertility
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals with estrogenicity posing the risk of cancer progression in estrogen-responsive organs
- Actions of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals on human prostate stem/progenitor cells and prostate carcinogenesis
- Re: neurobehavioral deficits, diseases, and associated costs of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the European Union
- Pollution of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water and its adverse reproductive effect on fish
- Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals activating SXR-mediated transactivation of CYP3A and CYP7A1
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and fish health: a brief review
- The role of cocatalysts on bismuth vanadate in the Abatement of endocrine disrupting chemicals and related compounds under visible light
- Rapid and ultrasensitive detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a nanosensor-enabled cell-based platform
- Occurrence and biological effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Yellow River (Zhengzhou section)
- Behaviour of estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in permeable carbonate sands
- Enzymatic reactors applied for the biotransformation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Long-term pre-exposure of pheochromocytoma PC12 cells to endocrine–disrupting chemicals influences neuronal differentiation
- Contamination of paddy soil by endocrine–disrupting chemicals affects soil microbe abundance and diversity
- endocrine disrupting chemicals exposure and other parental factors in hypospadias and cryptorchidism etiology
- Kinetic modeling and equilibrium studies of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals on to low cost adsorbent
- Occurrence of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and estrogenic activity in the Nan River, Phitsanulok, Thailand.
- Early life developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals increases the risk of adult onset of uterine fibroids by permanently reprograming the epigenome …
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Water with the Natural Mineral Alginite
- Removal efficiency of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals pollutants-phthalate esters in Northern WWTP
- Commentary:“Estrogenic and Anti-Androgenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and Their Impact on the Male Reproductive System”
- Accumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the liver of Diplodus sargus sargus in Torre Guaceto Natural Reserve
- Electrochemical analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals over carbon electrode modified with cameroon’s clay
- The stolen dreams, endocrine disrupting chemicals and childhood obesity
- Introduction to the science and regulation concerning endocrine disrupting chemicals: the challenges ahead
- Why research on endocrine disrupting chemicals is still worthwhile
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on mast cell function
- Photodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals by ZnO nanorod arrays
- Fluorescence sensing of the interaction between biomembranes with different lipid composition and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- A memoir of my researches on xenobiotic metabolism for 48 years–researches on Kanemi Yusho and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Effect of wastewater treatment facility closure on endocrine disrupting chemicals in a coastal plain stream
- Characteristics, behavior and potential risks of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in surface water and suspended particle matter of the Xiaohe River, North …
- Identification of California condor estrogen receptors 1 and 2 and their activation by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- A lecture to explain endocrine disrupting chemicals to the second class students of a medical faculty
- Potential mechanisms of effects of environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals on disrupting insulin secretion
- Salting-out assisted liquid/liquid extraction coupled with low-temperature purification for analysis of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in milk and infant formula by ultra …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals within EU legal frameworks: environmental perspective
- Identification of risks from exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals at the country level
- Research on temporal-spatial migration and transformation of typical endocrine disrupting chemicals in the drinking water source area of Chengdu
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and the battle to ban them
- Occurrence and fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals in ASP based sewage treatment plant in Hardwar
- Assessing estrogenic activities of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals and their combination effects
- Occurrence of colloid-bound endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Pearl River, China.
- Estrogen receptor (ER)-mediated activation by endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) A comparison between synthetic and natural compounds
- Isolated hypospadias and exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals during pregnancy: A multi-institutional controlled study in a high prevalence area
- Response to fish specific reproductive hormones and endocrine disrupting chemicals of a Sertoli cell line expressing endogenous receptors from an endemic cyprinid …
- Monitoring and Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and cardiac arrhythmogenesis
- The commonly used plasticisers (bisphenols and phthalates) as endocrine disrupting chemicals in healthy women and women with polycystic ovary syndrome
- Analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Food Samples
- endocrine disrupting potential of environmental chemicals characterized by high-throughput screening
- Centennial Celebration–An Interview With Dr Ana Soto on 25 Years of Research on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- European Union’s strategy on endocrine disrupting chemicals and the current position of Slovenia
- The Prospects for Routine Testing of chemicals for endocrine–disrupting Properties and Potential Ecological Impacts
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment applications
- Ecotoxicity Test Methods for endocrine‐disrupting chemicals: An Introduction
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Gestational Diabetes
- WITHDRAWN: The potential contribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals to acne
- endocrine disrupting chemicals, Transgenerational Epigenetics and Metabolic Diseases
- Simultaneous and efficient extraction of nine endocrine disrupting chemicals in aqueous matrices
- Estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish
- Cytotoxicity Analysis of Typical endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in Landfill Leachate
- endocrine disrupting Compounds–do we need to consider thyroid hormones? Mechanism-based testing strategy using in vitro approaches for identification of thyroid …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in the EU legal frameworks: Human health perspective
- Early-life exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) leads to the development ofuterine fibroids by impairing DNA repair capacity in myometrial stem cells
- Concentrations of bisphenol A and estradiol are elevated by exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Impedance Biosensing to detect food allergens, endocrine disrupting chemicals, and food pathogens
- PO-0357 Prenatal Exposure To endocrine disrupting chemicals (edcs) In Relation To Thyroid Hormone Levels In Infants
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Inducers of Epigenetic Gene Expression and Enhancers of Cell Death in Neurons
- Occurrence and fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals and other hydrophobic organic compounds in a tropical river in Kenya
- The wild male mink as a sentinel for endocrine–disrupting chemicals and reproductive toxicity
- Multi-target determination of trace endocrine disrupting chemicals in biota using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
- A Survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in Marine Sediments, Influents/Effluents and Biosolids in Vancouver Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTPs)
- Impacts and mechanisms of action of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the hermaphroditic freshwater gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Highly Sensitive Analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Pharmaceutical Wastes using Molecularly Imprinted Polymer Extraction hyphenated with Liquid …
- The Emerging Battlefield: Should the Use of a Nonmonotonic, Non-Threshold Dose-Response Curve for Alleged endocrine–disrupting chemicals Survive a Daubert …
- Mixed lineage leukemia histone methylases in hormonal regulation of HOX genes and their disruption by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in water, sediments and fish observed in urban tributaries of the freshwater tidal Potomac River: occurrence, bioaccumulation and …
- Statement of Health and Enviroi inental Organizations on endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Identification of, and action on, endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Research progress of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water
- Toxicology of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the human organism
- The (non) regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: where next in the EU??
- endocrine disrupting chemicals, Obesogens, and the Obesity Epidemic
- Application of Computer Modelling in Predicting endocrine disrupting chemicals Functions
- endocrine disrupting chemicals; MYTHS & FACTS
- Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals by in Silico Methods
- An interaction network approach to study the correlation between endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals Call for Policy Change
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Presence in Environmental Matrices
- The Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Wildlife Conservation
- EFFECTS OF endocrine disrupting chemicals ON LIVING ORGANISMS
- Centennial Celebration–A Focus on endocrine disrupting chemicals… One Hundred Years in the Making
- Developmental Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Wildlife and Humans(1993), by Theo Colborn, Frederick S. vom Saal, and Ana M. Soto
- Application and Prospect of Computational Toxicology in Screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Pharmacokinetics and metabolism for the alternatives to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting Effects of Halogenated chemicals on Fish
- The Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Environmental and their Potential Biotransformation by White-rot Fungi and their Oxidative Enzymes
- Silkworm-A New Target for endocrine disrupting chemicals Screening
- Late effects of early exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals in rats
- Female reproduction and endocrine disrupting chemicals (FEMREP 2013)
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and Male Reproductive Health
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Inducers of Epi
- Occurrence and effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the St. Croix River
- The current debate on cost burden by human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Ecological Survey of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Environmental Media: An Insight into Public Health Protection
- Wastewater treatment: Occurrence, effects, and treatment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water
- endocrine disrupting chemicals exacerbate type 1 diabetes mellitus model
- Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation Upon Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Determination of the Common Phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Water
- A Comparative Study of Standard Methods for Assessing Ecotoxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Assessment of the sensitivity of North American fish species to endocrine disrupting chemicals in vitro
- Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals acting on human aromatase
- Ecotoxicity Test Methods for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Occurrence and removal of typical endocrine disrupting chemicals in a wastewater treatment plant
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in personal care products
- AB159. endocrine disrupting chemicals: toxicological risk assessment in vivo and in vitro models
- Modulation of Estrogen Receptor Signaling by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Screening and Testing for endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in Amphibian Models
- The Presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals Found in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products for Children
- Slow Violence and the Regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Exposure to environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and effects on thyroid function
- Environmental fate of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Association with biosolids-derived dissolved organic matter
- Managing the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater-impacted streams (Chapter 1)
- Female Reproductive Disorders, Diseases & Costs of Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the European Union
- Association of endocrine disrupting chemicals with circulating levels of adipocytokines-role in genesis of obesity.
- Response to “Second Scientific Statement on endocrine–disrupting chemicals” by Gore et al
- The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals and genetic susceptibility on male infertility
- Managing the impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater-impacted streams
- Chemical and Biological Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Waste-and Coastal Waters in Kuwait
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from aqueous solution by adsorption using modified ceramicites
- Concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in liver and adipose tissue in United Kingdom
- Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water and sediment samples from British Columbia, Canada
- Investigation of Phytoplankton as an Overlooked Marine Source of Natural endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by nanofiltration membrane from water
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and Sensitive Reproductive Endpoint Measures: Evidence from the MIREC and MIREC-ID Cohort Study in Canada
- Differentially expressed genes in endocrine disrupting chemicals exposed marine medaka
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Impact in Placenta Transporter of BeWo Cell
- Cdse Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Adult Male Mice
- Characterization and Hazard Assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Municipal Wastewater Effluents
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and their possible effects on the bovine and human ovarian follicle
- Addressing Agency in the Institutionalised Timescapes of endocrine–disrupting chemicals Governance
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Human Endometrial Endothelial Cells In Vitro
- April 3, 2016 endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Environment
- Potamonautes spp. As a bioindicator for oestrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Detection and evaluation of the fate of estrogen endocrine disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment
- Developing a Dynamic Model of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis for Risk Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Spatio-temporal distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in marine sediments from industrialized coastal regions in Korea
- Biological activity conferred by endocrine disrupting chemicals in hospital effluent and river water from the Brussels Region, Belgium
- Spatial distribution of typical endocrine disrupting chemicals in Pearl River estuaries.
- Remediation Technologies for Aquatic Bioterrorism Using endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals leaching from reusable plastic water bottles.
- Effects of carbon-based nanoparticles (CNPs) on the fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in different agricultural soils.
- P281 Exposure to widespread environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and human sperm sex ratio
- ANN and Bayesian Classification Models for Virtual Screening of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- The detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals leaching from branded bottled water
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Estrogenic activities of indoor dust in kindergartens
- endocrine disrupting chemicals, bisphenol A alters cardiomyocytes beating rate and cell morphology
- Human relevant dose of endocrine disrupting chemicals effect on the rat plasma metabolome
- Female sexual maturation and reproduction after developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals.
- Quantitative High Throughput Assay for Detection of Biologically Active endocrine disrupting chemicals in Water
- The association of ovarian reserve with exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in Korean reproductive-aged women
- New transgenic zebrafish models to study the expression of key steroidgenic enzymes and their perturbation by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Filaggrin Gene Loss-of-Function Mutations and Exposure to endocrine disrupting Environmental chemicals
- Oxidation of endocrine disrupting chemicals Using Sodium Persulfate
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Effects on mammary gland development and female genital malformations
- O23-4 Prenatal occupational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals affects birth weight and gestational age
- Early life exposure for endocrine disrupting chemicals and the risk for asthma and allergy in children
- Treatment of endocrine disrupting chemicals using the downflow gas contractor reactor
- … of streams and aquatic organisms in the vicinity of Birmingham, Alabama for the presence and biological activity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Unconventional oil and gas extraction as a novel source of endocrine disrupting chemicals to water and the potential for adverse human and animal health …
- O-165 Prenatal Exposure To endocrine disrupting chemicals (edcs) Is Related To Allergic Symptoms In 12 Month Old Children
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, and Personal Care Products
- Characterisation of the dog as a sentinel species for human exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Effects of in utero-lactational-and direct exposure to selected endocrine disrupting chemicals on the rat male reproductive system
- Exposure to Multiple endocrine disrupting chemicals in a Cohort of Reproductive-Aged Danish Women
- The Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Pubertal Development in the Rat: Use of the EDSP Pubertal Assays as a
- Urine sample collection methods for measuring urinary concentrations of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals and their comparison in pregnant women
- The effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the hepatosomatic index and Gonadosomatic index of Oreochromis mossambicus
- … and repoductive health: Developmental toxicity effects in rats after mixed exposure to environmentally relevant endocrine disrupting chemicals, with focus on …
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on childhood growth and obesity: evidence from the Spanish INMA Birth Cohort Study
- The Relation of IVF Success as Assessed by Oocyte Retrieval to Environmental Exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Towards impact based monitoring of Estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals (eEDC). eEDC sources and behaviour in the Zenne river, Brussels-Presentation …
- Efficient Photodegradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals with Bi₂O ₃–ZnO Nanorods Under a Compact Fluorescent Lamp
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and birth weight—A prospective cohort study Part A Toxic/hazardous substances & environmental engineering
- Environmental Inequality and Obesogenics: Understanding the Relationship Between Unequal Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Obesity Prevalence
- S07-2 Occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and birth weight and length of gestation: a european meta-analysis
- S07-2 Occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and birth weight and length of gestation: a european meta-analysis
- Systems Biology Analysis of the Fate and Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Models of Adipose Tissue and the Gut Microbiota
- Paternal Occupational Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals as a Risk Factor for Leukaemia in Children: A Case-Control Study from the North of …
- Ferrate (vi) a green chemical in the treatment of wastewater contaminated with some endocrine disrupting chemicals (edcs)
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by the Ligninolytic Enzyme Versatile Peroxidase
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and other hormone-related variables, DNA methylation, and breast cancer
- Inside Cover: Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a Virus‐Based Colorimetric Sensor (Chem. Asian J. 21/2016)
- Effects of complex mixtures of antagonistic endocrine disrupting chemicals using the model fish Danio rerio
- Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Nuclear Receptor Signaling in Marine Organisms: Invertebrate Insights
- Analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water by sorptive extraction, GCxGC-TOFMS and UPLC-MS/MS/Die ontleding van endokrienontwrigtende chemikaliee …
- Effects of exposure to four endocrine disrupting–chemicals on fertilization and embryonic development of Barbel chub (Squaliobarbus curriculus)
- Prepubertal and Pubertal Predictors of Semen Quality in a Prospective Cohort Study of Russian Young Men: Focus on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Proteomic analysis of the reproductive organs of the hermaphroditic gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis exposed to different endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Role of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the tissue levels of AhR and sex steroid receptors in breast tumours
- Role of biofilm on surface of sediments in adsorption of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on sediments in Taihu Lake
- Marked exposure to the endocrine–disrupting chemicals phthalates and bisphenol A in the ICU
- Aerobic removal of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in simulated estuarine aquatic environment: contribution of abiotic and biotic processes
- Neuroendocrine Disruption: Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the hippocampus, the cerebral cortex and the hypothalamus
- Strengths and limits of transgenic zebrafish models to study the expression and the perturbation of steroidogenic genes by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Aryl hydrocarbon receptor transactivation assays to study health impacts of exposure to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Transcriptional responses and prediction of metabolic changes in marine medaka fish (Oryzias javanicus) to acute exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Environmental effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a special focus on phthalates and bisphenol A
- Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals using a colorimetric sensor based on M13 bacteriophage
- Steroidomic footprinting based on UHPLC qualitative and quantitative high-resolution MS for the evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in H295R cells
- Selective Tumor Targeting Using Therapeutic Stem Cells and Effect (s) of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Progression and Metastasis of Diverse Human …
- Evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Florida Coastal Pelagic Fish Complex Following the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Event
- Mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals alter the rat ovary proteome: a search for early biomarkers of late life adverse effects
- Journal: Toxicological Sciences In silico identification and pharmacological evaluation of novel endocrine disrupting chemicals that act via the ligand binding …
- O30-1 Maternal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (perfluoro-alkyls, phthalates and pcb/dioxins) and children’s reproductive hormone levels at birth; the …
- Enzyme Encapsulation, Biosensing endocrine disrupting chemicals, and Bio-Therapeutic Expression Platforms Using Cell-Free Protein Synthesis
- A zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo bioassay for endocrine disrupting chemicals: Biomarkers of estrogen- and arylhydrocarbon-receptor actions and interactions
- Bisphenol a effects on mammalian oogenesis and epigenetic integrity of oocytes: A case study exploring risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The endocrine disrupting chemicals bisphenol A, dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), methoxyclor and ethinylestradiol modulate thecal steroidogenesis in vitro
- … and Prenatal Programming: PPTOX IV: The Role of Epigenetics in the Latent Effects of Early Life Exposure to Obesogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
- An in vivo Multi-Generation Propagation Assay for endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Fruit Fly Drosophila melanogaster: Reproductive Functions Disrupted …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals with anti-androgenic potential reduce the number of primordial follicles and disturb follicle assembly in neonatal rat ovary …
- Perinatal psychological distress as a potential modifier of the association between prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals (PBDEs, PCBs, and PFASs) …
- … ; http://ec. europa. eu/environment/chemicals/reach/legislation_en. htm 15. De Coster, S. and Van Larebeke, N., endocrine–disrupting chemi-cals: associated …
- … to enhance the phytoremediation of contaminants in soil and water. Part B: The sustainable biodegradation of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals by bacteria in …
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: implications for human health
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: effects on endocrine glands
- The history of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- A mechanism for the effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on placentation
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: economic, regulatory, and policy implications
- Praegnatio Perturbatio—Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and child health
- Consensus on the key characteristics of endocrine–disrupting chemicals as a basis for hazard identification
- Obesity and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Environment-friendly removal methods for endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human fetal growth
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Impact on human health, wildlife and the environment
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and impact on male reproductive health
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and risk of diabetes: an evidence-based review
- Biodegradable polymers and their nano-composites for the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from wastewater: a review
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and type 1 diabetes
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and child health
- A review of the evidence for endocrine disrupting effects of current-use chemicals on wildlife populations
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their effects on puberty
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and thyroid cancer: an overview
- Methods for the analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals in selected environmental matrixes
- Combined toxicity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: A review
- Placenta disrupted: endocrine disrupting chemicals and pregnancy
- Nuclear receptors are the major targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: exposure, effects on human health, mechanism of action, models for testing and strategies for prevention
- Understanding epigenetic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals: From mechanisms to novel test methods
- Current knowledge on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from animal biology to humans, from pregnancy to adulthood: highlights from a national Italian …
- Obesogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals: identifying knowledge gaps
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and COVID-19 relationships: A computational systems biology approach
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: an occult mediator of metabolic disease
- New insights on the effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on children
- Statistical methodology in studies of prenatal exposure to mixtures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a review of existing approaches and new alternatives
- Measurement of endocrine disrupting and asthma-associated chemicals in hair products used by Black women
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in pigs
- Immunomodulatory effects of synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals on the development and functions of human immune cells
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their effects during female puberty: a review of current evidence
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and bone
- Evidence of the possible harm of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in humans: ongoing debates and key issues
- Transgenerational effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on male and female reproduction
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Effects on neuroendocrine systems and the neurobiology of social behavior
- Low dose effects challenge the evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Experimental approaches for characterizing the endocrine–disrupting effects of environmental chemicals in fish
- Impacts of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on prostate function and cancer
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and reproductive health in boys and men
- Treatment strategies for enhancing the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water and wastewater systems
- Disparities in environmental exposures to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and diabetes risk in vulnerable populations
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and insulin resistance in children
- A comprehensive review on current technologies for removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from wastewaters
- Innovation in regulatory approaches for endocrine disrupting chemicals: The journey to risk assessment modernization in Canada
- An introduction to the sources, fate, occurrence and effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals released into the environment
- Environmental toxins and the impact of other endocrine disrupting chemicals in women’s reproductive health
- Role of endocrine disrupting chemicals in children’s neurodevelopment
- Exposure to modern, widespread environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals and their effect on the reproductive potential of women: an overview of current …
- A restatement of the natural science evidence base on the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on wildlife
- Environmental exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and their role in endometriosis: A systematic literature review
- A curated knowledgebase on endocrine disrupting chemicals and their biological systems-level perturbations
- Developmental exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and type 1 diabetes mellitus
- Agrochemicals in freshwater systems and their potential as endocrine disrupting chemicals: A South African context
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in aquatic environment: what are the risks for fish gametes?
- Disruption in thyroid signaling pathway: a mechanism for the effect of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on child neurodevelopment
- Leaching of endocrine disrupting chemicals from marine microplastics and mesoplastics under common life stress conditions
- Application of molecular docking methods on endocrine disrupting chemicals: A review
- Thresholds of adversity and their applicability to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and cardiometabolic indices during pregnancy: The HOME Study
- Metabolic syndrome and endocrine disrupting chemicals: An overview of exposure and health effects
- Analytical methods for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products: A review
- Occurrence, spatial distribution and risk assessment of high concern endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Jiangsu Province, China
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Impacts on human fertility and fecundity during the peri-conception period
- Nanomaterial-based catalysts for the degradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals–A way forward to environmental remediation
- Assessment of the environmental fate of endocrine disrupting chemicals in rivers
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and risk of breast cancer
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and infectious diseases: from endocrine disruption to immunosuppression
- Adipose tissue and endocrine–disrupting chemicals: does sex matter?
- DEDuCT 2.0: An updated knowledgebase and an exploration of the current regulations and guidelines from the perspective of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Review of the effects of perinatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in animals and humans
- Grouping of endocrine disrupting chemicals for mixture risk assessment–Evidence from a rat study
- endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and obesity risk: A review of recommendations for obesity prevention policies
- Removal of seven endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from municipal wastewater effluents by a freshwater green alga
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on myelin development and diseases
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and breastfeeding duration: a review
- Mechanisms of action of agrochemicals acting as endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in wild freshwater fishes: Species, tissues, sizes and human health risks
- Human exposure to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals (S-EDCs) is generally negligible as compared to natural compounds with higher or comparable …
- The role of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in uterine fibroid pathogenesis
- endocrine disrupting compounds, pharmaceuticals and personal care products in the aquatic environment of China: which chemicals are the prioritized ones?
- Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and anthropometric measures of obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer: a systematic review of epidemiological studies
- Exposure to indoor endocrine‐disrupting chemicals and childhood asthma and obesity
- Degradation aspects of endocrine disrupting chemicals: A review on photocatalytic processes and photocatalysts
- The occurrence and risk assessment of phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Egypt’s drinking and source water
- A comprehensive assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in an Indian food basket: Levels, dietary intakes, and comparison with European data
- Perturbation of nuclear hormone receptors by endocrine disrupting chemicals: mechanisms and pathological consequences of exposure
- Extranuclear-initiated estrogenic actions of endocrine disrupting chemicals: Is there toxicology beyond paracelsus?
- Advances in functional nanomaterial-based electrochemical techniques for screening of endocrine disrupting chemicals in various sample matrices
- Early-life exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pubertal development in girls
- A cross-species comparative approach to assessing multi-and transgenerational effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: current understanding, new testing strategies and future research needs
- Are marine invertebrates really at risk from endocrine–disrupting chemicals?
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Dutch general population is associated with adiposity-related traits
- Racial/ethnic disparities in disease burden and costs related to exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the United States: an exploratory analysis
- Degradations of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater with carbon-based nanomaterials: a critical review
- Sex-biased impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on behavioral development and vulnerability to disease: Of mice and children
- Impacts of endocrine disrupting chemicals on reproduction in wildlife and humans
- Mitochondria as target of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: implications for type 2 diabetes
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and metabolic disorders in the liver: What if we also looked at the female side?
- Occurrence, distribution, and human exposure of several endocrine–disrupting chemicals in indoor dust: a nationwide study
- Environmental exposure to non-persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and semen quality: An overview of the current epidemiological evidence
- The risk of endometriosis after exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a meta-analysis of 30 epidemiology studies
- Occurrence and distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals and pharmaceuticals in the river Bouregreg (Rabat, Morocco)
- Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on steroidogenesis and consequences on testicular function
- Adrenal gland response to endocrine disrupting chemicals in fishes, amphibians and reptiles: A comparative overview
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals rapidly affect intercellular signaling in Leydig cells
- Morphometric signatures of exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in zebrafish eleutheroembryos
- Perinatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and neurodevelopment: How articles of daily use influence the development of our children
- The abundance of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in downstream of the Bengawan Solo and Brantas rivers located in Indonesia
- Early-life exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals associates with childhood obesity
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on gonad development: Mechanistic insights from fish and mammals
- Assessing potential indicator of endocrine–disrupting property of chemicals using soil invertebrates
- Bioaccumulation, metabolism, and risk assessment of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in specific tissues of wild fish
- Towards regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in water resources using bioassays–A guide to developing a testing strategy
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in seminal plasma and couple fecundity
- Role of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a comprehensive review
- Diffusive gradients in thin-films (DGT) for in situ sampling of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in waters
- Social and neuromolecular phenotypes are programmed by prenatal exposures to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Investigation and application of diffusive gradients in thin-films technique for measuring endocrine disrupting chemicals in seawaters
- Ligninolytic enzymes: Versatile biocatalysts for the elimination of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in wastewater
- Structures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals Correlate with the Activation of 12 Classic Nuclear Receptors
- REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY: Pregnancy exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: Implications for women’s health
- A year-long passive sampling of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in the East River, South China
- Levels of endocrine–disrupting chemicals are associated with changes in the peri-pubertal epigenome
- Erectile dysfunction in men on the rise: is there a link with endocrine disrupting chemicals?
- Occurrence of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in river water and sediment of the Mahakam River
- In Silico Prediction of endocrine disrupting chemicals Using Single-Label and Multilabel Models
- A review of toxicity induced by persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans
- Presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals in sanitary landfill leachate, its treatment and degradation by Fenton based processes: A review
- Identification of endocrine disrupting chemicals acting on human aromatase
- Epigenetic Mechanisms of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Obesity
- Computational prediction models for assessing endocrine disrupting potential of chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer: the saga of bisphenol A
- Several typical endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human urine from general population in China: Regional and demographic-related differences in exposure risk
- Epigenetic modifications due to environment, ageing, nutrition, and endocrine disrupting chemicals and their effects on the endocrine system
- endocrine disrupting chemicals, hormone receptors, and acne vulgaris: a connecting hypothesis
- Assessment of the potential ecological risk of residual endocrine–disrupting chemicals from wastewater treatment plants
- Immune cells in the uterine remodeling: are they the target of endocrine disrupting chemicals?
- Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and epigenetic modifications in ovarian cancer: a review
- Maternal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and preterm birth: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression analysis
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Friend or foe to brown and beige adipose tissue?
- Persistent environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals in ovarian follicular fluid and in vitro fertilization treatment outcome in women
- Effects of common environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals on zebrafish behavior
- Pretreatment techniques and analytical methods for phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in food and environmental samples
- Associations between male reproductive health and exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Rapid, sensitive and simultaneous determination of 16 endocrine–disrupting chemicals (parabens, benzophenones, bisphenols, and triclocarban) in human …
- Deep learning driven QSAR model for environmental toxicology: effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on human health
- Co-exposure and health risks of several typical endocrine disrupting chemicals in general population in eastern China
- Assessment of endocrine–disrupting activities of alternative chemicals for bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate
- Magnetic mesoporous polymelamine-formaldehyde resin as an adsorbent for endocrine disrupting chemicals
- In vitro estrogenic activity of representative endocrine disrupting chemicals mixtures at environmentally relevant concentrations
- Cross-species physiological interactions of endocrine disrupting chemicals with the circadian clock
- Environmental Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals Influences Genomic Imprinting, Growth, and Metabolism
- A multi-residue method for GC-MS determination of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals in fish and seafood from European and North African markets
- Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of eight endocrine–disrupting chemicals in urban river water and sediments of South China
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals used as common plastic additives: Levels, profiles, and human dietary exposure from the Indian food basket
- Structures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals determine binding to and activation of the estrogen receptor α and androgen receptor
- The utility of vitellogenin as a biomarker of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in molluscs
- Safeguarding female reproductive health against endocrine disrupting chemicals—the FREIA project
- Mate choice, sexual selection, and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Mitochondrial epigenetics and environmental health: making a case for endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Prenatal exposures to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals and children’s weight trajectory up to age 5.5 in the SELMA study
- Using assessment criteria for pesticides to evaluate the endocrine disrupting potential of non-pesticide chemicals: case butylparaben
- Vertical profiles and distributions of aqueous endocrine–disrupting chemicals in different matrices from the Pearl River Delta and the influence of environmental factors
- Toxicity testing and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Molecular mechanism of alternative P450-catalyzed metabolism of environmental phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in a typical urbanized bay of yellow sea, china: Distribution, risk assessment, and identification of priority pollutants
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and risk of testicular cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in newborn blood spots and infant outcomes in the upstate KIDS study
- Maternal levels of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the first trimester of pregnancy are associated with infant cord blood DNA methylation
- Prenatal Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Asthma and Allergic Diseases.
- Mini-review: Epigenetic mechanisms that promote transgenerational actions of endocrine disrupting chemicals: Applications to behavioral neuroendocrinology
- Multi-and transgenerational outcomes of an exposure to a mixture of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on puberty and maternal behavior in the female rat
- Racial/ethnic disparities in pregnancy and prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals commonly used in personal care products
- Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on endometrial receptivity and embryo implantation: a systematic review of 34 mouse model studies
- Biodegradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and residual organic pollutants of pulp and paper mill effluent by biostimulation
- A multi-residue method for determination of 36 endocrine disrupting chemicals in human serum with a simple extraction procedure in combination of UPLC-MS/MS …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Understanding what matters
- Identification of potential endocrine disrupting chemicals using gene expression biomarkers
- Association of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals during adolescence with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder–related behaviors
- Use of Chicken Embryo Model in Toxicity Studies of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Nanoparticles
- Review on the electrochemical oxidation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using BDD anodes
- Epigenetic modifications associated with exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in patients with gestational diabetes mellitus
- Steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in surface water of Bahe River, China: Distribution, bioaccumulation, risk assessment and estrogenic …
- Transformation of endocrine disrupting chemicals, pharmaceutical and personal care products during drinking water disinfection
- Activation of steroid hormone receptors: Shed light on the in silico evaluation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals in host health: Three-way interactions between environmental exposure, host phenotypic responses, and gut microbiota
- Maternal occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and urogenital anomalies in the offspring
- Occurrence and distribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in mariculture fish and the human health implications
- Glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptors and corticosteroid homeostasis are potential targets for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Epigenetic modifications associated with in utero exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals BPA, DDT and Pb
- Firefighter exposures to potential endocrine disrupting chemicals measured by military-style silicone dog tags
- The associations between endocrine disrupting chemicals and markers of inflammation and immune responses: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Environmental contamination and human exposure to select endocrine–disrupting chemicals: A review
- Public awareness and risk perceptions of endocrine disrupting chemicals: a qualitative study
- Disruption by stealth-Interference of endocrine disrupting chemicals on hormonal crosstalk with thyroid axis function in humans and other animals
- Detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Danio rerio and Daphnia pulex: Step-one, behavioral screen
- Is testicular germ cell cancer estrogen dependent? The role of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- … covalent organic frameworks based on magnetic solid phase extraction for determination of six steroidal and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in food samples
- Prediction of adsorption capacity for pharmaceuticals, personal care products and endocrine disrupting chemicals onto various adsorbent materials
- Nonpersistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and reproductive health of women
- Environmental non-persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals exposure and reproductive hormones levels in adult men
- Developmental exposure of California mice to endocrine disrupting chemicals and potential effects on the microbiome-gut-brain axis at adulthood
- Seasonal distribution, risks, and sources of endocrine disrupting chemicals in coastal waters: Will these emerging contaminants pose potential risks in marine …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: strategies to protect present and future generations
- Migration of endocrine–disrupting chemicals into food from plastic packaging materials: an overview of chemical risk assessment, techniques to monitor migration, and …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and breast cancer cells
- In utero exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals, maternal factors and alterations in the epigenetic landscape underlying later-life health effects
- Association of placental concentrations of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals with cognitive functioning in preschool children from the Environment and …
- Oxidative stress markers, trace elements, and endocrine disrupting chemicals in children with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
- endocrine disrupting chemicals during diet-induced weight loss–a post-hoc analysis of the LOWER study
- Removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals from water: adsorption of bisphenol-A by biobased hydrophobic functionalized cellulose
- Distribution patterns and ecological risk of endocrine–disrupting chemicals at Qingduizi Bay (China): A preliminary survey in a developing maricultured bay
- New insights into mechanisms of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in thyroid diseases: the epigenetic way
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals alter the neuromolecular phenotype in F2 generation adult male rats
- Method development using chemometric tools for determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in bottled mineral waters
- Firm human evidence on harms of endocrine–disrupting chemicals was unlikely to be obtainable for methodological reasons
- Gestational exposure to common endocrine disrupting chemicals and their impact on neurodevelopment and behavior
- The adverse effects of psychotropic drugs as an endocrine disrupting chemicals on the hypothalamic-pituitary regulation in male
- Allosteric binding on nuclear receptors: Insights on screening of non-competitive endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Adsorptive Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals from Aqueous Solutions: a Review
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in the pathogenesis of hypospadias; developmental and toxicological perspectives
- Multi-phase distribution and risk assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the surface water of the Shaying River,-Huai River Basin, China
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and risk of being born small for gestational age: pooled analysis of seven European birth cohorts
- Identification of receptors for eight endocrine disrupting chemicals and their underlying mechanisms using zebrafish as a model organism
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and behaviour: A high risk to take?
- Occurrence of chemicals with known or suspected endocrine disrupting activity in drinking water, groundwater and surface water, Austria 2017/2018
- Association of endocrine disrupting chemicals levels in serum, environmental risk factors, and hepatic function among 5-to 14-year-old children
- endocrine disrupting‐chemicals and biochemical recurrence of prostate cancer after prostatectomy: a cohort study in Guadeloupe (French West Indies)
- … effect of submarine groundwater discharge on the pollution of coastal water: Occurrence, source, and risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals in coastal groundwater …
- … magnetic amino-functionalized microporous organic network composites for magnetic solid phase extraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals from water, beverage …
- Epigenetics, estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs), and the brain
- Chronic toxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals used in plastic products in Korean resident species: Implications for aquatic ecological risk assessment
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals‘(EDCs) Effects on Tumour Microenvironment and Cancer Progression: Emerging Contribution of RACK1
- Retinoids and oestrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in saline sewage treatment plants: removal efficiencies and ecological risks to marine organisms
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and thyroid hormone action
- Development of QSAR models for predicting the binding affinity of endocrine disrupting chemicals to eight fish estrogen receptor
- The Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Male Fertility: Focus on the Action of Obesogens
- Hepatic consequences of a mixture of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in male mice
- Two-dimensional MoS2-based impedimetric electronic tongue for the discrimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals using machine learning
- Reproductive impacts of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on wildlife species: implications for conservation of endangered species
- Preconception seminal plasma concentrations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in relation to semen quality parameters among male partners planning for pregnancy
- Contamination and risk implications of endocrine disrupting chemicals along the coastline of China: a systematic study using mussels and semipermeable membrane …
- Combined process of ozone oxidation and ultrafiltration as an effective treatment technology for the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals mediated through binding androgen receptor are associated with diabetes mellitus
- Electrospun nanofibres: A new vista for detection and degradation of harmful endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Patterns and variability of endocrine–disrupting chemicals during pregnancy: implications for understanding the exposome of normal pregnancy
- Prenatal and postnatal exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals and timing of pubertal onset in girls and boys: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in relation to autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability
- A mixture of five endocrine–disrupting chemicals modulates concentrations of bisphenol A and estradiol in mice
- Determination of 17 potential endocrine–disrupting chemicals in human saliva by dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction and liquid chromatography-tandem …
- Synergistic activation of CatSper Ca2+ channels in human sperm by oviductal ligands and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Heavy metal phytoextraction potential of native weeds and grasses from endocrine–disrupting chemicals rich complex distillery sludge and their histological …
- A novel action of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on wildlife; DDT and its derivatives have remained in the environment
- Distribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in colloidal and soluble phases in municipal secondary effluents and their removal by different advanced treatment …
- Effects of the endocrine–disrupting chemicals, vinclozolin and polychlorinated biphenyls, on physiological and sociosexual phenotypes in F2 generation Sprague …
- Biodegradation of natural and synthetic endocrine–disrupting chemicals by aerobic granular sludge reactor: Evaluating estrogenic activity and estrogens fate
- Immobilization of horseradish peroxidase on Fe3O4 nanoparticles for enzymatic removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Bioremediation of endocrine disrupting chemicals-Advancements and Challenges
- Association of Prenatal Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals With Liver Injury in Children
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals is associated with altered DNA methylation in cord blood
- Transcriptomic and physiological analysis of endocrine disrupting chemicals Impacts on 3D Zebrafish liver cell culture system
- Simple monitoring of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing medaka estrogen receptor
- A multi-residue method for determining twenty-four endocrine disrupting chemicals in vegetables and fruits using ultrasound-assisted solid–liquid extraction and …
- Survey on endocrine–disrupting chemicals in seafood: Occurrence and distribution
- Assessment of water contamination and health risk of endocrine disrupting chemicals in outdoor and indoor swimming pools
- Enhanced removal of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals from coastal waters by intertidal macroalgae
- Prêt-à-porter nanoYESα and nanoYESβ bioluminescent cell biosensors for ultrarapid and sensitive screening of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Editor’s highlight: Differential effects of exposure to single versus a mixture of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on steroidogenesis pathway in mouse testes
- Prenatal exposure to mixtures of persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and early menarche in a population-based cohort of British girls
- Tetrafluoroterephthalonitrile-crosslinked β-cyclodextrin polymer as a binding agent of diffusive gradients in thin-films for sampling endocrine disrupting chemicals in …
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in human nails using an alkaline digestion prior to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass …
- … application of a novel magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer for simultaneous and rapid determination of three trace endocrine disrupting chemicals in lake water …
- Oxidative oligomerization of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals mediated by Mn (III)-L complexes and the role of phenoxyl radicals in the enhanced removal …
- Exposure to obesogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and obesity among youth of Latino or Hispanic origin in the United States and Latin America: A lifecourse …
- REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY: The male mammary gland: a novel target of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Effect of gastric fluid on adsorption and desorption of endocrine disrupting chemicals on microplastics
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Leachability of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in municipal sewage sludge: Effects of EDCs interaction with dissolved organic matter
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and Premenstrual Syndrome in Female College Students in East Asia: A Multi-Country Study
- In utero exposure to persistent and nonpersistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals and anogenital distance. A systematic review of epidemiological studies
- … 90 glutathione S-transferase (GST) subfamily genes in four rotifer Brachionus species and transcriptional modulation in response to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals-induced metabolic disorders and treatment strategies
- Cell junctions in the prostate: An overview about the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCS) in different experimental models
- The effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on the epigenome-A short overview
- Association between persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals (PBDEs, OH-PBDEs, PCBs, and PFASs) and biomarkers of inflammation and cellular aging during …
- Structure-based discovery of the endocrine disrupting effects of hydraulic fracturing chemicals as novel androgen receptor antagonists
- Effects of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals on hypothalamic oxytocin and vasopressin systems
- YestroSens, a field-portable S. cerevisiae biosensor device for the detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Reliability and stability
- Investigating endocrine‐disrupting properties of chemicals in fish and amphibians: Opportunities to apply the 3Rs
- endocrine disrupting chemicals may deregulate DNA repair through estrogen receptor mediated seizing of CBP/p300 acetylase
- Simultaneous determination of selected estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals and bisphenol A residues in whole milk using fabric phase sorptive extraction …
- Single and combined use of Cannabis sativa L. and carbon-rich materials for the removal of pesticides and endocrine–disrupting chemicals from water and …
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and breast cancer: Disparities in exposure and importance of research inclusivity
- … poly-lysine-supported immobilization onto PEGA resin, with efficient activity and high operational stability and can be used to degrade endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Diet quality and exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals among US adults
- Assessing Marine endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the Critically Endangered California Condor: Implications for Reintroduction to Coastal Environments
- Spatiotemporal distribution, source apportionment and risk assessment of typical hormones and phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental and …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals associated with dry eye syndrome
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and reproductive disorders in women, men, and animal models
- Association of maternal-neonatal steroids with early pregnancy endocrine disrupting chemicals and pregnancy outcomes
- Magnet integrated fabric phase sorptive extraction of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals from human urine followed by high-performance liquid chromatography …
- Enhanced in-out-tube solid-phase microextraction by molecularly imprinted polymers-coated capillary followed by HPLC for endocrine disrupting chemicals analysis
- Characterization of a green expanded DGT methodology for the in-situ detection of emerging endocrine disrupting chemicals in water systems
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Their Adverse Effects on the Endoplasmic Reticulum
- An inadvertent issue of human retina exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals: A safety assessment
- endocrine disrupting chemicals impact on ovarian aging: Evidence from epidemiological and experimental evidence
- Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals from environment using a robust platform based on metal–organic framework nanoparticles
- A multi-pollutant assessment of preconception persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and incident pregnancy loss
- Performance of ozone and peroxone on the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) coupled with cost analysis
- Identifying windows of susceptibility to endocrine disrupting chemicals in relation to gestational weight gain among pregnant women attending a fertility clinic
- Assessment of migrating endocrine–disrupting chemicals in bottled acidic juice using type UVM-7 mesoporous silica modified with cyclodextrin
- Associations between endocrine disrupting chemicals and equine metabolic syndrome phenotypes
- Occurrence and seasonal disparity of emerging endocrine disrupting chemicals in a drinking water supply system and associated health risk
- … effervescent tablet-assisted deep eutectic solvent-based dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental water
- Prenatal exposure to mixtures of persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals and birth size in a population-based cohort of British girls
- Identification of a novel target for the action of endocrine disrupting chemicals: inhibitory effect of methylparaben on human neutrophil functions
- … bioluminescent NanoLuc yeast-estrogen screen biosensor (nanoYES) with a compact wireless camera for effect-based detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- New progress in photocatalytic degradation of Bisphenol A as representative endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Combined effects of different endocrine–disrupting chemicals (Edcs) on prostate gland
- Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in utero and thyroid cancer risk in offspring
- Exploring the causes of semen quality changes post-bariatric surgery: a focus on endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Sulfur-aided composting facilitates ammonia release mitigation, endocrine disrupting chemicals degradation and biosolids stabilization
- Acting on uncertainty: real-life mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Prenatal exposure to mixtures of persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and postnatal body size in British girls
- Spatio-temporal patterns and environmental risk of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Liuxi River
- endocrine activity in an urban river system and the biodegradation of estrogen-like endocrine disrupting chemicals through a bio-analytical approach using DRE-and …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and sex steroid receptors
- Matrix softness-mediated 3D zebrafish hepatocyte modulates response to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Identification of combinations of endocrine disrupting chemicals in household chemical products that require mixture toxicity testing
- … microRNA (miR) profiles and associated behavioral changes in California mice (Peromyscus californicus) developmentally exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and placental function: Impact on fetal brain development
- Occupational differences in personal care product use and urinary concentration of endocrine disrupting chemicals by gender
- BiOBr/Bi4O5Br2/PDI constructed for visible-light degradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals: Synergistic effects of bi-heterojunction and oxygen evolution
- Maternal occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals during pregnancy and semen parameters in adulthood: results of a nationwide cross-sectional …
- Choriogenin transcription in medaka embryos and larvae as an alternative model for screening estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Actions of toxicants and endocrine disrupting chemicals in birds
- Development of a Human Estrogen Receptor Dimerization Assay for the Estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals Using Bioluminescence Resonance Energy …
- Evaluating estrogenic and anti-estrogenic effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by zebrafish (Danio rerio) embryo-based vitellogenin 1 (vtg1) mRNA …
- … solvent-based microextraction with solidification of floating organic droplets for HPLC determination of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in bottled beverages
- … in coastal saline soils using reclaimed water irrigation: Observations from alleviated accumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals and environmental burden
- Virtual screening of potentially endocrine–disrupting chemicals against nuclear receptors and its application to identify PPARγ-bound fatty acids
- … framework/covalent organic framework hybrid materials as adsorbents for magnetic solid‐phase extraction of four endocrine‐disrupting chemicals from milk samples
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and their effect on health later in life
- How to regulate endocrine disrupting chemicals? Feedback and future development
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in Canada: Population-Based Estimates of Disease Burden and Economic Costs
- The effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the vitronectin-receptor (integrin αvβ3)-mediated cell adhesion of human umbilical vein endothelial cells
- A putative adverse outcome pathway network for disrupted female pubertal onset to improve testing and regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and thyroid function in neonates: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Extraction of four endocrine–disrupting chemicals using a Fe3O4/graphene oxide/di-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid nano-composite, and their quantification by HPLC …
- Impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in breast milk on postpartum depression in Korean mothers
- An approach to classifying occupational exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals by sex hormone function using an expert judgment process
- In utero exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and telomere length at birth
- Refinement of an OECD test guideline for evaluating the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on aromatase gene expression and reproduction using novel …
- Uptake of endocrine–disrupting chemicals by quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis) in an urban-impacted aquatic ecosystem
- New method for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) using ultra-high performance liquid …
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals, epigenetics, and skeletal system dysfunction: exploration of links using bisphenol A as a model system
- Maternal care modulates transgenerational effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on offspring pup vocalizations and adult behaviors
- Herbicide Diuron as endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) through Histopathalogical Analysis in Gonads of Javanese Medaka (Oryzias javanicus, Bleeker 1854)
- Sex‐specific endocrine‐disrupting effects of three halogenated chemicals in Japanese medaka
- Removal efficiencies and risk assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals at two wastewater treatment plants in South China
- Highly sensitive determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in foodstuffs through magnetic solid‐phase extraction followed by high‐performance liquid …
- Environmental Exposure to Non-Persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals and Endometriosis: A Systematic Review
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in cosmetics—reply
- The challenging use and interpretation of blood biomarkers of exposure related to lipophilic endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental health studies
- Spatiotemporal variation and removal of selected endocrine–disrupting chemicals in wastewater treatment plants across China: Treatment process comparison
- Precocious puberty in Korean girls with and without exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in toy slime: a comparative analysis
- Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals during pregnancy is associated with weight change through 1 year postpartum among women in the early-life exposure in …
- … intertidal system prokaryotes from a destruction event and the role of extracellular polymeric substances in the presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Enhanced microextraction of endocrine disrupting chemicals adsorbed on airborne fine particulate matter with gas chromatography–tandem mass spectrometric …
- The unlocking neurobehavioral effects of environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Use of plant-based sorbents and mycodegradation for the elimination of endocrine disrupting chemicals from soil: A novel facile and low-cost method
- Biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals benzyl butyl phthalate and dimethyl phthalate by Bacillus marisflavi RR014
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in environmental matrices: Occurrence, fate, health impact, physio-chemical and bioremediation technology
- The occurrence of selected endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in water and sediments from an urban lagoon in Southern Italy
- Simultaneous analysis of typical halogenated endocrine disrupting chemicals and metal (loid) s in human hair
- Influence of type D personality, dietary assessment and increase exposure toward endocrine disrupting chemicals on the dysmenorrhea
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals impair the innate immune prophenoloxidase system in the intertidal mud crab, Macrophthalmus japonicus
- … gallus domesticus) embryo as an alternative for mammalian experiments–Validation of a test method for the detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Health Effects Associated with Exposures to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- A systematic review: impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals exposure on fecundity as measured by time to pregnancy
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and subsequent brain structure changes revealed by voxel-based morphometry and generalized Q-sampling …
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Early Puberty in Girls
- endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and the neuroendocrine system: Beyond estrogen, androgen, and thyroid
- Does Older Age Modify Associations between endocrine disrupting chemicals and Fecundability?
- Solid/liquid phase microextraction of five bisphenol-type endocrine disrupting chemicals by using a hollow fiber reinforced with graphene oxide nanoribbons, and …
- … liquid–liquid microextraction method based on solidification of floating hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent for the determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in …
- Persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals found in human follicular fluid stimulate the proliferation of granulosa tumor spheroids via GPR30 and IGF1R but not via the …
- Seasonal variation and the distribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in various matrices affected by algae in the eutrophic water environment of the pearl river …
- … elegans to discover molecular initiating events in adverse outcome pathway framework: Case study on endocrine–disrupting chemicals with estrogen and androgen …
- Exposome of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in Taiwanese children: exploring risks of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Systematic review of prenatal exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and autism spectrum disorder in offspring
- Hybrid polymer-based photocatalytic materials for the removal of selected endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from aqueous media: A review
- Abatement technology of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) by means of enhanced coagulation and ozonation for wastewater reuse
- A Review on the Water Quality Criteria of Nonylphenol and the Methodological Construction for Reproduction Toxicity endocrine disrupting chemicals
- BiOBrnI1-n solid solutions as versatile photooxidation catalysts for phenolics and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals affect Sertoli TM4 cell functionality through dysregulation of gap junctional intercellular communication in vitro
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Disorders of Penile Development in Humans
- Development of magnetic solid phase microextraction method for determination of the endocrine disrupting chemicals leached from reused plastic bottles
- Interrelationships among growth hormone, thyroid function, and endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the susceptibility to attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
- Screening of estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in meat products based on the detection of vitellogenin by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
- Cerebral concentration and toxicity of endocrine disrupting chemicals: The implication of blood-brain interfaces
- SCREENED: a multistage model of thyroid gland function for screening endocrine–disrupting chemicals in a biologically sex-specific manner
- Implications of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on polycystic ovarian syndrome: A comprehensive review
- The relationship of obesity with lifestyle and dietary exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Prediction, docking study and molecular simulation of 3D DNA aptamers to their targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Diurnal Variation in Biomarkers of Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Their Association with Oxidative Damage in Norwegian Adults: The EuroMix …
- Improved method for the determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in urine of school-age children using microliquid–liquid extraction and UHPLC-MS/MS
- A high throughput screening method for endocrine disrupting chemicals in tap water and milk samples based on estrogen receptor α and gold nanoparticles
- General Challenges and Recommendations for the Water Quality Criteria of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Genistein-based reactive oxygen species-responsive nanomaterial site-specifically relieves the intestinal toxicity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water and wastewater samples by liquid chromatography-negative ion electrospray ionization-tandem mass …
- Early Steps of mammary stem cell transformation by exogenous signals; effects of bisphenol endocrine disrupting chemicals and bone morphogenetic proteins
- Protective effects of polyphenols against endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Rapid and simultaneous determination of multiple endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their metabolites in human serum and urine samples
- Hedgehog signal disruption, gonadal dysgenesis and reproductive disorders: Is there a link to endocrine disrupting chemicals?
- … characterization of TiO2 films onto AISI 304 metallic meshes and their application in the decomposition of the endocrine–disrupting alkylphenolic chemicals
- Single-cell distribution analysis of AR levels by high-throughput microscopy in cell models: application for testing endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Sequential reactors for the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals by laccase immobilized onto fumed silica microparticles
- Effects of perinatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the reproductive system of F3 generation male rodents: a meta-analysis
- Assessment of Five Pesticides as endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Effects on Estrogen Receptors and Aromatase
- Sediments in the mangrove areas contribute to the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in coastal sediments of Macau SAR, China, and harbour microbial …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and the mammary gland
- Covalently fluorophore-functionalized ZIF-8 colloidal particles as a sensing platform for endocrine–disrupting chemicals such as phthalates plasticizers
- Enabling the Selective Detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals via Molecularly Surface-Imprinted “Coffee Rings”
- Inhibitory effects of estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals on fin regeneration in zebrafish are dependent on estrogen receptors
- Non-ionic surfactants antagonize toxicity of potential phenolic endocrine–disrupting chemicals, including triclosan in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Uncovering evidence for endocrine–disrupting chemicals that elicit differential susceptibility through gene-environment interactions
- In vitro testicular toxicity of environmentally relevant endocrine–disrupting chemicals: 2D vs. 3D models of prepubertal Leydig TM3 cells
- Synthesis of Metal–Organic Frameworks Quantum Dots Composites as Sensors for endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Temporal exposure and consistency of endocrine disrupting chemicals in a longitudinal study of individuals with impaired fasting glucose
- The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on biomarkers of inflammation produced by lipopolysaccharide stimulated RAW264. 7 macrophages
- Phthalates and other endocrine–disrupting chemicals: the 21st century’s plague for reproductive health
- Effects of sleep pattern, stress, menstrual attitude, and behavior that reduces exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals on premenstrual syndrome in …
- Occurrence of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in river water, ground water and agricultural soils of India
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: effects on pituitary, thyroid and adrenal glands
- Occupational exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and other parental risk factors in hypospadias and cryptorchidism development: a case–control study
- GPER as a receptor for endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs)
- Roles of membrane and organic fouling layers on the removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals in microfiltration
- Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Later Life
- Association of endocrine disrupting chemicals, bisphenol A and phthalates, with childhood obesity: a systematic review
- Microalgae-Mediated Elimination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Disease burden attributable to endocrine–disrupting chemicals exposure in China: A case study of phthalates
- Adsorptive properties of poly (1-methylpyrrol-2-ylsquaraine) particles for the removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals from aqueous solutions: batch and fixed-bed …
- The Effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the release and distribution of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from sediment under hydrodynamic forces, A …
- Application of Transgenic Zebrafish Models for Studying the Effects of Estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals on Embryonic Brain Development
- Performance Evaluation of A/O Membrane Bioreactor System in the Effective Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: the Effect of SRT and Flux Rate
- Determination of 15 biomarkers of endocrine disrupting chemicals in human saliva by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry
- Developing and applying a classification system for ranking the biological effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on male rockfish Sebastiscus marmoratus in the …
- Bone Accrual During Adolescence: Do endocrine–disrupting chemicals Play a Role?
- Thin-film microextraction using the metal-organic framework DUT-52 for determining endocrine disrupting chemicals in cosmetics
- Distribution and bioaccumulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCS) in Lagos Lagoon water, sediment and fish
- … in vitellogenin and estrogen receptor expression and 17β-estradiol concentration in male juvenile tilapia can be used to evaluate endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on neurodevelopment: the need for better testing strategies for endocrine disruption-induced developmental neurotoxicity
- Carbon nanotube–mediated antibody-free suspension array for determination of typical endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- … Sensitive Method for Sample Preparation and Gas Chromatography–Mass Spectrometry Determination of Different endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Dairy Products
- Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on Reproductive Health of Human
- Factors influencing behavior of reducing exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in breastfeeding mothers
- Determination of thyroidal endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) activities using a human cell-based transactivation assay
- A β-cyclodextrin sorbent based on hierarchical mesoporous silica for the determination of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in urine samples
- Environmental Monitoring of 17β-estradiol and Estrone in Ardabil’s Drinking Water Source as endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Nanostructured catalysts for photo-oxidation of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Persistent endocrine–disrupting chemicals found in human follicular fluid stimulate IGF1 secretion by adult ovarian granulosa cell tumor spheroids and thereby …
- Health behaviors related to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the associated factors of adolescent Korean girls
- Potential occupational exposure of parents to endocrine disrupting chemicals, adverse birth outcomes, and the modification effects of multi-vitamins …
- endocrine‐disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals-the X factor in different pathologies
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Diabetes mellitus: Plasticizers and nanomaterials acting as endocrine‑disrupting chemicals
- An Introduction to the Challenges for Risk Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Interventions on Reducing Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in Human Health Care Context: A Scoping Review
- … Impairment of Maternal Metabolic Health in Mouse Dams Following Pregnancy Exposure to a Mixture of Low Dose endocrine–disrupting chemicals, a Pilot Study
- The potential role of endocrine disrupting chemicals in cellulite
- … and transcriptional response of ecdysone receptor gene in the mud crab Macrophthalmus japonicus: Effects of osmotic stress and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Overproduction of microbial extracellular polymeric substances in subtropical intertidal sediments in response to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- An In vitro dimerization assay for the adverse outcome pathway approach in risk assessment of human estrogen receptor α-mediated endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and male reproductive health: a review
- Inappropriately sweet: Environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the diabetes pandemic
- In vitro exposure of vitellogenic rainbow trout ovarian follicles to endocrine disrupting chemicals can alter basal estradiol-17β production and responsiveness to a …
- Clinical epidemiology studies on potential effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) should exclude subjects with obesity as determined by BMI
- Screening data for the endocrine disrupting activities of 583 chemicals using the yeast two-hybrid assay
- Tracking the historical urban and rural sources of fecal pollution in a South American tropical semi-arid region using sterols and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Long-term in vitro exposure of human granulosa cells to the mixture of endocrine disrupting chemicals found in human follicular fluid disrupts steroidogenesis
- Micropellet Particles: A Vector of Hydrophobic endocrine disrupting chemicals in Lagos Lagoon
- Maternal dietary patterns during pregnancy and exposure to persistent endocrine disrupting chemicals in two European birth cohorts
- endocrine disrupting chemicals interfere with Leydig cell hormone pathways during testicular descent in idiopathic cryptorchidism
- Impact of gestational exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals on pregnancy and birth outcomes
- Evaluation of photocatalytic process using GO/ZnO nanocomposites under LED irradiation for removal of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from aqueous …
- Occurrence and ecological risk assessment of 31 endocrine disrupting chemicals in the water source of upstream Huangpu River
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Vitamin D Deficiency in the Pathogenesis of Uterine Fibroids
- Potential roles of nuclear receptors in mediating neurodevelopmental toxicity of known endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in ascidian embryos
- Cancer treatment drugs and endocrine–disrupting chemicals release and fate in hospital wastewater
- Effects of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells exposed to endocrine–disrupting chemicals on the differentiation of umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem …
- Polymer-based biosensor for estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals in water
- Cytotoxicity evaluation and mechanism of endocrine–disrupting chemicals by the embryoid body test
- … associated with methylation and expression of the a disintegrin and metalloproteinase domain 33 (ADAM33) gene affected by endocrine‑disrupting chemicals
- Photoelectrochemical endocrine–disrupting chemicals aptasenor based on resonance energy transfer between SnSe/GR and AuNPs along with GSSG for signal …
- Gonadal Soma‐Derived Factor Expression is a Potential Biomarker for Predicting the Effects of endocrine‐disrupting chemicals on Gonadal Differentiation in Japanese Medaka …
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and PCOS: A novel contributor in the etiology of the syndrome
- Surviving difference: endocrine–disrupting chemicals, intergenerational justice and the future of human reproduction
- The Role of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Male Fertility Decline
- Fe-Based Nanomaterials for Removing the Environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals in Water: A Review
- … application of diffusive gradient in thin-film (DGT) equipped novel cyclodextrin polymer gels for monitoring endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and environmental …
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and the brain
- Soluble Guanylyl Cyclase Alpha1 Subunit as a Biomarker of Toxicity: Applications to Investigate endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Effects of environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals on female reproductive health
- Development and application of a chemical ranking and scoring system for the management of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Biodegradation of endocrine disrupting chemicals with Laccase Isozymes from Recombinant Pichia pastori
- Elucidating adverse nutritional implications of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and mycotoxins through stable isotope techniques
- Machine Learning for Investigation on endocrine–disrupting chemicals with Gestational Age and Delivery Time in a Longitudinal Cohort
- endocrine disrupting chemicals AND OBESITY: THE EVOLVING STORY OF OBESOGENS
- Adsorption and desorption behaviors of four endocrine disrupting chemicals in soils from the water-level fluctuation zone of the Three Gorges Reservoir, China
- The interaction test of binary mixtures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals using in vitro bioassays
- Environmental pollution as a risk factor to develop colorectal cancer: The role of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the inflammatory process as a risk factor to develop …
- … use between undergraduate students attending military and non-military universities: Possible implications for exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Occurrence and risk assessment of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals in shallow groundwater resource from selected Nigerian rural settlements
- Immunomodulatory Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- … Receptor β as a Possible Double-Edged Sword Molecule in Breast Cancer: A Mechanism of Alteration of Its Role by Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the Nervous System
- G-Protein Coupled Hormone Receptors of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis are Targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Chemical controversy: exploring scientific disagreement around endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Recent advances in oligonucleotide-based sensor technology for detection of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDC) in the environment
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in Aquatic Ecosystem: An Emerging Threat to Wildlife and Human Health
- Single and binary component adsorption of endocrine disrupting chemicals from aqueous solutions using calcium alginate/apricot stone-activated carbon …
- Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, Part of Lifestyle Factors Related to Growth Disorders in Childhood and Chronic Diseases in Adulthood
- endocrine disrupting chemicals Induced Childhood Obesity
- Public willingness to pay for endocrine disrupting chemicals-free labelling policy in Korea
- Monitoring of phenolic endocrine disrupting chemicals by direct acetylation method: Pollution status in Tokyo rivers in 2016–2019 and estimation of their sources
- Associated Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on Neuroendocrine Axes and Neurotransmitter Profile in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Condition
- Bioanalytical methodologies for clinical investigation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a comprehensive update
- Status quo of management of endocrine disrupting chemicals in abroad and corresponding strategies for China.
- Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) Fibers: In situ measurements of endocrine disrupting chemicals in seawater
- Research progress on the effects of pesticides endocrine disrupting chemicals on Anura amphibians
- Transcriptional changes caused by estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals in gonad-mesonephros complexes of genetic male Xenopus laevis: Multiple …
- Detection of multiple endocrine‐disrupting chemicals in milk: Improved and safe high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method
- Current state of knowledge on algae-mediated remediation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from wastewater
- Introduction to the special issue on endocrine disrupting chemicals and behavior
- … Precocious Puberty: Confirmed and Potential Neuroendocrine Genetic and Epigenetic Contributors and Their Interactions with endocrine disrupting chemicals …
- endocrine disrupting chemicals, 4‐nonylphenol, bisphenol A and butyl benzyl phthalate, impair metabolism of estradiol in male and female rats as assessed by levels …
- Sexual EDC-ucation: What we Have Learned About endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Reproduction
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in Cosmetics and Personal Care Products and Risk of Endometriosis
- Developmental toxicity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Challenges and future directions
- Environmental Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals Influences Genomic Imprinting, Growth, and Metabolism. Genes 2021, 12, 1153
- Possible mechanisms: hyperinsulinemia and endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Air Pollution and endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Development and effect of a behavior program for reducing exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals in unmarried women
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in clothing and cosmetics
- … -Risk Behavior toward endocrine–disrupting chemicals, Occupational Environments and Daily Habits Related to endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Development of …
- Predicting Potential endocrine disrupting chemicals Binding to Estrogen Receptor α (ERα) Using a Pipeline Combining Structure-Based and Ligand-Based in Silico …
- Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in utero and thyroid cancer risk in offspring–Authors’ reply
- Case study: reducing the impact of endocrine–disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on health in Belgium: Mutualités libres
- Prenatal exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and child behavior
- Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals Exposure on Reproduction and endocrine Functions Using the Zebrafish Model
- Impact of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Human Reproductive System: A Toxicological Perspective.
- Environmental endocrine–disrupting chemicals and human health.
- Human exposure to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals (S-EDCs) is generally negligible as compared to natural compounds with higher or comparable …
- Commentary: Assessing the endocrine disrupting effects of chemicals on invertebrates in the European Union
- endocrine disrupting chemicals differentially alter intranuclear dynamics and transcriptional activation of estrogen receptor-α
- The evidence base for the assessment of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: a comment on the EU criteria for pesticides and biocides
- Epigenetic Mechanisms of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Obesity. Biomedicines 2021, 9, 1716
- PI3K/Akt/mTOR signal pathway in endocrine disrupting chemicals-induced apoptosis and autophagy of thyroid follicular cells
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and their detection in an IVF laboratory
- Assessing the endocrine disrupting Effects of chemicals on Invertebrates in the European Union
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Introduction to the Theme.
- Research Progress on Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Lipid Metabolism of Organisms and Underlying Mechanisms
- Influences of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Pituitary Gonadotropins: A Review
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and Thyroid Cancer: An Overview. Toxics 2021, 9, 14
- A Study on the Relationship between Fatigue, Psychosocial Stress, and Behavior that Reduces endocrine disrupting chemicals Exposure in Infertile Males
- Fewer Kids: Not Always by Choice-the Link Between endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Female Reproductive Health
- Effects of indoor endocrine–disrupting chemicals on childhood rhinitis
- Calotropis Gigentea Mediated Cr2o3 Nanoparticles Synthesis And Application In Removal Of Microbial And endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in commercially available cling film brands in South Africa
- The Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Placental Development and Function
- An exploratory analysis of the current chemical regulations and guidelines from the perspective of endocrine disrupting chemicals using public resources
- Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on HPG Axis: A Reproductive endocrine Homeostasis
- SAT-723 Effects of organohalogenated endocrine disrupting chemicals on cell proliferation and gene expression in GH3 somatolactotropes
- Actions of endocrine disrupting chemicals on pancreatic beta cells and risk of diabetes mellitus
- Development of dot blot technique for detection of vitellogenin as a biomarker of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and their adverse health effects: A review of current knowledge and the Nigerian situation
- Parabens as endocrine disrupting chemicals and Their Association with Metabolic Disorders
- An assessment of the presence and health risks of endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the drinking water treatment plant of Wu Chang, China
- Epigenetic Reprogramming by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Effects of mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals–Thyroid disruption and behavioural effects in fish models
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Cosmetics
- A Cell-Based Method to Detect Agonist and Antagonist Activities of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on GPER
- A Tissue-and Species-Specific Meta-Analysis of Transcriptomic Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals and Association with Cardiometabolic Disorders
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals Role in Drug Abuser: A Review Study
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Occurrence and Exposure to the Human Being
- Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Cardiometabolic Disease: A Developmental Origins Approach
- Study on Distribution Characteristics of Comprehensive Hormonal Effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Branch of Xiaoqing River (Jinan Section)
- Human Health Consequences of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Metabolic syndrome and endocrine disrupting chemicals: exposure and health effects
- The Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Plants
- The Role of Metabolism in the Estrogenic Activity of endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- Effect of the Metabolic Modification of Environmental chemicals on endocrine–disrupting Activity
- An image based approach for predicting the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on human health using deep learning
- Systematic Review Methodologies and endocrine disrupting chemicals: Improving Evaluations of the Plastic Monomer Bisphenol A.
- Early-life exposure to potential endocrine disrupting chemicals and adverse developmental outcomes in Norwegian children
- Correction to Structures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals Determine Binding to and Activation of the Estrogen Receptor α and Androgen Receptor
- Rapid, High-Throughput Detection of endocrine disrupting chemicals Using Autobioluminescent Cellular Bioreporters
- Study of the associations between exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and endometriosis: an integrative approach
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and Personal Care Products: Risk Awareness and Exposure Assessment for Women’s Reproductive Health
- The Influence of Female University Students’ Life Style, Women’s Health Characteristics, and endocrine disrupting chemicals on Menstrual Symptoms
- Effects of phthalates, environmental endocrine disrupting chemicals, on the neurovascular unit in adult male mouse
- Endobolome, a new concept for determining the influence of microbiota disrupting chemicals (MDC) in relation to specific endocrine pathogenesis
- The toxic effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on gut microbiota: Bisphenol A (BPA). A review.
- Measures to curb endocrine–disrupting chemicals in the United States
- In Utero Exposure To endocrine disrupting chemicals, Micro-Rna Profiles, And Fetal Growth: A Pilot Study Protocol
- Erwandi Bin Mohamad Haron D. endocrine–disrupting chemicals Role in Drug Abuser: A Review Study
- Molecularly imprinted polymer sensor systems for environmental estrogenic endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Pearl River: Is There A Potential Hazard to Local Human Health?
- LC/LC-MS Methods for Detection of Multiple Pesticide Residues and endocrine disrupting chemicals: Effects of Ozonization on Degradation and Removal
- Issues for Hazard Characterization of endocrine disrupting chemicals: The Use of Adverse Outcome Pathways
- Review on the Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Dimerization of Nuclear Receptors
- Twenty-five years beyond” Our Stolen Future”: How did we progress as an international society on screening and regulating endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs)?
- Spatial distribution, ecological risk and industry-dependence of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Beijiang River, South China
- Recognition of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Behavior to Reduce Exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in Cooking Staff Working at Child Care Center …
- Methods to curb endocrine disrupting chemicals in Africa
- The effect of endocrine disrupting chemicals on myocardial fibrosis and related mechanism
- Wnt, BMP and Sox mediated gene dysregulationvia endocrine disrupting chemicals BPA and BPS; studies in neurogenesis and alteration in brain activity: A review
- Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals on Penile Tissue Development, Histoarchitecture, and Erectile Physiology
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Their Effects on Reproductive and Neurobiological Health
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: Brain–Behavior Effects on Thyroid and Sexual Differentiation
- The Associations of endocrine–disrupting chemicals, the Gut Microbiome, and Breast Density in a Cohort of Adolescent Girls in Santiago, Chile
- Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals Exposure in Sea Bass (Lates calcarifer) and Wild Fishes Using Vitellogenin as a Biomarker.
- How to reduce fear, risk, and uncertainty in scientific knowledge? Risk communication of endocrine–disrupting chemicals: surveying the general public …
- Influencing Factors of Behavior for Reducing Exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals and Demand for Related Education
- Fate of the face masks in the environment affect human and wildlife: tons of face masks are new source for the endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Determination of endocrine disrupting chemicals in water and wastewater in Saskatchewan
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and Their Use in Textile Industry
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Sources, Effects And Treatments
- Occurrence Characteristics and Health Risk Assessment of endocrine disrupting chemicals in Groundwater in Wuxi-Changzhou
- Investigating endocrine disrupting chemicals and reproductive disorders in Australia
- Molecularly imprinting polymer sensor for the detection of testosterone and endocrine disrupting chemicals in environmental and biomedical applications
- Bioavailability and impact of sediment-bound endocrine disrupting chemicals on fish in context of flood events
- Removal of endocrine–disrupting chemicals from textile industry effluents by nanofiltration
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals alter embryonic brain development and adult neurobehavioral phenotypes
- endocrine disrupting chemicals related to Metabolic Diseases and its Influence
- endocrine disrupting chemicals in cotton lingerie
- endocrine disrupting chemicals exposure impact in C57BL/6J mice reproductive performance and morphology
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: An Occult Mediator of Metabolic
- Corrigendum to’Refinement of an OECD test guideline for evaluating the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on aromatase gene expression and reproduction …
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals: scientific, economic, regulatory, and policy implications
- Correction to: endocrine disrupting chemicals-induced Metabolic Disorders and Treatment Strategies
- Novel Genome-Edited Zebrafish Models for Screening Environmental Estrogenic endocrine–disrupting chemicals (e-EDCs) and Understanding Their Action …
- Investigation of Retinoid X Receptor Isoform Expression in Eastern Mud Snails (Tritia obsoleta) Exposed to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Developmental Misprogramming of Metabolism by endocrine–disrupting chemicals: A Focus on the Glucocorticoid Receptor-Modulating Fungicide Tolylfluanid
- Prenatal exposure to mixtures of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and autism spectrum disorder
- Knowledge, attitude and practice towards endocrine disrupting chemicals in related to the use of selected food contact materials among adolescents
- The effects of exposure to endocrine–disrupting chemicals in intrauterine life on thyroid function tests during the neonatal period
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals
- … Repairing Effect of Γ-Oryzanol on the Ovarian Histological Structure of Transfluthrin-Exposed Female Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) from endocrine–disrupting chemicals …
- A fine kettle of fish: marine fish consumption, endocrine disrupting chemicals and thyroid hormones in rural Newfoundland
- An exploratory analysis of the current chemical regulations and guidelines from the perspective of endocrine disrupting chemicals using public resources
- Prenatal exposure to lipophilic endocrine–disrupting chemicals and liver injury in children using chemical mixture approaches
- Public awareness and risk perceptions of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Identifying patterns in environmental mixtures: a Bayesian approach and application to endocrine disrupting chemicals
- The effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) on the native Australian fish Murray River rainbow fish (Melanotaenia fluviatilis)
- Analysis of DNA methylation changes and behavioural outcomes in adulthood induced by prenatal exposure to a mixture of endocrine disrupting chemicals
- endocrine disrupting chemicals Alter Gene Expression in Two Aquatic Model Organisms: Detection of the Estrogenic Properties of Water
- In vitro study of the impacts of exposure to mixtures of endocrine disrupting chemicals on the aryl hydrocarbon and steroid receptor transcriptional activity
- endocrine disrupting chemicals: Identifying Reproductive Toxic Effects and Disease of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Male Spermatogenesis
- Retraction: Biodegradation of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Residual Organic Pollutants of Pulp and Paper Mill Effluent by Biostimulation
- A Study of Consumer Perceptions of the Possible Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Prepubescent Development
- Seasonal distribution, risks, and sources of endocrine disrupting chemicals in coastal waters: Will these emerging contaminants pose potential risks in marine …
- Gender-Dependent Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on Retinoic Acid-Related Orphan Receptor Alpha [RORA] and Aromatase Genes on Human …
- The Behavioral Effects of endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Sexual Aggression
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and Health Effects
- endocrine–disrupting chemicals and Female Fertility
- endocrine disrupting chemicals and COVID-19 relationships: 1 biology approach 2
- Evaluation of the endocrine disrupting Potential of