March 31, 2021
March 31, 2021- Nutritional ergogenic aids
- ergogenic aids
- Popular sports supplements and ergogenic aids
- ergogenic and ergolytic substances.
- ergogenic effects of sodium bicarbonate
- Use of ergogenic aids by athletes
- Popular ergogenic drugs and supplements in young athletes
- Effective nutritional ergogenic aids
- ergogenic aids: a review of basic science, performance, side effects, and status in sports
- Creatine and its application as an ergogenic aid
- L-Arginine as a potential ergogenic aidin healthy subjects
- The use of carbohydrates during exercise as an ergogenic aid
- ergogenic aids: counseling the athlete
- Evaluation of the ergogenic properties of ginseng
- Caffeinated sports drink: ergogenic effects and possible mechanisms
- Caffeine as an ergogenic aid
- Can taste be ergogenic?
- The ergogenic potential of arginine
- Nutritional ergogenic aids and exercise performance
- Effect of caffeine on the neuromuscular system—potential as an ergogenic aid
- Evaluation of the ergogenic properties of ginseng
- The top‐down influence of ergogenic placebos on muscle work and fatigue
- ergogenic effects of low doses of caffeine on cycling performance
- “Because I know it will!”: placebo effects of an ergogenic aid on athletic performance
- Nutrients as ergogenic aids for sports and exercise
- Iron as an ergogenic aid: ironclad evidence?
- The effect of caffeine as an ergogenic aid in anaerobic exercise
- Training practices and ergogenic aids used by male bodybuilders
- Caffeine counteracts the ergogenic action of muscle creatine loading
- Potential ergogenic effects of arginine and creatine supplementation
- Sodium bicarbonate and sodium citrate: ergogenic aids?
- Psychophysical and ergogenic effects of synchronous music during treadmill walking
- Caffeine’s ergogenic Effects on Cycling: Neuromuscular and Perceptual Factors.
- Plausible ergogenic effects of vitamin D on athletic performance and recovery
- Recent developments in the use of sodium bicarbonate as an ergogenic aid
- Anabolic ergogenic substance users in fitness-sports: a distinct group supported by the health care system
- The influence of a CYP1A2 polymorphism on the ergogenic effects of caffeine
- Positive and negative placebo effects resulting from the deceptive administration of an ergogenic aid
- Facts and fallacies of purported ergogenic amino acid supplements
- Effects of L-carnitine on obesity, diabetes, and as an ergogenic aid.
- Is ginseng an ergogenic aid?
- ergogenic and psychological effects of synchronous music during circuit-type exercise
- Psychological, psychophysical, and ergogenic effects of music in swimming
- Sports pharmacology and ergogenic aids.
- No ergogenic effect of ginseng ingestion
- Creatine supplementation as an ergogenic aid for sports performance in highly trained athletes: a critical review
- The use of nutritional ergogenic aids in sports: is it an ethical issue?
- Creatine supplementation: analysis of ergogenic value, medical safety, and concerns
- ergogenic effects of betaine supplementation on strength and power performance
- The ergogenic effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on exercise performance
- Doping in sport and exercise: anabolic, ergogenic, health and clinical issues
- A systematic review of the efficacy of ergogenic aids for improving running performance
- Could intramuscular storage of dietary nitrate contribute to its ergogenic effect? A mini-review
- Caffeine is ergogenic after supplementation of oral creatine monohydrate
- Nutritional supplements and ergogenic AIDS
- ADOR2A C allele carriers exhibit ergogenic responses to caffeine supplementation
- Dietary quercetin supplementation is not ergogenic in untrained men
- Cannabidiol in sport: ergogenic or else?
- Health and ergogenic effects of caffeine.
- Potential ergogenic activity of grape juice in runners
- Creatine: a dietary supplement and ergogenic aid
- Pseudoephedrine is without ergogenic effects during prolonged exercise
- Does caffeine added to carbohydrate provide additional ergogenic benefit for endurance?
- Bicarbonate ingestion has no ergogenic effect on consecutive all out sprint tests in BMX elite cyclists
- Sodium bicarbonate can be used as an ergogenic aid in high-intensity, competitive cycle ergometry of 1 h duration
- Does Rhodiola rosea possess ergogenic properties?
- ergogenic effects of creatine in sports and rehabilitation
- Controversies of antioxidant vitamins supplementation in exercise: ergogenic or ergolytic effects in humans?
- Timing of ergogenic aids and micronutrients on muscle and exercise performance
- The effects of ergogenic compounds on myogenic satellite cells
- Nutritional ergogenic aids in racquet sports: A systematic review
- ergogenic Aids What Athletes Are Using—and Why
- Respiratory muscle training as an ergogenic aid
- ergogenic effect of nitrate supplementation: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Menthol: a fresh ergogenic aid for athletic performance
- Effectiveness of psycho-physiological portable devices to analyse effect of ergogenic aids in military population
- Prevalence of the use of effective ergogenic aids among professional athletes
- No ergogenic effects of ginseng (Panax ginseng CA Meyer) during graded maximal aerobic exercise
- Do inhaled B2-agonists have an ergogenic potential in non-asthmatic competitive athletes?
- High school athletes and the use of ergogenic aids
- Hydrogen gas: from clinical medicine to an emerging ergogenic molecule for sports athletes
- More research is necessary to establish the ergogenic effect of caffeine in female athletes
- Sodium phosphate as an ergogenic aid
- The impact of prior coffee consumption on the subsequent ergogenic effect of anhydrous caffeine
- Use of nutritional supplements and ergogenic aids in professional tennis players
- Arginine and citrulline supplementation in sports and exercise: ergogenic nutrients?
- ergogenic drugs in sports
- In vitro and in vivo functional characterization of essence of chicken as an ergogenic aid
- Effects of coenzyme athletic performance system as an ergogenic aid on endurance performance to exhaustion
- Ischemic preconditioning and exercise performance: an ergogenic aid for whom?
- Potential ergogenic effects of L-arginine against oxidative and inflammatory stress induced by acute exercise in aging rats
- Importance of airflow for physiologic and ergogenic effects of precooling
- Women experience the same ergogenic response to caffeine as men
- Associations between ergogenic supplement use and eating behaviors among university students
- ergogenic effects of caffeine on peak aerobic cycling power during the menstrual cycle
- Bicarbonate unlocks the ergogenic action of ketone monoester intake in endurance exercise
- Adverse cardiovascular effects from the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids as ergogenic resources
- Can β2-agonists have an ergogenic effect on strength, sprint or power performance? Systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs
- ergogenic properties of ketogenic diets in normal-weight individuals: a systematic review
- The ergogenic effect of beta-alanine combined with sodium bicarbonate on high-intensity swimming performance
- Neuronal adenosine A 2A receptors signal ergogenic effects of caffeine
- Blood volume, aerobic power, and endurance performance: potential ergogenic effect of volume loading
- Sodium bicarbonate-a potent ergogenic aid?
- Dietary nitrate supplementation in cardiovascular health: an ergogenic aid or exercise therapeutic?
- ergogenic effect of acupuncture in sport and exercise: a brief review
- Probiotic supplementation in sports and physical exercise: Does it present any ergogenic effect?
- Oxygen manipulation as an ergogenic aid.
- Ginger (Zingiber officinale) as an analgesic and ergogenic aid in sport: a systemic review
- L-carnitine as an ergogenic aid for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease submitted to whole-body and respiratory muscle training programs
- ergogenic aids and supplements
- Are there non-responders to the ergogenic effects of caffeine ingestion on exercise performance?
- Metabolic and ergogenic effects of carbohydrate and caffeine beverages in tennis
- Physiological and pharmacological basis for the ergogenic effects of growth hormone in elite sports
- ergogenic effects of β-alanine and carnosine: proposed future research to quantify their efficacy
- Caffeine Is ergogenic for Adenosine A2A Receptor Gene (ADORA2A) T Allele Homozygotes: A Pilot Study
- Challenging the myth of non-response to the ergogenic effects of caffeine ingestion on exercise performance
- Potential ergogenic effects of saffron
- Nutritional ergogenic aids in Tennis: a brief review
- Recreational and ergogenic substance use and substance use disorders in elite athletes: a narrative review
- Inconsistency in the ergogenic effect of caffeine in athletes who regularly consume caffeine: Is it due to the disparity in the criteria that defines habitual caffeine intake?
- Evidence on ergogenic action of glucocorticoids as a doping agent risk
- ergogenic Effects of β-Alanine Supplementation on Different Sports Modalities: Strong Evidence or Only Incipient Findings?
- ergogenic supplements and health risk behaviors
- Recent advancements in our understanding of the ergogenic effect of respiratory muscle training in healthy humans: a systematic review
- Nutrition, hydration and ergogenic aids strategies in ultraendurance mountain events
- Effect of caffeine as an ergogenic aid during anaerobic exercise performance in caffeine naive collegiate football players
- Dietary carbohydrate as an ergogenic aid for prolonged and brief competitions in sport
- Co-ingestion of nutritional ergogenic aids and high-intensity exercise performance
- Is salmeterol ergogenic?
- The effect of CYP1A2 genotype on the ergogenic properties of caffeine during resistance exercise: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study
- Is tDCS an adjunct ergogenic resource for improving muscular strength and endurance performance? A systematic review
- Effects of CYP1A2 and ADORA2A genotypes on the ergogenic response to caffeine in professional handball players
- Capsaicinoid and Capsinoids as an ergogenic Aid: A Systematic Review and the Potential Mechanisms Involved
- Physiological basis behind ergogenic effects of anabolic androgens
- Menthol as an ergogenic aid for the Tokyo 2021 Olympic Games: An expert-led consensus statement using the modified Delphi method
- athletic ergogenic aids
- ergogenic effects of precooling with cold water immersion and ice ingestion: A meta-analysis
- Exploring the potential ergogenic effects of glycerol hyperhydration
- Heat acclimation improves intermittent sprinting in the heat but additional pre-cooling offers no further ergogenic effect
- Evaluation of the ergogenic potential of noni juice
- ergogenic potential of nutritional strategies and substances in the horse
- ergogenic aids in aerobic activity.
- Caffeine supplementation: ergogenic in both high and low caffeine responders
- Melatonin has an ergogenic effect but does not prevent inflammation and damage in exhaustive exercise
- Are low doses of caffeine as ergogenic as higher doses? A critical review highlighting the need for comparison with current best practice in caffeine research
- ergogenic aids: evaluating sport nutrition products
- CYP1A2 genotype and acute ergogenic effects of caffeine intake on exercise performance: A systematic review
- The mechanistic and ergogenic effects of phosphatidic acid in skeletal muscle
- Automated recognition of ergogenic aids using Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy (SIMCA)
- In vivo ergogenic properties of the bifidobacterium longum olp-01 isolated from a weightlifting gold medalist
- The ergogenic effect of recombinant human erythropoietin on VO 2 max depends on the severity of arterial hypoxemia
- Antioxidants, carnitine, and choline as putative ergogenic aids
- Could small-diameter muscle afferents be responsible for the ergogenic effect of limb ischemic preconditioning?
- Increasing vegetable intake to obtain the health promoting and ergogenic effects of dietary nitrate
- The ergogenic effect of long-term use of high dose salbutamol
- LED therapy or cryotherapy between exercise intervals in Wistar rats: anti-inflammatory and ergogenic effects
- Reducing the dose of combined caffeine and ephedrine preserves the ergogenic effect
- Current popular ergogenic aids used in sports: a critical review
- The growing trend of ergogenic drugs and supplements
- Other ergogenic agents
- The efficacy of ergogenic agents in athletic competition: part II: Other performance-enhancing agents
- Taurine: a potential ergogenic aid for preventing muscle damage and protein catabolism and decreasing oxidative stress produced by endurance exercise
- ergogenic effects of quercetin supplementation in trained rats
- Ergolytic/ergogenic effects of creatine on aerobic power
- Ephedrine and other stimulants as ergogenic aids
- Effects of ribose as an ergogenic aid
- All in the mind? Pain, placebo effect, and ergogenic effect of caffeine in sports performance
- ergogenic effects of 8 Days of sceletium tortuosum supplementation on mood, visual tracking, and reaction in recreationally trained men and women
- ergogenic potential of foods for performance and recovery: a new alternative in sports supplementation? A systematic review
- ergogenic effects of inhaled β2-agonists in non-asthmatic athletes
- Melatonin is an ergogenic aid for exhaustive aerobic exercise only during the wakefulness period
- The effect of ergogenic substances over sports performance
- Review ergogenic effect of long jack, Eurycoma Longifolia
- Caffeine supplementation is ergogenic in soccer players independent of cardiorespiratory or neuromuscular fitness levels
- American College of Sports Medicine position stand. The use of blood doping as an ergogenic aid.
- Introduction–creatine: cheap ergogenic supplement with great potential for health and disease
- The ergogenic impact of the glucocorticoid prednisolone does not translate into increased running motivation in mice
- Beet root juice: an ergogenic aid for exercise and the aging brain
- ergogenic dietary aids for the elderly
- The neurobiology of placebo effects in sports: EEG frontal alpha asymmetry increases in response to a placebo ergogenic aid
- Aspartate as an ergogenic supplement
- Swimming in warm water is ineffective in heat acclimation and is non‐ergogenic for swimmers
- Similar ergogenic effect of caffeine on anaerobic performance in men and women athletes
- An Alternative Enzymatic Route to the ergogenic Ketone Body Ester (R)-3-Hydroxybutyl (R)-3-Hydroxybutyrate
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 22
- No thermoregulatory or ergogenic effect of dietary nitrate among physically inactive males, exercising above gas exchange threshold in hot and dry conditions
- Anabolic steroids and ergogenic aids.
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: part 15
- No ergogenic effects of a 10-day combined heat and hypoxic acclimation on aerobic performance in normoxic thermoneutral or hot conditions
- ergogenic demands of a 24 hour cycling event.
- ergogenic aids: human growth hormone
- ergogenic effects of beetroot juice supplementation during severe-intensity exercise in obese adolescents
- The efficacy of ergogenic agents in athletic competition Part I: Androgenic-anabolic steroids
- ergogenic effect of hyperoxic recovery in elite swimmers performing high‐intensity intervals
- Acute Formoterol Administration has no ergogenic Effect in Non-Asthmatic Athletes
- The influence of nutritional ergogenic aids on exercise heat tolerance and hydration status
- The use of ergogenic agents in high school athletes
- Nutritional ergogenic aids
- Role of l-carnitine in sports performance: Focus on ergogenic aid and antioxidant
- Does photobiomodulation therapy combined to static magnetic field (PBMT-sMF) promote ergogenic effects even when the exercised muscle group is not …
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 11
- ergogenic Effect of BCAAs and L-Alanine Supplementation: Proof-of-Concept Study in a Murine Model of Physiological Exercise
- “Aretism” and Pharmacological ergogenic Aids in Sport: Taking a Shot at the Use of Steroids
- The physiological and pharmacological basis for the ergogenic effects of androgens in elite sports
- Is salbutamol ergogenic?: The effects of salbutamol on physical performance in high-performance nonasthmatic athletes
- ergogenic properties of metformin in simulated high altitude
- BJSM reviews: A–Z of supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 1
- Brief muscle hypoperfusion/hyperemia: an ergogenic aid?
- Exercise after acute hyperbaric oxygenation: is there an ergogenic effect?
- ergogenic aids: an update on ephedra
- Predicting the ergogenic response to methylphenidate
- Likely additive ergogenic effects of combined preexercise dietary nitrate and caffeine ingestion in trained cyclists
- Caffeine: The forgotten ergogenic aid
- Infographic. The road to the ergogenic effect of caffeine on exercise performance
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: Part 48
- The ergogenic effect of amphetamine
- Is human growth hormone an ergogenic aid?
- ergogenic effect of dietary L-carnitine and fat supplementation against exercise induced physical fatigue in Wistar rats
- Dietary Supplementation in Sport and Exercise: Evidence, Safety and ergogenic Benefits
- ergogenic and Physiological Outcomes Derived From a Novel Skin Cooling Device
- ergogenic aids.
- ergogenic Aids: A Means to Citius, Altius, Fortius, and Olympic Gold?
- BJSM reviews: A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 6
- ergogenic aids and the limits of human performance in sport: Ethical issues, aesthetic considerations
- Use of oral creatine as an ergogenic aid for increased sports performance: perceptions of adolescent athletes
- Low dose exogenous erythropoietin elicits an ergogenic effect in standardbred horses
- ergogenic effects of caffeine and sodium bicarbonate supplementation on intermittent exercise performance preceded by intense arm cranking exercise
- Vitamin C as an ergogenic aid
- BJSM reviews: A to Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 18
- ergogenic and metabolic effects of oral glucocorticoid intake during repeated bouts of high-intensity exercise
- ergogenic effects of caffeine on simulated time-trial performance are independent of fitness level
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 33
- Chapter 1 – The psychological, psychophysical and ergogenic effects of music in sport: A review and synthesis: Chapter taken from Sporting Sounds ISBN: 978-0-203 …
- Detection of DNA-recombinant human epoetin-alfa as a pharmacological ergogenic aid
- Elite Special Forces: Physiological Description and ergogenic Influence of Blood Infusion
- Legal ergogenic aids?
- Health and ergogenic potential of oral adenosine-5′-triphosphate (ATP) supplementation
- Assessment of the ergogenic effect of caffeine supplementation on mood, anticipation timing, and muscular strength in older adults
- ergogenic aids in athletics
- Application of Molecular Hydrogen as an Antioxidant in Responses to Ventilatory and ergogenic Adjustments during Incremental Exercise in Humans
- ergogenic, anti-diabetic and antioxidant attributes of selected Malaysian herbs: characterisation of flavonoids and correlation of functional activities.
- A2 milk enhances dynamic muscle function following repeated sprint exercise, a possible ergogenic aid for A1-protein intolerant athletes?
- Assessment of the ergogenic properties of creatine using an intermittent exercise protocol
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance–Part 34
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 27
- Anabolic-androgenic steroids and testosterone precursors: ergogenic aids and sport
- ergogenic Attributes of Young and Mature Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Water Based on Physical Properties, Sugars and Electrolytes Contents
- ergogenic AIDS: Deceptive tactics used in marketing purported ergogenic aids
- Human growth hormone: the latest ergogenic aid?
- Metabolomics approach to investigate the ergogenic effect of Morinda citrifolia L. leaf extract on obese Sprague Dawley rats
- Nutritional ergogenic aids and athletic performance
- Protein and miscellaneous ergogenic aids
- A Matter of Degrees: A Systematic Review of the ergogenic Effect of Pre-Cooling in Highly Trained Athletes
- ergogenic effect of pre-exercise chicken broth ingestion on a high-intensity cycling time-trial
- Nutritional ergogenic aids: chromium, exercise, and muscle mass.
- ergogenic effect of music during running performance
- Time Course and Magnitude of Tolerance to the ergogenic Effect of Caffeine on the Second Ventilatory Threshold
- Examination of Attitudes of Sports Science Faculty Students about Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks and ergogenic Substances.
- Acute supra-therapeutic oral terbutaline administration has no ergogenic effect in non-asthmatic athletes
- BJSM reviews: A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 3
- Studies concerning the ergogenic value of protein supply and 1-carnitine in elite junior cyclists.
- ergogenic aids: powders, pills and potions to enhance performance
- The ergogenic supplement β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB) attenuates insulin resistance through suppressing GLUT-2 in rat liver
- ergogenic effect of varied doses of coffee-caffeine on maximal aerobic power of young African subjects
- Increasing effort without noticing: A randomized controlled pilot study about the ergogenic placebo effect in endurance athletes and the role of supplement …
- The ergogenic effect of elastic therapeutic tape on stride and step length in fatigued runners
- Drugs and ergogenic aids to improve sport performance
- Red ginseng as an ergogenic aid: a systematic review of clinical trials
- The ergogenic potency of carbohydrate mouth rinse on endurance running performance of dehydrated athletes
- BJSM reviews: A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 16
- The adolescent athlete and ergogenic aids
- BJSM reviews: A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 4
- ergogenic effects of Tribulus terrestris supplementation in men
- The ergogenic effects of supplemental nutritional aids on anaerobic performance in female athletes
- Does sodium citrate cause the same ergogenic effect as sodium bicarbonate on swimming performance?
- Supplements and ergogenic aids
- ergogenic Effects of Caffeine Consumption in a 3-min All-Out Arm Crank Test in Paraplegic and Tetraplegic Compared With Able-Bodied Individuals
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance–Part 20
- Emerging ergogenic aids for endurance activity and weight loss
- Caffeine supplementation as an ergogenic aid for muscular strength and endurance: a recommendation for coaches and athletes
- ergogenic effects of lifting straps on movement velocity, grip strength, perceived exertion and grip security during the deadlift exercise
- Efficacy of nutritional ergogenic aids in hot environments
- Evaluation of ergogenic matter and doping usage knowledge of Turkish national athletes
- Is Open-Label Placebo a New ergogenic Aid? A Commentary on Existing Studies and Guidelines for Future Research
- Energy drinks: ergolytic or ergogenic?
- A to Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 21
- BJSM reviews: A–Z of supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 2
- Liquid chromatography-quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometric method for targeted analysis of 111 nitrogen-based compounds in weight loss and ergogenic …
- Improved swimming pool achieves higher reproducibility and sensitivity to effect of food components as ergogenic aids
- ergogenic Effects of Bihemispheric Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Fitness: a Randomized Cross-over Trial
- Ingestion of Carbohydrate Prior to and during Maximal, Sprint Interval Cycling Has No ergogenic Effect: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo Controlled, Crossover …
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: part 24
- Carnitine as an ergogenic aid in health and disease
- Thirty years of investigation on the ergogenic effects of sodium citrate: is it time for a fresh start?
- Vitamins and Minerais as ergogenic Aids
- Caffeine supplementation for 4 days does not induce tolerance to the ergogenic effects promoted by acute intake on physiological, metabolic, and performance …
- Behavioral and psychological factors related to the use of nutritional ergogenic aids among preadolescents
- Implementation of the ergogenic action of antioxidative agents
- Growth hormone and the adolescent athlete: What are the data for its safety and efficacy as an ergogenic agent?
- ACSM position stand: The use of blood doping as an ergogenic aid
- Minerals as ergogenic aids
- Use of β-Alanine as an ergogenic Aid
- Athletes using ergogenic and medical sport supplements report more favourable attitudes to doping than non-users
- BJSM reviews: A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 8
- ergogenic substance in body building athletes: prevalence, cognitive and awareness of about their side effects
- Heavy resistance training and peri-exercise ingestion of a multi-ingredient ergogenic nutritional supplement in males: effects on body composition, muscle …
- Melatonin as an ergogenic aid
- Introduction to ergogenic Aids
- Potential therapeutic implications of ergogenic compounds on pathophysiology induced by traumatic brain injury: A narrative review
- … of the Brazilian Society of Sports Medicine: dietary changes, fluid replacement, food supplements and drugs: demonstration of ergogenic action and potential …
- ergogenic effect of glycine and niacin separately and in combination
- Emerging ergogenic aids for strength/power development
- Preparing community educational presentations on ergogenic drug use
- Creatine as an ergogenic aid for female athletes
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: part 39
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 37
- ergogenic aids in work and sports
- ergogenic effect of inhaled β2-agonists in asthmatics
- Does medium chain triglyceride play an ergogenic role in endurance exercise performance?
- Anabolic Steroid and ergogenic Drug Use by Adolescents.
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—part 10
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance–Part 28
- Concurrent activation potentiation-inconsequential event or viable ergogenic strategy
- Differential manifestation of cardiovascular complaints as a function of utilization of ergogenic supplements
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 9
- BJSM reviews: A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance. Part 17
- The ergogenic effect of blood doping
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 29
- The Physiological and ergogenic Effects of Khat (Catha edulis Forsk) Extract
- Caffeine as an ergogenic aid
- Prevalence of ergogenic substances use and athletes’ knowledge of effects and side effects of them in Lorestan province, western part of Iran
- The facts about ergogenic aids and sports performance
- Non-nutrients in sports nutrition: Fluids, electrolytes, and ergogenic aids
- BJSM reviews: A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 5
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—part 12
- A to Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 32
- A to Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 31
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: part 42
- ergogenic aids for athletes
- ergogenic-supplementation-caffeine-and-physical-exercise
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: Part 38
- Tamoxifen as an ergogenic agent in women body builders
- Microsite conditions influence nutritive value characteristics of a tall fescue cultivar devoid of, or infected with a native, or a novel non-ergogenic endophyte
- Muscle dysmorphia and the use of ergogenic supplements in athletes.
- Use of caffeinated chewing gum as an ergogenic aid
- ergogenic aids as a means for increasing athlete working capacity in the high altitude environment.
- ergogenic aids in the performance horse
- ergogenic aids: Elevate health risks in young athletes
- Anabolic Steriod and Human Growth Hormone Abuse: Creating an Effective and Equitable ergogenic Drug Policy
- Systematic and critical evaluation of benefits and possible risks of nutritional ergogenic aids
- Capsaicinoid and Capsinoids as an ergogenic Aid: A Systematic Review and the Potential Mechanisms Involved.
- Are the ergogenic effects of photobiomodulation therapy age-dependent? A randomized double-blinded placebo-controlled trial
- The ergogenic activity of cider vinegar: A randomized cross-over, double-blind, clinical trial
- ergogenic aids and the female athlete
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 26
- Incorrect calculation of power outputs masks the ergogenic capacity of creatine supplementation
- Controlling lipogenesis and thermogenesis and the use of ergogenic aids for weight control
- Response to “are there non-responders to the ergogenic 3 effects of caffeine ingestion on exercise performance?”
- Hormonal ergogenic aids
- Overview of ergogenic properties of hypnosis
- BJSM reviews: A—Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 7
- Does Caffeine ingestion prior to high intensity exercise act as an ergogenic aid in sporting performance in male athletes?
- Creatine: The ergogenic/anabolic supplement
- SierraSil as an ergogenic aid to performance in athletes.
- Pheromones: a new ergogenic aid in sport?
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 23
- Refining Music Tempo For An ergogenic Effect On Stationary Cycling Exercise1
- What are the ergogenic effects of music during exercise?
- Montelukast has no ergogenic effect on cycle ergometry in cold temperature.
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 13
- Banned performance enhancing ergogenic aids in children and adolescent athletes
- ergogenic Effect of Cervi Cornu and CoenzymeQ10 Complex
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: Part 46
- Dietary supplements and nutritional ergogenic aids use in judo athletes
- ergogenic AIDS: Physiology of nutritional supplementsChromium picolinate and vanadyl sulfate
- Music ergogenic effect on strength performance: randomized clinical test
- The efficacy of rooibos Aspalathus linearis as an ergogenic aid during exercise
- Prediction of ergogenic Mouthguard Effects in Volleyball: A Pilot Trial
- Erratum to: The influence of a CYP1A2 polymorphism on the ergogenic effects of caffeine
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: Part 40
- Beyond testing: Cognitive moral reasoning and ergogenic aids in sport
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: Part 43
- Nutritional ergogenic aids: introduction, definitions and regulatory issues.
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance Part 14
- Is peppermint an ergogenic Aid to athletic performance?
- ergogenic effect of a caffeinated sports drink on performance in soccer specific abilities tests
- LITERATURE REVIEW: Human Growth HormonePhysiological Functions and ergogenic Efficacy
- Nutritional supplements, ergogenic aids, and herbals
- Evaluation of the efficacy of lactigo™ topical gel as an ergogenic aid
- ergogenic effects of caffeine. A concise review.
- Medicolegal issues and ergogenic aids: trade, tragedy, and public safety, the example of Ephedra and the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act
- Androstenedione: Physical and ethical considerations relative to its use as an ergogenic aid
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 19
- ergogenic aids to performance in the race horse: nutrients or drugs
- ergogenic sport supplements for athletes
- Phosphatidylserine: a new ergogenic aid?
- Potential pitfalls when investigating the ergogenic effects of caffeine in mice
- The effectiveness of acute hyperoxia as an ergogenic aid for resistance exercise
- Can pregnancy be an ergogenic aid to athletic performance?: a review
- Do ergogenic AIDS alter lower extremity joint alignment during a functional movement lunge prior to and following an exercise bout?
- ergogenic efficacy of honey based sports drink during a simulated 56 mile cycling time trial
- Temporal analysis of the ergogenic effect of asynchronous music on exercise
- Commentaries on Viewpoint: Could small-diameter muscle afferents be responsible for the ergogenic effect of limb ischemic preconditioning?
- Optimizing the ergogenic Use of Ischemic Preconditioning
- Myogenic satellite cell proliferative and differentiative responses to components of common oral ergogenic supplements
- Dietary supplements and nutritional ergogenic aids
- Nutritional supplements as ergogenic aids
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: Part 41
- The widespread consume of ergogenic supplements in strength training practitioners
- Psychophysiological and ergogenic effects of music in swimming
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance—Part 30
- ergogenic aids, doping, and anti‐doping
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance–Part 25
- ergogenic AIDS: ergogenic aidsclenbuterol, Ma Huang, caffeine, L-carnitine and growth hormone releasers
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: Part 44
- ergogenic capacity of a 7-Chinese traditional medicine extract in aged mice
- Saengmaeg-san as an ergogenic aid: improving exercise performance
- Does caffeine have an ergogenic effect on sports-specific agility in competitive male racquet sport players?
- Nonplacebo Controls to Determine the Magnitude of ergogenic Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
- ergogenic aids and the female athlete
- Application of Molecular Hydrogen as an Antioxidant in Responses to Ventilatory and ergogenic Adjustments during Incremental Exercise in Humans
- ergogenic effect of a traditional natural powder: ghavoot
- Nutrition and ergogenic aids prescription for competitive athletes
- ergogenic Effect of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation During Rest and Submaximal Exercise
- A critical examination of the ergogenic/therapeutic effects of supplementation to increase nitric oxide bioavailability.
- athletic performance: Drugs and ergogenic Aids
- The ergogenic Effects of Oxygen Supplementation on Cycling performance
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: Part 45
- ergogenic aids: A review of basic science, performance, side effects, and status in sports
- The ergogenic Effect of Caffeine on Cycling Time Trial performance is not Influenced by a Common Polymorphism in the ADORA2a Gene in Male Cyclists: A Pilot …
- Use of ergogenic aids among athletes in Maiduguri, Nigeria
- Nutrition and ergogenic aids
- Exercise physiologists should not recommend the use of ephedrine and related compounds as ergogenic aids or stimulants for increased weight loss
- ergogenic Effects of Photobiomodulation on performance in the 30-Second Wingate Test: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Crossover Study.
- Vitamin D and Physical performance: What Is the ergogenic Actions of Vitamin D?
- Caffeine Potentiates the ergogenic Effects of Creatine.
- Practices of nutritional ergogenic aids usage by elite bodybuilders and weight lifters
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: Part 36
- Use of ergogenic supplements by young athletes in a sports specialized school
- Beta-Alanine: the new kid on the ergogenic block
- Safety and ergogenic properties of combined aminophylline and ambrisentan in hypoxia
- Studies concerning the ergogenic value of Cantamega-2000 supply in top junior cyclists.
- Peppermint Odor and athletic performance: An ergogenic Aid or An Expectancy Effect?
- Sports nutrition and ergogenic aids
- Assessment of the effectiveness of a sublingual, ergogenic spray on muscle strength and power
- The effect of ergogenic supplements and mediterranean diet on cycling performance. Differences according to duration and intensity.
- Comparative analysis of ergogenic efficacy of energy drinks components (caffeine and bitter orange extract) in combination with alcohol
- The question of ergogenic potential of the Paleolithic diet.
- ergogenic effects of an epidural neuroprosthesis in one individual with spinal cord injury
- Verification of efficacy as an ergogenic aid and safety in doping of sibjeondaebo-tang
- Vitamin C as an ergogenic Aid
- Nutritional ergogenic aids: separating fact from fiction
- ergogenic Effects on Speed and performance
- Get More Gains with ergogenic Aids
- ergogenic Dietary Supplements: Uses and Evaluation Thereof from a Biochemical Perspective
- ergogenic aids in sport
- Panax ginseng and ergogenic Profile: Randomized, Placebo Controlled Study
- Nutritional ergogenic aids for weight loss and performance enhancement; from myth to document.
- The effectiveness of sodium bicarbonate as an ergogenic aid in normoxia and hypoxia: the importance of ingestion dose and timing
- ergogenic Foods for performance and Health
- Dairy milk as an ergogenic aid: assessing athletic performance and perceptions
- The ergogenic Potentials of Nutraceutical Amino Acids: a Review
- β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate (HMB) as an ergogenic Aid in Sport
- Factors that influence the knowledge and use of dietary supplements and ergogenic aids by college student-athletes
- ergogenic THERAPY AND
- 17 Nutrition, energy metabolism, and ergogenic supplements
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance: Part 47
- A–Z of nutritional supplements: dietary supplements, sports nutrition foods and ergogenic aids for health and performance–Part 35
- Biomechanics as an ergogenic aid in strength training
- Testing Possible ergogenic Aids
- Effect of caffeine as an ergogenic aid to prevent muscle fatigue
- The ergogenic effect of Enerzymes ™.
- Nutritional ergogenic aids
- ergogenic aids
- Growth hormone as an ergogenic aid to resistance training: a brief review
- The Effects of an ergogenic Aid on Golf Swing Consistency and Skill.
- Social Facilitation as an ergogenic Aid in performances of Selected Sports Skills
- Dietary supplements and nutritional ergogenic aids for conditioning and improving athletic performance
- ergogenic purposeful aids in cyclic sports
- A study of attitude towards use of ergogenic aids among national level players
- How to Evaluate ergogenic Aid Claims
- ergogenic aids: nutrition
- 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural and Alpha-Ketoglutaric Acid as an ergogenic Aid During Intensified Soccer Training: A Placebo Controlled Randomized Study
- Evaluation of ergogenic Aids Usage and Their Encountered Health Problems among Coaching and Physical Education Teaching Students at Marmara …
- Physiological ergogenic Medicines: Modern Trends Of Application In The Training Of Athletes
- Muscle ergogenic Effects of Creatine Supplementation in Resistance Exercise Training
- Caffeine’s ergogenic Effects: Endurance Exercise, Resistance Exercise, High-Intensity Exercise, and Cognitive Function/Skill Maintenance
- Transcranial direct current stimulation as an ergogenic aid: a new perspective in sport
- ergogenic aids: benefits.
- Popularized ergogenic aids
- A Musical Guidance System for ergogenic Benefits in Workouts
- Implications of a potential ergogenic aid
- ergogenic effects of dietary nitrate
- Summary and implications-nutritional ergogenic aids.
- Effects on performance, Recovery and Immune Function following Metabolic ergogenic Aid Supplementation during an Acute Resistance Exercise
- The future of genetically based nutritional and pharmacological ergogenic aids in sport
- Exogenous Carbohydrate as an ergogenic Aid: Recent Advances in Dose and Form and Format
- ergogenic effect of pre-exercise chicken broth ingestion on a high-intensity cycling time-trial
- Sodium Bicarbonate as an ergogenic aid in Acute Moderate Hypoxic conditions: The Effect on Severe Intensity Exercise
- ergogenic Aids in Sports
- ergogenic supplement use by NCAA varsity athletes
- ergogenic aids: boon or bane to mankind?
- ergogenic aids and Fatigue during multiple-sprint exercise
- Nutritional ergogenic Aids
- Impact of nutrition education on adolescents’ sports nutrition knowledge and use of ergogenic products
- Update on Supplements and ergogenic Aids
- LED therapy or cryotherapy between exercise intervals in Wistar rats: anti-inflammatory and ergogenic effects.
- ergogenic Effects of Intake of Salbutamol, Caffeine and Theobromine on Non-Asthmatic Subjects
- The prevalence and practices of caffeine use as an ergogenic aid in English professional soccer
- Tag Archives: ergogenic aid
- Plausible ergogenic Effects Of Vitamin D On athletic performance And Recovery
- The Prevalence of ergogenic aid use among female high school athletes in a Santa Clara Valley High School District
- Knowledge and attitudes of intern physicians on nutritional ergogenic supplementation and doping
- Current popular ergogenic aids used in sports
- Fatigue and ergogenic aids
- The Potential ergogenic Effects of CBD and How the ECS Combats performance Deficits from Overtraining
- The Ethics of Efficiency: ergogenic Aids and Respect for the Game
- The use of ergogenic aids in athletes
- Effects of different ergogenic agents on athlete’s mental/physiological performance test rates
- An investigation of the effect of ergogenic corsets on biomechanical, physiological and psychophysical parameters during manual lifting
- Nutritional ergogenic aids in team sports
- Comparing The ergogenic Effects of Mouth Guards
- ergogenic aids for older adults
- The Consumption of ergogenic Supplements in Physical Fitness Training (Survey of Members of the Fitness Centers in Sleman District)
- ergogenic Activities of Some Plants of Family Araliaceae on Mus musculus
- Nutrition, hydration and ergogenic aids strategies in ultraendurance mountain events
- The effect of music as an ergogenic aid on average running pace
- Vitamin C as an ergogenic Aid
- ergogenic aids for athletes
- Attitude of inter-university players towards ergogenic aids: An examination
- ergogenic nutritional aids: critical review.
- athletic scholarship and sports competition anxiety as predictors of nutritional ergogenic aid use in athletes
- The Ethical Consequences of the Trade of Drugs and ergogenic Aids in professional Sport
- ergogenic AIDS use in Iranian adolescents.
- Nitrate and its application as an ergogenic aid
- Nutritional and Pharmacological ergogenic Aids
- Study of the Widespread Usage of ergogenic Aids among Sri Lankan Youth in Districts of Colombo, Kandy, Galle and Kurunegala
- Physiological ergogenic methods: current trends in the use in training of athletes
- The ergogenic Effects of Acute Citrulline Malate Supplementation on Weightlifting performance in Trained Females
- Commentaries on Viewpoint: Could small-diameter muscle afferents be responsible for the ergogenic effect of limb ischemic preconditioning?
- Investigating the optimisation of the ergogenic effects of L-carnitine supplementation in humans
- Caffeine Potentiates the ergogenic Effects of Creatine
- Aspartate and its ergogenic potential (Fren)
- The Use of Beverages as ergogenic Aids
- Opinion of AIAW Coaches toward the Use of Selected ergogenic Aids.
- Psychological, psychophysical, and ergogenic effects of music in swimming
- Muscle Dysmorphia and Use of ergogenic Products: Methodological Aspects
- The ergogenic Effects of Caffeine on Submaximal Exercise
- Revisiting the ergogenic properties of carnitine
- Effects of metabolic ergogenic agents on sprinters’ anaerobic performance rated by kinetic criteria
- Evaluation of the Efficacy of Lactigo™ Topical Gel as an ergogenic Aid
- Nitric Oxide: Implications of a Potential ergogenic Aid
- An Investigation of the Effectiveness of Far Infrared Ray Functional Sportswear as an ergogenic Aid to Aerobic Capacity and Recovery from Fatigue.
- Practices and Awareness of ergogenic Aids Related To Physical Fitness and Blood Lipid Profiles of Regular Fitness Center Users
- Nutrients as ergogenic Aids for Sports and Exercise
- ergogenic aids to performance in the horse-nutrients or drugs?
- The Caffeine Boost–ergogenic Effects of Caffeine
- Music: psychological ergogenic aid during exercise?
- ergogenic effects of β-alanine supplementation on sports.
- Nutritional ergogenic aid use in male college students
- Caffeine and its ergogenic effect in sport (second part)
- Bicarbonate ingestion has no ergogenic effect on consecutive all out sprint tests in BMX elite cyclists
- ergogenic effects of caffeine on performance
- ergogenic AIDS: NUTRIENTS WHICH CAN HELP OPTIMISE athletic performance
- Use of ergogenic Aids by Athletes (MD Sliver, MD)
- ergogenic use of anabolic steroids
- The Next ergogenic Aid for Endurance Athletes?
- The thermophysiological and ergogenic response to heat stress intervention strategies
- The use of ergogenic aids in cyclists
- The effect of ergogenic aids on selected physiological and motor skill parameters
- Hydration in sports: need or ergogenic aid?
- Does photobiomodulation therapy combined to static magnetic field (PBMT-sMF) promote ergogenic effects even when the non-exercised leg is irradiated? A …
- ergogenic effects of guanidinoacetic acid
- Effects of legal ergogenic supplements on swimmer’s performance: a bibliographic approach.
- The Effect of Training Method and ergogenic Implementation to Explosive Power Leg Muscle Basketball Athletes
- Effects of ergogenic training methods on aerobic capacities of junior swimmers
- ergogenic substrates in the nutrition of athletes-useful or not?
- An ergogenic Formulation with athletic performance Enhancing Features
- Nutritional and nutraceutical ergogenic aids in sport
- ergogenic aids use by girls practicing fencing.
- EFEITO ergogenicO DA SUPLEMENTACAO AGUDA DE PO DE GUARANA EM LUTADORES DE JIU-JITSU/ergogenic effect of acute supplementation guarana in …
- Salmeterol as an ergogenic Aid
- ergogenic aids in sports competition: amphetamines and caffeine.
- Choline: essential for health; no ergogenic value
- The Effects Of A Proprietary Multi-Ingredient ergogenic Supplement On Body Composition During High-Volume Periodized Resistance Training
- Cardiac Effects of ergogenic Aides and Supplements
- The Long-Term ergogenic Effect of Long Acting? 2-Agonists
- Morgan, William P. (Ed). ergogenic Aids and Muscular performance. New York: Academic Press, 1972. Pp. 429. $22.50
- The efficacy of the ROM Device as an ergogenic aid with respect to select measures of power generation, flexibility and speed.
- Hormones, Supplements, and ergogenic Aids: Use and Abuse
- Investigating the ergogenic Potential of Ischemic Preconditioning and Resisted Running on Sprint performance
- ergogenic, psychological, and psychophyiological effects of synchronous music on treadmill running
- The ergogenic effect of heat training for performance in cool conditions remains unresolved
- Growth hormone as an ergogenic aid to resistance training: a brief review
- Risk behavior among athletes: the ergogenic sources and doping in XXI Century
- The Use of ergogenic Aids Among High School Athletes in Eastern Kentucky
- ergogenic supplements consumption among army combat units during deployment.
- Health risks of fake foods and benefits of modern ergogenic dietary supplements for sports Dr. Biol., Professor AV Lysenko PhD, Associate Professor TA …
- The influence of nutritional ergogenic aids on soccer skill performance
- The ergogenic Effects of Caffeine During Sport and Exercise
- Nutritional and Non-Nutritional Supplements (ergogenic Aids) and Sports performance
- The use of nutritional ergogenic aids in two major sports in the Maltese Islands
- Efficacy of Cellfood® and Switch™ as ergogenic aids in endurance athletes
- An Assessment of the Safety, Efficacy and Prevalence of Use of Dietary Supplements Purported to Have ergogenic Benefits
- Database for Refining music tempo for an ergogenic effect on stationary cycling exercise
- Ethical dilemmas in the use of plant based drugs as an ergogenic aid
- Synergestic Effects of Magnesium and Creatine on ergogenic performance in Rats.
- Use of carbohydrate before physical activity as ergogenic aid: a systematic review
- ergogenic and Physiologic Effects of tDCS on Maximal Aerobic performance: Protocol Description
- Nutrition and ergogenic AIDS symposium: nutritional and legal substances for increasing FFM and athletic performance
- 9 Nutritional needs and ergogenic aids
- The influence of time-of-day consumption and training status on the ergogenic properties of caffeine
- Pre-exercise optimisation of the alkalosis response to sodium bicarbonate ingestion: have we been missing its peak ergogenic effect?
- ergogenic aids used by ultra-marathon runners
- Opinion of NCAA Coaches and Trainers Toward the Use of ergogenic Drugs.
- Analysis of the ergogenic effect of asynchronous music on physiological, psychophysiological and performance parameters obtained in an incremental runing test
- Dietary Nitrate Supplementation as an ergogenic and Therapeutic Aid
- Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids; ergogenic and Cardiovascular Effects
- Placebo effects of ergogenic aids in sports performance: experimental, psychometric and interview data
- Vitamins as Possible ergogenic Aids: A Focus on Vitamin D and Antioxidants
- Carnitine as an ergogenic aid for sport performance
- A rapid method for analysis of urinary caffeine, an ergogenic drug, using HPLC
- Impact of pre-exercise feedings with a low or high glycemic index on the ergogenic effects of carbohydrate mouth-rinsing during cycling
- Relationship between fat free mass index values and use of nutritional supplement as an ergogenic aid in bodybuilding
- ergogenic aids from consumers view-results of a survey in Germany (North Rhine-Westphalia).
- performance Enhancing Drugs: Dietary Supplements and ergogenic Aids
- A non-invasive ergogenic aid as an enhancement of maximal lifting ability in experienced weight trainers
- Evaluation of knowledge, beliefs and use of nutritional ergogenic aids among collegiate athletes
- ergogenic Effects of the Creatine Supplementation During the Training of Top-Class Athletes
- The influence of age and music on ergogenic outcomes, energy and affect in gym-based exercise sessions
- Nutritional ergogenic aids for muscle mass increase in athletes, products available on the market.
- Evaluation of the toxicity and the ergogenic property of the drink made from roots of Mondia whitei
- Nutritional ergogenic aids: separating fact from fiction-vitamin C for exercising
- Blackcurrant intake: making headway as an ergogenic aid!
- ergogenic Effects of Precooling on Endurance Cycling in the Heat
- Synthesis and characterization of amino acid complexes of physiological metal ions to be used as ergogenic aids
- ergogenic effect of 5 days supplementation with Saffron on exhaustive exercise
- Effect of Genotype on the ergogenic Effects of Caffeine in Collegiate Distance Runners
- ergogenic aids among Islamic Azad universities students in Zanjan province: Prevalence of use, knowledge of name, awareness about doping and risk factors …
- … of an apparatus for measurement of endurance exercise performance and its application for evaluating food components as ergogenic aids (young investigator award …
- ergogenic Effects of Caffeine Dose on Maximal Aerobic Power of Normal Nigerian Undergraduate Students
- Impact of sports nutrition education on adolescents’ nutritional knowledge and use of ergogenic products
- Effect of Genotype on the ergogenic Effects of Caffeine in Collegiate Nordic Skiers
- The ergogenic Effects Of Carbohydrate Supplementation On Force Output And Slope Of Fatigue During A Selected Resistance Protocol
- Use of ergogenic dietary supplements by French soldiers: prevalence and consumption habits during a deployment.
- The Effects of Complex ergogenic aid Supplementation on Endurance performance, Energy Substrates Utilization and Blood Fatigue Factors
- Cool Shirt™ Use as an ergogenic Aid in Distance Runners Training in North Louisiana
- The ergogenic effects of glucose and fructose coingestion during prolonged cycling
- Fermented goat milk consumption during anaemia recovery: ergogenic effect and improvement of skeletal muscle homeostasis
- The Effects of Intersession Consumption of a Proprietary Multi-Ingredient ergogenic Supplement on performance Adaptations During High-Volume Periodized …
- The ergogenic effect of caffeine on voluntary force production in large and small muscle groups.
- Prismatomeris glabra: ergogenic effects and sexual function in mice
- The Effects of Dietary Nitrate Supplementation as an ergogenic Aid on NCAA Division Female Soccer Players
- The development of a measuring instrument to determine the knowledge and attitudes of elite adolescent athletes about ergogenic aids and banned substances
- The ergogenic effects of Red ginseng and Paeonia radix mixtures
- The measurement of the glycemic index and ergogenic effect of a new oat product (bicycling).
- The World Anti-Doping Agency’s position on ergogenic and recovery pharmacological means and the major principles of their legal usage by athletes
- ergogenic Influence of Erythrocyte Reinfusion: Aerobic Power and Thermoregulation
- The Effects of a Proprietary ergogenic Supplement on Strength, Body Composition, Sleep, and Mood in Resistance-Trained Males
- ergogenic effects and potential synergism of combined doxapram and acetazolamide in hypoxic rats
- Reported Use of Anabolic Steroids and ergogenic Substances in Gym/Health Club Settings: Associations with Psychosocial and Exercise Behavior Factors
- Dietary changes, fluid replacement, food supplements and drugs: demonstration of ergogenic action and potential health risks
- The ergogenic impact of oral caffeine ingestion on performance during upper-body exercise
- Nutritional ergogenic Aids: The Influences of Carbohydrate-Protein Supplementation During Endurance Exercise
- EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY CORNER: The potential ergogenic effect of buffer loading on anaerobic exercise performance
- Does Caffeine Have an ergogenic Benefit on Low-Intensity Exercise performance in a Warm Environment?
- Do ergogenic aids help or hinder athletic performance? A review of the scientific research and the safety concerns regarding some of today’s most popular …
- Dietary nitrate as an ergogenic aid in sprint exercise performance and as an adjunct to sprint training
- The effects of two type ergogenic beverages (Zamzam and Isostar) on metabolic responses to short and long high-intensity intermittent exercise in soccer players
- 9 Purported ergogenic Aids
- The use of illegal ergogenic aids and creatine by female senior high school athletes attending four large suburban schools: Implications for school leaders
- The Effect of ergogenic Aid, Period, Sex and Training on Anaerobic performance, Endurance time and Serum lactic acid of Sprinters
- 195: Caffeinated Products as ergogenic AIDS Among Sport-Practicing Adolescents: Top of the Chart
- … of a review paper published in Sports Medicine: Buck, CL, Wallman, KE, Dawson, B., Guelfi, K.(2013). Sodium phosphate as an ergogenic aid. Sports Medicine …
- 457 Self-Assessment of Appearance and using of Slimming Supplements and ergogenic Aids among Polish Students from Junior High Schools
- … skeletal muscle in the resting and contracting states―Evidence for 5’AMP-activated protein kinase activation, glucose metabolism enhancement, and ergogenic …
- 5-methyl-7-methoxyisoflavone has no ergogenic effect but may increase bone density
- PO-269 An overview of probiotics on the ergogenic effect
- 9 Literature Review on the ergogenic Effects of Quercetin
- 1 The psychological, psychophysical and ergogenic effects of music in sport