January 21, 2022
January 21, 2022- EXTRACELLULAR GLYCATION crosslinks: prospects for removal
- Attenuation of EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX accumulation in diabetic nephropathy by the advanced GLYCATION end product cross-link BREAKER ALT-711 via a protein kinase C-α …
- Advanced GLYCATION endproduct CROSSLINKING in the cardiovascular system
- Advanced GLYCATION End Product Cross‐Linking: Pathophysiologic Role and Therapeutic Target in Cardiovascular Disease
- GLYCATION end-product cross-link BREAKER reduces collagen and improves cardiac function in AGING diabetic heart
- Advanced GLYCATION end-product cross-link BREAKERs: a novel approach to cardiovascular pathologies related to the AGING process
- Advanced GLYCATION endproduct crosslink BREAKER (alagebrium) improves endothelial function in patients with isolated systolic hypertension
- BREAKERs of advanced GLYCATION end products restore large artery properties in experimental diabetes
- Role of the AGE crosslink BREAKER, alagebrium, as a renoprotective agent in diabetes
- Glycated collagen cross-linking alters cardiac mechanics in volume-overload hypertrophy
- A BREAKER of advanced GLYCATION end products attenuates diabetes-induced myocardial structural changes
- Crosslink BREAKERs: a new approach to cardiovascular therapy
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts and osteoarthritis
- Accumulation of advanced GLYCATION endproducts reduces chondrocyte-mediated EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX turnover in human articular cartilage
- Cross-link BREAKERs as a new therapeutic approach to cardiovascular disease
- Cross-linking of glycated collagen in the pathogenesis of arterial and myocardial stiffening of AGING and diabetes
- The role of advanced GLYCATION end products in retinal ageing and disease
- AGE-BREAKERs cleave model compounds, but do not break Maillard crosslinks in skin and tail collagen from diabetic rats
- The AGE of the MATRIX: chemistry, consequence and cure
- Advanced GLYCATION: an important pathological event in diabetic and age related ocular disease
- The relationship between myocardial EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX remodeling and ventricular function
- Importance of advanced GLYCATION end products in diabetes-associated cardiovascular and renal disease
- Novel inhibitors of advanced GLYCATION endproducts
- Does accumulation of advanced GLYCATION end products contribute to the AGING phenotype?
- The role of AGEs in AGING: causation or correlation
- Diabetes and advanced GLYCATION endproducts
- Role of advanced GLYCATION end products in diabetic nephropathy
- Advanced GLYCATION end‐products (AGEs) and heart failure: pathophysiology and clinical implications
- AGEing and osteoarthritis: a different perspective
- Combination therapy with the advanced GLYCATION end product cross-link BREAKER, alagebrium, and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in diabetes: synergy or …
- Characteristics, formation, and pathophysiology of glucosepane: a major protein cross-link
- The breakdown of pre‐existing advanced GLYCATION end products is associated with reduced renal fibrosis in experimental diabetes
- EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX maturation in the left ventricle of normal and diabetic swine
- Inhibitors of the Maillard reaction and AGE BREAKERs as therapeutics for multiple diseases
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products: implications for diabetic and non-diabetic nephropathies
- The role of advanced GLYCATION end products in progression and complications of diabetes
- AGE, RAGE, and ROS in diabetic nephropathy
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs): pharmacological inhibition in diabetes
- Prevention and Repair of Protein Damage by the Maillard Reaction In Vivo
- Alagebrium chloride, a novel advanced GLYCATION end-product cross linkage BREAKER, inhibits neointimal proliferation in a diabetic rat carotid balloon injury …
- Advanced GLYCATION end products: a Nephrologist’s perspective
- Collagen cross-link BREAKERs: a beginning of a new era in the treatment of cardiovascular changes associated with AGING, diabetes, and hypertension
- AGEs and their interaction with AGE-receptors in vascular disease and diabetes mellitus. I. The AGE concept
- Molecular mechanisms of ageing in connective tissues
- Effects of alagebrium, an advanced GLYCATION end‐product BREAKER, in patients with chronic heart failure: study design and baseline characteristics of the BENEFICIAL …
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic complications
- Vascular AGING: from molecular mechanism to clinical significance
- Advanced GLYCATION end products: sparking the development of diabetic vascular injury
- Cardiac fibrosis and AGING
- Role of advanced GLYCATION end products in diabetic neuropathy
- Restraining cross-links responsible for the mechanical properties of collagen fibers: natural and artificial
- Getting better without AGE: new insights into the diabetic heart
- Arterial stiffness and EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX
- Limited joint mobility in diabetes and ageing: recent advances in pathogenesis and therapy
- Effects of advanced GLYCATION end-product inhibition and cross-link breakage in diabetic rats
- An agent cleaving glucose-derived protein crosslinks in vitro and in vivo
- Advanced GLYCATION end products, diabetes and ageing
- The role of AGEs in cardiovascular disease
- Effect of the age cross-link BREAKER alagebrium on anterior segment physiology, morphology, and ocular age and rage
- Clinical studies of advanced GLYCATION end product inhibitors and diabetic kidney disease
- Ultrasonic detection of the anisotropy of protein cross-linking in myocardium
- TRC4149 a novel advanced GLYCATION end product BREAKER improves hemodynamic status in diabetic spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Long-term exercise training attenuates age-related diastolic dysfunction: association of myocardial collagen cross-linking
- Inhibitors and BREAKERs of advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs): a review
- The pathogenesis of myocardial fibrosis in the setting of diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic foot disease
- Serum carboxymethyl–lysine, an advanced GLYCATION end product, is associated with increased aortic pulse wave velocity in adults
- Mechanisms of maturation and ageing of collagen
- Below the Radar: Advanced GLYCATION End Products that Detour “around the side”: Is HbA1c not an accurate enough predictor of long term progression and …
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts—role in pathology of diabetic complications
- New therapies for advanced GLYCATION end product nephrotoxicity: current challenges
- The role of advanced GLYCATION in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic complications: a general overview
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and vascular inflammation: implications for accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetes
- Evolution and modulation of age-related medial elastocalcinosis: impact on large artery stiffness and isolated systolic hypertension
- Agents that block advanced GLYCATION end product (AGE)-RAGE (receptor for AGEs)-oxidative stress system: a novel therapeutic strategy for diabetic vascular …
- Ultrasonic detection of the anisotropy of protein cross linking in myocardium at diagnostic frequencies
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and the progressive course of renal disease
- Glucose, GLYCATION, and RAGE: implications for amplification of cellular dysfunction in diabetic nephropathy
- Protein CROSSLINKING by the maillard reaction with ascorbic acid and glucose
- Green tea attenuates diabetes induced Maillard-type fluorescence and collagen cross-linking in the heart of streptozotocin diabetic rats
- EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX changes and vascular smooth muscle signaling
- Mechanisms, pathophysiology, and therapy of arterial stiffness
- Inhibition of NADPH oxidase prevents advanced GLYCATION end product–mediated damage in diabetic nephropathy through a protein kinase C-α–dependent pathway
- The effect of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGE) BREAKER, alagebrium on the cardiac structural and functional change in type I diabetic rat model
- Glucose-mediated cross-linking of collagen in rat tendon and skin
- The role of advanced GLYCATION end products in the development of atherosclerosis
- Advanced GLYCATION end products accumulate in vascular smooth muscle and modify vascular but not ventricular properties in elderly hypertensive canines
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products and arterial stiffness in hypertension
- Beneficial effects of C36, a novel BREAKER of advanced GLYCATION endproducts cross‐links, on the cardiovascular system of diabetic rats
- Advanced GLYCATION: implications in tissue damage and disease
- Regulation of advanced GLYCATION end product (AGE)-receptor (RAGE) system by PPAR-gamma agonists and its implication in cardiovascular disease
- Potential Usefulness of AGE Cross–Link BREAKERs for Modulating the Progression of AMD
- Feasibility of using magnetic resonance elastography to study the effect of AGING on shear modulus of skeletal muscle
- AGES in brain ageing: AGE-inhibitors as neuroprotective and anti-dementia drugs?
- Advanced GLYCATION end product interventions reduce diabetes-accelerated atherosclerosis
- GLYCATION and carboxymethyllysine levels in skin collagen predict the risk of future 10-year progression of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy in the diabetes control …
- Arguing for the motion: yes, RAGE is a receptor for advanced GLYCATION endproducts
- Oxidative stress and AGING: is methylglyoxal the hidden enemy?
- Changes in bone collagen with age and disease
- Advanced GLYCATION and ROS: a link between diabetes and heart failure
- Methylglyoxal and advanced GLYCATION endproducts: new therapeutic horizons?
- Trends in advanced GLYCATION end products research in diabetes mellitus and its complications
- Prevention and reversal of diabetic nephropathy in db/db mice treated with alagebrium (ALT-711)
- Diabetic nephropathy: important pathophysiologic mechanisms
- Decreased plasma levels of soluble receptor for advanced GLYCATION end-products in patients with essential hypertension
- Role of lysyl oxidase in myocardial fibrosis: from basic science to clinical aspects
- LR-90 a new advanced GLYCATION endproduct inhibitor prevents progression of diabetic nephropathy in streptozotocin-diabetic rats
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy
- AGE-RAGE and AGE Cross-link interaction: important players in the pathogenesis of diabetic kidney disease
- Arterial AGING: a journey into subclinical arterial disease
- AGING of myocardial collagen
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and the kidney
- Therapeutic potential of AGE inhibitors and BREAKERs of AGE protein cross-links
- Reactive oxygen species amplify glucose signalling in renal cells cultured under high glucose and in diabetic kidney
- The effects of the Maillard reaction on the physical properties and cell interactions of collagen
- The clinical relevance of advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGE) and recent developments in pharmaceutics to reduce AGE accumulation
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products as a potential target for treatment of cardiovascular disease
- Protein GLYCATION and Eye Diseases
- Advanced GLYCATION and retinal pathology during diabetes
- Advanced glycoxidation end products in chronic diseases—clinical chemistry and genetic background
- Role of AGEs in diabetic nephropathy
- Skin-autofluorescence, a measure of tissue advanced GLYCATION end-products (AGEs), is related to diastolic function in dialysis patients
- Heart, AGING, and hypertension
- Combination therapy with the AGE cross-link BREAKER, alagebrium and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in diabetes: Synergy or redundancy
- Microvascular Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
- Advanced GLYCATION end products, oxidative stress and diabetic nephropathy
- XLF-III-43, a novel coumarin–aspirin compound, prevents diabetic nephropathy in rats via inhibiting advanced GLYCATION end products
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and their circulating receptors predict cardiovascular disease mortality in older community-dwelling women
- Pathophysiology, genetic, and therapy of arterial stiffness
- Mechanisms of diastolic dysfunction in heart failure
- Receptor for advanced GLYCATION endproducts and atherosclerosis: from basic mechanisms to clinical implications
- AGING hearts and vessels: masters of adaptation and survival
- The role of inflammatory and fibrogenic pathways in heart failure associated with AGING
- Diastolic heart failure: mechanisms and controversies
- RAGE signaling in inflammation and arterial AGING
- Reversal of chaperone activity loss of glycated αA-crystallin by a crosslink BREAKER
- Cells and tissue interactions with glycated collagen and their relevance to delayed diabetic wound healing
- The clinical relevance of assessing advanced GLYCATION endproducts accumulation in diabetes
- Alagebrium chloride, a novel AGE cross linkage BREAKER, inhibits neointimal proliferation after carotid balloon injury in diabetic animal model
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products induce connective tissue growth factor-mediated renal fibrosis predominantly through transforming growth factor β-independent …
- The AGE/RAGE axis in diabetes‐accelerated atherosclerosis
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic nephropathy
- The maillard reaction in eye diseases
- Republished paper: arterial stiffness in chronic kidney disease: causes and consequences
- Accelerated nephropathy in diabetic apolipoprotein e-knockout mouse: role of advanced GLYCATION end products
- Medical treatment of Marfan syndrome: a time for change
- Oxidative stress, AGE, and atherosclerosis
- Mechanisms of diabetic vasculopathy: an overview
- The breakdown of preformed advanced GLYCATION end products reverses erectile dysfunction in streptozotocin‐induced diabetic rats: Preventive versus curative …
- Accumulation of advanced GLYCATION end products as a molecular mechanism for AGING as a risk factor in osteoarthritis
- Advanced GLYCATION and endothelial functions: a link towards vascular complications in diabetes
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products and the progress of diabetic vascular complications
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts: a biomarker for age as an outcome predictor after cardiac surgery?
- AntiGLYCATION properties of aged garlic extract: possible role in prevention of diabetic complications
- GLYCATION—a sweet tempter for neuronal death
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products: a review
- The next generation of diabetic nephropathy therapies: an update
- Clinical relevance of advanced GLYCATION endproducts for vascular surgery
- Advanced GLYCATION end products are associated with pulse pressure in type 1 diabetes: the EURODIAB Prospective Complications Study
- Hyperglycemia and the pathobiology of diabetic complications
- Arterial AGING: is it an immutable cardiovascular risk factor?
- The receptor for advanced GLYCATION endproducts (RAGE) and cardiovascular disease
- Interactions between advanced GLYCATION end-products (AGE) and their receptors in the development and progression of diabetic nephropathy-are these receptors …
- Advanced glycosylated end products and hyperglycemia in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts: activators of cardiac remodeling in primary fibroblasts from adult rat hearts
- Diabetic heart disease
- The road to advanced GLYCATION end products: a mechanistic perspective
- Blockade of diabetic vascular injury by controlling of AGE-RAGE system
- Clinical potential of advanced GLYCATION end-product inhibitors in diabetes mellitus
- GLYCATION increases human annulus fibrosus stiffness in both experimental measurements and theoretical predictions
- Phase I clinical studies of the advanced GLYCATION end-product (AGE)-BREAKER TRC4186
- Protein GLYCATION: a firm link to endothelial cell dysfunction
- Treating diastolic heart failure with AGE crosslink BREAKERs: thinking outside the heart failure box
- MATRIX biology of abdominal aortic aneurysms in diabetes: mechanisms underlying the negative association
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts and rat dental implant osseointegration
- AGEs induce oxidative stress and activate protein kinase C-βII in neonatal mesangial cells
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and vascular structure and function
- Nitrite-induced cross-linking alters remodeling and mechanical properties of collagenous engineered tissues
- Do diabetes and hypertension interact to accelerate vascular ageing?
- Molecular targets of diabetic cardiovascular complications
- Skin autofluorescence, a marker for advanced GLYCATION end product accumulation, is associated with arterial stiffness in patients with end-stage renal disease
- Age associated changes of AGE-receptor expression: RAGE upregulation is associated with human heart dysfunction
- Transition metal‐mediated glycoxidation accelerates cross‐linking of β‐amyloid peptide
- Ventricular remodeling/fibrosis, renal arterial brachytherapy, collagen crosslink BREAKERs, salt, and therapeutic adherence
- Effects of Compounds Isolated from the Fruits of Rumex japonicus on the Protein GLYCATION
- Therapeutic interventions in the glyc (oxid) ation pathway
- Skin autofluorescence is a strong predictor of cardiac mortality in diabetes
- Modification of the effect of glycemic status on aortic distensibility by age in the multi-ethnic study of atherosclerosis
- The role of AGEs and AGE inhibitors in diabetic cardiovascular disease
- Clinical and prognostic value of advanced GLYCATION end-products in chronic heart failure
- Glycosylation Inhibitors, PKC Inhibitors and Related Interventions Against Complications
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: insights into pathogenesis, diagnostic challenges, and therapeutic options
- Significance of advanced GLYCATION end products in AGING-related disease
- The role of collagen crosslinks on passive cardiac mechanics in volume-overload hypertrophy
- Dicarbonyls linked to damage in the powerhouse: GLYCATION of mitochondrial proteins and oxidative stress
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and RAGE: a common thread in AGING, diabetes, neurodegeneration, and inflammation
- Potential new therapeutic agents for diabetic kidney disease
- TRC4186, a novel AGE-BREAKER, improves diabetic cardiomyopathy and nephropathy in Ob-ZSF1 model of type 2 diabetes
- Accumulation of advanced GLYCATION end products and chronic complications in ESRD treated by dialysis
- MATRIX metalloproteinase 2 activation of transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and TGF-β1–type II receptor signaling within the aged arterial wall
- Modulation of soluble receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products by angiotensin-converting enzyme-1 inhibition in diabetic nephropathy
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts: what is their relevance to diabetic complications?
- AGING and arterial stiffness
- Development of age-dependent glomerular lesions in galectin-3/AGE-receptor-3 knockout mice
- Pyridoxamine, an inhibitor of advanced GLYCATION and lipoxidation reactions: a novel therapy for treatment of diabetic complications
- Emerging concepts in cardiac MATRIX biology
- Ageing of the conduit arteries
- Fe2+-catalyzed non-enzymatic glycosylation alters collagen conformation during AGE-collagen formation in vitro
- Microvascular complications of diabetes
- Intervention against the Maillard reaction in vivo
- Age-associated changes in cardiac MATRIX and integrins
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and cardiovascular disease
- Arterial AGING and subclinical arterial disease are fundamentally intertwined at macroscopic and molecular levels
- The AGING hypertensive heart: a brief update
- Reciprocal relationships between abnormal metabolic parameters and endothelial dysfunction
- Combined immunoelectron microscopic and computer-assisted image analyses to detect advanced GLYCATION end-products in human myocardium
- ALT-946 and aminoguanidine, inhibitors of advanced GLYCATION, improve severe nephropathy in the diabetic transgenic (mREN-2) 27 rat
- Lens AGING: effects of crystallins
- Causes and consequences of increased arterial stiffness in chronic kidney disease patients
- Therapeutic effect of green tea extract on advanced GLYCATION and cross‐linking of collagen in the aorta of streptozotocin diabetic rats
- Advanced GLYCATION end products induce apoptosis in fibroblasts through activation of ROS, MAP kinases, and the FOXO1 transcription factor
- Targeting MATRIX remodeling in cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure
- Detection of noncarboxymethyllysine and carboxymethyllysine advanced GLYCATION end products (AGE) in serum of diabetic patients
- Hyperglycemia and GLYCATION in diabetic complications
- Smooth muscle cell pathophysiology and advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs)
- Connective tissue growth factor plays an important role in advanced GLYCATION end product–induced tubular epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition: implications for …
- RAGE and its ligands in retinal disease
- Advanced GLYCATION end‐products and the kidney
- Advanced GLYCATION and advanced lipoxidation: possible role in initiation and progression of diabetic retinopathy
- Do advanced GLYCATION end products contribute to the development of long-term diabetic complications?
- Evaluation of advanced GLYCATION end-products in diabetic and inherited canine cataracts
- Advanced GLYCATION End Products in Diabetes‐Associated Atherosclerosis and Renal Disease: Interventional Studies
- Interaction of metabolic and haemodynamic factors in mediating experimental diabetic nephropathy
- Can you reduce your AGE?: Strategies to prevent AGE accumulation in diabetes
- Basic Science for Clinicians
- Chelating activity of advanced GLYCATION end-product inhibitors
- Serum carboxymethyllysine concentrations are reduced in diabetic men with abdominal aortic aneurysms: Health In Men Study
- Systolic hypertension in the elderly: arterial wall mechanical properties and the renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system
- The metal chelators, trientine and citrate, inhibit the development of cardiac pathology in the Zucker diabetic rat
- Inhibition of NADPH oxidase prevents AGE mediated damage in diabetic nephropathy through a protein kinase C-α dependent pathway.
- Diabetes increases formation of advanced GLYCATION end products on Sarco (endo) plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase
- Pulse pressure and arterial stiffness in type 1 diabetic patients
- Advanced GLYCATION end products decrease mesangial cell MMP-7: a role in MATRIX accumulation in diabetic nephropathy?
- Advanced GLYCATION End Products in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- Glucose, advanced GLYCATION end products, and diabetes complications: what is new and what works
- Protection against GLYCATION and similar post-translational modifications of proteins
- Pimagedine: a novel therapy for diabetic nephropathy
- AGEs and diabetic retinopathy
- Cardiac inflammation associated with a Western diet is mediated via activation of RAGE by AGEs
- Advanced GLYCATION end products in kidney transplant patients: a putative role in the development of chronic renal transplant dysfunction
- Renal accumulation and clearance of advanced GLYCATION end-products in type 2 diabetic nephropathy: effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme and …
- Failure of mineralized collagen fibrils: modeling the role of collagen cross-linking
- Medical bioremediation of age-related diseases
- Rosiglitazone prevents advanced GLYCATION end products–induced renal toxicity likely through suppression of plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
- What is the future of diabetic wound care?
- Free radicals and antioxidants in human health: current status and future prospects
- Diabetic nephropathy: where hemodynamics meets metabolism
- Nitric oxide, oxidative excess, and vascular complications of diabetes mellitus
- Diabetes and advanced glycoxidation end products
- Molecular determinants of heart failure with normal left ventricular ejection fraction
- GLYCATION and tubulointerstitial injury; in vitro and in vivo studies
- Central arterial AGING: humans to molecules
- Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade prevents diastolic heart failure through modulation of Ca2+ regulatory proteins and EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX
- RAGE: a multi-ligand receptor unveiling novel insights in health and disease
- Non-enzymatic GLYCATION of proteins: from diabetes to cancer
- Vascular endothelial dysfunction in diabetic cardiomyopathy: pathogenesis and potential treatment targets
- Effects of puerarin on receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products in nephridial tissue of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
- A tense situation: forcing tumour progression
- RAGE: a novel target for drug intervention in diabetic vascular disease
- Oxidative stress mediates protein kinase C activation and advanced GLYCATION end product formation in a mesangial cell model of diabetes and high protein diet
- Advanced GLYCATION end products stimulate osteoblast apoptosis via the MAP kinase and cytosolic apoptotic pathways
- Advanced GLYCATION–New AGE Focus for Diabetes
- Cardiac dysfunction in AGING conscious rats: altered cardiac cytoskeletal proteins as a potential mechanism
- Diabetic threesome (hyperglycaemia, renal function and nutrition) and advanced GLYCATION end products: evidence for the multiple-hit agent?
- Diabetic vascular disease: it’s all the RAGE
- Arterial elasticity in cardiovascular disease: focus on hypertension, metabolic syndrome and diabetes
- Regulation of MATRIX synthesis, remodeling and accumulation in glomerulosclerosis
- A new perspective on therapeutic inhibition of advanced GLYCATION in diabetic microvascular complications: common downstream endpoints achieved through …
- 5 Diabetes and Advanced
- Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) in diabetes
- Vascular stiffening and arterial compliance: implications for systolic blood pressure
- Advanced GLYCATION end‐products, anti‐hypertensive treatment and diastolic function in patients with hypertension and diastolic dysfunction
- Ablation of the gene encoding p66 Shc protects mice against AGE-induced glomerulopathy by preventing oxidant-dependent tissue injury and further AGE …
- Preferential stiffening of central over peripheral arteries in type 2 diabetes
- Protein GLYCATION: creation of catalytic sites for free radical generation
- Neurodegenerative diseases of the retina and potential for protection and recovery
- Age-dependent expression of advanced GLYCATION end product receptor genes in the human heart
- Molecular mechanisms of diabetic angiopathy–clues for innovative therapeutic interventions
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Central arterial AGING and the epidemic of systolic hypertension and atherosclerosis
- Use of genetic mouse models in the study of diabetic nephropathy
- Soluble Receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products (RAGE) is a prognostic factor for heart failure
- GLYCATION, carbonyl stress, EAGLEs, and the vascular complications of diabetes
- Pharmacological approaches to the treatment of diabetic complications
- Involvement of Maillard reactions in Alzheimer disease
- AGEs bind to mesothelial cells via RAGE and stimulate VCAM-1 expression
- Diastolic stiffness of the failing diabetic heart: importance of fibrosis, advanced GLYCATION end products, and myocyte resting tension
- The Role of Advanced GLYCATION in Diabetic Retinopathy
- Therapies for hyperglycaemia-induced diabetic complications: from animal models to clinical trials
- Maculoplasty for age-related macular degeneration: reengineering Bruch’s membrane and the human macula
- Challenging but essential targets for genuine anti-ageing drugs
- Advanced GLYCATION: how are we progressing to combat this web of sugar anomalies in diabetic nephropathy
- Factors influencing crosslink formation in muscle tissue
- Age effects on vascular smooth muscle: an engineered tissue approach
- Arterial stiffness and hypertension: emerging concepts
- Collagen in its fibrillar state is protected from GLYCATION
- Evaluation of advanced GLYCATION end-products in diabetic and inherited canine cataracts
- Skin autofluorescence is increased in systemic lupus erythematosus but is not reflected by elevated plasma levels of advanced GLYCATION endproducts
- Receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products and the cardiovascular complications of diabetes and beyond: lessons from AGEing
- Is human AGING still mysterious enough to be left only to scientists?
- AGE-RAGE Interactions: Sticky Sugar Kills
- Cardiovascular disease: what’s all the AGE/RAGE about?
- The failing diabetic heart: focus on diastolic left ventricular dysfunction
- Maillard reaction, mitochondria and oxidative stress: potential role of antioxidants
- Molecular mechanisms of diabetic vasculopathy
- Inhibitors of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs): potential utility for the treatment of cardiovascular disease
- Advanced GLYCATION End Products Inhibit Glucose-Stimulated Insulin Secretion through Nitric Oxide-Dependent Inhibition of Cytochrome c Oxidase and Adenosine …
- Equal and local-load-sharing micromechanical models for collagens: Quantitative comparisons in response of non-diabetic and diabetic rat tissue
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products and diabetic renal disease
- AGE-RAGE signalling in endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis in diabetes
- Growth factors, AGEing, and the diabetes link in Alzheimer’s disease
- Mechanisms of vascular AGING: new perspectives
- Arterial and cardiac AGING: major shareholders in cardiovascular disease enterprises: Part I: AGING arteries: a “set up” for vascular disease
- Oxidative and nitrative stress markers in glaucoma
- Activation of NADPH oxidase by AGE links oxidant stress to altered gene expression via RAGE
- New therapeutic avenues for age-related macular degeneration: targeting Bruch’s membrane
- Reactive immunization suppresses advanced GLYCATION and mitigates diabetic nephropathy
- Protein cross-linking in the Maillard reaction
- Anti-age antibodies and markers of oxidative stress in spontaneously hypertensive rats at different ages
- What mechanisms underlie diastolic dysfunction in heart failure?
- Disturbance of macro-and microcirculation: relations with pulse pressure and cardiac organ damage
- Diabetes and Advanced Glycoxidation End-Products
- Polycystic ovary syndrome: the influence of environmental and genetic factors
- New potential agents in treating diabetic kidney disease
- Receptor for Advanced GLYCATION Endproducts (RAGE): a formidable force in the pathogenesis of the cardiovascular complications of diabetes & AGING
- New insights into the causes of heart failure
- Renal microvascular injury in diabetes: RAGE and redox signaling
- Arterial stiffness and systolic hypertension: determinants, assessment, and clinical consequences
- The roles of protein GLYCATION, glycoxidation, and advanced GLYCATION end-product formation in diabetes-induced atherosclerosis
- Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and diabetic vascular complications
- Alagebrium chloride protects the heart against oxidative stress in AGING rats
- Novel therapeutics for diabetic micro-and macrovascular complications
- Ageing and vascular ageing
- Arterial stiffness in diabetes and the metabolic syndrome: a pathway to cardiovascular disease
- Inhibition of renin-angiotensin system and advanced GLYCATION end products formation: a promising therapeutic approach targeting on cardiovascular diseases
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and nephrotoxicity of high-protein diets
- Methylglyoxal impairs glucose metabolism and leads to energy depletion in neuronal cells—protection by carbonyl scavengers
- Oxidative stress in diabetic nephropathy
- The sources and the targets of oxidative stress in the etiology of diabetic complications
- A mechanical model for collagen fibril load sharing in peripheral nerve of diabetic and nondiabetic rats
- Vascular complications in diabetes mellitus: the role of endothelial dysfunction
- Arterial stiffness: clinical relevance, measurement and treatment
- The RAGE axis: a fundamental mechanism signaling danger to the vulnerable vasculature
- GLYCATION of tau protein
- Large arteries and the kidney
- The RAGE axis and endothelial dysfunction: maladaptive roles in the diabetic vasculature and beyond
- MATRIX metalloproteinase-3 genotype contributes to age-related aortic stiffening through modulation of gene and protein expression
- Approaches to the development of cosmetic products to counter the effects of skin AGING
- Grape seed proanthocyanidins ameliorate diabetic nephropathy via modulation of levels of AGE, RAGE and CTGF
- Current concepts in targeted therapies for the pathophysiology of diabetic microvascular complications
- Advanced GLYCATION endproduct-induced diabetic complications
- Role of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) in diabetic cardiovascular and renal disease
- Current perspectives in diastolic dysfunction and diastolic heart failure
- Novel approaches to the treatment of progressive renal disease
- Methylglyoxal, oxidative stress, and AGING
- Metabolic syndrome amplifies the age-associated increases in vascular thickness and stiffness
- Aminoguanidine prevents arterial stiffening and cardiac hypertrophy in streptozotocin‐induced diabetes in rats
- 15th Golgi lecture: from hyperglycaemia to the dysregulation of vascular remodelling in diabetes
- Advanced GLYCATION end products in clinical nephrology
- Correlates of aortic stiffness in elderly individuals: a subgroup of the Cardiovascular Health Study
- Oxidative stress as a major culprit in kidney disease in diabetes
- Diabetic nephropathy: mechanisms of renal disease progression
- Modulation of the cellular expression of circulating advanced GLYCATION end-product receptors in type 2 diabetic nephropathy
- AGING of the heart and arteries
- Advanced GLYCATION end products, rage, and AGING
- Targeting the arterial wall, but what is the target?
- Mechanical properties of normal and diseased cerebrovascular system
- Structural and functional remodeling of the left atrium: clinical and therapeutic implications for atrial fibrillation
- Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs)‐induced expression of TGF‐β1 is suppressed by a protease in the tubule cell line LLC‐PK1
- The effect of the microscopic and nanoscale structure on bone fragility
- Effect of elastin degradation on carotid wall mechanics as assessed by a constituent-based biomechanical model
- Targets for pharmacological modulation of cardiac fibrosis
- Agents in development for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
- Mechanisms of Diabetic Complications (Nephropathy) as Related to Perspectives of Treatment
- Vascular AGING
- AGE and their receptor RAGE in systemic autoimmune diseases: an inflammation propagating factor contributing to accelerated atherosclerosis
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products induce vascular dysfunction via resistance to nitric oxide and suppression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase
- Validation in awake rats of a tail-cuff method for measuring systolic pressure.
- Biochemical process of AGEs formation in complications of hyperglycemia-induced diabetes and its pathological damage effects: A possible target for new drugs
- Valsartan improves arterial stiffness in type 2 diabetes independently of blood pressure lowering
- Diabetic retinopathy: a review
- Large artery stiffness predicts ischemic threshold in patients with coronary artery disease
- Disparate effects on renal and oxidative parameters following RAGE deletion, AGE accumulation inhibition, or dietary AGE control in experimental diabetic …
- Future strategies to prevent renal microvascular disease complications in diabetes
- Vascular compliance in the cardiometabolic syndrome
- Regional arterial stiffness in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease
- Quantitative analysis of the effect of diabetes on fibroflast migration
- Urinary proteomics in diabetes and CKD
- AGE and RAGE inhibitors in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy
- Arterial stiffness and hand osteoarthritis: a novel relationship?
- Preconditioning with Maillard reaction products improves antioxidant defence leading to increased stress tolerance in cardiac cells
- Chronic diabetes increases advanced GLYCATION end products on cardiac ryanodine receptors/calcium-release channels
- Molecular mechanisms of diabetic vascular complications
- Mechanisms of target organ damage caused by hypertension: therapeutic potential
- Left ventricular dysfunction in hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- From hyperglycemia to diabetic kidney disease: the role of metabolic, hemodynamic, intracellular factors and growth factors/cytokines
- 5. Crucial involvement of advanced GLYCATION end-products in experimental diabetes-associated arterial elastocalcinosis.
- The vascular endothelium in diabetes: a practical target fordrug treatment?
- Endothelial dysfunction and vascular inflammation in type 2 diabetes: interaction of AGE/RAGE and TNF-α signaling
- Hormetic triggers for intervention in AGING, disease and trauma
- Skin autofluorescence as a measure of advanced GLYCATION endproduct deposition: a novel risk marker in chronic kidney disease
- Strategies for proteomic analysis of non‐enzymatically glycated proteins
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts analysis of glucosamine with reducing sugars, DNA nucleosides and serum proteins
- Mechanisms of disease: the oxidative stress theory of diabetic neuropathy
- Cell biology of diabetic kidney disease
- 3, 5-Di-O-caffeoyl-epi-quinic acid from the leaves and stems of Erigeron annuus inhibits protein GLYCATION, aldose reductase, and cataractogenesis
- Mitochondrial ageing
- Soleus and EDL muscle contractility across the lifespan of female C57BL/6 mice
- Treatment of heart failure with normal ejection fraction: an inconvenient truth!
- Cardiovascular Changes with AGING
- Plasma carboxymethyl‐lysine, an advanced GLYCATION end product, and all‐cause and cardiovascular disease mortality in older community‐dwelling adults
- Critical appraisal of the differential effects of antihypertensive agents on arterial stiffness
- Oxidative stress triggers cardiac fibrosis in the heart of diabetic rats
- Therapeutic Approach on AGE-RAGE Interaction and Its Function in Diabetic Inflammation Process
- Molecular and cellular mechanisms by which diabetes mellitus promotes the development of atherosclerosis
- Cytotoxicity of advanced GLYCATION endproducts in human micro-and astroglial cell lines depends on the degree of protein GLYCATION
- Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: is there a passage between Scylla and Charybdis?
- Tissue-advanced GLYCATION end product concentration in dialysis patients
- Influence of lifestyle modification on arterial stiffness and wave reflections
- Diabetic patients and kidney protection: an attainable target
- 9 Cardiovascular Changes with AGING
- Emerging therapies for chronic kidney disease: what is their role?
- Agents in development for the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
- Drug therapy for the cardiac complications of diabetes
- The early life origins of vascular ageing and cardiovascular risk: the EVA syndrome
- New molecular histopathologic insights into the pathogenesis of age-related macular degeneration
- Diastolic dysfunction as a link between hypertension and heart failure
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: mechanisms, diagnosis and treatment
- Diabetic kidney disease: emerging mechanism, new therapeutic possibilities
- AGEs/RAGE in CKD: irreversible metabolic memory road toward CVD?
- Association of arterial stiffness with HbA1c in 1,000 type 2 diabetic patients with or without hypertension
- Impaired elastic properties of the aorta in fat-fed, streptozotocin-treated rats
- Macrophages and diabetic nephropathy
- Emerging drugs for diabetic retinopathy
- Pathophysiology and treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropathy: the case for diabetic neurovascular function as an essential component
- Type 2 diabetes—implications for macrovascular mechanics and disease
- Pulse pressure and arterial stiffness in rats: comparison with humans
- Preservation of pressure-induced cutaneous vasodilation by limiting oxidative stress in short-term diabetic mice
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: the search for a unifying hypothesis
- Proteins modified by malondialdehyde, 4-hydroxynonenal, or advanced GLYCATION end products in lipofuscin of human retinal pigment epithelium
- Characterizing the advanced GLYCATION endproducts formation of proteins and nucleotides by methylglyoxal and glyoxal
- Greater age-related reductions in central arterial compliance in resistance-trained men
- Future Therapies in Diastolic Heart Failure
- Inhibition of protein GLYCATION by polyphenolic extracts of culinary herbs and spices
- Blood pressure, large arteries and atherosclerosis
- Obesity and vascular compliance
- Nephrin loss in experimental diabetic nephropathy is prevented by deletion of protein kinase C alpha signaling in-vivo
- Coupled systolic-ventricular and vascular stiffening with age: implications for pressure regulation and cardiac reserve in the elderly
- Effects of collagen dysregulation on structure and mechanics of normal and post-infarction myocardium
- EXTRACELLULAR protease activation and unraveling of the myocardial interstitium: critical steps toward clinical applications
- Arterial stiffness and coronary ischemic disease
- Structural remodeling in the limb circulation: impact of obesity and diabetes
- Arterial stiffness and kidney function
- Mechanical factors in arterial AGING: a clinical perspective
- The future of AGING therapies
- Biocompatibility of icodextrin
- Update on the treatment of diabetic retinopathy
- Inhibition of protein kinase C in diabetic nephropathy—where do we stand?
- Animal models of arterial stiffness
- Impact of age and hyperglycemia on the mechanical behavior of intact human coronary arteries: an ex vivo intravascular ultrasound study
- Advanced GLYCATION end‐products in sickle cell anaemia
- Oxidative stress and uremia
- Recent advances in pharmacotherapy for diabetic nephropathy: current perspectives and future directions
- Heart failure in the elderly: advances and challenges
- The diabetic myocardium
- Aldosterone receptor inhibition alters the viscoelastic biomechanical behavior of the aortic wall
- … GLYCATION end products levels are related to ischaemic aetiology and extent of coronary disease in chronic heart failure patients, independent of advanced GLYCATION …
- Mechanisms involved in the genesis of diabetic nephropathy
- Effects of low‐level light therapy on hepatic antioxidant defense in acute and chronic diabetic rats
- Diastolic disturbances in diabetes mellitus
- Plasticity of kidney cells: role in kidney remodeling and scarring
- Modification of the Glycemic Status on Aortic Distensibility by Age in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis
- Pentosidine accumulates in the AGING vitreous body: a gender effect
- Synergistic attenuation of myocardial fibrosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats by joint treatment with benazepril and candesartan
- Cellular therapy using microglial cells
- Introduction of hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia in the pathogenesis of diabetic vascular complications
- Interactions between angiotensin ll and atrial natriuretic peptide in renomedullary interstitial cells: the role of neutral endopeptidase
- Emerging drugs for acute and chronic heart failure: current and future developments
- Experimental models for the study of the cellular and molecular pathophysiology of Peyronie’s disease
- Glycoxidative stress and cardiovascular complications in experimentally-induced diabetes: effects of antioxidant treatment
- … anti-glucose oxidase antibodies or the F (ab)′ 2/F (ab)′ fragments derived therefrom protects both the enzyme and antibody/antibody fragments against GLYCATION
- Skin AGING handbook: an integrated approach to biochemistry and product development
- Role of methylglyoxal in the pathogenesis of hypertension
- Mechanisms, significance and treatment of vascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetes mellitus
- The metabolic syndrome in elderly individuals is associated with greater muscular, but not elastic arterial stiffness, independent of low-grade inflammation …
- Medical treatment of diabetic retinopathy
- Future strategies for the treatment of diastolic heart failure
- RAGE and soluble RAGE: potential therapeutic targets for cardiovascular diseases
- Disruptions and detours in the myocardial MATRIX highway and heart failure
- Study on the nonenzymatic GLYCATION of nucleosides/nucleotides and proteins with sugars: An in vitro investigation of advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs) …
- Structural emphysema does not correlate with lung compliance: lessons from the mouse smoking model
- Reversing chronic remodeling in heart failure
- Connective tissue growth factor and cardiac fibrosis
- [11] Advanced GLYCATION end products: Detection and reversal
- Arterial Stiffness and Coronary Ischemic
- Methylglyoxal increases cardiomyocyte ischemia-reperfusion injury via glycative inhibition of thioredoxin activity
- Reducing the burden of diabetic vascular complications
- New therapeutic agents for diabetic kidney disease
- Discovery of rifampicin as a new anti-glycating compound by MATRIX-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry-based insulin GLYCATION assay
- Intervening in atherogenesis: lessons from diabetes
- Large artery stiffness and antihypertensive agents
- Effects of blood pressure lowering and metabolic control on systolic left ventricular function in Type II diabetes mellitus
- Pathogenesis and pathophysiology of diabetic nephropathy
- Cardiac overexpression of antioxidant catalase attenuates AGING-induced cardiomyocyte relaxation dysfunction
- Biochemistry of tropoelastin
- Advanced GLYCATION end-product peptides are associated with impaired renal function, but not with biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction and inflammation …
- The heart, macrocirculation and microcirculation in hypertension: a unifying hypothesis
- Using myocardial imAGING to identify and manage subclinical heart disease in diabetes mellitus and obesity
- Post-translational modifications of proteins: implications for AGING, antigen recognition, and autoimmunity
- Diabetes complications
- Vitamin B1 blocks damage caused by hyperglycemia
- Arterial Stiffness and Hypertension: A Review of Mechanism and Clinical Relevance
- OCT activity and GLYCATION damage in rat liver mitochondria
- AGING and the Frontier Ahead
- The role of arterial stiffness in stratifying the overall cardiovascular risk
- Diabetic vascular complications: pathophysiology, biochemical basis and potential therapeutic strategy
- Clinical applications of arterial stiffness: therapeutics and pharmacology
- Pacing and Diastolic Heart Failure
- Low adipocyte IRS-1 protein expression is associated with an increased arterial stiffness in non-diabetic males
- Protein carbonylation, cellular dysfunction, and disease progression
- Clinical trials update from the European Society of Cardiology Heart Failure Meeting 2010: TRIDENT 1, BENEFICIAL, CUPID, RFA‐HF, MUSIC, DUEL, handheld BNP …
- The role of protein kinase C activation and the vascular complications of diabetes
- Atherosclerosis, arterial stiffness and antihypertensive drug therapy
- Developing and characterization of bioadsorbent for extracorporeal blood purification
- The skin
- Mechanisms of kidney fibrosis and the role of antifibrotic therapies
- Pulse wave velocity as a marker of arteriosclerosis and its comorbidities in Chinese patients
- New horizons in the management of cardiovascular disease
- Inhibition of protein GLYCATION by extracts of culinary herbs and spices
- Hypertension and diabetes
- Heart failure and nephropathy: catastrophic and interrelated complications of diabetes
- Role of inflammation in diabetic nephropathy
- The role of renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system inhibition in chronic kidney disease
- EXTRACELLULAR remodeling in heart failure–potential use of MMP inhibitors
- Nutrition, Diet, and Supplements for Peak Physical & Mental Performance
- Poly (adenosine 5′-diphosphate-ribose) polymerase inhibition counteracts multiple manifestations of experimental type 1 diabetic nephropathy
- The pulsatile component of blood pressure–Its role in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
- A microstructural hyperelastic model of pulmonary arteries under normo-and hypertensive conditions
- Pyridoxal phosphate prevents progression of diabetic nephropathy
- Alterations in circulatory function
- Aortic correlates of clinical markers of large artery structure and function. Effects of AGING and hypertension
- Does angiotensin receptor blockade improve outcomes in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction? Results of the I-PRESERVE study
- Focus on collagen: in vitro systems to study fibrogenesis and antifibrosis _ state of the art
- AGING of the Vasculature and Related Systems
- Effects of diabetes mellitus, pressure-overload and their association on myocardial structure and function
- Hypertension and cardiovascular disease
- Molecular and Cellular Phenotypes of Cardiovascular AGING
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Linking diabetes and atherosclerosis
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: from the pathophysiology of the cardiac myocytes to current diagnosis and management strategies
- Cardiovascular complications in diabetes mellitus
- Endothelial dysfunction in diabetes: from mechanisms to therapeutic targets
- Arterial stiffness in chronic inflammatory diseases
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: signaling defects and therapeutic approaches
- Cardiovascular biomarkers in CKD: pathophysiology and implications for clinical management of cardiac disease
- Covalent binding antibodies suppress advanced GLYCATION: on the innate tier of adaptive immunity
- Large animal models for diastolic dysfunction and diastolic heart failure—a review of the literature
- Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor as a Determinant of Diabetic Nephropathy
- Type 2 diabetes, related conditions, in relation and dementia: an opportunity for prevention?
- Apoptosis in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy and diabetes: a feature of diabetic cardiomyopathy?
- High-density lipoprotein at the interface of type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disorders
- Studies on protein GLYCATION
- Diabetes and the skin: an update for dermatologists
- Chronic heart failure in the elderly: a current medical problem
- Cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes: the role of hyperglycaemia
- Cellular Noise and The AGING Process
- Plasma protein advanced GLYCATION end products, carboxymethyl cysteine, and carboxyethyl cysteine, are elevated and related to nephropathy in patients with …
- Biochemical and molecular mechanisms of diabetic retinopathy
- Urinary peptidome may predict renal function decline in type 1 diabetes and microalbuminuria
- Assessment of protein glycoxidation in ventricular tissues
- Arterial stiffness and the systolic hypertension syndrome
- Cardiac metabolism in diabetes mellitus
- Differential regulation of collagen types I and III expression in cardiac fibroblasts by AGEs through TRB3/MAPK signaling pathway
- Pioglitazone improves aortic wall elasticity in a rat model of elastocalcinotic arteriosclerosis
- Reactivity-based drug discovery using vitamin B6-derived pharmacophores
- Covalent binding antibodies suppress advanced GLYCATION: on the innate tier of adaptive
- Is AGE accumulation a therapeutic target for diabetic complications?
- Role of increased aortic stiffness in the pathogenesis of heart failure
- Renoprotective properties of angiotensin receptor blockers beyond blood pressure lowering
- Fibrosis in diabetes complications: pathogenic mechanisms and circulating and urinary markers
- Development and post-pilot modification of a questionnaire for assessing dietary AGE intake in Australian children with and without type 1 diabetes mellitus
- Metabolism, cell surface organization, and disease
- The association of heart failure with insulin resistance and the development of type 2 diabetes
- Methylglyoxal, diabetes mellitus and diabetic complications
- Aortic correlates of clinical markers of large artery structure and function. Effects of AGING and hypertension
- Hypertension and Cardiovascular
- Interventions in AGING and Age-Related Diseases: The Present and the Future
- Diabetes mellitus-associated atherosclerosis
- Development of an experimental system to determine the contribution of titin and collagen to passive stiffness of myocardium
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Antioxidants reverse age-related collateral growth impairment
- Redox changes precede the occurrence of oxidative stress in eyes and aorta, but not in kidneys of diabetic rats
- Pulse pressure, arterial stiffness, and drug treatment of hypertension
- PLC/CAMK IV–NF-κB involved in the receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products mediated signaling pathway in human endothelial cells
- Intake of advanced GLYCATION endproducts: Role in the development of diabetic complications
- Pulse pressure—a review of mechanisms and clinical relevance
- RAGE in diabetic nephropathy
- Age-and gender-related oxidative status determined in healthy subjects by means of OXY-SCORE, a potential new comprehensive index
- Walking may be related to less vascular stiffness in the Activity Counseling Trial (ACT)
- Pyridoxamine inhibits chemical modification of proteins by lipid peroxidation reactions, in vitro: Mechanism of action of pyridoxamine
- Characteristics of arterial stiffness in very low birth weight premature infants
- Oxidative stress and functional deficit in diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Central blood pressure and hypertension: role in cardiovascular risk assessment
- Altered Glucose Transport and Its Metabolic Effects in Glomerular Cells
- Angiotensin II and the cardiac complications of diabetes mellitus
- The role of scavenging antioxidants and the transcription factor NRF2 in protection against advanced GLYCATION end products in a neuronal-derived cell line
- Chronic estradiol treatment attenuates stiffening, glycoxidation, and permeability in rat carotid arteries
- Specific aspects of high blood pressure in the elderly
- Ascorbic acid selectively improves large elastic artery compliance in postmenopausal women
- Altered Glucose Transport and Its Metabolic Effects in Glomerular Cells
- Response to Comment on: Thallas-Bonke et al.(2008) Inhibition of NADPH Oxidase Prevents Advanced GLYCATION End Product–Mediated Damage in Diabetic …
- Therapeutic interventions and oxidative stress in diabetes
- AGING and arterial structure-function relations
- Fifth Pivotal Research in Cardiology in the Elderly (PRICE‐V) Symposium: Preventive Cardiology in the Elderly—Executive Summary. Part I: Morning Session
- Physiologic basis and pathophysiologic implications of the diastolic properties of the cardiac muscle
- Effects of fixed-dose isosorbide dinitrate/hydralazine on diastolic function and exercise capacity in hypertension-induced diastolic heart failure
- Early predictors of cardiac decompensation in experimental volume overload
- Reduced acute vascular injury and atherosclerosis in hyperlipidemic mice transgenic for lysozyme
- CCN genes and the kidney
- Predictors of congestive heart failure in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study
- Hypertension, systolic blood pressure, and large arteries
- Heart failure with normal ejection fraction: consideration of mechanisms other than diastolic dysfunction
- Arterial stiffness: a potential therapeutic target to reduce cardiovascular mortality
- Role of exercise and metabolism in heart failure with normal ejection fraction
- Pathogenic factors in vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease
- MATRIX metalloproteinase in left ventricular remodeling and heart failure
- The RAGE Axis
- Diabetic neuropathy: mechanisms to management
- Hepatocyte susceptibility to glyoxal is dependent on cell thiamin content
- Animal models of diabetes mellitus: relevance to vascular complications
- Emerging drugs for diabetic nephropathy
- Evolving insights into the pathophysiology of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
- Arterial stiffness and stroke in hypertension
- Recapitulation of embryological programmes in renal fibrosis–the importance of epithelial cell plasticity and developmental genes
- Constituents of the flowers of Platycodon grandiflorum with inhibitory activity on advanced GLYCATION end products and rat lens aldose reductase in vitro
- Twenty-five years since the discovery of endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF): does a dysfunctional endothelium contribute to the development of type 2 …
- Inflammatory mediators in diabetic retinopathy
- Drug discovery for heart failure: a new era or the end of the pipeline?
- Proinsulin C‐peptide abrogates type‐1 diabetes‐induced increase of renal endothelial nitric oxide synthase in rats
- Examination of advanced GLYCATION end-products in children with type 1 diabetes
- Comprehensive nanorobotic control of human morbidity and AGING
- Effects of blocking the renin-angiotensin system on expression and translocation of protein kinase C isoforms in the kidney of diabetic rats
- Pathophysiologic Aspects of Myocardial Relaxation and End-Diastolic Stiffness of Cardiac Ventricles
- Integrins as unique receptors for vascular control
- Mitochondrial function and toxicity: role of B vitamins on the one-carbon transfer pathways
- Why don’t fistulas mature?
- Leg flow-mediated arterial dilation in elderly patients with heart failure and normal left ventricular ejection fraction
- Diastolic dysfunction in diabetic normotensive patients, regardless of the presence of microangiopathy
- 15 Large artery stiffness and
- The effects of diabetes and aminoguanidine treatment on endothelial function in a primate model of type 1 diabetes
- The central arterial burden of the metabolic syndrome is similar in men and women: the SardiNIA Study
- Diabetic microangiopathy in ischemic limb is a disease of disturbance of the platelet-derived growth factor-BB/protein kinase C axis but not of impaired expression of …
- Hyperglycemic oxoaldehyde, glyoxal, causes barrier dysfunction, cytoskeletal alterations, and inhibition of angiogenesis in vascular endothelial cells: aminoguanidine …
- Cross-talk between cardiac muscle and coronary vasculature
- Natural compounds with potential antioxidant activity; in vitro study in a model of protein glycoxidation
- Arterial stiffness and cardiovascular risk factors
- Heart failure with normal ejection fraction
- Altered multiaxial mechanical properties of the porcine anterior lens capsule cultured in high glucose
- Insulin resistance syndrome: interaction with coagulation and fibrinolysis
- Redox control of renal function and hypertension
- Nonenzymatic antioxidative and antiglycative effects of oleanolic acid and ursolic acid
- Heart failure with normal left ventricular ejection fraction: what is the evidence?
- AGING and the Cardiovascular System
- The kidney in diabetes: dynamic pathways of injury and repair. The Camillo Golgi Lecture 2007
- Investigational drugs for diabetic nephropathy
- Influence of alpha-lipoic acid on streptozotocin induced diabetic cardiomyopathy in adult male albino rats: A biochemical and microscopical study
- Novel therapeutic targets for diabetic nephropathy
- The gero-inflammatory manifold
- Association of plasma pentosidine concentrations with renal function in kidney graft recipients
- Structure-function studies of amadoriase enzymes from Aspergillus sp., relevance for treatment of diabetic complications
- Lipoproteins, glycoxidation and diabetic angiopathy
- The Impact of Diabetic Renal Disease
- 28 Diabetes, lipids and other cardiovascular risk factors
- Will new antihypertensive drugs emerge? Part 1
- Cardiomyopathy and heart failure in AGING
- Risk factors preceding type 2 diabetes and cardiomyopathy
- Arterial Stiffness is Related to Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Calcium-phosphate Metabolism in Haemodialysis Patients
- The AGING of the heart and blood vessels: a consideration of anatomy and physiology in the era of computed tomography, magnetic resonance imAGING, and positron …
- The role of GLYCATION and glycoxidation of low-density lipoproteins in foam cell formation.
- Mechanisms linking diabetes mellitus to the development of atherosclerosis: a role for endoplasmic reticulum stress and glycogen synthase kinase-3
- Development of an oral fluid assay for the detection of uncontrolled diabetics using glycated albumin as a marker
- Body weight control by a high-carbohydrate/low-fat diet slows the progression of diabetic kidney damage in an obese, hypertensive, type 2 diabetic rat model
- Mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetes: from molecular mechanisms to functional significance and therapeutic opportunities
- Sweet heart–contributions of metabolism in the development of heart failure in diabetes mellitus
- Murine models to investigate the influence of diabetic metabolism on the development of atherosclerosis and restenosis
- Recent advances in diabetic nephropathy
- Novel pharmacological treatments for heart failure
- Current perspectives on cardiac function in patients with diastolic heart failure
- Agents that modulate peritoneal membrane structure and function
- Laboratory forum: experimental models of Peyronie’s disease. Implications for new therapies
- Renal effects of C-peptide in experimental type-1 diabetes mellitus
- Erectile dysfunction in the type II diabetic db/db mouse: impaired venoocclusion with altered cavernosal vasoreactivity and MATRIX
- A mechanistic strain energy function and experimental results for the human annulus fibrosus
- Diastolic dysfunction and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: rationale for RAAS antagonist/CCB combination therapy
- Evolving pandemic diabetic nephropathy
- Vascular pharmacology: opportunities for intervention
- Clinical and therapeutic aspects of diabetic nephropathy
- Basic Mechanisms Mediating Cardiomyopathy and Heart Failure in AGING
- Current therapies and emerging targets for the treatment of diabetes
- Subclinical left ventricular dysfunction in hypertension and diabetes assessed by tissue Doppler imAGING
- Structure-function relationships in soft tissue mechanics: Examining how the micro-scale architecture of biochemical constituents effects health
- Ultrasonic delineation of aortic microstructure: the relative contribution of elastin and collagen to aortic elasticity
- Oxidative Stress in Diabetes-A Key Therapeutic Agent
- Ambulatory monitoring of the cardiovascular system: the role of pulse wave velocity
- The impact of the diabetic state on gingival tissues: The role of tetracyclines in disease management
- The relationship between the continuum of elevated adiposity, hyperinsulinemia, and type 2 diabetes and late-onset Alzheimer’s disease: An epidemiological …
- Mechanisms in protein O-glycan biosynthesis and clinical and molecular aspects of protein O-glycan biosynthesis defects: a review
- Targeting the protein kinase C family in the diabetic kidney: lessons from analysis of mutant mice
- Progress towards medical bioremediation by enzymatic transformation of 7-ketocholesterol and the pyridinium bisretinoid A2E
- Pathogenesis of renal microvascular complications in diabetes mellitus
- Preservation of protein in marine systems: Hydrophobic and other noncovalent associations as major stabilizing forces
- Reduced wall compliance suppresses Akt-dependent apoptosis protection stimulated by pulse perfusion
- Chasing the wave. Unfashionable but important new concepts in arterial wave travel
- A mechanical model of porcine vascular tissues-Part II: Stress–strain and mechanical properties of juvenile porcine blood vessels
- KIOM-79 prevents S100b-induced TGF-β1 and fibronectin expression in mouse mesangial cells
- 11 Diagnosis and assessment of non-pulmonary arterial hypertension masquerading as idiopathic pulmonary arterial
- Interplay between impaired calcium regulation and insulin signaling abnormalities in diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Preventive strategies for diabetic nephropathy
- Intracellular substrate cleavage: a novel dimension in the biochemistry, biology and pathology of MATRIX metalloproteinases
- Micronutrients that decrease endogenous toxins, a strategy for disease prevention
- Endogenous secretory RAGE as a novel biomarker for metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases
- Clinical studies on coronary revascularization in patients with type 2 diabetes
- The diabetic, hypertensive heart: epidemiology and mechanisms of a very high-risk situation
- Novel insights in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy
- Rationale for a metabolic approach in diabetic coronary patients
- Atrial remodeling and atrial fibrillation: mechanistic interactions and clinical implications
- Nephrin in diabetes and in diabetes-related conditions: Emphasis on urinary proteins immunoreactive with nephrin antibodies
- Arterial stiffness and subclinical atherosclerosis in elderly participants from the Cardiovascular Health Study
- Heart failure with normal left ventricular ejection fraction
- Hypertension and Diabetes: A Dangerous Liaison
- Omega-3 fatty acid rich diet prevents diabetic renal disease
- The effect of age and ovarian hormones on skeletal muscle contractility and myosin in female mice
- Methylglyoxal-induced increase in peroxynitrite and inflammation related to diabetes
- The effects of strength training on arterial structure and function in middle-aged and older adults
- Acute effects of interferon-alpha administration on testosterone concentrations in healthy men
- Biogenesis and metabolism of Alzheimer’s disease Aβ amyloid peptides
- Ageing: biology and nutrition
- Characterization of the Alzheimer´ s disease-associated clac protein
- Retinal blood flow and vascular reactivity in diabetic retinopathy
- Impact of Oxidative Stress on Diabetes Mellitus and Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
- Applied healthspan engineering
- Mechanical and structural changes in diabetic rat peripheral nerve collagens
- Calcified splenic artery
- Bibliography Current World Literature Vol 19 No 4 July 2004
- Fisiopatología de la nefropatía diabética
- Diabetic nephropathy: diagnosis, prevention, and treatment
- Effect of telmisartan on expression of protein kinase C‐α in kidneys of diabetic mice1
- Clinical presentation, treatment, and prognosis of heart failure in diabetes
- Candidate Genes for Late Diabetic Complications
- Diabetic vascular disease: from endothelial dysfunction to atherosclerosis
- Rôle du système rénine-angiotensine intrarénal dans l’hypertension et les dommages rénaux chez les souris transgéniques diabétiques
- The effect of blood glucose on the vasculature in young patients with type 1 diabetes
- Myocardial infarction, heart failure and sympathetic nervous system activity: new pharmacological approaches that affect neurohumoral activation
- Beta amyloid peptide: from different aggregation forms to the activation of different biochemical pathways
- Relationship between Insulin Resistance and Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction
- Uremic toxins
- Protective effect of calcium dobesilate against inflammation and oxidative/nitrosative stress in the retina of a diabetic rat model
- Mechanisms underlying changes in microvascular blood flow in a diabetic rat model: relevance to tissue repair
- Textbook of pathology
- Effects of AGING and exercise training on structural and vasoconstrictor properties of skeletal muscle arterioles
- Cardiovascular dysfunction in Zucker obese and Zucker diabetic fatty rats: role of hydronephrosis
- Biomechanics of the Lens Capsule from Native to After Cataract Surgery
- The structural basis of arterial stiffness and its relationship to cardiovascular outcome
- Angiotensin II contributes to arterial compliance in congestive heart failure
- Enhancement of fruit shelf life by suppressing N-glycan processing enzymes
- Age-related changes in vascular structure and function Determinants and cardiovascular risk
- Renal immunology and pathology
- The amyloid‐β peptide and its role in Alzheimer’s disease
- Current Therapies and Emerging Targets for the Treatment of Diabetes
- Arterial stiffness, functional decline and mortality risk in older adults
- Substrate Metabolism in the Diabetic Heart: Relationship to the Observed Cardiac Dysfunction and the Significance of Putative Mechanisms in the Control of …
- Detection of Deoxyribonucleic Acid Damage Induced by Metal Ion Interactions and Repair of Metal Ion Deoxyribonucleic Acid Cross-links
- To what extent can coronary calcification and arterial stiffness be influenced by the nephrologist?
- Ultrastructural Dynamics of Human Reproduction, from Ovulation to Fertilization and Early Embryo Development1
- Hormones, autacoids, neurotransmitters and growth factors
- The Influence of Exercise on Inflammation and IGF-1 Signaling in Diabetes
- 10 Vitamin B6
- Comprehensive assessment and pulsed electromagnetic therapy for diabetic peripheral neuropathy
- Emerging drugs for renal failure
- Heart failure: A combined medical and surgical approach
- Michael R. Graham, Julien S. Baker
- The Effects of Weight Gain and Atorvastatin Treatment on Arterial Stiffness
- Causes and diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: a proteomics approach
- Revisiting methods for assessing and comparing left ventricular diastolic stiffness: impact of relaxation, external forces, hypertrophy, and comparators
- Agarwal MR, Feldon SE, Nguyen V. Clinical Features of Graves’ Ophthalmopathy in a Latino Incidence Cohort. E-337. Agarwal N, Patel N, Cai ZY, Covey D, Simpkins …
- Rapid Review Biochemistry E-Book
- Molecular genetics
- Emerging affinity-based techniques in proteomics
- Mineral metabolism
- Insights into structure and dynamics of MATRIX metalloproteinase-9
- Viscoelastic behavior of small intestine in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
- Anthraquinones inhibit tau aggregation and dissolve Alzheimer’s paired helical filaments in vitro and in cells
- The Bimodal Features of Butyrylcholinesterase in Cholinergic Neurotransmission and Amyloid Suppression
- Pharmacotherapeutic targets in Alzheimer’s disease
- Pharmacological treatment of Alzheimer disease: from psychotropic drugs and cholinesterase inhibitors to pharmacogenomics
- Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6340
- The effects of acute muscle damage and autoimmune disease on vascular function: The potential role of inflammation
- WSLB01–Macrophages, Neutrophils and other Myeloid Cells
- Diabetes mellitus: pathophysiology, etiologies, complications, management, and laboratory evaluation: special topics in diagnostic testing
- Misfolding of the prion protein: linking biophysical and biological approaches
- Beta-amyloid/plasma lipoprotein interactions: Implications got vascular damage
- Interaction of viruses with human joint material
- Pulse transit time and the pulse wave contour as measured by photoplethysmography: the effect of drugs and exercise
- Influence of glycemic control on the development of diabetic cardiovascular and kidney disease
- The role of Rab GTPases in cell wall metabolism
- Studies of vascular function in patients with heart failure and either preserved or reduced left ventricular systolic function
- In vitro modelling of neurodegeneration and neuroprotection specific for Alzheimer’s disease in cell cultures
- Evaluation of the ability of antioxidants to counteract lipid oxidation: Existing methods, new trends and challenges
- The development and use of a new animal model for inflammatory bowel disease
- Biogenesis of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase isoforms 5a and 5b in cell and animal models
- Structural elements that regulate interactions between the EXTRACELLULAR and transmembrane domains of human nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase …
- Synthesis and biological activity of gramicidin S analogues containing constrained phenylalanines
- Protein aggregation: A perspective from amyloid and inclusion-body formation
- Strength and compassion in kidney failure: writings of Mildred (Barry) Friedman, professional kidney patient
- Growing bone
- Prediction of factors determining changes in stability in protein mutants
- Biomechanics, biochemistry, and molecular biology of a molluscan scleroprotein elastomer: whelk egg capsules
- Engineering Cell Function by RNA Interference
- Survey of the year 2003 commercial optical biosensor literature
- The cloning and analysis of LEK1 identifies variations in the LEK/centromere protein F/mitosin gene family
- Molecular aspects of ripening-and stress-related protein metabolism in higher plants
- Food proteins: properties and characterization
- Pathogenic interactions between the amyloid β-protein and cerebrovascular smooth muscle cells
- BIOT 1 Investigation of the use of FACS in cell line development
- Diffusion of protease inhibitors in the muscle cell
- Molecular cloning and characterization of the beta-subunit of tomato fruit polygalacturonase isoenzyme 1
- Characterization of growth hormone induced signal transduction intermediates in liver, kidney, and fat of “Dwarf” and “Giant” mice
- The phagotrophic origin of eukaryotes and phylogenetic classification of Protozoa.
- Targeted siRNA carrier systems for the treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML)
- … G2, to Achieve High Level Active Enzyme Expression at the Plasma Membrane of Tumour Cells, Facilitating Localised Extra-Cellular Prodrug Activation and …
- Industrial fermentation: principles, processes, and products
- The secreted aspartic proteinases of Candida albicans: a thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Institute …
- Single chain antibodies against the 37 kDa/67 kDa laminin receptor as tools for prion diseases therapy
- Peptides for Youth: The Proceedings of the 20th American Peptide Symposium
- Biotechnology for New Zealand engineers: A review.
- HIF-1α modulates energy metabolism in cancer cells by inducing over-expression of specific glycolytic isoforms
- The Molecular Basis of Familial Danish Dementia
- Interaction studies between biocompatible polymers and amyloid-B peptides
- Intracellular pathways involved in formation and degradation of prions
- Vertebrate membrane proteins: structure, function, and insights from biophysical approaches
- Natural protein motifs and their use in design
- Importance of methionine 35 in free radical-associated mechanisms of Alzheimer’s amyloid beta-peptide neurotoxicity, and experimental rationale for the use …
- Microarrays and mass spectrometry-the future of proteomics
- Abstracts, Division of Biological Chemistry, 219th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, March 26− 30, 2000
- Aggregation of therapeutic proteins
- The design, synthesis and evaluation of affinity ligands for prion proteins
- Aptamers for proteomics
- Analysis of the Molecular Basis of the Conversion and Aggregation of Prion Proteins induced by Oxidative Stress
- The 37kDa/67kDa laminin receptor as a therapeutic target in prion diseases: potency of antisense LRP RNA, siRNAs specific for LRP mRNA and a LRP decoy mutant
- Anti-viral immunity in Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes
- Development of ss DNA aptamers for c-Myc: Max by SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by Exponential Enrichment)
- Hydrophobic Interaction Chromatography of Carbohydrates and Glycoconjugates
- Bioactivity and structure of biophenols as mediators of chronic diseases
- Engineering the bioelectronic interface: applications to analyte biosensing and protein detection
- Peptide Design Considerations
- 1. Teaching Evolution through Evo-Devo. Scott F. Gilbert. Swarth
- Structure-function analysis of Phytophthora parasitica elicitins
- Studies of the refolding processes of recombinant growth hormones
- 12 Sugar and abscisic acid regulation of germination and transition to seedling growth
- Maternal and placental adaptations to hypoxia
- Cloning and expression analysis of tomato abscission cell wall hydrolases
- Interaction of deamidated soluble wheat protein (SWP) with other food proteins and metals
- DNase 1 hypersensitive sites in rabbit cytochrome P-450IIC subfamily genes and binding of liver nuclear proteins
- Industrial fermentation: principles, processes, and products
- Evaluation of some food processing by-products as sources for natural antioxidants
- The Role of Glycoprotein H in Varicella-Zoster Virus Pathogenesis
- Evaluation of some food processing by-products as sources for natural antioxidants Untersuchung und Charakterisierung von Nebenprodukten der …
- Synthesis of irisquinone and analogues: Evaluation of their anti-cancer properties
- The Effects of Cholesterol on the Structure and Function of
- Characterization of RNA aptamers that bind to HIV-1 gp120
- Intracellular pathways in prion peptide trafficking
- Colour changes during chilling of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) fruit, surface topology of injury and some physiological changes
- The role of collagen crosslinks in ageing and diabetes-the good, the bad, and the ugly
- Potential clinical utility of advanced GLYCATION end product cross-link BREAKERs in age-and diabetes-associated disorders
- Protein GLYCATION during AGING and in cardiovascular disease
- Role of advanced GLYCATION end products in cardiovascular disease
- Attenuating effects of Ganoderma lucidum polysaccharides on myocardial collagen cross-linking relates to advanced GLYCATION end product and antioxidant enzymes …
- The impact of AGING on cardiac EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX
- Advanced GLYCATION end products mediated cellular and molecular events in the pathology of diabetic nephropathy
- An update on advanced GLYCATION endproducts and atherosclerosis
- Emerging role of advanced GLYCATION-end products (AGEs) in the pathobiology of eye diseases
- Advanced GLYCATION end products: key players in skin AGING?
- Advanced GLYCATION end products: role in pathology of diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Advanced GLYCATION end products: association with the pathogenesis of diseases and the current therapeutic advances
- Cardiac fibroblast-dependent EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX accumulation is associated with diastolic stiffness in type 2 diabetes
- Molecular basis of arterial stiffening: role of GLYCATION–a mini-review
- Involvement of advanced GLYCATION end products in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy
- Advanced GLYCATION end product associated skin autofluorescence: a mirror of vascular function?
- Exercise training initiated in late middle age attenuates cardiac fibrosis and advanced GLYCATION end-product accumulation in senescent rats
- The role of nonenzymatic GLYCATION and carbonyls in collagen cross-linking for the treatment of keratoconus
- Proinflammation: the key to arterial AGING
- Molecular mechanisms of AGE/RAGE-mediated fibrosis in the diabetic heart
- A fast and mild decellularization protocol for obtaining EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX
- Age-related vascular stiffening: causes and consequences
- Therapeutic interventions against accumulation of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs)
- Potential of collagen cross-linking therapies to mediate tendon mechanical properties
- Molecular effects of advanced GLYCATION end products on cell signalling pathways, ageing and pathophysiology
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products: a common pathway in diabetes and age-related erectile dysfunction
- Large elastic artery stiffness with AGING: novel translational mechanisms and interventions
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic complications
- Effects of alagebrium, an advanced GLYCATION endproduct BREAKER, on exercise tolerance and cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure
- Age-related intimal stiffening enhances endothelial permeability and leukocyte transmigration
- Pharmacological control of receptor of advanced GLYCATION end-products and its biological effects in psoriasis
- GLYCATION stress and photo-AGING in skin
- Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and cardiovascular dysfunction: focus on high molecular weight AGEs
- Mechanistic targeting of advanced GLYCATION end-products in age-related diseases
- Advanced GLYCATION end products
- Naturally occurring inhibitors against the formation of advanced GLYCATION end-products
- Advanced GLYCATION end products: a link between periodontitis and diabetes mellitus?
- Targeting EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX stiffness to attenuate disease: From molecular mechanisms to clinical trials
- AGING and ocular tissue stiffness in glaucoma
- Implication of advanced GLYCATION end products (Ages) and their receptor (Rage) on myocardial contractile and mitochondrial functions
- The Effect of Advanced GLYCATION End Products (AGE) BREAKER, Alagebrium on the Cardiac Structural and Functional Change in Type I Diabetic Rat Model
- Current therapeutic interventions in the GLYCATION pathway: evidence from clinical studies
- Significance of advanced GLYCATION end-products (AGE) and the receptor for AGE (RAGE) in diabetic nephropathy
- AGING and cardiac fibrosis
- Limited joint mobility (LJM) in elderly subjects with type II diabetes mellitus
- Effect of GLYCATION inhibitors on AGING and age-related diseases
- The AGE-RAGE axis: implications for age-associated arterial diseases
- Current perspectives on the health risks associated with the consumption of advanced GLYCATION end products: recommendations for dietary management
- Soft-tissue wound healing by anti-advanced GLYCATION end-products agents
- Relationship of advanced GLYCATION end products with cardiovascular disease in menopausal women
- Advanced GLYCATION End-products (AGEs): an emerging concern for processed food industries
- Chelation: a fundamental mechanism of action of AGE inhibitors, AGE BREAKERs, and other inhibitors of diabetes complications
- Natural products as anti-GLYCATION agents: possible therapeutic potential for diabetic complications
- Pharmacologic approaches against advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) in diabetic cardiovascular disease
- Do advanced GLYCATION end products and its receptor play a role in pathophysiology of hypertension?
- Advanced GLYCATION Endproducts,(AGEs): Formation, Complication and Pharmacological Evaluation to Its Inhibition
- Tissue taurine depletion induces profibrotic pattern of gene expression and causes AGING-related cardiac fibrosis in heart in mice
- GLYCATION: Implication in perceived age and dermatology
- The accumulation of the glycoxidation product Nε-carboxymethyllysine in Cardiac Tissues with age, diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease
- Phytochemicals against advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and the receptor system
- Natural inhibitors of advanced GLYCATION end‐products
- The effects of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) on dermal wound healing and scar formation: a systematic review
- Cross-linking versus RAGE: How do high molecular weight advanced GLYCATION products induce cardiac dysfunction?
- The pathogenic role of Maillard reaction in the AGING eye
- Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs): Emerging mediators of skin AGING
- N‐Phenacylthiazolium Bromide Inhibits the Advanced GLYCATION End Product (AGE)–AGE Receptor Axis to Modulate Experimental Periodontitis in Rats
- Therapeutic interventions for advanced GLYCATION-end products and its receptor-mediated cardiovascular disease
- Early-and advanced non-enzymatic GLYCATION in diabetic vascular complications: the search for therapeutics
- Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: emerging drug strategies
- The axis AGE-RAGE-soluble RAGE and oxidative stress in chronic kidney disease
- Dynamic changes in myocardial MATRIX and relevance to disease: translational perspectives
- AGE–RAGE stress, stressors, and antistressors in health and disease
- Role of AGEs-RAGE system in cardiovascular disease
- Normalizing aberrant vasculature characteristics generated by elevated EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX stiffness
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic retinopathy
- AGING and the cardiac collagen MATRIX: Novel mediators of fibrotic remodelling
- Advanced GLYCATION end products: a molecular target for vascular complications in diabetes
- Plasma advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and NF-κB activity are independent determinants of diastolic and pulse pressure
- Disruption of collagen homeostasis can reverse established age-related myocardial fibrosis
- Role of advanced GLYCATION end products in carcinogenesis and their therapeutic implications
- Advanced GLYCATION Endproducts in AGING Skin
- Diabetes-induced alterations in the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX and their impact on myocardial function
- Role of tissue transglutaminase in age-associated ventricular stiffness
- Alagebrium in combination with exercise ameliorates age-associated ventricular and vascular stiffness
- Transglutaminse 2 and EGGL, the protein cross-link formed by transglutaminse 2, as therapeutic targets for disabilities of old age
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and diabetic retinopathy
- GLYCATION, carbonyl stress and AGEs inhibitors: a patent review
- Glycoxidative stress in AGING and pathology
- To AGE or not to age. The effect of physical activity and advanced GLYCATION end-products (AGEs) on the vasculature in older individuals
- Dichotomous mechanisms of aortic stiffening in high‐fat diet fed young and old B 6 D 2 F 1 mice
- The role of advanced GLYCATION end-products in the development of coronary artery disease in patients with and without diabetes mellitus: a review
- Targeting advanced GLYCATION with pharmaceutical agents: where are we now?
- Evaluation of tissue accumulation levels of advanced GLYCATION end products by skin autofluorescence: a novel marker of vascular complications in high-risk patients …
- Arterial stiffness and cardiovascular therapy
- Dietary advanced GLYCATION end-products: molecular mechanisms and preventive tools
- Effects of alagebrium, an AGE BREAKER, on exercise tolerance and cardiac function in patients with chronic heart failure
- Advanced GLYCATION end products upregulate lysyl oxidase and endothelin-1 in human aortic endothelial cells via parallel activation of ERK1/2–NF-κB and JNK–AP-1 …
- Glycated lysine residues: a marker for non-enzymatic protein GLYCATION in age-related diseases
- Betanin reduces the accumulation and cross-links of collagen in high-fructose-fed rat heart through inhibiting non-enzymatic GLYCATION
- Diabetes, AGING, and their tissue complications
- Mechanical regulation of cardiac AGING in model systems
- Alagebrium attenuates methylglyoxal induced oxidative stress and AGE formation in H9C2 cardiac myocytes
- Pathologic role of dietary advanced GLYCATION end products in cardiometabolic disorders, and therapeutic intervention
- The role of GLYCATION in the pathogenesis of AGING and its prevention through herbal products and physical exercise
- Effects of alagebrium, an AGE BREAKER, in patients with chronic heart failure: study design and baseline characteristics of the BENEFICIAL trial
- Targeting Fibrosis for the Treatment of Heart Failure: A Role for Transforming Growth Factor‐β
- KIOM-79, an inhibitor of AGEs–protein cross-linking, prevents progression of nephropathy in Zucker diabetic fatty rats
- AGING: Drugs to eliminate methylglyoxal, a reactive glucose metabolite, and advanced GLYCATION endproducts
- Glycated proteome: From reaction to intervention
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products produced systemically and by macrophages: A common contributor to inflammation and degenerative diseases
- Sodium nitrite de-stiffening of large elastic arteries with AGING: role of normalization of advanced GLYCATION end-products
- Advanced GLYCATION end product accumulation in the cardiomyocytes of heart failure patients with and without diabetes
- Consequences of advanced GLYCATION end products accumulation in chronic kidney disease and clinical usefulness of their assessment using a non-invasive …
- Targeting advanced GLYCATION endproducts and mitochondrial dysfunction in cardiovascular disease
- New Approach to Preventing and Treating Diabetes Mellitus: Focus on Advanced GLYCATION End Products (AGE)
- Abnormal levels of age-elastin derived peptides in sera of diabetic patients with arterial hypertension
- Inhibitory effect of gallic acid on advanced GLYCATION end products induced up-regulation of inflammatory cytokines and MATRIX proteins in H9C2 (2-1) cells
- AGE-RAGE axis blockade in diabetic nephropathy: current status and future directions
- A simple method to detect plant based inhibitors of GLYCATION induced protein cross-linking
- Collagen cross-linking but not collagen amount associates with elevated filling pressures in hypertensive patients with stage C heart failure: potential role of lysyl …
- Receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products (RAGE): novel biomarker and therapeutic target for atrial fibrillation
- Advanced GLYCATION end products in the pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease
- RAGE and TGF-β1 cross-talk regulate EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX turnover and cytokine synthesis in AGEs exposed fibroblast cells
- Advanced GLYCATION end products inhibitor
- Pharmacological modulation of arterial stiffness
- The presence of fructosamine in human aortic valves is associated with valve stiffness
- Effects of EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX Stiffness on Muscle Fiber Mechanotransduction Signaling in Aged Rats
- Endurance Exercise Training Attenuates Fibrosis and Collagen Cross-linking in Myocardium of Aged Rats
- The role of collagen metabolism in CKD-associated arterial senescence: underestimated and underappreciated
- The role of titin and EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX remodelling in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
- Glycoxidation and wound healing in diabetes: an interesting relationship
- Advanced GLYCATION end‐products accelerate the cardiac AGING process through the receptor for advanced GLYCATION end‐products/transforming growth factor‐β‐Smad …
- … management and cosmetic skincare solutions against oxidative GLYCATION and free-radical production as a causal mechanism of diabetic complications and skin AGING
- GLYCATION research in amino acids: a place to call home
- Dicarbonyls and advanced GLYCATION end-products in the development of diabetic complications and targets for intervention
- The role of AGE/RAGE signaling in diabetes-mediated vascular calcification
- Effects of maturation and advanced GLYCATION on tensile mechanics of collagen fibrils from rat tail and Achilles tendons
- Molecular strategies to prevent, inhibit, and degrade advanced glycoxidation and advanced lipoxidation end products
- IgG GLYCATION and diabetes: a review
- Kidney, heart and brain: three organs targeted by ageing and GLYCATION
- The effect of 1 year of Alagebrium and moderate-intensity exercise training on left ventricular function during exercise in seniors: a randomized controlled trial
- Uremic toxicity of advanced GLYCATION end products in CKD
- Fibrosis, enzymatic and non-enzymatic cross-links in hypertensive heart disease
- Sex differences in the association of skin advanced GLYCATION endproducts with knee osteoarthritis progression
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts: from precursors to RAGE: round and round we go
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products induce basement membrane hypertrophy in endoneurial microvessels and disrupt the blood–nerve barrier by stimulating …
- Basic and clinical research against advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs): new compounds to tackle cardiovascular disease and diabetic complications
- Influence of advanced GLYCATION endproducts on neuronal plasticity
- Cardiac AGING–a review
- Mitigation of diabetes-related complications in implanted collagen and elastin scaffolds using MATRIX-binding polyphenol
- More than genes and cells: drug discovery in the ECM
- Evaluate the effect of Withania somnifera methanolic extracts as in-vitro antiglycating agents
- Soluble receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products and increased aortic stiffness in the general population
- Diabetes, non-enzymatic GLYCATION, and AGING
- Role of advanced GLYCATION end products in mobility and considerations in possible dietary and nutritional intervention strategies
- Ellagic acid inhibits non-enzymatic GLYCATION and prevents proteinuria in diabetic rats
- Targeting AGEs signaling ameliorates central nervous system diabetic complications in rats
- Cardiovascular effects of 1 year of alagebrium and endurance exercise training in healthy older individuals
- Reduction of advanced-GLYCATION end products levels and inhibition of RAGE signaling decreases rat vascular calcification induced by diabetes
- The status of GLYCATION in protein aggregation
- Ramipril inhibits AGE-RAGE-induced MATRIX metalloproteinase-2 activation in experimental diabetic nephropathy
- Remodeling of the rat distal colon in diabetes: function and ultrastructure
- Stimulatory effects of non-enzymatic GLYCATION on fibronectin MATRIX assembly
- Glucose as an agent of post-translational modification in diabetes—New cardiac epigenetic insights
- Fully Atomistic Modelling of Collagen Cross-linking
- Nonenzymatic glycosylation: A biochemical link between chronic hyperglycemia and pathophysiologic processes associated with diabetic complications and AGING …
- Advanced GLYCATION/glycoxidation endproduct carboxymethyl-lysine and incidence of coronary heart disease and stroke in older adults
- Neurite regeneration in adult rat retinas exposed to advanced GLYCATION end-products and regenerative effects of neurotrophin-4
- RAGE and cardiovascular disease
- Structural alterations in arterial stiffness: role of arterial fibrosis
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts in diabetes and diabetic complications
- Chelation therapy for the management of diabetic complications: a hypothesis and a proposal for clinical laboratory assessment of metal ion homeostasis in plasma
- Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) in diabetic complications
- Localised micro-mechanical stiffening in the ageing aorta
- Role of hyperglycemia-induced advanced GLYCATION end product (AGE) accumulation in atherosclerosis
- Functional effects of alagebrium (alt-711)–isolated rat carotid artery
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products are associated with the presence and severity of paratonia in early stage Alzheimer disease
- Effect of type 2 diabetes-related non-enzymatic GLYCATION on bone biomechanical properties
- 21. GLYCATION-An imperative target in diabetes and complications
- The AGE–RAGE pathway and its relation to cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease
- Oxidation as an important factor of protein damage: Implications for Maillard reaction
- GLYCATION, antiGLYCATION, and deGLYCATION: Their role in AGING mechanisms and geroprotective effects (literature review)
- An anti-glycating property roots ethanol and methanol extracts of Withania somnifera on in vitro GLYCATION of elastin protein
- Vitamin B6: beyond coenzyme functions
- Diabetes-induced cardiovascular disease
- N-phenacylthiazolium bromide reduces bone fragility induced by nonenzymatic GLYCATION
- Therapeutic agents targeting at AGE-RAGE axis for the treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease: a review of clinical evidence
- Stiffening of the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX in skeletal muscle of aged rats and the effect on muscle fiber mechanotransduction
- Vascular stiffness and increased pulse pressure in the AGING cardiovascular system
- Nitrite modification of EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX alters CD46 expression and VEGF release in human retinal pigment epithelium
- Advanced GLYCATION endproduct changes to Bruch’s membrane promotes lipoprotein retention by lipoprotein lipase
- Vascular effects of advanced GLYCATION endproducts: clinical effects and molecular mechanisms
- Linking RAGE and Nox in diabetic micro-and macrovascular complications
- Decreasing Arterial Stiffness and/or Wave Reflections Independently of Mean Arterial Pressure: Effect of Non-antihypertensive Drugs (Part 2)
- Diabetes mellitus: novel insights, analysis and interpretation of pathophysiology and complications management with imidazole-containing peptidomimetic …
- Role of receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products (RAGE) and its ligands in cancer risk
- Vascular mechanics in decellularized aortas and coronary resistance microvessels in type 2 diabetic db/db mice
- Novel in Vitro Modification of Bone for an Allograft with Improved Toughness Osteoconductivity
- Oxidative stress in early diabetic nephropathy: fueling the fire
- RAGE biology, atherosclerosis and diabetes
- Increased collagen, per se, may not affect left ventricular function in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Mechanisms of arterial remodeling: lessons from genetic diseases
- Coronary microvascular disease as an early culprit in the pathophysiology of diabetes and metabolic syndrome
- Arterial stiffness and wave reflections in relation to plasma advanced GLYCATION end products in a Chinese population
- A glimpse of various pathogenetic mechanisms of diabetic nephropathy
- Glycoxidation of biological macromolecules: a critical approach to halt the menace of GLYCATION
- Recent insights into diabetic renal injury from the db/db mouse model of type 2 diabetic nephropathy
- Skin autofluorescence and pentosidine are associated with aortic stiffening: The Maastricht Study
- AGING-Associated Alterations in Myocardial Inflammation and Fibrosis: Pathophysiological Perspectives and Clinical Implications
- Advanced GLYCATION end products in diabetes mellitus: mechanism of action and focused treatment
- What are new avenues for renal protection, in addition to RAAS inhibition?
- Optic nerve head biomechanics in AGING and disease
- Jakyakgamcho-tang and Its major component, paeonia lactiflora, exhibit potent anti-GLYCATION properties
- Relationship between tissue GLYCATION measured by autofluorescence and pulse wave velocity in young and elderly non-diabetic populations
- Methylglyoxal and Other AGEs: Good and Bad Dual Role in the Body
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: pathophysiology and clinical features
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products and skin autofluorescence in end-stage renal disease: a review
- The clinical usefulness of glycated albumin in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease: Progress and challenges
- Integrating the myocardial MATRIX into heart failure recognition and management
- Proinflammation of AGING central arteries: a mini-review
- Alagebrium inhibits neointimal hyperplasia and restores distributions of wall shear stress by reducing downstream vascular resistance in obese and diabetic rats
- Impact of non-enzymatic GLYCATION in neurodegenerative diseases: Role of natural products in prevention
- AGE-RAGE Axis in the AGING and Diabetic Heart
- A potential role for glycated cross-links in abdominal aortic aneurysm disease
- Recent development of plant products with anti-GLYCATION activity: a review
- The role of titin and EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX remodelling in HFpEF
- Inhibition of advanced GLYCATION end product formation by cymene–A common food constituent
- Effect of ageing on left ventricular compliance and distensibility in healthy sedentary humans
- Predictive value of advanced GLYCATION end products for the development of post-infarction heart failure: a preliminary report
- DNA-aptamers raised against AGEs as a blocker of various AGING-related disorders
- Therapeutic modification of arterial stiffness: an update and comprehensive review
- Arterial Stiffness and Hypertension–Which Comes First?
- Inhibition of miR-25 aggravates diabetic peripheral neuropathy
- AGE-RAGE Axis in the AGING and Diabetic Heart: Prime Target for Adjunctive Therapeutic Intervention
- How AGEs cause disease: cellular mechanisms
- Natural antioxidant polyphenols on inflammation management: Anti-GLYCATION activity vs metalloproteinases inhibition
- In vitro GLYCATION of an endothelialized and innervated tissue-engineered skin to screen anti-AGE molecules
- Emerging role of post-translational modifications in chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease
- Altered enzyme mechanokinetic cleavage of type I collagen following GLYCATION
- The AGE-BREAKER ALT-711 restores high blood flow–dependent remodeling in mesenteric resistance arteries in a rat model of type 2 diabetes
- Arterial stiffness gradient
- Treatment of arterial remodeling in essential hypertension
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: a hyperglycaemia-and insulin-resistance-induced heart disease
- Accumulation of Advanced GLYCATION End Products, Measured by Skin Auto-fluorescence is Associated with Presence and Number of Diabetes Complications; …
- AGEs and chronic subclinical inflammation in diabetes: disorders of immune system
- Targeting the AGE‐RAGE axis improves renal function in the context of a healthy diet low in advanced GLYCATION end‐product content
- Proteome wide reduction in AGE modification in streptozotocin induced diabetic mice by hydralazine mediated transGLYCATION
- Is increased arterial stiffness a cause or consequence of atherosclerosis?
- The mechanisms of inhibition of advanced GLYCATION end products formation through polyphenols in hyperglycemic condition
- The role of advanced GLYCATION end products on sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium handling during diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Diabetic cardiovascular disease induced by oxidative stress
- Molecular mechanisms of diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Inhalation therapy for repairing damaged elastin fibers and decelerating elastinolysis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- The diverse ligand repertoire of the receptor for advanced GLYCATION endproducts and pathways to the complications of diabetes
- A Potential Mechanism for Diabetic Wound Healing: Cutaneous Environmental Disorders
- Baking, ageing, diabetes: a short history of the Maillard reaction
- Compromised mechanical homeostasis in arterial AGING and associated cardiovascular consequences
- Therapeutic potential of DNA-aptamers raised against AGE-RAGE axis in diabetes-related complications
- Mechanistic insight of diabetic nephropathy and its pharmacotherapeutic targets: an update
- Cellular mechanisms for diastolic dysfunction in the human heart
- DamAGING effects of hyperglycemia on cardiovascular function: spotlight on glucose metabolic pathways
- Lifelong cyclic mechanical strain promotes large elastic artery stiffening: increased pulse pressure and old age-related organ failure
- AGEs and cardiovascular diseases in patients with end-stage renal diseases
- Cardiovascular calcifications in old age: mechanisms and clinical implications
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: the case for a role of fructose in disease etiology
- The influence of disease and age on human cardiac stem cells
- Arterial stiffness
- Future treatment of hypertension: shifting the focus from blood pressure lowering to arterial stiffness modulation?
- Abundance, localization, and functional correlates of the advanced GLYCATION end‐product carboxymethyl lysine in human myocardium
- Arterial stiffening: Causes and consequences
- Tuning a 96-well microtiter plate fluorescence-based assay to identify AGE inhibitors in crude plant extracts
- Diastolic heart failure: progress, treatment challenges, and prevention
- Renoprotective antioxidant effect of alagebrium in experimental diabetes
- Mechanisms Involved in Premature AGING in the Heart—Is There an Implication for Cardiac Surgery?
- Parkinsonism-associated protein DJ-1/Park7 is a major protein deglycase that repairs methylglyoxal-and glyoxal-glycated cysteine, arginine, and lysine residues
- Pulse pressure partially explains the higher incidence of cardiovascular disease associated with advanced GLYCATION endproducts and low-grade inflammation …
- Effect of diet-derived advanced GLYCATION end products on inflammation
- Glucose-induced cell signaling in the pathogenesis of diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Recent advances in understanding the biochemical and molecular mechanism of diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Advanced GLYCATION end products are direct modulators of β-cell function
- Novel therapies in acute and chronic heart failure
- Arterial stiffness, vascular calcification and bone metabolism in chronic kidney disease
- Dietary interventions to reduce advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs)
- Delayed intervention with AGE inhibitors attenuates the progression of diabetes-accelerated atherosclerosis in diabetic apolipoprotein E knockout mice
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: understanding the molecular and cellular basis to progress in diagnosis and treatment
- AGE and RAGE: Hazardous to the Mind?
- Study of GLYCATION and drug induced protein CROSSLINKING
- Hemoglobin A1c and arterial and ventricular stiffness in older adults
- In vitro study of GLYCATION of pyruvate kinase and its effect on activity and proteolytic resistance in absence and presence of aminoguanidine
- Role of Amino Acids on Prevention of Nonenzymatic GLYCATION of Lens Proteins in Senile and Diabetic Cataract
- Dietary glycotoxins and infant formulas
- Amadori albumin in diabetic nephropathy
- Quantifying analysis of advanced glycosylation end products (ages) expression in periodontitis patients with diabetes type II
- Dynamic Changes in Myocardial MATRIX and Relevance to Disease
- Arterial stiffness: A review in type 2 diabetes
- Seeds of Cornus officinalis and diabetic cataracts
- The pathobiology of diabetic vascular complications—cardiovascular and kidney disease
- Diabetes mellitus worsens diastolic left ventricular dysfunction in aortic stenosis through altered myocardial structure and cardiomyocyte stiffness
- IE Diabetic Vitreopathy
- Regulatory mechanism of gallic acid against advanced GLYCATION end products induced cardiac remodeling in experimental rats
- Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) increase renal lipid accumulation: a pathogenic factor of diabetic nephropathy (DN)
- Differential effects of glyoxalase 1 overexpression on diabetic atherosclerosis and renal dysfunction in streptozotocin‐treated, apolipoprotein E‐deficient mice
- Diabetic kidney disease: a role for advanced GLYCATION end-product receptor 1 (AGE-R1)?
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products and their receptor-mediated roles: inflammation and oxidative stress
- Functional decorations: post-translational modifications and heart disease delineated by targeted proteomics
- The AGING ovary—the poor granulosa cells
- Oxidative stress in AGING human skin
- Ezrin contributes to impaired podocyte migration and adhesion caused by advanced GLYCATION end products
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: an immunometabolic perspective
- Heat stable inhibitors of protein cross-linking from Sri Lankan medicinal plants
- Contribution of receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products to vasculature-protecting effects of exercise training in aged rats
- Relation of diabetes to coronary artery ectasia: A meta-analysis study.
- Role of antihypertensive drugs in arterial ‘de-stiffening’and central pulsatile hemodynamics
- Novel therapies for diabetic kidney disease
- Pharmacological evaluation of novel alagebrium analogs as methylglyoxal scavengers in vitro in cardiac myocytes and in vivo in SD rats
- The inhibitory activities of the edible green alga Capsosiphon fulvescens on rat lens aldose reductase and advanced GLYCATION end products formation
- Pyridoxamine improves survival and limits cardiac dysfunction after MI
- Diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular disease: clinical insights and vascular mechanisms
- Arterial stiffness, pulse pressure, and cardiovascular disease—is it possible to break the vicious circle?
- Higher levels of advanced GLYCATION endproducts in human carotid atherosclerotic plaques are associated with a rupture-prone phenotype
- Muscle creatine kinase deficiency triggers both actin depolymerization and desmin disorganization by advanced GLYCATION end products in dilated cardiomyopathy
- Diabetes and advanced GLYCATION end products
- AGEs induce ectopic endochondral ossification in intervertebral discs
- Structural proteins and arterial ageing
- Differential impact of glucose levels and advanced GLYCATION end-products on tubular cell viability and pro-inflammatory/profibrotic functions
- Role of Smad1 in diabetic nephropathy: molecular mechanisms and implications as a diagnostic marker
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy—What do we know about it?
- Arterial stiffness and stroke: de-stiffening strategy, a therapeutic target for stroke
- Diabetes and complications: cellular signaling pathways, current understanding and targeted therapies
- Abdominal aortic aneurysms and diabetes mellitus
- Lipoprotein GLYCATION in diabetes mellitus
- Methylglyoxal promotes oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction
- Changes in the myocardial interstitium and contribution to the progression of heart failure
- Identifying and interpreting novel targets that address more than one diabetic complication: a strategy for optimal end organ protection in diabetes
- Left ventricular hypertrophy regression and allopurinol: more questions than answers
- Predictors and prevention of diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Circulating levels of carboxy‐methyl‐lysine (CML) are associated with hip fracture risk: the Cardiovascular Health Study
- Aortic stiffness: current understanding and future directions
- The reality of AGING viewed from the arterial wall
- Arterial stiffness
- Oxidative stress-related mechanisms and antioxidant therapy in diabetic retinopathy
- Intraoperative sRAGE kinetics
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and schizophrenia: A systematic review
- Hyperglycemia and endothelial dysfunction in atherosclerosis: lessons from type 1 diabetes
- Nox-4 and progressive kidney disease
- Metabolic Karma—the atherogenic legacy of diabetes: the 2017 Edwin Bierman Award Lecture
- CCN-2 is up-regulated by and mediates effects of MATRIX bound advanced glycated end-products in human renal mesangial cells
- Advanced GLYCATION end products promote proliferation of cardiac fibroblasts by upregulation of K Ca 3.1 channels
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products: modifiable environmental factors profoundly mediate insulin resistance
- Role of advanced GLYCATION end products related to the onset of diabetic kidney disease complications
- Toxicity of protein and DNA-AGEs in neurodegenerative diseases (NDDs) with decisive approaches to stop the deadly consequences
- Skin autofluorescence is associated with inappropriate left ventricular mass and diastolic dysfunction in subjects at risk for cardiovascular disease
- Advanced GLYCATION end products, diabetes, and the brain
- Age-and diabetes-induced regulation of oxidative protein modification in rat brain and peripheral tissues: Consequences of treatment with antioxidant pyridoindole
- Receptor for advanced GLYCATION endproducts and progressive kidney disease
- Osseous wound repair under inhibition of the axis of advanced GLYCATION end-products and the advanced GLYCATION end-products receptor
- Dietary AGEs in the Development and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Similarities and differences between the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of diastolic and systolic heart failure
- Pathophysiology and medical treatment of carotid artery stenosis
- Changes in the mechanical and biochemical properties of aortic tissue due to cold storage
- GLYCATION: the angiogenic paradox in AGING and age-related disorders and diseases
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products and outcome in heart failure patients with preserved and reduced ejection fraction
- An in vitro study on the non-enzymatic GLYCATION of melamine and serum albumin by reducing sugars
- The possible role of advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs) in experimentally-induced ischemic brain damage.
- Strategies for achieving healthy vascular AGING
- Arterial stiffness, cognitive impairment and dementia: confounding factor or real risk?
- Significance of Advanced GLYCATION End Products in AGING-Related Disease
- Determinants of progression of aortic stiffness in hemodialysis patients: a prospective longitudinal study
- Dietary glycotoxins exacerbate progression of experimental fatty liver disease
- Substrate stiffness regulates PDGF-induced circular dorsal ruffle formation through MLCK
- The effect of BAPN on heart structure and function in the angiotensin II hypertensive mouse
- Aldolase B knockdown prevents high glucose-induced methylglyoxal overproduction and cellular dysfunction in endothelial cells
- Novel Treatments in Diabetic Nephropathy
- Regenerative therapies for diabetic microangiopathy
- Arterial stiffness and pulse pressure in CKD and ESRD
- Age-related changes in the mechanical properties of large arteries
- Exercise amaliorates metabolic disturbances and oxidative stress in diabetic cardiomyopathy: possible underlying mechanisms
- Curcumin ameliorates arterial dysfunction and oxidative stress with AGING
- Proteomic quantification and identification of carbonylated proteins upon oxidative stress and during cellular AGING
- Amino carbonylation of epidermal basement membrane inhibits epidermal cell function and is suppressed by methylparaben
- Effects of atorvastatin on progression of diabetic nephropathy and local RAGE and soluble RAGE expressions in rats
- 5.2 Integrin function in heart fibrosis: mechanical strain, transforming growth factor-beta 1 activation, and collagen GLYCATION
- Arterial function in cardio-metabolic diseases: from the microcirculation to the large conduits
- Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: Insights into Pathogenesis, Diagnostic Challenges, and Therapeutic Options
- Osteoarthritis: an update with relevance for clinical practice
- Prevention of protein GLYCATION by natural compounds
- The question is, my dear watson, why did the dog not bark?: The joslin 50-year medalist study
- Diabetic nephropathy–complications and treatment
- Antioxidants in health, disease and AGING
- Factors associated with pentosidine accumulation in the human vitreous
- Management of limited joint mobility in diabetic patients
- Interrelationship between diabetes mellitus and heart failure: The role of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors in left ventricle performance
- Advanced GLYCATION end product 3 (AGE3) suppresses the mineralization of mouse stromal ST2 cells and human mesenchymal stem cells by increasing TGF-β …
- Flow (shear stress)-mediated remodeling of resistance arteries in diabetes
- Elastin, Calcium and Age-Related Stiffening of the Arterial Wall
- Comparative evaluation of fosinopril and herbal drug Dioscorea bulbifera in patients of diabetic nephropathy
- Toward regeneration of articular cartilage
- Inhibitory effects and actions of pentacyclic triterpenes upon GLYCATION
- The renal endothelium in diabetic nephropathy
- AGE–RAGE interaction and oxidative stress in obesity-related renal dysfunction
- A review on advanced GLYCATION end-products (age) and their role in diabetes mellitus
- Advanced GLYCATION end products in children with type 1 diabetes and early reduced diastolic heart function
- Tandem inhibition of PKC in Diαβetic nephropathy: it takes two to tango?
- The efficiency of compounds with α-amino-β-mercapto-ethane group in protection of human serum albumin carbonylation and cross-linking with methylglyoxal
- Blocking Gastrointestinal Absorption of AGEs
- AGING-induced biological changes and cardiovascular diseases
- Tiny molecule, big power: multi-target approach for curcumin in diabetic cardiomyopathy
- AGE and RAGE: Hazardous to the Mind? A plea for translational work
- How exercise may amend metabolic disturbances in diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Collagen processing and its role in fibrosis
- AGING in blood vessels. Medicinal agents FOR systemic arterial hypertension in the elderly
- Increased levels of advanced GLYCATION end products positively correlate with iron overload and oxidative stress markers in patients with β-thalassemia major
- The effectiveness of the peel extract of water chestnut (Trapa bispinosa Roxb.) in an α-crystallin GLYCATION model with glyoxal
- Advanced GLYCATION End Products And Risks For Chronic Diseases: Intervening Through Lifestyle Modification
- Aortic stiffness is reduced beyond blood pressure lowering by short-term and long-term antihypertensive treatment: a meta-analysis of individual data in 294 patients
- Halting arterial AGING in patients with cardiovascular disease: hypolipidemic and antihypertensive therapy
- Current concepts in the management of diabetic nephropathy
- Coronary Microvascular Disease as an Early Culprit in
- Multiligands/Rage Axis: an Emerging Actor in Tumour Angiogenesis
- Receptor for AGEs (RAGE) as mediator of NF-kB pathway activation in neuroinflammation and oxidative stress
- Skin autofluorescence as a marker of cardiovascular risk in children with chronic kidney disease
- Dietary AGEs and their role in health and disease
- The low AGE diet: a neglected aspect of clinical nephrology practice?
- Phaseolamin treatment prevents oxidative stress and collagen deposition in the hearts of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
- Understanding the viscoelastic behavior of collagen matrices through relaxation time distribution spectrum
- Synergistic effects of telmisartan and pyridoxamine on early renal damage in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Study of advanced GLYCATION endproducts (AGEs) of human fibrinogen and nucleobases with methyl glyoxal: An in vitro investigation of ages formation
- Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: the new devil in the pandemic
- The AGING Arterial Wall
- Targeting inflammation in diabetic nephropathy: a tale of hope
- Interference of amlodipine combined with ALT-711 on arteriosclerosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Novel Mechanistic Insights into the Role of Advanced GLYCATION End Products in the Development of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
- Relation between glycemia level and common carotid artery intima-media thickness in females
- Expression and regulation of facilitative glucose transporters in equine insulin-sensitive tissue: from physiology to pathology
- Cardiovascular Complications in Renal Failure: Implications of Advanced GLYCATION End Products and Their Receptor RAGE
- Protective role of sulphoraphane against vascular complications in diabetes
- Healthy lifestyle-based approaches for successful vascular AGING
- Effects of mesenchymal stromal cells on diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Controlling the receptor for advanced GLYCATION end‐products to conquer diabetic vascular complications
- A comparison of dicarbonyl stress and advanced GLYCATION endproducts in lifelong endurance athletes vs. sedentary controls
- The two faces of hypertension: role of aortic stiffness
- Receptor for advanced GLYCATION end-products (RAGE) provides a link between genetic susceptibility and environmental factors in type 1 diabetes
- Aortic stiffness as a surrogate endpoint to micro-and macrovascular complications in patients with type 2 diabetes
- The role of advanced GLYCATION end-products in cancer disparity
- A novel in vitro method to identify protein GLYCATION inhibitors
- Hypertension and chronic kidney disease: respective contribution of mean and pulse pressure and arterial stiffness
- Role of Rap1a in AGE/RAGE-mediated Signaling in Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- Regulation Of The Human Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Transcriptome By EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX Stiffness
- Novel drug treatment for diabetic nephropathy
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts and diabetes. Beyond vascular complications
- Arterial stiffness
- Plant-derived agents with anti-GLYCATION activity
- Diabetic peripheral neuropathy: current perspective and future directions
- Animal models of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
- Diabetic Nephropathy: Current and Novel Therapeutic Approaches to Prevent Its Development and Progression
- A novel in vitro method to detect inhibitors of protein GLYCATION
- Regulation of RAGE for attenuating progression of diabetic vascular complications
- Cardiovascular Complications
- MATRIX metalloproteinases are possible targets in monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension: investigation of anti-remodeling effects of alagebrium and …
- Renal nerve ablation reduces augmentation index in patients with resistant hypertension
- Impaired redox signaling and antioxidant gene expression in endothelial cells in diabetes: a role for mitochondria and the nuclear factor-E2-related factor 2-Kelch-like …
- Tendinopathy in diabetes mellitus patients—epidemiology, pathogenesis, and management
- Molecular mechanisms associated with diabetic endothelial–erectile dysfunction
- The multiple faces of RAGE–opportunities for therapeutic intervention in AGING and chronic disease
- Insulin-like growth factor-1 overexpression in cardiomyocytes diminishes ex vivo heart functional recovery after acute ischemia
- Elevated glucose levels promote contractile and cytoskeletal gene expression in vascular smooth muscle via Rho/protein kinase C and actin polymerization
- Inhibition of Na+/H+ exchanger 1 attenuates renal dysfunction induced by advanced GLYCATION end products in rats
- Attenuation of glucose-induced myoglobin GLYCATION and the formation of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) by (R)-α-lipoic acid in vitro
- Localized micro-and nano-scale remodelling in the diabetic aorta
- Type 2 diabetes and cognitive impairment: linking mechanisms
- Mitofusin 2 attenuates the histone acetylation at collagen IV promoter in diabetic nephropathy
- L-Carnosine supplementation attenuated fasting glucose, triglycerides, advanced GLYCATION end products, and tumor necrosis factor–α levels in patients with type 2 …
- How drugs influencing central blood pressure prevent atherosclerosis complications?
- Mechanism for the development of bone disease in diabetes: increased oxidative stress and advanced GLYCATION end products
- Anti-glycative potential of triterpenes: a mini-review
- Obesity, metabolic syndrome, and musculoskeletal disease: common inflammatory pathways suggest a central role for loss of muscle integrity
- Pathophysiology of the diabetic kidney
- The role of human serum carnosinase 1 in diabetic nephropathy
- Phytate decreases formation of advanced GLYCATION end-products in patients with type II diabetes: Randomized crossover trial
- Panvascular risk factor–diabetes
- Trans-resveratrol mitigates type 1 diabetes-induced oxidative DNA damage and accumulation of advanced GLYCATION end products in glomeruli and tubules of rat …
- Aldolase B Knockdown Prevents High Glucose-Induced Methylglyoxal Overproduction and
- Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: current understanding and emerging concepts
- Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and future pharmacological strategies: a glance in the crystal ball
- Abnormal thiamine-dependent processes in Alzheimer’s Disease. Lessons from diabetes
- Molecular mechanism of diabetic cardiomyopathy and modulation of microRNA function by synthetic oligonucleotides
- The vulnerable myocardium
- 30. Optic nerve head biomechanics in health, AGING, and disease
- Meta-profiles of gene expression during AGING: limited similarities between mouse and human and an unexpectedly decreased inflammatory signature
- Pharmacologic targets and peritoneal membrane remodeling
- Molecular players at the intersection of obesity and osteoarthritis
- Biomolecular basis of the role of diabetes mellitus in osteoporosis and bone fractures
- Pregnancy and Hypertension
- Pathological Role of AGEs in Osteoporosis
- Low glial angiotensinogen improves body habitus, diastolic function, and exercise tolerance in AGING male rats
- Anti-GLYCATION skin care–a promising approach for young, mature and diabetic skin
- Mesenchymal stem cells: a future experimental exploration for recession of diabetic nephropathy
- The Role of Cortical and Cancellous Bone Quality on Vertebral Fragility
- Modeling of bone failure by cohesive zone models
- Antioxidant and AntiGLYCATION effect of some Phytochemicals
- Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: Current Status
- Diabetes mellitus and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment
- Vascular stiffness and AGING in HIV
- Longitudinal left ventricular function in normotensive prediabetics: a tissue Doppler and strain/strain rate echocardiography study
- A constituent-based model of age-related changes in conduit arteries
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: A new perspective of mechanistic approach
- AGING and vascular endothelial function in humans
- Present insights on cardiomyopathy in diabetic patients
- A method to quantify intracellular GLYCATION in dermal fibroblasts using liquid chromatography coupled to fluorescence detection–Application to the selection of …
- Role of protein kinase C in podocytes and development of glomerular damage in diabetic nephropathy
- Diabetes Mellitus and Limited Joint Mobility in the Upper Extremity
- Breakthrough in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: are we there yet?
- Are targeted therapies for diabetic cardiomyopathy on the horizon?
- About AGEs
- Advanced GLYCATION end products overload might explain intracellular cobalamin deficiency in renal dysfunction, diabetes and AGING
- Advances in the non-invasive assessment of vascular dysfunction in metabolic syndrome and diabetes: focus on endothelium, carotid mechanics and renal vessels
- Structures required of polyphenols for inhibiting advanced GLYCATION end products formation
- Skin autofluorescence, as marker of accumulation of advanced GLYCATION endproducts and of cumulative metabolic stress, is not increased in patients with …
- Measurement of arterial stiffness: a novel tool of risk stratification in hypertension
- Vascular Stiffening Regulates Endothelial Permeability And Smooth Muscle Cell Motility
- Associations between structural and functional changes to the kidney in diabetic humans and mice
- Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a clinical dilemma
- ImAGING in diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Biology of diabetic neuropathy
- Dynamic micro-and macrovascular remodeling in coronary circulation of obese Ossabaw pigs with metabolic syndrome
- AGING biology in the kidney
- Mechanisms of diabetic complications
- Protein GLYCATION and oxidative stress in pathophysiology of diabetic complications
- Radical roles for RAGE in the pathogenesis of oxidative stress in cardiovascular diseases and beyond
- Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: an ongoing enigma
- Immune-inflammatory dysregulation modulates the incidence of progressive fibrosis and diastolic stiffness in the AGING heart
- Structural and functional properties, chaperone activity and posttranslational modifications of alpha-crystallin and its related subunits in the crystalline lens: N …
- Improved diabetes control in the elderly delays global cognitive decline
- Dicarbonyls induce senescence of human vascular endothelial cells
- Arterial stiffness in chronic kidney disease: an update
- Glucose, insulin and potential strategies of vascular stiffening
- S100B Expression Modulates Diabetic Myocardium following Myocardial Infarction and Development of Diabetes
- New insight into the molecular drug target of diabetic nephropathy
- Study of association between carboxymethyllysine and circulating soluble receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products and cardiovascular dysfunction in …
- The AGE of Biomaterials: Preserving the Myocardium after Infarction to Promote Heart Repair and Function
- Worse cardiac remodeling in response to pressure overload in type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Protein modification and maintenance systems as biomarkers of ageing
- Role of serum biomarkers in early detection of diabetic cardiomyopathy in the West Virginian population
- The impracticality of biomedical rejuvenation therapies: translational and pharmacological barriers
- Stiffness-induced endothelial DLC-1 expression forces leukocyte spreading through stabilization of the ICAM-1 adhesome
- Glucotoxic mechanisms and related therapeutic approaches
- Regulation of AGING in yeast by GLYCATION inhibitors
- A review on role of advanced GLYCATION end products (ages) in rheumatoid arthritis
- Barrier Maintenance in Neovessels
- Slowing the AGING process
- Attenuated age-related carotid arterial remodeling in adults with a high level of cardiorespiratory fitness
- RAGE deletion confers renoprotection by reducing responsiveness to transforming growth factor-β and increasing resistance to apoptosis
- Diabetic microvascular disease: an endocrine society scientific statement
- The vascular smooth muscle cell: a therapeutic target in type 2 diabetes?
- Challenging the dogma of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species overproduction in diabetic kidney disease
- Salvianolic acid A protects against diabetic nephropathy through ameliorating glomerular endothelial dysfunction via inhibiting AGE-RAGE signaling
- Effect of KIOM-79 on diabetes-induced myocardial fibrosis in Zucker diabetic fatty rats
- Metabolic effects of metformin in the failing heart
- Chelation therapy: overlooked in the treatment and prevention of diabetes complications?
- Investigation of circulating RAGE in patients with cardiovascular disease
- Food processing: The influence of the maillard reaction on immunogenicity and allergenicity of food proteins
- Development and evaluation of delayed CT arthrography of cartilage
- New molecular insights in diabetic nephropathy
- Limited joint mobility syndrome in diabetes mellitus: a minireview
- New drugs under development for cardiovascular prevention
- Insulin resistance and progression of heart failure in the older adult
- Advanced GLYCATION end products induced immune maturation of dendritic cells controls heart failure through NF-κB signaling pathway
- VU Research Portal
- IL-1β, RAGE and FABP4: targeting the dynamic trio in metabolic inflammation and related pathologies
- Diabetes with heart failure increases methylglyoxal modifications in the sarcomere, which inhibit function
- Diabetes‐induced mechanophysiological changes in the esophagus
- Effect of AGING on metabolic pathways in endothelial progenitor cells
- Targeting Blood Pressure Lowering and the Sympathetic Nervous System
- Challenges in vascular tissue engineering for diabetic patients
- Distinct myocardial targets for diabetes therapy in heart failure with preserved or reduced ejection fraction
- Elucidating molecular mechanism of antiGLYCATION compounds by proteomic approaches
- The role of fibrinogen GLYCATION in ATTR: evidence for chaperone activity loss in disease
- Stain-free LED scanning lifetime imAGING system for diabetes modified tissue matrices
- Diabetic Glomerulopathy
- Inhibitory effect of Arachis hypogaea (Peanut) and its phenolics against methylglyoxal-derived advanced GLYCATION end product toxicity
- Finite element modeling of collagen fibers in the mechanical interaction between cells and the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX
- The arterial microenvironment: the where and why of atherosclerosis
- Current update in the management of diabetic nephropathy
- Anti-Ageing Medicines: The Facts, What Works and What Doesn’t
- New approaches to the treatment of nephropathy in diabetes
- Early functional and structural microvascular changes in hypertension related to AGING
- Glucose, Insulin and Potential
- Heart and Arterial AGING
- Novel therapies for diabetic kidney disease: storied past and forward paths
- Diastolic dysfunction in hypertension
- Could Advanced GLYCATION End Products Explain the Poor Response to Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation in Obese Women?
- Blood proteome characterization of the interplay between GLYCATION and aspirin-mediated acetylation in vitro and in diabetic patients
- AGEs promote oxidative stress and induce apoptosis in retinal pigmented epithelium cells RAGE-dependently
- New insights into arterial stiffening: does sex matter?
- The Evolving Face of Heart Failure Associated with Elevated Cardio-Metabolic Risk Factors
- Antidiabetic functional foods with antiGLYCATION properties
- Pathology of AD
- Do advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) contribute to the comorbidities of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)?
- α‑lipoic acid can greatly alleviate the toxic effect of AGES on SH‑SY5Y cells
- Treatment of chronic kidney disease
- Soluble RAGEs—Prospects for treating & tracking metabolic and inflammatory disease
- Inhibitory efficacy of Ligularia fischeri against aldose reductase and advanced GLYCATION end products formation
- An update on the evidence for pathogenic mechanisms that may link periodontitis and diabetes
- Cyclopeptide alkaloids: isolation, structure elucidation, antiplasmodial activity and AGEs inhibiting properties
- The role of matricellular proteins Nov and Wisp1 in AGING and myocardial infarction
- Targeting Signaling Pathways
- Effect of Nebivolol and Lifestyle Modification on Large Artery Stiffness in Middle-Aged and Older Hypertensive Adults
- Brachial-ankle PWV: current status and future directions as a useful marker in the management of cardiovascular disease and/or cardiovascular risk factors
- RAGE in the pathophysiology of skeletal muscle
- Vascular changes in type 2 diabetes mellitus: Application to restenosis after stenting
- Diabetic microangiopathy—etiopathogenesis, new possibilities in diagnostics and management
- Small artery remodeling in obesity and insulin resistance
- Vascular Complications in Diabetes 15
- AGING Does Not Affect Radial Viscoelastic Behavior of the Left Ventricle
- A histopathological investigation of Tenon’s capsule in diabetic eyes
- Metabolic dysfunction in diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Coronary arterioles in type 2 diabetic (db/db) mice undergo a distinct pattern of remodeling associated with decreased vessel stiffness
- Vascular Complications in Diabetes
- Effects of diabetes-induced hyperglycemia in the heart: Biochemical and structural alterations
- Coronary microvascular remodeling in type 2 diabetes: synonymous with early AGING?
- Peripheral Nerve Disorders: Chapter 34. Biology of diabetic neuropathy
- Roles of claudin-5 and von Willebrand factor in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
- Endothelial dysfunction—a major mediator of diabetic vascular disease
- Study of antioxidant activity of formononetin by in vitro method
- Type-1 pericytes participate in fibrous tissue deposition in aged skeletal muscle
- Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation
- Effect of mononuclear cells versus pioglitazone on streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy in rats
- The biology of AGING: implications for diseases of AGING and health care in the twenty-first century
- Cardiovascular tissue engineered constructs for patients with diabetes
- Exercise training ameliorates MATRIX metalloproteinases 2 and 9 messenger RNA expression and mitigates adverse left ventricular remodeling in streptozotocin …
- Off the beaten renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system pathway: New perspectives on antiproteinuric therapy
- Impact of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome on myocardial structure and microvasculature of men with coronary artery disease
- Functional aortic stiffness: role of CD4+ T lymphocytes
- Cellular stress responses, hormetic phytochemicals and vitagenes in AGING and longevity
- Can targeting the incretin pathway dampen RAGE-mediated events in diabetic nephropathy?
- Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: current management and future strategies
- Deficiency in Mitochondrial Complex I Activity Due to Ndufs6 Gene Trap Insertion Induces Renal Disease
- Obesity in a model of gpx4 haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lipid-derived aldehydes in human metabolic disease and cardiomyopathy
- Dialysis initiation and clinical outcomes in chronic kidney disease: Role of education and biomarkers
- AGE/RAGE as a mediator of insulin resistance or metabolic syndrome: another aspect of metabolic memory
- Metabolic and biochemical stressors in diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Anagliptin, a dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor ameliorates arterial stiffness in association with reduction of remnant-like particle cholesterol and alanine transaminase …
- AGING disorders of the eye: Challenges and approaches for their treatment
- Hyperglycemia impairs atherosclerosis regression in mice
- Metabolic alterations in diabetic cardiomyopathy
- The role of fibrinogen GLYCATION in ATTR: evidence for chaperone activity loss in
- Cardiac effects of HDL and its components on diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Testing isotopic labeling with [13C6] glucose as a method of advanced GLYCATION sites identification
- Anthranilic acid derivatives: novel inhibitors of protein GLYCATION and the associated oxidative stress in the hepatocytes
- Effect of some plant extract on non enzymatic glycosylation of IgG under in-vitro conditions
- A comparative study of levels of methylglyoxal and reduced glutathione in different organs of rats treated with high carbohydrate diets
- Effects of adipose-derived stem cells plus insulin on erectile function in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
- Impact of Dietary Polyphenols on Arterial Stiffness: Outline of Contributing Mechanisms
- Role of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system activation in promoting cardiovascular fibrosis and stiffness
- Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: fighting misconceptions for a new approach
- Effects of methylglyoxal and pyridoxamine in rat brain mitochondria bioenergetics and oxidative status
- Preventative role of alpha-lipoic acid, curcumin and ginger in inhibiting myoglobin GLYCATION and the formation of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs)
- Diet with high content of advanced GLYCATION end products induces systemic inflammation and weight gain in experimental mice: Protective role of curcumin and gallic …
- Microvascular modifications in diabetic retinopathy
- Study of oxidation and non-enzymatic glycosylation posttranslational modifications using a proteomic approach
- The role of invasive diagnostics and its impact on the treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy: a systematic review
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: current and future therapies. Beyond glycemic control
- The inhibitory effect of selenium nanoparticles on protein GLYCATION in vitro
- Mechanics and function of the pulmonary vasculature: implications for pulmonary vascular disease and right ventricular function
- Effects of Vascular Nitric Oxide Bioactivity and Vascular Ageing on Arterial Blood Pressure and Flow Waveforms
- Targeting mitochondria and reactive oxygen species-driven pathogenesis in diabetic nephropathy
- The Roles of Oxidative Stress, Inflammation and Adaptive Immunity in Aortic Stiffening
- Perturbation of cellular and vascular function by hyperglycaemia and hyperlipidaemia and their role in cardiovascular disease
- The role of glucosamine-induced ER stress in diabetic atherogenesis
- Evolving insights into the pathophysiology of diabetic neuropathy: implications of malfunctioning glia and discovery of novel therapeutic targets
- Hyperglycemia-induced cardiac contractile dysfunction in the diabetic heart
- Sex Differences in Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular Physiology, Disease, and Signaling Mechanisms: New insights into arterial stiffening: does sex matter …
- Inhibitory activities of tree bark extracts against AGEs formation and their correlation with phenolic components
- Étude de l’impact de la GLYCATION sur la guérison des plaies cutanées
- Different impact of hemodialysis vintage on cause-specific mortality in long-term hemodialysis patients
- Visualizing the RAGE: Molecular ImAGING After MI Provides Insight Into a Complex Receptor
- Age associated endothelial dysfunction: Role of oxidative stress, inflammation and Western Diet
- Heart failure with normal ejection fraction: a growing pandemic
- Assessment of oral glycine and lysine therapy on receptor for advanced GLYCATION end products and transforming growth factor beta expression in the kidney of …
- Diabetic Membrane Repair Deficiency and Repair Promotion By Vitamin E
- Clinical implications for patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
- Dicarbonyl stress and dysfunction of the glyoxalase system in periodontal diseases
- Natural compounds with anti-ageing activity
- Association of metabolic syndrome with the cardioankle vascular index in asymptomatic Korean population
- Emerging role of epigenetics and miRNA in diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Enhanced formation of methylglyoxal-derived advanced GLYCATION end products in Arabidopsis under ammonium nutrition
- Calcium signaling in the ventricular myocardium of the Goto-Kakizaki type 2 diabetic rat
- Diabetic cardiomyopathy: ongoing controversies in 2012
- Carbonylation induces heterogeneity in cardiac ryanodine receptor function in diabetes mellitus
- Effects of conjugated linoleic acid on cardiomyocyte abnormalities in diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Cardiovascular AGING: the next frontier in cardiovascular prevention
- New antihypertensive drugs under development
- Elevated plasma B-type natriuretic peptide concentration and resistive index, but not decreased aortic distensibility, associate with impaired blood flow at popliteal …
- Pathological effects of exosomes in mediating diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Therapy for diabetic neuropathy: an overview
- The role of inflammation in diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Literature-related discovery techniques applied to ocular disease: a vitreous restoration example
- Time-course morphological and functional disorders of the kidney induced by long-term high-fat diet intake in female rats
- Preventive aspects in peripheral artery disease
- Blood pressure and arterial load after transcatheter aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis
- Novel therapeutic targets in the management of atrial fibrillation
- Optimization of Biophotonics and Optomechanics for Frequency Domain Tissue Fluorescence Measurements
- Immune modulation of vascular stiffening
- In vitro efficacy evaluation for prevention of diabetes and diabetic complications using Aster sphathulifolius
- Regulation and bioactivity of the CCN family of genes and proteins in obesity and diabetes
- Oxidative stress and inflammation as a response to glucose exposure and dialysis
- Pawan K. Singal, Adriane Belló-Klein
- Vasculopathy in the setting of cardiorenal syndrome: roles of protein-bound uremic toxins
- Signaling in Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
- Myocardial reverse remodeling: how far can we rewind?
- Differential cardiovascular profiles of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors: critical evaluation of empagliflozin
- Amyloid beta: structure, biology and structure-based therapeutic development
- Diastolic dysfunction in spontaneous type 2 diabetes rhesus monkeys: a study using echocardiography and magnetic resonance imAGING
- Large arterial stiffness and associated cardiovascular risk factors in black South Africans
- Increased Bacterial Adherence and Decreased Bacterial Clearance in Urinary Tract Infections with Diabetes Mellitus
- AntiGLYCATION and antioxidant properties of Momordica charantia
- Mitochondrial fission triggered by hyperglycemia is mediated by ROCK1 activation in podocytes and endothelial cells
- Interdisciplinary challenges and promising theranostic effects of nanoscience in Alzheimer’s disease
- The role of reactive oxygen species in microvascular remodeling
- Traditional, Nontraditional, and Uremia-Related Threats for Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease
- Carbohydrate Directed Photoaffinity Labelling
- The diagnosis and treatment of myocardial and arterial dysfunction in Marfan Syndrome.
- Drugs for Diabetic Nephropathy-full review
- Improved glycemic control induced by both metformin and repaglinide is associated with a reduction in blood levels of 3-deoxyglucosone in nonobese patients …
- Li-Li Tong and Sharon Adler
- Jessica Cervantes, Ana Paula Lamas, Andre Lencastre, Daniel Coelho de Sá, and Antonella Tosti
- Formation and inhibition of advanced GLYCATION endproducts in meat and model systems
- Cardiac adaptation in prolonged inverted bats (Eidolon helvum)
- Deciphering non-coding RNAs in cardiovascular health and disease
- Role of oxidative stress and targeted antioxidant therapies in experimental models of diabetic complications
- Protein folding and aggregation into amyloid: the interference by natural phenolic compounds
- Endothelial Dysfunction in Diabetes: An Update on Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets
- Chemical Approaches to Modulate Biological Processes: Unique Activity of N-Phenacylthiazolium Compounds, Bacterial Cell Wall Engineering and Other …
- Effects of methylglyoxal and pyridoxamine in rat brain mitochondria bioenergetics and oxidative status
- Treating heart failure with preserved ejection fraction related to arterial stiffness. Can we kill two birds with one stone?
- Mesenchymal stem cells as therapeutic candidates for halting the progression of diabetic nephropathy
- N⁶-formylation of lysine: a pathological secondary modification of proteins
- Oxidative Stress in Retinal Diseases
- Efficacy of sitagliptin in retarding the progression of albuminuria and assessing its safety and efficacy in patients with diabetic nephropathy
- Effects of vitamin D restricted diet administered during perinatal and postnatal periods on the penis of Wistar rats
- Mediators of renal cell injury in diabetic kidney disease: A role for ADAM17
- The Arterial Pulse: Vascular Biology, Vascular Function Testing, and Therapies
- Basic Science Liver
- Antioxidants in health and disease
- Obesity in a model of haploinsufficiency uncovers a causal role for lipid-derived aldehydes in human metabolic disease and cardiomyopathy
- Pre-Diabetes, Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Arterial Stiffness—ADMA: Mechanisms of Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes: Modulation of Cardiac Tissues
- Neurodegeneration is dependant on microglial proximity and nitric oxide production
- Probiotic Supplementation, The Gut Microbiota, and Cardiovascular Health
- Cellular and molecular mechanisms of diabetic glomerulopathy
- Diabetes and chronic oxidative stress. A perspective based on the possible usefulness of ozone therapy
- Effects of phosphate binding with sevelamer carbonate on cardiovascular structure and function in patients with early chronic kidney disease
- Identification and characterization of enzymes responsible for methylglyoxal overproduction in the metabolic syndrome
- Investigation into the role of the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway in hyperglycemia-induced atherosclerosis
- Short-term rapamycin persistently improves cardiac function after cessation of treatment in aged male and female mice.
- Implications of metal binding and asparagine deamidation for amyloid formation
- Functional Genomics of Ageing and Its Modulation by Diet
- The Role of the IRE1α Pathway in Vascular Stiffening and Fibrosis
- Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells inhibit apoptosis and fibrosis in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
- Daily monitoring of arterial stiffness in children with end-stage renal disease
- Arteries and veins
- … of DNAzymes catalyzing thymine dimer photoreactivation and phosphodiester cleavage using a new method of iodine-mediated phosphorothioate cross-linking
- Investigating Type 2 Diabetes Related Biosensing and Amyloid Peptide Fibrillation
- Potential of Curcuma Longa and Withania Somnifera for Diabetes and Associated Neurological Comorbidities
- Review of erectile dysfunction in diabetic animal models
- The AGING Gap Between Species
- Daily Monitoring of Arterial Stiffness in Children with End-stage Renal Disease
- Reduction of arterial stiffness after kidney transplantation: a systematic review and Meta‐Analysis
- Vascular Stem and Progenitor Cells in Diabetic Complications
- Phytopharmacology of Ashwagandha as an anti-diabetic herb
- Stiff Heart and Stiff Arteries. Could We Soften Both?
- Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Prevention of Glucose-Induced Life Span Reduction by the Polyphenol Quercetin in the mev-1 Mutant of Caenorhabditis …
- Physiology and pathophysiology of carnosine
- The physical measurement of bone
- The effect of spices on carboxymethyllyinse levels in biscuits
- Flavor addition in dairy products: health benefits and risks
- Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction
- The eggshell: structure and protective function
- The Role of Intestinal Derived Remnant Lipoproteins in the Progression of Atherosclerosis in Animal Models of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes.
- Traditional, Nontraditional, and Uremia-Related Threats for Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Kidney
- Drugs and the peroxisome proliferator activated receptors
- Heart failure: novel therapeutic approaches
- Is endothelial dysfunction the one to blame in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction?
- Pathophysiologie diabetischer Spätschäden
- Impact of type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome on myocardial structure and microvasculature of men with coronary artery
- Mitochondria and Oxidative Stress in Diabetes
- Effect of age and chronic hypoxia on oxidative status, mitochondria and apoptosis in rat liver
- The role of antioxidants in the chemistry of oxidative stress: A review
- Diabetes alters the expression and translocation of the insulin-sensitive glucose transporters 4 and 8 in the atria
- Vascular function and structure in the rat aorta
- Diabetes mellitus type 2 and proteinuria
- Assessing the functional properties of high-density lipoproteins: an emerging concept in cardiovascular research
- Amyloids of multiple species: are they helpful in survival?
- Cardiovascular Risk Assessment in Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Diseases: A New Insight and Emerging Strategies
- Aorto-Coronary Haemodynamics: Studies in Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
- Peptides as potential therapeutics for Alzheimer’s disease
- Studies on antibodies that form immune complexes with lipoprotein (a)[Lp (a)] in plasma
- Expression and function of cellular prion protein in blood cells
- Irbesartan ameliorates diabetic cardiomyopathy by regulating protein kinase D and ER stress activation in a type 2 diabetes rat model
- Autoxidation of Plasma Lipids, Generation of Bioactive Products, and Their Biological Relevance
- Histochemistry and cell biology: the annual review 2010
- Stressful signaling: A role for endoplasmic retuculum stress in aortic stiffening during hypertension
- AGING and Cardiovascular Risk
- Immunomodulatory effects of human adipose derived stem cells on human macrophages in diabetic environment
- Antioxidant-based therapies for angiotensin II-associated cardiovascular diseases
- Mammalian thioredoxin reductase 1 in antioxidant defense, regulation of adipocyte differentiation and as an anticancer drug target
- Reactive carbonyl species and their roles in sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ cycling defect in the diabetic heart
- Virulence factors of Clostridium difficile and their role during infection
- The Study of the Properties of Collagen Hydrogel and 3T3 Fibroblast Cells’ Behavior Within Collagen Hydrogel by Multiphoton Microscopy (MPM)
- Protective effects of desacyl ghrelin on doxorubicin-induced and diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Delivery of nanoformulated superoxide dismutase to the brain for the treatment of angiotensin II-mediated hypertension
- Cardiology Research and Practice
- Micropatterns for Surface Potential Mapping of Biomolecules by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
- Health Library
- Mechanisms of Methylglyoxal-elicited Leukocyte Recruitment
- Amyloid fibril based bionanotechnologies.
- The amyloid beta peptide: a chemist’s perspective. Role in Alzheimer’s and fibrillization
- Myocardial metabolism in diabetic cardiomyopathy: potential therapeutic targets
- Biomaterials: a systems approach to engineering concepts
- Overview of antibody drug delivery
- The effect of curcumin on cardiovascular health in obese men
- Ph. D in Engineering of Materials and Structures XXV Cycle
- Methodological approaches and insights on protein aggregation in biological systems
- Animal Models of Myocardial Disease
- Aptamer-based biosensors for biomedical diagnostics
- A proangiogenic strategy to promote diabetic wound closure
- IgG pharmacokinetics in a rat model of type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetic nephropathy
- Study to Correlate HBA1c and Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Newly Diagnosed Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- Ventricular-vascular Coupling and Central Arterial Pulse Pressure
- Kidney disease in diabetes
- Mechanism of 12/15 Lipoxygenase-induced Retinal Microvascular Dysfunction in Diabetic Retinopathy
- The effect of topical therapies on ulcer healing and the wound micro-environment in diabetes mellitus
- The HSP47-Procollagen Interaction: Mechanism of pH-Dependent Client Release and Development of Antifibrotic Inhibitors
- Helix 8 plays a crucial role in bradykinin B2 receptor trafficking and signaling
- Renal mitochondrial response to low temperature in non-hibernating and hibernating species
- Beneficial effects of co-administration of PPAR-γ agonist with melatonin on cardiovascular complications associated with diabetes.
- The anti-cancer effect of polyphenols against breast cancer and cancer stem cells: molecular mechanisms
- Functional nucleic acids as molecular recognition elements for small organic and biological molecules
- The Effect of Submerged Culture Mycelium of Higher Basidiomycetes Medicinal Mushrooms Agaricus Brasiliensis and Ganoderma Lucidum on …
- Generation and characterization of RNA aptamer againtrHuEPO-α by SELEX technology
- CD59a–A novel role in bone
- Carnosine and cognitive deficits
- Evidence for a Reversible, Redox-Mediated Component to Eccentric Contraction-Induced Force Loss in Dystrophin-Deficient Skeletal Muscle
- Animal Models for the Study of Human Disease: Chapter 7. Animal Models of Myocardial Disease
- From sequence to structure: determinants of functional and non-functional. Protein aggregation
- Tomato proteomics: tomato as a model for crop proteomics
- Oxidative Stress and Friedreich’s Ataxia
- Neuroprotective properties of curcumin in Alzheimer’s disease-merits and limitations
- A DFT study on the complexation of metal cations by the protein α-synuclein
- Interventional Study of Low-magnitude High Frequency Vibration on the Healing of Foot Wound in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rat Model
- Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in a community of African ancestry
- Antioxidant capacity determination in plants and plant-derived products: A review
- Investigation on key molecular targets responsible for antidiabetic properties of Symplocos Cochin Chinensis (Lour.) S. Moor
- Gene Regulatory Networks: Modeling, Intervention and Context
- Probing Early Stage Aggregates of Amyloidogenic Proteins using Mass Spectrometry Based Methods
- Transforming the blood glucose meter into a general healthcare meter for in vitro diagnostics in mobile health
- Oligomerisation-Aggregation and Fragmentation of Synuclein Polypeptides Revealed by Mass Spectrometry
- Detection of Sap2 in the secretome of Candida albicans cell wall and secretory mutants
- Proteomics in food science: From farm to fork
- Biochemical basis for functional ingredient design from fruits
- Molecular characterization of fruit-specific class III peroxidase genes in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)
- Composition, properties and nutritional aspects of milk fat globule membrane-a review
- Engineering Microdevices for Global Health Diagnostics
- Vitamins B1, B2, B3 and B9–occurrence, biosynthesis pathways and functions in human nutrition
- HIV, Immune activation and Endothelial Damage in Malawian Adults
- Discovery and Mechanisms of Small Molecule Amyloid Formation Inhibitors
- Aneurysm: New Insights for the Healthcare Professional: 2013 Edition
- Targeted nanoparticles for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease
- Interaction-mediating sequences within Class I viral fusion glycoproteins: their roles in viral infection and in applications
- Peroxidase Catalyzed Degradation of Partially Hydrolyzed Polyacrylamide
- Development of therapeutic systems to treat the infarcted heart
- Intracellular Trafficking Governs the Processing of the Amyloid Precursor Protein and the Secretion of Beta-Amyloid
- Efrosini Artikis1, Charles L. Brooks III1, 2 1Biophysics Program, University of Michigan, 930 North University, 2Department of Chemistry, Univer-sity of Michigan, 930 …
- Structure and composition of the sorghum grain
- Molecular basis of prion pathogenesis and development of a novel therapeutic strategy
- Butylglyceryl-modified Polysaccharide Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery to the Brain
- Impact of the environmental conditions and substrate pre-treatment on whey protein hydrolysis: A review
- Neuroprotective effects of amantadine–flavonoid conjugates
- 4–8 December, 201 Cancuīn, Meīxico
- Organized by ISEV and ISEV-Americas
- Overview of polyphenols and their properties
- Psychosocial and Oxidative Stress and Health of Adults
- A comparative portrait of retroviral fusogens and syncytins
- Development of New Tools for the Synthesis of” difficult Peptides”
- Investigations into Structure Formation of Dairy Products
- Chemical protein synthesis to study structure and function of amyloid fibers
- A Novel Approach To Accommodative Human Intraocular Lenses
- Process chromatography: a guide to validation
- The identification and validation of GRIN2D as a novel endothelial target in colorectal cancer, and the investigation of its effects as a therapeutic tumour vaccine
- Polyphenols: properties, recovery, and applications
- Identification of beta-amyloid fibrillogenesis modulators as pharmacological tools in Alzheimer’s disease: an integrated approach
- Production of recombinant Immunoglobulin A in plants for passive immunotherapy.
- Biosensor evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wines and teas. Interference studies and comparison with other
- Biosensor evaluation of the antioxidant activity of wines and teas. Interference studies and comparison with other methods
- Spider silk: understanding the structure–function relationship of a natural fiber
- Nutritional composition, antioxidant activity and bioaccessibility of phenolic compounds in selected wild cereal and pseudo-cereal grains found in Zimbabwe
- Dengue virus type 3 in Malaysia: Diversity, origin, and spread/Tan Kim Kee
- Graduate Option in Biochemistry and Molecular Biophysics, Caltech 277. Computational design of a novel aldolase Jessica Mao, Stephen L. Mayo Designed …
- Assessment of structural properties of amyloid aggregates and their application potential
- Halanaerobium congolense: A Transplanted Microbe that Dominates Hydraulically Fractured Well Microbial Communities
- Founder virus envelope glycoproteins as novel oligomeric HIV-1 vaccine immunogens
- Influenza virus hemagglutinin contains a cholesterol consensus motif required for efficient intracellular transport and lipid raft integration
- RNA Secondary Structure Inference and Functionalized Virus-Like Particles for Tumor Cell Detection and Enumeration
- Textbook of structural biology
- Defining the in vivo effects of divalent manganese in Caenorhabditis elegans
- 10. Large-Scale Mammalian Cell Culture Technology, edited by Anthony
- Nucleic acids: function and potential for abiogenesis
- From bee venom to blood-brain barrier shuttles. Development of minimized apamin derivatives for brain delivery of antibodies and other cargoes
- Enzymes in non-conventional media
- Long non-coding RNA antisense to Uchl1 increases its protein translation and identifies a new class of protein translation activators
- Integrated atomic force microscopy techniques for analysis of biomaterials: Study of membrane proteins
- Is It Time to Abandon Darwin?
- Aptamer sensors for live-cell imAGING of Pol II promoter activity
- Modeling The 3-Dimensional Structure Of D (Cgcgaattcgcg) And Its 8-Oxo-Da5 Adduct With 1H Nmr Noesy Refinements
- Nano-fabrication of Accommodative Intraocular Lenses Using Gray-scale Electron Beam and Soft Lithography
- Department of Biology Biotechnology Program
- Designed and Evolved Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology
- Aggregation of alpha-synuclein using single-molecule spectroscopy
- Chimera Ligand for Pili and Lectin A Protein Controls Antibiotic-Promoted Biofilm Formation, Swarming Motility, Tolerance and Persister Formation by Pseudomonas …
- PARMA. A full text search based method for matching non-patent literature citations with scientific reference databases. A pilot study.
- Theoretical studies of apolipoprotein interactions
- Oxidation of Marine Oils during In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion and Its Effects on Stress in Human Intestinal Caco-2 Cells
- Principal components of buffalo and cow milk from Bangladesh: Proteolysis and lipolysis of buffalo, cow and omega-3 enriched milk by ex vivo digestion
- Construction and Characterization of Genomically Recoded Organisms and Synthetic Auxotrophs
- Simulation Studies of Signaling and Regulatory Proteins
- Reprint of “The complex dynamics of myocardial interstitial fibrosis in heart failure. Focus on collagen cross-linking”
- Advanced GLYCATION End Products Are Retained in Decellularized Muscle MATRIX Derived from Aged Skeletal Muscle
- Effect of Defatted Torreya nucifera Seed Extract on the Cross-linking of Advanced GLYCATION End Products to Collagen
- Corneal stiffness and collagen cross-linking proteins in glaucoma: Potential for novel therapeutic strategy
- GLYCATION-induced modification of tissue-specific ECM proteins: A pathophysiological mechanism in degenerative diseases
- Alagebrium and complications of diabetes mellitus
- Tumor necrosis factor Alpha-mediated inflammation and remodeling of the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX underlies aortic stiffening induced by the common chemotherapeutic …
- Collagen CROSSLINKING: effect on structure, mechanics and fibrosis progression
- Stochastic non-enzymatic modification of long-lived macromolecules-A missing hallmark of AGING
- Clinical/translational aspects of advanced GLYCATION end-products
- More than genes and cells: Drug discovery in the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX (ECM)
- Too sweet: Problems of protein GLYCATION in the eye
- Cross your heart? Collagen cross-links in cardiac health and disease
- GLYCATION-induced protein aggregation and cellular toxicity: an insight into the disease realm of high dietary sugar intake
- The role of inflammAGING and advanced GLYCATION end products on paratonia in patients with dementia
- Effect of tetrahydrocurcumin analysis of fluorescence of collagenin experimental diabetes
- The Putative Role of Methylglyoxal in Arterial Stiffening: A Review
- Effect of advanced GLYCATION end‐products (AGE) lowering drug ALT‐711 on biochemical, vascular, and bone parameters in a rat model of CKD‐MBD
- The impact of diabetic conditions and AGE/RAGE signaling on cardiac fibroblast migration
- Advanced GLYCATION end products: A potential contributor of oxidative stress for cardio-vascular problems in diabetes
- Inhibitors of Advanced GLYCATION End Product (AGE) Formation and Accumulation
- Advanced GLYCATION end products: potential mechanism and therapeutic target in cardiovascular complications under diabetes
- Deterioration of Glutaraldehyde Crosslinked Heterograft Biomaterials due to Advanced GLYCATION End Product Formation and Serum Albumin Infiltration
- Advanced GLYCATION end-products, measured as skin autofluorescence, associate with vascular stiffness in diabetic, pre-diabetic and normoglycemic …
- MATRIX metalloproteinase-9-dependent mechanisms of reduced contractility and increased stiffness in the AGING heart
- Gut Microbiome-Derived Metabolite Trimethylamine N-Oxide Induces Aortic Stiffening and Increases Systolic Blood Pressure With AGING in Mice and Humans
- Development and progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: The role of advanced GLYCATION end products
- Therapeutic potential of vitamin D in AGE/RAGE-related cardiovascular diseases
- Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs), receptor for AGEs, diabetes, and bone: review of the literature
- A review on prevention of GLYCATION of proteins: Potential therapeutic substances to mitigate the severity of diabetes complications
- Inhibitory effect and cross-link breaking activity of Moringa oleifera leaf crude extracts on fructose-derived advanced GLYCATION end-products
- Mechanical characterization of native and sugar-modified decellularized kidneys
- A review on mechanism of inhibition of advanced GLYCATION end products formation by plant derived polyphenolic compounds
- Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) may be a striking link between modern diet and health
- Are Finger Skin Fluorophores Other Than Advanced GLYCATION End Products (AGEs) Associated With Impaired Musculoskeletal Properties?
- Model studies of advanced GLYCATION end product modification of heterograft biomaterials: The effects of in vitro glucose, glyoxal, and serum albumin on collagen …
- Large artery stiffness and brain health: Insights from animal models
- Role of changes in state of bound water and tissue stiffness in development of age-related diseases
- Targeting mechanosensitive MDM4 promotes lung fibrosis resolution in aged mice
- Mechanosensing dysregulation in the fibroblast: a hallmark of the AGING heart
- Anti-AGING effects of Muntingia calabura leaves extract in D-galactose-induced skin AGING mouse model
- Flavonoids derived from buckwheat hull can break advanced GLYCATION end-products and improve diabetic nephropathy
- The impact of advanced GLYCATION end products on bone properties in chronic kidney disease
- Arterial stiffness: a focus on vascular calcification and its link to bone mineralization
- The melibiose-derived GLYCATION product mimics a unique epitope present in human and animal tissues
- The collagen suprafamily: from biosynthesis to advanced biomaterial development
- Advanced GLYCATION End Products: Origins and Role in AGING
- Diabetic fibrosis
- Rise and fall of elastic fibers from development to AGING. Consequences on arterial structure-function and therapeutical perspectives
- GLYCATION and antioxidants: hand in the glove of antiGLYCATION and natural antioxidants
- AGE/Non-AGE GLYCATION: An Important Event in Rheumatoid Arthritis Pathophysiology
- Cellular and molecular differences between HFpEF and HFrEF: a step ahead in an improved pathological understanding
- Clinical complications of tendon tissue mechanics due to collagen cross-linking in diabetes
- Constitutive interpretation of arterial stiffness in clinical studies: a methodological review
- Methylglyoxal, a highly reactive dicarbonyl compound, in diabetes, its vascular complications, and other age-related diseases
- AGE/RAGE in diabetic kidney disease and ageing kidney
- Advanced GLYCATION endproducts and bone quality: practical implications for people with type 2 diabetes
- GLYCATION and Glycosylation in Cardiovascular Remodeling: Focus on Advanced GLYCATION End Products and O-Linked Glycosylations as Glucose-Related …
- … of Maillard reaction, and Advanced GLYCATION End Product (AGE)-Receptor for AGE (RAGE) signaling inhibitors as novel therapeutic strategies for patients with age …
- The multifunctional roles of flavonoids against the formation of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and AGEs-induced harmful effects
- Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 is associated with advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) measured as skin autofluorescence: The Rotterdam Study
- Engineered cardiac tissues: a novel in vitro model to investigate the pathophysiology of mouse diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Microvascular and lymphatic dysfunction in HFpEF and its associated comorbidities
- Hypoglycemic Drugs and Advanced GLYCATION End products
- Role of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and its receptor (RAGE)-mediated diabetic vascular complications
- Soluble receptor for advanced GLYCATION end-products independently influences individual age-dependent increase of arterial stiffness
- GLYCATION and serum albumin infiltration contribute to the structural degeneration of bioprosthetic heart valves
- Cardiac tissue remodeling in healthy AGING: the road to pathology
- Role of Amino Acids on Prevention of Lens Proteins Nonenzymatic GLYCATION In Vitro, in Senile, and Diabetic Cataract
- Central artery stiffness and thoracic aortopathy
- Of mice and men: models and mechanisms of diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Tendon EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX Assembly, Maintenance and Dysregulation Throughout Life
- Advanced GLYCATION End Products: New Clinical and Molecular Perspectives
- Arterial stiffness in chronic kidney disease: a modifiable cardiovascular risk factor?
- A novel treatment for heart failure targets myocardial fibrosis
- The Gut-Arterial Stiffness Axis: Is TMAO a Novel Target to Prevent Age-Related Aortic Stiffening?
- Book Chapter The Receptor for Advanced GLYCATION End Products (RAGE): A Potential Target for Therapeutic Intervention in the Progression of Non-Alcoholic …
- Interleukin-10 protects schwann cells against advanced GLYCATION end products-induced apoptosis via NF-κB suppression
- Uremic toxin–targeting as a therapeutic strategy for preventing cardiorenal syndrome
- Concerns about clinical efficacy and safety of warfarin in diabetic patients with atrial fibrillation
- Fibrosis in chronic kidney disease: Pathogenesis and consequences
- Fibrosis of the diabetic heart: clinical significance, molecular mechanisms, and therapeutic opportunities
- Ryanodine receptor GLYCATION favors mitochondrial damage in the senescent heart
- In Vitro and In Vivo AntiGLYCATION Effects of Connarus ruber Extract
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and their receptors in serum of patients with type 2 diabetes
- Endothelial dysfunction: a contributor to adverse cardiovascular remodeling and heart failure development in type 2 diabetes beyond accelerated atherogenesis
- L-carnosine and its Derivatives as New Therapeutic Agents for the Prevention and Treatment of Vascular Complications of Diabetes
- The diabetic cardiomyopathy: The contributing pathophysiological mechanisms
- The relevance of toxic AGEs (TAGE) cytotoxicity to NASH pathogenesis: A mini-review
- D-ribose induces podocyte NLRP3 inflammasome activation and glomerular injury via AGEs/RAGE pathway
- Natural Products as a Source of Inspiration for Novel Inhibitors of Advanced GLYCATION Endproducts (AGEs) Formation
- Chronic kidney disease as a risk factor for heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: a focus on microcirculatory factors and therapeutic targets
- Role of advanced GLYCATION end products and insulin resistance in diabetic nephropathy
- An Electrochemical Chip to Monitor In Vitro GLYCATION of Proteins and Screening of AntiGLYCATION Potential of Drugs
- Linking LOXL2 to Cardiac Interstitial Fibrosis
- Advanced GLYCATION End-Products (AGEs) and Their Soluble Receptor (sRAGE) in Women Suffering from Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
- AGE/RAGE signaling-mediated endoplasmic reticulum stress and future prospects in non-coding RNA therapeutics for diabetic nephropathy
- Skin Autofluorescence, a Noninvasive Biomarker for Advanced GLYCATION End‐Products, Is Associated With Prevalent Vertebral and Major Osteoporotic Fractures: The …
- Role of the lysyl oxidase enzyme family in cardiac function and disease
- Advanced GLYCATION End Products Are Associated With Inflammation and Endothelial Dysfunction in HIV
- Oxidative stress and diabetic retinopathy: Molecular mechanisms, pathogenetic role and therapeutic implications
- Nitroxidized-Albumin Advanced GLYCATION End Product and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Poor bone MATRIX quality: What can be done about it?
- The Potential Role of Gene Editing in the AGING of Somatic cells: A Review of Literature
- Arterial stiffness as a measure of vascular dysfunction in hypertensive women
- Therapeutic potential of Nigella sativa in the prevention of aggregation and GLYCATION of proteins
- Arterial stiffness and cardiovascular risk in hypertension
- Left ventricular dysfunction in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction—molecular mechanisms and impact on right ventricular function
- The AGE receptor, OST48 drives podocyte foot process effacement and basement
- Pathological role of advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs) and their receptor axis in atrial fibrillation
- Advanced GLYCATION end products and risks for chronic diseases: intervening through lifestyle modification
- Trapa bispinosa Roxb. extract lowers advanced GLYCATION end-products and increases live births in older patients with assisted reproductive technology: a …
- Intramyocardial injections to de-stiffen the heart: A subject-specific in silico approach
- The AGE receptor, OST48 drives podocyte foot process effacement and basement membrane expansion in experimental diabetic kidney disease via promotion of …
- Circulating advanced GLYCATION endproducts and long-term risk of cardiovascular mortality in kidney transplant recipients
- Established and emerging mechanisms of diabetic cardiomyopathy
- Skin autofluorescence is associated with progression of kidney disease in type 2 diabetes: A prospective cohort study from the Hong Kong diabetes biobank
- Phytochemicals against anti‐diabetic complications: targeting the advanced GLYCATION end product signaling pathway
- The Impact of Advanced GLYCATION End-Products (AGEs) on Proliferation and Apoptosis of Primary Stem Cells: A Systematic Review
- Effect of antidiabetic drugs on the risk of atrial fibrillation: mechanistic insights from clinical evidence and translational studies
- Prevention of vascular complications in diabetes mellitus patients: focus on the arterial wall
- Collagen peptide simulated bending after applied axial deformation
- Absolute configuration of mycosporine-like amino acids, their wound healing properties and in vitro anti-AGING effects
- Arterial Stiffness as a Measure of Vascular Dysfunction in Hypertensive Women
- Dysregulated Protein Homeostasis in the AGING Organism
- Effect of Citrullus colocynthis extract on glycated hemoglobin formation (In vitro)
- Arterial stiffness in the heart disease of CKD
- Casein Hydrolysate Containing Milk-Derived Peptides Reduces Facial Pigmentation Partly by Decreasing Advanced GLYCATION End Products in the Skin: A …
- Natural products as potential inhibitors of Advanced GLYCATION Endproducts (AGEs) and modulators of autophagy
- AGEs-related dysfunctions in PCOS: evidence from animal and clinical research
- Induction and rescue of skeletal fragility in a high-fat diet mouse model of type 2 diabetes: An in vivo and in vitro approach
- Advanced GLYCATION End Products
- Glycolaldehyde-derived high-molecular-weight advanced GLYCATION end-products induce cardiac dysfunction through structural and functional remodeling of …
- The association of non-invasive skin autofluorescence measurements with cardiovascular and all-cause mortality in hemodialysis patients: a meta-analysis
- Arterial stiffness and hypertension in the elderly
- Diabetes and Pancreatic Cancer—A Dangerous Liaison Relying on Carbonyl Stress
- Glucose and Blood Pressure-Dependent Pathways–The Progression of Diabetic Kidney Disease
- Effect of Advanced GLYCATION End-Products and Excessive Calorie Intake on Diet-Induced Chronic Low-Grade Inflammation Biomarkers in Murine Models
- Microalbuminuria
- Carbamylated Proteins in Renal Disease: Aggravating Factors or Just Biomarkers?
- Alagebrium and spironolactone ameliorate dietary induced metabolic syndrome in male Wister rats
- Glyoxalase 1 modulation in obesity and diabetes
- Physical activity and markers of GLYCATION in older individuals: data from a combined cross-sectional and randomized controlled trial (EXAMIN AGE)
- Short Duration Alagebrium Chloride Therapy Prediabetes Does Not Inhibit Progression to Autoimmune Diabetes in an Experimental Model
- Protective effect of vanillin on diabetic nephropathy by decreasing advanced GLYCATION end products in rats
- Hyperactivated RAGE in Comorbidities as a Risk Factor for Severe COVID-19—The Role of RAGE-RAS Crosstalk
- Polyphenols and AGEs/RAGE axis. Trends and challenges
- Novel advances in inhibiting advanced GLYCATION end product formation using natural compounds
- Diabetes, Incretin Therapy and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm–What Does the Evidence Show?
- The physical microenvironment of tumors: characterization and clinical impact
- Soluble RAGEs and cardiovascular risk factors in adult offspring of patients with premature coronary heart disease
- Switching dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors to tofogliflozin, a selective inhibitor of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 improve arterial stiffness evaluated by cardio-ankle …
- Biomarkers of inflammation in left ventricular diastolic dysfunction
- AGING of the Retina: Molecular and Metabolic Turbulences and Potential Interventions
- Translational applications of glucose metabolism in abdominal aortic aneurysm
- Basic mechanisms of diabetic heart disease
- The importance of mechanical forces for in vitro endothelial cell biology
- Inhibition of the receptor for advanced GLYCATION end-products in acute respiratory distress syndrome: a randomised laboratory trial in piglets
- Role of GLYCATION in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Prevention through Nymphaea Species
- Treating Arterial Ageing in Patients with Diabetes: From Mechanisms to Effective Drugs
- Why and how do we age? A single answer to two questions
- Novel paradigms in the therapeutic management of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: clinical perspectives
- Perivascular drainage of amyloid beta (Aβ) and waste products from the brain and its failure.
- Cross linkage between oxidative stresses in diabetic nephropathy: An updated review
- Advanced GLYCATION End Products in Meat during Processing and Storage: A Review
- Biocatalytic Transformation of AGING-Associated Metabolites
- Arterial de-stiffing Drugs: Which Promising Therapeutic Agent is Useful?
- Molecular Signature of HFpEF: Systems Biology in a Cardiac-Centric Large Animal Model
- The diabetic cardiac fibroblast: mechanisms underlying phenotype and function
- Metabolic syndrome and its components predict the development of arterial stiffening in a sample of adult men
- Peroxidasin promotes diabetic vascular endothelial dysfunction induced by advanced GLYCATION end products via NOX2/HOCl/Akt/eNOS pathway
- Macrovasculature and microvasculature at the crossroads between type 2 diabetes mellitus and hypertension
- Novel dietary factors in diabetic and non-diabetic kidney disease
- As time flies by: investigating cardiac AGING in the short-lived Drosophila model
- Molecular characteristics of RAGE and advances in small-molecule inhibitors
- Potential role of metal chelation to prevent the cardiovascular complications of diabetes
- Synthesis, characterization and detection of novel protein modifications in vitro and in vivo:[kumulative Dissertation]
- Lipoxidation in cardiovascular diseases
- Therapeutic approaches in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: past, present, and future
- Salvia miltiorrhiza prevents methylglyoxal-induced glucotoxicity via the regulation of apoptosis-related pathways and the glyoxalase system in human umbilical vein …
- Improvement in diabetic retinopathy through protection against retinal apoptosis in spontaneously diabetic torii rats mediated by ethanol extract of Osteomeles …
- Advanced GLYCATION end products (AGEs)
- Diabetes as a risk factor for periodontal disease—plausible mechanisms
- Heart failure in type 2 diabetes mellitus: impact of glucose-lowering agents, heart failure therapies, and novel therapeutic strategies
- Effect of Advanced GLYCATION End Products on Regulation of Placental Growth Factor
- Advanced GLYCATION End Products and Oxidative Stress in a Hyperglycaemic Environment
- Myocardial Basis for Heart Failure: Role of Cardiac Interstitium
- The role of inflammation and neurodegeneration in diabetic macular edema
- Non-invasive measurements of arterial function: What? When? Why should we use them?
- Type I Angiotensin II Receptor Blockade Reduces Uremia‐Induced Deterioration of Bone Material Properties
- Skin autofluorescence is associated with rapid renal function decline in subjects at increased risk of coronary artery disease
- Role of AMP-activated protein kinase on cardio-metabolic abnormalities in the development of diabetic cardiomyopathy: A molecular landscape
- Diet-Derived Advanced GLYCATION End Products (dAGEs) Induce Proinflammatory Cytokine Expression in Cardiac and Renal Tissues of Experimental Mice: Protective …
- Globally elevating the AGE clearance receptor, OST48, does not protect against the development of diabetic kidney disease, despite improving insulin …
- Therapeutic targets for the treatment of cardiac fibrosis and cancer: focusing on TGF-β signaling
- Recent advances in Raman spectroscopy of proteins for disease diagnosis
- Targeting cardiac fibrosis in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: mirage or miracle?
- Pathogenesis of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy and role of miRNA
- Left Ventricular Diastolic Function: an Early Sign of Cardiac Damage
- Reduced stiffness and augmented traction force in type 2 diabetic coronary microvascular smooth muscle
- Concurrent diabetes and heart failure: interplay and novel therapeutic approaches
- Phenethyl isothiocyanate attenuates diabetic nephropathy via modulation of glycative/oxidative/inflammatory signaling in diabetic rats
- Pathological perturbations in diabetic retinopathy: hyperglycemia, AGEs, oxidative stress and inflammatory pathways
- Methylglyoxal down-regulates the expression of cell cycle associated genes and activates the p53 pathway in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
- Recent advances and the potential for clinical use of autofluorescence detection of extra-ophthalmic tissues
- A unifying model of glucotoxicity in human renal proximal tubular epithelial cells and the effect of the SGLT2 inhibitor dapagliflozin
- Alagebrium targets the miR-27b/TSP-1 signaling pathway to rescue Nε-carboxymethyl-lysine-induced endothelial dysfunction
- Application of Animal Models in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
- A concise appraisal of lipid oxidation and lipoxidation in higher plants
- Novel treatments for diastolic heart failure
- Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction based on AGING and comorbidities
- Swertiamarin mitigates nephropathy in high-fat diet/streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by inhibiting the formation of advanced GLYCATION end products
- Sirtuins: To Be or Not To Be in Diabetic Cardiomyopathy
- The efficacy of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for improving vascular function: exploring seed coat colour as an indicator of functionality
- LOX and LOX-Like Proteins as Potential Therapeutic Target for Atrial Fibrillation
- Advances in research on the bioactivity of alginate oligosaccharides
- Hyperglycemia-induced transcriptional regulation of ROCK1 and TGM2 expression is involved in small artery remodeling in obese diabetic Göttingen Minipigs
- Biomarkers of osteoporosis: an update
- Bone quality analysis of jaw bones in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus—post mortem anatomical and microstructural evaluation
- Pathogenesis of Microvascular Complications
- The biological basis of AGING: implications for medical genetics
- Regulation of Coronary Blood Flow in Normal and Ischemic States: Reduced stiffness and augmented traction force in type 2 diabetic coronary microvascular …
- Potential of Vasoprotectives to Inhibit Non-Enzymatic Protein GLYCATION, and Reactive Carbonyl and Oxygen Species Uptake
- Investigating aberrant DNA methylation patterns in LOXL2 as a potential predictor of diabetes-induced cardiac dysfunction
- Aortic Stiffness: Review of Life Course, Epidemiology, Risk Factors, and Relevant Biomarkers
- Nanomedicine for the treatment of diabetes-associated cardiovascular diseases and fibrosis
- Diabetes and Cognitive Impairment
- Arterial stiffness–A measurable vascular marker in clinical practice
- Potential therapeutic value of melatonin in diabetic nephropathy: improvement beyond anti-oxidative stress
- Lipopeptides in promoting signals at surface/interface of micelles: Their roles in repairing cellular and nuclear damages
- The Mystery of Diabetic Cardiomyopathy: From Early Concepts and Underlying Mechanisms to Novel Therapeutic Possibilities
- Dietary N‐epsilon‐carboxymethyllysine as for a major glycotoxin in foods: A review
- WOMEN IN REPRODUCTIVE SCIENCE: My WOMBan’s life: understanding human endometrial function
- Reduction of renal tubular injury with a RAGE inhibitor FPS-ZM1, valsartan and their combination in streptozotocin-induced diabetes in the rat
- Pyrazolotriazines: biological activities, synthetic strategies and recent developments
- The impact of dietary choline-deprivation on kidneys and heart of stz-induced diabetic rats
- Differential Gene Transcription in Monocytes from Chronic Kidney Disease and Healthy Patients
- Reducing PD-L1 expression with a self-assembled nanodrug: an alternative to PD-L1 antibody for enhanced chemo-immunotherapy
- Activation of general control nonderepressible-2 kinase ameliorates glucotoxicity in human peritoneal mesothelial cells, preserves their integrity, and prevents …
- Functionalised Flouroquinolones as a Potentially Novel Class of Anti-inflammatory and Anti-GLYCATION Compounds; Synthesis and Pharmacological Appraisal
- Cardiovascular changes with AGING
- Conditioning Medicine
- SIRT1-dependent upregulation of antiglycative defense in HUVECs is essential for resveratrol protection against high glucose stress
- Diabetes and hypertension differentially affect renal catecholamines and renal reactive oxygen species
- Atomic Force Microscopy-based essay for biomedical applications
- A Study to Evaluate the Associated Systemic Risk Factors in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients with Clinically Significant Macular Edema
- A clinical primer for the glymphatic system
- Syntheses, characterization, in vitro antiGLYCATION and DPPH radical scavenging activities of isatin salicylhydrazidehydrazone and its Mn (II), Co (II), Ni (II), Cu …
- Understanding collagen interactions and their targeted regulation by novel drugs
- Insulin Treatment Reduces Susceptibility to Atrial Fibrillation in Type 1 Diabetic Mice
- The effects of diet and gut microbiota on the regulation of intestinal mucin glycosylation
- Impact of diabetes on cardiac and vascular disease: Role of calcium signaling
- A concise appraisal of lipid oxidation and lipoxidation in higher plants
- Oxidative Stress, Ageing and Methods of Seed Invigoration: An Overview and Perspectives
- Intestinal microbiota and diabetic kidney diseases: role of microbiota and derived metabolites in the modulation of renal inflammation and disease …
- Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography is Preferable Measurement for Detecting the Early and Subtle Alterations of Cardiac Dysfunction in Diabetic Rats
- Peptidome and Proteome Peritoneal Dialysate Evolutionary Atlas (P3DEVOATLAS)
- 3, 4-dehydro-L-proline Induces Programmed Cell Death in the Roots of Brachypodium distachyon
- Expression profiling and recombinant production of TomEP, a Tomato Extensin Peroxidase
- Factors affecting thermal stability of collagen from the aspects of extraction, processing and modification
- Examining SERCA2a acetylation in the diseased human heart
- Mucolytic bacteria: prevalence in various pathological diseases
- Musculoskeletal disorders associated with diabetes
- Development of health products from natural sources
- Solubility of extracted proteins from Chlorella sorokiniana, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, and Nannochloropsis oceanica: Impact of pH-value
- Preliminary evidence for the presence of multiple forms of cell death in diabetes cardiomyopathy
- The Role of FCGBP in Mucus-Structure, Processing and Function
- Introduction to Peptide Science
- Bibliography Current World Literature Vol 15 No 2 March 2006
- Nanobiotechnology in neurodegenerative diseases
- Discovering inhibitors of cell surface receptor function as the basis for novel therapeutics to treat cancer
- Value-a ddedUsesofEggshell andEggshellMembranes
- On the Mechanobiology of Collagen Growth and Remodelling
- Processing and Presentation of Hybrid Polypeptides in Type 1 Diabetes
- Understanding the Structure, Toxicity and Inhibition of IAPP at the Nanoscale
- Bibliography Current World Literature Vol 14 No 5 September 2005
- Fluorescent diagnostic probes in neurodegenerative diseases
- Pharmacological management of vascular endothelial dysfunction in diabetes: TCM and western medicine compared based on biomarkers and biochemical …
- Development of oligomer-specific antibodies against tau protein and testing of therapeutic potential in a cell model of tau pathology
- Receptor specific, stimuli responsive and subcellular targeted approaches for effective therapy of Alzheimer: Role of surface engineered nanocarriers
- Nanoparticle-Guided Brain Drug Delivery: Expanding the Therapeutic Approach to Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Computational design and experimental validation of novel Self-Assembling Peptides
- Investigation into multifunctional nanoparticles for the detection, imAGING and intervention of amyloid
- Development of a Yeast Biosynthetic Platform for Rapid Production and Engineering of an Influenza Virus-like Particle Vaccine
- Quantitative fluorescence microscopy techniques to study three-dimensional organisation of T-cell signalling molecules.
- Identification of small molecules with reactivities against multiple pathogenic elements of alzheimer’s disease
- Molecular Biology Gene to Proteins
- Inorganic Nanoparticles and Their Strategies to Enhance Brain Drug Delivery
- Novel Delivery Systems of Polyphenols and Their Potential Health Benefits
- Antioxidant and AntiGLYCATION Properties of Fifteen Cultivated and Wild Vigna Species
- Advanced Fermentation and Cell Technology, 2 Volume Set
- Photochromic ligands for in vivo modulation of adrenergic neurotrasmission
- Microencapsulation of Thunbergia lauriforlia crude extract and its antioxidant properties
- Microencapsulation of Thunbergia laurifolia crude extract and its antioxidant properties
- Synthetic macromolecules as therapeutics that overcome resistance in cancer and microbial infection
- A holistic view on transcriptional regulatory networks in S. cerevisiae: Implications and utilization
- Molecular mechanisms underlying Woodhouse-Sakati syndrome: characterization of DCAF17 with specific, polyclonal antibodies
- Laccase-mediated biotransformation of phenolic compounds for the synthesis of new antioxidants
- Review of the current state of protein aggregation inhibition from a materials chemistry perspective: special focus on polymeric materials
- About TFE: Old and new findings
- Present health challenges in fresh and processed meat
- Single-molecule mechanics and regulatory conformational transitions of the force-sensing protein von Willebrand factor
- The impact of wavelength in plant’s response to extreme light-induced stress
- The Impact of Wavelength in Plant’s Response to Extreme Light-Induced Stress
- The Role of GAGA Motif Domains in Chromatin Remodeling of Igκ during B Cell Development
- M6A Reshapes the Folding and Recognition Landscape of RNAs
- Combining Computational and Experimental Approaches to Study Disordered and Aggregation Prone Proteins
- From Plants to Pores: Selection, Design, and Optimization of Antimicrobial Peptide Scaffolds from Putative Bacteriocins