February 21, 2022 STEM CELL EXHAUSTION
February 21, 2022- Norepinephrine in depressive reactions: A review
- Tyrosine hydroxylase: the initial step in Norepinephrine biosynthesis
- Inhibition of insulin release by Norepinephrine in man
- A concept for a role of serotonin and Norepinephrine as chemical mediators in the brain
- Metabolism of Norepinephrine in the central nervous system
- Elucidation of the rate-limiting step in Norepinephrine biosynthesis in the perfused guinea-pig heart
- Catecholamine excretion and cardiac stores of Norepinephrine in congestive heart failure
- The fate of H3-Norepinephrine in animals
- Effect of drugs on the uptake and metabolism of H3-Norepinephrine
- Effects of stress on the metabolism of Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the central nervous system of the rat. I. Modifications of Norepinephrine turnover
- Serotonin, Norepinephrine, and related compounds in bananas
- L-Norepinephrine myocarditis
- Effect of Psychotropic Drugs on the Uptake of H3-Norepinephrine by Tissues
- Blockade of endogenous Norepinephrine synthesis by α-methyl-tyrosine, an inhibitor of tyrosine hydroxylase
- A simple and rapid method for injecting H3-Norepinephrine into the lateral ventricle of the rat brain
- Norepinephrine metabolism in rat brain and heart
- Studies on the storage of Norepinephrine and the effect of drugs
- Histochemical methods for separate, consecutive and simultaneous demonstration of acetylcholinesterase and Norepinephrine in cryostat sections
- A Lipolytic Action of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine on Rat Adipose Tissue in vitro.
- Mechanism of action of Norepinephrine in eliciting an eating response on injection into the rat hypothalamus
- A method for the determination of serotonin and Norepinephrine in discrete areas of rat brain
- Stress-induced release of brain Norepinephrine and its inhibition by drugs
- Myocardial Norepinephrine concentration in man: effects of reserpine and of congestive heart failure
- Effect of drugs on the uptake, release, and metabolism of H3-Norepinephrine in the rat brain
- End-product inhibition of tyrosine hydroxylase as a possible mechanism for regulation of Norepinephrine synthesis
- Effect of angiotensin and Norepinephrine upon urate clearance in man
- Metabolism of Norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine in rat brain with stress
- The hemodynamic and metabolic interrelationships in the activity of epinephrine, Norepinephrine and the thyroid hormones
- Properties of Norepinephrine storage particles of the rat heart
- Histochemical demonstration of Norepinephrine at a fine structural level
- In vivo studies of the metabolism of Norepinephrine in the central nervous system
- Precursors of adrenal epinephrine and Norepinephrine in vivo
- Changes in plasma concentration of epinephrine and Norepinephrine with muscular work
- In vitro Inhibition of the Fat-Mobilizing Action of Norepinephrine
- Differential effects of calcium removal upon vascular smooth muscle contraction induced by Norepinephrine, histamine and potassium
- Norepinephrine Depletion as a Possible Mechanism of Action of Guanethidine a New Hypotensive Agent
- Cardiac Norepinephrine stores in experimental heart failure in the dog
- Norepinephrine metabolism and drugs used in the affective disorders: a possible mechanism of action
- Excretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in various emotional states
- Origin of Norepinephrine in the heart
- Norepinephrine: a possible excitatory neurohormone of the reward system
- A procedure for the assay of Norepinephrine in adipose tissue
- The physiologic disposition and metabolism of Norepinephrine in immunosympathectomized animals
- Effects of drugs on uptake of isotopic Norepinephrine by cat tissues
- Non-enzymatic Conversions of Dopamine to Norepinephrine and Trihydroxyphenethylamines1
- Effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on coronary circulation
- Possible interrelationship between release of brain Norepinephrine and serotonin by reserpine
- Metabolic pathways of dopamine and Norepinephrine in rabbit brain in vitro
- Calorigenic effect of Norepinephrine correlated with plasma free fatty acid turnover and oxidation
- Effect of iproniazid on brain levels of Norepinephrine and serotonin
- Localizing tritiated Norepinephrine in sympathetic axons by electron microscopic autoradiography
- Lesions of central Norepinephrine terminals with 6-OH-dopamine: biochemistry and fine structure
- Storage and synthesis of Norepinephrine in the reserpine-treated rat brain
- Effect of Norepinephrine and epinephrine on nonesterified fatty acid concentration in plasma
- Regional differences in H3-Norepinephrine and H3-dopamine uptake into rat brain homogenates
- Distribution of Norepinephrine in the heart
- Turnover and synthesis of Norepinephrine in experimental hypertension in rats
- Hypotensive agents and pressor substances: the effect of epinephrine, Norepinephrine, angiotensin II, and others on the secretory rate of aldosterone in man
- Metabolism of administered and drug-released Norepinephrine-7-H3 in the rat
- Evidence for extraneuronal binding of Norepinephrine
- Mechanism of hydrocortisone potentiation of responses to epinephrine and Norepinephrine in rabbit aorta
- Selective release of newly synthesized Norepinephrine from the cat spleen during sympathetic nerve stimulation
- Regional studies of catecholamines in the rat brain. IV. Effects of drugs on the disposition and metabolism of H3-Norepinephrine and H3-dopamine
- Effect of Norepinephrine on plasma free fatty acids level in man
- Responses of cold-acclimatized men to infused Norepinephrine
- Concentration of Norepinephrine, serotonin, and histamine, and of amine-metabolizing enzymes in mammalian adipose tissue
- Plasma free fatty acid and blood glucose responses to analogues of Norepinephrine in man
- Ethanol-induced alterations of Norepinephrine metabolism in man
- Inhibitor of O-methylation of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in vitro and in vivo
- Abnormal storage of Norepinephrine in experimental hypertension in the rat
- Renin-angiotensin system in normal and toxemic pregnancies: III. Differential sensitivity to angiotension II and Norepinephrine in toxemia of pregnancy
- Observations on the appearance of Norepinephrine in the sympathetic nervous system of the chick embryo
- Physiological disposition of H3-Norepinephrine in the developing rat
- Norepinephrine: release from brain by d-amphetamine in vivo
- Fatty acid metabolism during Norepinephrine-induced thermogenesis in the cold-acclimatized rat
- Uptake, storage and metabolism of Norepinephrine in tissues of the developing rat
- Transcapillary refilling after hemorrhage in normal man: basal rates and volumes; effect of Norepinephrine
- Angiotensin II, Norepinephrine, and renal transport of electrolytes and water in normal man and in cirrhosis with ascites
- Facilitation of brain self-stimulation by central administration of Norepinephrine
- Plasma triglyceride concentration and plasma free fatty acid changes in response to Norepinephrine in man
- Concurrent plasma epinephrine, Norepinephrine and 17-hydroxycorticosteroid levels during conditioned emotional disturbances in monkeys
- Dose response to carbachol and Norepinephrine in rat hypothalamus
- Effect of drugs on the uptake and release of 3H-Norepinephrine in the rat heart
- The effect of levarterenol (L-Norepinephrine) on hepatic blood flow in the normal, anesthetized dog
- Cardiovascular effects of sustained Norepinephrine infusions. II. Morphology
- Studies in clinical shock and hypotension. II. Hemodynamic effects of Norepinephrine and angiotensin
- Effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on the electrocardiogram of 100 normal subjects∗
- Prolonged infusions of angiotensin II and Norepinephrine and blood pressure, electrolyte balance, and aldosterone and cortisol secretion in normal man and in …
- Pharmacological consequences of the selective release of peripheral Norepinephrine by syrosingopine (SU 3118)
- Quantitative studies of Norepinephrine uptake by synaptosomes
- The uptake of labeled Norepinephrine by isolated brain and other tissues of the cat
- Myometrial and cardiovascular responses to alterations in plasma epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine inhibition of vasopressin antidiuresis
- The action of Norepinephrine, epinephrine and isopropyl Norepinephrine on the rhythmic function of the heart
- Motoneurone depression by Norepinephrine
- Binding and release of metaraminol: mechanism of Norepinephrine depletion by α-methyl-m-tyrosine and related agents
- The mechanism of the potentiation of Norepinephrine by antihistaminics
- Influence of Norepinephrine and catecholamine-depleting agents on the synthesis and release of prolactin and growth hormone
- Release of Norepinephrine from hypothalamus and amygdala by rewarding medial forebrain bundle stimulation and amphetamine.
- The direct effects of Norepinephrine, epinephrine, and methoxamine on myocardial contractile force in man
- Localization of tritiated Norepinephrine in mouse brain
- Effect of Norepinephrine on plasma nonesterified fatty acid concentrations after administration of cocaine
- Norepinephrine: turnover in rat brains after gonadectomy
- Pharmacological tests for the function of hypothalamic Norepinephrine in eating behavior
- Anesthesia and the responsiveness of individual neurons of the caudate nucleus of the cat to acetylcholine, Norepinephrine and dopamine administered by …
- Reduction of cardiac tyrosine hydroxylase activity in experimental congestive heart failure: its role in the depletion of cardiac Norepinephrine stores
- Mechanism of Norepinephrine depletion in experimental heart failure produced by aortic constriction in the guinea pig
- The relationship between radioactivity and Norepinephrine concentrations in the brains and hearts of mice following administration of labeled methyldopa or 6 …
- Reversal of phenylalkylamine tachyphylaxis by Norepinephrine
- Effect of Norepinephrine, epinephrine, and angiotensin on blood flow in the internal carotid artery of man
- The potentiation of cardiac inotropic responses to Norepinephrine by theophylline
- Uptake of tritium-labeled Norepinephrine in brain and other tissues of cat in vitro
- The release of Norepinephrine from the mammalian heart by reserpine
- The regulation of Norepinephrine synthesis in sympathetic nerves: effect of nerve stimulation, cocaine, and catecholamine-releasing agents.
- Exaggerated ventricular arrhythmias and myocardial fatty changes after large doses of Norepinephrine and epinephrine in unanesthetized dogs
- Role of cyclic AMP in mediating the effects of MSH, Norepinephrine, and melatonin on frog skin color
- The uptake and storage of H3-Norepinephrine in the reserpine-pretreated rat heart
- The development of supersensitivity to Norepinephrine after pretreatment with reserpine
- Solvent extraction method for simultaneous determination of Norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid in a single mouse brain
- Enzymatic conversion of Norepinephrine to epinephrine by the brain
- The effect of reserpine upon the synthesis of Norepinephrine in the isolated rabbit heart
- An enzyme assay for Norepinephrine in brain tissue
- The effects of psychoactive drugs on Norepinephrine-3H metabolism in brain
- Norepinephrine stores and contractile force of papillary muscle from the failing human heart
- Effects of chlorothiazide on forearm vascular responses to Norepinephrine
- The rate of Norepinephrine synthesis measured in vivo during short intervals; influence of adrenergic nerve impulse activity
- Inhibition of the extraneuronal accumulation and metabolism of Norepinephrine by adrenergic blocking agents
- Effects of Norepinephrine on the coronary circulation in man
- Effect of drugs on the accumulation and metabolism of extraneuronal Norepinephrine in the rat heart
- Metabolism of Norepinephrine-H3 released by tyramine and reserpine
- Norepinephrine methylation in fetal rat adrenals
- The effects of lithium salts on the turnover and metabolism of Norepinephrine in rat brain
- Electron-microscopic localization of tritiated Norepinephrine in rat brain: effect of drugs
- Biosynthesis of epinephrine and Norepinephrine by sympathetic nerves and ganglia
- Fate of Norepinephrine-H3 in the isolated perfused rat heart
- In Vitro Stimulation of Renin Production by Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and Cyclic AMP
- Comparison of effects of angiotensin and Norepinephrine on pulmonary circulation, systemic arteries and veins, and systemic vascular capacity in the dog
- Effect of acute sympathectomy on responses to angiotensin and Norepinephrine
- Effect of Norepinephrine on plasma free fatty acids in dogs treated with reserpine
- A Norepinephrine-secreting glomic tissue tumor (chemodectoma)
- Cardiac Norepinephrine stores and the contractile state of heart muscle
- The effects of inorganic ions on the storage and uptake of H3-Norepinephrine by rat heart slices
- Accumulation of epinephrine and Norepinephrine by some rat tissues
- Importance of acetaldehyde in the action of ethanol on brain Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine
- Relationship between sodium intake and Norepinephrine storage during the development of experimental hypertension
- Norepinephrine-induced depolarization of brown fat cells
- The effects of α-methyl-dopa and α-methyl-meta-tyrosine on the metabolism of Norepinephrine and serotonin in vivo
- A circadian rhythm of Norepinephrine regionally in cat brain: its relationship to environmental lighting and to regional diurnal variations in brain serotonin
- The effect of drugs on the release of Norepinephrine-H3 from central nervous system tissues by electrical stimulation in vitro
- Evaluation of the biochemical effects produced in vivo by inhibitors of the three enzymes involved in Norepinephrine biosynthesis
- Effect of false transmitters on Norepinephrine synthesis
- A sustained effect of electroconvulsive shock on the turnover of Norepinephrine in the central nervous system of the rat.
- Studies on the renal excretion of Norepinephrine
- Depression of Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in the brain by benzoquinolizine derivatives
- Norepinephrine synthesis and release in vivo mediated by 3, 4-dihydroxyphenethylamine
- Mechanism of Norepinephrine depletion by 5-hydroxytryptophan
- Plasma epinephrine and Norepinephrine levels during insulin-induced hypoglycemia in man
- The regulation of Norepinephrine synthesis. Effect of puromycin on the accelerated synthesis of Norepinephrine associated with nerve stimulation
- Cyclic adenosine monophosphate: possible mediator for Norepinephrine effects on cerebellar Purkinje cells
- Exaggerated response to infused Norepinephrine in familial dysautonomia
- Inhibition of Norepinephrine uptake in hearts by angiotensin II and analogs
- Comparative cardiovascular effects of tyramine, ephedrine, and Norepinephrine in man
- Synthesis, binding, release, and metabolism of Norepinephrine in normal and transplanted dog hearts
- Influence of Pituitary, Thyroid, and Adrenal Hormones on Norepinephrine Turnover and Metabolismin the Rat Heart
- Release of Norepinephrine from the isolated heart.
- On the role of rate of brain Norepinephrine release in the antibenzoquinolizine action of desipramine
- Actions and interactions of Norepinephrine, tyramine and cocaine on aortic strips of rabbit and left atria of guinea pig and cat
- Catecholamine content of the cat nictitating membrane following procedures sensitizing it to Norepinephrine
- … of endogenous Norepinephrine in the adventitial and media-intimal layers of the rabbit aorta and the capacity of these layers to bind tritiated Norepinephrine
- Tritiated Norepinephrine: release from brain slices by electrical stimulation
- On the mechanism of the Norepinephrine release produced by α-methyl-meta-tyrosine
- Comparison of the effects of dopamine, isoproterenol, Norepinephrine and bradykinin on canine renal and femoral blood flow
- Evoked release of Norepinephrine and serotonin from brain slices: inhibition by lithium
- The effects of pentobarbital on the fate of intracisternally administered Norepinephrine-H3
- The uptake and disposition of dl-Norepinephrine in perfused rat lung
- Role for ganglionic Norepinephrine in sympathetic synaptic transmission
- Tissue necrosis due to Norepinephrine
- Comparative changes in segmental vascular resistance in response to nerve stimulation and to Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine and cyanotic attacks in Fallot’s tetralogy
- Augmented sympathetic neurotransmitter activity in the peripheral vascular bed of patients with congestive heart failure and cardiac Norepinephrine depletion
- The chemical estimation of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in human and canine plasma: II. A critique of the trihydroxyindole method
- Plasma concentrations of epinephrine and Norepinephrine during intravenous infusions in man
- Effect of aminophylline on urinary excretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in man
- The relation of retention of Norepinephrine-H3 to the Norepinephrine content of the nictitating membrane of the spinal cat during development of denervation …
- Threshold dose and time course of Norepinephrine depletion of the mammalian heart by reserpine
- Effect of 6-hydroxydopamine and some other compounds on the concentration of Norepinephrine in the hearts of mice
- Evidence that tranquilizing action of reserpine is associated with change in brain serotonin and not in brain Norepinephrine
- The estimation of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in human plasma
- Etiology and Prevention of Sloughs Produced by L-Norepinephrine (Levophed®)
- Acceleration of Norepinephrine synthesis in the rat submaxillary gland in vivo during sympathetic nerve stimulation
- The Effect of” Sympatholytic Drugs on the Cardiovascular Responses to Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in Man
- Depression of serotonin and Norepinephrine levels in brain stem of rabbit by ethanol.
- Mechanism of Norepinephrine binding
- Supersensitivity by cocaine to dextrorotatory isomers of Norepinephrine and epinephrine
- Olfactory bulb removal: Effects on brain Norepinephrine
- Interrelationships between angiotensin, Norepinephrine, epinephrine, aldosterone secretion, and electrolyte metabolism in man
- The effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on ventricular vulnerability
- Hepatic vascular response to Norepinephrine
- Adenyl cyclase activity in rat pineal gland: effects of chronic denervation and Norepinephrine
- … of adrenocorticotropin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, vasopressin, α-and β-melanocyte-stimulating hormones, fraction H, epinephrine and Norepinephrine in the rabbit …
- Metabolism of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Effect of angiotensin on uptake and release of Norepinephrine by brain
- Physiological differences between the effects of neuronally released and bloodborne Norepinephrine on beta adrenergic receptors in the arterial bed of the dog
- The effect of tyramine on the synthesis of Norepinephrine
- The chemorelease of Norepinephrine from mouse hearts. Structure-activity relationships. I. Sympathomimetic and related amines
- Inhibition of H3-Norepinephrine release by monoamine oxidase inhibitors
- Disposition of Norepinephrine and epinephrine in vascular tissue, determined by the technique of oil immersion
- Analysis of individual rabbit olfactory bulb neuron responses to the microelectrophoresis of acetylcholine, Norepinephrine and serotonin synergists and antagonists
- Inhibition and facilitation of pilocarpine-induced lacrimal flow by Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine and 3, 4-dihydroxy-phenethylamine turnover in guinea pig brain in vivo
- The effect of lithium chloride administration on brain and heart Norepinephrine turnover rates
- The fluorometric estimation of epinephrine and Norepinephrine: an improved modification of the trihydroxyindole method
- A Norepinephrine-secreting glomus jugulare tumor presenting as a pheochromocytoma
- Effect of Norepinephrine on circulation of the dog in hemorrhagic shock
- Single extraction method for the simultaneous fluorometric determination of serotonin, dopamine, and Norepinephrine in brain
- Studies of uptake of 1-Norepinephrine-14C
- Circulating epinephrine and Norepinephrine in coronary occlusion∗
- Effect of arterial pH alterations on metabolic activity of Norepinephrine
- The effect of nerve stimulation on the synthesis and metabolism of Norepinephrine in the isolated guinea-pig hypogastric nerve-vas deferens preparation
- Effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on coronary vascular resistance in dogs
- Reduction of cardiac stores of Norepinephrine in experimental heart failure
- Kinetics of H3-Norepinephrine accumulation into slices from different regions of the rat brain
- Cardiovascular effects of sustained Norepinephrine infusions. I. Hemodynamics
- Increased biosynthesis of cardiac Norepinephrine after hypophysectomy
- Distribution of Norepinephrine in the failing bovine heart: Correlation of chemical analysis and fluorescence microscopy
- Radioautographic localization of Norepinephrine-H3 in the tissues of mice
- Release of Norepinephrine from the heart by vasoactive amines
- … features affecting the potency of tricyclic antidepressants and structurally related compounds as inhibitors of the uptake of tritiated Norepinephrine by rabbit aortic …
- Factors influencing the rate of Norepinephrine biosynthesis in nerve tissue
- Increased rate of metabolism of epinephrine and Norepinephrine by sympathomimetic amines
- Pressor responses to Norepinephrine in humans before and after corticosteroids
- Role of sodium and potassium ions in storage of Norepinephrine by sympathetic nerve endings.
- Effect of pH on Norepinephrine-induced contractions of isolated arterial smooth muscle
- Hemodynamic effects of isoproterenol and Norepinephrine in acute cardiac tamponade
- Submicroscopic localization of Norepinephrine in sympathetic nerves of rat pineal
- Pathologic changes induced by 1-Norepinephrine: Quantitative aspects∗
- Subcellular localization of H3-Norepinephrine in the rat brain and the effect of drugs
- Effect of l-Norepinephrine infusion on uterine contractility and cardiovascular system
- Electron-Microscopic Autoradiography of Rat Hypothalamus after Intraventricular H3-Norepinephrine
- Specific binding of reserpine—: Association with Norepinephrine depletion
- Brain Norepinephrine: evidence that neuronal release is essential for sham rage behavior following brainstem transection in cat
- Effects of Norepinephrine on human pulmonary circulation
- Effect of decentralization and ganglionic blocking agents on the spontaneous release of H3-Norepinephrine
- Studies on hemorrhagic and endotoxin shock in relation to vasomotor changes and endogenous circulating epinephrine, Norepinephrine and serotonin
- Studies on the relation between mobilization of free fatty acids and energy metabolism in man: effects of Norepinephrine and nicotinic acid
- Secretion of various endocrine substances by ACTH‐secreting tumors—gastrin, melanotropin, Norepinephrine, serotonin, parathormone, vasopressin, glucagon
- Increased synthesis of Norepinephrine in the rat heart on electrical stimulation of the stellate ganglia
- Synthesis and turnover of Norepinephrine in the heart of the spontaneously hypertensive rat
- Photic and neural control of the 24-hour Norepinephrine rhythm in the rat pineal gland
- Specific avidity of the heart muscle to absorb and store epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- The effects of triiodothyronine on hemodynamic responses to epinephrine and Norepinephrine in man
- Electrical and mechanical characteristics of vascular smooth muscle response to Norepinephrine and isoproterenol
- A comparison of the cerebral hemodynamic response to aramine and Norepinephrine in the normotensive and the hypotensive subject
- Control of brain serotonin and Norepinephrine by specific neural systems
- Blockade of responses to epinephrine and Norepinephrine by dibenamine congeners
- Biosynthesis of Norepinephrine in isolated canine heart
- Distribution and metabolism of Norepinephrine after its administration into the cerebroventricular system of the cat
- Studies on the metabolism of Norepinephrine, epinephrine and their o-methyl analogs by partially purified enzyme preparations
- Intrastrain differences in serotonin and Norepinephrine in discrete areas of rat brain
- The effects of injected Norepinephrine and sympathetic nerve stimulation in hypothyroid and hyperthyroid dogs
- Plasma Norepinephrine response to tilting in essential hypertension
- Sensitivity changes in the dog heart to Norepinephrine, calcium and aminophylline resulting from pretreatment with reserpine
- Norepinephrine and epinephrine content of normal and diseased human hearts
- Alterations in systemic vascular volume of the dog in response to hexamethonium and Norepinephrine
- Catecholamine metabolism in affective disorders: II. Norepinephrine, normetanephrine, epinephrine, metanephrine, and VMA excretion in hypomanic patients
- Urinary excretion of free Norepinephrine and free epinephrine in patients with acute myocardial infarction in relation to its clinical course
- Transport of serotonin and Norepinephrine by the rabbit choroid plexus in vitro
- Comparison of effects of deoxycorticosterone and dexamethasone on cardiovascular responses to Norepinephrine
- Blockade of release of growth hormone by brain Norepinephrine depletors
- Effect of angiotensin and phenoxybenzamine on release of Norepinephrine in vessels during sympathetic nerve stimulation
- Role of Norepinephrine release in the interval-strength relationship of heart muscle
- Serotonin, Norepinephrine, and fever
- Effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on the mesenteric circulation of the cat
- Effects of angiotensin II and Norepinephrine on ventricular performance during oligemic shock
- The uptake of l-and d-Norepinephrine by the isolated perfused rabbit heart in relation to the stereospecificity of the sensitizing action of cocaine
- Effects of d-amphetamine and restraint on the content of Norepinephrine and dopamine in rat brain
- Influence of hyperthyroidism on the effects of Norepinephrine on myocardial adenyl cyclase activity and contractile state
- Uptake and metabolism of tritiated Norepinephrine in the isolated canine heart
- Norepinephrine and epinephrine in the embryo and embryonic heart of the chick: uptake and subcellular distribution
- Brain Norepinephrine and behavior: a behavioral and kinetic study
- Disposition of Norepinephrine-H3 in sympathetic ganglia
- Chemical quantitation of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in thirteen patients with pheochromocytoma
- Inhibition of tyrosine transaminase activity by Norepinephrine
- Effects of disulfiram on tissue Norepinephrine content and subcellular distribution of dopamine, tyramine and their β-hydroxylated metabolites
- The mechanism of supersensitivity to Norepinephrine induced by cocaine in rat isolated vas deferens
- Effect of changes of brain Norepinephrine content on sleep cycle in rat
- Cutaneous necrosis due to Norepinephrine: II. Mechanism and prevention
- Effects of angiotensin, epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and vasopressin on venous return
- Effects of adrenalectomy on the turnover of Norepinephrine in the rat brain
- Work of digital vasoconstriction produced by infused Norepinephrine in primary hypertension
- Light and heavy Norepinephrine storage particles in the rat heart and in bovine splenic nerve
- The analysis of solutions of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Influence of Norepinephrine on myocardial oxygen consumption under controlled hemodynamic conditions
- Peripheral venous blood concentrations of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in primary Raynaud’s disease
- Urinary excretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine during fasting in late pregnancy in the rat
- Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and acetylcholine as conditioned stimuli for avoidance behavior
- Effect of epinephrine, Norepinephrine and serotonin upon systemic small and large vessel resistance
- The storage of Norepinephrine and some of its derivatives in brain synaptosomes
- Hemodynamic Basis of Norepinephrine Shock.
- The distribution of labeled Norepinephrine within sympathetic nerve terminals studied with electron microscope radioautography
- Studies on the biogenesis and metabolism of Norepinephrine in patients with pheochromocytoma
- Ability of serotonin and Norepinephrine to mimic the central effects of reserpine on vasomotor activity
- Decreased noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) synthesis in neurogenic orthostatic hypotension
- Uptake of Norepinephrine in periglomerular cells of the olfactory bulb of the mouse
- Evidence for rapid turnover of Norepinephrine in rat heart and brain
- Reduction of Norepinephrine in the lower brainstem by psychological stimulus.
- Effect of smoking on the urinary output of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in man
- Dissociation of the supersensitivity to Norepinephrine caused by cocaine from inhibition of H3-Norepinephrine uptake in cold stored smooth muscle
- Effect of Norepinephrine, isoproterenol, and adrenergic blockers upon the intrarenal distribution of blood flow
- Norepinephrine Synthesis from Tyrosine-C14 in Isolated Perfused Guinea Pig Heart
- Mechanism of changes in brain Norepinephrine levels following olfactory bulb lesions
- Localization of Norepinephrine and acetylcholinesterase in separate neurons supplying the guinea-pig vas deferens
- Influence of Respiratory Acidosis on EGG and Pressor Responses to Epinephrine, Norepinephrine and Metaraminol.
- Plasma concentration of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in hemorrhagic and anaphylactic shock
- Tissue levels of Norepinephrine and epinephrine in hemorrhagic shock
- Studies on the distribution of exogenous Norepinephrine in the sympathetic neurotransmitter store
- Turnover rates of serotonin and Norepinephrine in brain of normal and pargyline-treated rats
- The sensitivity of the guinea-pig pacemaker to Norepinephrine and calcium after pretreatment with reserpine
- … of biogenic amine transport: II. Relationship between sodium and the mechanism of ouabain blockade of the accumulation of serotonin and Norepinephrine by …
- Effects of epinephrine and of Norepinephrine on carbohydrate metabolism in the rat
- A reduction in the accumulation of H3-Norepinephrine in experimental hypertension
- Biochemical Changes in Psychotic Depression: High Norepinephrine Levels in Psychotic Vs Neurotic Depression
- Release of Norepinephrine from Isolated Hearts by Acetlycholine (1)
- The effect of sympathetic nerve stimulation on volume, vascular resistance, and Norepinephrine output in the isolated perfused spleen of the cat, and its modification …
- Mechanism of action of Norepinephrine in hemorrhagic shock
- Urinary Norepinephrine and epinephrine excretion in delirium tremens
- Norepinephrine turnover in brain and stress reactions in rats during paradoxical sleep deprivation
- Regional effects of lateral hypothalamic lesions on brain Norepinephrine in the cat
- Thermoregulation: Effects of environmental temperature on turnover of hypothalamic Norepinephrine
- A technique for assaying the kinetics of Norepinephrine metabolism in the central nervous system in vivo
- The effect of intravitreous injections of Norepinephrine, epinephrine and isoproterenol on the intraocular pressure and aqueous humor dynamics of rabbit eyes
- Chemical quantitation of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in plasma
- Norepinephrine and Epinephrine Effect on Renal Hemodynamics: With Particular Reference to the Possibility of Vascular Shunting and Decreasing the Active …
- Comparative effects of a wide range of doses of L-epinephrine and of L-Norepinephrine on the contractile force of the heart in situ
- The systolic blood pressure response of depressed patients to infused Norepinephrine.
- Dissociation of the increased formation of cardiac adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate from the positive inotropic effect of Norepinephrine
- Relationships between the release and tissue depletion of Norepinephrine from the heart by guanethidine and reserpine
- Angiotensin and Norepinephrine efflux
- The effects of desmethylimipramine on uptake of dl-Norepinephrine-7-H3 in the heart
- Distribution of bound Norepinephrine in the arterial wall
- Norepinephrine elicitation of aggressive display responses in Betta splendens
- Histochemical and functional relationships of catecholamines in adrenergic nerve endings. II. Extravesicular Norepinephrine
- Influence of sodium and calcium on Norepinephrine uptake by isolated perfused rat hearts
- Biochemical response to trauma: Iii. epinephrine and Norepinephrine levels in plasma of rats subjected to tumbling trauma
- Serum transaminase and alkaline phosphatase levels after large doses of Norepinephrine and epinephrine in dogs
- Effects of environmental lighting and chronic denervation on the activation of adenyl cyclase of rat pineal gland by Norepinephrine and sodium fluoride
- Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in pregnancy and labor
- Localization of uptake of tritiated Norepinephrine by rat brain in vivo and in vitro using electron microscopic autoradiography
- Metabolic requirements for the uptake and storage of Norepinephrine by the isolated left atrium of the guinea pig
- Evidence for the active transport of epinephrine and Norepinephrine by the uterus of the rat
- Supersensitivity to l-Norepinephrine of the denervated sinoatrial node
- Discussion of serotonin, Norepinephrine, and fever
- Norepinephrine in shock following myocardial infarction: Influence upon survival rate and renal function
- Effect of dopalanine on behaviour in mice depleted of Norepinephrine or serotonin
- Influence of adrenalectomy on the synthesis of Norepinephrine in the rat heart
- Changes in renal function resulting from Norepinephrine infusion
- URINARY CATECHOLAMINE EXCRETION BY HEALTHY CHILDREN: I. Daily Excretion of Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, and 3-Methoxy-4 …
- The Response of the Renal Circulation in Man to Constant-Speed Infusions of l-Norepinephrine
- Catechol-O-methyltransferase—I: An enzymatic assay for cardiac Norepinephrine
- Microdetermination of Norepinephrine, 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine from single extracts of specific rat brain areas
- Potentiation of the vasoconstrictor action of topical Norepinephrine on the human bulbar conjunctival vessels after topical application of certain adrenocortical …
- Incorporation of 14C-tryptophan into 14C-protein by cultured rat pineals: stimulation by L-Norepinephrine
- Implications of uptake and storage of Norepinephrine by sympathetic nerve endings
- Sex steroids, cardiac3H-Norepinephrine, and tissue monoamine oxidase levels in the rat
- Similarities and differences in the Norepinephrine-and sodium fluoride-sensitive adenyl cyclase system
- Increased Turnover of 3H-Norepinephrine in Rat Brain Following Castration or Treatment with Ovine Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
- Hypothalamic self-stimulation: its suppression by blockade of Norepinephrine biosynthesis and reinstatement by methamphetamine
- Vascular responses after alpha adrenergic receptor blockade: I. Responses of capacitance and resistance vessels to Norepinephrine in man
- Work of digital vasoconstriction produced by infused Norepinephrine in Cushing’s syndrome
- Skin reactions to iontophoretically administered epinephrine and Norepinephrine in atopic dermatitis
- Differences in the Metabolism of Norepinephrine in Depressions: The Effects of Various Therapies
- Cardiovascular function and Norepinephrine-thermogenesis in cold-acclimatized rats
- Acidosis: effect on lipolytic activity of Norepinephrine in isolated fat cells
- A study of the differential secretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine from the perfused cat adrenal gland
- … for release of brain amines by reserpine in presence of monoamine oxidase inhibitors: implication of monoamine oxidase in Norepinephrine metabolism in brain
- Brain levels of serotonin and Norepinephrine in mice after exposure to aggression and defeat
- Plasma concentrations of epinephrine and Norepinephrine during anesthesia
- The effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on the contractions of the human uterus in labor
- The pressure-volume responses of human forearm veins during epinephrine and Norepinephrine infusions
- New Norepinephrine-depleting agents. β-hydroxyphenethylguanidine and related compounds
- Effect of Catecholamines, l-Epinephrine and l-Norepinephrine on Coronary Flow and Oxygen Metabolism of the Myocardium
- Release of Norepinephrine-3H and serotonin-3H evoked from brain slices by electrical-field stimulation—calcium dependency and the effects of lithium, ouabain and …
- Abnormal cardiac Norepinephrine storage in isoproterenol-treated rats
- Effects of morphine on cat brain Norepinephrine in regions with daily monoamine rhythms
- Is reserpine tranquilization linked to change in brain serotonin or brain Norepinephrine?
- Reserpine and the levels of serotonin and Norepinephrine in the brain
- Studies on the biological activities of the aldehydes derived from Norepinephrine, serotonin, tryptamine and histamine
- Uptake of normetanephrine and Norepinephrine by cocaine-treated rat heart
- Evidence that blockade of adrenergic receptors causes overflow of Norepinephrine in cat’s colon after nerve stimulation
- Vascular responses to Norepinephrine, angiotensin, vasopressin and serotonin
- New diagnostic test for neural tumors of infancy: Increased urinary excretion of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxymandelic acid and Norepinephrine in ganglioneuroma with …
- The subcellular localization of brain-stem Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in stressed rats
- The relative role of storage and synthesis of brain Norepinephrine in the psychomotor stimulation evoked by amphetamine or by desipramine and tetrabenazine
- Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in pregnancy
- Hypothalamic chemoreactive structures and the regulation of pituitary-adrenal function. Effects of local injections of Norepinephrine, carbachol and serotonin into the …
- The effect of stellate ganglion excision on the catecholamine content and the uptake of H3-Norepinephrine in the heart of the cat
- Effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on excitability of central nervous system of mice
- Mathematical approach to structure-activity study of sympathomimetic amines. Norepinephrine uptake inhibition
- Norepinephrine content of tissues in Doca-hypertensive rats
- Norepinephrine release and left ventricular pressure in the isolated heart
- Effect of L-DOPA and N-methyl-N-benzyl-2-propynylamine. HCL on DOPA, dopamine, Norepinephrine, epinephrine and serotonin levels in mouse brain
- Effect of inhibiting both catechol-O-methyl transferase and monoamine oxidase on cardiovascular responses to Norepinephrine
- The Norepinephrine stores of isolated atria of guinea pigs pretreated with reserpine
- The effects of Norepinephrine treatment on drug metabolism by liver microsomes from rats
- Mechanochemistry of cardiac muscle: III. Effects of Norepinephrine on the utilization of high-energy phosphates
- Reduced Accumulation of 3H-Norepinephrine in the Rat Heart Following Hypophysectomy
- The chemical estimation of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in human and canine plasma. I. A critique of the ethylenediamine condensation method
- Biochemical and microfluorometric studies of Norepinephrine redistribution accompanying sympathetic nerve stimulation
- Changes in brain Norepinephrine in self-stimulating and ‘aversive’animals
- Characteristics of Norepinephrine retention by a subcellular fraction of rabbit heart
- Measurement of hyperactivity in rats in a dose-response-curve after intrahypothalamic Norepinephrine injection
- Dual site of action of phenoxybenzamine in the cat’s spleen: blockade of α-adrenergic receptors and inhibition of re-uptake of neurally released Norepinephrine
- Prostaglandins E1 and E2 Antagonize Norepinephrine Effects on Cerebellar Purkinje Cells: Microelectrophoretic Study
- Nuclear substituted analogs of Norepinephrine, dihydroxyphenylalanine and adrenochrome
- The depletion of cardiac Norepinephrine by 3, 5-dihydroxy-4-methoxyphenethylamine and related compounds
- Effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on electrically induced seizures
- Acclimation to cold and Norepinephrine; effects of immunosympathectomy
- Inhibiting effect of Norepinephrine on gastric secretion in human subjects
- Supersensitivity to Norepinephrine induced by continuous nerve stimulation
- Role of Norepinephrine in irreversible hemorrhagic shock
- Effects of inhibition of monoamine oxidase on the actions and interactions of Norepinephrine, tyramine and other drugs on guinea-pig left atrium
- The density of adrenergic innervation of the cat’s nictitating membrane as a factor influencing the sensitivity of the isolated preparation to l-Norepinephrine
- Effect of corticosteroids on the cardiovascular responses to angiotensin and Norepinephrine
- A comparative study of supersensitivity to Norepinephrine and acetylcholine produced by denervation, decentralization and reserpine
- Purification of Norepinephrine storage granules from rat heart
- Effect of isoproterenol and Norepinephrine on myocardial function in experimental cardiogenic shock
- The effects of Norepinephrine on the hemodynamics and myocardial metabolism of normal human subjects
- Epinephrine and Norepinephrine actions and use in man
- Effect of α-methyldopa, α-methyldopamine, and α-methyl-Norepinephrine on the Norepinephrine content of the isolated heart
- Pharmacology and metabolism of Norepinephrine in patients with essential hypertension
- Concentration of Norepinephrine in the hypothalamus of the rat in relation to the estrous cycle
- The effect of Norepinephrine on the digital veins
- Epinephrine and Norepinephrine concentrations in plasma of humans and rats
- The requirement of sympathetic innervation for the active transport of Norepinephrine by the heart
- Brown and white adipose tissue metabolism response to Norepinephrine and insulin
- Some factors determining the response of rabbit aortic strips to dl-Norepinephrine-7-H3 hydrochloride and the influence of cocaine, guanethidine and …
- … Agents in Experimental Hemorrhagic Shock: A Controlled Comparison of Treatment with Hydralazine, Hydrocortisone, and Levarterenol (l-Norepinephrine)
- Quantitative aspects of the replacement of Norepinephrine by dopamine as a sympathetic transmitter after inhibition of dopamine-β-hydroxylase by disulfiram
- Effects of Norepinephrine and angiotensin on total and venous resistance in the kidney
- The role of monoamine oxidase in the intraneuronal metabolism of Norepinephrine released by indirectly-acting sympathomimetic amines or by adrenergic …
- Pressor effects of epinephrine, Norepinephrine and desoxycorticosterone acetate (DCA) weakened by sodium withdrawal
- The inhibiting effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on secretion induced by histamine in separated pouches of dogs
- Comparison of the circulatory effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- A deficient binding mechanism for Norepinephrine in hearts of scorbutic guinea pigs
- Electrical field-stimulated release of Norepinephrine-H3 from rat atrium: effects of ions and drugs
- The fluorimetric measurement of plasma epinephrine and Norepinephrine concentrations in man, monkey, and dog
- Comparative Study of Effect of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine on Cardiovascular System of Turtle, Alligator, Chicken and Opossum.
- The retention of exogenous Norepinephrine by rabbit tissues
- The effect of Norepinephrine on cardiac output, arterial blood pressure, and heart rate in dogs treated with chlorothiazide
- Elevation and depression of hepatic tyrosine transaminase activity by depletion and repletion of Norepinephrine.
- Basal lipolysis and effects of Norepinephrine and prostaglandin E1 on lipolysis in human subcutaneous and omental adipose tissue
- Subcellular distribution of catecholamines in the dog heart effects of reserpine and Norepinephrine administration
- Modification of audiogenic and pentylenetetrazol seizures with gamma-aminobutyric acid, Norepinephrine and serotonin
- Labile lipophilic derivatives of Norepinephrine capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier
- Thermoregulation and Norepinephrine
- Effect of arterenol (Norepinephrine) and epinephrine on cerebral hemodynamics and metabolism
- Studies on digitalis XIV: Influence of cardiac Norepinephrine stores on the response of isolated heart muscle to digitalis
- The inhibition of Norepinephrine-stimulated lipolysis by acute hypoxia
- The effects of body position, ganglionic blockade and Norepinephrine on the pulmonary capillary bed
- Adrenal medullary secretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in dogs subjected to hemorrhagic hypotension
- Transport of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in human plasma.
- Sensitivity of the Large Blood Vessels of the Rabbit to l-Epinephrine and l-Norepinephrine
- Sensitivity of the isolated nictitating membrane of the cat to Norepinephrine and acetylcholine after various procedures and agents
- Vaso-and bronchodilator effects of N-isopropyl-Norepinephrine in isolated perfused dog lungs
- Enhancement of H3-Norepinephrine uptake in rat tissues by O-methylated metabolites of catecholamines
- Norepinephrine levels in various areas of rat brain during cold acclimation
- Comparison of changes in mesenteric resistance following splanchnic nerve stimulation with responses to epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Electrocardiographic changes during Norepinephrine-induced hypertension in normal man
- Increase in the blood flow through brown adipose tissue in response to cold exposure and Norepinephrine in the rat
- Quantitative estimation of H3-Norepinephrine and its metabolites by thin-layer chromatography
- Relationship between hypothalamic Norepinephrine and serotonin and gonadotrophin secretion in the hamster
- Relationship between fat and ketone body metabolism in obese and nonobese diabetics and nondiabetics during Norepinephrine infusion
- An automated technic for separate fluorometric measurement of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in urine
- Influence of L-Norepinephrine upon cardiac output in anesthetized dogs
- Chronic administration of electroconvulsive shock and Norepinephrine metabolism in the rat brain
- Circulatory responses to Norepinephrine after prolonged treatment with chlorothiazide
- Inotropic Action of Epinephrine, Nor-epinephrine, and N-Isopropyl-Norepinephrine on Heart Muscle.
- Hemodynamic effects of angiotensin, Norepinephrine, and bradykinin continuously measured in unanesthetized dogs
- Effect of cocaine, phenoxybenzamine and calcium on the inhibition of Norepinephrine output from the cat spleen by guanethidine
- Tritium excretion of normotensive and hypertensive subjects after administration of tritiated Norepinephrine
- Suppression of the daily rhythm in tyrosine transaminase activity by acute elevation of Norepinephrine
- Particle-bound and free catecholamines in dog hearts and the uptake of injected Norepinephrine
- Effects of epinephrine, Norepinephrine and nicotine on growth and carcass composition of chicks
- Estimation of conjugated epinephrine and Norepinephrine in urine
- Circulatory actions of general anesthetic agents and the homeostatic roles of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in man
- Effect of Norepinephrine on myocardial free fatty acid uptake and oxidation
- … correlates of behavior. V. Differential effects of drugs on approach and avoidance behavior in rats with related changes in brain serotonin and Norepinephrine
- Serotonin, Norepinephrine and 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine in rat brain parts following electroconvulsive shock
- Gastrointestinal bleeding in pheochromocytoma and following the administration of Norepinephrine (arterenol)
- The Use of Dibenamine and Norepinephrine in the Operative Treatment of Pheochromocytoma: Report of Two Cases
- Modification by desipramine (DMI) of the availability of Norepinephrine released by reserpine in the hypothalamus of the rat in vivo
- The effect of L-Norepinephrine on cardiac output in the anesthetized dog during graded hemorrhage
- Dissociation of the decarboxylase-inhibiting and Norepinephrine-depleting effects of α-methyl-dopa, α-ethyl-dopa, 4-bromo-3-hydroxy-benzyloxyamine and related …
- Excretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine after administration of insulin and methacholine
- Norepinephrine synthesis and the pressor responses to tyramine in the spinal cat
- Mechanism by which serotonin, Norepinephrine and reserpine cause central vasomotor inhibition
- The site of binding of injected H3-Norepinephrine
- The chemorelease of Norepinephrine from mouse hearts. IV. Structure-activity relations. Reserpines and yohimbines
- Effects of histamine, acetylcholine, and Norepinephrine on gastric vascular resistance
- Spontaneous pressure elevations in small veins and effects of Norepinephrine and cold
- Changes in outflow facility and content of Norepinephrine in iris and ciliary processes of albino rabbits after cervical ganglionectomy
- On the mechanism of heart Norepinephrine depletion by tyramine, guanethidine and reserpine
- Electrophoretic mobilities of brain subcellular particles and binding of γ-aminobutyric acid, acetylcholine, Norepinephrine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine
- The effects of Norepinephrine isomers on various supersensitivities of the cat nictitating membrane
- Early potentiation of the vasoconstrictor action of Norepinephrine by guanethidine.
- Epinephrine and arterenol (Norepinephrine) in mental disease: plasma and cerebrospinal fluid concentrations
- Potentiation of Norepinephrine in the isolated vas deferens of the rat by some CNS stimulants and antidepressants
- O-methylation of 3H-Norepinephrine by epididymal adipose tissue
- Cardiac effects of isoproterenol, Norepinephrine and epinephrine in complete AV heart block during experimental acidosis and hyperkalemia
- Influence of Norepinephrine, growth hormone and fasting on FFA mobilization and glucose metabolism in lean and obese subjects
- Arterenol (Norepinephrine) and Vascular Headache of the Migraine Type: Studies on Headache
- Vascular effects of angiotensin and Norepinephrine in the dog, cat, and monkey
- Studies on the enzyme catalyzing the conversion of 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylethylamine to Norepinephrine
- Intracellular distribution of Norepinephrine in rat brain. I. Effect of reserpine and the monoamine oxidase inhibitors, trans-2-phenylcyclopropylamine and 1-isonicotinyl …
- Mechanism of pressor response to l-Norepinephrine during hemorrhagic shock
- The effect of l-Norepinephrine upon the myocardial oxygen tension and survival in acute hemorrhagic hypotension
- Metabolism of C14-Norepinephrine and C14-epinephrine and their transmission across the human placenta
- Cardiac responses to epinephrine and Norepinephrine during prolonged cholesterol and high fat feeding in rabbits
- Uptake of Norepinephrine by the isolated hypothalamic vesicles
- Effect of drugs on turnover rate of heart Norepinephrine
- Relationships among cardiac inotropic responses to Norepinephrine and cardiac and blood concentrations of H3-Norepinephrine during hypothermia
- Effect of Norepinephrine and uncoupling agents on brown adipose tissue
- Effects of Small Oral Doses of Reserpine on Vascular: Responses to Tyramine and Norepinephrine in Man
- Cardiovascular responses to Norepinephrine in acute adrenal insufficiency.
- Incorporation of C14-amino acids into protein of isolated diaphragms: effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Myocardial Depletion of Norepinephrine in Hemorrhagic Hypotension.
- Histochemical demonstration of uptake of exogenous Norepinephrine by adrenergic fibers in vitro
- Responses of cold-and warm-adapted dogs to infused Norepinephrine and acute body cooling
- A 24-hour rhythm in the content of Norepinephrine in the pineal and salivary glands of the rat
- Thyroxine and Norepinephrine effects on the metabolic rates of heat-acclimated hamsters
- Localization of tritiated Norepinephrine in vascular sympathetic axons of the rat intestine and mesentery by electron microscope radioautography
- The simultaneous recording of oxygen uptake and contraction of papillary muscles as affected by l-epinephrine and l-Norepinephrine
- Urinary metabolites of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in the chicken
- Skin necrosis following intravenous use of Norepinephrine
- The direct effect of Norepinephrine and of angiotensin on the pulmonary veins of intact dogs
- The effect of acute administration of chlorothiazide upon the pressor responsiveness to angiotensin and Norepinephrine
- The direct renal vascular effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine before and after adrenergic blockade
- Fluoroarterenol: a fluorine isostere of Norepinephrine
- The relation between Norepinephrine content and response to sympathetic nerve stimulation of various organs of cats pretreated with reserpine
- … of phenoxybenzamine and isopropylmethoxamine (BW 61-43) on some cardiovascular, metabolic, and histopathologic effects of Norepinephrine infusions in dogs
- Study of effects of Norepinephrine on microcirculation of the dog omentum in oligemic shock
- Depletion of Norepinephrine from atria by epinephrine
- Influence of epinephrine, Norepinephrine and nicotine on blood levels of glucose, free fatty acids and amino nitrogen in pigs
- Influence of chlorpromazine and chlorprothixene on the cerebral metabolism of 5-hydroxytryptamine, Norepinephrine and dopamine
- Cardiac and vascular changes in acute tolerance to Norepinephrine infusions
- Effect of Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine on the pulmonary circulation of the spinal dog
- Tissue binding of tritiated Norepinephrine in pigmented nuclei of human brain
- Effects of epinephrine, Norepinephrine and isopropylarterenol on the isolated auricles of four mammalian species
- Fluorimetric measurement of exogenous and endogenous epinephrine and Norepinephrine in peripheral blood
- Comparative reactivity of isolated surviving coronary arteries to l-epinephrine and l-Norepinephrine.
- Concerning the mechanism of action of methylphenidate on the responses of rabbit vascular tissue to Norepinephrine
- Light-An Essential Factor in the Trihydroxyindole-Spectrophotofluorometric Assay of Norepinephrine
- Reversal of sympathetic nerve blockade: a comparison of dopa, dopamine, and Norepinephrine with their α-methylated analogues
- Circulating epinephrine and Norepinephrine in changing emotional states
- Central effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on the palmar sweat index
- Imipramine antagonism of the CNS effects of Norepinephrine behavioral and biochemical correlates
- Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in rat brain stem following cortical lesions
- Absence of direct actions of Norepinephrine on cardiac myosin and cardiac actomyosin
- On the Norepinephrine replacement by α-methyl-Norepinephrine in the rat heart after treatment with α-methyl-DOPA
- The chemorelease of Norepinephrine in mouse hearts. Structure-activity relationships. II. Drugs affecting the sympathetic and central nervous systems
- Stimulation of thoracic duct lymph flow by epinephrine and Norepinephrine.
- Effect of l-Norepinephrine on left ventricular diastolic pressures in man
- Fluorescence of ethylenediamine derivatives of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Influence of cocaine on the uptake of H3-Norepinephrine and on the responses of isolated guinea-pig atria to sympathomimetic amines
- Effects of epinephrine, Norepinephrine and histamine on canine intestine and liver weight continuously recorded in vivo
- Cardiopulmonary effects of Norepinephrine and propranolol
- Mydriasis and the increase in outflow of aqueous humor from the rabbit eye after cervical ganglionectomy in relation to the release of Norepinephrine from the iris
- … Infections; with particular reference to Fulminating Meningococcemia (Waterhouse-Frider chsen Syndrome) treated with Cortisone and Norepinephrine.
- Mechanisms of reflex vasodilation: assessment of the role of neural reuptake of Norepinephrine and release of histamine
- Venous and arterial responses to Norepinephrine in dogs treated with reserpine
- Effects of Norepinephrine on blood glucose and free fatty acids in cold-adapted rats
- Renal tubular necrosis: its relation to Norepinephrine administration
- Effects of Norepinephrine on tissues of the frog heart atrium poisoned by tetrodotoxin
- Removal of infused Norepinephrine by the cat’s spleen; mechanism of its inhibition by phenoxybenzamine
- Effect of pargyline treatment on the rate of conversion of tyrosine 14C to Norepinephrine 14C
- A glutaraldehyde-dichromate-silver sequence for differentiating Norepinephrine cells from epinephrine cells in neonatal and adult rats—paraffin sections
- Effect of interrupting the hypothalamic nervous connections on the Norepinephrine and serotonin content of the hypothalamus
- A study of the mechanisms of the modifying actions of cocaine, ephedrine and imipramine on the cardiovascular response to Norepinephrine and epinephrine
- Metabolic effects of theophylline and Norepinephrine in the dog at normal and acid pH
- Iodide release from the thyroid as an acute response to epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Active reflex vasodilatation induced by intravenous epinephrine or Norepinephrine in primates
- Displacement of Norepinephrine from the rat heart by 14C-metaraminol
- Norepinephrine metabolism and psychoactive drugs in the endogenous depressions
- Contractility, heart rate, and response to Norepinephrine of isolated rat myocardium following I131-induced hypothyroidism
- Effect of D-LSD and related compounds on release of Norepinephrine-H3 and serotonin-H3 evoked from brain slices by electrical stimulation
- Exaggerated Urinary Norepinephrine Response to Tilt in Pheochromocytoma: Diagnostic Implications
- Estrus cycle in rats: the role of serotonin and Norepinephrine
- Actions of potassium and calcium on coronary flow and heart contractions with special reference to the responses to epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- The effects of intravenous epinephrine and Norepinephrine on a conditioned response in the cat
- Subcellular distribution of Norepinephrine in uteri of some species
- Fluorescent derivatives obtained by the reaction of ethylene diamine with epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Left ventricular end-diastolic distensibility after Norepinephrine and propranolol
- Neurochemical correlates of the imipramine antagonism of the behavioral effects of Norepinephrine
- Blockade of the positive inotropic action of Norepinephrine by cardiac glycosides in the dog during hypothermia
- A Relationship Between Ovarian Norepinephrine and Breast Cancer in Humans.
- Pulmonary Vasomotor Responses to Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in the Cat: Influence of the Sympathetic Nervous System
- Effect of bacterial lipopolysaccharide on the content of serotonin and Norepinephrine in rabbit brain
- Effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on lipid metabolism of the rat
- Uptake of Norepinephrine by isolated pineal bodies
- Comparison of Norepinephrine and isoproterenol in experimental coronary shock: Observations on the effects of dextran infusion
- Effect of light on fluorescence of ethylenediamine derivatives of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Catechol amine metabolism: peripheral plasma levels of epinephrine (E) and Norepinephrine (NE) during laparotomy under different types of anesthesia in dogs …
- Factors influencing the depletion of cardiac Norepinephrine by tyramine
- Preparation of Urinary Metabolites of 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine and Norepinephrine, and Related Compounds1
- Factors altering the filling of the isolated left ventricle of the dog heart: Effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Sensitization of arteries, veins, and small vessels to Norepinephrine after cocaine
- Norepinephrine and DOPA decar☐ ylase in rat brain following hypothalamic lesions
- Effect of Norepinephrine on the phonocardiographic, auscultatory and hemodynamic features of congenital and acquired heart disease
- Norepinephrine sensitivity of isolated rabbit aorta strips in solutions of varying pH and electrolyte content
- Effect of potassium on the resting length of vascular smooth muscle of the rabbit aorta and its response to I-Norepinephrine
- Studies in surgical endocrinology III. Plasma concentrations of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in anesthesia, trauma and surgery, as measured by a modification of …
- Treatment of tissue necrosis following intravenous use of Norepinephrine
- Effect of nerve stimulation and angiotensin on the accumulation of 3H-Norepinephrine and the endogenous Norepinephrine level in guinea pig vas deferens
- Blood ketone response to Norepinephrine-induced free fatty acid elevation in diabetes
- Effect of Norepinephrine and isoprenaline on the airway resistance of patients with chronic bronchial obstruction.
- Uptake and metabolism of dl-Norepinephrine by subcellular particles of rat heart
- Interactions of Norepinephrine with subcellular fractions of rat brain I. Characteristics of Norepinephrine uptake
- Cutaneous venoconstrictor response to local cooling in the dog: Unexplained by inhibition of neuronal re-uptake of Norepinephrine
- The influence of thyroid hormone on myocardial metabolism of Norepinephrine in the guinea pig
- Antagonism between harmaline and long-acting monoamine oxidase inhibitors concerning the effect on 5-hydroxytryptamine and Norepinephrine metabolism in the …
- Urinary epinephrine and Norepinephrine responses to 72-hr. avoidance sessions in the monkey
- Pressor effects of Norepinephrine after drastic reduction of sodium intake
- Vascular Responses to Norepinephrine in Adrenal Insufficiency.
- Rapid movement of epinephrine and Norepinephrine into human erythrocytes
- The chemorelease of Norepinephrine from mouse hearts by substituted amphetamines
- Individual chamber sensitivity to Norepinephrine after unilateral cardiac denervation
- Selective depletion of rat aorta potassium by small pressor doses of Norepinephrine
- Effect of trans-2-phenylcyclopropylamine upon Norepinephrine concentration and monoamine oxidase activity of rat brain
- The effects of the sulfhydryl group upon the oxidation of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Myocardial FFA metabolism during coronary infusion of Norepinephrine in conscious dogs
- Influence of mineralocorticoids and cations on the inotropic effect of angiotensin and Norepinephrine in isolated cardiac muscle
- Amino acid decarboxylation steps in the biosynthesis of Norepinephrine, serotonin, and histamine
- Depletion of cardiac Norepinephrine in the mouse and cat by mercaptoethylguanidine
- Pulmonary function during Norepinephrine-induced calorigenesis in cold-acclimatized rats
- Prognostic pretoxemia test in pregnancy: exaggerated pressor response to Norepinephrine
- The antagonism of ergot alkaloids towards the inhibitory response of the isolated rabbit intestine to epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Coronary pressure-blood flow relations: The effect of Norepinephrine
- The stability of epinephrine and arterenol (Norepinephrine) in plasma and serum: A comparison of normal and schizophrenic subjects
- Effects of intravenous injections of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in a choice situation.
- Subcellular distribution of Norepinephrine in the normal and surgically denervated cat heart
- Repair processes in arterial tissue. Biochemical alterations in rabbit aorta induced by Norepinephrine
- Decrease of Norepinephrine in brain and heart of vitamin E deficient rats
- Increased susceptibility to pyelonephritis during acute hypertension by angiotensin II and Norepinephrine
- Cardiovascular interactions of amphetamine and ephedrine with Norepinephrine and with vasopressin
- Norepinephrine metabolism in dogs with chronic renovascular hypertension
- Hemodynamic consequences of renin tachyphylaxis and Norepinephrine failure of response
- Norepinephrine induced pulmonary congestion in patients with aortic valve regurgitation
- Effect of hemorrhagic shock on release of Norepinephrine by tyramine
- Indirect Evidence of Synthesis of Norepinephrine from 3-Hydroxy-Tyramine-1-C14 in vivo.
- Formation of a new metabolite of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in liver and kidney
- The subcellular localization of tritium after incubation of homogenates of rat brain with 3H-Norepinephrine
- The influence of pituitary hormones and Norepinephrine on the size of adipose cells in organ culture
- Effects of l-Epinephrine and l-Norepinephrine on the Splanchnic Bed of Intact Dogs
- The effect of Norepinephrine infusions upon some responses of reserpine-treated spinal cats to tyramine
- Influence of 5-Hydroxytryptamine, 5-Hydroxytryptophan. Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Reserpine on Thrombotic Deposits in the Rabbit
- An autoradiographic study of the uptake and storage of Norepinephrine-H3 in tissues of mice treated with reserpine and cocaine
- … and metabolic effects in man of histamine, Mecholyl®, tetraethylammonium and atropine in the presence of circulating epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Diurnal rhythm in plasma epinephrine and Norepinephrine in the channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus)
- Effect of DDT on the urinary excretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine by rats
- Effects of L-Norepinephrine on cardiac metabolism of dogs in hemorrhagic shock.
- Effects of chronic poisoning by an organophosphorus cholinesterase inhibitor on acetylcholine and Norepinephrine content of the brain
- The effect of adrenalectomy and hydrocortisone on responses to Norepinephrine and stimulation of the cardioaccelerator nerve
- Blockade of Norepinephrine uptake and other activities of 5-(3′-dimethylaminopropyl)-dibenzo [a, d][1, 4] cycloheptadiene hydrochloride (AY-8794) and structurally …
- The depletion of Norepinephrine stores in the heart of the dog by reserpine-type alkaloids
- Effect of Norepinephrine on cerebral hemodynamics in severe hypotension
- Role of the liver in metabolism of DL-Norepinephrine-14C
- Fluorometric Estimation of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- The fate of iontophoretically introduced epinephrine and Norepinephrine in patients with atopic dermatitis and in normal skin
- The Depletion of Norepinephrine-3H from Heart by α-Methyl-m-tyrosine. A Novel and Convenient Method for Assaying the Inhibition of Aromatic Amino Acid …
- Effect of dibutyryl-3′, 5′-AMP, theophylline and Norepinephrine on lipolytic action of growth hormone and glucocorticoid in white fat cells
- Differential effects of Norepinephrine on responses evoked in the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus
- Effect of phentolamine methanesulfonate upon uterine contractility induced by l-Norepinephrine pregnancy
- The Preparation of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine Metabolites, 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxymandelic Acid and 3, 4-Dihydroxymandelic Acid
- Distribution of Norepinephrine uptake within rabbit aorta between adventitia and media
- Disappearance rates of infused epinephrine and Norepinephrine from plasma: a comparison of normal and schizophrenic subjects
- Ventricular Arrhythmias and Automaticity following Norepinephrine.
- Potentiation of epinephrine and Norepinephrine by iproniazid
- Regional differences in accumulation of tritium-labeled Norepinephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and gamma-aminobutyric acid in brain slices of spider and rhesus …
- Increased Sensitivity of Ethylenediamine Analysis for Norepinephrine
- Chemorelease of Norepinephrine from mouse hearts. III. 3, 5-Dihydroxy-4-methoxyphenethylamines and related compounds
- Norepinephrine depleting and antihypertensive effect of 4-methoxy-3, 5-dihydroxyphenylalanine
- Angiotensin, cocaine and desipramine: comparison of effects on blood pressure responses to Norepinephrine, tyramine and phenylephrine in the pithed rat
- Effect of 9-α-fluorohydrocortisone on forearm vascular responses to Norepinephrine
- … and Arterenol Excretion: Hemodynamics of Methacholine Test and Its Relationship to Excretion of Epinephrine and Arterenol (Norepinephrine) in Normal and …
- Pressor response to angiotensin II in hypertension: Correlation with plasma renin activity and response to Norepinephrine and metaraminol
- Comparison of the effects of l-Norepinephrine, angiotensin, dipyridamole, digitoxin, and reserpine on the regional distribution of coronary blood flow
- Effects of Alpha-methyldihydroxyphenylalanine, Reserpine and Dihydroxyphenylalanine on Pressor Responses to Norepinephrine and Tyramine in Humans.
- Modification of synaptic transmission in the superior cervical ganglion by epinephrine, Norepinephrine and nortriptyline
- Differences in the Rate of Rb86 Uptake by Several Regions of the Myocardium of Control Dogs and Dogs Receiving 1-Norepinephrine or Pitressin®
- A Study in Dogs of Methods Suitable for Estimating the Rate of Myocardial Uptake of Rb86 in Man, and the Effect of 1-Norepinephrine and Pitressin® on Rb86 …
- Action of Norepinephrine on Carotid Sinus Arterial Walls and Blood Pressure.
- Effect of dopa on the Norepinephrine and dopamine contents and on the granulated vesicles of the hypothalamus of reserpinized rabbits
- Acetylcholine, bretylium and release of Norepinephrine from sympathetic nerve endings.
- The effects of hydrazines on rat brain 5-hydroxytryptamine, Norepinephrine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid
- Detection of Norepinephrine in the Parotid Gland Secretion of Bufo agua.
- The effect of adrenergic blockade and Norepinephrine on renal and cardiovascular hemodynamics following hemorrhage
- Alterations of urinary epinephrine and Norepinephrine: The antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum periods
- A discussion of control of brain serotonin and Norepinephrine by specific neural systems
- … ) in blocking the vasoconstrictor responses in canine muscle to lumbar sympathetic stimulation and to intra-arterial injections of L-epinephrine and of L-Norepinephrine
- Cardiovascular effects of sustained Norepinephrine infusions. III. Lactic dehydrogenase isoenzyme release
- Failure of brain Norepinephrine depletion to extinguish the daily rhythm in hepatic tyrosine transaminase activity
- Uptake of Norepinephrine as a determinant of the magnitude of the inotropic response
- Antagonism of monoamine oxidase inhibitors against Norepinephrine, acetylcholine and potassium in the isolated nictitating membrane of the cat
- Metabolism of DL-Norepinephrine-7-3H in the Guinea Pig treated with Tolbutamide
- The rate-increasing effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine and its modification by experimental time in the isolated heart of normal and reserpine-pretreated dogs
- Synthesis of 2, 4, 5-trihydroxyphenylalanine (6-hydroxydopa). A centrally active Norepinephrine-depleting agent
- Studies of coronary and peripheral blood flow following hemorrhagic shock, transfusion and L-Norepinephrine
- The effect of d-and l-Norepinephrine on rat cardiac phosphorylase activation
- Chronic administration of electroconvulsive shock and Norepinephrine metabolism in the rat brain
- The prolongation of reserpine-induced cardiac Norepinephrine depletion by metabolic inhibitors
- Comparative effects of epinephrine and levarterenol (l-Norepinephrine) on left ventricular performance in conscious and anesthetized dogs
- Depletion of splenic Norepinephrine in rat by celiac ganglionectomy
- Differential potentiation of Norepinephrine and epinephrine by cardiovascular and CNS-active agents
- STUDIES ON VERATRUM ALKALOIDS: IX. The Inhibition by Veratrosine of the Cardioaccelerator Action of Epinephrine and of Norepinephrine
- Role of the liver in calorigenic action of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Effects of α-methyl-5-hydroxytryptophan and α-methyl-5-hydroxytryptamine on Norepinephrine in mouse myocardium
- Effects of Norepinephrine and phenylephrine on myocardial energetics
- Norepinephrine and Serotonin in the Tissues and Venoms of Two Pit Vipers.
- Effect of Thyroid Hormones on Metabolism of d,l-Norepinephrine by Isolated Rat Liver
- The relative metabolic rates of Norepinephrine-7-H3 and epinephrine-1-C14
- The effect of adrenalectomy on the Norepinephrine and serotonin content of the brain and on reserpine action in rats
- ANESTHESIA AND DIGITALIS TOXICITY. II.: effect of Norepinephrine infusion on ouabain tolerance
- Plasma Clearance of dl-β-H3-Norepinephrine in Normal Human Subjects and Patients with Essential Hypertension
- Inhibition of the vasomotor system of the anesthetized dog by epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Normal rate of3H Norepinephrine uptake by isolated iris of rabbits injected with reserpine and pargyline
- Electrophoretic separation of catecholamine metabolites and the quantification of Norepinephrine-7H3 metabolites in man
- Inhibition of histidine decarboxylase activity in vitro by Norepinephrine and related compounds
- A Rapid and Sensitive Method for Simultaneouis Determination of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in Human Plasma
- Effect of hypoxia on the vascular response to isoproterenol and Norepinephrine
- Enzymatic behaviour of the product of coenzyme A-Norepinephrine reaction
- Effects of exogenous and endogenous Norepinephrine on the oxygen availability of intact muscular arteries
- Changes in brain epinephrine and Norepinephrine induced by afferent electrical stimulation in the isolated toad head.
- Metabolic response of dogs to hypoxia in the absence of circulating epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Effect of the spleen in Norepinephrine action on blood volumes of the dog
- Effect of Norepinephrine on myocardial metabolism before and after beta receptor blockade
- On the mechanism of Norepinephrine depletion by reserpine, metaraminol and related compounds and antagonism by monoamine oxidase inhibition
- Effect of saline infusion and Norepinephrine on response of the kidney to bacterial endotoxin.
- Effect of lidoflazine on Norepinephrine, angiotensin and serotonin responses in isolated smooth muscle preparations
- Influence of ouabain on the positive inotropic responses to Norepinephrine in isolated guinea-pig and dog heart preparations at 37 and 27
- Chronic administration of electroconvulsive shock and Norepinephrine metabolism in the rat brain
- Norepinephrine biosynthesis in the rat pancreas
- Retention of exogenous Norepinephrine and recovery of the responses to tyramine and 1, 1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide after reserpine
- … ) on renal hemodynamics and water and electrolyte excretion: a comparison with hexamethonium and arfonad and the effect of Norepinephrine on these responses
- The effects of sodium and potassium on Norepinephrine uptake by rabbit platelets and the inhibition of this process by drugs
- Effect of cortical spreading depression on Norepinephrine-H3 metabolism in brain stem
- Action of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on contractile activity of the three separate layers of the human uterus
- Myocardial contractile response to Norepinephrine, isoproterenol, and calcium chloride in hyperthyroid guinea pigs
- Correlation of heart rate during Norepinephrine infusion with pulse pressure following amyl nitrite inhalation
- Dose-response curves for the blood pressure effects produced by graded doses of L-epinephrine, a commercial epinephrine, and L-Norepinephrine
- Effects of topically applied epinephrine, Norepinephrine, acetylcholine and histamine on the intermediate circulation of the mouse spleen
- Intravenous 1-Norepinephrine as a cause of reduced plasma volume
- The effects of epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and acetylcholine on the electrogram of the isolated frog heart
- Interactions between Norepinephrine antagonists and potentiators (chlorpromazine, chlorpromazine sulfoxide and imipramine) and sympathetic amines …
- Norepinephrine response in normal and hypotensive sheep.
- Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia: Its Possible Management by Decrease in Myocardial Norepinephrine Content
- Effect of monoamine oxidase inhibition on biliary excretion of metabolites of Norepinephrine by isolated rat liver
- Skin oxygen tension during administration of epinephrine and Norepinephrine to normal man
- Effects of graded doses of epinephrine and of Norepinephrine on blood pressure before and after total spinal anesthesia
- Effects of l-Epinephrine and l-Norepinephrine on Foot Vasculature After Sympathectomy in Dogs
- Proteinuria following intravenous Norepinephrine and epinephrine in man
- Relative Lack of Pharmacologic Action of 3-Methoxy Analogue of Norepinephrine.
- Circulatory effects of Norepinephrine infusions in intact and splenectomized dogs
- A new colorimetric method for the quantitative determination of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Effect of Diazoxide on Vascular Responses to Norepinephrine in the Calf of Normal Subjects.
- Effect of the chelating agents, EDTA, 2, 2′-bipyridine, 8-hydroxyquinoline and pyrophosphoric acid, on Norepinephrine uptake by rabbit aorta
- Antagonism by propranolol of the cardiac chronotropic response to Norepinephrine or to transmural electrical stimulation
- Demonstration of the 3-methoxy analog of Norepinephrine in man
- Regulation of Norepinephrine synthesis
- Effect of vasoconstrictor tone on pressure responses to epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Chronotropic effects of Norepinephrine and tyramine: a system response analysis
- Pressor Activity of l-and d-Norepinephrine, USP Reference Standard Epinephrine, and Synthetic l-Epinephrine
- Influence of metallic ions on the reaction of ethylene diamine with epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- the effect of Norepinephrine INFUSION on RESERPINE-INDUCED MYOCARDIAL CATECHOLAMINE DEPLETION: implications in anesthesiology
- Mechanisms of sympathomimetic effects of dichloroisoproterenol: Comparison with tyramine, nicotine and Norepinephrine
- Tissue Norepinephrine of rats given chlorothiazide
- Effects of infusion of Norepinephrine on blood hormone levels, electrolytes and water excretion in man
- Necrotizing Properties of Metaraminol (Aramine) and Arterenol (Norepinephrine): Comparative Study
- Evidence of side-chain cleavage during the reaction of epinephrine and Norepinephrine with ethylene diamine
- The hypersensitivity of adipose tissue to Norepinephrine and other lipolytic agents during blockade of free fatty acids (FFA) mobilization
- Plasma levels of epinephrine and Norepinephrine—Anesthetic significance
- Metabolic effects of Norepinephrine on the heart in relation to the functional status of the thyroid
- Blockade of Norepinephrine-Induced Lipolysis by Isomers of dl-1-(Nitrophenyl)-1-Hydroxy-2-Isopropylaminoethane
- Failure of ethylenediamine condensation method to detect increased plasma Norepinephrine concentrations during general anesthesia in man
- METABOLISM OF dl-Norepinephrine-7-H3 IN RABBITS TOLERANT TO l-Norepinephrine
- The” humoral” component of the pressor response to central vagal stimulation and the identification of the” humor” as Norepinephrine
- The metabolic response to Norepinephrine in carbon tetrachloride poisoned sheep
- Experimental Studies on the Beriberi Heart III. Correct Treatment Doses of Thiamine for the Beriberi Heart Disease and Effects of Vitacampher and Norepinephrine
- Effects of Norepinephrine on Myocardial K, Na, C1 and H2O in Hemorrhagic Shock.
- The effect of l-Norepinephrine on urine composition and acid-base equilibrium in man
- Monoamine Oxidase and Catechol O-Methyl Transferase Inhibitors: Effect of Intradermal Injection on Exogenous and Endogenous Norepinephrine
- Effect of I-Norepinephrine on right atrial pressure and the “square wave response” to the Valsalva maneuver
- Interaction between Norepinephrine and dichloroisoproterenol during adrenergic blockade of the isolated perfused rat heart
- Effect of intraductal or intravascular Norepinephrine infusion on the development of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis
- The excretion of a urinary metabolite of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in tuberculosis
- Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in normal and abnormal pregnancy
- Influence of Norepinephrine and ouabain on cardiac muscle mechanics during hypothermia
- Dominance of lipid metabolism in the myocardium under the influence of 1-Norepinephrine
- Reduction in renal vascular responses to angiotensin and Norepinephrine during carotid sinus stimulation
- Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Neuroleptanalgesics 3 effect of innovar-nitrous oxide anaesthesia on blood levels of histamine, serotonin, epinephrine, and Norepinephrine, and on urine excretion
- A negative inotropic response of cat atria to sympathetic nerve stimulation or Norepinephrine
- Prevention Of Norepinephrine (Levophed) Sloughs
- Atropine, Norepinephrine, and isoproterenol and the cardiac response to experimental lactic acidosis
- Alteration of Norepinephrine responses in the dog by dual adrenergic blockade
- Automated trihydroxyindole procedure for analysis of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Effect of 9-alpha-fluorohydrocortisone on forearm venous responses to Norepinephrine and tyramine.
- Potentiation of the Coronary Vasodilator Effect of Norepinephrine by 2, 6-Bis (diethanolamino)-4, 8-dipiperidino-pyrimido (5, 4-d) pyrimidine (Dipyridamole®)
- Elevated plasma Norepinephrine during cyclopropane anesthesia as a possible function of decreased amine metabolism
- The Metabolism of Norepinephrine in Depressions: Differences and Effects of Therapies
- Effect of α-methyl-5-hydroxytryptophan ethyl ester upon tissue Norepinephrine levels in rats and mice
- Mechanism of the Protective Action of Magnesium in Mechanical Trauma Involving Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- The effect of elevated temperature on the retention of 3H-Norepinephrine in the hearts of normal and thyroidectomized rats
- Action of a beta adrenergic receptor blocking agent on the positive chronotropic response and uptake of Norepinephrine in the perfused guinea-pig heart
- Effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on blood pressure of totally perfused dogs
- Effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on barbiturates anesthesia in mice
- Urinary Hemoglobin Excretion and Renal Circulatory Dynamics: A Study of the Effect of L-Norepinephrine in the Dog
- Reduction of tissue Norepinephrine and blood pressure by 3, 5-dihydroxy-4-methoxy-phenylalanine
- Simultaneous extraction of tissue Norepinephrine and serotonin
- Catechol amines. I. Sulfur analogs of Norepinephrine
- Myocardial Norepinephrine depletion and its resynthesis from dopa during prolonged hemorrhagic hypotension in dogs
- Comparison in conscious goats of the effects of epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and tyramine on blood pressure
- Initiation of automaticity by acetylcholine and Norepinephrine in isolated quiescent atria of the cat
- Effect of β-adrenergic blockade or nicotinic acid on Norepinephrine-induced increases in plasma free fatty acids and total cholesterol in the dog.
- Potentiation of Norepinephrine and Adenosine in the Renal Circulation by 2, 6-Bis (diethanolamino)-4, 8-dipiperidino-pyrimido (5, 4-d) pyrimidine (Dipyridamole®) …
- Effects of Norepinephrine upon lipid metabolism in a patient with biliary cirrhosis
- Determination of infused epinephrine and Norepinephrine in plasma using isolated guinea pig heart technique
- Influence of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on respiratory variations in vascular pressures
- Failure to Show Supersensitivity to l-Epinephrine and l-Norepinephrine in the Chronic Denervated Heart in Unanesthetized Dogs
- Blockade of Norepinephrine uptake by N, N′-bis-(1-naphthylmethyl)-1, 4-cyclohexanebis-(methylamine) dihydrochloride in rodents
- Studies of the effect of epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and methoxamine on the rate of venous return and peripheral resistance
- Depletion of atrial Norepinephrine induced by reserpine in vitro
- Action of Norepinephrine and propranolol on the turnover rate of free fatty acids and the esterification rate of free fatty acids to plasma triglycerides in man
- Effects of methotrimeprazine, other phenothiazines and related compounds on the levels of Norepinephrine in the mouse heart
- Effect of imipramine on the Norepinephrine and histamine-induced capillary response in the rat
- Lidocaine-Norepinephrine Anesthesia in Obstetrics: Xylocaine and Levophed combination in caudal block
- Elevation by Propynylamines of Rat Tissue Norepinephrine-levels and Reserpine Antagonism in Mice
- Enhancement of H3-Norepinephrine accumulation in rat vas deferens by cocaine, imipramine, and desmethylimipramine
- Effects of angiotensin and Norepinephrine infusions on total plasma volume and extracellular fluid space in man
- Urinary excretion of epinephrine, Norepinephrine, dopamine and tryptamine during sleep and wakefulness
- The response of the splanchnic bed of chronically splenectomized dogs to epinephrine and Norepinephrine infusion
- Renal Hemoglobin Transport: Glomerular Permeability and Tubular Reabsorption During Infusions of L-Norepinephrine
- Cardioaccelerator nerve stimulation and pronethalol on metabolism of Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine-and heparin-induced changes in plasma free fatty acids: a comparison between patients with ischemic heart disease and normal young adults
- Direct Observations On the Response of Blood Vessels of Fetal Mice To Norepinephrine
- The effect of pH on enzymatic formation and inhibition of Norepinephrine synthesis
- Formation of Norepinephrine from tyrosine in isolated rabbit heart
- The effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on an aspect of color vision
- Cardiovascular function, oxygen extraction and labile nucleotide content of cardiac muscle during Norepinephrine-induced depression of digitalized …
- Studies on fatty acid meta-bolism in diabetics during exercise. 6. Infusions of Norepinephrine to male, non-insulin-treated, juvenile diabetics.
- L-Norepinephrine and the Pathogenesis of Rheumatic Fever: Brief Statement in Connection with the Etiology of Rheumatic Inflammation
- Adrenal epinephrine and Norepinephrine content following denervation and barbiturates
- The influence of Norepinephrine on the distribution of radioactivity from some of its 14C-labeled analogues and precursors
- The effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine upon coronary vascular resistance in the dog
- Localizing tritiated Norepinephrine in sympathetic axons by electron microscopic autoradiography.
- The uptake of gamma-aminobutyric acid and Norepinephrine by subcellular fractions of rat brain
- Blood Glucose Changes Induced by Cold, Epinephrine, and Norepinephrine in Dogs of Various Ages.
- Modification of Norepinephrine Tachyphylaxis by Guanethidine.
- Effect of anoxia on the intestinal motility response to Norepinephrine in the isolated rabbit ileum
- Fluorescence of Ethylenediamine Derivatives of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Reserpine, dextro-Norepinephrine (+)-(NE) and tyramine interactions
- The efficacy of Norepinephrine on hemorrhagic shock in relation to myocardial catecholamines
- Effects of reserpine and oxypertine on accumulation of Norepinephrine in mitochondrial fraction of brain stem of guinea pig
- Haemorrhage and the sensitivity of canine mesenteric vascular bed to angiotensin and Norepinephrine
- Relative concentration and daily rhythms of excretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in men with a complete section of the spinal cord
- Studies on the Pathogenesis of Death Due to X-ray Exposure: I. Abnormalities of the Epinephrine and Norepinephrine Responses of Cartoid Arteries of …
- XIX Norepinephrine in the Treatment of Shock
- Reactions of Surviving Human Umbilical Arteries to 1-Epinephrine, 1-Norepinephrine, Acetylcholine and Histamine
- Studies on hemorrhagic and endotoxin shock in relation to vasomotor changes and endogenous circulating epinephrine, Norepinephrine and serotonin
- Quantitative aspects of 1-Norepinephrine induced pathologic changes: a study in normal dogs
- Etiology and Prevention of Sloughs Produced by L-Norepinephrine
- Metabolism of Norepinephrine in Rat Tissue Homogenates
- Effects of L-Norepinephrine upon the Coronary Circulation in Man.
- Thermoregulation and Norepinephrine
- Thermoregulation and Norepinephrine
- Blockade of uptake of Norepinephrine in rodents byα, α-dimethylphenethylaminopropan-2-one
- Cardiac Catecholamines in Rabbits: Seasonal Changes and Norepinephrine Effect
- Chemical Quantitation of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in Plasma.
- Cardiac and Vascular Changes in Acute Tolerance to Norepinephrine Infusion
- A study of the depressor aftereffects of Norepinephrine
- Responses of Cold-Acclimatized Men to Infused Norepinephrine
- Response of the Vascular System to Norepinephrine in Man After Oral Administration of Guanethidine.
- catecholamines, epinephrine and Norepinephrine, were de¬ termined during period preoperatively and
- Effects of Hypertension Induced by Norepinephrine and Sodium Chloride upon the Arteries and Various Organs of Rats
- Effects of Norepinephrine infusion on capillary blood flow in the mesentery
- Blood Pressure Response To l-Norepinephrine in Rats Treated With Inhibitors of Protein Synthesis
- Vasopressor response to the intrasplenic injection of Norepinephrine in dogs with and without portal systemic venous communications
- Effects on intraventricular Norepinephrine on blood pressure and heart rate of rabbits
- Studies on Norepinephrine and cation content of the vascular wall and some observations on renin content.
- Modification of Norepinephrine responses by D, L isomers and desoxy sympathomimetic amines
- Influence of L-Norepinephrine Upon Cardiac Output in Anesthetized Dogs
- Effect of Estrogen on Norepinephrine-Induced Apoptosis in Cultured Neonatal Rat Cardiomyocytes
- Effects of Inhalation Anesthetics on the Myocardial Catecholamines and its Response to Norepinephrine
- The Influence of Cocaine on Some Metabolic Effects of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- The retention of Norepinephrine by the myocardium in normal and ascorbic acid deficient guinea pigs.
- L-Norepinephrine: A possible synaptic transmitter for the suppression of feeding behavior by satiety.
- Absent Norepinephrine induced mobilization of free fatty acids in patients with liver disease
- The synthesis of amino acids designed as inhibitors of Norepinephrine biosynthesis
- Potentiation by Tetrabenazine of Pressor Activity of Norepinephrine in Rabbits
- Effect of reserpine on spontaneous release of Norepinephrine accumulated in mitochondrial fraction of brain stem of guinea pig
- Hydralazine, L-Norepinephrine, and hydrocortisone in the treatment of haemorrhagic shock.
- Studies of the inhibition of histidine decarboxylase in vivo by Norepinephrine and dopa
- Ion-exchange resin paper for separation of the acidic urinary metabolites of Norepinephrine-2-14C in human subjects
- Effect of fighting (defeat) on brain levels of serotonin, Norepinephrine and monoamine oxidase
- Differential Effects of Guanethidine and Reserpine on Norepinephrine in the Brain and Heart of Male Albino Rats Subjected to Restraint
- A study in dogs of methods suitable for estimating the rate of myocardial uptake of Rb86 in man, and the effect of 1-Norepinephrine and pitressin on Rb86 …
- The effects of reserpine on adrenal responses to nicotine and on cardiovascular responses to exogenous epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Studies on the pharmacology of α-methyl-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (α-methyl-dopa) and α-methyl-Norepinephrine Part I
- Pressor responsiveness to angiotensin and Norepinephrine in the hypothyroid rat; a possible mechanism for the reversal of experimental hypertension in the rat …
- … Contractility in Experimental Hemorrhagic Shock: An Evaluationof the Role of Blood Replacement, L-Norepinephrine, Tris-(hydroxymethyl) Aminomethane …
- The chronic implantation of a thermistor for the measurement of coronary blood flow transients in the pig induced by epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and …
- Chemical Quantitation of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in Plasma. By William Mur Manger, BS, MD, Ph. D., Department of Medicine, College of Physicians and …
- … interrelationships between chronic restraint stress and reserpine sedation: effects on pituitary-adrenal function and brain serotonin and Norepinephrine levels in male …
- angiotensin or Norepinephrine. The arteriolar constriction produced by the latter drug leads to capillary ischemia, microcirculatory vasomotion reduc
- Adenyl Cyclase Activity in Rat Pineal Gland: Effects of Chronic Denervation and Norepinephrine Abstract. Adenyl cyclase activity in the pineal gland of rats was …
- … Chemical Mechanisms of the Toxic Action of Hydrazines. The Effects of Hydrazines on Rat Brain 5-Hydro-oxytryptamine, Norepinephrine, and Gamma-aminobutyric …
- The Effect of 5-Hydroxytryptamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine and Acetycholine on the Isolated Atria from Fishes (III)-On the Fluta alba Zuiew
- Effect of 9-a-Fluorohydrocortisone on Forearm Vascular Responses to Norepinephrine
- Regulation of Norepinephrine biosynthesis
- Plasma Norepinephrine levels in essential hypertension
- Coping behavior and brain Norepinephrine level in rats.
- A sensitive radioenzymatic assay for Norepinephrine in tissues and plasma
- Effects of chronic exposure to stressors on avoidance-escape behavior and on brain Norepinephrine.
- Role of brain Norepinephrine in audiogenic seizure in the rat
- Myocardial hypertrophy produced by chronic infusion of subhypertensive doses of Norepinephrine in the dog
- Increased turnover of Norepinephrine in the rat cerebral cortex during stress: role of the locus coeruleus
- Log-normal distribution of equieffective doses of Norepinephrine and acetylcholine in several tissues
- Memory enhancement by central administration of Norepinephrine.
- Methoxamine as a tool to assess the importance of intraneuronal uptake of l-Norepinephrine in the cat’s nictitating membrane
- Norepinephrine and dopamine content of hypothalamic nuclei of the rat
- Guanethidine and related agents: III. Antagonism by drugs which inhibit the Norepinephrine pump in man
- Plasma Norepinephrine and epinephrine in untreated diabetics, during fasting and after insulin administration
- Plasma cortisol and Norepinephrine responses in anticipation of muscular exercise.
- A simplified radiometric assay for plasma Norepinephrine and epinephrine
- The action of Norepinephrine in the rat hippocampus. II. Activation of the input pathway
- Norepinephrine and dopamine in the limbic system of the rat
- Proportional release of Norepinephrine and dopamine-β-hydroxylase from sympathetic nerves
- The action of Norepinephrine in the rat hippocampus. I. Iontophoretic studies
- Amphetamine: evaluation of d-and l-isomers as releasing agents and uptake inhibitors for 3H-dopamine and 3H-Norepinephrine in slices of rat neostriatum and …
- Norepinephrine depletion in idiopathic orthostatic hypotension
- Behavioral activation of rats during intraventricular infusion of Norepinephrine
- Pineal gland: 24-hour rhythm in Norepinephrine turnover
- Selectivity of release of Norepinephrine, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine by amphetamine in various regions of rat brain
- Responsiveness of isolated cerebral and peripheral arteries to serotonin, Norepinephrine, and transmural electrical stimulation
- Microiontophoretic release of Norepinephrine from micropipettes
- Involvement of Norepinephrine in Transmission of The Stimulatory Influence of Progesterone on Gonadotropin Release1
- Ascending catecholamine pathways and amphetamine-induced locomotor activity: importance of dopamine and apparent non-involvement of Norepinephrine
- Depletion of brain Norepinephrine in acute hepatic coma
- Preferential metabolism of (—)-3H-Norepinephrine through the deaminated glycol in the rat vas deferens
- Altered ion transport in vascular smooth muscle from spontaneously hypertensive rats: Influences of aldosterone, Norepinephrine, and angiotensin
- Norepinephrine metabolism in brainstem of spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Catecholamine uptake by synaptosomes from rat brain: structure-activity relationships of drugs with differential effects on dopamine and Norepinephrine neurons
- Changes in Norepinephrine stores in the canine heart following experimental myocardial infarction
- Calorgigenic action of Norepinephrine in the Korean women divers
- Altered Norepinephrine metabolism following experimental spinal cord injury: Part 1: Relationship to hemorrhagic necrosis and post-wounding neurological deficits
- Behavior and the balance between Norepinephrine and serotonin
- Diphenylhydantoin and calcium: relation to Norepinephrine release from brain slices
- Norepinephrine turnover and metabolism in rat brain after long-term administration of imipramine
- Angiotensin-and Norepinephrine-induced myocardial lesions: experimental and clinical studies in rabbits and man
- Metabolism of Norepinephrine released by phenoxybenzamine in isolated guinea-pig atria
- Variations in the level of uterine Norepinephrine during pregnancy in the guinea pig
- Studies on Norepinephrine-containing afferents to Purkinje cells of rat cerebellum. III. Evidence for mediation of Norepinephrine effects by cyclic 3′, 5′-adenosine …
- Iron deficiency anemia and increased urinary Norepinephrine excretion
- Human Norepinephrine metabolism: Its evaluation by administration of tritiated Norepinephrine
- A sensitive double-isotope derivative assay for Norepinephrine and epinephrine: Normal resting human plasma levels
- Modification of Norepinephrine Synthesis in Intact Tissue by Drugs and during Shor-term Adrenergic Nerve Stimulation
- Presence of Norepinephrine and related enzymes in isolated brain microvessels
- Renin, angiotensin, and Norepinephrine in alloxan diabetes
- Effect of intrahypothalamic Norepinephrine on thermoregulatory responses in the rat
- Norepinephrine metabolism in the central nervous system of man: studies using 3‐methoxy‐4‐hydroxyphenylethylene glycol levels in cerebrospinal fluid
- A simple procedure for calculating the synthesis rate of Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in rat brain
- Comparative effects of p-chlorophenylalanine, p-chloroamphetamine and p-chloro-N-methylamphetamine on rat brain Norepinephrine, serotonin and 5-hydroxyindole …
- Differential effects of D-and L-amphetamine on behavior and on catecholamine disposition in dopamine and Norepinephrine containing neurons of rat brain
- The effects of α-methyltyrosine on sleep and brain Norepinephrine in cats
- Metabolic effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in the eel Anguilla anguilla L
- Comparison of Prostaglandin E1 and Norepinephrine on the Gastric Mucosal Circulation
- Brain Norepinephrine: enhanced turnover after rubidium treatment
- The importance of neuronal uptake of amines for amphetamine-induced release of 3H-Norepinephrine from isolated brain tissue
- Characteristics of amphetamine-induced release of Norepinephrine from rat cerebral cortex in vitro
- Effect of intraventricular infusion of dopamine and Norepinephrine on motor activity
- Determinants of response of pial arteries to Norepinephrine and sympathetic nerve stimulation
- … on vascular responsiveness in man: I. Responsiveness to lower body negative pressure and ice on the forehead. II. Responses to Norepinephrine and angiotensin. III …
- 3H-normetanephrine uptake in rat brain slices. Relationship to extraneuronal accumulation of Norepinephrine
- Tests of emotional behavior in rats following depletion of Norepinephrine, of serotonin, or of both
- Intraneural distribution of exogenous Norepinephrine in the central nervous system of the rat
- Pattern of drinking and feeding produced by hypothalamic Norepinephrine injection in the satiated rat
- Quantitative studies of the ocular response to Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine turnover in the heart and spleen of the cardiomyopathic Syrian hamster.
- Movement of Norepinephrine through the media of rabbit aorta
- Site and Mechanism of Uptake of 3H-/-Norepinephrine by Isolated Perfused Rat Lungs
- Calcium-dependent Norepinephrine release from presynaptic nerve endings in vitro
- Response of ovine uterine blood flow to epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Mechanism of effect of alpha adrenergic stimulation with Norepinephrine on renal water excretion
- Mechanism of suppression of vasopressin during alpha-adrenergic stimulation with Norepinephrine
- Effect of nicotine and other drugs on the release of 3H-Norepinephrine and 3H-dopamine from rat brain slices
- The metabolism of circulating Norepinephrine by human subjects
- p-Chloroamphetamine temporal relationship between psychomotor stimulation and metabolism of brain Norepinephrine
- Experimental hypertension of the rat: Reciprocal changes of Norepinephrine turnover in heart and brain-stem
- Brain Norepinephrine metabolism and shock-induced fighting behavior in rats: Differential effects of shock and fighting on the neurochemical response to a common …
- Cyclic adenosine monophosphate and Norepinephrine: effects on transmembrane properties of cerebellar Purkinje cells
- Hemodynamics, coronary blood flow, and myocardial metabolism in coronary shock; response to l-Norepinephrine and isoproterenol
- Response of the main pulmonary artery of dogs to neuronally released versus blood-borne Norepinephrine
- On the mechanism of release of Norepinephrine from sympathetic nerves induced by depolarizing agents and sympathomimetic drugs
- Norepinephrine in blood vessels: concentration, binding, uptake and depletion
- Restoration of Norepinephrine responsiveness of solubilized myocardial adenylate cyclase by phosphatidylinositol
- Hypothalamic Norepinephrine: circadian rhythms and the control of feeding behavior
- Mechanism of release of Norepinephrine from peripheral adrenergic neurones by the calcium ionophores X 537A and A 23187
- Blockade of the nicotine-induced Norepinephrine release by cocaine, phenoxybenzamine and desipramine
- Renal vascular responses to angiotensin and Norepinephrine in normal man: Effect of sodium intake
- Effect of I-Norepinephrine on the diameter of pial arterioles and arteries in the cat
- Fluorometric analysis of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Acidic and neutral metabolites of Norepinephrine: their metabolism and transport from brain
- Urinary excretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine during pregnancy
- Measurement of Norepinephrine and epinephrine in small volumes of human plasma by a single isotope derivative method: response to the upright posture
- Importance of free fatty acids as a determinant of myocardial oxygen consumption and myocardial ischemic injury during Norepinephrine infusion in dogs
- Cerebrospinal fluid MHPG: An assessment of Norepinephrine metabolism in affective disorders
- Relationship between the rate of axoplasmic transport and subcellular distribution of enzymes involved in the synthesis of Norepinephrine
- The effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the metabolism of Norepinephrine in rat brain
- Shock-induced aggression: Opposite effects of intraventricularly infused dopamine and Norepinephrine
- The maturation of the circadian rhythm of brain Norepinephrine and serotonin in the rat
- Effect of neuroleptics on endogenous Norepinephrine in rat brain
- Release of Norepinephrine and dopamine-β-hydroxylase by nerve stimulation. I. Role of neuronal and extraneuronal uptake and of alpha presynaptic receptors
- Technique for measurement of Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake by rabbit lung.
- Evoked release of [14C] Norepinephrine from the rat hypothalamus during feeding
- Conformational similarities between molecular models of phenethylamine and of potent inhibitors of the uptake of tritiated Norepinephrine by adrenergic nerves in …
- Mechanism of methylxanthine sensitization of Norepinephrine responses in a coronaryartery
- Effect of Isoproterenol, l-Norepinephrine, and Intraaortic Counterpulsation on Hemodynamics and Myocardial Metabolism in Shock following Acute Myocardial …
- The interaction of acetylcholine and Norepinephrine on heart rate
- Adenyl cyclase of rat parotid gland: Activation by fluoride and Norepinephrine
- Sympathetic innervation of cerebral arteries: prejunctional supersensitivity to Norepinephrine after sympathectomy or cocaine treatment
- Food intake and amphetamine anorexia after selective forebrain Norepinephrine loss
- Histamine, Norepinephrine, and bradykinin stimulation of fibroblast growth and modification of serotonin response
- The mechanisms by which amphetamine inhibits oxidative deamination of Norepinephrine in brain
- Resistance to central Norepinephrine depletion and decreased mortality in rats chronically exposed to electric foot shock
- Electrophysiologic studies in the denervated transplanted human heart: II. response to Norepinephrine, isoproterenol and propranolol
- Vascular perfusion of isolated rat gut: Norepinephrine and glucocorticoid requirement
- The release of H3-Norepinephrine in arterial strips studied by the technique of superfusion and transmural stimulation
- Improved procedure for formation of epinephrine and Norepinephrine fluorophors by the trihydroxyindole reaction
- A comparison of the effects of fenfluramine and amphetamine on uptake, release and catabolism of Norepinephrine in rat brain
- Norepinephrine: Reversal of anorexia in rats with lateral hypothalamic damage
- Norepinephrine-sensitive properties of C-6 astrocytoma cells
- Release of dopamine-β-hydroxylase with Norepinephrine during cat splenic nerve stimulation
- Tranylcypromine: effects on Norepinephrine metabolism in rat brain
- Evidence for central Norepinephrine-mediated inhibition of ACTH secretion in the rat
- Norepinephrine stimulated increase of cyclic AMP levels in developing mouse brain cell cultures
- Effect of Norepinephrine on the concentration of adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate of rat pineal gland in organ culture
- Depletion of brain Norepinephrine by intraventricular injection of 6-hydroxydopa: A biochemical, histochemical and behavioral study in rats
- Pharmacological analysis of Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine removal from the pulmonary circulation: differentiation of uptake sites for each amine
- Effects of axonal injury on Norepinephrine, tyrosine hydroxylase and monoamine oxidase levels in sympathetic ganglia
- The effects of methamphetamine on behavior and on the uptake, release and metabolism of Norepinephrine
- Mechanisms of Norepinephrine accumulation within sites of spinal cord injury
- A comparison of psychotomimetic drug effects on rat brain Norepinephrine metabolism
- Ovulation induced by Norepinephrine in rats made anovulatory by various experimental procedures
- Storage and metabolism of Norepinephrine after experimental myocardial infarction
- Evoked release of hypothalamic Norepinephrine during thermoregulation in the cat
- Inhibition of release of dopamine-β-hydroxylase and Norepinephrine from sympathetic nerves by colchicine, vinblastine, or cytochalasin-B
- Neurally mediated control of enzymes involved in the synthesis of Norepinephrine; are they regulated as an operational unit?
- The reaction of [3H] Norepinephrine with particulate fractions of cells responsive to catecholamines
- Increased cyclic AMP response to Norepinephrine in the rat brain following 6-hydroxydopamine
- Alpha-receptor stimulation by endogenous and exogenous Norepinephrine and blockade by phentolamine in pial arteries of cats.
- Norepinephrine and potassium fluxes in cardiac Purkinje fibers
- Effects of intraventricular infusions of Norepinephrine and dopamine on LH release and ovulation in the rabbit
- Regional distribution of Norepinephrine and dopamine in brains of depressive suicides and alcoholic suicides.
- Effect of 6-hydroxydopamine on brain Norepinephrine and dopamine: evidence for selective degeneration of catecholamine neurons
- Effect of theophylline and adrenergic blocking drugs on the renin response to Norepinephrine in vitro
- Regulation of adenosine cyclic 3′, 5′-phosphate formation in cerebral cortical slices: Interaction among Norepinephrine, histamine, serotonin
- Fluorimetric determination of plasma catecholamines: normal human epinephrine and Norepinephrine levels
- The effect of Norepinephrine and dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate on cation transport in duck erythrocytes
- Nerve stimulation-meditated overflow of Norepinephrine and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase. III. Effects of Norepinephrine depletion on the alpha presynaptic regulation …
- Inhibition of Norepinephrine-3H release from sympathetic nerve endings in veins by acetylcholine
- Brain Norepinephrine and serotonin levels following REM sleep deprivation in the rat
- Cytochemistry of epinephrine and Norepinephrine adrenomedullary cells
- Noradrenergic axon terminals in the cerebral cortex of rat. I. Radioautographic visualization after topical application of DL-[3H] Norepinephrine
- Effect of tissue Norepinephrine depletion by 6-hydroxydopamine on blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Altered Norepinephrine metabolism following experimental spinal cord injury: Part 2: Protection against traumatic spinal cord hemorrhagic necrosis by Norepinephrine …
- The relative significance of Norepinephrine, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in electroshock seizure in the rat
- Mass fragmentographic measurement of Norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine in seven discrete nuclei of the rat tel-diencephalon
- The relationships between alpha receptor block, inhibition of Norepinephrine uptake and the release and metabolism of 3H-Norepinephrine
- The potentiation of responses to adrenergic nerve stimulation in the presence of cocaine: its relationship to the metabolic fate of released Norepinephrine
- Inhibition by lithium of prostaglandin E1 and Norepinephrine effects on cyclic adenosine monophosphate production in human platelets
- Diurnal variations in plasma corticosterone and growth hormone as correlated with regional variations in Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin content of rat brain
- Operant behavior changes Norepinephrine metabolism in rat brain
- Changes in Norepinephrine turnover in rat brain during chronic administration of imipramine and protriptyline: A possible explanation for the delay in onset of clinical …
- Mechanism of changes in brain Norepinephrine metabolism after ovariectomy
- Enhanced release of dopamine β-hydroxylase and Norepinephrine from sympathetic nerves by dibutyryl cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate and theophylline
- The role of brain Norepinephrine in the anorexic effects of dextroamphetamine and monoamine oxidase inhibitors in the rat
- Norepinephrine reward pathways: Role in self-stimulation, memory consolidation, and schizophrenia.
- Norepinephrine induced cardiac hypertrophy in dogs
- Localization of depletion-sensitive and depletion-resistant Norepinephrine storage sites in autonomic ganglia
- Sympathetic neural influence on Norepinephrine vasoconstriction in brain vessels
- Quantitative thin-layer chromatographic estimation of labeled dopamine and Norepinephrine, their precursors and metabolites
- Alteration of Norepinephrine metabolism by barbiturates
- Comparison of the effects of Norepinephrine and acetylcholine between intraarterial and extravascular administration to the isolated, blood-perfused canine atrium
- Reactivity to Norepinephrine and nature of the alpha adrenergic receptor in vascular smooth muscle of a genetically hypertensive rat
- Nicotine as a discriminative stimulus in rats depleted of Norepinephrine or 5-hydroxytryptamine
- Cellularity of adipose tissue in cold‐exposed rats and the calorigenic effect of Norepinephrine
- Hemodynamic effects of low doses of Norepinephrine in the conscious dog
- A method for studying Norepinephrine and serotonin metabolism in small regions of rat brain: Effect of ovariectomy on amine metabolism in anterior and posterior …
- The effects of lithium on Norepinephrine turnover and metabolism: basic and clinical studies.
- Peripheral vascular response to Norepinephrine at temperatures from 2 to 40 degrees C
- Proliferation of Norepinephrine-containing axons in rat cerebellar cortex after peduncle lesions
- Influence of Norepinephrine-containing neurons derived from the locus coeruleus on lateral geniculate neuronal activities of cats
- Regulation of Norepinephrine synthesis
- Sodium intake and vascular smooth muscle responsiveness to Norepinephrine and angiotensin in the rabbit
- Strain differences during intraventricular infusion of Norepinephrine: Possible role of receptor sensitivity
- In vitro inhibitory effects of narcotic analgesics and other psychotropic drugs on the active uptake of Norepinephrine in mouse brain tissue
- Effect of Norepinephrine, histamine and other drugs on cyclic 3′, 5′-AMP formation in brain slices of various animal species
- Vascular reactivity to Norepinephrine and hemodynamic parameters in borderline hypertension
- Effects of amphetamine on the contents of Norepinephrine and its metabolites in the effluent of perfused cerebral ventricles of the cat
- Cyclic AMP in brain areas: effects of amphetamine and Norepinephrine assessed through the use of microwave radiation as a means of tissue fixation
- Effect of hypoxemia on responses to Norepinephrine and angiotensin in coronary and muscular vessels.
- Micro-injection of 3H-acetylcholine, 14C-serotonin and 3H-Norepinephrine into the hypothalamus of the rat: diffusion into tissue and ventricles
- Regional effects of L-dihydroxyphenylalanine (L-DOPA) on Norepinephrine metabolism in rat brain
- Studies on Norepinephrine‐Induced Efflux of Free Fatty Acid from Hamster Brown‐Adipose‐Tissue Cells
- Inhibition of bradykinin vasodilation and potentiation of Norepinephrine and angiotensin vasoconstriction by inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis in skeletal muscle of …
- Reduction of sympathetic outflow by central administration of L-dopa, dopamine and Norepinephrine
- Correlation of Norepinephrine content with observations of adrenergic nerves after a single dose of 6-hydroxydopamine in the rat
- Modifications of epinephrine, Norepinephrine, blood lipid fractions and the cardiovascular system produced by noise in an industrial medium
- Effects of nicotine on distribution and release of 14C-Norepinephrine and 14C-dopamine in rat brain striatum and hypothalamus slices
- Swim-stress-induced inactivity: Relation to body temperature and brain Norepinephrine, and effects of d-amphetamine
- Norepinephrine-induced eating: its hypothalamic locus and an alternate interpretation of action.
- Norepinephrine in treatment of ocular hypertension and glaucoma
- Morphine-induced increases in the incorporation of 14C-tyrosine into 14C-dopamine and 14C-Norepinephrine in the mouse brain: antagonism by naloxone and …
- Dopamine and Norepinephrine in noradrenergic axons: a study in vivo of their precursor product relationship by mass fragmentography and radiochemistry
- Role of dopamine and Norepinephrine in the chemistry of reward
- Acetaldehyde mediation in the mechanism of ethanol-induced changes in Norepinephrine metabolism
- Effect of diethylaminoethyl diphenylpropylacetate hydrochloride (SKF-525A) on the Norepinephrine-depleting actions of d-amphetamine
- Long-lasting supersensitivity of the rat vas deferens to Norepinephrine after chronic guanethidine administration
- The Reponse of Duck Erythrocytes to Norepinephrine and an Elevated Extracellular Potassium: Volume regulation in isotonic media
- DOPA-induced excitement in the cat: Its relationship to brain Norepinephrine concentrations
- Drug-induced release of 3H-Norepinephrine and 3H-serotonin from brain slices
- Entry of 3H-Norepinephrine into the arterial wall
- The fine structural localization of Norepinephrine-3H in the substantia nigra and area postrema of the rat an autoradiographic study
- Effects of Norepinephrine on washout of red cells from the spleen
- Effect of muscarinic agonists on the release of 3H-Norepinephrine and 3H-doapmine by potassium and electrical stimulation from rat brain slices
- On the mechanism of supersensitivity to Norepinephrine in the denervated cat spleen
- Ovarian influence on the content of Norepinephrine transmitter in guinea pig and rat uterus
- Hydrocortisone-mediated increase of Norepinephrine uptake by brain slices
- The effect of intraneuronal inactivation on the transmembranal uptake of l-and d-Norepinephrine
- Effect of lateral hypothalamic lesions on uptake of Norepinephrine by brain homogenates
- Further studies on the increased synthesis of Norepinephrine during nerve stimulation of guinea-pig vas deferens preparation: effect of tyrosine and 6, 7 …
- Norepinephrine-sensitive systems generating adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate: increased responses in cerebral cortical slices from reserpine-treated rats
- Effects of Norepinephrine and Sympathetic Stimulation on Extraction of Oxygen and 86Rb in Perfused Canine Small Bowel
- Dopamine-Norepinephrine: another regulatory step of Norepinephrine synthesis in central noradrenergic neurons
- Modification by psychotropic drugs of the cyclic AMP response to Norepinephrine in the rat brain in vitro
- d-Amphetamine and the release of 3H-Norepinephrine from synaptosomes
- Automated specific fluorimetric methods for epinephrine and Norepinephrine assay in a single biolgical extract
- Effect of lithium on content and uptake of Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in mouse brain synaptosomes and mitochondria
- The effect of Norepinephrine on cyclic AMP levels in discrete regions of the developing rabbit brain
- Prolonged unilateral acute renal failure induced by intra-arterial Norepinephrine infusion in the dog
- Preferential utilization of newly synthesized Norepinephrine in the brain stem of stressed rats
- Effect of adrenergic blocking agents on the vasopressin inhibiting action of Norepinephrine
- Effect of Norepinephrine on glucose metabolism in glioblastoma and neuroblastoma cells in cell culture
- Effect of stress on sulfated glycol metabolites of brain Norepinephrine
- Desipramine-induced release of Norepinephrine from heart
- Inhibition by sympathomimetic amines of the release of Norepinephrine evoked by nerve stimulation in the cat spleen
- The role of Norepinephrine in the function of the area postrema. I. Immunofluorescent localization of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase and electron microscopy
- Cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase in cloned astrocytoma cells: Norepinephrine induces a specific enzyme form
- The coerulo-cortical Norepinephrine system and learning
- Regional brain Norepinephrine turnover rates in four strains of mice
- Gatecholamine Content and Response to Norepinephrine of Middle Cerebral Artery
- Time course of the development of enzymes involved in the synthesis of Norepinephrine in the superior cervical ganglion of the rat from birth to adult life
- A method for concurrent measurement of picomole quantities of acetylcholine, choline, dopamine, Norepinephrine, serotonin, 5-hydroxytryptophan, 5 …
- … and electron microscopic autoradiography of substantia nigra of rat after intraventricular administration of tritium labelled Norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin and …
- Rise in plasma free-Norepinephrine during anesthetic induction with ketamine.
- Precipitation of ancrod-induced soluble fibrin by aprotinin and Norepinephrine
- Permanent depletion of peripheral Norepinephrine in rats treated at birth with 6-hydroxydopamine
- Alterations in brain Norepinephrine and tyrosine hydroxylase activity during experimental hypothyroidism in rats
- Brain Norepinephrine levels in parathyroidectomized rats induced to convulse by pinealectomy
- Release of Norepinephrine and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase by nerve stimulation. IV. An evaluation of a role for cyclic adenosine monophosphate.
- Alterations in turnover and endogenous levels of Norepinephrine in cerebral cortex following electrical stimulation and acute axotomy of cerebral noradrenergic …
- Norepinephrine-sensitive Na+/K+ ATPase activity in brown adipose tissue
- Variability in response to Norepinephrine in acute myocardial infarction
- Influence of calcium on the inotropic actions of hyperosmotic agents, Norepinephrine, paired electrical stimulation, and treppe
- Paper chromatographic assay of [3H] Norepinephrine and its five major metabolites
- Decrease in adrenal tyrosine hydroxylase and increase in Norepinephrine synthesis in rats given L-dopa
- Decreased noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) synthesis in familial dysautonomia
- Melatonin Synthesis: Adenosine 3′,5′-Monophosphate and Norepinephrine Stimulate N-Acetyltransferase
- On the mechanism of scorpion toxin-induced release of Norepinephrine from peripheral adrenergic neurons
- The uptake and metabolism of 3H-l-and 3H-dl-Norepinephrine by intact rabbit aorta and by isolated adventitia and media
- Evaluation of Increased Norepinephrine Excretion in Hypertension Using L-Dopa-3H
- The fate of intracisternally administered Norepinephrine-3H in the brain and spinal cord of the rabbit
- Norepinephrine as a central synaptic transmitter
- Differential effects of reserpine and alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine on Norepinephrine and dopamine induced behavioral activity
- Effects of Norepinephrine on cyclic nucleotide levels in the ductus deferens of the rat
- Dopamine and Norepinephrine levels in the nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle and corpus striatum following lesions in the ventral tegmental area
- Effect of growth velocity on cardiac Norepinephrine content in infant rats
- Force-velocity characteristics of esophageal muscle: effect of acetylcholine and Norepinephrine
- Effects of some narcotics and antagonists on synaptosomal 3H-Norepinephrine uptake
- Cyclic-AMP and the ocular responses to Norepinephrine
- The interaction of Norepinephrine and prostaglandin E1 on the adenyl cyclase system of human and rabbit blood platelets
- Norepinephrine-responsive beta-adrenergic receptors in rabbit lacrimal gland
- Deviation of central Norepinephrine metabolism in hypertensive rats
- Effect of ouabain and desipramine on the uptake and storage of Norepinephrine and metaraminol
- Effects of lanthanum on 45Ca movements and on contractions induced by Norepinephrine, histamine and potassium in vascular smooth muscle
- Norepinephrine metabolism in the rat brain following acute and chronic administration of thyrotropin releasing hormone
- Calorigenic responses to cold of rats after prolonged infusion of Norepinephrine
- Regional blood flow changes during Norepinephrine, tyramine and methoxamine infusions in the unanesthetized rhesus monkey
- The role of dopamine and Norepinephrine in the naloxone-induced abstinence of morphine-dependent mice
- Blockade of biochemical and physiological responses of cardiac muscle to Norepinephrine by N-tert.-butylmethoxamine (butoxamine)
- Effect of certain drugs on perfused human placenta X: Norepinephrine release by bradykinin
- The fate of 3H-Norepinephrine released from isolated atria and vas deferens: effect of field stimulation
- Overdrive excitation: onset of activity following fast drive in cardiac Purkinje fibers exposed to Norepinephrine
- Hypothermic inhibition of 5-hydroxytryptamine and Norepinephrine uptake by lung: cellular location of amines after uptake
- Effect of methamphetamine on Norepinephrine metabolism in various regions of brain.
- Sodium and calcium ions in uptake and release of Norepinephrine by nerve endings
- A molecular orbital study of Norepinephrine and 3, 4-dihydroxyphenethylamine: a re-evaluation of structure-activity relationships in Norepinephrine
- Turnover and metabolism of Norepinephrine in rat brain after 72 hours on a D-deprivation island
- Increased plasma catecholamine concentrations and vas deferens Norepinephrine biosynthesis in men with elevated blood pressure.
- Catecholamine metabolism in affective disorders—IV. Preliminary studies of Norepinephrine metabolism in depressed patients treated with amitriptyline
- Ovulatory plasma amine (epinephrine and Norepinephrine) surge in the woman
- Comparison of the handling of Norepinephrine in the myocardium of adult and old rats
- Mechanism of Norepinephrine-induced stimulation of myocardial oxygen consumption
- Ventricular infusion of Norepinephrine and amphetamine: Direct versus indirect action
- Stimulation of growth hormone release by microinjection of Norepinephrine into hypothalamus of baboons
- Release of Norepinephrine from isolated rat iris by field stimulation
- Effect in vivo of Norepinephrine on the membrane resistance of brown fat cells
- Evaluation of the necessity for rapid inactivation of brain enzymes prior to analysis of Norepinephrine dopamine and serotonin in the mouse
- Genetically hypertensive rats: relationship between the development of hypertension and the changes in Norepinephrine turnover of peripheral and central adrenergic …
- Effects of L-DOPA administration on the concentrations of DOPA, dopamine and Norepinephrine in various rat tissues
- The bimodal basis of the contractile response of the rabbit ear artery to Norepinephrine and other agonists
- Norepinephrine turnover in the rat pineal gland. Acceleration by estradiol and testosterone
- Failure to confirm cyclic AMP as second messenger for Norepinephrine in rat cerebellum
- Pre-and postsynaptic origin of the Norepinephrine metabolites formed during transmitter release elicited by nerve stimulation
- Norepinephrine vascoconstrictor escape in isolated meseneric arteries
- A study of extraneuronal uptake of Norepinephrine in the perfused heart of the guinea-pig
- Relationship of brain levels of Norepinephrine and dopamine to avoidance behavior in rats after intraventricular administration of 6-hydroxydopamine
- Inhibition of Norepinephrine stimulated adenyl cyclase by theophylline
- Effects of melatonin treatment and environmental lighting on the ultrastructural appearance, melatonin synthesis, Norepinephrine turnover and microtubule protein …
- A kinetic study of the disposition of circulating Norepinephrine in normal male subjects
- Norepinephrine pools in rat brain: Differences in turnover rates and pathways of metabolism
- Effects of metabolic inhibitors on Norepinephrine release from the perfused spleen of the cat
- Depletion of heart Norepinephrine in experimental acute myocarditis caused byTrypanosoma cruzi
- Reserpine-induced depletion of the Norepinephrine stores: is it a reliable criterion for the classification of the mechanism of action of sympathomimetic amines?
- Endogenous brain Norepinephrine levels following bilateral olfactory bulb ablation
- The Effect of Microwave Irradiation on the Turnover Rate of Serotonin and Norepinephrine and the Effect on Monoamine Metabolizing Enzymes.
- Norepinephrine in the central nervous system and its correlations with behavior
- … of amphetamine and its metabolites, p-hydroxyamphetamine and p-hydroxynorephedrine, on uptake, release and catabolism of 3H-Norepinephrine in cerebral cortex …
- Effect of diphenylhydantoin on the uptake and catabolism of L-[3H] Norepinephrine in vitro in rat cerebral cortex tissue
- Acute myocardial infarction in man: comparative hemodynamic effects of Norepinephrine and glucagon
- Iontophoretic study of the effects of Norepinephrine and 2-phenylethylamine on single cortical neurons
- Norepinephrine-sensitive adenylate cyclases in rat brain: Relation to behavior and tyrosine hydroxylase
- Amine receptors in CNS. I. Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine and dopamine in the developing chick brain
- Differentiation of Norepinephrine storage compartments in peripheral adrenergic nerves
- Inhibitory effect of low pH on Norepinephrine release
- Norepinephrine uptake into cerebral cortical synaptosomes after one fight or electroconvulsive shock
- Effects of intrahypothalamic and intraventricular Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine on hypothalamic blood flow in the conscious rabbit
- Plasma Norepinephrine and epinephrine in acromegaly
- Brain Norepinephrine and ingestive behaviour
- Effects of phenoxybenzamine and Norepinephrine on transmitter release in the pulmonary artery of the rabbit
- Partial separation and properties of tyrosine hydroxylase from the human pheochromocytoma: effect of Norepinephrine
- Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in pregnancy: A comparative study of the adrenal gland and catechol output in different species of animals and man
- Changes in neuronal uptake and metabolism of, and sensitivity to, Norepinephrine during the degeneration secretion in the rat submaxillary gland
- Norepinephrine release from nerve terminals within the rabbit superior cervical ganglion
- (s)-Norepinephrine in the tissues of mice and rats given racemic erythro-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylserine (DOPS)
- Effects of Norepinephrine, angiotensin, dihydroergotamine, papaverine, isoproterenol, histamine, nicotinic acid, and xanthinol nicotinate on retinal oxygen tension in …
- Changes in the retention and metabolism of 3H-l-Norepinephrine in rat brain in vivo after 6-hydroxydopamine pretreatment
- Effects of inhibitors of (Na++ K+)-dependent adenosine triphosphatase on the uptake of Norepinephrine by synaptosomes
- Effect of the Norepinephrine receptor stimulating agent “clonidine” on the turnover of 5-hydroxytryptamine in some areas of the rat brain
- Urinary epinephrine and Norepinephrine responses to chair restraint in the monkey
- Changes in mesenteric capillary flow during Norepinephrine infusion
- Sodium pump activity during Norepinephrine-stimulated respiration in brown adipocytes
- dl-N-methyl-3-(o-methoxyphenoxy)-3-phenylpropylamine hydrochloride, Lilly 94939, a potent inhibitor for uptake of Norepinephrine into rat brain synaptosomes and …
- Effects of electrical stimulation, α-methyltyrosine and desmethylimipramine on the Norepinephrine contents of neuronal cell bodies and terminals
- The role of plasma protein binding in the inhibitory effect of nortriptyline on the neuronal uptake of Norepinephrine
- Stimulation-induced release of Norepinephrine from rat superior cervical ganglia in vitro
- Experimental hypertension of the rat: reciprocal changes of Norepinephrine turnover in heart and brain-stem
- Effect of transitional metal ions on (Na++ K+) ATPase activity and the uptake of Norepinephrine and choline by brain synaptosomes
- Hypothalamic Norepinephrine: concentration and metabolism during pregnancy and lactation in the rat
- Norepinephrine: Dissociation of β-receptor binding from adenylate cyclase activation in solubilized myocardium
- Effect of Norepinephrine on myocardial intracellular hydrogen ion concentration
- Self-stimulation reward pathways: Norepinephrine vs dopamine
- Norepinephrine N-methyltransferase inhibition by benzamidines, phenylacetamidines, benzylguanidines, and phenylethylguanidines
- Telencephalic distribution of terminals of brainstem Norepinephrine neurons
- The mechanism of tissue Norepinephrine depletion by α, α′-dipyridyl
- Brain Norepinephrine and stomach ulcers in rats exposed to chronic conflict
- Norepinephrine and serotonin: specificity of release with rewarding electrical stimulation of the brain
- Influence of ionophores which bind calcium on the release of Norepinephrine from synaptosomes
- Effects of reserpine and tyramine on release of Norepinephrine from synaptosomes
- Isolation of a proteolipid from spleen capsule binding (±)-[3H] Norepinephrine
- Effects of throxine on calorigenic response of the newborn rat to Norepinephrine
- Pharmacological comparison of prostaglandin F2α, serotonin and Norepinephrine on cerebrovascular tone of monkey
- The effect of prednisone on plasma Norepinephrine concentration and renin activity in salt-depleted man
- Localization of dopamine and Norepinephrine in the medial basal hypothalamus of the rat
- Blockade of heart 3H-Norepinephrine uptake by 4-phenyl-1-aminotetralines: implications for the active conformation of imipramine-like drugs
- Effects of intraventricular infusion of serotonin, Norepinephrine, and dopamine on spontaneous LH release in castrate male sheep
- The rate of formation of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol sulfate in brain as an estimate of the rate of formation of Norepinephrine
- Cerebral acetylcholine, serotonin, and Norepinephrine in acute ammonia intoxication
- Angiotensin effect on uptake of Norepinephrine by synaptosomes
- Norepinephrine and dopamine injection into lateral brain ventricle of the rat and growth hormone-releasing activity in the hypothalamus and plasma
- Compounds antagonistic to Norepinephrine retention by rat brain homogenates
- A convenient method for the chromatographic analysis of Norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin
- Urinary excretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in asthmatic children
- Norepinephrine stimulation of lymphocyte ATPase by an alpha adrenergic receptor mechanism
- Concerning the molecular requirements for the inhibition of the uptake of racemic 3H-Norepinephrine into rat cerebral cortex slices by tricyclic antidepressants …
- Manganese on calcium flux and Norepinephrine-induced tension in arterial smooth muscle
- Patterns of development of adenyl cyclase activity and Norepinephrine responsiveness in the rat
- Studies of isolated fetal mouse hearts in organ culture: evidence for a direct effect of triiodothyronine in enhancing cardiac responsiveness to Norepinephrine
- The releasability of central Norepinephrine and serotonin by peripherally administered d-amphetamine before and after tolerance
- The effect of methamphetamine on the Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine contents in eleven rat brain regions
- Acetylcholine-induced release of Norepinephrine in the presence of tetrodotoxin
- Subcellular localization of dopamine β-hydroxylase and endogenous Norepinephrine in the rat hypothalamus
- Effects of electrical stimulation and Norepinephrine on cyclic-AMP levels in the cerebral cortex of the aging rat
- Release of Norepinephrine and dopamine-β-hydroxylase by nerve stimulation. II. Effects of papaverine
- Postnatal development of a Norepinephrine response to light in the rat pineal and salivary glands
- Post-mortem degradation kinetics of brain Norepinephrine
- Calorigenic effect of Norepinephrine in newborn rats
- Effect of ethanol on the uptake by rat brain synaptosomes of {3H} DL-Norepinephrine,{3H} 5-hydroxytryptamine,{3H} GABA and {3H} glutamate
- Possible role of sodium and calcium ions in retention and physiological release of Norepinephrine by adrenergic nerve endings
- The antagonism of phentolamine against exogenously administered and endogenously released Norepinephrine in rabbit aortic strips
- Differentiation of calcium pools utilized in the contractile response of canine arterial and venous smooth muscle to Norepinephrine
- Effects of Norepinephrine infusions on mesenteric arterial blood flow and its tissue distribution
- Localization of anti-punishment actions of Norepinephrine and atropine in amygdala and entopeduncular nucleus of rats
- Inhibitory effect of manganese on Norepinephrine release from the splenic nerves of cats
- Renin activity and Norepinephrine, cation, and water contents of cardiovascular tissue of dogs with congestive heart failure and ascites
- Maturation of responsiveness to cardioactive drugs: Differential effects of acetylcholine, Norepinephrine, theophylline, tyramine, glucagon, and dibutyryl cyclic AMP on …
- Sulfur analogs of dopamine and Norepinephrine. Inhibition of catechol-O-methyltransferase
- The effect of tyramine, amphetamine and metaraminol on the metabolic disposition of 3H-Norepinephrine released from the adrenergic neuron
- [3H] Norepinephrine binding: Unrelated to catechol-o-methyl transferase
- Contractile response of rat aorta to Norepinephrine and tyramine
- Automated differential fluorometric analysis of Norepinephrine and epinephrine in blood plasma and urine
- Vinblastine and vincristine: a study of their action on tissue concentrations of epinephrine, Norepinephrine and acetylcholine
- Norepinephrine uptake by hypothalamic tissue from the rat related to feeding
- High affinity choline transport in guinea pig brain and the effect of Norepinephrine
- Chronic dopa treatment: Effect on the concentration of Norepinephrine in the hearts and brains of rats
- Pulmonary extraction of 5-hydroxytryptamine and Norepinephrine before and after cardiopulmonary bypass in man
- The effect of ketamine HCl on the in vitro metabolism of Norepinephrine in rat cerebral cortex tissue
- Blood fatty acids and glycerol response to diet and Norepinephrine
- Barium-induced automaticity in relation to calcium ions and Norepinephrine in the rabbit left atrium
- Norepinephrine uptake, smooth muscle sensitivity, and metabolizing enzyme activity in rabbit veins
- Heart Norepinephrine levels after exercise training in the rat
- Highly purified splenic nerve vesicles: early post-mortem effects on Norepinephrine content and pools
- Regulation of Protein Secretion and Metabolism in Rat Salivary Glands: Effects of Norepinephrine and Carbachol on the Glycogenolysis in Submaxillary Glands
- Initiation of beating in quiescent myocardial cells by Norepinephrine, by contact with beating cells and by electrical stimulation of adjacent FL cells
- Effect of acetylcholine on the release of 3H-Norepinephrine by nicotine and potassium chloride from rat brain slices
- Interaction of serotonin with the catecholamines—I: Inhibition of dopamine and Norepinephrine oxidation
- The effect of pancuronium bromide on plasma Norepinephrine and cortisol concentrations during thiamylal induction
- The effect of Norepinephrine and theophylline on blood glucose, plasma FFA, plasma glycerol and plasma insulin in normal subjects
- Constriction of the fetal ductus arteriosus induced by oxygen, acteylcholine, and Norepinephrine in normal dogs and those genetically predisposed to persistent …
- Biochemical criteria for classifying depressive disorders and predicting responses to pharmacotherapy: Preliminary findings from studies of Norepinephrine …
- Intrahypothalamic and intrastriatal dopamine and Norepinephrine injections in relation to motor hyperactivity in rats
- Histochemical demonstration of Norepinephrine in postmortem tissues
- Differential effects of phentolamine and bretylium on pulmonary vascular responses to Norepinephrine and nerve stimulation
- Interactions of bretylium and drugs that inhibit the neuronal membrane transport of Norepinephrine in isolated rabbit atria and aortae
- Norepinephrine response in brown adipose tissue from newborn rats
- Schedule controlled and drug induced release of Norepinephrine-7-3H into the lateral ventricle of rats
- The role of serotonin and Norepinephrine in sleep-waking activity
- Electroconvulsive shock: sustained decrease in Norepinephrine uptake affinity in a reserpine model of depression
- Levels of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in blood and tissues of duck, pigeon, turkey, and chicken
- Norepinephrine synthesis and turnover in the brain: acceleration by physostigmine
- A release of prostaglandins may be responsible for acute tolerance to Norepinephrine infusions
- Blood flow in canine adipose tissue during intravenous infusion of Norepinephrine
- An effect of physostigmine on the central nervous system of rabbits, related to brain levels of Norepinephrine
- Motivational depression associated with Norepinephrine-induced eating from the hypothalamus: resemblance to the ventromedial hyperphagic syndrome
- Antagonism by protriptyline and desipramine of the response of the vas deferens of the rat to Norepinephrine, acetylcholine and potassium
- Response of glucose, insulin, free fatty acid, and human growth hormone to Norepinephrine and hemorrhage in normal man.
- [3H] Norepinephrine binding and lipolysis by isolated fat cells
- Hypothalamic Norepinephrine, luteinizing hormone releasing factor activity and reproduction in the Japanese quail, Coturnix coturnixjaponica
- Ultrastructure of highly purified sympathetic nerve vesicles: correlation between matrix density and Norepinephrine content
- Steric aspects of adrenergic drugs. XX. Accumulation of (-)-and (+)-Norepinephrine-14C by peripheral tissues of the rat
- Effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on the hepatic lipids of the nurse shark, Ginglymostoma cirratum
- Effect of glomerulopressin, oxytocin, and Norepinephrine on glomerular pressure in the toad
- Cyclic adenosine monophosphate and Norepinephrine: effect on Purkinje cells in rat cerebellar cortex
- Norepinephrine biosynthesis in relationship to neural activation
- Prostaglandin feedback mechanism limits vasoconstrictor action of Norepinephrine in perfused rabbit ear
- Dynamic interaction of prostaglandin and Norepinephrine in the formation of adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate in human and rabbit platelets
- Enhancement by thyroid hormone treatment of Norepinephrine-induced phosphorylase activation in the rat heart
- Norepinephrine uptake sites in cardiac tissue. Lack of affinity of 6-hydroxyNorepinephrine and related compounds
- Urine Norepinephrine excretion in patients undergoing mitral or aortic valve replacement with morphine anesthesia.
- Effect of hyperbaric oxygen and Norepinephrine on the level of lung ascorbic acid
- Influence of amphetamines, protriptyline and pargyline on the time course of the Norepinephrine-induced accumulation of cyclic AMP in the rat brain
- Daily segmental rhythms of Norepinephrine in spinal cord of the cat
- Isolation of multiple forms of rabbit adrenal Norepinephrine N-methyltransferase
- Surface interaction of [3H] Norepinephrine with cultured chick embryo myocardial cells
- Influence of Norepinephrine and digitalis on myocardial oxygen consumption in the newborn lamb
- The effects of 5-hydroxy-5 (4′-chlorophenyl)-2, 3-dihydro-5H-imidazo (2, 1-a) isoindole (mazindol, SaH 42-548) on the metabolism of brain Norepinephrine.
- Insoluble solid complexes of Norepinephrine and adenosine triphosphate
- Synthesis of stable isotope labeled Norepinephrine
- Cardiovascular Effects of Sustained Norepinephrine Infusions in Dogs: IV. PREVIOUS TREATMENT WITH ADRENERGIC BLOCKING AGENTS
- Effects of Norepinephrine, theophylline and dibutyryl cyclic amp onin vitro lipolysis of human adipose tissue in obesity
- Altered Norepinephrine synthesis of splanchnic vessels in neurogenic hypertension
- Identification of a pressor substance in amniotic fluid: I. Role of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Restoration of electrical activity of guinea pig atria during hypothermia: effects of Norepinephrine and electrical stimulation on membrane potentials
- The role of Norepinephrine in the function of the area postrema. II. In vitro incubation and stimulated release of tritiated Norepinephrine
- Dissociation constant of the Norepinephrine-receptor complex in normotensive and hypertensive rats.
- Diuresis and improved renal hemodynamics produced by prostaglandin E1 in the dog with Norepinephrine-induced acute renal failure.
- Consequence of neonatal androgenization and castration for future levels of Norepinephrine transmitter in uterus and vas deferens of the rat
- Effects of blood temperature and perfused Norepinephrine on vascular responses of rabbit ear
- Regulation of hepatic tyrosine transaminase in vivo through interaction of Norepinephrine and the pyridoxal phosphate co-factor
- On the mechanism of release of Norepinephrine from cat spleen slices by sodium deprivation and calcium pretreatment.
- Thermoregulation in the rabbit following intracranial injection of Norepinephrine
- The effect of neuraminidase on platelet aggregation induced by ADP, Norepinephrine, collagen or serotonin
- Effects of intrahypothalamic administration of Norepinephrine on the feeding response of the rat under conditions of light and darkness
- Levels of 5‐hydroxytryptamine, dopamine and Norepinephrine in whole brain of rabbits in chronic manganese toxicity
- Left ventricular pressure and Norepinephrine efflux from the innervated heart
- Effects of colchicine and cytochalasin B on the release of 3H-Norepinephrine from guinea-pig atria evoked by high potassium, nicotine and tyramine
- The effect of albumin infusion upon plasma Norepinephrine concentration in nephrotic children
- Carnitine enhances the effect of Norepinephrine on oxygen consumption in rats and mice
- Endotoxin-induced alterations in isolated fat cells: Effect on Norepinephrine-stimulated lipolysis and cyclic 3′, 5′-adenosine monophosphate accumulation
- The stereoisomers of 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylserine as precursors of Norepinephrine.
- Inhibition by cadmium ions of the electrical activity of sinoatrial nodal pacemaker fibers and their response to Norepinephrine
- The effects of Norepinephrine and propranolol on myocardial subcellular distribution of triglycerides and free fatty acids
- Study of the mechanisms of the modifying actions of hexamethonium on the cardiovascular response to Norepinephrine
- A kinetic model for the study of the disposition of circulating Norepinephrine
- Inhibition by halothane of release of Norepinephrine, but not of dopamine-β-hydroxylase, from guinea-pig vas deferens
- The effects of morphine and halothane anaesthesia on urine Norepinephrine during and after coronary artery surgery
- Mechanism of transport and storage of biogenic amines. III. Effects of sodium and potassium on kinetics of 5-hydroxytryptamine and Norepinephrine transport by rabbit …
- Effect of potassium and Norepinephrine on the tone of the isolated artery: changes by ouabain pretreatment
- Hypertension, antihypertensive drugs, and Norepinephrine in blood vessels
- Axonal sprouts and [3H] Norepinephrine uptake by superior cervical ganglia in organ culture
- Release of Norepinephrine and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase by nerve stimulation. V. Enhanced release associated with a granular effect of a benzoquinolizine …
- Stimulus-coupled release of unmetabolized 3H-Norepinephrine from rat brain synaptosomes
- Kinetic and thermodynamic considerations regarding the inhibition by tricyclic antidepressants of the uptake of tritiated Norepinephrine by the adrenergic nerves in …
- Immunofluorescent demonstration of plasma protein entry into arterial wall by cholesterol, epinephrine, Norepinephrine and angiotensin II
- Effects of tricyclic antidepressants on Norepinephrine metabolism: Basic and clinical studies
- Contractile Response of Pial Arterioles to Norepinephrine: Effects in the Mouse
- Arterial water, cations, and Norepinephrine in early and late renovascular hypertension
- Quantitative determination of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in the picogram range by flame ionization gas-liquid chromatography
- Effects of prostaglandin E1 and Norepinephrine on glucose and lipid metabolism in isolated perfused rat liver
- Norepinephrine and dopamine concentrations in the cerebral cortex of man, monkeys and other mammals
- Norepinephrine-induced insulin and substrate changes in normal man: incomplete reversal by phentolamine
- Effect of intraventricular Norepinephrine on neuron activity in the medial forebrain bundle during self-stimulation behavior
- Participation of cerebrovascular nerves in generalized sympathetic discharge: nonspecific release of Norepinephrine in the presence or absence of subarachnoid …
- Calcium-independent release of 3H-Norepinephrine from reserpine-pretreated guinea-pig vas deferens and seminal vesicle
- Blocking of acetylcholine-induced fibrillation by use of Norepinephrine into the AV node artery
- Control of Norepinephrine synthesis in blood vessels and the effects of monoamine oxidase inhibition
- Further studies on the effect of p-hydroxynorephedrine (PONE) on Norepinephrine metabolism in the rat brain
- Increased fixed-ratio performance and differential d-and l-amphetamine action following Norepinephrine depletion by intraventricular 6-hydroxydopamine
- Effects of intraventricular Norepinephrine and estradiol benzoate on weight regulatory behavior in female rats
- Effect of Norepinephrine on glycerol and glucose metabolism in the normal dog
- Resemblance of morphine antinociception to the central depressant actions of Norepinephrine.
- Relationship between the roles of monoamine oxidase and sympathetic nerves in the vasoconstrictor response of the rabbit ear artery to Norepinephrine
- Distribution of Norepinephrine released from adrenergic motor terminals in arterial wall
- Comparative effects of p-chloroamphetamine and amphetamine on metabolism and in vivo release of 3H-Norepinephrine in the hypothalamus
- Influence of debrisoquin (Declinax) on adrenergic function and Norepinephrine metabolism
- Influence of progesterone on Norepinephrine metabolism of the rat brain in connection with amphetamine and stress
- Behavioral modulation of the cardiovascular effects of l-Norepinephrine in the squirrel monkey
- Uptake of 3H-Norepinephrine in the cerebral hemispheres and cerebellum of the chicken throughout the lifespan
- Behavioral effects of Norepinephrine and dibutyryl 3′, 5′ AMP in centrally sympathectomized rats
- Some physiological and pharmacological characteristics of the stimulus induced release of Norepinephrine from the rabbit superior cervical ganglion
- On the urinary output of vasopressin, epinephrine and Norepinephrine during different stress situations
- Norepinephrine concentration in the hypothalamus, amygdala, hippocampus, and cerebral cortex during postnatal development and vaginal opening
- Biphasic effect of Norepinephrine in the regulation of hepatic tyrosine transaminase activity
- Increased binding of Norepinephrine by nerves to cerebral blood vessels: evidence from the effects of reserpine on nerves to cerebral and extracerebral blood vessels
- Alterations in spinal cord Norepinephrine levels following experimentally produced trauma in normal and adrenalectomized cats
- Macromerine, normacromerine and bisnormacromerine: Non-psychoactive methylated derivatives of Norepinephrine
- Effect of l-Norepinephrine and adrenergic potentiators on the aqueous humor dynamics of man
- Norepinephrine concentrating mechanisms in sympathetic nerve trunks
- Adrenergic innervation of the rat submandibular and parotid glands. An electron microscopic autoradiographic study of the uptake of tritiated Norepinephrine
- Increased retention of Norepinephrine-3H in vas deferens during nerve stimulation
- Norepinephrine-induced thermogenesis: effect of interscapular brown fat
- Conductance changes produced by l-Norepinephrine on lipid membranes containing a proteolipid from the bovine spleen capsule
- Urinary homovanillic acid, dopamine and Norepinephrine excretion in patients with essential hypertension.
- … autoradiographic study of the neuronal and extraneuronal localization of labeled amine in the heart of the bat after administration of tritiated Norepinephrine
- Inhibitory action of Norepinephrine on the induction of tryptophan-2, 3-dioxygenase by cortisol: Mediation by the α-receptor
- Metabolic responses induced in neonatal swine by Norepinephrine, epinephrine, and isoproterenol
- Norepinephrine and dopamine levels in normal dog and monkey spinal cord
- The effects of cocaine, Norepinephrine and ionic stimulants on the isolated, superfused rat vas deferens: antagonism by” adrenergic neuron blockers” and reserpine
- 6-Hydroxydopa depletion of brain Norepinephrine and the facilitation of aggressive behavior
- Effects of indomethacin on venoconstrictor responses to bradykinin and Norepinephrine
- Negative chronotropic response to Norepinephrine
- Potentiation of the inotropic effects of Norepinephrine and dibutyryl cyclic AMP by theophylline
- The effect of L-Norepinephrine on lymph flow in man.
- Decreased contractility and Norepinephrine content of guinea-pig seminal vesicles after chronic treatment with testosterone
- Effect of angiotensin and Norepinephrine on capillary pressure and filtration coefficient in isolated dog hindlimb
- Reduced level of uterine Norepinephrine transmitter during hCG-induced pseudopregnancy in the rabbit
- Effects of Norepinephrine and phentolamine on increased intracranial pressure
- Effect of 6-hydroxydopamine on hypothalamic Norepinephrine and dopamine content, ultrastructure of the median eminence, and plasma corticosterone
- Excretion of Norepinephrine and dopamine alcoholic metabolites after 6-hydroxydopamine
- Role of Na+ and anions in the triple response of isolated frog skin to Norepinephrine
- Hemodynamic effects of Norepinephrine in severe hypnotic drug poisoning with arterial hypotension
- Comparison of the chronic and acute effects of D-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) treatment on rat brain serotonin and Norepinephrine
- Electrophysiological properties of splenic nerve in relation to Norepinephrine overflow
- On the involvement of inorganic ions in the effect of γ‐aminobutyric acid on brain serotonin and Norepinephrine
- Effect of metrazol on brain Norepinephrine: a possible factor in amnesia produced by the drug
- Hypophyseal-adrenocortical role in urinary excretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in hypophysectomized and adrenalectomized rats
- The requirement of cortisol for the inhibitory effect of Norepinephrine on the antidiuretic action of vasopressin
- Biochemical basis of heart function. III. Influence of isoproterenol on the Norepinephrine stores in the rat heart
- Selective release of newly synthesized cardiac Norepinephrine induced by angiotensin II
- Antagonism between parathyroid hormone and Norepinephrine on cyclic adenosine-3′: 5′-monophosphate (cAMP) levels in isolated tubules from rat kidney cortex
- Effects of intraventricular 6-hydroxydopamine and replacement therapy with Norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin on self-stimulation in diencephalic and …
- Paradoxical amphetamine effect in hyperactive rats in relation to Norepinephrine metabolism
- The influence of drug treatment on Norepinephrine levels and ultrastructure of the rat hypothalamus and caudate nucleus during a programmed light-dark cycle
- Incorporation of 32P into the phospholipids of neuronal and glial cell enriched fractions isolated from rabbit cerebral cortex: effect of Norepinephrine
- Sensitivity of subcutaneous small arteries and veins to Norepinephrine, and epinephrine, and isoproterenol in the unanesthetized bat
- Newly synthesized Norepinephrine accumulation in the readily releasable pool of a purified adrenergic vesicle fraction
- Modification by Ca++ removal, Mg++ and Sr++ of the membrane effect and the inotropic effect of Norepinephrine in rabbit left atria
- Alterations in Norepinephrine pattern in the damaged myocardium in the rat.
- Effect of monoamine oxidase inhibitors on metabolism and in vivo release of H3-Norepinephrine from the hypothalamus
- Effect of endotoxin on hemodynamics and Norepinephrine metabolism in the dog
- Sensitivity of the isolated vas deferens of the guinea-pig to Norepinephrine and acetylcholine after denervation, decentralization and treatments by various agents
- Acetylcholine and Norepinephrine interactions on cardiac lipids and hemodynamics
- The effects of altered brain Norepinephrine levels on continuous avoidance responding and the action of amphetamines
- A pharmacodynamic study of the inhibitory effects of l-Norepinephrine, l-epinephrine, and d, l-isoproterenol on aqueous humor formation in the enucleated, arterially …
- Removal of 5-hydroxytryptamine and Norepinephrine from the pulmonary vascular space of man: influence of cardiopulmonary bypass and pulmonary arterial …
- Influence of hydrocortisone and glucagon on liver tyrosine transaminase and on brain tyrosine, Norepinephrine and serotonin
- Effects of methamphetamine on daily rhythms of hypothalamic Norepinephrine, serotonin and plasma corticosterone levels in the rat
- Norepinephrine and epinephrine secreting paraganglioma of the jugular glomus
- Effect of Angiotensin on Uptake of 3H-Norepinephrine in Dog Cutaneous Arteries
- Increased adrenal secretion of Norepinephrine and epinephrine after endotoxin and its reversal with corticosteroids
- Regulation of Norepinephrine contents in neuronal cell bodies and terminals during and after cessation of preganglionic stimulation
- [3H] Norepinephrine binding by rat glial cells in culture lack of correlation between binding and adenylate cyclase activation
- Phospholipid metabolism in cultured neuroblastoma and glioma cells incubated with carbamylcholine and Norepinephrine
- Cardiac metabolism of triglyceride, acetate, and oleate in early l-Norepinephrine injury.
- Development of vascular reactivity in chickens: responses of mesenteric and hind-limb blood vessels to Norepinephrine and acetylcholine
- Effect of lithium and rubidium on the ganglionic inhibitory action of Norepinephrine
- Effects of midbrain tegmental lesions on sleep and regional brain serotonin and Norepinephrine levels in cats
- Brain serotonin and Norepinephrine after convulsions and reserpine1
- Circadian rhythms and seizure susceptibility: Relation to 5-hydroxytryptamine and Norepinephrine in brain
- Formaldehyde-induced fluorescence as a means for differentiating epinephrine cells from Norepinephrine cells in adrenal medulla
- Action of the sexual hormones on the endogenous Norepinephrine of the central nervous system (author’s transl)
- Studies on Rheomelanins: II.—Hemolysis Associated with the Transformation of L-Norepinephrine, Dopamine and L-Dopa into Rheomelanins in Normal Human …
- Antagonism of Norepinephrine responses of isolated rabbit aorta by aliphatic sulfur‐containing amines
- Effect of angiotensin on the response to Norepinephrine and peri-arterial stimulation of the isolated perfused cat terminal ileum
- Pharmacological and kinetic properties of uptake of [3H]-Norepinephrine by superior cervical ganglia of rats in organ culture
- Evidence for sodium dependent outward transport of the 3H-Norepinephrine mobilized by calcium at the adrenergic synapse. Inhibition of transport by desipramine
- The effect of hashish extract on the Norepinephrine in rabbit brain
- Renal vascular effect of dipyridamole: potentiation of Norepinephrine and adenosine
- Influence of chronic nicotine administration on blood pressure and heart Norepinephrine turnover
- Selective release of newly synthesized Norepinephrine in the guinea pig vas deferens during hypogastric nerve stimulation
- Uptake of Norepinephrine-3H by cutaneous arteries and veins of the dog
- Antihypertensive drugs and catecholamine metabolism: effects of reserpine and hydralazine on tyrosine hydroxylase activity and Norepinephrine concentrations in the …
- The effect of reserpine treatment on the chronotropic and inotropic sensitivities of the perfused guinea-pig heart to Norepinephrine and calcium
- Inhibition of synaptosomal accumulation of l‐Norepinephrine I: N‐arylalkyl and N‐aryloxyalkyl dl‐amphetamines and related compounds
- A large second pool of Norepinephrine in the highly purified vesicle fraction from bovine splenic nerve
- Separation of Norepinephrine and its five major metabolites by paper chromatography
- Effects of Norepinephrine applied to the lateral hypothalamus on schedule induced polydipsia
- Influence of sympathetic nerve stimulation on conversion of H3-tyrosine to H3-catecholamine and on H3-Norepinephrine disposition in rabbit pulmonary artery
- Neonatal sympathectomy by 6-hydroxydopamine in the rat: no effects on behavior but changes in endogenous brain Norepinephrine
- Studies on the decentralized nictitating membrane of the cat. II. Uptake and retention of Norepinephrine and epinephrine
- Reactivity of Norepinephrine receptors in the cardiovascular system of hypertensive rats
- The effect of pretreatment with 6-hydroxydopamine on the Norepinephrine concentration and sensitivity of the rat vas deferens
- Stimulation of [14C] tryptophan 5-hydroxylation by Norepinephrine and dibutyryl adenosine 3′, 5′ monophosphate in rat pineal organ cultures
- Effects of Aromatic Aldehydes on O-Methylation of Dopamine and Norepinephrine in in Vitro
- Morphine’s proconvulsant action: Importance of endogenous Norepinephrine
- Effects of Norepinephrine and acetylcholine on 32P incorporation into phopholipids of the rabbit iris muscle following unilateral superior cervical ganglionectomy
- … of biogenic amine transport and storage IV. Relationship between K+ and the Na+ requirement for transport and storage of 5-hydroxytryptamine and Norepinephrine …
- In vivo investigations on microcirculatory disturbances induced by crenated erythrocytes following Norepinephrine application
- Influence of the optical isomers of some centrally acting drugs on Norepinephrine responses
- Hemodynamic effects of infused Norepinephrine in dogs on cardiopulmonary bypass
- Blockade of the effects of angiotensin, oxytocin, Norepinephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine and acetylcholine by guancydine
- Effect of prostaglandin precursors, dihomo-γ-linolenic acid and arachidonic acid on the vasoconstrictor response to Norepinephrine in the dog paw
- Norepinephrine-induced depolarization of skeletal muscle cells
- Effects of hypothermia on Norepinephrine release and effector response in isolated perfused cat spleen
- Temperature effects of intraventricular serotonin, Norepinephrine and pilocarpine in the morphine-tolerant rat
- Radiopharmaceuticals. 12. New rapid synthesis of carbon-11-labeled Norepinephrine hydrochloride
- Effect of circulating Norepinephrine on the renin release from the denervated kidney
- Effects of 6-hydroxydopamine and reserpine on amphetamine-induced release of Norepinephrine in rat cerebral cortex.
- Reserpine-induced release of Norepinephrine from isolated spontaneously beating guinea-pig atria
- Effect of a combination of propranolol and nicotinic acid on the inhibition of Norepinephrine-induced elevations of serum triglyceride, serum glycerol, and plasma free …
- Effect of 6-hydroxydopamine and thyroxine on chronotropic response to Norepinephrine
- Effect of l-dihydroxyphenylalanine on methylation of 3H-Norepinephrine and 3H-histamine
- 5-HT-and Norepinephrine-induced release of ACh from the thalamus and mesencephalon of the monkey during thermoregulation
- Ovulation induced by the intraventricular infusion of Norepinephrine in rats made anovulatory by neonatal administration of various doses of testosterone.
- Comparison of the effect of prostaglandin E1 and Norepinephrine injected into the brain on ingestive behavior in the rat
- Norepinephrine effects on early postirradiation performance decrement in the monkey
- Norepinephrine induced hypocalcemia in sheep
- Radioisotope derivative procedure for determination of epinephrine or Norepinephrine
- Alterations in brain Norepinephrine and serotonin metabolism following experimental hypothyroidism induced by methimazole
- Effect of low dose intra-arterial reserpine on vascular wall Norepinephrine content.
- Effect of high oxygen pressure on brain Norepinephrine and serotonin turnover
- Comparative effects of Norepinephrine, epinephrine, angiotensin on pre-and postcapillary resistance vessels in dog skeletal muscle
- Fine structural identification of a reserpine-resistant Norepinephrine store in adrenergic nerve terminals in guinea-pig atria
- … blood flow and effective capillary surface in the human skeletal muscle by a double-isotope technique: observations on the effect of locally injected Norepinephrine
- Effects of DC electric countershock on ventricular function, cation balance and endogenous Norepinephrine in the dog heart
- A semi-automated method for fluorimetric determination of epinephrine and Norepinephrine, without mutual interference, in single brain samples
- Histological characterization of “epinephrine” and “Norepinephrine” cells in the adrenal medulla of the white-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus
- Parotid Secretion and Feeding in Sheep Following lntraventricular Injections of l-Norepinephrine, dl-Isoproterenol, Pentobarbital, and Carbachol
- The Effect of Prostaglandin E1on Norepinephrine-Induced Membrane Depolarization and Cyclic AMP Accumulation in Brown Fat Cells
- In vitro effects on cardiac Norepinephrine of angiotensin II and of two indirectly acting sympathomimetic amines (amphetamine and tyramine). A study of their …
- Inhibition of Norepinephrine biosynthesis by chlorpromazine in the guinea-pig vas deferens
- Effects of prostaglandin E2 and indomethacin on responses of the isthmus of rabbit oviduct to Norepinephrine and transmural stimulation.
- Inhibition of Norepinephrine-, angiotensin II-, and vasopressin-induced contractions of smooth muscle by acyl derivatives of adenosine-3′, 5′-monophosphate
- Isomers of 2, 4, 5-trihydroxyphenethylamine (6-hydroxydopamine): Long-term effects on the accumulation of [3H]-Norepinephrine in mouse heart in vivo
- Angiotensin and Norepinephrine infusions during pregnancy: alterations in plasma epinephrine (E) and Norepinephrine (NE)
- Release of 14C-Norepinephrine into the lateral cerebroventricle of rats by exposure to a conditioned aversive stimulus
- The effects of 6-hydroxydopamine, dopamine and dl-Norepinephrine on food intake and water consumption, self-stimulation, temperature and …
- The effects of acidosis on chronotropic responses, Norepinephrine storage and release in isolated guinea-pig atria
- The effect of endogenous catecholamines and Norepinephrine administration on the performance of the isolated canine heart
- Effects of nerve stimulation on the uptake of Norepinephrine by the perfused spleen of the cat
- The effect of methylguanidine on Norepinephrine metabolism in isolated, perfused spleen and heart
- The influence of Norepinephrine, reserpine and propranolol on overdrive suppression
- Lesions of the nigro-neostriatal dopamine neurons or the bulbo-spinal Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine neurons in rats: action of drugs
- Neonatal cold injury: evidence of defective thermogenesis due to impaired Norepinephrine release
- Steric aspects of adrenergic drugs XXII: Retention of (+)-and (-)-14C-Norepinephrine by mouse heart
- Actions of hydrocortisone, desoxycorticosterone acetate and progesterone on 14 C-Norepinephrine uptake and metabolism by rabbit aorta
- Norepinephrine content of various rat organs after chronic administration of desmethylimipramine.
- Interaction of the tripeptide pyroglutamyl-histidyl-proline amide (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) with brain Norepinephrine metabolism: Evidence for an …
- Fluid replacement monitoring: effect of dextran overload, Norepinephrine drip, and positive pressure ventilation on systemic arterial, right atrial pulmonary wedge, and …
- … of the rabbit eye ciliary processes. A. Inhibition of the pilocarpine effect by isopilocarpine, arecoline, and atropine. B. Influence of isoproterenol and Norepinephrine
- Dissociation of amphetamine-induced release of Norepinephrine from inhibition of neuronal uptake in isolated brain tissue
- Blood Norepinephrine levels during responses of the heart-lung preparation to methylguanidine
- Effect of prostaglandin E2on the pressor response to peri-arterial stimulation and Norepinephrine of the isolated perfused rabbit kidney
- Human plasma free fatty acid concentration at rest and after Norepinephrine infusion: effect of preceding physical activity
- Changes in myocardial Norepinephrine in Indian domestic pigs after two-stage coronary ligation
- Plasma epinephrine and plasma Norepinephrine concentrations in early diabetes
- Effects of epinephrine, Norepinephrine and isoproterenol against histamine challenge in Bordetella pertussis-treated and β-adrenergic blocked mice
- Supersensitivity of the nictitating membrane to 5-hydroxytryptamine and Norepinephrine after various procedures
- Formation of phenylethanolamine N-methyl transferase complexes as an intermediate of the methylation of Norepinephrine
- The relative importance of monoamine oxidase and catechol-O-methyl transferase on the physiologic response to administered Norepinephrine in the turkey
- Histochemical demonstration for the release of Norepinephrine from the sympathetic nerves in the cat spleen
- Vascular Characteristics of Unilateral Acute Renal Failure in the Dog: Assessment with Vasodilators and Antagonists to Angiotensin and Norepinephrine
- Letters to The Editor: Further Notes on the Binding of Norepinephrine by Nerves to Cerebral Blood Vessels
- Comparative effects of dopamine and Norepinephrine on myocardial function and metabolism during experimental cardiogenic shock
- Ultrastructural cytochemistry and pharmacology of 5-hydroxytryptamine in adrenergic nerve endings. III. Selective increase of Norepinephrine in the rat pineal gland …
- alpha-Adrenergic (Norepinephrine) effect on antidiuretic hormone activity.
- … and seizure susceptibility: Effects of manipulations of light cycles on susceptibility to audiogenic seizures and on levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine and Norepinephrine in …
- Effects of Norepinephrine in the Presence of Adrenergic Antagonists and Different Ionic Media upon the Mechanical and 86Rubidium Efflux Responses in Vascular …
- Brain Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine as a function of time after avoidance training and footshock
- … of adenosine 3′, 5′‐monophosphate in incubated slices from discrete regions of squirrel monkey cerebral cortex: effect of Norepinephrine, serotonin and adenosine
- Brain stem Norepinephrine: Behavioural and biochemical differentiation of responses to footshock in rats
- Greater effectiveness of phenoxybenzamine in blocking vasoconstrictor responses to central sympathetic stimulation than to Norepinephrine administration in the cat
- Thermoregulatory responses to Norepinephrine after inhibition of its synthesis in rabbits.
- The pulmonary circulation: response to Norepinephrine and hemorrhage in normal man.
- The effect of guancydine on blood pressure, vascular reactivity, and Norepinephrine uptake in essential hypertension
- The effect of hydrochlorothiazide on water, cation and Norepinephrine content of cardiovascular tissues of normotensive dogs
- Effect of Norepinephrine and fluid administration on pulmonary extravascular water volume in dogs.
- Amniotic fluid, epinephrine, and Norepinephrine: I. Comparison between the human and baboon
- Influence of papaverine and nitrite on the responses to Norepinephrine of inner and outer smooth muscle of sheep carotid arteries
- Binding of 1-Norepinephrine to isolated rat fat cell plasma membranes. Evidence against covalent binding and binding to catechol-O-methyl transferase
- Interaction between angiotensin and bloodborne exogenous Norepinephrine on the cat nictitating membrane in vivo
- Norepinephrine turnover and brain monoamine levels in septal lesioned aggressive rats
- The effect of cocaine on the 3H-Norepinephrine uptake by cold stored aorta from rabbit
- Synthesis and Norepinephrine depleting activity of some metaraminol ethers
- … and pharmacology of 5-hydroxytryptamine in adrenergic nerve endings. II. Accumulation of 5-hydroxytryptamine in nerve vesicles containing Norepinephrine in rat vas …
- Strain differences in uptake, pool size and turnover rate of Norepinephrine in hearts of mice
- Norepinephrine concentrations in brains and hearts of hyperreactive septally lesioned rats
- Changes in the self-stimulation behavior by intraventricular injection of epinephrine, Norepinephrine, isoproterenol and dopamine
- Effects of inorganic electrolytes on the membrane transport and metabolism of serotonin and Norepinephrine by synaptosomes
- Effects of insulin and Norepinephrine added in vitro on the metabolism of brown adipose tissue in the absence of added glucose
- Interaction of angiotensin with exogenous and neurally released Norepinephrine on the cat nictitating membrane in vitro.
- Influence of temperature and seasons on H3-Norepinephrine uptake by isolated strip ventricle of frog
- Temporary increase in forebrain Norepinephrine turnover in mouse-killing rats
- Cardiac Norepinephrine stores and chronotropic reflex response after thoracotomy
- Action of L-dopa, Norepinephrine and amantadine on ulcers caused by reserpine in the rat
- Effects of phentolamine on dibutyryl cyclic AMP and Norepinephrine in rats anesthetized with amobarbital.
- Uptake of exogenous Norepinephrine from corpus callosum by neurons of the cingulate cortex
- Brain Norepinephrine levels and turnover rates in castrated mice isolated for 13 months
- The role of Norepinephrine in behavioral arousal
- Hand blood flow, plasma Norepinephrine, and central hemodynamics in myocardial infarction
- Influence of perfusion time on Norepinephrine uptake, heart rate and intracellular cations in guinea pig hearts
- The effect of angiotensin on the turnover rate of Norepinephrine in the rat heart
- Potentiation of the contractile effects of Norepinephrine by hypoxia
- Effects of Norepinephrine infusion (iv) on microvascular pressures and capillary blood flow in the mesentery
- Interaction between adenosine compounds and Norepinephrine in dog renal circulation
- Systemic arterial pressure changes caused by sympathomimetic amines and influence of Norepinephrine infusion on chronically reserpinized dogs
- Effect of Hypopituitarism and ACTH on the Urinary Excretion of Norepinephrine in Man
- Norepinephrine Uptake by the Myocardium of the Senescent Mouse in Vitro
- Effect of copper and plastic intrauterine devices on the Norepinephrine content of rabbit oviduct and uterus.
- Elicitation of water ingestion in the mongolian gerbil (Meriones unguiculatus) by intracranial injections of angiotensin II and 1-Norepinephrine
- Increased hypothalamic Norepinephrine in genetically hypertensive rats following administration of diphenylhydantoin
- Potentiation of Norepinephrine-induced activation of cardiac phosphorylase by theophylline and reserpine
- Accumulation of cyclic AMP in hypothyroidism. Decreased sensitivity to Norepinephrine in rat adipocytes
- Interactions of 17β-Estradiol and L-Norepinephrine on the Rat Uterus
- Effects of hydrochlorothiazide on water, cation, and Norepinephrine contents of cardiovascular tissues of renovascular hypertensive dogs
- Hypothalamic Norepinephrine as an alpha-and beta-adrenergic neurotransmitter active in the regulation of normal hunger.
- Interaction of systemic and local vascular regulation of the intestinal circulation during systemic infusion of Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin: CNS distribution, biosynthesis and metabolism
- Effect of chemical sympathectomy on pressor responses to Norepinephrine, angiotensin and tyramine
- Imipramine demethylation and Norepinephrine storage in brain
- Monoamine oxidase activity and Norepinephrine content of organs from rats fed on a vitamin B2-deficient diet.
- The effect of percutaneous nitroglycerin upon the concentration of serotonin, epinephrine and Norepinephrine in venous blood from migrainous subjects during attack …
- Iproniazid interaction with the H3 Norepinephrine uptake and retention, on isolated left atrium of guinea-pig
- The effect of perivascular microinjection of Norepinephrine and epinephrine on the diameter of pia arteries and arterioles
- Slopes of dose-response curves to Norepinephrine in isolated strips of the cat’s spleen
- Heat production and hypothalamic temperature changes to Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in cold-and warm-adapted rabbits
- Effects of 2-mercaptoethylguanidine and other compounds on Norepinephrine synthesis by adrenal medullary granules
- Metabolic responses to Norepinephrine in hypocalcaemic sheep
- Role of extravesicular adenosine triphosphate and apparent vesicular energy conservation reactions in retention of Norepinephrine by adrenergic nerve endings
- The role of skeletal muscle in the biphasic response of plasma potassium to epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Synthesis of Norepinephrine-O-sulfates
- The effects of an intravenous infusion of Norepinephrine on pulmonary and systematic haemodynamics with and without propranolol pretreatment in dogs
- Triglyceride hydrolysis and calcium accumulation in the rat epididymal fat pad exposed in vitro to Norepinephrine and pancreatic lipase
- Uptake of Norepinephrine by isolated neurons of rat pontine reticular formation
- Importance of calcium in the inotropic effect of hyperosomotic agents, Norepinephrine, paired electrical stimulation, and treppe.
- Absence of measurable amounts of epinephrine, Norepinephrine and dopamine in rat hypophysial portal blood during various phases of the oestrous cycle
- Effects of olfactory bulb removal on brain Norepinephrine in golden hamsters
- Effect of prostaglandin E1 and Norepinephrine on lipid and glucose metabolism in isolated perfused rat liver overloaded with a lipid substrate
- Benzimidazole-5 (6)-alanine and related compounds. I. Synthesis of amino acids as inhibitors of Norepinephrine biosynthesis
- Effects of Norepinephrine and thyroxine on the turnover rate of plasma free fatty acids
- Potentiation by 3, 4-dimethoxyphenylethylamine (DMPEA) and cocaine of Norepinephrine-induced contraction of guinea-pig vas deferens
- Time-dependent changes in brain 3H-Norepinephrine disappearance caused by L-dopa administration
- Effects of plasma from hypertensive patients on the responses to angiotensin and Norepinephrine in dogs and rats
- Effect of Aminoglutethimide on Norepinephrine Turnover in the Rat Heart
- Effect of vasopressin (ADH), aldosterone, Norepinephrine (NE), angiotensin I (AI) and II (AII) on renin release (RR) by human kidney (HK) slices in vitro
- Effects of Norepinephrine infusion (IV) on colloid osmotic pressure of systemic arterial plasma
- Influence of Norepinephrine and exercise on lipolysis in adipose tissue of diabetic rats
- Rate of Norepinephrine synthesis after tyramine-induced depletion of Norepinephrine in rat heart
- The calorigenic action of Norepinephrine in rats after hypophysectomy
- MEDICAL TREATMENT AND MORTALITY IN CARDIOGENIC SHOCK: Metaraminol Compared with Combined Phentolamine and Norepinephrine. Glucagon Therapy
- Effects of amygdaloid lesions on hypothalamic Norepinephrine response to increased ambient temperature
- The separation of epinephrine from Norepinephrine and dopamine from DOPA on Sephadex G-10
- Modulation of audiogenic seizures by cortical Norepinephrine in the rat.
- Conversion of Norepinephrine to Epinephrine in Canine Testes
- Effects of oophorectomy and sexual hormones on Norepinephrine and epinephrine urinary excretion
- Comparison of constrictor responses of the rabbit ear artery to Norepinephrine and to sympathetic nerve stimulation
- Selective regulation of the multiple forms of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase by Norepinephrine and other agents
- Thermal and metabolic responses to cold and Norepinephrine in cold-and hypoxia-acclimated rabbits
- Studies on Rheomelanins: III.—Excessive Hemolysis Associated with the Production of Rheomelanins from L-Norepinephrine, from Dopamine and from L-Dopa in the …
- 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine (dopa), dopamine and Norepinephrine storage in the rat heart after L-dopa—further evidence for Norepinephrine release
- Slowered Turnover of Norepinephrine in the Brain Associated with an Acute Elevation in Blood Pressure of Rats
- Blood Pressure Response to Both Carotid Occlusion and Asphyxia, as Influenced by Intracerebroventricular Injection of Norepinephrine or Epinephrine
- Time factors in behavioral control of brain Norepinephrine and plasma corticosterone levels.
- Stimulation of adipose tissue triglyceride lipase activity after in vivo administration of dibutyryl cyclic AMP or Norepinephrine
- Sensitivity of the nictitating membrane of the pithed cat to infusions of l-Norepinephrine after denervation or decentralization
- Urinary renin and Norepinephrine excretion in dogs after unilateral renal artery constriction
- Interaction of cocaine and iproniazid on the H3-Norepinephrine uptake mechanism on isolated strip ventricle of frog heart
- Inhibition of cortisol-mediated induction of hepatic tryptophan-2, 3-dioxygenase by Norepinephrine
- Long-term conditioned avoidance deficits in rats after intraventricular injection of 6-hydroxydopamine: Restoration of performance with l-Norepinephrine.
- Norepinephrine and phenoxybenzamine redistribution of dog forelimb blood flow and volume
- Subcellular fractionation of hypothalamus and pituitary stalk of the bull. Morphologic study and serotonin-Norepinephrine distribution
- Effect of stress on various characteristics of Norepinephrine metabolism in central noradrenergic neurons
- Inhibition of potassium uptake by low concentrations of Norepinephrine and dibutyryl cyclic AMP
- Effects of isoproterenol and 1-Norepinephrine on function, coronary flow, and oxygen consumption of the intact left ventricle
- Thyroxine-induced supersensitivity to histamine and Norepinephrine activation of cardiac phosphorylasea
- Brain Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine metabolism during altered states of thyroid function.
- Electrical self-stimulation in the locus coeruleus and Norepinephrine turnover in cerebral cortex
- Bradykinin interaction with 5-hydroxytryptamine, Norepinephrine, and potassium chloride in rabbit aorta
- Effects of Norepinephrine, Serotonin, and Dopamine on the Cerebral Blood Flow in the Dog
- A Rapid and Sensitive Method for Simultaneous Determination of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine in Human Plasma (Report II)
- Alterations in Norepinephrine storage in inbred rats made hypertensive by triiodothyronine and sodium chloride
- Biochemical basis of heart function. VI. Influence of cations on Norepinephrine transport, storage, and synthesis in the isolated perfused rat heart
- Accumulation of Norepinephrine (NE) by rat organs in vivo
- Absence of effect of cardiac denervation and induced right ventricular failure on canine myocardial Norepinephrine binding sites
- A comparison of salbutamol with isoproterenol and Norepinephrine in activating rat cardiac phosphorylase
- … -[(2-oxoethylene)-bis-(2, 2-diethoxyethyl)] dimethylammonium dibromide (DMAE) on accumulation and nicotine-induced release of Norepinephrine in the heart
- Significance of central Norepinephrine-containing neurons in sensory transmission
- Inhibition of aldehyde dehydrogenase by 2-chloroacetophenone and the resultant effects on the catabolism of Norepinephrine in brain
- Uptake and Storage of 3H-Norepinephrine in the Cerebral Hemispheres and Cerebellum of Chicks during Embryonic Development and Early Posthatching
- Synthesis and Norepinephrine-depleting activity of some esters of metaraminol
- Synthesis and preferential release of newly formed Norepinephrine during increased sympathetic activity
- Uptake and subcellular distribution of Norepinephrine in the canine heart following experimental myocardial infarction
- Effect of an atherosclerotic diet on the uptake and metabolism of Norepinephrine 14C in the rat
- Norepinephrine diffusion from hypothalamus to cerebrospinal fluid and cerebrospinal fluid to hypothalamus of sheep
- Glyceride lipases in brain and their stimulation by Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine.
- Norepinephrine Content of Thoracic Duct Lymph During Tachycardia
- Effects of Norepinephrine and dibenamine implanted in the median eminence on the estrous cycle of the rat
- Interaction between angiotensin and neurally released Norepinephrine on the cat nictitating membrane in vivo
- Paradoxical decrease in Norepinephrine content of adult mouse spleen and heart after neonatal nerve growth factor treatment
- Reversal Effect on Norepinephrine Induced Lipolysis in Isolated Perfused Rat Liver by a Beta Blocking Agent H 56/28 (Alloprenalol)
- Effect of Norepinephrine, propranolol and phentolamine on the Phosphaturic action of bovine parathyroid extract in man
- Sources of metabolic energy used by isolated strips ventricle of frog heart for the uptake and retention of H3-Norepinephrine
- Cardiovascular Responses To Intracranial Microinjection Of Acetylcholine Or Norepinephrine In Unanesthetized Rabbits
- Release of Norepinephrine and serotonin from the amygdala during rewarding median forebrain bundle stimulation
- … and storage of catecholamines by adrenergic fibers of the central and peripheral nervous system. V. Uptake and storage of Norepinephrine by adrenergic fibers of the …
- Norepinephrine in the Central Nervous System
- Kinetics of Norepinephrine metabolism in the rat heart In vivo
- Norepinephrine in fetal and neonatal rabbit brain
- Influence of Phentolamine on the centrally induced Renal effects of Norepinephrine and Dopamine in the Rabbit
- Interaction and Fate of Massive Doses of Epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Involvement of Norepinephrine in ovarian functioning in the rabbit
- On the Excretion of H3-Norepinephrine in the Urine of Hypertensives
- Prolonged Unilateral Acute Renal Failure Induced by Intra-Artcrial Norepinephrine Infusion in the Dog
- Effects of hyper-and hypothyroidism on central nervous system with special reference to its effects on rectal temperature and brain Norepinephrine levels in rats
- The uptake of Norepinephrine by rat uterine subepithelial cells under normal and experimental conditions
- Norepinephrine Metabolism in Mouse Heart after Lithium and Rubidium Treatment
- Norepinephrine content in the brain of albino rats following introduction of the Gd-7 and Gd-42 cholinesterase inhibitors.
- Influence of ions on Norepinephrine storage, transport and synthesis in isolated perfused rat heart
- Differentiation of the Calcium Stores Utilized in the Contractile Response to Norepinephrine and Prostaglandins
- Effects of systemic Norepinephrine (NE) on distribution of uterine blood flow (UBF) in pregnant ewes
- Syrosingopine and Reserpine on Pressor Action of Norepinephrine in Rabbits
- Sustained Renal Vasoconstriction Induced by a Brief Norepinephrine Infusion in the Dog
- Effect of Ascorbic Acid Depletion on Norepinephrine Concentration of Guinea Pig Hypothalamus
- Borderline Hypertension: Correlation Between the Cardiac Output and the Vascular Reactivity to Norepinephrine
- … -1, 4-oxazine hydrochloride (G 130) to central nervous system depressing drugs. Monoamine oxidase inhibitory activity and Norepinephrine and serotonin induced …
- Importance of calcium for the stimulant action of Norepinephrine and acetylcholine on the guinea pig myometrium
- Blockade of Norepinephrine uptake and related activities of cis-and trans-N, N′-bis-(1-naphthylmethyl)-1, 4-cyclohexane bis-(methylamine) dihydrochloride
- Influence of sodium on the ability of tyramine to release Norepinephrine in isolated guinea-pig left atrium
- Long-term intraperitoneal infusion of Norepinephrine in the control of massive bleeding from stress ulcers
- Effects of Local Anesthetics on Epinephrine-and Norepinephrine-Induced Contractions of Rabbit Aortic Strips
- Releasable Norepinephrine-3H, injected centrally, as a function of dose of d-amphetamine injected peripherally.
- Accumulation of metabolites in CSF; a measure of functional changes in brain dopamine and Norepinephrine metabolism in rabbits and man
- Effect of Prolonged Administration of Clonidine to Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats on Blood Pressure, Cerebral Norepinephrine Content and Angiographic Finding …
- Effects of morphine on Norepinephrine and dopamine uptakes and calcium into discrete areas of rat brain.
- Effects of parathion on steady-state levels and turnover of Norepinephrine and dopamine in selected regions of rat brain
- … on Nonepinephine Turnover in Heart-With Special References to Role of Adrenocortical Function, Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Tone Regulation Norepinephrine …
- Effects of protein energy malnutrition on rat brain: Studies on free amino acids, serotonin and Norepinephrine
- Uptake and storage of catecholamines by adrenergic fibers in the central and peripheric nervous system. 3. Localization of Norepinephrine at the level of a particulate …
- The effect of acute blood pressure elevation by angiotensin and Norepinephrine on prostaglandin output in the Rhesus monkey
- PO-methylation of protocatechuic acid, a metabolite of epinephrine and Norepinephrine, in perfused rat liver
- Potentiation by chronic methyldopa treatment of the vascular resistance responses to central sympathetic stimulation and to exogenous Norepinephrine
- Muscarinic regulation of the stimulated release of Norepinephrine and Dopamine-Beta-Hydroxylase from sympathetic nerves to the heart.
- … injection of drugs into the ectopic hepatic artery branching from the superior mesenteric artery–a new trial of injection using a double tube and Norepinephrine
- … Mydriasis and Hyperemia of the Iris After Superior Cervical Ganglionectomy in the Rabbit: Evidence for Release of More than Norepinephrine During Degeneration of …
- … and oxypertine. Answer to the discussion contribution of M. Knaack and H. Quick to our paper on the different release of Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin …
- … storage of catecholamines by adrenergic fibers of the central and peripheral nervous system. IV. Synthesis, storage and release of Norepinephrine in the adrenergic …
- Plasma Norepinephrine in congestive heart failure
- Norepinephrine: hormone and neurotransmitter in man.
- Modulatory actions of Norepinephrine in the central nervous system.
- Plasma levels of Norepinephrine
- Determination of Norepinephrine apparent release rate and clearance in humans
- Use of plasma Norepinephrine for evaluation of sympathetic neuronal function in man
- II. New evidence for a locus coeruleus-Norepinephrine connection with anxiety
- Response of Norepinephrine and blood pressure to stress increases with age
- Cerebral circulation and Norepinephrine: relevance of the blood-brain barrier
- Norepinephrine-Dopamine Interactions and Behavior: A new hypothesis of stress-related interactions between brain Norepinephrine and dopamine is proposed.
- Lateralization of Norepinephrine in human thalamus
- Simultaneous single isotope radioenzymatic assay of plasma Norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine
- Central catecholamine neuron systems: anatomy and physiology of the Norepinephrine and epinephrine systems
- Plasma Norepinephrine responses of man in cold water
- Norepinephrine and epinephrine release and adrenergic mediation of smoking-associated hemodynamic and metabolic events
- Influence of endogenous Norepinephrine on cerebral blood flow and metabolism
- Method for the rapid determination of Norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin in the same brain region
- Chronic response of rat brain Norepinephrine and serotonin levels to endurance training
- Coping with stress, Norepinephrine depletion and escape performance.
- Physiological control of brain Norepinephrine synthesis by brain tyrosine concentration
- Restoration of visual cortical plasticity by local microperfusion of Norepinephrine
- Increased Norepinephrine levels and decreased dopamine-β-hydroxylase activity in primary autism
- Interaction of Norepinephrine with cerebrocortical activity evoked by stimulation of somatosensory afferent pathways in the rat
- Disappearance of Norepinephrine from the circulation following strenuous exercise
- Effects of Norepinephrine on mechanics of arteries in vitro
- Schizophrenia: Elevated cerebrospinal fluid Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine contents of the cardiovascular system in long-term diabetics.
- Vascular reactivity to angiotensin II and to Norepinephrine in diabetic subjects
- Endogenous plasma epinephrine and Norepinephrine in last-trimester pregnancy and labor
- Electrogenesis of increased Norepinephrine sensitivity of arterial vascular muscle in hypertension.
- Effects of smoking marihuana on left ventricular performance and plasma Norepinephrine: studies in normal men
- Alterations in brain Norepinephrine metabolism induced by environmental stimuli previously paired with inescapable shock
- Uterine blood flow and plasma Norepinephrine changes during maternal stress in the pregnant ewe.
- Plasma and urinary Norepinephrine values at extremes of sodium intake in normal man.
- The action of Norepinephrine in the rat hippocampus. IV. The effects of locus coeruleus stimulation on evoked hippocampal unit activity
- Interaction of Norepinephrine with cerebellar activity evoked by mossy and climbing fibers
- Effect of handling and forced immobilization on rat plasma levels of epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and dopamine-β-hydroxylase
- Age-adjusted plasma Norepinephrine levels are similar in normotensive and hypertensive subjects
- Interactions of Norepinephrine with Purkinje cell responses to putative amino acid neurotransmitters applied by microiontophoresis
- Peripheral muscarinic control of Norepinephrine release in the cardiovascular system
- Tyrosine administration reduces blood pressure and enhances brain Norepinephrine release in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Distribution of Norepinephrine and dopamine in cerebral cortical areas of the rat
- Effect of diet and cold exposure on Norepinephrine turnover in pancreas and liver.
- Norepinephrine in chronic paranoid schizophrenia: above-normal levels in limbic forebrain
- Raised cerebrospinal fluid Norepinephrine in some patients with primary hypertension.
- Differential distribution of Norepinephrine and serotonin along the dorsal-ventral axis of the hippocampal formation
- Posttraining brain Norepinephrine concentrations: correlation with retention performance of avoidance training and with peripheral epinephrine modulation of memory …
- Cerebrospinal fluid Norepinephrine in affective illness.
- The effect of insulin on vascular reactivity to Norepinephrine
- Dopamine and Norepinephrine innervated cells in the rat prefrontal cortex: pharmacological differentiation using microiontophoretic techniques
- Enhanced plasma Norepinephrine response to upright posture and oral glucose administration in elderly human subjects
- High-Affinity [3H]Imipramine Binding in Rat Hypothalamus: Association with Uptake of Serotonin But Not of Norepinephrine
- Stress-induced depression of motor activity correlates with regional changes in brain Norepinephrine but not in dopamine
- Plasma Norepinephrine variations with dietary sodium intake.
- Norepinephrine-induced acute renal failure: a reversible ischemic model of acute renal failure
- Hemispheric asymmetry of Norepinephrine distribution in rat thalamus.
- Effects of insulin on cardiac muscle contraction and responsiveness to Norepinephrine
- Influence of epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and isoproterenol on glucose homeostasis in normal man
- Circulatory response to systemic infusion of Norepinephrine in the pregnant ewe
- Neuroleptic drug interactions with Norepinephrine alpha receptor binding sites in rat brain
- Effect of fluorine substitution on the agonist specificity of Norepinephrine
- Effect of vagal stimulation on the overflow of Norepinephrine into the coronary sinus during cardiac sympathetic nerve stimulation in the dog.
- Effects of dopamine, Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine on the carotid body of the dog
- Epinephrine and Norepinephrine are cleared through beta-adrenergic, but not alpha-adrenergic, mechanisms in man
- Isotope-derivative measurements of plasma Norepinephrine and epinephrine in man
- Hormonal mechanisms in acute glucose counterregulation: the relative roles of glucagon, epinephrine, Norepinephrine, growth hormone, and cortisol
- Vascular and metabolic effects of circulating epinephrine and Norepinephrine. Concentration-effect study in dogs.
- Brain Norepinephrine and dopamine in schizophrenia
- Effects of cytidine-5’diphosphocholine on Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin synthesis in various regions of the rat brain.
- The effect of different intensities of exercise on the excretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine.
- Centrally mediated release by cocaine of endogenous epinephrine and Norepinephrine from the sympathoadrenal medullary system of unanesthetized rats.
- The need for power, brain Norepinephrine turnover and learning
- Catecholamine metabolism in thyroid disease. II. Norepinephrine secretion rate in hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
- Effects of Norepinephrine on the morphology and some enzyme activities of primary monolayer cultures from rat brain
- Norepinephrine‐producing tumors of bilateral breasts. A case report
- Metabolic and cardiovascular responses to Norepinephrine in trained and nontrained human subjects
- A Sensitive Radioenzymatic Assay for Dopamine, Norepinephrine, and Epinephrine inPlasma and Tissue
- Bromocriptine inhibits Norepinephrine release
- Urinary epinephrine and Norepinephrine levels in women athletes during training and competition
- Norepinephrine and gamma‐aminobutyric acid in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Subsensitivity to Norepinephrine as a link between adaptation to stress and antidepressant therapy: An hypothesis.
- Levels of circulating Norepinephrine and epinephrine before, during, and after cardiopulmonary bypass in man
- Changes in plasma Norepinephrine, blood pressure and heart rate during physical activity in hypertensive man.
- Forebrain Norepinephrine and the selective processing of information.
- Increased plasma Norepinephrine concentrations and metabolic rates following glucose ingestion in man
- Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, glucagon, and growth hormone release in association with physiological decrements in the plasma glucose concentration in normal and …
- Activation of lateral geniculate neurons by Norepinephrine: mediation by an α-adrenergic receptor
- Effects of selective forebrain depletions of Norepinephrine and serotonin on the activity and food intake effects of amphetamine and fenfluramine
- Release of [3H] Norepinephrine from a clonal line of pheochromocytoma cells (PC12) by nicotinic cholinergic stimulation
- Effects of the d-and l-isomers of amphetamine on uptake, release and catabolism of Norepinephrine, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in several regions of rat brain
- Intestinal ion transport: effect of Norepinephrine, pilocarpine, and atropine
- A simple specific radioenzymatic assay for the simultaneous measurement of picogram quantities of Norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine in plasma and …
- Localization of tritiated Norepinephrine in the renal arteriolar nerves
- Effects of α-and β-adrenergic receptor antagonists on post-trial epinephrine modulation of memory: Relationship to post-training brain Norepinephrine concentrations
- Regulation of Norepinephrine release from cardiac sympathetic fibers in the dog by presynaptic alpha-and beta-receptors.
- Influence of neonatal and adult hyperthyroidism on behavior and biosynthetic capacity for Norepinephrine, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in rat brain.
- The action of Norepinephrine in the rat hippocampus. III. Hippocampal cellular responses to locus coeruleus stimulation in the awake rat
- Arteriolar closure mediated by hyperresponsiveness to Norepinephrine in hypertensive rats
- Cerebral Norepinephrine: influence on cortical oxidative metabolism in situ
- Production of sustained hypertension by chronic intrarenal Norepinephrine infusion in conscious dogs.
- LH release and ovulation in the rat following depletion of hypothalamic Norepinephrine: chronic vs. acute effects
- Mobilization of stored calcium for phasic contraction induced by Norepinephrine in rabbit aorta
- The role of Norepinephrine in the regulation of fluid absorption in the rat proximal tubule.
- Sulpiride: a weak antagonist of Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine
- Effects of estradiol on release and disposition of Norepinephrine from nerve endings
- Pharmacological analysis of a cholinergic receptor mediated regulation of brain Norepinephrine neurons
- Clonidine reversal of increased Norepinephrine metabolite levels during morphine withdrawal
- Comparison of the effects of the isomers of amphetamine, methylphenidate and deoxypipradrol on the uptake of l-[3H] Norepinephrine and [3H] dopamine by synaptic …
- Study of factors which modify the development of Norepinephrine-induced acute renal failure in the dog
- Escape deficits induced by uncontrollable stress: Antagonism by dopamine and Norepinephrine agonists
- Anesthesia-induced alteration of small vessel responses to Norepinephrine
- … of pheochromocytoma: Detection by measurement of urinary Norepinephrine excretion during sleep, plasma Norepinephrine concentration and computerized axial …
- Animal models of psychopathology: The low-Norepinephrine and low-serotonin rat.
- Increased sensitivity of the basilar artery to Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine following experimental subarachnoid hemorrhage.
- Norepinephrine and serotonin: opposite effects on the activity of lateral geniculate neurons evoked by optic pathway stimulation
- Possible involvement of acetaldehyde, Norepinephrine and their tetrahydroisoquinoline derivatives in the regulation of ethanol self-administration
- Plasma Norepinephrine and dopamine-β-hydroxylase in genetic hypertensive rats
- Basal Norepinephrine overflow into the renal vein: effect of renal nerve stimulation
- Effect of imipramine on Norepinephrine and blood pressure in enuretic boys
- Dopamine and Norepinephrine depletion in ring doves fed DDE, dieldrin, and Aroclor 1254
- Effects of furosemide and acetylcholine in Norepinephrine-induced acute renal failure
- Norepinephrine release in isolated arteries induced by K-free solution
- Interaction of drugs with apomorphine, tryptamine and Norepinephrine. A new’in vivo’approach: the ATN-test in rats.
- Recovery from heart Norepinephrine depletion in experimental Chagas’ disease.
- Changes in brain Norepinephrine associated with sensitization to d-amphetamine
- Plasma Norepinephrine levels are influenced by sodium intake, glucocorticoid administration, and circadian changes in normal man
- Role of the peripheral vasculature in changes in venous return caused by isoproterenol, Norepinephrine, and methoxamine in anesthetized dogs.
- Calcium dependence of Norepinephrine-induced vascular contraction in experimental diabetes.
- Effects of sustained seizures produced by intrahippocampal injection of kainic acid on noradrenergic neurons: evidence for local control of Norepinephrine …
- Isolation and radioenzymic estimation of picogram quantities of dopamine and Norepinephrine in biological samples
- Myocardial oxygen consumption: effects of epinephrine, isoproterenol, dopamine, Norepinephrine, and dobutamine
- Monoaminergic denervation of the rat hippocampus: microiontophoretic studies on pre-and postsynaptic supersensitivity to Norepinephrine and serotonin
- Distribution of metaraminol and its relation to Norepinephrine
- Reduced plasma Norepinephrine response to standing in autonomic dysfunction
- Increased renal secretion of Norepinephrine and prostaglandin E2 during sodium depletion in the dog.
- Liquid-chromatographic determination of Norepinephrine and epinephrine in human plasma.
- Semidehydroascorbate as a product of the enzymic conversion of dopamine to Norepinephrine: Coupling of semidehydroascorbate reductase to dopamine-β …
- Norepinephrine and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenyl glycol gradients in human cerebrospinal fluid.
- Norepinephrine elevation in the fetal lamb: oxygen consumption and cardiac output
- Possible involvement of a transmitter different from Norepinephrine in the residual responses to nerve stimulation of the cat nictitating membrane after pretreatment …
- Effect of increased pancreatic islet Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin concentration on insulin secretion in the golden hamster
- Norepinephrine innervation of the cochlear nuclei by locus coeruleus neurons in the rat
- Norepinephrine kinetics in patients with idiopathic autonomic insufficiency.
- Tubular secretion and metabolism of dopamine, Norepinephrine, methoxytyramine and normetanephrine by the rat kidney.
- Reduction of intrinsic sinoatrial frequency and Norepinephrine response of the exercised rat
- Concentrations of dopamine and Norepinephrine in discrete hypothalamic nuclei during the rat estrous cycle
- Norepinephrine induces glial-specific enzyme activity in cultured plasma glioma cells
- Effects of chronic lead treatment on some cardiovascular responses to Norepinephrine in the rat
- Norepinephrine and dopamine turnover rates in the medial preoptic area and the mediobasal hypothalamus of the rat brain after various endocrinological …
- Norepinephrine sensitivity, tension development and neuronal uptake in resistance arteries from spontaneously hypertensive and normotensive rats
- Norepinephrine clearance and pressor effect in normal and hypertensive man
- Evaluation of plasma Norepinephrine as an index of sympathetic neuron function in the conscious, unrestrained rat
- Alteration of rat adipose tissue lipolytic response to Norepinephrine by dietary fatty acid manipulation
- Effect of intraventricular injection of dopamine, Norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine on immunoreactive somatostatin release into rat hypophyseal …
- Effect of desmethylimipramine on the release of [3H] Norepinephrine induced by various agents in hypothalamic synaptosomes
- Changes in pituitary oxytocin and vasopressin during the estrous cycle and after ovarian hormones: evidence for mediation by Norepinephrine
- Augmentation of peritoneal mass transport by dopamine: comparison with Norepinephrine and evaluation of pharmacologic mechanisms.
- Norepinephrine‐Stimulated Fatty‐Acid Release and Oxygen Consumption in Isolated Hamster Brown‐Fat Cells: Influence of Buffers, Albumin, Insulin and …
- The influence of cocaine and desipramine on the cardiac responses to exogenous and endogenous Norepinephrine
- … of plasma Norepinephrine in normal man: the relationships between venous and arterial Norepinephrine concentration and the urinary excretion of Norepinephrine
- Alterations in plasma Norepinephrine concentration during surgical resection of pheochromocytoma
- Interactions of antipsychotic drugs with Norepinephrine and cerebellar neuronal circuitry: implications for the psychobiology of psychosis.
- Norepinephrine, vasopressin, glucagon, and A23187 induce efflux of calcium from an exchangeable pool in isolated rat hepatocytes
- Norepinephrine in urine and plasma following provocative maneuvers in normal and hypertensive subjects.
- A possible change in the rate-limiting step for cardiac Norepinephrine synthesis in the cardiomyopathic Syrian hamster.
- Reduction in plasma Norepinephrine during fenfluramine treatment
- Effect of Norepinephrine on insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin secretion in isolated perifused rat islets
- Evidence for prejunctional inhibition of Norepinephrine release by captopril in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Increased ratio between changes in blood pressure and plasma Norepinephrine in essential hypertension
- Effect of cold pressor stimulation on plasma Norepinephrine, dopamine-β-hydroxylase, and renin activity
- Norepinephrine complexes and reduced vanadium (V) to reverse vanadate inhibition of the (sodium, potassium ion)-dependent ATPase
- A modulating role of taurine on release of acetylcholine and Norepinephrine from neuronal tissues
- The regulation of plasma ketone body concentration by counter-regulatory hormones in man: III. Effects of Norepinephrine in normal man
- Multiple factors regulating the release of Norepinephrine consequent to nerve stimulation.
- Regulation in the central Norepinephrine neurotransmission induced in vivo by alpha adrenoceptor active drugs.
- Central biogenic amine metabolism in children with the syndrome of chronic multiple tics of Gilles de la Tourette: Norepinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine
- Action of mianserin and zimelidine on the Norepinephrine receptor coupled adenylate cyclase system in brain: Subsensitivity without reduction in β-adrenergic …
- Hypothalamic Norepinephrine in the rat during feeding and push-pull perfusion with glucose, 2-DG, or insulin
- Aging effects on hypothalamic dopamine and Norepinephrine content in the male rat
- Effects of central Norepinephrine depletion on the initiation and maintenance of maternal behavior in the rat
- Changes in renal vascular sensitivity and arterial pressure associated with sodium intake during long-term intrarenal Norepinephrine infusion in dogs.
- Initiation of maternal behavior in the rat: possible involvement of limbic Norepinephrine
- Urinary free Norepinephrine and dopamine determined by reverse-phase high-pressure liquid chromatography.
- Aging and in vivo Norepinephrine-uptake in mammalian brain
- Gas chromatography of epinephrine and Norepinephrine after derivatization with chloroformates in aqueous media
- The presynaptic site of action of Norepinephrine in the superior cervical ganglion of guinea pig.
- Norepinephrine metabolism and clinical response to dextroamphetamine in hyperactive boys
- High plasma Norepinephrine concentrations at birth in infants of diabetic mothers
- Assay of Norepinephrine and dopamine in the rat brain after microwave irradiation
- Entry of [3H] Norepinephrine,[125I] albumin and Evans blue from blood into brain following unilateral osmotic opening of the blood-brain barrier
- Differential reactivity of the gravid uterine vasculatures: effects of Norepinephrine
- Plasma Norepinephrine, epinephrine, and thyroid hormone interactions in severely burned patients
- Increased plasma Norepinephrine levels during prazosin therapy for severe congestive heart failure
- Norepinephrine and epinephrine secretion from a clinically epinephrine-secreting pheochromocytoma
- Enahancement of the electrically induced release of Norepinephrine from the rat portal vein: Mediation by β2-adrenoceptors
- Effect of stress on Norepinephrine-stimulated cyclic AMP formation in brain slices
- Release of endogenous Norepinephrine from a rabbit cerebral artery.
- Dopamine and Norepinephrine stimulate somatostatin release by median eminence fragments invitro
- The direct conversion of dopamine 3-0-sulfate to Norepinephrine by dopamine-β-hydroxylase
- Norepinephrine attenuation of amnesia produced by diethyldithiocarbamate
- Evidence for hormonal participation in the natriuretic and kaliuretic responses to intraventricular hypertonic saline and Norepinephrine
- The metabolic response to Norepinephrine in normal versus diabetic man
- Locus ceruleus somata contain both acetylcholin esterase and Norepinephrine: direct histochemical demonstration on the same tissue section
- Determination of DOPA, dopamine, DOPAC, epinephrine, Norepinephrine, α-monofluoromethyldopa and α-difluoromethyldopa in various tissues of mice and rats …
- Effect of Norepinephrine infusion on plasma vasopressin levels in normal human subjects
- Plasma levels of Norepinephrine during the periovulatory period in normal women: Further studies
- Dopamine, Norepinephrine and serotonin production by an intestinal carcinoid tumor
- Stimulation of carbonic anhydrase activity and phosphorylation in primary astroglial cultures by Norepinephrine
- Electrical activity of the hippocampus and neocortex in rats depleted of brain dopamine and Norepinephrine: Relations to behavior and effects of atropine
- Inactivation of Norepinephrine in an isolated vein.
- Effect of Norepinephrine and hypertonicity on K influx and cyclic AMP in duck erythrocytes
- Functional aspects of the Norepinephrine receptor coupled adenylate cyclase system in the limbic forebrain and its modification by drugs which precipitate or alleviate …
- Inhibitory effect of lidoflazine on contractions of isolated canine coronary arteries caused by Norepinephrine, 5-hydroxytryptamine, high potassium, anoxia and …
- Effects of racemic,(S)-and (R)-methylenedioxyamphetamine on synaptosomal uptake and release of tritiated Norepinephrine
- Factors contributing to the modulation of Norepinephrine uptake by synaptosomes from mouse brain cortex
- Effect of acute ethanol or acetaldehyde adminstration on the uptake, release, metabolism and turnover rate of Norepinephrine in rat brain
- Effect of Carbamazepine on the In Vitro Uptake and Release of Norepinephrine in Adrenergic Nerves of Rabbit Aorta and in Whole Brain Synaptosomes
- Role of Norepinephrine in the release of prolactin induced by suckling and estrogen
- Histamine, Norepinephrine and serotonin content of nasal polyps
- Effect of cold acclimation on Norepinephrine stimulated oxygen consumption in muscle
- Effect of renal denervation on arterial pressure and renal Norepinephrine concentration in Wistar-Kyoto and spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Effect of Norepinephrine and dibutyryl cyclic AMP on S-100 protein level in C6 glioma cells
- Radioenzymatic determination of epinephrine, Norepinephrine and dopamine in 0.1 ml plasma samples. Plasma catecholamine response to submaximal and near …
- Effects of isoproterenol and Norepinephrine on regional ocular blood flows.
- Variation of postjunctional natures along the length of the rat vas deferens as a cause of regional difference in the sensitivity to Norepinephrine.
- Intracellular redox state and stimulation of gluconeogenesis by glucagon and Norepinephrine in the perfused rat liver
- Lithium inhibition of Norepinephrine and dopamine receptors.
- High-performance liquid chromatographic assay of rat-brain dopamine and Norepinephrine
- Subsensitivity of the Norepinephrine receptor-coupled adenylate cyclase system in brain: effects of nisoxetine versus fluoxetine
- Release of endogenous Norepinephrine and dopamine from rat brain regions in vitro
- Metabolic changes induced in rat hippocampal slices by Norepinephrine
- Endogenous Norepinephrine and serotonin within the hippocampal formation during the development and recovery from septal hyperractivity
- Norepinephrine-induced shift in levels of adenosine 3′: 5′-monophosphate and ATP parallel to increased respiratory rate and lipolysis in isolated hamster brown-fat …
- Dopamine and Norepinephrine in the brains of hepatectomized rats
- Application of a new intraventricular injection technique in rat brain Norepinephrine studies
- Inhibition by acetylcholine of the Norepinephrine release evoked by potassium in canine saphenous veins.
- Rat jugular vein relaxes to Norepinephrine, phenylephrine and histamine.
- Reciprocal inhibition of cardiac responses to Norepinephrine and insulin
- Relationship between cerebrospinal fluid Norepinephrine and blood pressure in neurologic patients
- Use of antibodies to Norepinephrine and epinephrine in immunohistochemistry.
- Enhancement of central Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine transmission by tricyclic antidepressants
- Effects of ring fluorination on the cardiovascular actions of dopamine and Norepinephrine in the dog.
- Experimental diabetes: alterations in circulating dopamine-p-hydroxylase and Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine release by ventricular stimulation: effect on fibrillation thresholds
- Resistance to endogenous Norepinephrine in Bartter’s syndrome: Reversion during indomethacin administration
- Effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on gastrin release and gastric secretion of acid in man.
- Amygdala kindling in rats: facilitation after local amygdala Norepinephrine depletion with 6-hydroxydopamine
- Stages of recovery from central Norepinephrine lesions in enriched and impoverished environments: a behavioral and biochemical study
- Uptake of (−) 3H-Norepinephrine by storage vesicles prepared from whole rat brain: Properties of the uptake system and its inhibition by drugs
- The Regulation of Plasma Ketone Body Concentration by Counterregulatory Hormones in Man I. Effects of Norepinephrine in Diabetic Man
- Blockade of steroid-induced luteinizing hormone release by selective depletion of anterior hypothalamic Norepinephrine activity
- Calciumm-dependent release of endogenous serotonin, dopamine and Norepinephrine from nerve endings
- Plasma levels of Norepinephrine (NE) during the periovulatory period and after LH-RH stimulation in women
- The intracortical distribution of Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in the cerebral cortex of the cat
- Hallucinogens potentiate responses to serotonin and Norepinephrine in the facial motor nucleus
- Norepinephrine uptake as an indicator of cardiac reinnervation in dogs
- Norepinephrine-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in brain slices in vitro after serotonin depletion or chronic administration of selective amine reuptake inhibitors.
- Interactions of ACTH and Norepinephrine on the activity of rat hippocampal cells
- The effect of altered sodium balance upon renal vascular reactivity to angiotensin II and Norepinephrine in the dog. Mechanism of variation in angiotensin responses.
- Hypoalgesia induced by microinjection of a Norepinephrine antagonist in the raphe magnus: reversal by intrathecal administration of a serotonin antagonist
- Norepinephrine inhibits calcium-dependent potentials in rat sympathetic neurons
- Ouabain-insensitive salt and water movements in duck red cells. II. Norepinephrine stimulation of sodium plus potassium cotransport
- The effect of glucagon, Norepinephrine, and dibutyryl cyclic AMP on cholesterol efflux and on the activity of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase in rat …
- Norepinephrine in cerebrospinal fluid
- Plasma Norepinephrine concentrations: No differences among normal volunteers and low, high or normal renin hypertensive patients
- Hypoxic contraction of isolated canine coronary artery. Mediation by potassium-dependent exocytosis of Norepinephrine.
- Temporal alterations in luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone concentrations in several discrete brain regions: effects of estrogen-progesterone and Norepinephrine …
- Characteristics and response differences to iontophoretically applied Norepinephrine, D-amphetamine and acetylcholine on neurons in the medial and lateral …
- A depressed response of left ventricular contractile force to isoproterenol and Norepinephrine in dogs with congestive heart failure
- Central and peripheral Norepinephrine metabolism in rat strains selectively bred for differences in response to stress
- Direct comparison of the rapid axonal transport of Norepinephrine and dopamine‐β‐hydroxylase activity
- The effects of epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and phenylephrine on the types of proteins secreted by rat salivary glands
- Evoked release of endogenous Norepinephrine in the canine saphenous vein. Inhibition by acetylcholine.
- Activity of Norepinephrine-containing locus coeruleus neurons in the unanesthetized squirrel monkey
- The effects of Norepinephrine on active hyperemia in the canine gracilis muscle.
- Norepinephrine levels in experimental spinal cord trauma: Part 2: Histopathological study of hemorrhagic necrosis
- Beta1 and beta2 receptor mechanisms in rat jugular veins: differences between Norepinephrine and isoproterenol-induced relaxation
- The efflux rate of Norepinephrine from platelets and its relation to blood pressure
- Effects of short-and long-term administration of tricyclic antidepressants and lithium on Norepinephrine turnover in brain
- Influence of the frequency of nerve stimulation on the metabolism of 3H-Norepinephrine released from the perfused cat spleen: differences observed during and after …
- Alcohol-membrane interaction in the brain: Norepinephrine release.
- Uptake of and response to Norepinephrine by certain tissues of hypertensive rats
- Depletion of cardiac Norepinephrine during two forms of hemolytic anemia in the rat.
- Effect of prazosin on Norepinephrine concentration and turnover in rat brain and heart.
- Plasma Norepinephrine concentration in the coronary sinus in cardiomyopathies
- Studies of Norepinephrine metabolism in manic and depressive states
- Perinatal malnutrition: effects on brain Norepinephrine content
- Cholinergic stimulation of Norepinephrine release in man: evidence of a sympathetic postganglionic axonal lesion in diabetic adrenergic neuropathy
- A vasopressor potentiator for Norepinephrine in hypertensive rats
- Effect of substrate on release of myocardial Norepinephrine and ventricular arrhythmias following reperfusion of the ischemic isolated working rat heart.
- … and negative feedback effects of ovarian steroids on luteinizing hormone release in ovariectomized rats following chronic depletion of hypothalamic Norepinephrine
- A rapid and highly sensitive method for determination of picogram levels of Norepinephrine and epinephrine in tissues by high-performance liquid chromatography
- The effects of cocaine and metanephrine on the cardiac responses to Norepinephrine infusions.
- Role of impulse flow in the short-term regulation of Norepinephrine biosynthesis
- The effects of acute and chronic administration of morphine on Norepinephrine turnover in rat brain regions
- Effects of prostaglandins and Norepinephrine on ocular pressure and pupil size in rabbits following bilateral cervical ganglionectomy.
- Thermal effects of injecting Norepinephrine into hypothalamus of the rat during rest and exercise
- Serum epinephrine and Norepinephrine during valve replacement and aorta-coronary bypass
- Measurement of endogenous Norepinephrine overflow from canine saphenous veins
- Influence of age on Norepinephrine-induced vascular contractions as a function of extracellular calcium.
- Effect of acute volume alterations on Norepinephrine and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase in normotensive and hypertensive subjects.
- Effects of short-term Norepinephrine infusion on plasma catecholamines, renin, and aldosterone in normal and hypertensive man.
- Brain stem self-stimulation attenuated by lesions of medial forebrain bundle but not by lesions of locus coeruleus or the caudal ventral Norepinephrine bundle
- Involvement of Norepinephrine in startle arousal after acute and chronic d-amphetamine administration
- Modification of a spectrophotofluorometric method of analyzing serotonin, Norepinephrine, and dopamine in one brain sample
- Studies in aging of the brain. V. Reduced Norepinephrine, dopamine, and cyclic AMP in rat brain with advancing age
- Pressor responses to Norepinephrine in rabbits with 3-day and 30-day renal artery stenosis. The role of angiotensin II.
- Depression by local cooling of 3H-Norepinephrine release evoked by nerve stimulation in cutaneous veins
- Central noradrenergic activity and the formation of glycol sulfate metabolites of brain Norepinephrine
- … diverging axon collaterals and contralateral projections from rat locus coeruleus neurons, demonstrated by fluorescent retrograde double labeling and Norepinephrine …
- Release of Norepinephrine and dopamine from brain regions of amygdaloid-kindled rats
- Chronic treatment with lithium or desipramine alters discharge frequency and Norepinephrine responsiveness of cerebellar Purkinje cells
- Effects of adrenalectomy and adrenal steroids on Norepinephrine synthesis and monoamine oxidase activity
- Effects of prostaglandins and indomethacin on rat epididymal responses to Norepinephrine and acetylcholine
- Changes in cardiac Norepinephrine in spontaneously hypertensive and stroke-prone rats.
- Effects of calcium ions on the activation of gluconeogenesis by Norepinephrine in perfused rat liver
- Hemodynamic effects of Norepinephrine and isoprenaline in various regions of the canine splanchnic area
- Effects of potassium on isolated canine coronary arteries. Modulation of adrenergic responsiveness and release of Norepinephrine.
- CO2-mediated control of fatty acid metabolism in isolated hamster brown-fat cells during Norepinephrine stimulation.
- Reactivities of the nongravid uterine vasculatures: effects of Norepinephrine
- The effect of castration, thyroidectomy and haloperidol upon the turnover rates of dopamine and Norepinephrine and the kinetic properties of tyrosine hydroxylase in …
- An improved method for determination of plasma Norepinephrine: Isolation by boric acid gel and assay by selected ion monitoring
- Resting host and tumor perfusion as determinants of tumor vascular responses to Norepinephrine
- Thyroid cold acclimation influences on Norepinephrine metabolism in brown fat.
- The effect of Norepinephrine on the spinal cord circulation and its possible implications in the pathogenesis of acute spinal trauma
- Comparison of cyclic adenosine monophosphate response of lymphocytes in normal and asthmatic subjects to Norepinephrine and salbutamol
- Turnover kinetics of dopamine and Norepinephrine in the forebrain after kindling in rats
- Neonatal hyperthyroidism: alterations in behavioural activity and the metabolism of brain Norepinephrine and dopamine
- Specific enhancement of Norepinephrine-induced contraction in rat veins after beta adrenergic antagonists.
- Evidence for the role of brain Norepinephrine and dopamine in “rebound” phenomenon seen during withdrawal after repeated exposure to benzodiazepines
- The effects of prostaglandins E2 and F2α on synaptosomal accumulation and release of 3H-Norepinephrine
- Counteractive effects of Norepinephrine and amphetamine on ouabain-induced amnesia
- Regional development of Norepinephrine, dopamine-β-hydroxylase and tyrosine hydroxylase in the rat brain subsequent to neonatal treatment with subcutaneous 6 …
- The role of adrenoceptors in Norepinephrine-stimulated VO2 in muscle
- Microvascular responses to Norepinephrine in renovascular and spontaneously hypertensive rats
- The effect of two anesthetic agents on Norepinephrine and dopamine in discrete brain nuclei, fiber tracts, and terminal regions of the rat
- Inactivation of released Norepinephrine in rat tail artery by neuronal uptake.
- Liquid chromatographic determination of urinary dopamine and Norepinephrine as fluorescamine derivatives
- Synthesis, redox characteristics, and in vitro Norepinephrine uptake inhibiting properties of 2-(2-mercapto-4, 5-dihydroxyphenyl) ethylamine (6-mercaptodopamine)
- Effects of thyroid hormones and cold exposure on turnover of Norepinephrine in cardiac and skeletal muscle
- Tolerance, physical dependence and opioid-seeking behavior: Dependence on diencephalic Norepinephrine.
- A comparative uptake study of serotonin, dopamine, and Norepinephrine by platelets of acute schizophrenic patients
- Novel post-column derivatization method for the fluorimetric determination of Norepinephrine and epinephrine
- The effects of tranylcypromine isomers on Norepinephrine-H3 metabolism in rat brain
- On the topology of the Norepinephrine transport carrier in rat hypothalamus: The site of action of tricyclic uptake inhibitors
- Acute stress and the brain Norepinephrine uptake mechanism in the rat
- Thermoregulatory responses to intraventricular Norepinephrine in normal and hypothalamic-damaged rats
- Norepinephrine turnover in heart and spleen of 7-, 22-, and 34 degree C-acclimated hamsters
- Norepinephrine stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in rat limbic forebrain slices: Partial mediation by a subpopulation of receptors with neither α nor β characteristics
- The effect of ovarian steroids on hypothalamic Norepinephrine neuronal activity
- Desipramine and some other antidepressant drugs decrease the major Norepinephrine metabolite 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylglycol-sulphate in the rat brain
- Effect of neonatal hypothyroidism and delayed l-triiodothyronine treatment on behavioural activity and Norepinephrine and dopamine biosynthetic systems in discrete …
- Hypothesis for the local control of Norepinephrine release
- Ethanol-induced spontaneous Norepinephrine release from the rat vas deferens.
- Lack of correlation of plasma Norepinephrine and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase in hypertensive and normotensive subjects.
- The effects of xylamine, a nitrogen mustard on [3H] Norepinephrine accumulation in rabbit aorta.
- Inhibition of [3H] Norepinephrine uptake in peripheral organs of some mammalian species by ouabain
- Dissociation of varied actions of Norepinephrine on 45Ca uptake and release at different sites in rabbit aortic smooth muscle.
- Regulation of (Na+, K+) adenosinetriphosphatase of nerve ending membranes: action of Norepinephrine and a soluble factor.
- Digoxin-Norepinephrine response and calcium blocker effects in vascular smooth muscle
- Acute changes in Norepinephrine content in the median eminence induced by orchidectomy or testosterone replacement
- The specific activity of retained and released Norepinephrine in dog saphenous vein prelabeled with radiolabeled Norepinephrine
- Genetic influences on plasma and urinary Norepinephrine after volume expansion and contraction in normal men
- Anomalous responses of tumor vasculature to Norepinephrine and prostaglandin E2 in the rabbit.
- Urinary levels of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in parachutist trainees
- Studies of experimental cervical spinal cord transection: Part II: Plasma Norepinephrine levels after acute cervical spinal cord transection
- Norepinephrine levels in experimental spinal cord trauma: Part 1: Biochemical study of hemorrhagic necrosis
- Comparative effects of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on plasma glucose and hematocrit levels in the American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana)
- Amphetamine’s locomotor-stimulant and Norepinephrine-releasing effects: Evidence for selective antagonism by nisoxetine
- Norepinephrine levels in the coronary sinus in patients with cardiovascular diseases at rest and during isometric handgrip exercise
- Influence of Norepinephrine and fasting on the oxygen consumption of genetically-obese mice
- Cerebrospinal fluid Norepinephrine alterations during electrical stimulation of cerebellar, cerebral surfaces in epileptic patients
- Responses to tyramine and Norepinephrine after imipramine and trazodone
- Synthesis and adrenergic activity of benzimidazole bioisosteres of Norepinephrine and isoproterenol
- [3H] Epinephrine and [3H] Norepinephrine binding to α-noradrenergic receptors in calf brain membranes
- Norepinephrine: Its presence in the central nervous system of the bivalve mollusc, Mytilus edulis
- Norepinephrine: Adenosinetriphosphate ratios in purified adrenergic vesicles
- Simultaneous determination of Norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin in brain tissue by high-pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection
- Evidence for the involvement of a brain Norepinephrine system in anxiety
- Action of tonin on the response of rat on mesenteric vessels to Norepinephrine
- Effects of tandamine and pirandamine, new potential antidepressants, on the brain uptake of Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine and related activities
- Increased integrated concentration of Norepinephrine, epinephrine, aldosterone, and growth hormone in patients with uncontrolled juvenile diabetes mellitus
- A comparison of the circadian rhythms and concentrations of serotonin and Norepinephrine in the telencephalon of four rodent species
- Norepinephrine-dependent protein phosphorylation in intact C-6 glioma cells: analysis by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis
- Plasma free Norepinephrine and epinephrine concentrations following diazepam‐ketamine induction in patients undergoing cardiac surgery
- Effects of intraventricular injections of Norepinephrine on brain-pituitary-ovarian function in the rabbit
- A highly sensitive and precise radioenzymatic assay for plasma epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Clozapine induced increase of human plasma Norepinephrine
- Inhibition of synaptosomal accumulation of l‐Norepinephrine II: N‐aryloxyalkylphentermines, quaternary d‐amphetamines, and 3‐aryloxypropylamines
- Uptake and metabolism of [3H] Norepinephrine in uterine nerves of pregnant guinea pig
- A scintiphotographic study of pulmonary edema and hemorrhage induced by cerebral compression and Norepinephrine.
- Facilitation of muricide by dorsal Norepinephrine bundle lesions in olfactory bulbectomized rats
- The effect of ketamine upon Norepinephrine and dopamine levels in rabbit brain parts
- Cardiovascular effects of intracerebroven-tricular Norepinephrine in conscious and anaesthetized monkeys
- The response of feline spinal pial arterioles to Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine metabolism in canine saphenous vein: prevalence of glycol metabolites
- Effects of Norepinephrine on oxygenation of resting skeletal muscle
- Influence of prostaglandins E, A and F on vasoconstrictor responses to Norepinephrine, renal nerve stimulation and angiotensin in the feline kidney.
- Electroconvulsive shock and Norepinephrine uptake kinetics in the rat brain.
- Chemical coding of the hypothalamic neurones in metabolic control. II. Norepinephrine-sensitive neurones and glycogen breakdown in liver
- The effect of Norepinephrine on tonic immobility in chickens
- Effect of stress on the uptake of 3H-Norepinephrine into rat myocardium
- Effect of chronic lead exposure on the direct and indirect components of the cardiac response to Norepinephrine
- Trophic effect of Norepinephrine on the rat portal vein in organ culture.
- Changes in rat brain Norepinephrine levels and turnover after olfactory bulbectomy
- Effect of Norepinephrine synthesis inhibitors and a dopamine agonist on hypothalamic LH-RH, serum gonadotrophin and prolactin levels in gonadal steroid treated …
- Blunted Norepinephrine natriuresis in the isolated spontaneously hypertensive rat kidney
- Effect of changes in blood flow, Norepinephrine, and pH on oxygen uptake by resting skeletal muscle
- Ontogeny of (−)-[3H] Norepinephrine uptake properties of synaptic storage vesicles of rat brain
- Antihistamine effect on synaptosomal uptake of serotonin, Norepinephrine and dopamine
- The relation of plasma Norepinephrine and epinephrine levels over time in humans
- Comparison of acute and chronic lithium treatment on 3H-Norepinephrine uptake by rat brain slices
- The relative role of dopamine and Norepinephrine receptor blockade in the action of antipsychotic drugs: Metoclopramide, thiethylperazine, and molindone as …
- The accumulation of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in guinea pig brain slices: Effect of calcium ions, Norepinephrine and adenosine
- Electrolytes and Norepinephrine levels in blood of patients with cystic fibrosis
- The actions of serotonin, Norepinephrine, and epinephrine on hypothalamic processes leading to adenohypophyseal luteinizing hormone release
- Effect of acute stress on Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in rats
- Effects of centrally administered propranlol on plasma renin activity, plasma Norepinephrine and arterial pressure
- Axoplasmic transport of Norepinephrine in the rat brain
- Acetylcholinesterase-and Norepinephrine-containing nerves in developing rat lung
- The role of calcium in supersensitivity to the inotropic effects of Norepinephrine
- Disposition of Norepinephrine during nerve stimulation in dog saphenous vein
- Age-related profile of cardiovascular reactivity to Norepinephrine and angiotensin II in normal and hypertensive man
- The effects of Norepinephrine biosynthesis inhibition on the consolidation of two discriminated escape responses
- Corticoid effects on angiotensin-and Norepinephrine-induced proteinuria in rats
- Correlation between response to Norepinephrine and removal of 45Ca from high-affinity binding sites by extracellular EDTA in rabbit aortic smooth muscle.
- The effect of various simulated altitudes on the turnover of Norepinephrine and dopamine in the central nervous system of rats
- Neuronal Norepinephrine as mediator for ouabain-induced smooth muscle contraction
- Protection against stress-induced brain Norepinephrine depletion after repeated 2-deoxy-D-glucose administration.
- Interactions between perivascular Norepinephrine and potassium or osmolarity on pial arteries of cats
- Brain Norepinephrine, dopamine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine in magnesium-deprivation encephalopathy in rats
- Effects of atenolol on blood pressure, heart rate, renin, and Norepinephrine during exercise
- Central and peripheral Norepinephrine concentrations in rat strains selectively bred for differences in response to stress: Confirmation and extension
- Effect of Norepinephrine on the ovine umbilical circulation
- The kinetics of Norepinephrine-induced stimulation of serotonin N-acetyltransferase in bovine pineal gland
- Norepinephrine levels and morphologic alterations of myocardium in chronic alcoholic rats
- Dopamine-β-hydroxylase and Norepinephrine in human cerebrospinal fluid: effects of monoamine oxidase inhibitors
- The effect of Norepinephrine on aortic 42K turnover during deoxycorticosterone acetate hypertension and antihypertensive therapy in the rat.
- Pre-and post-junctional supersensitivity: differentiation by intraventricular infusions of Norepinephrine and methoxamine
- Role of calcium in different layers of vascular smooth muscle in Norepinephrine contraction
- Mechanism of renal tubular secretion of Norepinephrine in the rabbit.
- Angiotensin-Norepinephrine interaction on sodium intake
- Progressive reduction in Norepinephrine overflow during cardiac sympathetic nerve stimulation in the anaesthetized dog
- Norepinephrine depletion and responsiveness of Norepinephrine-sensitive cyclic AMP generating systems in guinea pig brain
- Effect of long-term neuroleptic treatment on prolactin and Norepinephrine levels in serum of chronic schizophrenics: relations to psychopathology and extrapyramidal …
- Effect of cold-acclimation on rabbit carotid artery: Altered response to Norepinephrine
- Serotonin-Norepinephrine interactions in the tremorolytic actions of phenoxybenzamine and trazodone
- Effect of Norepinephrine and isoproterenol on in vitro detrusor muscle contractility and cyclic AMP content.
- Release of endogenous Norepinephrine from rat hypothalamus in vitro
- Role of brain Norepinephrine in neuroleptic-induced catalepsy in rats
- Effect of propranolol on plasma Norepinephrine during sodium nitroprusside–induced hypotension
- Effect of Norepinephrine on in vitro histamine release from rat mast cells
- Effects of Norepinephrine, vasopressin, isoproterenol, and histamine on blood flow, oxygen uptake, and capillary filtration coefficient in the colon of the anesthetized …
- Brain α-adrenergic receptors: comparison of [3H] WB 4101 binding with Norepinephrine-stimulated cyclic AMP accumulation in rat cerebral cortex
- Plasma dopamine-β-hydroxylase activity and Norepinephrine levels during the human menstrual cycle
- Norepinephrine-induced reflex bradycardia after central administration of angiotensin II
- Elevations in cerebrospinal fluid Norepinephrine during unilateral and bilateral cerebellar stimulation in man
- Correlations between hemodynamic parameters of the liver and Norepinephrine release upon hepatic nerve stimulation in the dog
- Effects of high dose propranolol treatment on dopamine and Norepinephrine metabolism in regions of rat brain
- Norepinephrine-synthesizing enzymes in brain, adrenals and peripheral sympathetic nerves of spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Lead blockade of Norepinephrine-induced inhibition of cerebellar Purkinje neurons.
- Influence of thyroid hormone on Norepinephrine metabolism in rat brain during maturation.
- Effect of adrenergic nerve stimulation on the rabbit oviduct: correlation with Norepinephrine content and turnover rate
- Increased ejection fraction produced by a long-term subhypertensive infusion of Norepinephrine in the conscious dog
- Nisoxetine antagonism of Norepinephrine depletion in brain and heart after α-methyl-m-tyrosine administration
- Rat brain Norepinephrine release during progesterone-induced LH secretion
- Transient effects of Norepinephrine on myocardial oxygen balance
- The effect of monoamine oxidase and catechol O-methyltransferase inhibitors on the accumulation and metabolism of [l-3H] Norepinephrine by the adventitia and …
- Effect of acetylcholine on the Norepinephrine-induced positive chronotropy and increase in cyclic nucleotides of isolated rabbit sinoatrial node.
- Castration decreases olfactory bulb Norepinephrine in male rats but not hamsters
- Determination of simultaneous turnover of serotonin, dopamine and Norepinephrine in the telencephalon of unrestrained behaving rats
- Effect of variations in adrenocortical function on dopamine beta-hydroxylase and Norepinephrine in the brain of the rat.
- Inhibition of stress-induced ACTH secretion by Norepinephrine in the dog: Mechanism and site of action
- Effects of diltiazem hydrochloride on pressor and steroidogenic actions of angiotensins and Norepinephrine in man
- Norepinephrine‐stimulated breakdown of triphosphoinositide of rabbit iris smooth muscle: effects of surgical sympathetic denervation and in vivo electrical stimulation …
- Enhancement of depolarization-dependent release of Norepinephrine by an inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine-dependent transmethylations
- The origins of plasma epinephrine, Norepinephrine and dopamine levels in stressed rats
- Effects of prostaglandins E2 and I2, and arachidonic acid on vascular reactivity to Norepinephrine in isolated rat mesenteric artery, hind limb and splenic artery
- Release of Norepinephrine induced by preganglionic stimulation of the isolated superior cervical ganglion of the cat.
- Transient responses of rabbit cerebral blood vessels to Norepinephrine: correlation with intrinsic myogenic tone.
- Response of Ovine Uterine Arteries to Nerve Stimulation After Perfusions of Prostaglandin F2a, Norepinephrine or Neurotransmitter Antagonists
- Norepinephrine levels in traumatized spinal cord of catecholamine-depleted cats
- Release of Norepinephrine from neurons in dissociated cell cultures of chick sympathetic ganglia via stimulation of nicotinic and muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
- Effects of adenosine on neurally mediated Norepinephrine release from the cat spleen
- Increased renal vascular reactivity to angiotensin II but not to nerve stimulation or exogenous Norepinephrine in renal hypertensive rats.
- Suppression of serum LH-RH and LH in rats by an inhibitor of Norepinephrine synthesis
- Hormonal thermogenesis of “non-Norepinephrine” type
- Integrated concentration of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in normal subjects and in patients with mild essential hypertension
- Plasma Norepinephrine Levels and Hemodynamics in Young Patients with Essential Hypertension: VII CONFERENCE ON THE PATHOGENESIS OF …
- Increased renal vascular reactivity to Norepinephrine in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR)
- Heparin pretreatment suppresses Norepinephrine concentrations in dogs in endotoxic shock.
- Studies on the natural history of the Norepinephrine model of acute renal failure in the dog
- Effects of Norepinephrine on cyclic nucleotide levels in dog thyroid slices
- Thyrotropin-releasing hormone and serotonin secretion from frog skin are stimulated by Norepinephrine
- The effect of Norepinephrine on blood flow through the fetal liver and ductus venosus
- Effects of prostacyclin (PGI2) and indomethacin on neonatal lamb mesenteric and renal artery responses to electrical stimulation and Norepinephrine
- A rapid and simple micromethod to measure picograms of Norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) in small samples of brain tissue and pituitary gland
- Urinary metabolites of tryptophan, serotonin and Norepinephrine in alcoholics.
- A histofluorescence study of events accompanying accumulation and migration of Norepinephrine within locally cooled nerves
- Possible involvement of brainstem Norepinephrine in pentylenetetrazol convulsions in rats
- Uterine Norepinephrine levels as related to plasma and tissue progesterone in pseudopregnant rabbits
- Microvascular responses to Norepinephrine in skeletal muscle of cold-acclimated rats
- Effects of perinatal thyroxine and/or corticosterone treatment on the ontogenesis of hypothalamic and mesencephalic Norepinephrine and dopamine content
- Concurrent antagonism of isoproterenol and Norepinephrine after labetalol
- Axoplasmic transport of Norepinephrine in the locus coeruleus-hypothalamic system in the rat
- Possible association of increased rat behavioral effects and increased striatal dopamine and Norepinephrine levels during the DOPA-potentiation test
- Changes in the metabolism of hypothalamic Norepinephrine associated with the onset of maternal behavior in the nulliparous rat
- Effect of Norepinephrine on plasma vasopressin concentration and renal water metabolism
- Norepinephrine elevations in cerebrospinal fluid after d-and l-amphetamine
- Norepinephrine uptake in aging adrenergic nerve terminals
- Rapid procedure for chromatographic isolation of DOPA, DOPAC, epinephrine, Norepinephrine and dopamine from a single urinary sample at endogenous levels
- Inhibition of Norepinephrine uptake by phenoxybenzamine and desmethylimipramine in the isolated guinea-pig atrium.
- The relative significance of spinal cord Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine in electrically-induced seizure in the rat
- Norepinephrine-and isoproterenol-induced changes in cardiac contractility and cyclic adenosine 3′: 5′-monophosphate levels during early development of the …
- Changes in intestinal vascular diameter during Norepinephrine vasoconstrictor escape
- Uptake of 3H-Norepinephrine in rabbit mesenteric blood vessels
- Genetic influence on brain catecholamines: high brain Norepinephrine in salt-sensitive rats
- The synthesis of deuterium enriched erythro‐α‐methylNorepinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Redistribution of renal cortical blood flow by renal nerve stimulation and Norepinephrine infusion
- Cerebrospinal fluid Norepinephrine reductions in man after degeneration and electrical stimulation of the caudate nucleus
- Modification by manganese ions and verapamil of the responses of the atrioventricular node to Norepinephrine
- Correlation of the mechanical responses of the heart with the Norepinephrine overflow during cardiac sympathetic neural stimulation in the dog
- Tandamine—a new Norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor: Clinical, psychometric and quantitative EEG studies in depressed patients.
- Elevated hypothalamic Norepinephrine content in mice with the hereditary obese-hyperglycemic syndrome
- Activation by S-adenosylhomocysteine of Norepinephrine and serotonin in vitro uptake in synaptosomal preparations from rat brain
- Serotonin and Norepinephrine
- Possible role of dopamine-β-hydroxylase in the regulation of Norepinephrine biosynthesis in rat brain
- Altered adenosine cyclic 3′, 5′-monophosphate synthesis and degradation by C-6 astrocytoma cells following prolonged exposure to Norepinephrine
- Probenecid-induced Norepinephrine elevations in plasma and CSF
- Radioenzymatic paper-chromatographic assay for dopamine and Norepinephrine in cerebroventricular cisternal perfusate of cat following administration of cocaine or …
- Effect of pharmacological agents and fasting on pancreatic islet Norepinephrine in the golden hamster
- Effect of Norepinephrine on Renin Release and the Cyclic AMP Content of Rat Kidney Slices: Modification by Sodium Deficiency and α-Adrenergic Blockade
- Product inhibition studies and the reaction sequence of rabbit adrenal Norepinephrine N-methyl transferase isozymes
- Effects of repeated heat exposure on hypothalamic sensitivity to Norepinephrine
- Effects of exposure to trichloroethylene and tetrachloroethylene on the contents of acetylcholine, dopamine, Norepinephrine and serotonin in rat brain
- Spontaneous and prostaglandin-or oxytocin-induced motility of rat ovaries isolated during different stages of the estrous cycle: effects of Norepinephrine
- Time and level of perinatal lead exposure for development of Norepinephrine cardiotoxicity.
- Regional differences in the effects of denervation, cocaine and chronic reserpine administration on the responses of the rat vas deferens to Norepinephrine and …
- Norepinephrine infusion in normal subjects and patients with essential or renal hypertension: effect on blood pressure, heart rate, and plasma catecholamine …
- Interaction of arginine vasotocin and Norepinephrine upon pineal indoleamine synthesis in vitro
- Central actions of Norepinephrine, phentolamine and 6-hydroxydopamine in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
- Presynaptic modulation by Norepinephrine and dopamine of acetylcholine release in the peripheral and central nervous system
- Simultaneous determination of endogenous Norepinephrine and dopamine-β-hydroxylase activity in biological materials by chemical ionization mass …
- Cerebrospinal fluid Norepinephrine and free γ-aminobutyric acid in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Norepinephrine release from the lung by sympathetic nerve stimulation inhibition by vagus and methacholine
- Mechanism of nicotine-induced release of Norepinephrine from adrenergic nerve endings: is generation and propagation of impulses necessary?
- The response of adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate to Norepinephrine in the hypothalamus and pineal organ of female rats in proestrus or diestrus
- Effect of probenecid on the concentration of the lumbar cerebrospinal fluid acidic metabolites of tyramine, octopamine, dopamine and Norepinephrine
- The effect of various phenothiazines and tricyclic antidepressants on the accumulation and release of (3H) Norepinephrine and (3H) 5-hydroxytryptamine in slices of …
- Norepinephrine turnover in pineal gland and superior cervical ganglia. Changes after gonadotrophin administration to castrated rats
- Comparative regulation of potassium and amphetamine induced release of 3H-Norepinephrine from rat brain via presynaptic mechanisms
- Decreased Norepinephrine concentration in normal tissue neighboring a malignant tumor
- Digoxin potentiation of the Norepinephrine response in vascular smooth muscle
- Changes in brain dopamine, Norepinephrine and serotonin associated with convulsions induced by pinealectomy in the gerbil
- Diurnal rhythms in pineal N-acetyltransferase and hippocampal Norepinephrine: effects of water deprivation, blinding and hypothalamic lesions
- On the use of selective neurotoxic amine analogs to measure the blockade of Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake systems by antidepressants.
- Analgesic brain stimulation in the cat: Effect of intraventricular serotonin, Norepinephrine, and dopamine.
- DDC-induced amnesia and Norepinephrine: A correlated behavioral-biochemical analysis
- Differential actions of d-and l-amphetamine on the metabolism of 3H-Norepinephrine in rat brain
- Effects of perhexiline on contractile response of rabbit aorta to Norepinephrine and potassium
- Ionic and nucleotide cofactor requirements for uptake of [3H]-Norepinephrine by rat brain synaptic vesicle preparations
- Turnover rates of serotonin, Norepinephrine and dopamine concurrently measured in seven rat brain regions
- Action of Norepinephrine on the serum gastrin level
- Norepinephrine uptake inhibitors as biochemically and behaviorally selective antagonists of the locomotor stimulation induced by indirectly acting sympathomimetic …
- Release of Norepinephrine by sympathetic nerve stimulation from rabbit lungs
- The effects of Norepinephrine on the release of cyclic AMP by the isolated perfused heart of the guinea pig
- Effects of prostaglandins E2, I2 and F2α, arachidonic acid and indomethacin on pressor responses to Norepinephrine in conscious rats
- Enhanced exocytotic release of Norepinephrine consequent to nerve stimulation by low concentrations of cyclic nucleotides in the presence of phenoxy-benzamine.
- Association of altered brain Norepinephrine and serotonin with the obesity induced by goldthioglucose in mice
- Effects of prostaglandin E1 and indomethacin on fetal and neonatal lamb mesenteric artery responses to Norepinephrine
- Effects of pH changes and charge characteristics in the uptake of Norepinephrine by synaptosomes of rat brain
- Effects of Norepinephrine, dopamine and potassium on tension and 45Ca fluxes in canine and rabbit renal arteries.
- Differential radioautographic visualization of central catecholaminergic neurons following intracisternal or intraventricular injection of tritiated Norepinephrine
- Effects of the Polychorinated Biphenyl Aroclor 1242 on Locomotor Activity and on the Neurotransmitters Dopamine and Norepinephrine in the Brain of the Gulf Killifish …
- Possible role of brain Norepinephrine in the hypothalamic hypophyseal adrenal system
- Electrophysiological concomitants of eating induced from neocortex and hippocampus by electrical stimulation and injection of KCl or Norepinephrine
- Glomerular architectural changes after a two‐hour infusion of Norepinephrine
- Comparison of 3H-Norepinephrine and 3H-metaraminol accumulation as indices of adrenergic nerve density in rabbit blood vessels
- The interaction of rabbit adrenal Norepinephrine N-methyl transferase isozymes with substrates
- Action of S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine on the metabolism of dopamine, Norepinephrine and serotonin in rat brain.
- Interactions of pyrazole and ethanol on Norepinephrine metabolism in rat brain.
- Reflex limb dilatation following Norepinephrine and angiotensin II in conscious dogs
- Plasma Norepinephrine during the rat estrous cycle and after progesterone treatment to the ovariectomized estrogen-primed rat
- Norepinephrine and isoprenaline induced changes of peripheral blood flow acceleration caused by changes of cardiac inotropy
- Differences in Norepinephrine and dopamine neurotransmitter storage systems
- Effects of Norepinephrine on uptake and oxidation of plasma free fatty acids in cold-acclimated rats
- The effects of l-Norepinephrine on myocardial zonal lesions in dogs in hemorrhagic shock.
- Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin in experimental spinal cord trauma: current status.
- Potentiation of the mydriatic effect of Norepinephrine in the rabbit after monoamine oxidase inhibition.
- Effect of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase inhibitors on blood pressure and cardiac Norepinephrine levels in rats subjected to immobilization stress.
- Effects of previous repeated bleedings on the response of plasma epinephrine and Norepinephrine levels of conscious dogs in hemorrhagic shock.
- Central nervous system toxicity of hyperbaric oxygen-effects of light, Norepinephrine depletion and beta-adrenergic blockade
- … neurotoxins to characterize the rates and subcellular distributions of axonally transported dopamine-ß-hydroxylase, tyrosine hydroxylase and Norepinephrine in the rat …
- The effect of sodium phenobarbital on the circadian levels of Norepinephrine and serotonin in rat brain areas
- Response of temperature-sensitive medullary neurons to acetylcholine, Norepinephrine, and 5-hydroxytryptamine
- alpha-and beta-Adrenoceptor activities of Norepinephrine analogues in isolated tissues of the rat.
- A highly sensitive radioenzymatic assay for simultaneous estimation of Norepinephrine, dopamine, and epinephrine
- Effects of reserpine on water, cation, and Norepinephrine contents of cardiovascular tissues of normotensive dogs
- Inactivation of neural and exogenous Norepinephrine in rat tail artery studied by the oil immersion technique.
- Norepinephrine metabolism in depressive disorders: Implications for a biochemical classification of depressions
- Norepinephrine content, release, and disposition in isolated dog coronary artery
- Direct stimulation of sympathetic outflow and plasma levels of Norepinephrine and epinephrine of pithed rats
- Direct effects of dopamine, orciprenaline and Norepinephrine on the right and left ventricle of isolated canine hearts
- Characteristics of Norepinephrine uptake in developing peripheral nerve terminals
- Levels of Dopamine, Norepinephrine and 5‐Hydroxytryptamine in Different Regions of the Rat Brain in Thallium Toxicosis
- Effect of Norepinephrine on soluble Mn++-stimulated poly (A) synthetase activity and ribonucleic acids of perfused rabbit heart
- Norepinephrine as principal catecholamine in a specific neurone of an invertebrate (Boophilus microplus: Acarina)
- Effect of carbonyl-binding agents and oxidative phosphorylation uncouplers on the release of [3H] Norepinephrine from mouse heart
- Failure of chronic sodium chloride loading to protect against Norepinephrine-induced acute renal failure in dogs.
- SQ 14, 225 attenuates the vascular response to Norepinephrine in the rat mesenteric arteries
- Role of catecholamine degradative enzymes and the adrenergic innervation in determining the cerebrovascular response to infused Norepinephrine.
- High altitude influence on the level and turn-over time of cardiac Norepinephrine in rats
- Relationship of basal plasma Norepinephrine to blood pressure, plasma renin activity, mineralocorticoids, and plasma volume in essential hypertension.
- Inhibition of synaptosomal uptake of Norepinephrine and dopamine by conformationally restricted sympathomimetic amines
- Structural characteristics for inhibition of [3H] Norepinephrine uptake into rat brain synaptic vesicles by beta-carboline, indolealkylamine, phenethylamine and n …
- Age-dependence of inhibition of rat brain synaptic vesicle [3H] Norepinephrine uptake caused by administration of a single dose of reserpine: persistence of inhibition …
- Effect of tyramine and guanethidine on dopamine-β-hydroxylase activity and Norepinephrine concentrations in vesicular fraction of the heart and plasma of rats
- Diazepam modifies L-triiodothyronine-stimulated changes in behaviour and the metabolism of brain Norepinephrine, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine—A possible …
- Norepinephrine-secreting tumor of the organ of Zuckerkandl: response to propranolol alone
- A comparison of the inhibitory effects of new non-tricyclic amine uptake inhibitors on the uptake of Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine into synaptosomes of the …
- Feeding responses of Zucker fatty rat to 2-deoxy-D-glucose, Norepinephrine, and insulin
- Norepinephrine-sensitive adenylate cyclase in rat hypothalamus: effects of adrenergic blockers and narcotics.
- Modifications of arterial pressure and plasma renin: their effects on the Norepinephrine content of hypothalamus and medulla oblongata
- Effect of prostaglandin E2 on vascular reactivity to Norepinephrine in isolated rat mesenteric artery, hind limb and splenic artery
- Attenuation of ethanol intake by 5-hydroxytryptamine uptake blockade in laboratory rats: II. Possible interaction with brain Norepinephrine.
- Methadone inhibits serotonin and Norepinephrine uptake into rat brain synaptosomes and synaptic vesicles in vitro but not in vivo
- Age-related differences in the response of the isolated testicular capsule of the rat to Norepinephrine, acetylcholine and prostaglandins
- The effect of tricyclic antidepressants and neuroleptics on the peripheral and central action of Norepinephrine in reserpine-treated mice.
- The Effect of Prostaglandin E2 and Indomethacin on the Placental Vascular Response to Norepinephrine
- Effect of the Ovine Conceptus on in vitro Responses of Uterine Arteries to Prostaglandin E2 and Norepinephrine
- Effects of gamma-oryzanol on Norepinephrine contents in the brain and stomach of rats (author’s transl)
- Separately developing axonal uptake of 5-hydroxytryptamine and Norepinephrine in the fetal ileum of the rabbit
- Conformationally defined adrenergic agents. III. The importance of compartmentation in the release of Norepinephrine from rat atria by endo-and exo-2 …
- Tension development and associated calcium influx of control and reserpine pretreated rabbit aortae in response to Norepinephrine, isoproterenol and acetylcholine.
- Effect of prostaglandins, nitrofurantoin, and Escherichia coli on response of human vas deferens to Norepinephrine
- Role of solute excretion in prevention of Norepinephrine-induced acute renal failure.
- Variations in the uptake of 3H-Norepinephrine during the rat estrous cycle
- Adrenergic innervation and cyclic adenosine 3′: 5′-monophosphate levels in response to Norepinephrine in stomach of postnatal rats.
- The effect of smoking and oral contraceptives on the urinary excretion of epinephrine and Norepinephrine
- Action of Norepinephrine on microcirculation and pO2 distribution in the isolated perfused rat liver
- Rat hippocampal Norepinephrine response to cholinesterase inhibition.
- Pulmonary insufficiency produced by Norepinephrine: a comparison with epinephrine.
- Urinary excretion and plasma levels of Norepinephrine and epinephrine during diabetic ketoacidosis.
- Axonal transport of Norepinephrine and choline acetyltransferase in regenerating sciatic nerve of the rat
- Effects of 2-and/or 5-methylated analogues of 6-hydroxydopamine on Norepinephrine-and dopamine-containing neurons
- Effect of uptake inhibitors on the depletion of brain Norepinephrine and serotonin after alpha-methyl-m-tyrosine administration to rats.
- Reduced response of cardiac Norepinephrine release to isometric handgrip exercise in heart failure.
- Monoamine oxidase, catechol-o-methyltransferase, and Norepinephrine levels in mice with the hereditary obese-hyperglycemic syndrome
- Plasma and lymph dopamine-beta-hydroxylase and Norepinephrine during carotid occlusion
- Effect of clonidine on the contractile responsiveness of aortic smooth muscle to Norepinephrine
- 6-Hydroxydopa depletes both brain epinephrine and Norepinephrine: interactions with antidepressants
- Electric field stimulation releases Norepinephrine and cyclic GMP from the rat pineal gland
- In vitro activation of adenylate cyclase by Norepinephrine, parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, and prostaglandins in the developing maxillary process and palatal shelf of …
- Strain differences in responsiveness of Norepinephrine-sensitive adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate-generating systems in rat brain slices after intraventricular …
- Segmental Norepinephrine and dopamine levels in cat spinal cord
- Contraction velocity analysis of Norepinephrine and angiotensin-II activation of vascular smooth muscle
- Effects of recurrent postnatal stresses on hypothalamic concentrations of Norepinephrine
- The effect of the pattern of cardiac sympathetic activity on myocardial contractile force and Norepinephrine overflow in the dog heart.
- Nuclear magnetic resonance manifestation of the configurational differences between the L-and D-Norepinephrine complexes with cobaltous adenosine 5′ …
- Modulatory role of alpha adrenoceptors on the release of [3H] Norepinephrine elicited by preganglionic stimulation of the cat superior cervical ganglion.
- Normal levels of Norepinephrine in short term hypothyroidism
- Penetration of some O-and/or N-methylated Norepinephrine derivatives through the rat blood brain barrier.
- Interactions of amphetamine, pimozide, and lithium on plasma Norepinephrine and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase in schizophrenic patients
- Response: Brain Norepinephrine and Dopamine in Schizophrenia
- Norepinephrine turnover before and after interventions: A mathematical approach for these determinations in individual animals
- The effects of exogenous Norepinephrine on ventilatory mechanics in the rat.
- Effects of dopamine, Norepinephrine, and serotonin on plasma prolactin levels in ovariectomized, pituitary-grafted rats
- Difference in cerebellar Norepinephrine metabolism in jumping and non-jumping mice
- Effects of quinidine, procainamide, lidocaine and phenytoin on inotropic responses to acetylcholine and Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine and serotonin metabolism in the rat brain: Effects of chronic phenelzine administration
- Platelet uptake of octopamine and Norepinephrine in hepatic encephalopathy
- Norepinephrine concentration in kidneys of normotensive Wistar–Kyoto and spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Determination of endogenous concentrations of Norepinephrine and dopamine and their rates of synthesis in a single mouse brain: biphasic effects of (+) …
- Lowering of brain epinephrine by inhibition of Norepinephrine N-methyltransferase in rats
- Effect of cGMP derivatives on contraction relaxation cycle, release of Norepinephrine and protein kinase activity in guinea pig vas deferens
- Comparative influence of ouabain, Norepinephrine and heart rate on myocardial oxygen consumption and inotropic state in dogs
- Uptake and release of Norepinephrine by slices of rat cerebral cortex: Effect of agents that increase cyclic AMP levels
- Studies of the interrelationship between plasma Norepinephrine, plasma renin activity and acute myocardial infarction in dogs.
- Influences of sodium, ouabain and tricyclic antidepressant drugs on L-[3H] Norepinephrine uptake into synaptosomal fractions of developing rat brain
- Distribution of lithium and its effects on electrolyte and Norepinephrine metabolism in discrete areas of the rat brain
- Differential effects of intraventricular luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LH-RH) and Norepinephrine on electrical activity of the arcuate nucleus in the proestrous …
- Heart Norepinephrine concentration after chronic alcohol ingestion in the rat
- Absence of nicotinic receptors mediating the release of Norepinephrine from adrenergic neurons in the rat heart
- Differential effects of α-methyldopa, clonidine and hydralazine on Norepinephrine and epinephrine synthesizing enzymes in the brainstem nuclei of spontaneously …
- Stimulation of Cu2+-catalyzed Oxidation of Norepinephrine by Nucleic Acid Components
- Plasma Norepinephrine response to standing in patients with pheochromocytoma or medullary carcinoma of the thyroid
- Ihibition of rat brain Norepinephrine N-methyltransferase in vitro and in vivo by chloro-substituted 1-aminoindans.
- Specificity of amphetamine induced release of Norepinephrine and serotonin from rat brain in vitro.
- Vascular and lipolytic responses to infused Norepinephrine in canine subcutaneous and omental adipose tissues
- Heterogeneous response patterns of aortae to Norepinephrine.
- Discrete regional analysis of Norepinephrine, dopamine, choline acetyltransferase and glutamic acid decarboxylase in the brain of the newborn and pubescent …
- Reversible inhibition of the Norepinephrine induction of lactate dehydrogenase by cytochalasin B in rat glial C6 cells
- Effects of glucocorticoids upon adrenal and urinary epinephrine and Norepinephrine and the activity of enzyme phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase in rats made …
- Release and distribution of [3H] Norepinephrine in nonpigmented and pigmented rabbit iris
- Effects of tricyclic antidepressants on cardiovascular responses to Norepinephrine and phenylephrine during pregnancy
- Norepinephrine turnover in two-types of experimental renovascular hypertension of the rabbit
- The effects of morphine and halothane anaesthesia on urine Norepinephrine during surgery for congenital heart disease
- Intraperitoneal and intragastric Norepinephrine instillation in massive gastrointestinal bleeding–clinical study. Preliminary report.
- Estradiol benzoate, Norepinephrine, and weight regulatory behavior in female rats
- Effects of potassium and ouabain on the vascular reactivity to Norepinephrine in the rat mesenteric artery
- Role of the Norepinephrine-and acetylcholine-sensitive neurons of the hypothalamus in the regulation of hepatic metabolism
- Regional differences in the high affinity uptake of 3H-dopamine and 3H-Norepinephrine in synaptosome rich homogenates of cat brain
- Norepinephrine uptake in guinea pig lung
- Inhibition by cyclopropane of release od Norepinephrine, but not dopamine-beta-hydroxylase, from the guinea-pig vas deferens.
- The effect of pargyline pretreatment on the enhancement of the exocytotic release of Norepinephrine during nerve stimulation which is induced by a …
- Urinary excretion of radiolabelled Norepinephrine after release from renal sympathetic nerves
- Inhibition of rat brain Norepinephrine n-methyltransferase by 2, 3, 4, 5-tetrahydro-1H-indeno [1, 2-c]-pyridine hydrochloride (LY87130)
- Biochemical characterization of [3H] Norepinephrine uptake in dissociated brain cell cultures from chick embryos
- Inhibition of Norepinephrine N-methyltransferase by 1-aminoindans, conformationally rigid analogs of benzylamines
- Morphological changes in an early phase of Norepinephrine-induced acute renal failure in unilaterally nephrectomized dogs
- Microvascular responses to Norepinephrine and vasopressin during halothane anesthesia in the rat.
- Evidence for carrier mediated efflux of Norepinephrine displaced by amphetamine
- Effects of acute beta-adrenoceptor blockage (metoprolol iv) on plasma Norepinephrine concentration and hemodynamics in postmyocardial infarction patients
- Structure-Activity Relationships for Potent Phthalane and Thiophthalane Inhibitors of Norepinephrine Uptake A Comparison with Desipramine and Related …
- Re-evaluation of the relationship between catechol-O-methyl transferase and the binding of Norepinephrine to brown adipocyte membranes
- The role of altered tissue Norepinephrine concentration in the hereditary obese-hyperglycemic syndrome of mice.
- Effect of Norepinephrine on chromatin protein phosphorylation in C-6 glioma cells
- Effect of Norepinephrine on coronary hemodynamics in coronary stenotic canine model
- The potentiating effect of clorgyline and pyrogallol on the blood pressure responses to Norepinephrine.
- Increased sensitivity of heart cell cultures to Norepinephrine after exposure to polyamine synthesis inhibitors
- The influence of species and cardiac hemodynamics on the removal of Norepinephrine (NE) by the lung in animal subjects
- Mesolimbic Norepinephrine and changes in behavioral responsiveness to apomorphine in rats
- Characterization of a Norepinephrine binding site in bovine hypothalamus
- Evidence that there are subcellular pools of Norepinephrine and that there is flux of Norepinephrine between these pools.
- Cholinergic agonists and dibutyryl cyclic guanosine monophosphate inhibit the Norepinephrine-induced accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the rat …
- Influence of MAO inhibitors on uptake and release of Norepinephrine in rat brain in vitro.
- Response of the circulation of pregnant sheep to angiotensin and Norepinephrine before and after dexamethasone
- Enhancement by elevated external potassium of the maximal responses to acetylcholine and Norepinephrine in the rat vas deferens
- Effects of Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine reuptake inhibitors on electrically-induced spinal cord seizures in rats.
- Psychoactive drug effects on plasma Norepinephrine and plasma dopamine β-hydroxylase in man
- Effect of Pancuronium on Plasma Free‐Norepinephrine and Epinephrine in Adult Cardiac Surgical Patients
- Prostacyclin effects on the blood pressure responses to Norepinephrine in rats treated with aspirin or indomethacin.
- Exaggerated avoidance of novel stimulation in rats partially recovered from central Norepinephrine damage
- Investigation of the mechanism of decreased sensitivity of the rat seminal vesicle to Norepinephrine by lithium
- Putative regulation of brain Norepinephrine neurons by epinephrine: Electrophysiological studies
- Influences of cell size and aging on l-[3H] Norepinephrine binding sites in rat epididymal fat cells
- On the topology of the Norepinephrine transport carrier in rat hypothalamus
- The influence of mouse genotype on passive avoidance learning and subsequent concentrations of Norepinephrine and serotonin in the hypothalamus and …
- Exaggerated Norepinephrine-stimulated accumulation of cyclic AMPin vitro in cerebellar slices from pcd mutant mice following Purkinje cell loss
- Pressor response to 5-hydroxytryptamine, Norepinephrine and KCi in the perfused hindquarter preparation from the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
- Action of local anesthetics on basal tone of rat vas deferens and on response to Norepinephrine and calcium.
- Regulation of (Na+, K+) adenosinetriphosphatase of nerve ending membranes: action of Norepinephrine and a soluble factor
- Inhibition of 3H-1-Norepinephrine uptake by ouabain is species dependent.
- A comparative study of the effects of Norepinephrine and vasopressin on Na transport and O2 consumption in frog skin
- Inhibition of harmaline induced tremor by L-threo-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylserine, an L-Norepinephrine precursor
- Interaction of cocaine and bunaphtide on the3H-Norepinephrine uptake mechanism on isolated left atrium of guinea-pig
- Effects of temperature on Norepinephrine-induced sinus acceleration and overdrive suppression in the isolated dog atrium
- The automated analysis of catecholamines: An improved procedure for the simultaneous differential analysis of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in tissues, blood and …
- Release of [3H] Norepinephrine from synaptic vesicles isolated from rat brain after the intracisternal administration of [3h] Norepinephrine: Influence of nucleotides …
- Quantitative aspects of dopamine-β-hydroxylase as a marker for exocytosis of Norepinephrine and epinephrine
- Inhibition of cholinesterase by epinephrine and Norepinephrine.
- Levels of Norepinephrine in rat cerebellum after administration of the convulsant 3-mercaptopropionic acid
- The participation of cyclic nucleotides and protein kinase in the regulation of Norepinephrine synthesis and release during nerve stimulation.
- Effect of metal chelating agents on the storage of Norepinephrine in vitro by cerebral synaptic vesicles
- Is prostaglandin fever mediated by the presynaptic release of hypothalamic 5-HT or Norepinephrine?
- Vascular responsiveness to Norepinephrine, serotonin, and potassium chloride in veins from spontaneously hypertensive and age-matched Wistar Kyoto rats
- Adenylate cyclase, cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, and Norepinephrine binding in rat heart membranes.
- Plasma levels of glycol metabolites and presynaptic metabolism of Norepinephrine (NE)
- The effect of age and Norepinephrine on renin release by rat kidney slices in vitro
- Effect of acute and chronic elevated air temperatures, constant (34°) and cyclic (10–34°), on brain and heart Norepinephrine of male Japanese quail
- Supersensitivity to Norepinephrine or dopamine antagonists after knife cuts that produce aphagia and adipsia in rats
- 1-Isoamyl-3-isobutylxanthine: a remarkably potent agent for the potentiation of Norepinephrine, histamine, and adenosine-elicited accumulations of cyclic AMP in brain …
- Intact hindquarter vascular responses of young spontaneously hypertensive rats to Norepinephrine and tyramine
- Responsiveness of the guinea-pig vas deferens to phenylephrine and Norepinephrine in vivo
- Nonlinear regression analysis of Norepinephrine response kinetics in cerebral vasculature.
- Properties of Norepinephrine N-methyltransferase from pigeon brain
- Response: Elevated Cerebrospinal Fluid Norepinephrine in Schizophrenics: Confounding Effects of Treatment Drugs
- Norepinephrine levels in rat brain after infrasound exposure
- Studies on the blood pressure control mechanism in essential hypertension: the relation of plasma Norepinephrine concentrations to plasma renin activity and …
- Uptake, turnover and release of Norepinephrine in pigmented and albino rat eye.
- Central supersensitivity to Norepinephrine and amphetamine following brain chemical sympathectomy by 6-hydroxydopamine
- Changes in evolution of free epinephrine, Norepinephrine, and vanillylmandelic acid in the urine of rabbits during late pregnancy and parturition
- Stereospecific (−)-[3H] Norepinephrine binding to bovine hypothalamus possible identification of the catecholamine uptake site in synaptic vesicles
- Effect of propranolol on rat brain Norepinephrine in vitro.
- The effect of apamine on Norepinephrine inhibitory action in guinea pig smooth muscles.
- Histamine-, Norepinephrine-, and dopamine-sensitive central adenylate cyclases: effects of chlorpromazine derivatives and butaclamol.
- Norepinephrine stores in the hypertrophied bovine heart.
- Efffect of exo-and endo-2-aminobenzonorbornene on the acceleration of efflux of Norepinephrine from isolated perfused rabbit atria.
- Induction of membrane alterations by Norepinephrine: studies with macrophages and phospholipids monolayers.
- α-and β-Receptor blockade of isoproterenol-and Norepinephrine-induced effects on regional blood flow and blood flow acceleration
- Prostacyclin reversal of aspirin and indomethacin effects on blood pressure responses to Norepinephrine
- Uptake of 3H-Norepinephrine in human female reproductive organs
- Role of dopamine in the modulation of Norepinephrine release from the rat portal vein
- Norepinephrine and 5–Hydroxytryptamine Contents of Hypothalami of Rats Treated with Harmidinehydrochloride
- Effect of Norepinephrine on myocardial reactive hyperaemia in the isolated fibrillating dog heart.
- Norepinephrine control of endogenous polypeptide phosphorylation in white fat cells
- Further studies on the enhancement of Norepinephrine synthesis during nerve stimulation
- Comparison of nerves to cerebral and extracerebral blood vessels: a differential effect of alpha methyl tyrosine on Norepinephrine content.
- Predictability of the change in plasma Norepinephrine concentration in one vascular bed knowing the change in plasma Norepinephrine in another vascular bed
- Additive effects of Norepinephrine and cyclic AMP on the activation of the protein kinase from adipose tissue
- Effect of oxygen tension on Norepinephrine-induced respiration in brown adipose tissue.
- Norepinephrine, potassium and overdrive suppression
- Interactions of Norepinephrine with H+ and K+ at Pial Arteries of Cats
- Actions and interactions of Norepinephrine and acetylcholine on sinus node potassium movements.
- Response of the Rabbit Isolated Testicular Capsule at Hypothermic and Hyperthermic Temperatures to Norepinephrine, Acetylcholine and Prostaglandin F2α*
- Prostaglandin and Norepinephrine metabolism: effect of indomethacin on prostaglandin synthesis and Norepinephrine turnover rate
- Rate of removal of Norepinephrine from the circulation in healthy men and patients with essential hypertension
- Cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate levels in response to Norepinephrine in rectum of postnatal rats
- Urinary Excretion of Norepinephrine and Dopamine in Normal Subjects
- Reduced forebrain Norepinephrine in rhesus monkeys made obese by hypothalamic lesions
- A study of Norepinephrine metabolism in rat brain using a double label technique
- Lack of effects of testosterone on Norepinephrine turnover and tyrosine hydroxylase activity of the rat vas deferens and epididymis.
- Elevated cerebrospinal fluid Norepinephrine in schizophrenics: confounding effects of treatment drugs
- Effect of The effects of Δ 9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the metabolism of Norepinephrine in rat brain on the morphine-induced hyperactivity of mice
- Prostaglandin-Norepinephrine interaction in guinea pig longitudinal muscle
- An investigation of the metal coordination of l-Norepinephrine and ATP by nuclear magnetic resonance
- Potentiation of radioprotective effect of Norepinephrine and other protective agents by various β-adrenolytic substances
- Effects of intrahypothalamic 6-hydroxydopamine on central thermoregulatory responses to (+)-and (-)-Norepinephrine and dopamine
- High pressure liquid chromatographic analysis of endogenous Norepinephrine (NE) released from canine saphenous veins
- Simultaneous assay for L-tryptophan, serotonin, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, Norepinephrine and dopamine in brain
- Reversible Norepinephrine binding to rabbit myometrium: relationship to sites of known biological significance
- Changes in cardiac Norepinephrine in spontaneously hypertensive and stroke-prone rats
- Circadian rhythmicity in the methylation of 5-hydroxy-indoles and Norepinephrine in the pineal gland of 10 day old rats
- Effect of Norepinephrine on gastric wound healing.
- Changes in the substantia nigal self-stimulation behavior caused by intraventricular injection of Norepinephrine, dopamine and GABA
- Effects of nerve stimulation and drugs on the release of histamine and Norepinephrine from the isolated heart
- The influence of hypothalamic temperature on some thermoregulatory effects of hypothalamic injections of Norepinephrine
- Acetylcholine—Norepinephrine interactions on potassium movements in the sinus node
- Effect of tricyclic antidepressive agents on hemodynamics and plasms Norepinephrine level in man during rest and exertion
- Inactivation of released Norepinephrine in rat tail artery by neuronal uptake [proceedings]
- An antagonism between 5-hydroxytryptamine and Norepinephrine in thermally responsive units in the rabbit hypothalamus
- Effects of Norepinephrine and phentolamine on acute intracranial hypertension
- Influence of Ovarian Steroid on the Response of Ovine Uterine Arterial Smooth Muscle to Norepinephrine
- Effect of ageing on the response of the rat isolated testicular capsule to Norepinephrine, acetylcholine and prostaglandins
- Effects of ouabain and Norepinephrine on the mechanical performance of the normal and failing heart of the myopathic hamster.
- Accumulation and release of [3h]-Norepinephrine by teleost hypothalamus (Poecilia latipinna)
- Fluorimetric determination of urinary Norepinephrine and epinephrine: assessment of the aluminium oxide-trihydroxyindole method and improvement by the analysis …
- Norepinephrine-induced membrane responses in normal and dystrophic hamster skeletal muscle
- Dopamine 3-0-sulfate, a Direct Precursor of Free Norepinephrine; an Alternative Biosynthetic Pathway?
- Inhibitory effects of prostaglandin E1 on responses of rabbit ear artery to nerve stimulation and on release of Norepinephrine.
- Effect of 6-hydroxydopamine on pineal Norepinephrine content and enzyme activity in the cyclic female rat
- α-andβ-activity of O-methylated derivatives of Norepinephrine and epinephrine
- Influence of 6-(N, N-diethylamino) hexyl 3, 4, 5-trimethoxybenzoate on the Responsiveness of Aortae to Norepinephrine and Calcium Movements in Microsomes from …
- Effect of prolonged administration of clonidine to spontaneously hypertensive rats on blood pressure, cerebral Norepinephrine content and angiographic finding in the …
- The influence of mepiprazol on monoamine metabolism in the rat CNS: demonstration of reduced Norepinephrine activity and simultaneously enhanced serotonin and …
- Angiotensin II and Norepinephrine after indomethacin in isolated perfused canine kidneys. Tachyphylaxis vs. modulator effect of prostaglandins
- Effects of lithium chloride administered in combination with methamphetamine or a reserpine-like drug on brain Norepinephrine and dopamine metabolism in rats
- Cardiovascular responses of fetal guinea pig to Norepinephrine
- Droperidol, its alpha-adrenergic blocking action on the aortic strip and inhibitory action on Norepinephrine uptake of the adrenergic terminal of the left atrial strip of …
- Temporal changes in metabolism of Norepinephrine in rats following administration of estrogen.
- Radioenzymatic simultaneous determination of epinephrine and Norepinephrine in plasma (author’s transl)
- The effect of trimepranol on the binding of [3H] Norepinephrine in myocardial subcellular fractions of the dog.
- Reactivity of Norepinephrine and Phentolamine in the Course of Acute Intracranial Hypertension
- Effects of tricyclic antidepressants on tetrabenazine-induced depletion of brain monoamines in rats. 1. Norepinephrine
- Effects of Ro 4-1284 on electrically-induced spinal cord seizures and on spinal cord Norepinephrine and 5-hydroxytryptamine levels.
- Dopamine and Norepinephrine in Discrete Areas of the Copper‐Deficient Rat Brain1
- The spectrum of pressor-response to Norepinephrine in normotensive and hypertensive patients.
- Behavioral depression: Thyroid interactions with Norepinephrine-depleting drugs
- Role of dopamine and Norepinephrine in carotid body
- An improved method for the simultaneous analysis of Norepinephrine, epinephrine and dopamine at the picogram level by mass fragmentography (author’s transl)
- Parallel increase of feeding and hypothalamic self-stimulation after midbrain 6-hydroxydopamine, but no correlation of hyperphagia with Norepinephrine depletion
- Cardiac Norepinephrine output during carotid body stimulation
- Depletion of Norepinephrine stores of the rat vas deferens by reserpine in vitro
- Norepinephrine turnover under neuroleptic treatment of schizophrenic syndromes (author’s transl)
- Absence of blocking effect of quinidine on responses to Norepinephrine in the isolated dog atrium
- A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Anisodamine and Norepinephrine on Hemorrhagic Shock in Rabbits
- Effect of Norepinephrine on the phospholipid composition of blood plasma and red blood cells in anesthetized dogs.
- Effect of Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone and Norepinephrine on Cyclic AMP Levels in Human Normal Thyroids and Human Thyroid Tumors
- Supersen sitivity to Norepinephrine induced in vitro by crude Latrodectus mactans venom in the rabbit ear artery
- Influence of a phosphodiesterase inhibitor on the chronotropic effects of glucagon and Norepinephrine in fetal mouse hearts.
- The effect of Norepinephrine and depolarizing agents on 14C-glucose metabolism in rat brain.
- Urinary Norepinephrine excretion in elderly hypertensive patients during administration of fusaric acid
- Effects of exogenous prostaglandin E1 on human plasma Norepinephrine level and dopamine-beta-hydrolyxase activity.
- … of LR5182, cis-3-(3, 4-dichlorophenyl)-2-N, N-dimethylaminomethyl-bicyclo-[2, 2, 2]-octane hydrochloride, an inhibitor of uptake into dopamine and Norepinephrine …
- … of Cocaine, Desipramine, 6-Hydroxydopamine and Indomethacin on the Sensitivity of the Estrogen-Dominated Ampulla of Rabbit Oviduct to (—)—Norepinephrine
- Comparative regional and subcellular distributions of histamine and Norepinephrine in the hearts of rats, mice, guinea pigs, rabbits, and dogs
- Norepinephrine-epinephrine and serotonin content of nasal mucosa in relation to hemorrhage, reserpine and excitement
- Replacement of K+ with Rb+ or Cs+, and its effects on the mechanical responses to Norepinephrine and methacholine in the rat vas deferens
- The effect of spironolactone on the arterial water, cation, and Norepinephrine contents of control and’one-kidney-one-clip’hypertensive dogs
- Effects of Prostaglandins E2 and I2, Arachidonic Acid and Indomethacin on Vascular Reactivity to Norepinephrine in the Rat: IX Conference on the Pathogenesis of …
- Plasma Free Norepinephrine and Epinephrine Concentrations following Diazepam-Ketamine Induction in Patients Undergoing Cardiac Surgery
- Regional concentrations of serotonin, tryptophan, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, dopamine, and Norepinephrine in the ovine brain.
- … system in lateral hypothalamic self stimulation behavior: effects induced by intraventricular injection of epinephrine, Norepinephrine, isoproterenol and dopamine
- Re-evaluation of Norepinephrine function: a potential neuromodulatory role?
- Effect of 6-hydroxydopamine in vitro on contractility and Norepinephrine uptake of rabbit iris muscle
- The role of Norepinephrine in affective disorders (author’s transl)
- 4-Hydroxy-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroisoquinolines: potential reaction products of Norepinephrine
- Norepinephrine Transporters
- Saralasin and SQ 20881: their effects on central nervous system Norepinephrine.
- Rapid procedure for assessment of compounds that modify uptake and release of tritiated Norepinephrine
- Catecholamines in the Brain: An Assay with Norepinephrine
- Studies of DNP protein dissociation in the presence of Norepinephrine
- A glycoprotein fraction” modulator” of Norepinephrine effects in vivo.
- The action of reserpine on the concentration of 5-hydroxytryptamine, epinephrine and Norepinephrine in the venous blood of migraine patients
- Cyclic AMP production in mouse lymphocytes in response to L-Norepinephrine
- A radioreceptor assay for catecholamines. I. A study with 3H-Norepinephrine (author’s transl)
- The effect of drugs on accumulation of exogenous Norepinephrine by nervous tissue in vitro.
- Reduction of 14C-Norepinephrine Metabolism in Rabbit Aorta by Vasodilators
- Effects of K+ or Norepinephrine on oxygen uptake in brown adipose tissue (author’s transl)
- Vascular Responsiveness to Norepinephrine and Angiotensin II in Anephric Rats
- Similarity between Effects of Pancuronium and Atropine on Plasma Norepinephrine Levels in Man
- Secretion of renin and Norepinephrine by the human kidney
- Close relation between hypothalamic and cardiac Norepinephrine during stress and its role in acute myocardial infarction disrhythmias
- Effect of pretreatment with Norepinephrine on survival of cardiac allotransplants in dogs.
- The influence of reserpine on the responsiveness to Norepinephrine and electrolyte contents of rabbit atria.
- The Content and Turnover of Norepinephrine in the Rabbit Brain Regions and Cardiovascular Tissues
- The metabolic pattern of spontaneously released [3H]Norepinephrine in the presence of uptake inhibitors
- Specific activity and release of Norepinephrine in isolated and perfused rabbit hearts under various oxygen pressure
- Role of Norepinephrine in the Brain in the Blood Pressure Response to Raised Intracranial Pressure
- Effects of lithium chloride on Norepinephrine and dopamine metabolism in the rat brain
- Studies on catecholamine in rat brain (II). the effect of cold stress on Norepinephrine content of
- Studies on the Changes in Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Induced by Central Norepinephrine and Clonidine
- Ontogenic Variation of Dopamine and Norepinephrine in the Adrenal Medulla of Developing Rat. A Study by Mass Fragmentography
- Arterial and venous blood-pressure in the mesenteric circulation of rabbits with combined infusion of secretin and Norepinephrine (author’s transl)
- Potentiation of radioprotective effects of Norepinephrine and other protective agents by various beta-adrenolytic agents.[Mice]
- The Role of Adrenergic Receptors in Norepinephrine Stimulated VO2 in Muscle
- Reduction in adenosine diphosphate-induced platelet aggregation by infusion of Norepinephrine into dogs
- Neuronal accumulation and metabolism of3H-1-Norepinephrine in rat portal vein: Evidence in relation to possible uneven alpha receptor distribution
- Cardiovascular response to isoproterenol in Norepinephrine-pretreated
- Changes in plasma Norepinephrine levels during the orthostatic test in patients with vertigo
- The Role of Dopamine and Norepinephrine in REM Sleep Rebound
- Levels of Circulating Norepinephrine and Epinephrine Before, During, and After Cardiopulmonary Bypass in Man
- Seasonal variations in epinephrine (E) and Norepinephrine (NE) levels determined in organs of eel (author’s transl)
- Urinary excretion of Norepinephrine: role of tubular secretion and renal sympathetic nerves
- Urinary Tritium Excretion Following Intravenous 3H-Norepinephrine Administration in Hypertensive Rats
- Effect of Pancuronium on Plasma Free-Norepinephrine and Epinephrine in Adult Cardiac Surgical Patients
- Effect of normobaric and hypobaric hypoxia on Norepinephrine turnover in the rat heart (author’s transl)
- The influence of benzoctamine on dopamine and Norepinephrine contents in substantia nigra and on the muscle stretch reflex of the cat (author’s transl)
- In vitro tests for the reduction of high Norepinephrine, barbiturate and bromide concentrations in blood by hemofiltration (author’s transl)
- Guanidinoacetate-N-methyltransferase in epiphysis of mammals: stimulating effect of Norepinephrine in vitro
- Synthesis of Norepinephrine from 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylserine by L-aromatic amino acid decarboxylase of the rat brain and kidneys
- Neuronal uptake of endogenous Norepinephrine: A determinant of splenic but not renal vascular resistance following hemorrhage
- Effect of Norepinephrine, GABA and cysteine on the complex of alkaline ribonuclease with its protein inhibitor
- Participation of calcium and sodium ions in genesis of the chronotropic effect of Norepinephrine in isolated rabbit sinoatrial nodes
- A study on the tyramine induced outflow of 3H-Norepinephrine and its metabolic pattern in rat vas deferens
- Long-Term Responses to Loss of Renal Mass: Pathophysiological Aspects: Role of Solute Excretion in Prevention of Norepinephrine-Induced Acute Renal Failure
- Effects of methamphetamine and a reserpine-like drug on Norepinephrine and dopamine metabolism in the rat brain
- Adrenergic innervation and cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate levels in response to Norepinephrine in stomach of postnatal rats
- Urinary homovanillic acid, dopamine and Norepinephrine excretion in patients with essential hypertension.
- Urinary homovanillic acid, dopamine and Norepinephrine excretion in patients with essential hypertension
- Simultaneous Separation and Identification of Adrenaline (Epinephrine), Noradrenaline (Norepinephrine), Acetylcholine and Serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine) by Thin …
- Effects of some cations on the constrictor response and 3H-Norepinephrine release of the rabbit pulmonary artery
- The Combined Effects of 2, 3-Diphosphoglycerate and Phospholipase-A on Platelet Aggregation Induced by ADP, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine and Collagen
- Patterns of intracranial self-stimulation following dopamine or Norepinephrine receptor blockade in rats: evidence for a dopaminergic mediation of brain …
- Effects of alpha adrenergic blockade, combined nicotinic and muscarinic ganglion blockade and spinal anesthesia upon Norepinephrine depression of ganglion …
- Comparison of acute and chronic lithium treatment on 3 H-Norepinephrine uptake by rat brain slices
- Studies on hypertension: I) The effects of angiotensin II and Norepinephrine infusion on renal hemodynamics and renin angiotensin system in anesthetized dogs. II) …
- Studies on the excitation-metabolism coupling mechanism in brown adipose tissues, 2; Effects of K+ and Norepinephrine on the lipolysis in brown adipose tissues …
- Radioreceptor assay for catecholamines, 1. A study with/sup 3/H-Norepinephrine
- Effect of contraction per se on the nicotine-induced outflow of 3H-Norepinephrine from rat isolated vas deference
- Investigation of the role of endogenous serotonin in the mechanism of action of radioprotective agents. Report 2. Effect of Norepinephrine on radioresistance of cells …
- Influences of deviations of thyroid functions on the effects of MAOI in rats–changes of 5-HT, 5-HIAA and Norepinephrine contents and tyramine uptake by the brain and …
- Attenuation of ethanol intake by 5-HT reuptake blockade in rats: possible interaction with brain Norepinephrine
- Plasma Norepinephrine in stroke.
- Measurement of total and organ-specific Norepinephrine kinetics in humans
- Plasma Norepinephrine as a guide to prognosis in patients with chronic congestive heart failure
- The peripheral kinetics of Norepinephrine in depressive illness
- Relationship between plasma Norepinephrine and sympathetic neural activity.
- High plasma Norepinephrine levels in patients with major affective disorder.
- Plasma Norepinephrine in essential hypertension. A study of the studies.
- Norepinephrine kinetics in essential hypertension. Defective neuronal uptake of Norepinephrine in some patients.
- A new inhibitor of Norepinephrine uptake devoid of affinity for receptors in rat brain.
- Plasma Norepinephrine response to exercise before and after training in humans
- Myocardial imaging with a radioiodinated Norepinephrine storage analog.
- Norepinephrine-stimulated hypertrophy of cultured rat myocardial cells is an alpha 1 adrenergic response.
- Norepinephrine and MHPG levels in CSF and plasma in Alzheimer’s disease
- Age-dependence of hypertensive-normotensive differences in plasma Norepinephrine.
- Segmental effects of Norepinephrine and angiotensin II on isolated renal microvessels
- Alteration of Norepinephrine metabolism with desipramine and zimelidine in depressed patients
- Thermic effect of feeding in man: increased plasma Norepinephrine levels following glucose but not protein or fat consumption
- Effect of diet and cold exposure on Norepinephrine turnover in brown adipose tissue of the rat
- Activity of Norepinephrine-containing locus coeruleus neurons in behaving rats anticipates fluctuations in the sleep-waking cycle
- Recognition sites for Norepinephrine uptake: regulation by neurotransmitter
- Epinephrine and Norepinephrine responses in continuously collected human plasma to a series of stressors
- Effect of Norepinephrine uptake blockers on Norepinephrine kinetics
- The effect of Norepinephrine on visual cortical neurons in kittens and adult cats
- Behavioral depression produced by an uncontrollable stressor: Relationship to Norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin levels in various regions of rat brain
- Behavior during hippocampal microinfusions. I. Norepinephrine and diversive exploration
- Plasma Norepinephrine as an indicator of sympathetic neural activity in clinical cardiology
- Long-lasting potentiation of the dentate gyrus population spike by Norepinephrine
- Volume expansion versus Norepinephrine in treatment of a low cardiac output complicating an acute increase in right ventricular afterload in dogs.
- Norepinephrine-like effects of neuropeptide Y on LH release in the rat
- Plasma Norepinephrine during stress in essential hypertension.
- Comparison of the sodium dependency of uptake of meta-lodobenzylguanidine and Norepinephrine into cultured bovine adrenomedullary cells
- Norepinephrine enhancement of inhibitory synaptic mechanisms in cerebellum and cerebral cortex: mediation by beta adrenergic receptors
- Blockade by antidepressants and related compounds of biogenic amine uptake into rat brain synaptosomes: most antidepressants selectively block Norepinephrine …
- Central Norepinephrine metabolism during alcohol intoxication in addicts and healthy volunteers
- Dopamine and Norepinephrine uptake and metabolism by astroglial cells in culture
- Decreased vascular sensitivity to Norepinephrine following exercise training
- Assessment of Norepinephrine secretion and production
- Cerebellar Norepinephrine in patients with Parkinson’s disease and control subjects
- The relaxation response and Norepinephrine: A new study illuminates mechanisms.
- Measurements of plasma Norepinephrine concentrations in human primary hypertension. A word of caution on their applicability for assessing neurogenic …
- [3H] mazindol binding associated with neuronal dopamine and Norepinephrine uptake sites.
- Origins of peptide and Norepinephrine nerves in the mucosa of the guinea pig small intestine
- Prejunctional and postjunctional actions of endogenous Norepinephrine at the sympathetic neuroeffector junction in canine coronary arteries.
- Epinephrine, Norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin: differential effects of acute and chronic stress on regional brain amines
- Chemical deafferentation of the olfactory bulb: plasticity of the levels of tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine and Norepinephrine
- Dose-dependent suppression of Norepinephrine appearance rate in plasma by clonidine in man
- Effect of Norepinephrine on contractility of isolated mesenteric lymphatics
- Response of plasma Norepinephrine and epinephrine to dynamic exercise in patients with congestive heart failure
- Beta adrenoceptor mediation of the enhancing effect of Norepinephrine on the murine primary antibody response in vitro.
- High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of indoleamines, dopamine, and Norepinephrine in rat brain with fluorometric detection
- Elevation of serum and ventricular Norepinephrine content in the diabetic rat.
- Cerebellar Norepinephrine depletion and impaired acquisition of specific locomotor tasks in rats
- Plasma l-[3H] Norepinephrine, d-[14C] Norepinephrine, and d, l-[3H] isoproterenol kinetics in essential hypertension.
- Relationship of exercise capacity to resting left ventricular performance and basal plasma Norepinephrine levels in patients with congestive heart failure
- Peptidergic regulation of Norepinephrine induced feeding
- The effect of parturition on umbilical blood plasma levels of Norepinephrine.
- Further evidence on dual effects of Norepinephrine on LH secretion
- Reduced thermic effect of feeding in obesity: role of Norepinephrine
- Chronic Norepinephrine injection into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus produces hyperphagia and increased body weight in the rat
- Male vole urine changes luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and Norepinephrine in female olfactory bulb
- Effects of selective and nonselective beta-agonists on plasma potassium and Norepinephrine.
- Control of calcium current in rat sympathetic neurons by Norepinephrine
- Brain monoaminergic control of male reproductive behavior. III. Norepinephrine and the post-ejaculatory refractory period
- Atrial natriuretic factor inhibits angiotensin-, Norepinephrine-, and potassium-induced vascular contractility.
- Estimation of intrasynaptic Norepinephrine concentrations at vascular neuroeffector junctions in vivo
- Response of vasopressin and Norepinephrine to lower body negative pressure in humans
- Monoamine oxidase type A: differences in selectivity towards l-Norepinephrine compared to serotonin
- Strategies for determination of serum or plasma Norepinephrine by reverse-phase liquid chromatography
- Reaction time and vigilance in Parkinson’s disease: possible role of altered Norepinephrine metabolism
- Effects of estradiol on Norepinephrine-induced contraction, alpha adrenoceptor number and Norepinephrine content in the female rabbit urethra.
- Reduced Norepinephrine turnover in brown adipose tissue of ob/ob mice
- Lateral hypothalamic lesions and Norepinephrine turnover in rats.
- Plasma catecholamines, platelet aggregation and associated thromboxane formation after physical exercise, smoking or Norepinephrine infusion.
- Effect of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on the synthesis of dopamine and Norepinephrine in mouse brain synaptosomes.
- Dopamine and Norepinephrine turnover in various regions of the rat brain after chronic manganese chloride administration
- Potentiating Effect of Methysergide on Norepinephrine-lnduced Constriction of the Isolated Internal Carotid Artery of the Dog
- Norepinephrine increases canine skeletal muscle VO2 during recovery.
- Increased level of mRNA for the uncoupling protein in brown adipose tissue of rats during thermogenesis induced by cold exposure or Norepinephrine infusion.
- Plasma Norepinephrine and epinephrine levels in essential hypertension.
- Norepinephrine in the Rat Ovary: Ontogeny and de Novo Synthesis
- Neural control of insulin secretion: interaction of Norepinephrine and acetylcholine
- Characterization of [3H] desipramine binding associated with neuronal Norepinephrine uptake sites in rat brain membranes
- CSF levels of Norepinephrine during alcohol withdrawal
- Essential hypertension: central and peripheral Norepinephrine
- Cortical recovery from effects of monocular deprivation: acceleration with Norepinephrine and suppression with 6-hydroxydopamine.
- Effects of ethanol on plasma catecholamines and Norepinephrine clearance
- Transmission in airway ganglia of ferrets: inhibition by Norepinephrine
- The relative importance of dopamine and Norepinephrine in mediating locomotor activity
- Neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY) immunoreactivity in Norepinephrine-containing cells and nerves of the mammalian adrenal gland
- Sympathetic nervous activity and renal and systemic hemodynamics in cirrhosis: plasma Norepinephrine concentration, hepatic extraction, and renal release
- Dexamethasone hypertension in rats: role of prostaglandins and pressor sensitivity to Norepinephrine.
- Influence of short-term experimental diabetes on blood pressure and heart rate in response to Norepinephrine and angiotensin II in the conscious rat.
- GABAB receptors and Norepinephrine-stimulated cAMP production in rat brain cortex
- … determination of 3, 4‐dihydroxyphenylalanine, 5‐hydroxytryptophan, dopamine, 4‐hydroxy‐3‐methoxyphenylalanine, Norepinephrine, 3, 4‐dihydroxyphenylacetic …
- Characteristics of the Norepinephrine-sensitive Ca2+ store in vascular smooth muscle
- Psychological stress and increases in urinary Norepinephrine metabolites, platelet serotonin, and adrenal androgens in women with polycystic ovary syndrome
- Enkephalins modulate the responsiveness of rat atria in vitro to Norepinephrine
- Sodium intake alters the effects of Norepinephrine on blood pressure.
- Norepinephrine depletion alters cerebral oxidative metabolism in the ‘active’state
- Norepinephrine and dopamine levels in hypothalamic nuclei of the genetically obese mouse (ob/ob)
- Interaction between Norepinephrine and hypoxia on carotid body chemoreception in rabbits
- Contribution of sulfate conjugation, deamination, and O‐methylation to metabolism of dopamine and Norepinephrine in human brain
- Cardiac and pulmonary Norepinephrine release and removal in the dog.
- Mechanism of stress-induced subsensitivity to Norepinephrine
- Effect of acetylcholine on the early phase of reversible Norepinephrine-induced acute renal failure
- Cholesterol potentiates the coronary artery response to Norepinephrine in anesthetized and conscious dogs.
- Sympathetic responsiveness and plasma Norepinephrine during therapy of chronic congestive heart failure with captopril
- Effects of ovarian hormones on Norepinephrine and dopamine turnover in individual hypothalamic and extrahypothalamic nuclei
- Effects of L-dopa on dopamine and Norepinephrine concentrations in rat brain assessed by gas chromatography
- Mechanisms of Norepinephrine actions on hippocampal pyramidal cells in vitro.
- Effect of epinephrine and Norepinephrine on zinc thionein levels and induction in rat liver
- Effects of desmethylimipramine on plasma Norepinephrine, pulse, and blood pressure
- Renal handling of dopa, dopamine, Norepinephrine, and epinephrine in the dog
- Transfer and metabolism of Norepinephrine studied from maternal-to-fetal and fetal-to-maternal sides in the in vitro perfused human placental lobe
- Plasma Norepinephrine in normal young and aged men: relationship with sleep
- Norepinephrine and dopamine activity in microdissected brain areas of the middle-aged and young rat on proestrus
- The action of Norepinephrine in the rat hippocampus: intracellular studies in the slice preparation
- Demonstration of an alpha adrenoceptor-mediated inotropic effect of Norepinephrine in rabbit papillary muscle.
- The effect of desmethylimipramine on the metabolism of Norepinephrine
- Automated analysis for plasma epinephrine and Norepinephrine by liquid chromatography, including a sample cleanup procedure.
- Dopaminergic control of circadian Norepinephrine levels in patients with essential hypertension
- Norepinephrine and acetylcholine transmitter mechanisms in large cerebral arteries of the pig
- Medial changes in arterial spasm induced by L-Norepinephrine.
- Norepinephrine regulation of cerebral glycogen utilization during seizures and ischemia
- Cardiac and splenic Norepinephrine turnovers in endotoxic rats
- Modulation of intracellular Na+ activity and cardiac force by Norepinephrine and Ca2+
- The serotonin and Norepinephrine innervation of primary visual cortex in the cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis)
- Kinetics of the enhancing effect produced by Norepinephrine and terbutaline on the murine primary antibody response in vitro.
- Reduced Norepinephrine response to dynamic exercise in human subjects during O2 breathing
- Norepinephrine-induced down regulation of alpha1 adrenergic receptors in cultured rabbit aorta smooth muscle cells
- Norepinephrine therapy of ischemic optic neuropathy.
- The influence of ingested aluminum upon Norepinephrine and dopamine levels in the rat brain.
- Effect of diet and exercise on Norepinephrine-induced thermogenesis in male and female rats
- Stimulatory effect of Norepinephrine on ketogenesis in normal and insulin-deficient humans