March 5, 2022 RED WINE
March 5, 2022- Noradrenergic projections to the spinal cord of the rat
- The immune response evokes changes in brain Noradrenergic neurons
- Overeating and obesity from damage to a Noradrenergic system in the brain
- Spinal Noradrenergic terminal system mediates antinociception
- Central Noradrenergic regulation of cerebral blood flow and vascular permeability
- Noradrenergic alpha 1 and alpha 2 receptors: light microscopic autoradiographic localization
- The organization of Noradrenergic pathways from the brainstem to the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei in the rat
- Central Noradrenergic pathways for the integration of hypothalamic neuroendocrine and autonomic responses
- Noradrenergic innervation of the adult rat hippocampal formation
- High levels of neuropeptide Y in peripheral Noradrenergic neurons in various mammals including man
- Neuropathological and biochemical observations on the Noradrenergic system in Alzheimer’s disease
- The locus coeruleus: neurobiology of a central Noradrenergic nucleus
- The Noradrenergic system in Alzheimer and multi-infarct dementias.
- Establishment of a Noradrenergic clonal line of rat adrenal pheochromocytoma cells which respond to nerve growth factor
- Corticotropin-releasing factor activates Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus
- Noradrenergic axon terminals in the cerebral cortex of rat. III. Topometric ultrastructural analysis
- The use of dopamine β-hydroxylase as a marker for the central Noradrenergic nervous system in rat brain
- Neurobiological mechanisms in human anxiety evidence supporting central Noradrenergic hyperactivity
- Noradrenergic innervation of cerebral cortex: widespread effects of local cortical lesions
- Noradrenergic modulation of dendrodendritic inhibition in the olfactory bulb
- Development of the Noradrenergic innervation of neocortex
- Central Noradrenergic neurones concentrate 3 H-oestradiol
- Inhibition of both Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons in brain by the α-adrenergic agonist clonidine
- Yohimbine induced anxiety and increased Noradrenergic function in humans: effects of diazepam and clonidine
- Descending Noradrenergic projections and their spinal terminations
- Recent developments in Noradrenergic neurotransmission and its relevance to the mechanism of action of certain antihypertensive agents.
- Noradrenergic neurons: morphine inhibition of spontaneous activity
- Stimulation of Noradrenergic sympathetic outflow by calcitonin gene-related peptide
- Effects of lesions to ascending Noradrenergic neurones on performance of a 5-choice serial reaction task in rats; implications for theories of dorsal Noradrenergic …
- Occurrence of somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in some peripheral sympathetic Noradrenergic neurons
- Intracellular identification of central Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons by a new double labeling procedure
- Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus: inhibition by epinephrine and activation by the α-antagonist piperoxane
- Biochemical mapping of Noradrenergic nerves arising from the rat locus coeruleus
- The distribution and orientation of Noradrenergic fibers in neocortex of the rat: an immunofluorescence study
- Action of various antidepressant treatments reduces reactivity of Noradrenergic cyclic AMP-generating system in limbic forebrain
- Serotonergic and Noradrenergic receptors in the rat brain: modulation by chronic exposure to ovarian hormones
- Noradrenergic modulation of somatosensory cortical neuronal responses to lontophoretically applied putative neurotransmitters
- Multiple apparent alpha-Noradrenergic receptor binding sites in rat brain: effect of 6-hydroxydopamine
- Binding characteristics of a radiolabeled agonist and antagonist at central nervous system alpha Noradrenergic receptors
- Regional topography within Noradrenergic locus coeruleus as revealed by retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase
- Possible etiology of schizophrenia: Progressive damage to the Noradrenergic reward system by 6-hydroxydopamine
- Noradrenergic innervation of the rat hypothalamus: experimental biochemical and electron microscopic studies
- Blockade of cocaine reinforcement in rats with the dopamine receptor blocker pimozide, but not with the Noradrenergic blockers phentolamine or phenoxybenzamine.
- Endorphinergic and α-Noradrenergic systems in the paraventricular nucleus: effects on eating behavior
- Noradrenergic agonists and antagonists: effects on conditioned fear as measured by the potentiated startle paradigm
- Distinct α-Noradrenergic receptors differentiated by binding and physiological relationships
- Opiates control ACTH through a Noradrenergic mechanism
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic fibers innervate complementary layers in monkey primary visual cortex: an immunohistochemical study
- Noradrenergic innervation of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe: demonstration by electron microscopic autoradiography
- The coeruleospinal Noradrenergic neurons: anatomical and electrophysiological studies in the rat
- Noradrenergic hyperactivity in opiate withdrawal supported by clonidine reversal of opiate withdrawal.
- Presynaptic receptor systems on the Noradrenergic neurones of rat brain
- Separate involvement of the spinal Noradrenergic and serotonergic systems in morphine analgesia: the differences in mechanical and thermal algesic tests
- A new major projection from locus coeruleus: the main source of Noradrenergic nerve terminals in the ventral and dorsal columns of the spinal cord
- Central Noradrenergic control of blood pressure
- Synthesis, storage and release of acetylcholine by a Noradrenergic pheochromocytoma cell line
- Control of meal size by central Noradrenergic action
- Initial development of the Noradrenergic phenotype in autonomic neuroblasts of the rat embryo in vivo
- Ultrastructural localization of tyrosine hydroxylase in Noradrenergic neurons of brain
- Regional responses of rat brain Noradrenergic neurones to acute intense stress
- Tricyclic antidepressants: therapeutic properties and affinity for alpha-Noradrenergic receptor binding sites in the brain
- Noradrenergic responses in rat hippocampus: evidence for mediation by α and β receptors in the in vitro slice
- Low doses of ethanol disrupt sensory responses of brain Noradrenergic neurones
- Single cell activity in the Noradrenergic A-5 region: responses to drugs and peripheral manipulations of blood pressure
- Effects of ethanol on central and peripheral Noradrenergic neurons
- Noradrenergic involvement in the acute effects of ethanol.
- Laminar, tangential and regional organization of the Noradrenergic innervation of monkey cortex: dopamine-β-hydroxylase immunohistochemistry
- Activation of a central Noradrenergic projection to cerebellum
- Some electrophysiological and pharmacological properties of the cortical, Noradrenergic projection of the locus coeruleus in the rat
- Effects of chronic desipramine treatment on rat brain Noradrenergic responses to α-adrenergic drugs
- Tricyclic antidepressants: effects on the firing rate of brain Noradrenergic neurons
- Biochemical mapping of the Noradrenergic ventral bundle projection sites: evidence for a Noradrenergic-dopaminergic interaction
- Central inhibitory Noradrenergic cardiovascular control
- Role of Noradrenergic and dopaminergic processes in amphetamine self-administration
- Origin and distribution of Noradrenergic innervation in the habenula: a neurochemical study
- DSP-4: a novel compound with neurotoxic effects on Noradrenergic neurons of adult and developing rats
- Noradrenergic mediation of experimental cerebrovascular spasm
- A serotonergic innervation of Noradrenergic neurons in nucleus locus coeruleus: demonstration by immunocytochemical localization of the transmitter specific …
- The effects of lesions to ascending Noradrenergic neurons on discrimination learning and performance in the rat
- The neuropsychology and neuropharmacology of the dorsal ascending Noradrenergic bundle—a review
- Pharmacological characterization of substance P-induced nociception in mice: modulation by opioid and Noradrenergic agonists at the spinal level.
- Alpha-Noradrenergic receptor binding in mammalian brain: differential labeling of agonist and antagonist states
- Presynaptic receptor systems on the Noradrenergic neurones of the rabbit pulmonary artery
- Functional evidence for subsensitivity of Noradrenergic α2 receptors after chronic desipramine treatment
- Abrupt discontinuation of tricyclic antidepressant drugs: evidence for Noradrenergic hyperactivity
- Reward, attention and the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- Immunofluorescence of dopamine-β-hydroxylase application of improved methodology to the localization of the peripheral and central Noradrenergic nervous …
- On the role of the central Noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems in the regulation of TSH secretion in the rat
- Hypothalamic hyperphagia: dissociation from hyperphagia following destruction of Noradrenergic neurons
- The dorsal tegmental Noradrenergic projection: An analysis of its role in maze learning.
- Nerve growth factor: stimulation of regenerative growth of central Noradrenergic neurons
- Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic substrates of positive reinforcement: differential effects of d-and l-amphetamine
- Destruction of Noradrenergic neurons in rabbit brainstem elevates plasma vasopressin, causing hypertension
- Evidence of a-Noradrenergic reward receptors and serotonergic punishment receptors in the rat brain.
- Growth hormone response to clonidine as a probe of Noradrenergic receptor responsiveness in affective disorder patients and controls
- Evidence for Noradrenergic mediation of opioid effects on luteinizing hormone secretion
- Oxaprotiline: induction of central Noradrenergic subsensitivity by its (+)-enantiomer
- Noradrenergic and dopaminergic interactions in escape behavior: Analysis of uncontrollable stress effects
- Modulation of rat brain α-and β-adrenergic receptor populations by lesions of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- Hippocampal Noradrenergic responses in vivo and in vitro
- Brain neurotransmitter receptors after long-term haloperidol: dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin, α-Noradrenergic and naloxone receptors
- Selective loss of Noradrenergic phenotypic characters in neuroblasts of the rat embryo
- Memory enhancement in Korsakoff’s psychosis by clonidine: further evidence for a Noradrenergic deficit
- Monoamine-synthesizing enzymes in central dopaminergic, Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons. Immunocytochemical localization by light and electron …
- Inhibitory cardiovascular function of neurons in the caudal ventrolateral medulla of the rabbit: relationship to the area containing A1 Noradrenergic cells
- Noradrenergic transmission in depression: under-or overfunction?
- Noradrenergic challenges in the affective disorders.
- The Noradrenergic system of the amygdala and aversive information processing.
- Amygdalar Noradrenergic and dopaminergic mechanisms in the regulation of hunger and thirst-motivated behavior
- Noradrenergic rather than serotonergic basis of reward in the dorsal tegmentum.
- Central Noradrenergic neurons: a locus for the functional interplay between alpha-2 adrenoceptors and opiate receptors.
- The time course of Noradrenergic pre-and postsynaptic activity during chronic desipramine treatment
- Reinnervation of the partially deafferented hippocampus by compensatory collateral sprouting from spared cholinergic and Noradrenergic afferents
- Origins of spinal Noradrenergic pathways demonstrated by retrograde transport of antibody to dopamine-β-hydroxylase
- Noradrenergic terminal excitability: Effects of opioids
- Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of lymphoid tissue in the rabbit appendix: Further evidence for a link between the nervous and immune systems
- Self-stimulation of Noradrenergic cell group (A6) in locus coeruleus of rats.
- Effects of streptozotocin diabetes on the Noradrenergic innervation of the rat heart: a longitudinal histofluorescence and neurochemical study
- Methylxanthine activation of Noradrenergic unit activity and reversal by clonidine
- Differentiation of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurons in rat spinal cord
- Activation of lateral geniculate neurons by locus coeruleus or dorsal Noradrenergic bundle stimulation: Selective blockade by the alpha1-adrenoceptor antagonist …
- Noradrenergic modulation of glutamate release in the cerebellum
- Binding of 3H-catecholamines to α-Noradrenergic receptor sites in calf brain
- Alteration of central alpha2-and beta-adrenergic receptors in the rat after DSP-4, a selective Noradrenergic neurotoxin
- The effects of vasopressin on memory processes: the role of Noradrenergic neurotransmission
- Central Noradrenergic neurones and the cardiovascular actions of clonidine in the rabbit
- Catecholamines in the median eminence: new evidence for a major Noradrenergic input
- Anticonvulsant and Proconvulsant Actions of Alpha‐and Beta‐Noradrenergic Agonists onEpileptiform Activity in Rat Hippocampus In Vitro
- Age-related decline in the activity of Noradrenergic neurons of the rat locus coeruleus
- The role of the Noradrenergic system on the formation of synapses in the visual cortex of the rat
- Subtotal destruction of central Noradrenergic projections increases the firing rate of locus coeruleus cells
- Fluorescence histochemical studies on the Noradrenergic innervation of the canine larynx
- Effects of sustained seizures produced by intrahippocampal injection of kainic acid on Noradrenergic neurons: evidence for local control of norepinephrine …
- Intracranial self-stimulation in relation to the ascending Noradrenergic fiber systems of the pontine tegmentum and caudal midbrain: A moveable electrode mapping …
- Adaptation to stress and brain Noradrenergic receptors
- Evidence for ascending Noradrenergic mediation of hypothalamic hyperphagia
- Effects of zimelidine on serotoninergic and Noradrenergic neurons after repeated administration in the rat
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic mediation of spinal analgesia mechanisms
- Alpha-receptor-mediated modulation of transmitter release from central Noradrenergic neurones
- Pre-and postsynaptic effects of yohimbine stereoisomers on Noradrenergic transmission in the pulmonary artery of the rabbit
- Ultrastructural demonstration of Noradrenergic synapses in the rat central nervous system by dopamine-beta-hydroxylase immunocytochemistry.
- Thyroid state: effects on pre-and postsynaptic central Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Evidence that self-stimulation of the region of the locus coeruleus in rats does not depend upon Noradrenergic projections to telencephalon
- Presnyaptic Noradrenergic regulation during depression and antidepressant drug treatment
- Noradrenergic innervation patterns in three regions of medial cortex: an immunofluorescence characterization
- Thermoregulatory Noradrenergic and serotonergic pathways to hypothalamic units
- Pulmonary Noradrenergic innervation of rat and monkey: a comparative study
- Feeding: satiety signal from intestine triggers brain’s Noradrenergic mechanism
- Noradrenergic role in the self-administration of ethanol
- Participation of central Noradrenergic neurons in arterial baroreceptor reflexes in the rabbit
- Two Noradrenergic systems in the brain and their interactions with other monoaminergic neurons.
- Functional supersensitivity to adrenergic agonists in the rat after DSP-4, a selective Noradrenergic neurotoxin
- Biochemical mapping of the Noradrenergic projection from the locus coeruleus: A model for studies of brain neuronal pathways
- The role of central Noradrenergic neurons in the control of thyrotropin secretion in the rat
- Chronic desipramine treatment increases activity of Noradrenergic postsynaptic cells
- Exocytosis from large and small dense cored vesicles in Noradrenergic nerve terminals
- Noradrenergic inhibitory innervation of canine airways
- Are opioid peptides co-transmitters in Noradrenergic vesicles of sympathetic nerves?
- The actions of xylamine on central Noradrenergic neurons.
- Conditions required for the inhibitory feedback loop in Noradrenergic transmission
- The relative importance of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neuronal systems for the stimulation of locomotor activity induced by amphetamine and other drugs
- Participation of central Noradrenergic neurons in arterial baroreceptor reflexes in the rabbit: a study with intracisternally administered 6-hydroxydopamine
- Central Noradrenergic regulation of brain microcirculation
- Noradrenergic function and depression, too much or too little?
- Noradrenergic influences on sound-induced seizures.
- Noradrenergic role in the self-administration of morphine or amphetamine
- The locus coeruleus Noradrenergic system—evidence against a role in attention, habituation, anxiety and motor activity
- Biochemical evidences for interaction phenomena between Noradrenergic and serotoninergic systems in the cat brain
- Noradrenergic influences on catalepsy
- Central Noradrenergic inhibition of gastric mucosal blood flow and acid secretion in rats
- Dihydroxytryptamines: Effects on Noradrenergic function in mouse heart in vivo
- Facilitation of memory consolidation by vasopressin: Mediation by terminals of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle?
- Memory impairment in Korsakoff’s psychosis: a correlation with brain Noradrenergic activity
- Short and long term changes in tyrosine hydroxylase activity in rat brain after subtotal destruction of central Noradrenergic neurons
- Dorsal Noradrenergic bundle and selective attention in the rat.
- The effect of trauma on the activity of central Noradrenergic neurones
- Guanyl nucleotide influences on 3H-ligand binding to alpha-Noradrenergic receptors in calf brain membranes.
- The activation of tyrosine hydroxylase in Noradrenergic neurons during acute nerve stimulation
- Absence of glucoprivic feeding after stress suggests impairment of Noradrenergic neuron function
- Brain Noradrenergic neuronal activity affects 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (DHPG) levels
- Noradrenergic mediation of the positive reinforcing properties of ethanol: I. Suppression of ethanol consumption in laboratory rats following dopamine-beta …
- The role of ventral bundle Noradrenergic neurones in sensory components of sexual behaviour and coitus-induced pseudopregnancy
- The involvement of the Noradrenergic system arising from the locus coeruleus in the postnatal development of the cortex in rat brain
- Characterization of Noradrenergic control of vasopressin release by the organ-cultured rat hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system
- Post-mortem measurement of enzymes in human brain: evidence of a central Noradrenergic deficit in schizophrenia
- (+/-)-[3H] Epinephrine and (-)[3H] dihydroalprenolol binding to beta1-and beta2-Noradrenergic receptors in brain, heart, and lung membranes.
- The central Noradrenergic transmission and the locus coeruleus: a review of the data, and their implications for neurotransmission and neuromodulation
- Are the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle projections from the locus coeruleus important for neocortical or hippocampal activation?
- Cholecystokinin acts on the hypothalamic “Noradrenergic system” involved in feeding
- The role of the septo-hippocampal system and its Noradrenergic afferents in behavioural responses to nonreward
- Brain Noradrenergic systems as a prerequisite for developing tolerance to barbiturates
- Modulation of Noradrenergic transmission in the guinea‐pig mesenteric artery: an electrophysiological study.
- D & L amphetamine stereoisomers: comparative potencies in affecting the firing of central dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurons.
- Methylazoxymethanol treatment of fetal rats results in abnormally dense Noradrenergic innervation of neocortex
- The immunohistochemical demonstration of Noradrenergic neurons in the rat brain: the use of homologous antiserum to dopamine-β-hydroxylase
- Noradrenergic transmission and female sexual behavior of guinea pigs
- Self-stimulation in the mesencephalic trajectory of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle
- Pharmacological evidence for a functional role of the prejunctional alpha-adrenoreceptor in Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the conscious rat
- The Noradrenergic cyclic AMP generating system in the limbic forebrain: Pharmacological characterization in vitro and possible role of limbic Noradrenergic …
- Adaptive changes in central and peripheral Noradrenergic neurons in rats following chronic exercise
- Suppression of basal and stimulated Noradrenergic activities by the dopamine agonist bromocriptine in man
- Noradrenergic axon terminals in the cerebral cortex of rat. I. Radioautographic visualization after topical application of dl-[3H] norepinephrine
- The innervation of cerebral blood vessels by central Noradrenergic neurons
- Evidence for interactions between central Noradrenergic neurons and adrenal hormones in learning and memory
- Ontogeny of neurochemical markers for Noradrenergic, GABAergic and cholinergic neurons in neocortex lesioned with methylazoxymethanol acetate
- Preferential Noradrenergic innervation of alpha-adrenergic receptors in vascular smooth muscle.
- Subcellular fractionation of splenic nerve: ATP, chromogranin A and dopamine β-hydroxylase in Noradrenergic vesicles
- Dorsal Noradrenergic bundle lesions fail to disrupt self-stimulation from the region of locus coeruleus
- Central Noradrenergic function in man: vanillylmandelic acid in CSF
- Dopamine and norepinephrine in Noradrenergic axons: a study in vivo of their precursor product relationship by mass fragmentography and radiochemistry
- The effects of lesions of lateral tegmental Noradrenergic neurons on components of sexual behaviour and pseudopregnancy in female rats
- Noradrenergic axon terminals in the cerebral cortex of rat. II. Quantitative data revealed by light and electron microscope radioautography of the frontal cortex
- Buspirone, a non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic, increases locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neuronal activity
- The central Noradrenergic system in the rat: metabolic mapping with α-adrenergic blocking agents
- Genetically determined differences in Noradrenergic input to the brain cortex: a histochemical and biochemical study in two inbred strains of mice
- Preliminary trial of the Noradrenergic agonist clonidine in psychiatric patients.
- Noradrenergic transmission (reply)
- Phencyclidine and ketamine: comparison with the effect of cocaine on the Noradrenergic neurones of the rat brain cortex
- Alpha-receptor mediated inhibition of A2 Noradrenergic neurons.
- Pain and the bulbospinal Noradrenergic system: pain-induced increase in normetanephrine content in the spinal cord and its modification by morphine
- Histochemical and pharmacological analysis of Noradrenergic projections to the paraventricular hypothalamus in relation to feeding stimulation
- The dorsal Noradrenergic bundle, extinction and non-reward
- Pharmacological properties of [3H] dihydroergokryptine binding sites associated with alpha Noradrenergic receptors in rat brain membranes
- Noradrenergic synapses for the suppression of feeding behavior.
- High‐affinity binding of [3H] desipramine to rat brain: a presynaptic marker for Noradrenergic uptake sites
- Modulation in the sensitivity of Noradrenergic receptors in the CNS studied by the responsiveness of the cyclic AMP system
- Morphine analgesia and the bulbospinal Noradrenergic system: increase in the concentration of normetanephrine in the spinal cord of the rat caused by analgesics
- Ultrastructural identification of Noradrenergic axons and their distribution within the enteric plexuses of the guinea-pig small intestine
- Effect of nicotine on single cell activity in the Noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus.
- Activation of an inhibitory Noradrenergic pathway projecting from the locus coeruleus to the cingulate cortex of the rat
- Dynamic changes in brain dopamine-β-hydroxylase activity during anterograde and retrograde reactions to injury of central Noradrenergic axons
- The turnover rate of Noradrenergic vesicles.
- Noradrenergic sensitivity of the cerebral cortex after chronic ethanol ingestion and withdrawal.
- Body weight changes after neurochemical manipulations of lateral amygdala: Noradrenergic and dopaminergic mechanisms
- Neurophysiological consequences of presynaptic receptor activation: changes in Noradrenergic terminal excitability
- Significance of central Noradrenergic system on harmaline induced tremor
- Inhibitory action of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle on the lateral hypothalamic neurons through alpha-Noradrenergic mechanisms in the rat
- Chronic treatment with antidepressants: potentiation of clonidine-induced aggression in mice via Noradrenergic mechanism
- Post-learning paradoxical sleep, reticular activation and Noradrenergic activity
- Selective action of 6-hydroxydopa on Noradrenergic terminals: mapping of preterminal axons of the brain
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in the brain and peripheral organs of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats at various ages.
- Modification of Noradrenergic hypothalamic system in rat injected with phosphatidylserine liposomes
- Noradrenergic regulation of growth hormone secretion in the baboon
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in brain and peripheral organs after aortic nerve transection
- Development of α‐Noradrenergic and dopaminergic receptor systems depends on maturation of their presynaptic nerve terminals in the rat brain
- Assessing the Noradrenergic system in normal aging: a review of methodology
- Specific Noradrenergic neurones destroyed by 6-hydroxydopamine injection into newborn rats
- Noradrenergic stimulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate in rat Purkinje neurons: an immunocytochemical study
- Temporal sequence of changes in central Noradrenergic system of rat after prolonged antidepressant treatment: receptor desensitization and neurotransmitter …
- Noradrenergic processes involved in the locomotor effects of ethanol
- Separate Noradrenergic receptors could mediate clonidine-induced antinociception.
- Effects of localized intracerebral injections of nerve growth factor on the regenerative growth of lesioned central Noradrenergic neurones
- Noradrenergic and non-Noradrenergic nerves containing small granular vesicles in Auerbach’s plexus of the guinea-pig: evidence against the presence of …
- Noradrenergic axon terminals in the substantia gelatinosa of the rat spinal cord
- Reduction of dopamine utilization in the prefrontal cortex but not in the nucleus accumbens after selective destruction of Noradrenergic fibers innervating the ventral …
- Prejunctional effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine on Noradrenergic nerves in the cardiovascular system.
- Possible involvement of a central Noradrenergic system in automutilation induced by clonidine in mice
- Selective labeling of α-Noradrenergic receptors in rat brain with [3H] dihydroergokryptine
- Neurochemical regulation of feeding in the rat: Facilitation by a-Noradrenergic, but not dopaminergic, receptor stimulants.
- Structure-activity relations for presynaptic inhibition of Noradrenergic and cholinergic transmission by adenosine: evidence for action on A1 receptors.
- Activation of tyrosine hydroxylase from central Noradrenergic neurons by calcium
- Korsakoff’s psychosis: Noradrenergic systems and cognitive impairment
- Depression of exploratory activity by clonidine in rats as a model for the detection of relative pre-and postsynaptic central Noradrenergic receptor selectivity of α …
- Amphetamine-induced inhibition of central Noradrenergic neurons: a pharmacological analysis
- Regeneration of normal terminal innervation patterns by central Noradrenergic neurons after 5, 7-dihydroxytryptamine-induced axotomy in the adult rat
- Acathisia-syndrome: involvement of Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Further studies on the role of Noradrenergic mechanisms in ethanol withdrawal syndrome in rats.
- Sympathetic Noradrenergic sprouting in response to central cholinergic denervation: a histochemical study of neuronal sprouting in the rat hippocampal formation
- Evidence against a role of the rat’s dorsal Noradrenergic bundle in selective attention and place memory
- Presynaptic inhibition by dopamine receptor agonists of Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the rabbit hypothalamus.
- Noradrenergic neuromuscular transmission with special reference to arterial smooth muscle
- Ontogeny of the Noradrenergic innervation of the rat hippocampal formation
- Alpha Noradrenergic receptors in brain membranes: sodium, magnesium and guanyl nucleotides modulate agonist binding
- Supraoptic nucleus of the Brattleboro rat has an altered afferent Noradrenergic input
- The activities of Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neuron systems in experimental hydrocephalus
- Tyrosine hydroxylase: allosteric activation induced by stimulation of central Noradrenergic neurons
- Decrease in Noradrenergic activity in hypothalamic nuclei during the development of spontaneous hypertension
- Collateral sprouting and reduced activity of the rat mesocortical dopaminergic neurons after selective destruction of the ascending Noradrenergic bundles
- Ethanol withdrawal in the rat: Involvement of Noradrenergic neurons
- Evidence for a selective brain Noradrenergic involvement in the locomotor stimulant effects of amphetamine in the rat
- Cerebral compensation for chronic Noradrenergic denervation induced by locus ceruleus lesion: recovery of receptor binding, isoproterenol-induced adenylate …
- Supersensitivity in rat cerebral cortex: pre-and postsynaptic effects of 6-hydroxydopamine at Noradrenergic synapses
- Clonidine: Attenuation of sedative action by facilitated central Noradrenergic neurotransmission
- Contribution of Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons to the circulatory effects of centrally acting clonidine and alpha-methyldopa in rabbits.
- Individually reared rats: Alteration in Noradrenergic brain functions
- Alterations of the cortical Noradrenergic system in chronic cobalt epileptogenic foci in the rat: a histofluorescent and biochemical study
- Locus ceruleus region: effects on behavior of cholinergic, Noradrenergic, and opiate drugs injected intracerebrally into freely moving cats
- 6-OHDA lesion of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle alters extinction of passive avoidance.
- Changes in Noradrenergic transmission alter the concentration of cytoplasmic progestin receptors in hypothalamus
- Role of brainstem and spinal Noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons in the development and maintenance of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Clonidine withdrawal: activation of brain Noradrenergic neurons with specifically reduced α2-receptor sensitivity
- Cerebral blood flow and oxygen consumption in the rat brain after lesions of the Noradrenergic locus coeruleus system
- Noradrenergic overactivity in chronic schizophrenia: evidence based on cerebrospinal fluid noradrenaline and cyclic nucleotide concentrations
- Inhibition of the regenerative growth of central Noradrenergic neurons by intracerebrally administered anti-NGF serum
- Possible involvement of a Noradrenergic area of the amygdala with stereotyped behaviour
- Dopaminergic but not Noradrenergic mediation of hyperactivity and performance deficits in the developing rat pup
- Hypoalgesia induced by blockade of Noradrenergic projections to the raphe magnus: reversal by blockade of Noradrenergic projections to the spinal cord
- Noradrenergic involvement in dopamine-dependent stereotyped and cataleptic responses in the rat
- Noradrenergic pathways and sleep-waking states in cats
- Hypoalgesia following microinjection of Noradrenergic antagonists in the nucleus raphe magnus
- Presynaptic Noradrenergic α-receptros and modulation of 3H-noradrenaline release from rat brain synaptosomes
- Noradrenergic mediation of traumatic spinal cord autodestruction
- Microiontophoretic studies on Noradrenergic inhibition from locus coeruleus of spinal trigeminal nucleus neurons.
- Noradrenergic component in the vasoconstriction induced by 5-hydroxytryptamine in goat cerebral arteries
- Effect of lesions in the ventral Noradrenergic tract produced by microinjection of 6-hydroxydopamine on gonadotropin release in the rat
- Chronic treatment with imipramine: Further functional evidence for the enhanced Noradrenergic transmission in flexor reflex activity
- Substance P and somatostatin regulate sympathetic Noradrenergic function
- Electrophysiologic interactions of antipsychotic drugs with central Noradrenergic pathways
- Pharmacological evidence for stimulation of growth hormone secretion by a central Noradrenergic system in dogs
- Electrophysiological evidence for presynaptic actions of phencyclidine on Noradrenergic transmission in rat cerebellum.
- Axonal transport of noradrenaline and Noradrenergic transmission in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes
- … from the lower brain stem to the rat cerebellum by the horseradish peroxidase method combined with MAO staining, with special reference to Noradrenergic neurons.
- Noradrenergic innervation of the villi of rat jejunum
- Estimation of the contribution of peripheral and central Noradrenergic neurones to urinary 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol in the rat
- Central Noradrenergic neurons: differential effects on body weight of electrolytic and 6-hydroxydopamine lesions in rats.
- Effects of pimozide on Noradrenergic transmission in rabbit isolated ear arteries
- Role of neuronal signal input in the down‐regulation of central Noradrenergic receptor function by antidepressant drugs
- Local regulation of compensatory Noradrenergic hyperactivity in the partially denervated hippocampus
- Effects of Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons on blood pressure, heart rate and baroreceptor-heart rate reflex of the conscious rabbit
- Mechanism of the Noradrenergic motor control on the lower oesophageal sphincter in the cat.
- Interactions of Divalent Cations and Guanine Nucleotides at α2‐Noradrenergic Receptor Binding Sites in Bovine Brain Mechanisms
- Central cholinergic and Noradrenergic stimulation in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
- Immune lesions of Noradrenergic neurones in rat central nervous system produced by antibodies to dopamine-β-hydroxylase
- Visualization of central Noradrenergic neurons in thick sections by the unlabeled antibody method: a transmitter-specific Golgi image
- Effects of amphetamine and its hydroxylated metabolites on central Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Changes in Noradrenergic neurotransmission in rat cerebellum during aging
- Multiple α2‐Noradrenergic Receptor Sites in Rat Brain: Selective Regulation of High‐Affinity [3H] Clonidine Binding by Guanine Nucleotides and Divalent Cations
- Effects of estrogen on the excitability of neurons projecting from the Noradrenergic A1 region to the preoptic and anterior hypothalamic area
- Circling behavior following systemic d-amphetamine administration: potential Noradrenergic and dopaminergic involvement
- Sympathetic Noradrenergic sprouting in response to central cholinergic denervation
- Localization of Noradrenergic terminals in sympathetic preganglionic nuclei of the rat: demonstration by immunocytochemical localization of dopamine-β-hydroxylase
- Alterations in turnover and endogenous levels of norepinephrine in cerebral cortex following electrical stimulation and acute axotomy of cerebral Noradrenergic …
- Evidence for hypothalamic Noradrenergic involvement in naloxone-induced stimulation of luteinizing hormone release
- A fluorescent histochemical study of changes in Noradrenergic neurons following experimental cerebral infarction in the rat
- Effects of clozapine on the activity of central dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurons
- Interaction between Noradrenergic and cholinergic systems in the rat brain: behavioural function in locomotor activity
- Participation of adrenergic and Noradrenergic neurones in central connections of arterial baroreceptor reflexes in the rat.
- Changes in body weight and food-related behaviour induced by destruction of the ventral or dorsal Noradrenergic bundle in the rat
- Evidence for Noradrenergic involvement in episodic prolactin and growth hormone release in ovariectomized rats
- Development of cortical and nigro-neostriatal dopaminergic systems after destruction of central Noradrenergic neurones in foetal or neonatal rats
- Acquisition and extinction of continuously and partially reinforced running in rats with lesions of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- Discontinuation of chronic clonidine treatment: evidence for facilitated brain Noradrenergic neurotransmission
- Enhanced sensitivity to Noradrenergic agonists and tolerance development to α-methyltyrosine in the rat
- Functional activity of the Noradrenergic innervation of large cerebral arteries
- The relative role of recapture and of de novo synthesis for the maintenance of neurotransmitter homeostasis in Noradrenergic nerves
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic input necessary for imipramine-induced changes in beta but not S2 receptor densities
- A correlation between the effects of anti‐mitotic drugs on microtubule assembly in vitro and the inhibition of axonal transport in Noradrenergic neurones.
- Lack of effect of Noradrenergic denervation of the hypothalamus and medial preoptic area on the feedback regulation of gonadotropin secretion and the estrous cycle …
- The effect of bilateral lesions of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle on endocrine-induced changes of tyrosine hydroxylase in the rat median eminence
- Neurotransmitters and receptor binding in amygdaloid kindled rats: serotonergic and Noradrenergic modulatory effects
- Sympathetic Noradrenergic innervation of guinea-pig liver: histofluorescence and pharmacological studies.
- Noradrenergic mediation of the positive reinforcing properties of ethanol: II. Extinction of ethanol-drinking behavior in laboratory rats by inhibition of dopamine-beta …
- The dorsal Noradrenergic bundle and varieties of passive avoidance
- Noradrenergic responses in rat hippocampus: electrophysiological actions of direct-and indirect-acting sympathomimetics in the in vitro slice.
- The distribution of Noradrenergic nerves and small, intensely fluorescent (SIF) cells in the cat urinary bladder
- Noradrenergic reward mechanisms, recovery of function, and schizophrenia
- A new approach to the role of noradrenaline in learning: problem-solving in the marmoset after α-Noradrenergic receptor blockade
- Amphetamine and Noradrenergic reward pathways
- Effects of thyroid hormone deficiency on pre-and postsynaptic Noradrenergic mechanisms in the rat cerebral cortex.
- Tyrosine hydroxylase: delayed activation in central Noradrenergic neurons and induction in adrenal medulla elicited by stimulation of central cholinergic receptors.
- Tyrosine hydroxylase activity in Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus after reserpine administration: sequential increase in cell bodies and nerve terminals
- Failure of the hypothalamic Noradrenergic system to function in adult androgen-sterilized rats
- Biochemical observations on the formation of small Noradrenergic vesicles in the splenic nerve of the dog
- Nonlinear changes in activity and emotional reactivity scores following central Noradrenergic lesions in rats
- Fetally-induced Noradrenergic hyperinnervation of cerebral cortex results in persistent down-regulation of beta-receptors
- Sprouting of Noradrenergic fibers in hippocampus after medial septal lesions: contributions of the central and peripheral nervous systems
- Substantia nigra self-stimulation: dependence on Noradrenergic reward pathways
- Biochemical identification of multiple GABAB binding sites: association with Noradrenergic terminals in rat forebrain
- Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the brain of a convulsive mutant mouse
- Brainstem Noradrenergic system depression by cyclobenzaprine
- The dopaminergic and Noradrenergic blockades: a new treatment for headache
- Identification of and interactions between Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurites in the myenteric plexus
- Rotational behaviour produced in rats by unilateral electrolytic lesions of the ascending Noradrenergic bundles
- Maturation of sympathetic neurotransmission in the rat heart. VIII. Slowed development of Noradrenergic synapses resulting from hypothyroidism.
- Noradrenergic function during stress and depression: An alternative view
- Inhibition of the release of LH and ovulation by activation of the Noradrenergic system. Effect of interrupting the ascending pathways
- Functional evidence for postsynaptic supersensitivity of central Noradrenergic receptors after denervation
- Changes in Noradrenergic neuroendocrine responses following repeated seizures and the mechanism of action of ECT
- Modulation of Noradrenergic transmission in the rabbit ear artery by dopamine
- Effect of ECT on dopaminergic and Noradrenergic mechanisms
- The activating action of vincamine, piracetam, and hydergine on the activity of the Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus
- Noradrenergic stimulation in vivo increases (Na+, K+)-adenosine triphosphatase activity
- Corticosteroid involvement in the changes in Noradrenergic responsiveness of tissues from rats made hypertensive by short-term isolation
- Stereoselectivity of catecholamine uptake in Noradrenergic and dopaminergic peripheral organs
- The action of adenosine on Noradrenergic neuronal inhibition induced by stimulation of locus coeruleus
- Some aspects of the reaction of central and peripheral Noradrenergic neurons to injury
- Kainic acid spares fibers of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- Hypothyroidism elicits electrophysiological Noradrenergic subsensitivity in rat cerebellum
- Phenothiazine antagonism of the Noradrenergic inhibition of cerebellar Purkinje neurons
- Food intake and body weight: effects of specific and non-specific lesions in the midbrain path of the ascending Noradrenergic neurons of the rat
- Tetrodotoxin-sensitive and-resistant effects of veratridine on the Noradrenergic neurone of the rat vas deferens
- Central Noradrenergic activity and the formation of glycol sulfate metabolites of brain norepinephrine
- Opiate-enhanced toxicity and Noradrenergic sprouting in rats treated with 6-hydroxydopa
- Effects of drugs affecting the Noradrenergic system on convulsions in the quaking mouse
- Specific uptake and retrograde flow of antibody to dopamine-β-hydroxylase by central nervous system Noradrenergic neurons in vivo
- Location of Noradrenergic structures in the central artery of the rabbit ear
- Peripheral and intrahypothalamic cholecystokinin act on the Noradrenergic “feeding circuit” in the rat’s diencephalon
- Pilocarpine: Noradrenergic mechanism of a cholinergic drug
- Noradrenergic modulation of serotonin synthesis and metabolism. II. Stimulation by 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine.
- Gel electrophoresis of soluble and insoluble proteins of Noradrenergic vesicles from ox splenic nerve: a comparison with proteins of adrenal chromaffin granules
- Noradrenergic innervation of the penis in control and streptozotocin‐diabetic rats: Evidence of autonomic neuropathy
- Differential supersensitivity of β-receptor subtypes in rat cortex and cerebellum after central Noradrenergic denervation
- Two-way avoidance and acute shock stress induced alterations of regional Noradrenergic, dopaminergic and serotonergic activity in Roman high-and low-avoidance …
- Schedule dependent changes in operant responding after lesions of the dorsal tegmental Noradrenergic projection
- Characteristics of the dopaminergic and Noradrenergic systems of the pancreatic islets
- α-Noradrenergic modulation of hypothalamic self-stimulation: Studies employing clonidine, 1-phenylephrine and α-methyl-p-tyrosine
- Morphological effects of osmolarity on purified Noradrenergic vesicles
- Increased ouabain binding after repeated Noradrenergic stimulation
- Development and aging of Noradrenergic cell bodies and axon terminals in the chicken
- Genetic variation, chronic stress, and the central and peripheral Noradrenergic systems
- Vasopressin maintenance of ethanol tolerance requires intact brain Noradrenergic systems
- Influence of lesions of the Noradrenergic locus coeruleus system on the cerebral metabolic response to bicuculline-induced seizures
- Prolonged activation of tyrosine hydroxylase in Noradrenergic neurones of rat brain by cholinergic stimulation
- Noradrenergic basis of inhibition between reward and punishment in amygdala.
- Brain Noradrenergic responses to training and to amnestic frontal cortex stimulation
- Noradrenergic innervation of the median eminence. Microspectrofluorimetric and pharmacological study in the duck, Anas platyrhynchos
- Hippocampal α-and β-adrenergic receptors: comparison of [3H] dihydroalprenolol and [3H] WB 4101 binding with Noradrenergic innervation in the rat
- Evidence for an interaction of opioid and Noradrenergic locus coeruleus systems in the regulation of environmental stimulus-directed behavior
- Lanthanum inhibits brain adenylate cyclase and blocks Noradrenergic depression of Purkinje cell discharge independent of calcium
- Noradrenergic or dopaminergic activity in chronic schizophrenia
- Evidence against Noradrenergic regulation of vasodilation in rat brown adipose tissue
- Involvement of alpha Noradrenergic receptors in mediation of brain polyphosphoinositides metabolism in vivo.
- Further evidence for the heterogeneous storage of noradrenaline in central Noradrenergic terminals
- The effects of interruption of the ventral Noradrenergic pathway on the proestrous discharge of prolactin in the rat
- Dopamine-norepinephrine: another regulatory step of norepinephrine synthesis in central Noradrenergic neurons
- Excitatory effects of ACTH on Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus in the rat
- Effects of presynaptic modulators on Ca2+-induced noradrenaline release from central Noradrenergic neurons
- Effects of some catecholamines on Noradrenergic transmission in the rabbit ear artery.
- … of sympathetic neurotransmission in the rat heart. II. Enhanced development of presynaptic and postsynaptic components of Noradrenergic synapses as a result …
- Blockade of intracranial self-stimulation by antipsychotic drugs: Failure to correlate with central alpha-Noradrenergic blockade
- Effects of lesions of the Locus coeruleus and the ventral Noradrenergic bundle on the antinociceptive action of clonidine in rats.
- Alterations in Noradrenergic function during clorgyline treatment
- Intact selective attention in rats with lesions of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle.
- Altered exploratory behaviour after 6-OHDA lesion to the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- Immune lesions of central Noradrenergic neurons produced by antibodies to dopamine-β-hydroxylase
- Recent morphological and functional studies on hypothalamic dopaminergic and Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Effects of 6-hydroxydopa on Noradrenergic neurons in developing rat brain.
- Localization of the Noradrenergic nervous system in human brain
- Urinary excretion of catechol amines in the immunosympathectomized rat—balance phenomena between the adrenergic and the Noradrenergic system
- The role of Noradrenergic and serotonergic systems in the hippocampal kindling effect
- Effects of chemical lesion of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle or of the medial preoptic area on preovulatory LH release in rats
- The inhibitory role of! b-Noradrenergic receptors in oxytocin release during suckling.
- Increased hypothalamic Noradrenergic activity in one-kidney, one-clip renovascular hypertensive rats.
- Improved isolation of small Noradrenergic vesicles from rat seminal ducts following castration. A density gradient centrifugation and morphological study
- Regenerations of the Noradrenergic innervation of the cardiovascular system of the chick following treatment with 6‐hydroxydopamine
- Is the Noradrenergic “feeding circuit” in hypothalamus really an olfactory system?
- Modulation of dopaminergic transmission by alpha-Noradrenergic agonists and antagonists: evidence for antidopaminergic properties of some alpha antagonists
- Sprouting of Noradrenergic nerve terminals subsequent to freeze lesions of rabbit cerebral cortex
- Light and electron microscopic observations on Noradrenergic nerves and striated muscle cells of the guinea pig urethra
- Different alterations in the development of the Noradrenergic innervation of the cerebellum and the brain stem produced by neonatal 6-hydroxydopa
- Hypothalamic “coding” in the unanesthetized monkey of Noradrenergic sites mediating feeding and thermoregulation
- d-Amphetamine at low doses suppresses Noradrenergic functions
- Studies of Noradrenergic influence on cardiac ornithine decarboxylase in rats
- Age-related alterations in Noradrenergic neurotransmission in Sprague-Dawley and Fischer 344 rat strains
- Behavioral effects of lesions of the central Noradrenergic bundles in the rat
- Potential Noradrenergic regulation of serotonergic neurons in the median raphe nucleus
- Central Noradrenergic-cholinergic interaction in regulation of gastric acid secretion in rats
- Abnormalities of cerebral oxidative metabolism with aging and their relation to the central Noradrenergic system
- [3H] Epinephrine and [3H] norepinephrine binding to α-Noradrenergic receptors in calf brain membranes
- The development of neocortical Noradrenergic innervation in the mouse: a quantitative radioenzymatic analysis
- Noradrenergic agonists and antagonists: effects on avoidance behaviour in rats.
- Evaluation of the regenerative capacity of central dopaminergic, Noradrenergic and cholinergic neurones using iris implants as targets
- Axonal transport of [3H] fucosyl glycoproteins in Noradrenergic neurons in the rat brain
- Alpha-adrenoreceptor mediated inhibition of brain Noradrenergic neurons after acute and chronic treatment with tricyclic antidepressants
- Acute or chronic changes of Noradrenergic transmission do not affect the α-adrenoceptor-mediated inhibition of 3H-serotonin release in the cerebral cortex
- The effect of amitriptyline on presynaptic mechanisms in Noradrenergic nerves.
- Purkinje cell loss and the Noradrenergic system in the cerebellum of pcd mutant mice
- Increased Noradrenergic Metabolism in the Cerebellum of the Mouse Mutant Dystonia Musculorum
- Central Noradrenergic-cholinergic interaction and locomotor behavior
- Effects of lesions in the ventral Noradrenergic bundle on behavior and response to psychotropic drugs in rats
- Receptor involvement in the central Noradrenergic inhibition of ACTH secretion in the rat
- Clonidine suppression of Noradrenergic hyperactivity during morphine withdrawal by clonidine: biochemical studies in rodents and primates.
- Noradrenergic afferents to median eminence: inhibitory role in rhythmic growth hormone secretion
- Recycling of Noradrenergic storage vesicles of isolated rat vas deferens
- Effects of Noradrenergic neuronal activity on 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylethylene glycol (DHPG) levels. Quantitation by high performance liquid chromatography
- Pharmacological studies on the Noradrenergic control of luteinizing hormone secretion in the domestic fowl
- Noradrenergic synapses and effects of noradrenaline on interneurons in the ventral horn of the cat spinal cord
- Unilateral blockade of the dorsal ascending Noradrenergic bundle and septal elicitation of hippocampal theta rhythm
- Differential effects of typical and atypical neuroleptics on alpha-Noradrenergic and dopaminergic postsynaptic receptors
- A study of long-term effects of guanethidine on peripheral Noradrenergic neurones of the rat
- Structural and steric requirements for β-phenethylamines as agonists of the Noradrenergic cyclic AMP generating system in the rat limbic forebrain
- Changes in Noradrenergic terminal excitability induced by amphetamine and their relation to impulse traffic
- Poststimulation catecholamine synthesis and tyrosine hydroxylase activation in central Noradrenergic neurons. I. In vivo stimulation of the locus coeruleus.
- Noradrenergic subsensitivity of rat liver homogenates during chronic ethanol ingestion.
- Presence and axonal transport of cholinoceptor, but not adrenoceptor sites on a cat Noradrenergic neurone
- A comparison of rates of depletion and recovery of noradrenaline stores of peripheral and central Noradrenergic neurones after reserpine administration: importance …
- Parallel changes in brain flunitrazepam binding and density of Noradrenergic innervation
- Effects of vinblastine on Noradrenergic axons
- Beta-1 adrenergic receptors mediate Noradrenergic facilitation of Purkinje cell responses to gamma-aminobutyric acid in cerebellum of rat
- Enhanced neophobia but normal plasma corticosterone levels in rats with dorsal Noradrenergic bundle lesions
- Changes in ingestive behavior following interruption of a Noradrenergic projection to the paraventricular nucleus: Histochemical and neurochemical analyses
- Brain 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol levels are dependent on central Noradrenergic neuron activity
- Increased brain serotonergic and Noradrenergic activity after repeated systemic administration of the beta-2 adrenoceptor agonist salbutamol, a putative …
- Enhancement of sprouting and putative regeneration of central Noradrenergic fibers by morphine
- The central Noradrenergic system and affective response to MAO inhibitors
- Studies on the mechanism of sprouting of Noradrenergic terminals in rat and mouse cerebellum after neonatal 6-hydroxydopa
- Audiogenic seizures in rats: relation to Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus.
- Ultrastructural evidence for remodelling in a central Noradrenergic pathway following electrolytic lesioning
- Role for lateral tegmental Noradrenergic neurons in the vasopressin response to hypertonic saline
- Electrophysiological and biochemical sequelae of the destruction of hippocampal Noradrenergic afferents by DSP4
- Noradrenergic sprouting in response to cholinergic denervation: the sympathohabenular connection
- Ultrastructural identification of Noradrenergic nerve terminals and vasopressin-containing neurons of the paraventricular nucleus in the same thin section.
- Interaction between Noradrenergic and serotonergic brain systems as evidenced by behavioral and biochemical effects of microinjections of adrenergic agonists and …
- Long-term unilateral Noradrenergic denervation: monoamine content and 3H-prazosin binding sites in rat neocortex
- Thyrotropin-releasing hormone in the pancreas and brain of the rat is regulated by central Noradrenergic and dopaminergic pathways
- Central Noradrenergic mechanisms and the cardiovascular effects of intracerebroventricular (+)-and (−)-propranolol in the conscious rabbit
- Noradrenergic innervation of the human bladder in neurogenic dysfunction
- Serotonergic and Noradrenergic mechanisms involved in the cardiovascular effects of angiotensin II injected into the anterior hypothalamic preoptic region of rats
- Brain (Na+, K+)‐ATPase and Noradrenergic Activity: Effects of Hyperinnervation and Denervation on High‐Affinity Ouabain Binding
- Noradrenergic subsensitivity and supersensitivity of the cerebral cortex after reserpine treatment.
- 6-Hydroxydopamine, Noradrenergic reward, and schizophrenia
- Interaction between Noradrenergic and Serotonergic Mechanisms on the Central Regulation of Blood Pressure in the Rat: A Study Using Experimental Central …
- Differential responsiveness of central Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neuron tyrosine hydroxylase to hypophysectomy, ACTH, and glucocorticoid …
- Axonal transport of [3H] proteins in a Noradrenergic system of the rat brain
- Noradrenergic influences on dopamine-dependent behaviour in rats [proceedings].
- Noradrenergic feeding system in monkey hypothalamus is altered by localized perfusion of glucose, insulin, 2-DG and eating
- Histochemical studies of Noradrenergic innervation of the liver in untreated and daunomycin-pretreated guinea-pigs
- Immunocytochemical characterization of the dopaminergic and Noradrenergic innervation of the rat neocortex during early ontogeny
- Noradrenergic fiber sprouting in the cerebellum
- The development of operant responses by Noradrenergic activation and cholinergic suppression of movements.
- Effects of β-adrenoceptor antagonists on the firing rate of Noradrenergic neurones in the locus coeruleus of the rat
- Selective Noradrenergic denervation and 3H-prazosin binding sites in rat neocortex
- Stimulatory effect of chlordiazepoxide on locomotor activity in mice: importance of Noradrenergic transmission.
- A fluorescence histochemical study of the degeneration and regeneration of Noradrenergic nerves in the chick following treatment with 6-hydroxydopamine
- Designing a non-neuroleptic antischizophrenic drug: the Noradrenergic strategy
- Pharmacological suppression of eating behavior in relation to diencephalic Noradrenergic receptors
- Enzyme studies in tardive dyskinesia. III. Noradrenergic hyperactivity in a subgroup of dyskinetic patients.
- A pre‐junctional action of 5‐hydroxytryptamine and methysergide on Noradrenergic nerves in dog isolated saphenous vein
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in hemorrhagic shock of the rat.
- Histochemical evidence for the degeneration of peripheral Noradrenergic axons following intravenous injection of antibodies to dopamine-β-hydroxylase
- Differential labelling of α and β-Noradrenergic receptors in calf cerebellum membranes with 3 H-adrenaline
- Poststimulation catecholamine synthesis and tyrosine hydroxylase activation in central Noradrenergic neurons. II. Depolarized hippocampal slices.
- Noradrenergic function in affective illness
- Relation between functional maturation of cervical sympathetic innervation and ontogeny of α-Noradrenergic smooth muscle contraction in the rat
- Noradrenaline content correlated to matrix density in small Noradrenergic vesicles from rat seminal ducts
- Effect of mianserin on Noradrenergic transmission in the rat anococcygeus muscle
- Facilitation of shock-induced fighting in the rat after DSP-4, a selective Noradrenergic neurotoxin
- Stimulation of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle and field potentials in the locus coeruleus
- Clonidine-induced hyperphagia in monkeys: Evidence for α 2-Noradrenergic receptor mediation
- The Noradrenergic system in cultured aggregates of fetal rat brain cells: Morphology of the aggregates and pharmacological indices of Noradrenergic neurons
- Critical periods for Noradrenergic regeneration in rat brain regions following neonatal subcutaneous 6-hydroxydopamine
- Enhancement of learning four weeks after stimulation of the nucleus locus coeruleus in the rat: differential effects of dorsal Noradrenergic bundle lesion and lesion of …
- Electrical stimulation of mesencephalic Noradrenergic pathway: effects on luteinizing hormone levels in blood of ovariectomized and ovariectomized, steroid-primed …
- The anticonvulsant effect of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors in mice—a Noradrenergic mechanism of action
- Effects of Noradrenergic stimulation of the medial and lateral hypothalamus on cardiovascular responses
- Evidence that most of the dopamine β-hydroxylase is not membrane bound in purified large dense cored Noradrenergic vesicles
- Reactive proliferation of brain stem Noradrenergic nerves following neonatal cerebellectomy in rats: role of target maturation on neuronal response to injury during …
- Histochemical studies of sympathetic sprouting: fluorescence morphology of Noradrenergic axons
- Biochemical evidence for re-use of Noradrenergic storage vesicles in the guinea-pig heart
- Central Noradrenergic adaptation to long-term treatment with imipramine in rhesus monkeys
- The role of hypothalamic Noradrenergic neurons in food intake regulation
- Lesions of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle and rewarded running: the role of pretraining
- Experimental studies on hatching behavior in the chick. IV. Evidence for the role of a Noradrenergic mechanism
- The role of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle in relation to endorphins in the control of core temperature, open-field and ingestive behaviour in the rat
- Prejunctional alpha-adrenoreceptors subserve a physiological role in cardiac Noradrenergic transmission.
- Strain differences in the facilitatory action of angiotensin on Noradrenergic transmission in the rat mesentery
- Selective Noradrenergic denervation of the heart following intravenous injections of vinblastine or vincristine.
- Locomotor activity of rats after stimulation of the nucleus locus coeruleus region or after lesion of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle: Effects of clonidine, prazosin and …
- Involvement of central Noradrenergic mechanisms in the rebound hypertension following clonidine withdrawal.
- Modification of the Noradrenergic cyclic AMP generating system in the rat limbic forebrain by amphetamine: Role of its hydroxylated metabolites
- Tyrosine hydroxylase activation and transmitter release from central Noradrenergic neurons by electrical field stimulation
- Norepinephrine levels in developing pigeon brain: effect of monocular deprivation on the Wulst Noradrenergic system
- Attenuation of self-stimulation from substantia nigra but not dorsal tegmental Noradrenergic bundle by lesions of sulcal prefrontal cortex
- Disinhibition of rat cerebellar Purkinje neurons from Noradrenergic inhibition during rising blood ethanol.
- The use of the rat right ventricle strip in studies on Noradrenergic transmission
- Role on blood pressure regulation of Noradrenergic neurons originating from the locus coeruleus in the Kyoto-Wistar rat
- The effect of selective lesions of brain Noradrenergic systems on the development of barbiturate tolerance in rats
- Release of [3H]‐amezinium from cortical Noradrenergic axons: a model for the study of the α‐autoreceptor hypothesis
- Noradrenergic action of amphetamine following degeneration of descending monoaminergic fibers in the spinal cord
- Effects of lesions of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle on aggressive behavior in rats
- Central Noradrenergic neurons: structure-function considerations
- Pharmacological and ultrastructural studies on the electron dense cores of the vesicles that accumulate in Noradrenergic axons constrictedin vitro
- Sites of Noradrenergic innervation of the jejunal villus.
- Comparison of two α-Noradrenergic agonists (clonidine and guanfacine) on norepinephrine turnover in the cortex of rats during morphine abstinence
- The coexistence and release of bovine pancreatic polypeptide-like immunoreactivity from Noradrenergic superior cervical ganglia neurons
- Are glomus cells in the rat carotid body dopaminergic or Noradrenergic?
- Involvement of Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons in shock-induced jumping in rats
- The effects of destruction on Noradrenergic ascending ventral bundles and tetrabenazine on formation of stress-induced gastric ulcer
- Studies on the role of dopaminergic systems in morphine-induced motor activity. Comparison with Noradrenergic and cholinergic systems.
- In vivo effects of noradrenaline and Noradrenergic receptor agonists and antagonists on rat cerebellar cyclic GMP levels
- Iontophoresis of Li+ antagonizes Noradrenergic synaptic inhibition of rat cerebellar Purkinje cells
- Noradrenergic and dopaminergic regulation of GH and prolactin in baboons
- The renal nerves in dogs: Noradrenergic and dopaminergic?
- Effects of prazosin, phentolamine and yohimbine on Noradrenergic transmission in the rat right ventricle in vitro
- Fluorescence histochemical and ultrastructural observations on the effects of intravenous injections of vinblastine on Noradrenergic nerves
- Adrenalectomy inhibits Noradrenergic, adrenergic, and vasopressor responses to angiotensin II in the Pekin duck (Anas platyrhynchos)
- Induction and delayed activation of tyrosine hydroxylase in Noradrenergic neurons of A1 and A2 groups of medulla oblongata of rat
- Regulation of synaptosomal tyrosine hydroxylation in different brain regions with Noradrenergic innervation
- Positive reinforcement produced by Noradrenergic stimulation of the hypothalamus in rats
- Mechanism of action of piribedil on Noradrenergic neurons in rat brain
- The effects of Noradrenergic denervation on muscarinic receptors of smooth muscle.
- Cardiovascular Functions of Central Noradrenergic and Serotonergic Neurons in Conscious Rabbits: Their Contributions to the Central Actions of Clonidine
- Lesions of the dorsal Noradrenergic projection attenuate morphine-but not amphetamine-induced conditioned taste aversion
- Functional properties of Noradrenergic nervous system in rat colonic mucosa: uptake of [3H] norepinephrine
- An interaction of histamine H2-receptor antagonists with the Noradrenergic system in rat brain
- Differentiation of Noradrenergic and dopaminergic nerves in the rat kidney: evidence against significant dopaminergic innervation
- The mode of action of tetrabenazine on peripheral Noradrenergic nerves.
- Ca2+-induced noradrenaline release from central Noradrenergic neurons promoted by high K+ concentration or ionophore A23187
- Noradrenergic innervation of the arrectores pilorum muscles of the ox (Bos taurus)
- Effect of clonidine on the Noradrenergic cyclic AMP generating system in the limbic forebrain and on medial forebrain bundle self-stimulation behavior
- The anticonvulsant action of the carbonic anhydrase inhibitor methazolamide: possible involvement of a Noradrenergic mechanism
- Neonatal hormone treatment and maturation of the pineal Noradrenergic system: hydrocortisone and thyroxine
- Development of and recovery from subsensitivity of the Noradrenergic cyclic AMP generating system in brain
- Evidence for involvement of central Noradrenergic neurons in the cardiovascular depression induced by morphine in the rat
- Differential effect of various 6-hydroxydopa treatments on the development of central and peripheral Noradrenergic neurons
- The actions of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic antagonists on conditioned avoidance responses in intact and 6-hydroxydopamine-treated rats
- Evidence for an interrelationship between ventral Noradrenergic bundle and CNS endorphins in the control of nociception in the rat
- Destruction of Noradrenergic cell bodies by intracerebral 6-hydroxydopamine in the newborn rat
- Effect of lesions of the brain Noradrenergic systems on amphetamine-induced hyperthermia and locomotor stimulation.
- Labeling knife cuts: A new method for revealing the functional anatomy of the CNS demonstrated on the Noradrenergic dorsal bundle
- Central Noradrenergic receptors: localization, function and molecular mechanisms
- Depression and enhancement of baroreceptor pressor response in cats after intracerebroventricular injection of Noradrenergic blocking agents: dependence on …
- Dual presynaptic effects of 5‐hydroxytryptamine on peripheral Noradrenergic synapses
- Hormonally-mediated Noradrenergic modulation of memory processes
- Evidence for a Noradrenergic and dopaminergic mechanism in the hyperactivity produced by 4, α-dimethyl-m-tyramine (H 77/77) in rats
- A new intracellular medium for prolonged viability of Noradrenergic storage vesicles from rat brain
- Latency of dopamine β-hydroxylase in purified Noradrenergic vesicles
- Altered hindlimb extension in the rat after DSP-4: a useful marker of central Noradrenergic depletion
- Dementia and cerebral Noradrenergic innervation.
- Noradrenergic control of blood vessels in the premature lamb fetus
- Alpha-Noradrenergic receptor binding sites in bovine aorta
- Neuropharmacology of 3-isobutylmethylxanthine: effects on central Noradrenergic systems in vivo.
- DDT-induced myoclonus: serotonin and alpha Noradrenergic interaction.
- Noradrenergic and dopaminergic influences on thirst
- Glucocorticoid effects on serotonergic and Noradrenergic facilitation of spinal monosynaptic transmission
- Inhibition of Ca 2+-induced noradrenaline release from central Noradrenergic neurons by morphine
- Calcium ions, morphine tolerance and Noradrenergic transmission in the mouse vas deferens
- Lesions of the ventral Noradrenergic (norepinephrinergic) bundle affect brain and pituitary pools of endorphins and the response of these to stress in rats
- Noradrenergic action in the developing rat cerebellum: interaction between norepinephrine and synaptically-evoked responses of immature Purkinje cells
- Assessment of the effects of neonatal subcutaneous 6-hydroxydopamine on Noradrenergic and dopaminergic innervation of the cerebral cortex
- Noradrenergic neurons: post-stimulation increase in catecholamine biosynthesis
- Dissociation between central and peripheral Noradrenergic activity in essential hypertension
- Electrophysiological and biochemical responses of Noradrenergic neurons to a non-amphetamine CNS stimulant
- Developmental localization of Noradrenergic innervation to the rat cerebellum following neonatal 6-hydroxydopa and morphine treatment
- Responses of the melanophores of the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, to drugs affecting Noradrenergic neurotransmission: Further evidence for norepinephrine as a …
- Selective destruction of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle but not of the locus coeruleus elevates plasma levels of β-endorphin immunoreactivity in rats
- The Noradrenergic innervation of cerebellar Purkinje cells: localization, function, synaptogenesis, and axonal sprouting of locus coeruleus
- Response: 6-Hydroxydopamine, Noradrenergic Reward, and Schizophrenia
- Noradrenergic sympathetic blockade: Lack of effect on memory or retrograde amnesia
- Noradrenergic and cholinergic action on neuronal activity during self-stimulation behavior in the rat
- Changes in tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine-β-hydroxylase activities during degeneration of Noradrenergic axons produced by antibodies to dopamine-β …
- 6-OHDA lesion to the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle alters morphine-induced locomotor activity and catalepsy
- The regulation of the Noradrenergic neuron
- Role of ventral mesencephalic reticular formation and related Noradrenergic and serotonergic bundles in turning behaviour as investigated by means of kainate, 6 …
- Noradrenergic-mediated potentiation of acetylcholine release from the phrenic nerve: Evidence for presynaptic α1-adrenoceptor involvement
- Morphological evidence for 6-hydroxydopamine-induced sprouting of Noradrenergic neurons in the cerebellum
- Localization of central Noradrenergic mechanisms in cardiovascular regulation in rats
- Noradrenergic innervation of the heart in untreated and daunomycin-pretreated animals
- Cholinergic regulation of intracerebral Noradrenergic pathway-induced hypothalamic vasodilatation.
- Uptake of [3H]Dopamine into Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic Neurones of the Isolated Neurointermediate Lobe of the Rat Hypophysis. Effects of Desipramine and …
- Maternal methadone administration: Deficit in development of alpha-Noradrenergic responses in developing rat brain as assessed by norepinephrine stimulation of …
- Influence of diet palatability on the Noradrenergic feeding response in the rat
- 6-Hydroxydopamine, Noradrenergic reward, and schizophrenia
- Hydrophilic form of dopamine β-hydroxylase from purified Noradrenergic vesicles
- Agonist effects of. beta.-phenethylamines on the Noradrenergic cyclic adenosine 3′, 5′-monophosphate generating system in rat limbic forebrain. Stereoisomers of p …
- Effect of splenic nerve stimulation on the contents of noradrenaline, ATP and sulphomucopolysaccharides in Noradrenergic vesicle fractions from the cat spleen
- Electrophysiological changes at a central Noradrenergic synapse during thallium toxicosis
- Central Noradrenergic mechanisms in hypertension and in postural hypotension
- Vesicle populations and exocytosis in Noradrenergic terminals of human veins
- Neurotoxicity of N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine hydrochloride (DSP 4) on Noradrenergic neurons is mimicked by its cyclic aziridinium derivative
- Differential sensitivity of hypothalamic dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurones to pharmacological manipulation
- The time course of the development and persistence of the autoinhibitory effect in Noradrenergic transmission
- Evidence for an inhibitory dopaminergic and stimulatory Noradrenergic hypothalamic influence on PMS-induced ovulation in the immature rat. II. A pharmacological …
- Feeding response to regulatory challenges after 6-hydroxydopamine injection into the brain Noradrenergic pathways
- Noradrenergic action in the developing rat cerebellum: interaction between norepinephrine and γ-aminobutyric acid applied microiontophoretically to immature …
- Interaction of histamine H2-receptor blocking drugs with the Noradrenergic system in rat brain and heart
- The role of a Noradrenergic system in the antinociceptive effects of 4-aminopyridine in the rat.
- Intracisternal dose-response analysis of 6-hydroxydopamine-induced Noradrenergic sprouting in the neonatal rat cerebellum.
- Role of Noradrenergic nerves and adrenal medulla during the development of genetic and experimental hypertension in rats
- 6-Hydroxydopamine, Noradrenergic reward, and schizophrenia
- Effect of ECT on dopaminergic and Noradrenergic mechanisms: I. Effect on the behavioural changes induced by reserpine, a-methyl-p-tyrosine or amphetamine.
- The regulation of hippocampal cholinergic neurons by Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Evidence suggesting that DMI-induced resistance to extinction is not mediated by the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- The development of pre‐and postsynaptic components of the Noradrenergic system in the rat cerebellum
- Regulation of Noradrenergic receptor systems in brain that are coupled to adenylate cyclase
- Effects of Noradrenergic agonists and antagonists on growth hormone secretion under gamma-hydroxybutyrate narco-analgesia in the rat
- Central Noradrenergic neurons: identification, distribution and synaptic interactions with axons containing morphine-like peptides.
- Presynaptic muscarinic and α-adrenergic receptor blocking effect of atropine on the Noradrenergic neurones of the rabbit pulmonary artery
- Lesions of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle produce a naloxone-reversible antinociception and affect brain and pituitary pools of β-endorphin
- Inhibition of the Noradrenergic induction of pineal N-acetyltransferase by dibutyryl cyclic guanosine monophosphate and by ionophore X-537A
- Mechanism of the enhancement in transmitter release from central and peripheral Noradrenergic nerve terminals induced by the purified scorpion venom, tityustoxin
- Ventral Noradrenergic bundle “area” lesions producing reduced body weight and activity
- Investigations on the interaction of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) and MK-771 with central Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Effect of desipramine on Noradrenergic inhibition of amygdaloid evoked potential
- The functional role of the Noradrenergic neurons in the thermoregulatory circuits in mice
- Comparison of the effects of chronic chloroquine treatment and denervation on Noradrenergic mechanisms.
- Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic inhibition of hypothalamic self-stimulation: Differentiation of reward and performance effects
- The role of central serotoninergic and Noradrenergic neurons in the regulation of nyctohemeral rhythm of plasma thyrotropin
- High resolution radioautography of Noradrenergic axon terminals in the neocortex
- Noradrenergic neurones in the brain
- Effects of pretreatment with 6-hydroxydopamine or Noradrenergic receptor blockers on the clonidine-induced disruption of conditioned avoidance responding
- Noradrenergic modulation of REM sleep: Pharmacological evidence
- Fluorescence histochemical and ultrastructural observations on preterminal Noradrenergic axons following ligation or treatment with 6-hydroxydopamine.
- Noradrenergic mechanism of experimental cerebral vasospasm
- Central Noradrenergic neurons: studies on the mechanism of the in vivo activation of tyrosine hydroxylase
- Effects of amitriptyline, desipramine and mianserin on Noradrenergic transmission in the rat isolated right ventricle
- Labetalol blockade of central α-and β-Noradrenergic receptors in rat brain homogenates
- The operation of autoregulatory feedback loops in Noradrenergic transmission to cardiovascular effector tissues.
- Central action of narcotic analgesics. Part IV. Noradrenergic influences on the activity of analgesics in rats.
- Evidence for a Noradrenergic mechanism in the grooming produced by (+)-amphetamine and 4, α-dimethyl-m-tyramine (H 77/77) in rats
- Effect of lesions of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle on the two-way avoidance behavior in rats.
- Selective activation of Noradrenergic neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord of young spontaneously hypertensive rats
- On the mechanism of amphetamine-induced behavioural changes in the mouse. II. Effects of agents stimulating Noradrenergic receptors.
- Field potentials in primate locus coeruleus following stimulation of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- Noradrenergic stimulation of the lateral hypothalamus as a reinforcement in T maze learning in rats
- The Noradrenergic locus coeruleus: behavioral effects of intracerebral injections, and a survey of its structure, function and pathology
- Evidence for Noradrenergic involvement in naloxone-induced stimulation of luteinizing hormone release in prepubertal female rats
- Regenerative sprouting of Noradrenergic terminals in the cerebellum
- Studies on the effect of lesions of the ventral Noradrenergic tract on the antinociceptive action of morphine
- … of the polychlorinated biphenyl preparation, Aroclor 1242, on color changes of the fiddler crab,Uca pugilator, by norepinephrine and drugs affecting Noradrenergic …
- A method for the measurement of growth of Noradrenergic axons in tissue culture and the effects of colchicine thereon
- Regenerative critical periods for locus coeruleus in post-natal rat pups following intracisternal 6-hydroxydopamine: a model of Noradrenergic development
- The effects of ketamine on Noradrenergic transmission and the response to noradrenaline in rat smooth muscle [proceedings]
- Modification of avoidance behavior in 6-hydroxydopamine-treated rats by stimulation of central Noradrenergic and dopaminergic receptors
- Involvement of central Noradrenergic system in thyrotropin-releasing hormone-induced behavioral excitement in 6-OHDOPA-treated, infant rats
- Colchicine may interfere with the axonal transport of noradrenaline in the central Noradrenergic neurons
- Stress suppression of growth hormone secretion in the rat: effects of disruption of inhibitory Noradrenergic afferents to the median eminence
- Profound hypothermia in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) induced by serotonergic potentiating and Noradrenergic inhibiting drugs
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic regulation of cholinergic activity in the rat hippocampus
- Possible correlation between Noradrenergic innervation in the cerebellum and jumping behavior in mice
- Modulation of Noradrenergic transmission by the presynaptic alpha-inhibitory feedback process in the rat heart [proceedings]
- Noradrenergic control of circadian rhythms in Cebus albifrons
- 6-Hydroxydopamine treatment diminishes Noradrenergic and pressor responses to angiotensin II in adrenalectomized ducks
- Noradrenergic drugs and affective disorders
- Central Noradrenergic regulation of cerebral blood flow
- Central dopaminergic and Noradrenergic components of bromocryptine-induced locomotor activity in mice [proceedings].
- The Noradrenergic innervation of the excretory ducts of the parotid, mandibular and sublingual glands in the rat
- Relation between destruction and sprouting of developing central Noradrenergic neurons after neurotoxic compounds
- Rewarding effect of Noradrenergic stimulation of the amygdala in food deprived rats
- The involvement of Noradrenergic nerves in the cardiovascular reflex responses to lower body negative pressure in the anaesthetised rabbit.
- The effect of Noradrenergic receptor blocking agents on 5-hydroxytryptamine turnover in the brain of rats.
- Uptake of H 3-5-hydroxytryptophan by Noradrenergic nerves in the mouse pancreas studied with electron microscopic autoradiography
- Dual Noradrenergic control of oxytocin release during the milk ejection reflex in the rat
- Opiate receptors localized presynaptically on dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurons in brain: relevance to tolerance and dependence to opioids
- Regional characteristics of the Noradrenergic and cholinergic innervation of the vessels of the brain surface
- Cholinergic, dopaminergic, Noradrenergic, or glutaminergic stimulation ventral to the anterior septum does not specifically suppress defensive behavior
- (−)-[3H] Dihydroalprenolol binding in subcellular fractions of rat cortex following Noradrenergic denervation
- Immune lesions of central Noradrenergic neurons produced by dopamine β-hydroxylase (DBH) antibodies
- Effects of captopril on vascular Noradrenergic transmission during the development of two-kidney, one clip Goldblatt hypertension in rats.
- The effect of tranylcypromine on Noradrenergic nerve terminals in different brain regions
- Effect of stress on various characteristics of norepinephrine metabolism in central Noradrenergic neurons
- (3, 4-Dihydroxyphenylimino)-2-imidazoline (DPI) and its action at Noradrenergic and dopaminergic receptors in the nucleus accumbens of rats: mesolimbic …
- Do endogenous prostaglandins modulate Noradrenergic transmission in the rat isolated perfused vas deferens?
- Up-and Down-regulation of Noradrenergic Receptor Systems in Brain: Molecular Mechanisms and Physiological Significance
- Receptor dynamics: effect of repeated administration of desmethylimipramine on the Noradrenergic systems in rat brain.
- Inhibitory effect of tricyclic antidepressant drugs on spontaneous activity of Noradrenergic neurons-relation with blood and brain concentrations
- Noradrenergic supersensitivity in the rat vas deferens during barbital withdrawal
- Acute thyroid hormone increases Noradrenergic responsiveness of rat atria in vitro
- Psychotropic effects of a new beta Noradrenergic receptor blocking agent, acebutolol, in psychotics (author’s transl)
- Inhibitory presynaptic effects of hydralazine on Noradrenergic nerve terminals of the rat tail artery [proceedings]
- Pharmacology of central Noradrenergic receptors (author’s transl)
- Activation of central Noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons in young and adult spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Analysis of the role of central Noradrenergic structures in memory trace recall
- The in vitro and in vivo effects of vinca alkaloids on the Noradrenergic innervation of the vas deferens
- … between the effects of the memory neuromodulator arginine-vasopressin and the levels of activity of the serotonin-, dopamine-and Noradrenergic systems of the brain
- Noradrenergic signal transfer as a target of antidepressant therapy
- Enhanced responsiveness of α-Noradrenergic receptors following discrete electrolytic lesions of the nucleus locus coeruleus: A behavioral demonstration
- A glycoprotein fraction with modulator effect on Noradrenergic processes
- The anticonvulsant effect of neuroleptics: dependence on intact Noradrenergic transmission
- Rotational behavior produced by unilateral ventral Noradrenergic bundle lesions: Evidence for a Noradrenergic-dopaminergic interaction in the brain
- An examination of the action of tetrabenazine on peripheral Noradrenergic neurones [proceedings]
- Small Noradrenergic vesicles from vas deferens of castrated rats: a comparison with large Noradrenergic vesicles
- Functional role of Noradrenergic neurons in the hypothermic effect of apomorphine and other dopaminomimetics
- Proceedings: Loss of Noradrenergic and dopaminergic terminals in the chronically isolated cerebral cortex of the cat.
- The role of central Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons in the control of TRH-TSH secretion
- The integrity of the Noradrenergic innervation of the cardiovascular system in genetically dystrophic hamsters.
- Thermoregulatory pathways from cutaneous thermoreceptors to the hypothalamus via Noradrenergic and serotonergic pontine regions
- Cyclic AMP and the inhibition of cerebellar Purkinje cells by Noradrenergic synapses
- Isolation and purification of dopamine ß-hydroxylase from the splenic nerve and purified Noradrenergic vesicles
- Noradrenergic innervation of rat neocortex during development: immunocytochemical evidence using anti-dopamine-beta-hydroxylase antibodies
- The effects of iprindole on Noradrenergic transmission in the rat anococcygeus muscle
- suggesting the possibility that hyper¬ tension induced by the Noradrenergic
- Noradrenergic Over-Activity in Chronic Schizophrenia
- An analysis of participation of central Noradrenergic structures in the process of memory trace reproduction
- Is an alteration of Noradrenergic afferents involved in focal epilepsies?(author’s transl)
- Cyclic AMP and central Noradrenergic transmission
- Effect of mazindol on feeding behaviour and on Noradrenergic function of various parts of the rat brain.
- Neuropharmacological profile of R 18 503-induced wet-shake behavior in the rat: Noradrenergic and opiate components
- Emotional-defensive behavior and Noradrenergic forebrain structures
- Noradrenergic Modulation of Lateral Geniculate Neurons
- Anti-Noradrenergic drugs do not interfere with the development of callosal connections in the rat
- Studies on Noradrenergic supersensitivity of the cyclic AMP response in rat cerebral cortex
- Analysis of the participation of rat brain Noradrenergic terminals in elaboration of conditioned passive avoidance response
- Noradrenergic mechanism involved in electroacupuncture analgesia in rats
- Effects of Halothane on the Noradrenergic Neurons of the Rat Brain Cortex
- Simultaneous histochemical demonstration of Noradrenergic nerves and tissue components In guinea-pig renal pelvis after treatment with daunomycin
- Participation of hypothalamic Noradrenergic structures in the reproduction of conditioned” passive” avoidance reactions
- Central Noradrenergic mechanism of acute and chronic ethanol with observations on the role of acetaldehyde
- Effects of streptozotocin diabetes on the Noradrenergic innervation of the rat heart
- Effect of activity level of serotoninergic, dopaminergic, and Noradrenergic brain systems on the action of arginin-vasopressin neuromodulator of memory.
- Noradrenergic Modulation of Lateral Geniculate Neurons: Physiological and Pharmacological Studies
- Effects of Destruction of Central Noradrenergic Pathways on Pituitary-Adrenocortical Functions in Rats
- Plasma dopamine-beta-hydroxylase as an index of peripheral Noradrenergic activity
- Noradrenergic neurons of the rat locus coeruleus: anatomical, physiological and pharmacological studies
- Activity of Noradrenergic neurons of medial-basal hypothalamus of female rabbits in some stages of reproduction.
- Reproduction of electrographic correlates of a conditioned reflex after changes in the activity of the Noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems
- BRUCK K. & HINCKEL P. Thermoregulatory Noradrenergic and serotonergic path-ways to hypothalamic units. 193
- Noradrenergic hypothesis in anorexia nervosa: prospective study using beta-stimulant therapy
- Absence of a Cholinergic Component in Noradrenergic Transmission in the Cervical Sympathetic Nerve of the Rat
- Effect of damage to the serotonin-and Noradrenergic systems of the brain on alimentary and defensive conditioned reflexes in rats
- Roles of Noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems in the self-stimulation behavior of the substantia nigra
- Regional differences in the Noradrenergic and cholinergic innervation of the pial arteries of the brain
- Noradrenergic regulation of serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe: physiological, pharmacological, and anatomical studies
- Functional properties of the Noradrenergic and cholinergic nervous systems in rat colonic mucosa
- Effect of septal cholinergic and Noradrenergic stimulation on emotional reactivity in rats
- Mediation of the positive reinforcing properties of ethanol by central Noradrenergic mechanisms: implications for treatment procedures for alcoholics
- Partial destruction of Noradrenergic terminals is followed by increased tyrosine hydroxylase activity in residual terminals
- Noradrenergic Modulation of Raphe Magnus Neurons: Effects on Nociceptive Threshold
- Cerebrospinal Fluid Noradrenergic and Behavioral Alterations Associated with Stimulation and Atrophy of the Caudate Nucleus
- Biochemical and pharmacological approach to the functional disorders observed in demyelination mutants (GABAergic and Noradrenergic systems)
- Phencyclidine and ketamine: Comparison with the effect of cocaine on the Noradrenergic neurones of the rat brain cortex
- Hypothalamic and Peripheral Noradrenergic Responses to Changes in Baroreceptor Input in Conscious Rats with and Without Renal Nerves
- The effect of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic receptor blockade on cocaine self-administration in rats
- Effects of psychotropic drugs and the roles of the Noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems in the lateral hypothalamic self-stimulation behavior
- Effect of sodium loading, sodium depletion and high cholesterol diets on alpha Noradrenergic receptors in a variety of rabbit tissues
- Effect of Noradrenergic stimulation on the peripheral venous concentrations of thyroxine and triiodothyronine in young test subjects with normal metabolism
- Noradrenergic hyperinnervation of the motor trigeminal nucleus: anatomical specificity and alterations in resting membrane properties and response to synaptic input
- Effect of Noradrenergic drugs on response of posterior hypothalamic neurons to stimulation of the locus coeruleus (LC) and the central nucleus of amygdala (ACE) in …
- Differential Effects of Discrete Unilateral RF Lesions of Either the Ventral Or Dorsal Noradrenergic Bundles on ICSS Rates Obtained from the MFB …
- Influence of Clonidine, α-Methyldopa and Hydralazine on Noradrenergic and Adrenergic Neuronal Activities in Brainstem Nuclei of Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- Improvement of post-training performance 4 weeks after stimulation of the locus coeruleus in rats: absence of an effect of a lesion of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- Noradrenergic and peptidergic innervation of lymphoid tissue.
- Isolated failure of autonomic Noradrenergic neurotransmission
- Alcohol withdrawal and Noradrenergic function
- Cholinergic and Noradrenergic modulation of thalamocortical processing
- Origin of Noradrenergic innervation of the spleen in rats
- Noradrenergic nervous activity in migraine
- Modulating effects of posttraining epinephrine on memory: involvement of the amygdala Noradrenergic system
- Are glial cells targets of the central Noradrenergic system? A review of the evidence
- Anatomical specificity of Noradrenergic inputs to the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei of the rat hypothalamus
- Memory-enhancing effects of posttraining naloxone: involvement of ß-Noradrenergic influences in the amygdaloid complex
- Yohimbine’s anxiogenic action: evidence for Noradrenergic and dopaminergic sites
- A function for REM sleep: regulation of Noradrenergic receptor sensitivity
- Immunohistochemical analysis of the neurotoxic effects of DSP-4 identifies two populations of Noradrenergic axon terminals
- Central and systemic morphine-induced antinociception in mice: contribution of descending serotonergic and Noradrenergic pathways.
- Chemoanatomical organization of the Noradrenergic input from locus coeruleus to the olfactory bulb of the adult rat
- Frequency-dependent Noradrenergic modulation of long-term potentiation in the hippocampus
- Pharmacologic evidence for the modulation of nociception by Noradrenergic neurons
- Afferent and efferent connections of the A5 Noradrenergic cell group in the rat
- Interaction of angiotensin with Noradrenergic neuroeffector transmission
- Noradrenergic function in generalized anxiety disorder, major depressive disorder, and healthy subjects
- The importance of central Noradrenergic neurones in the formation of an olfactory memory in the prevention of pregnancy block
- Peripheral, autonomic regulation of locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neurons in brain: putative implications for psychiatry and psychopharmacology
- Noradrenergic function and the mechanism of action of antianxiety treatment: I. The effect of long-term alprazolam treatment
- Noradrenergic function in panic anxiety: effects of yohimbine in healthy subjects and patients with agoraphobia and panic disorder
- Relationships between brain Noradrenergic activity and blood glucose
- Noradrenergic and serotoninergic innervation of cortical, thalamic, and tectal visual structures in Old and New World monkeys
- Somatostatin is present in a subpopulation of Noradrenergic nerve fibres supplying the intestine
- Effect of intrathecally administered Noradrenergic antagonists on nociception in the rat
- Fear and anxiety: relationship to Noradrenergic function
- Serotonergic and Noradrenergic sensitivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder: behavioral findings.
- Extraversion in pathological gamblers: correlates with indexes of Noradrenergic function
- Noradrenergic modulation of selective attention: its role in memory retrieval
- Noradrenergic function and the mechanism of action of antianxiety treatment: II. The effect of long-term imipramine treatment
- Single-unit response of Noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus of freely moving cats. I. Acutely presented stressful and nonstressful stimuli
- Noradrenergic changes and memory loss in aged mice
- Noradrenergic inhibition of the release of substance P from the primary afferents in the rabbit spinal dorsal horn
- Brain microvessels are innervated by locus ceruleus Noradrenergic neurons
- Abnormal regulation of Noradrenergic function in panic disorders: Effects of clonidine in healthy subjects and patients with agoraphobia and panic disorder
- Noradrenergic enhancement of long-term potentiation at mossy fiber synapses in the hippocampus
- Noradrenergic modulation of firing pattern in guinea pig and cat thalamic neurons, in vitro
- A post-mortem study of Noradrenergic, serotonergic and GABAergic neurons in Alzheimer’s disease
- Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of the spleen: I. Nerve fibers associate with lymphocytes and macrophages in specific compartments of the splenic white pulp
- Rat medulla oblongata. II. Dopaminergic, Noradrenergic (A1 and A2) and adrenergic neurons, nerve fibers, and presumptive terminal processes
- Serotoninergic but not Noradrenergic neurons in rat central nervous system adapt to long-term treatment with monoamine oxidase inhibitors
- Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of the spleen: II. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)‐positive nerve terminals form synapticlike contacts on lymphocytes in the splenic …
- Corticotropin-releasing factor disrupts sensory responses of brain Noradrenergic neurons
- Origins and terminations of descending Noradrenergic projections to the spinal cord of monkey
- A single gene error of Noradrenergic axon growth synchronizes central neurones
- New studies and perspectives on the Noradrenergic receptor system in depression: effects of the alpha 2-adrenergic agonist clonidine.
- Cholinergic phenotype developed by Noradrenergic sympathetic neurons after innervation of a novel cholinergic target in vivo
- Hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus: Interaction between α2-Noradrenergic system and circulating hormones and nutrients in relation to energy balance
- Neurotransmitters and memory: role of cholinergic, serotonergic, and Noradrenergic systems.
- Prepubertal ovarian function is finely regulated by direct adrenergic influences. Role of Noradrenergic innervation
- Electrophysiological evidence that Noradrenergic afferents selectively facilitate the activity of supraoptic vasopressin neurons
- Noradrenergic innervation of monkey prefrontal cortex: A dopamine‐β‐hydroxylase immunohistochemical study
- Effects of drugs affecting Noradrenergic neurotransmission in rats with spontaneous petit mal-like seizures
- … central amygdaloid nucleus in the response of adrenocorticotropin secretion to immobilization stress: opposing roles of the Noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems
- Facilitatory influence of Noradrenergic afferents on the excitability of rat paraventricular nucleus neurosecretory cells.
- Interactions between Noradrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms involved in spinal nociceptive processing
- Noradrenergic projections to brainstem nuclei: evidence for differential projections from Noradrenergic subgroups
- Single-unit response of Noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus of freely moving cats. II. Adaptation to chronically presented stressful stimuli
- … performance of rats with dorsal Noradrenergic bundle lesions on a 5-choice serial reaction time task: new evidence for central dopaminergic-Noradrenergic …
- Noradrenergic neurons from the locus ceruleus in dissociated cell culture: culture methods, morphology, and electrophysiology
- Electrophysiological properties of spinally-projecting A5 Noradrenergic neurons
- The amygdalo-brainstem pathway: selective innervation of dopaminergic, Noradrenergic and adrenergic cells in the rat
- Caffeine-induced anxiogenesis: the role of adenosine, benzodiazepine and Noradrenergic receptors
- Possible modulation of the medullary respiratory rhythm generator by the Noradrenergic A5 area: an in vitro study in the newborn rat
- Effect of reboxetine, a new antidepressant drug, on the central Noradrenergic system: behavioural and biochemical studies
- Impulse conduction properties of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus axons projecting to monkey cerebrocortex
- On the role of Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the action of desipramine and amitriptyline in animal models of depression.
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone increases tonic but not sensory-evoked activity of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons in unanesthetized rats
- Increase in dopamine and DOPAC levels in Noradrenergic terminals after electrical stimulation of the ascending Noradrenergic pathways
- Development of the Noradrenergic, serotonergic, and dopaminergic innervation of neocortex
- Descending Noradrenergic pathways involved in the A5 depressor response
- Correlational analysis of central Noradrenergic neuronal activity and sympathetic tone in behaving cats
- Prostaglandins inhibit endogenous pain control mechanisms by blocking transmission at spinal Noradrenergic synapses
- Opioid-Noradrenergic interactions in the neurohypophysis
- Modification of serotonergic and Noradrenergic neurotransmissions by repeated administration of monoamine oxidase inhibitors: electrophysiological studies in the rat …
- Noradrenergic modulation of olfactory bulb excitability in the postnatal rat
- Noradrenergic-serotonergic interactions and nociception in the rat
- Role of spinal Noradrenergic system in transmission of pain in patients with spinal cord injury
- Galanin-like immunoreactivity in hippocampal afferents in the rat, with special reference to cholinergic and Noradrenergic inputs
- Ascending Noradrenergic projections from the brainstem: evidence for a major role in the regulation of blood pressure and vasopressin secretion
- Noradrenergic stimulation of mitochondriogenesis in brown adipocytes differentiating in culture
- Noradrenergic function in generalized anxiety disorder: effects of yohimbine in healthy subjects and patients with generalized anxiety disorder
- A1 Noradrenergic neurons tonically inhibit sympathoexcitatory neurons of C1 area in rat brainstem
- Effects of concurrent manipulations of cholinergic and Noradrenergic function on learning and retention in mice
- Serotonergic regulation of Noradrenergic coerulean neurons: electrophysiological evidence for the involvement of 5-HT2 receptors
- Hypothalamic Noradrenergic and sympathoadrenal control of glycemia after stress
- Systemic naloxone administration potentiates locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neuronal activity under stressful but not non-stressful conditions
- Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of the spleen: IV. Morphometric analysis in adult and aged F344 rats
- Measurement of endogenous noradrenaline release in the rat cerebral cortex in vivo by transcortical dialysis: effects of drugs affecting Noradrenergic transmission
- Noradrenergic innervation of the paraventricular nucleus: specific role in control of carbohydrate ingestion
- Locomotion in rats transplanted with Noradrenergic neurons
- Noradrenergic afferents facilitate the activity of tuberoinfundibular neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus
- The transport of amines across the axonal membranes of Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurones
- Noradrenergic effects on rat visual cortex: Single-cell microiontophoretic studies of alpha-2 adrenergic receptors
- Partial injury to central Noradrenergic neurons: reduction of tissue norepinephrine content is greater than reduction of extracellular norepinephrine measured by …
- Blood–brain barrier sodium/potassium pump: modulation by central Noradrenergic innervation
- Scopolamine-disruption of radial arm maze performance: modification by Noradrenergic depletion
- Suicidal behavior in depression: relationship to Noradrenergic function
- Noradrenergic function in schizophrenia
- Evidence for pain modulation by pre-and postsynaptic Noradrenergic receptors in the medulla oblongata
- II. Noradrenergic and serotonergic determinants of seizure susceptibility and severity in genetically epilepsy-prone rats
- Impaired Noradrenergic transmission in schizophrenia?
- Noradrenergic nerves in human small intestine: distribution and ultrastructure
- Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of the spleen: III. Development of innervation in the rat spleen
- Diurnal-stimulated and stress-induced ACTH release in rats is mediated by ventral Noradrenergic bundle
- Co‐localization of N‐acetyl‐aspartyl‐glutamate in central cholinergic, Noradrenergic, and serotonergic neurons
- Parallel development of Noradrenergic innervation and cellular compartmentation in the rat spleen
- Functional hypotheses of the coeruleocortical Noradrenergic projection: A review of recent experimentation and theory
- Effects of p-chlorophenylalanine on cortical monoamines and on the activity of Noradrenergic neurons
- Noradrenergic function and the cortisol response to dexamethasone in depression
- Grafted Noradrenergic neurons suppress seizure development in kindling-induced epilepsy
- Noradrenergic stimulation of supraoptic neuronal activity and vasopressin release in vitro: mediation by an α1-receptor
- Noradrenergic and peptidergic innervation of the extrinsic vessels and microcirculation of the rat cremaster muscle
- Angiotensin II-Noradrenergic interactions in renovascular hypertensive rats.
- A quantitative study of the effects of age on the Noradrenergic innervation of Auerbach’s plexus in the rat
- … distribution of neuropeptide tyrosine-, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-, substance P-immunoreactive, acetylcholinesterase-positive and Noradrenergic nerves in the …
- Immunocytochemical evidence for stimulatory control by the ventral Noradrenergic bundle of parvocellular neurons of the paraventricular nucleus secreting …
- The locus coeruleus and cognitive function: attempts to relate Noradrenergic enhancement of signal/noise in the brain to behavior
- Effects of hypoxia on the activities of Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons in the rat brain
- Indices of Noradrenergic function in the central nervous system of seizure‐naive genetically epilepsy‐prone rats
- Co-localization of neuropeptide Y, vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and dynorphin in non-Noradrenergic axons of the guinea pig uterine artery
- Postsynaptic α2-Noradrenergic receptors mediate feeding induced by paraventricular nucleus injection of norepinephrine and clonidine
- Importance of Noradrenergic mechanisms in the olfactory bulbs for the maternal behaviour of mice
- Changes in renal and central Noradrenergic activity with potassium in DOCA-salt rats
- Hypothermia: role of α1-and α2-Noradrenergic receptors in the hypothalamus of the cat
- Maintenance of Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation in the involuted thymus of the aged Fischer 344 rat
- Noradrenergic-cholinergic interaction: its possible role in memory dysfunction associated with senile dementia.
- Involvement of medullary opioid-peptidergic and spinal Noradrenergic systems in the regulation of formalin-induced persistent pain
- Baroreceptor-mediated inhibition of A5 Noradrenergic neurons
- Mechanisms of receptor-mediated modulation of transmitter release in Noradrenergic, cholinergic and sensory neurones
- Neuropeptide Y: presence in perivascular Noradrenergic neurons and vasoconstrictor effects on skeletal muscle blood vessels in experimental animals and man
- Interdependence of spinal adenosinergic, serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems mediating antinociception
- CRH effects on central Noradrenergic neurons: relationship to stress
- The Noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP-4 eliminates the coeruleospinal projection but spares projections of the A5 and A7 groups to the ventral horn of the rat spinal cord
- Role of Noradrenergic ascending system in extinction of epileptic phenomena
- Novelty-oriented behavior in the rat after selective damage of locus coeruleus projections by DSP-4, a new Noradrenergic neurotoxin
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in age-related cognitive decline.
- Naltrexone precipitated opiate withdrawal in methadone addicted human subjects: evidence for Noradrenergic hyperactivity
- Dynamics of Noradrenergic circadian input to the chicken pineal gland
- Prejunctional and postjunctional effects of neuropeptide Y at the Noradrenergic neuroeffector junction of the perfused mesenteric arterial bed of the rat.
- The effect of clorgyline on Noradrenergic function
- Regulation of α and β components of Noradrenergic cyclic AMP response in cortical slices
- Central cyclic-AMP-linked Noradrenergic receptors: new findings on properties as related to the actions of stress
- Evidence for a Noradrenergic transmission in the control of parturition in the rat
- Discriminative stimulus properties of caffeine in the rat: Noradrenergic mediation.
- Degeneration of Noradrenergic and serotonergic but not dopaminergic neurones in the lumbar spinal cord of parkinsonian patients
- Comparative functions of the central Noradrenergic, dopaminergic and cholinergic systems
- Perivascular Noradrenergic and peptide-containing nerves show different patterns of changes during development and ageing in the guinea-pig
- Electrophysiological actions of cocaine on Noradrenergic neurons in rat locus ceruleus.
- Lesions of A1 Noradrenergic cells affect AVP release and heart rate during hemorrhage
- Ontogeny of Noradrenergic effects on ultrasonic vocalizations in rat pups.
- Disturbed Noradrenergic blood pressure control in normotensive members of hypertensive families.
- The distribution of Noradrenergic nerves in the human lower urinary tract
- Role of adenosine in Noradrenergic neurotransmission in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Collateral axonal projection from the A1 Noradrenergic cell group to the paraventricular nucleus and bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the rat
- Cardiovascular effects and modulation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission following central and peripheral administration of neuropeptide Y
- Noradrenergic feeding elicited via the paraventricular nucleus is dependent upon circulating corticosterone
- Innervation of human hippocampus by Noradrenergic systems: normal anatomy and structural abnormalities in aging and in Alzheimer’s disease
- Interaction of Noradrenergic and cholinergic systems in regulation of ocular dominance plasticity
- Neuropeptide Y-induced effects on hypothalamic corticotropin-releasing factor content and release are dependent on Noradrenergic/adrenergic neurotransmission
- Influence of renal nerves on Noradrenergic responses to changes in arterial pressure
- Single unit response of Noradrenergic, serotonergic and dopaminergic neurons in freely moving cats to simple sensory stimuli
- Plasma cortisol responses to clonidine in depressed patients and controls: Evidence for a possible alteration in Noradrenergic-neuroendocrine relationships
- Plasma dihydroxyphenylalanine and total body and regional Noradrenergic activity in humans
- Effects of diet and obesity on brain α1-and α2-Noradrenergic receptors in the rat
- Evidence for a non-precursor dopamine pool in Noradrenergic neurones of the dog mesenteric artery.
- Appearance of the Noradrenergic markers tyrosine hydroxylase and neuropeptide Y in cholinergic nerves of the iris following sympathectomy
- Impact of circulating corticosterone on α1-and α2-Noradrenergic receptors in discrete brain areas
- Noradrenergic function and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in primary unipolar major depressive disorder
- Impaired lymphocyte stimulation by mitogens in severely depressed patients: a complex interface with HPA-axis hyperfunction, Noradrenergic activity and the ageing …
- Noradrenergic vesicles
- Noradrenaline and learning: Effects of the Noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP4 on imprinting in the domestic chick.
- Involvement of locus coeruleus and Noradrenergic neurotransmission in fentanyl-induced muscular rigidity in the rat
- Noradrenergic depression of synaptic responses in hippocampus of rat: evidence for mediation by alpha1-receptors
- Noradrenergic and neuroradiological abnormalities in tardive dyskinesia
- Microinjected clonidine inhibits Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus in freely moving cats
- Effect of afferent renal nerve stimulation on blood pressure, heart rate and Noradrenergic activity in conscious rats
- (Na+, K+)-adenosine triphosphatase regulation by the sympathetic nervous system: effects of Noradrenergic stimulation and lesions in vivo.
- Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of spleen and lymph nodes in relation to specific cellular compartments
- Effect of [D-Ala2, Met5] enkephalinamide and [D-Ala2, D-Leu5] enkephalin on cholinergic and Noradrenergic neurotransmission in isolated atria
- The importance of central Noradrenergic influences on the olfactory bulb in the processing of learned olfactory cues.
- Dissociable effects of lesions to the dorsal or ventral Noradrenergic bundle on the acquisition, performance, and extinction of aversive conditioning.
- Control of neurosecretory vasopressin cells by Noradrenergic projections of the caudal ventrolateral medulla
- Noradrenergic innervation of serotoninergic neurons in the myenteric plexus
- Effects of an extract of Ginkgo biloba on Noradrenergic systems of rat cerebral cortex
- Plasma melatonin during desmethylimipramine treatment: evidence for changes in Noradrenergic transmission.
- Noradrenergic and opioidergic influences on the antinociceptive effect of clomipramine in the formalin test in rats
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in mediation of stress-induced hyperalgesia in rats
- Further evidence for, and nature of, the facilitatory GABAergic influence on central Noradrenergic transmission
- Differential inhibitory Noradrenergic responses to clonidine in 25 depressed patients and 25 normal control subjects.
- Evidence for stimulatory Noradrenergic and inhibitory dopaminergic regulation of oxytocin release in the lactating rat
- Diurnal rhythm of α2-Noradrenergic receptors in the paraventricular nucleus and other brain areas: relation to circulating corticosterone and feeding behavior
- Age-related increase in presynaptic Noradrenergic markers of the rat cerebral cortex
- Antibodies directed against tyrosine hydroxylase differentially recognize Noradrenergic axons in monkey neocortex
- Acute and long-term regulation of brain α2-adrenoceptors after manipulation of Noradrenergic transmission in the rat
- Central Noradrenergic involvement in yohimbine excitation of acoustic startle: effects of DSP4 and 6-OHDA
- Effects of locally generated angiotensin II on Noradrenergic transmission in guinea-pig isolated atria
- Noradrenergic innervation of human pineal gland: abnormalities in aging and Alzheimer’s disease
- Pancreatic Noradrenergic nerves are activated by neuroglucopenia but not by hypotension or hypoxia in the dog. Evidence for stress-specific and regionally selective …
- Use of microdialysis to measure brain Noradrenergic receptor function in vivo
- Dorsal Noradrenergic bundle lesions fail to alter opiate withdrawal or suppression of opiate withdrawal by clonidine
- Immunocytochemical study of serotoninergic and Noradrenergic innervation of the ventrobasal complex of the rat thalamus
- On the origin of dopamine and its metabolite in predominantly Noradrenergic innervated brain areas
- Single unit activity of Noradrenergic neurons in locus coeruleus and serotonergic neurons in the nucleus raphe dorsalis of freely moving cats in relation to the cardiac …
- Noradrenergic projections to the spinal cord and their role in cardiovascular control
- Evidence for the existence of stereoselective presynaptic β1-adrenoceptors on Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons in the rat hypothalamus
- Rapid bidirectional effects of insulin on hypothalamic Noradrenergic and serotoninergic neuronal activity in the rat: role in glucose homeostasis
- The effect of endothelin on Noradrenergic transmission in rat and guinea-pig atria
- Effect of blood pressure on A2 Noradrenergic neurons
- Sympathoinhibition by A1-Noradrenergic neurons is mediated by neurons in the C1 area of the rostral medulla
- Cardiovascular role of the major Noradrenergic cell groups in the rabbit: analysis based on 6-hydroxydopamine-induced transmitter release
- Adrenaline mediates a positive feedback loop in Noradrenergic transmission: its possible role in development of hypertension
- Prophylactic effects of neuroleptics in symptom-free schizophrenics: roles of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic blockers
- Precipitated diazepam withdrawal elevates Noradrenergic metabolism in primate brain
- Role of adenosine in Noradrenergic neurotransmission
- Topographie relations of cholinergic and Noradrenergic neurons in the feline pontomesencephalic tegmentum: An immunohistochemical study
- Stimulatory effects of the Noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP4 on sexual behavior in male quail
- Noradrenergic regulation of cytosol estrogen receptors in female rat hypothalamus: possible role ofga2-Noradrenergic receptors
- Noradrenergic activity and silent ischaemia in hypertensive patients with stable angina: effect of metoprolol
- Inputs from the A1 Noradrenergic region to hypothalamic paraventricular neurons in the rat
- Noradrenergic modulation of sensorimotor processes in intact rats: the masseteric reflex as a model system
- Effect of cholinergic deficit induced by ethylcholine aziridinium (AF64A) on Noradrenergic and dopaminergic parameters in rat brain
- Periventricular Noradrenergic systems are critical for angiotensin-induced drinking and blood pressure responses
- Cerebrospinal fluid corticotropin-releasing hormone in depression: relationship to Noradrenergic function
- Paradoxical effects of endothelin on cardiovascular Noradrenergic neurotransmission.
- Effect of repeated amiflamine administration on serotonergic and Noradrenergic neurotransmission: electrophysiological studies in the rat CNS
- Spontaneously hypertensive rats exhibit reduced hypothalamic Noradrenergic input after NaCl loading.
- Indices of Noradrenergic output in depression
- Norepinephrine, clonidine, and tricyclic antidepressants selectively stimulate carbohydrate ingestion through Noradrenergic system of the paraventricular nucleus
- Central and peripheral Noradrenergic tone in primary hypertension.
- Noradrenergic rather than GABAergic processes as the common mediation of the antidepressant profile of GABA agonists and imipramine-like drugs in animals
- Clonidine inhibits central Noradrenergic neurons in unanesthetized cats
- Parallel changes in the sensitivity of γ-aminobutyric acid and Noradrenergic receptors following chronic administration of antidepressant and GABAergic drugs: a …
- Noradrenergic neurons with divergent projections to the motor trigeminal nucleus and the spinal cord: a double retrograde neuronal labeling study
- Pre‐and post‐junctional effects of adenosine triphosphate on Noradrenergic transmission in the rabbit ear artery.
- Electrophysiological effects of methylphenidate on the coeruleo-cortical Noradrenergic system in the rat
- Co-existence of immunoreactivity to neuropeptide Y and vasoactive intestinal peptide in non-Noradrenergic axons innervating guinea pig cerebral arteries after …
- Noradrenergic influences on blocking: interactions with development
- Dexamethasone suppression test and Noradrenergic function in affective and schizophrenic disorders
- Prenatal terbutaline exposure in the rat: selective effects on development of Noradrenergic projections to cerebellum
- Noradrenergic systems in human cerebellum
- Differentiation of Noradrenergic traits in the principal neurons and small intensely fluorescent cells of the parasympathetic sphenopalatine ganglion of the rat
- Release‐regulating GABAA receptors are present on Noradrenergic nerve terminals in selective areas of the rat brain
- Characteristic distribution of Noradrenergic terminals on the anterior horn motoneurons innervating the perineal striated muscles in the rat
- Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of the spleen: V. Acute drug‐induced depletion of lymphocytes in the target fields of innervation results in redistribution of …
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in hippocampal kindling with rapidly recurring seizures
- Relationships between central nervous system Noradrenergic function and plasma and urinary concentrations of norepinephrine metabolites.
- Noradrenergic and opioid mediation of tricyclic-induced reversal of escape deficits caused by inescapable shock pretreatment in rats
- Corticotropin-releasing factor: putative neurotransmitter in the Noradrenergic nucleus locus ceruleus.
- The influence of central Noradrenergic function on 5-HT 2-mediated head-twitch responses in mice: possible implications for the actions of antidepressant drugs
- Role of Noradrenergic function in the opiate antagonist facilitation of spatial memory.
- Effects of chronic experimental streptozotocin-induced diabetes on the Noradrenergic and peptidergic innervation of the rat alimentary tract
- … in Alzheimer’s disease in the magnocellular neurones of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus and their relationship to the Noradrenergic …
- Evidence that Noradrenergic transmitter release is regulated by presynaptic receptors.
- Noradrenergic transmission in the isolated portal vein of the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
- Contribution of Noradrenergic Neurons to the Regulation of Dopaminergic (D1) Receptor Denervation Supersensitivity in Rat Prefrontal Cortex
- The formation of deaminated metabolites of dopamine in the locus coeruleus depends upon Noradrenergic neuronal activity
- Analgesic effects of intrathecally applied Noradrenergic compounds in the developing rat: differences due to thermal vs mechanical nociception
- Chronic haloperidol inactivates brain Noradrenergic neurons
- Noradrenergic modulation of cortical acetylcholine release is both direct and gamma-aminobutyric acid-mediated.
- Distribution of subgroups of neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive and Noradrenergic nerves in the female rat uterine cervix
- Noradrenergic potentiation of cerebellar Purkinje cell responses to GABA: Evidence for mediation through the β-adrenoceptor-coupled cyclic AMP system
- Central action of ipsapirone, a new anxiolytic drug, on serotoninergic, Noradrenergic and dopaminergic functions
- Simultaneous expression of the SP-peptidergic and Noradrenergic phenotypes in rat sympathetic neurons
- Possible relationship of the locus coeruleus–hippocampal Noradrenergic neurons to depression and mode of action of antidepressant drugs.
- Effect of DSP-4, a Noradrenergic neurotoxin, on sleep and wakefulness and sensitivity to drugs acting on adrenergic receptors in the rat
- Pharmacological characterization and regional distribution of α-Noradrenergic binding sites of rat spinal cord
- Differential coupling of GABA-A and GABA-B receptors to the Noradrenergic system
- Trimipramine, a tricyclic antidepressant exerting atypical actions on the central Noradrenergic system
- Changes in cardiac and hypothalamic Noradrenergic activity with taurine in DOCA-salt rats
- GABA-Noradrenergic interaction: evidence for differential sites of action for GABA-A and GABA-B receptors
- Central administration of neuropeptide Y induces hypothermia in mice. Possible interaction with central Noradrenergic systems
- Lesions of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle simultaneously enhance and reduce responsivity to novelty in a food preference test
- The pharmacology of sibutramine hydrochloride (BTS 54 524), a new antidepressant which induces rapid Noradrenergic down-regulation.
- Selective neurotoxic lesions of descending serotonergic and Noradrenergic pathways in the rat
- Transmitter release patterns of Noradrenergic, dopaminergic and cholinergic axons in rabbit brain slices during short pulse trains, and the operation of presynaptic …
- Angiotensin facilitation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission in central tissues of the rat: effects of sodium restriction.
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic receptor system function in panic disorder and depression
- Ultrastructural analysis of the Noradrenergic innervation of rat supraoptic nucleus
- Expression of Noradrenergic and cholinergic traits by sympathetic neurons cultured without serum
- Intrathecal bradykinin acts presynaptically on spinal Noradrenergic terminals to produce antinociception in the rat
- Effects of the Noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP-4 on luteinizing hormone levels, catecholamine concentrations, α2-adrenergic receptor binding, and aromatase activity in …
- Normal pharmacological and morphometric parameters in the Noradrenergic hyperinnervated mutant mouse,“tottering”
- Desipramine binding: relationship to central and sympathetic Noradrenergic activity
- Regional Noradrenergic and cholinergic neurochemistry in the rat urinary bladder: effects of age
- Relationship of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurones to vestibulospinal reflexes
- Noradrenergic denervation prevents sensitization of rat forebrain neurons to serotonin by tricyclic antidepressant treatment
- Presynaptic K‐Opioid Receptors on Noradrenergic Nerve Terminals Couple to G Proteins and Interact with the α2‐Adrenoceptors
- Facilitation of focal cobalt-induced epilepsy after lesions of the Noradrenergic locus coeruleus system
- Interaction between the baroreflex and anterior hypothalamic stimulation: demonstration of a Noradrenergic involvement
- Injections of Noradrenergic and GABAergic agonists into the inferior colliculus: effects on audiogenic seizures in genetically epilepsy-prone rats
- Behavioral evidence in rats for a peptidergic-Noradrenergic interaction in cutaneous sensory and vascular function
- Cell suspension grafts of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons in rat hippocampus and spinal cord: reinnervation and transmitter turnover
- Regulation of Noradrenergic neuronal activity in the rat locus coeruleus by serotoninergic afferents
- Acute haloperidol increases impulse activity of brain Noradrenergic neurons
- The action of stimulant medication in attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity: dopaminergic, Noradrenergic, or both?
- Prazosin, a specific alpha1-Noradrenergic receptor antagonist, has no effect on symptoms but increases autonomic arousal in schizophrenic patients
- On the role of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle in learning and habituation to novelty
- Effects of imipramine and serotonin-2 agonists and antagonists on serotonin-2 and beta-adrenergic receptors following Noradrenergic or serotonergic denervation
- Theα1-Noradrenergic antagonist prazosin decreases the concentration of estrogen receptors in female rat hypothalamus
- Noradrenergic influence on the prepulse inhibition of acoustic startle
- Involvement of ventral Noradrenergic bundle in corticosterone secretion following neural stimuli
- α1-and β-adrenergic receptors are co-regulated during both Noradrenergic denervation and hyperinnervation
- Central dopaminergic and Noradrenergic receptor blockade in a patient with neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
- Efferent projections from the paraventricular nucleus mediating α2-Noradrenergic feeding
- Possible change in Noradrenergic receptor sensitivity following methylphenidate treatment: growth hormone and MHPG response to clonidine challenge in children …
- Desipramine and Noradrenergic neurotransmission in aging: failure to respond in aged laboratory animals
- Reorganization of Noradrenergic neuronal systems following neonatal chemical and surgical injury
- Selective inhibition of mesolimbic dopamine release following chronic administration of clozapine: involvement of α1-Noradrenergic receptors demonstrated by in vivo …
- Noradrenergic involvement in catalepsy induced by Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol
- Hypophysectomy disturbs the Noradrenergic feeding system of the paraventricular nucleus
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in akathisia: treatment with propranolol and clonidine
- Involvement of brain stem Noradrenergic neurons in the development of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- The motor trigeminal nucleus of the rat: analysis of neuronal structure and the synaptic organization of Noradrenergic afferents
- Clinical studies on central Noradrenergic activity in alcohol abusing patients.
- Increased number of locus ceruleus Noradrenergic neurons in the convulsive mutant Quaking mouse
- Brain epinephrine systems: detailed comparison of adrenergic and Noradrenergic metabolism, receptor number and in vitro regulation, in two inbred rat strains
- Partial depletion of neuropeptide Y from Noradrenergic perivascular and cardiac axons by 6-hydroxydopamine and reserpine
- Spinally projecting Noradrenergic neurons of the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum: A combined immunocytochemical and retrograde labeling study
- L-phenylisopropyladenosine (L-PIA) diminishes halothane anesthetic requirements and decreases Noradrenergic neurotransmission in rats
- Noradrenergic and cholinergic agents in Korsakoff’s syndrome.
- Activation of the CNS Noradrenergic system may inhibit as well as facilitate pituitary luteinizing hormone release
- DSP4-induced Noradrenergic lesions increase β-adrenergic receptors and hippocampal electrophysiological responsiveness
- Evidence that the increased anxiety detected in the elevated plus-maze during chlordiazepoxide withdrawal is not due to enhanced Noradrenergic activity
- Behavioural deficits induced by an electrolytic lesion of the rat ventral mesencephalic tegmentum are corrected by a superimposed lesion of the dorsal Noradrenergic …
- Evidence against the involvement of a Noradrenergic mechanism in the release by diazepam of novelty-induced hypophagia in rats
- Electrophysiological effects of locally applied Noradrenergic agents at cerebellar Purkinje neurons: receptor specificity
- Evidence that neuropeptide Y released from Noradrenergic axons causes prolonged contraction of the guinea-pig uterine artery
- Changes of cholinergic, Noradrenergic and serotonergic synaptic transmission indices elicited by ethylcholine aziridinium ion (AF64A) infused intraventricularly.
- Tracheal parasympathetic neurons of rat, mouse and guinea pig: partial expression of Noradrenergic phenotype and lack of innervation from Noradrenergic nerve …
- Reproducibility of the measurement of plasma Noradrenergic and dopaminergic metabolites in normal subjects
- The Noradrenergic innervation of vasopressin neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus: an ultrastructural study using radioautography and …
- Alpha Noradrenergic agonists promote catalepsy in the mouse
- α-Noradrenergic potentiation of neurotransmitter-stimulated cAMP production in rat striatal slices
- Noradrenergic innervation of the substantia innominata: a light and electron microscopic analysis of dopamine β-hydroxylase immunoreactive elements in the rat
- Cholinergic and Noradrenergic toxicity of intraventricular aluminum chloride in the rat hippocampus
- Influence of oestrogen and Noradrenergic afferent neurones on the response of LH and oxytocin to immobilization stress
- Roles of cholinergic, dopaminergic, Noradrenergic, serotonergic and GABAergic systems in changes of the EEG power spectra and behavioral states in rabbits
- Effects of cocaine on the electrical activity of single Noradrenergic neurons from locus coeruleus
- Impact of food deprivation on α1-and α2-Noradrenergic receptors in the paraventricular nucleus and other hypothalamic areas
- Destruction of Noradrenergic innervation to the paraventricular nucleus: deficits in food intake, macronutrient selection, and compensatory eating after food deprivation
- Identification of Noradrenergic nerve terminals immunoreactive for neuropeptide Y and vasoactive intestinal peptide in the rat kidney
- Alpha-2 receptors mediate an endogenous Noradrenergic suppression of kindling development.
- Evidence for the involvement of descending Noradrenergic pathways in the antinociceptive effect of baclofen
- Noradrenergic modulation of human pancreatic growth hormone-releasing factor (hpGHRFl-44)-induced growth hormone release in conscious male rabbits …
- Central adrenergic receptor changes in the inherited Noradrenergic hyperinnervated mutant mouse tottering
- Alleviation of response suppression to conditioned aversive stimuli by lesions of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- Reduction in Noradrenergic perivascular nerve density in the left and right cerebral arteries of old rabbits
- Evidence for tryptaminergic and Noradrenergic involvement in the antisecretory action of morphine in the rat jejunum
- Role of ascending and descending Noradrenergic pathways in the antinociceptive effect of baclofen and clonidine
- Noradrenergic effects in tardive dyskinesia, akathisia and pseudoparkinsonism via the limbic system and basal ganglia
- Dopamine-β-hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity in the fetal cerebral cortex of the rat: Noradrenergic ascending pathways and terminal fields
- Alterations in the Noradrenergic projection to the cerebellum of the dystonic (dt) rat
- Angiotensin II and Noradrenergic transmission in the pithed rat.
- Locus ceruleus lesion by local 6-hydroxydopamine infusion causes marked and specific destruction of Noradrenergic neurons, long-term depletion of norepinephrine …
- Limited involvement of central Noradrenergic pathways in morphine-induced antinociception
- α1-Noradrenergic receptor blockade decreases nuclear estrogen receptor binding in guinea pig hypothalamus and preoptic area
- Effects of captopril on vascular Noradrenergic transmission in SHR.
- Age-related changes in the Noradrenergic innervation of the coronary arteries in old rats: a fluorescent histochemical study
- Subacute Noradrenergic Agonist Infusions In Vivo Increase Na+, K+‐ATPase and Ouabain Binding in Rat Cerebral Cortex
- Noradrenergic stimulation of serotonin release from rat pineal glands in vitro
- Cyclic AMP concentrations in rat neocortex and hippocampus during and following incomplete ischemia: effects of central Noradrenergic neurons, prostaglandins, and …
- ATP causes postjunctional potentiation of Noradrenergic contractions in the portal vein of guinea‐pig and rat
- Heterogeneity of Noradrenergic thermic responses in obese and lean humans.
- Fengabine, a novel antidepressant GABAergic agent. II. Effect on cerebral Noradrenergic, serotonergic and GABAergic transmission in the rat.
- Suppression of ethanol tolerance and dependence in rats treated with DSP-4, a Noradrenergic neurotoxin
- Increase in β-and α1-adrenoceptor binding sites in the rat brain and in the α1-adrenoceptor functional sensitivity after the DSP-4-induced Noradrenergic denervation
- α1-Noradrenergic regulation of hypothalamic progestin receptors and guinea pig lordosis behavior
- Effect of destruction of central Noradrenergic and serotonergic nerve terminals by systemic neurotoxins on the long-term effects of antidepressants on β-adrenoceptors …
- Mesolimbic noradrenaline: specificity, stability and dose-dependency of individual-specific responses to mesolimbic injections of α-Noradrenergic agonists
- Noradrenergic, serotonergic, and cholinergic sprouting in the hippocampus that follows partial or complete transection of the septohippocampal pathway: contributions …
- Neurochemical correlates of behavioural responses to frustrative nonreward in the rat: implications for the role of central Noradrenergic neurones in behavioural …
- Mutual interaction between presynaptic α2-adrenoceptors and opioid к-receptors at the Noradrenergic axons of rabbit brain cortex
- Increased dopamine-β-hydroxylase-like immunoreactivity in non-Noradrenergic axons supplying the guinea-pig uterine artery after 6-hydroxydopamine treatment
- Migraine and the Noradrenergic Control of Vasomotricity: A Study With Alpha‐2 Stimulant and Alpha‐2 Blocker Drugs
- Noradrenergic hyperinnervation of the trigeminal sensory nuclei
- Buspirone increases locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neuronal activity in vitro
- Area postrema: cholinergic and Noradrenergic regulation of emesis a new concept
- Noradrenergic and behavioural effects of naloxone injected in the locus coeruleus of morphine-dependent rats and their control by clonidine
- Effects of carbamazepine on Noradrenergic mechanisms in affectively ill patients
- Delayed postischemic hypoperfusion: evidence against involvement of the Noradrenergic locus ceruleus system
- A1 Noradrenergic input to medial preoptic-medial septal area: an electrophysiological study
- Urinary-free cortisol in depressed patients and controls: relationship to urinary indices of Noradrenergic function
- Microinjected morphine suppresses the activity of locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neurons in freely moving cats
- Saliva secretion rate and saliva composition as a model to determine the effect of antidepressant drugs on cholinergic and Noradrenergic transmission
- Peripubertal development of Noradrenergic stimulation of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neurosecretion in vitro
- … of protective actions of nicotine on neuronal and vascular functions in the brain of rats: comparison between sympathetic Noradrenergic and mesostriatal dopaminergic …
- Opioid-Noradrenergic interactions in the neurohypophysis. II. Does noradrenaline mediate the actions of endogenous opioids on oxytocin and vasopressin release?
- Noradrenergic control of ocular dominance plasticity in the visual cortex of dark-reared cats
- α1-and α2-Noradrenergic receptor binding in guinea pig brain: Sex differences and effects of ovarian steroids
- Estradiol modulation of α2-Noradrenergic receptors in guinea pig brain assessed by tritium-sensitive film autoradiography
- In vivo potencies of antipsychotic drugs in blocking alpha 1 Noradrenergic and dopamine D2 receptors: implications for drug mechanisms of action
- beta-Endorphin-induced stimulation of central sympathetic outflow: inhibitory modulation by central Noradrenergic neurons.
- Neuroendocrine evidence of deranged Noradrenergic activity in chronic migraine
- State dependence of Noradrenergic activity in a rapidly cycling bipolar patient.
- Anticonvulsant action of intranigral γ-vinyl-GABA: role of Noradrenergic neurotransmission
- Renal Noradrenergic and dopaminergic activity in patients with borderline essential hypertension.
- Age-related alterations in Noradrenergic input to the hippocampal formation: structural and functional studies in intraocular transplants
- Septal α-Noradrenergic antagonism in vivo blocks the testing-induced activation of septo-hippocampal cholinergic neurones and produces a concomitant deficit in …
- Effect of locally generated angiotensin II on Noradrenergic neuroeffector function in the rat isolated caudal artery.
- Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic sympathetic nerves of the dog have different DOPA decarboxylase activities
- Noradrenergic denervation alters serotonin2-mediated behavior but not serotonin2 receptor number in rats: modulatory role of beta adrenergic receptors.
- Fluorescence histochemical study on the Noradrenergic control to the anterior column of the spinal lumbosacral segments of the rat and dog, with special reference to …
- Changes in the serotonergic, Noradrenergic and dopaminergic levels in the brain of scrapie-infected rats
- Activation of the Noradrenergic projection from locus coeruleus reduces the excitatory responses of anterior cingulate cortical neurones to substance P
- Noradrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms responsible for the gain regulation of vestibulospinal reflexes
- Localization of the main Noradrenergic neuron groups in the pons and medulla of the rabbit and the importance of cathodal lesions for prolonged survival
- Alterations of the central Noradrenergic system in MPTP-induced monkey parkinsonism.
- Manipulation of the amygdala Noradrenergic system impairs extinction of passive avoidance
- Studies on Noradrenergic alterations in relation to early phenobarbital-induced behavioral changes
- Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic responses in the hippocampal slice preparation. Evidence for different receptors.
- The Noradrenergic neurotoxins DSP4 and xylamine bind to opiate receptors
- The effects of lesions to Noradrenergic projections from the locus coeruleus and lateral tegmental cell groups on conditioned taste aversion in the rat.
- M2 muscarinic receptors on the iris sphincter muscle differ from those on iris Noradrenergic nerves
- Ascorbate-induced release of LHRH: Noradrenergic and opioid modulation
- Importance of spinal Noradrenergic pathways in cardiovascular reflexes and central actions of clonidine and α-methyldopa in the rabbit
- A Noradrenergic component of quinolinic acid-induced seizures
- Alpha 2-Noradrenergic feeding rhythm in paraventricular nucleus: relation to corticosterone
- Cerebellar Noradrenergic systems in aging: studies in situ and in in oculo grafts
- Glutamate and kainate effects on the Noradrenergic neurons innervating the rat vas deferens
- Noradrenergic and dopaminergic modulation of thyrotropin secretion in the rat
- Noradrenergic innervation of the cerebellar cortex in normal and in Purkinje cell degeneration mutant mice: evidence for long term survival following loss of the two …
- Noradrenergic inhibitors cause accumulation of nuclear progestin receptors in guinea pig hypothalamus
- Spinal Noradrenergic neurotransmission and the analgesia induced by brief footshock
- Gonadotropin responses to naloxone may depend upon spontaneous activity in Noradrenergic neurons at the time of treatment
- Age-related changes of Noradrenergic innervation of rat splanchnic blood vessels: a histofluorescence and neurochemical study
- Delayed behavioral response to antidepressant drugs following selective damage to the hippocampal Noradrenergic innervation in rats
- Clonidine and cortical plasticity: possible evidence for Noradrenergic involvement
- Partial damage to the Noradrenergic bund; e increases tyrosine hydroxylase activity in Noradrenergic terminals of hippocampus but not cerebellum
- Glucose-dependent changes in α2-Noradrenergic receptors in hypothalamic nuclei
- Noradrenergic modulation of hypothalamic progestin receptors in female guinea pigs is specific to the ventromedial nucleus
- Mechanisms of epileptic brain damage: evidence for a protective role of the Noradrenergic locus coeruleus system in the rat
- Demonstration of monoamine oxidase type B in serotonergic and type A in Noradrenergic neurons in the cat dorsal pontine tegmentum by an improved histochemical …
- Chronic hyperprolactinemia causes progressive changes in hypothalamic dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurons
- Effects of Purkinje cell degeneration on the Noradrenergic projection to mouse cerebellar cortex
- Role of the endothelium on the facilitatory effects of angiotensin I and angiotensin II on Noradrenergic transmission in the caudal artery of the rat.
- Noradrenergic innervation of developing rat and spiny mouse liver
- Effect of oestrogen and progesterone on Noradrenergic nerves and on nerves showing serotonin-like immunoreactivity in the basilar artery of the rabbit
- Noradrenergic influence on epithelial responses of rabbit ileum to secretagogues
- Changes in cholinergic and Noradrenergic nerves in the pregnant and postpartum uterus of the albino rat and guinea pig
- Lesioning of serotoninergic and Noradrenergic nerve fibres of the rat brain does not decrease binding of 3H-clonidine and 3H-rauwolscine to cortical membranes
- Neonatal testosterone modifies LH secretion in the adult female rat by altering the opioid-Noradrenergic interaction in the medial preoptic area
- Neuropeptide Y (NPY)-like immunoreactivity in guinea pig uterus is reduced during pregnancy in parallel with Noradrenergic nerves
- Different developmental schedules of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurons in dissociation culture of fetal rat midbrain and hindbrain
- Yohimbine potentiates cold-water swim analgesia: re-evaluation of a Noradrenergic role
- Further evidence of Noradrenergic regulation of rat hypothalamic estrogen receptor concentration: possible non-functional increase and functional decrease
- Comparative effects of sciatic nerve stimulation, blood pressure, and morphine on the activity of A5 and A6 pontine Noradrenergic neurons
- Adaptive changes in the central Noradrenergic system in monocular deprived rats
- Effects of mianserin on Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Human anxiety and Noradrenergic function: preliminary studies with caffeine, clonidine and yohimbine
- Noradrenergic function in the medial hypothalamus: Potential relation to anorexia nervosa and bulimia
- Brain Noradrenergic neurons, corticotropin-releasing factor, and stress
- PS-inducing factors and the Noradrenergic system
- Adrenergic and Noradrenergic regulation of pulsatile luteinizing hormone release
- Lesions to ascending Noradrenergic and serotonergic pathways modify antinociception produced by intracerebroventricular administration of morphine
- Enhanced Noradrenergic neuronal activity increases homovanillic acid levels in cerebrospinal fluid
- Supersensitivity of the Noradrenergic system in the spinal cord following intracisternal injection of 6-hydroxydopamine
- Aminophylline shortens thiopental sleep-time and enhances Noradrenergic neurotransmission in rats
- The development ofα2-adrenoceptors in the rat kidney: Correlation with Noradrenergic innervation
- Attenuation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission by the thromboxane synthetase inhibitor, UK 38,485
- Effect of a monoclonal antibody to angiotensin II on hemodynamic responses to Noradrenergic stimulation in pithed rats.
- Opioid modulation of the response of preoptic neurones to stimulation of the ventral Noradrenergic tract in female rats.
- Amphetamine’s effects on terminal excitability of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons are impulse-dependent at low but not high doses
- Study of brain Noradrenergic neurons by use of in vivo voltammetry
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in ethanol diuresis
- The effect of GM1 ganglioside on coerulospinal, Noradrenergic, adult neurons and on fetal monoaminergic neurons transplanted into the transected spinal cord of the …
- Cortisol response to dexamethasone and Noradrenergic function in depression
- Influences on cortisol and Noradrenergic turnover of healthy controls and depressed patients during L-tryptophan loading
- Multiple changes in Noradrenergic mechanisms in the coeruleo-hippocampal pathway during aging. Structural and functional correlates in intraocular double grafts
- The effects of lesions of the locus coeruleus and treatment with drugs affecting brain Noradrenergic neurotransmission on dominant-subordinate behavior in rats …
- Comparison of free MHPG in rat cerebrospinal fluid with free and conjugated MHPG in brain tissue: effects of drugs modifying Noradrenergic transmission
- Presynaptic inhibitory dopamine receptors on Noradrenergic nerve terminals: analysis of biphasic actions of dopamine and apomorphine on the release of …
- Fetal Noradrenergic transplants into amine-depleted basal forebrain nuclei restore drinking to angiotensin
- … projections to tuberoinfundibular neurones of the paraventricular nucleus: II. Effects of stimulation of the ventral Noradrenergic ascending bundle: evidence for …
- Noradrenergic hyperinnervation of the motor trigeminal nucleus: alterations in membrane properties and responses to synaptic input
- Age-related electrophysiological changes in cerebellar Noradrenergic receptors
- Enkephalin contents reflect Noradrenergic large dense cored vesicle populations in vasa deferentia
- Sodium-dependence of the saturability of carrier-mediated noradrenaline efflux from Noradrenergic neurones in the rat vas deferens
- Microwave attenuation of ethanol-induced interactions with Noradrenergic neurotransmitter systems.
- Defective modulation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission by endogenous prostaglandins in aging spontaneously hypertensive rats.
- Action of antidepressant neuroleptics, chlorprothixene and levomepromazine, on the central Noradrenergic system: comparison with other antidepressants.
- Neuropeptide Y-like immunoreactivity is absent from most perivascular Noradrenergic axons in a marsupial, the brush-tailed possum
- Noradrenergic responses of spinal neurons in locus coeruleus-spinal cord co-cultures
- Chronic septal lesions cause upregulation of cholinergic but not Noradrenergic hippocampal phosphoinositide hydrolysis
- Changes in hypothalamic Noradrenergic systems during the anorexia of zinc deficiency
- Age-related changes in cerebellar Noradrenergic pre-and postsynaptic mechanisms: intrinsic vs extrinsic determinants evaluated with brain grafts in oculo
- α2-Agonist-induced reduction of noradrenaline release from descending Noradrenergic terminals in rat spinal cord: functional relation to spinal motor system
- Morphine and specific changes in the sensitivity of Noradrenergic receptors within the “limbic” part of the feline caudate nucleus: a behaviour study
- Facilitation of Noradrenergic character of sympathetic neurons by co-culturing with heart cells
- Noradrenergic turnover increases in locus coeruleus after hemorrhage in cats
- Effects of serotonin on sympathetic Noradrenergic transmission in rabbit isolated ear artery.
- Rapid down-regulation of S2 serotonin receptors by antidepressants: Noradrenergic-serotonergic interactions
- Effect of adrenergic and cholinergic drugs on the Noradrenergic transmission in bladder neck smooth muscle
- Chronic thyroxine treatment of rats down-regulates the Noradrenergic cyclic AMP generating system in cerebral cortex.
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in the response to dextroamphetamine in humans.
- Noradrenergic sub-sensitivity in the cerebral cortex of the tottering mouse, a spontaneously epileptic mutant
- Recovery of pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion following permanent disruption of the ascending Noradrenergic fiber tract in the ovariectomized rat
- Evidence for the involvement of alpha 1-adrenoceptors in negative feedback regulation of Noradrenergic transmitter release in rat atria.
- Effects of Electroconvulsive Shock on Noradrenergic and Serotonergic Receptors in Rat Brain1
- The effect of cocaine on hippocampal cholinergic and Noradrenergic metabolism
- DSP4, a Noradrenergic neurotoxin, impairs male rats’ attraction to conspecific odors
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic involvement in brief shock-induced analgesia in rats.
- Prolactin-lowering ability of (+/-)-idazoxan may be linked to a central Noradrenergic-serotonergic interplay.
- Headache and Noradrenergic involvement: the effects of α2‐stimulants and α2‐antagonists
- Effects of the selective Noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP4 on cerebellar Purkinje neuron electrophysiology
- Ascending brain-stem Noradrenergic pathways modulate the renin response to haemorrhage
- Involvement of Noradrenergic systems in the effects of conditioning stimulation of the lower brain stem on the lumbar spinal reflex in rats.
- Different roles of alpha-Noradrenergic receptor subtypes in regulating lordosis
- Relationships between the cardiovascular effects of alpha-methyldopa and its metabolism in pontomedullary Noradrenergic neurons of the rabbit.
- Cholinergic, GABA-ergic, and Noradrenergic input to cochlear granule cells in the guinea pig and monkey
- The measurement of central Noradrenergic activity in spontaneously hypertensive rats: a comparison of free 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol levels with FLA-63 …
- Prenatal and postnatal hypothyroidism abolishes lesion‐induced Noradrenergic sprouting in the adult rat
- … of the mesocortical dopamine neurones from the neurotoxic effect of 6-hydroxydopamine injected in ventral mesencephalic tegmentum. The role of Noradrenergic …
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic mediation of the locomotor and antinociceptive effects of clonidine in infant and adult rats
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in γ-hydroxybutyrate-induced seizure activity
- Evidences of a sympatho-adrenal dysfunction after lesion of the central Noradrenergic pathways in rats
- Inputs to the pontine A5 Noradrenergic cell group: a horseradish peroxidase study
- Tritium-sensitive film autoradiography of guinea pig brain α2-Noradrenergic receptors
- Stimulation of the medullary A1 Noradrenergic system augments luteinizing hormone release induced by medial preoptic nucleus stimulation
- Modified coeruleo‐cortical Noradrenergic neurotransmission after serotonin depletion by PCPA: Electrophysiological studies in the rat
- Interaction between diazepam and Noradrenergic function in man
- Noradrenergic regulation of α1-receptors during the postnatal development of the guinea pig
- Long-term effects of basal forebrain lesions on cholinergic, Noradrenergic and serotonergic markers in mouse neocortex
- Plasma catecholamine and performance associations during psychological stress: Evidence for peripheral Noradrenergic involvement with an attention-demanding …
- Changes in the Noradrenergic innervation of the area dentata after axotomy of coeruleohippocampal projections or unilateral lesion of the locus coeruleus
- Evidence that blood vessels in guinea-pig lung are supplied by both Noradrenergic and dopaminergic axons
- Effects of lesions to the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle on counterconditioning of punished barpressing
- Brain Noradrenergic activity in wakefulness and paradoxical sleep: the effect of clonidine
- The effect of selective Noradrenergic lesions upon the stimulation by noradrenaline of inositol phospholipid breakdown in rat hippocampal miniprisms
- Cardiac glycosides, calcium and the release of neurotransmitter from peripheral Noradrenergic nerves
- Guanethidine blocks the 2-deoxy-D-glucose-induced hypothalamic Noradrenergic drive to hyperglycemia
- Intracerebral grafting of fetal Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons: evidence for seizure suppression in the kindling model of epilepsy
- The ability of the alpha 2-adrenergic agonist clonidine to suppress central Noradrenergic hyperactivity secondary to hemodynamic or environmental stimuli.
- Alterations in Noradrenergic innervation of the brain following dorsal bundle lesions in neonatal rats
- Laminar distribution of Noradrenergic markers in rat visual cortex
- Inhibition of Noradrenergic neurotransmission by apomorphine and pergolide in the in situ autoperfused rat renal and superior mesenteric vascular beds
- Influence of ascending Noradrenergic fibers on the neurotensin-like immunoreactive neurons in the rat paraventricular nucleus
- Relationship between plasma aldosterone and angiotensin II before and after Noradrenergic inhibition in normal subjects and patients with mild essential …
- Central Noradrenergic pathways are not involved in the pressor response to intracerebroventricular substance P
- Noradrenergic output and clinical response in depressed women during amitriptyline therapy
- Opioid a2-Noradrenergic and adrenocorticotropin systems of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus
- Noradrenergic responses in postural hypotension: implications for therapy
- Effect of selective Noradrenergic denervation on noradrenaline content and [3 H] dopamine release in rat nucleus accumbens slices
- Enhanced Noradrenergic activity in kidney of Brattleboro rats with diabetes insipidus
- The Noradrenergic innervation of the vasa nervorum in old rats: a fluorescence histochemical study
- Effect of 6-hydroxydopamine-induced lesions to ascending and descending Noradrenergic pathways on morphine analgesia
- Caloric intake and Na+-K+-ATPase: differential regulation by alpha 1-and beta-Noradrenergic receptors
- Facilitation of Noradrenergic transmission by locally generated angiotensin II in guinea‐pig isolated atria and in the perfused caudal artery of the rat
- Possible involvement of Noradrenergic descending pain-modulating pathways in the mode of antinociceptive action of flupirtine, a novel non-opioid analgesic
- Sex differences in nuclear androgen receptors in guinea pig brain and the effects of anα2 Noradrenergic blocker on androgen receptors
- Brain Na+, K+‐ATPase: Alteration of Ligand Affinities and Conformation by Chronic Ethanol and Noradrenergic Stimulation In Vivo
- Inhibiting Noradrenergic overactivity by inhibition of thromboxane and concomitant activation of opiate receptors via dietary means
- Dopamine-induced amylase secretion from rat parotid salivary gland in vitro: an effect mediated via Noradrenergic and cholinergic nerves.
- 6-Hydroxydopamine lesion of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle blocks the effect of amphetamine on hippocampal acetylcholine
- The functional importance of cerebral Noradrenergic processes for the activating action of nootropic drugs in the behavioural despair test in mice.
- Noradrenaline-and time-dependent changes in neocortical α2-and β1-adrenoceptor binding in dorsal Noradrenergic bundle-lesioned rats
- Opioid peptides inhibit Noradrenergic transmission in the preoptic area to block LH secretion: evidence from neonatally androgenised rats
- Effect of aging on the response of the cerebral cortex to Noradrenergic denervation
- Effects of lesions of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle on conditioned suppression to a CS and to a contextual background stimulus
- Effects of atrial natriuretic factor on Noradrenergic neurotransmission in vivo in the rat mesentery.
- The effect of chronic in vivo infusion of forskolin on Noradrenergic receptor sensitivity
- Interaction between corticosterone and alpha-2-Noradrenergic system of the paraventricular nucleus in relation to feeding behavior
- Evidence for a possible interaction between Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurotransmission in the retrieval of a previously learned aversive habit in mice
- Noradrenergic and endogenous opioid pathways in the regulation of luteinizing hormone secretion in the male rat
- Role of Noradrenergic neurons in ethanol-induced elevation of free fatty acids and corticosterone
- … enzymes in the norepinephrine modulation of the ATP-dependent, hepatic microsomal calcium pump: a new pathway for the Noradrenergic regulation of cytosolic …
- Convulsive and non-convulsive ethanol withdrawal behaviour in rats with lesions of the Noradrenergic locus coeruleus system
- The A1 Noradrenergic region enhances the responsivity of hypothalamic paraventricular neurohypophyseal neurons to inputs from the subfornical organ in the rat
- Cholinergic and Noradrenergic denervations decrease labelled purine release from electrically stimulated rat cortical slices
- Noradrenergic, purinergic, and cholinergic transmission in the mouse vas deferens: influence of field-stimulation parameters, reserpinization, 6-hydroxydopamine and …
- The action of the A1 Noradrenergic region on phasically firing neurons in the rat paraventricular nucleus
- Noradrenergic function and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in adolescents with major depressive disorder
- Development of an opioid-specific action of morphine in modifying recovery of neonatally-damaged Noradrenergic fibers in rat brain.
- Contribution of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle to the effect of amphetamine on acetylcholine turnover
- Darkness-induced changes in Noradrenergic input determine the 24 hour variation in beta-adrenergic receptor density in the rat pineal gland: Invivo physiological and …
- Noradrenergic receptor interactions in feeding elicited by stimulation of the para-ventricular hypothalamus
- Clinical conditions and central Noradrenergic activity in long term abstinent alcoholic patients.
- Differential response to immobilization stress of striatal dopaminergic and hippocampal Noradrenergic systems in aged rats
- Studies on the effects of opioid, Noradrenergic and serotonergic antagonists on the antinociceptive effects of electroconvulsive shock
- Specific lysis of Noradrenergic synaptosomes by an antiserum to dopamine‐β‐hydroxylase
- Counteraction by naltrexone of stress-induced inhibition of TSH release: role of Noradrenergic system
- Noradrenergic innervation of the superior mesenteric artery in streptozotocin-diabetic rats
- A1 Noradrenergic action on medial preoptic‐medial septal neurons: A neuropharmacological study
- Central Noradrenergic neurons and the hypertensive effects of intracerebroventricularly administered prostaglandin E2 in anaesthetized rabbits
- Acute effects of lithium chloride on Noradrenergic neurons from rat cerebral cortex.
- Comparison of the effects of caffeine and procaine on Noradrenergic transmission in the guinea‐pig mesenteric artery
- Influence of ascending Noradrenergic fibers on the neurotensin-like immunoreactive perikarya and evidence of direct projection of ascending neurotensin-like …
- Spinal cord Noradrenergic neurons are activated in hypotension
- Voltage-sensitive Ca2+ channels in rat brain neocortical Noradrenergic nerve terminals
- Alpha-1-and alpha-2-Noradrenergic receptors modulate lordosis behavior in female guinea pigs
- (Na+, K+)-ATPase and Noradrenergic regulation: Effects of cardiac glycoside treatment and Noradrenergic manipulations
- Alterations in responsiveness of Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus in deoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA)-salt hypertensive rats
- On the mechanism of nonexocytotic release of noradrenaline from Noradrenergic neurones
- Contributions of Noradrenergic neurones of the locus coeruleus to the temporal damping of linear electrocortical waves
- Retrograde transport of dopamine β-hydroxylase antibodies in sympathetic neurons: Effects of drugs modifying Noradrenergic transmission
- Adenosine-angiotensin II interactions. Part I. Role of adenosine in regulating angiotensin II-induced potentiation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission and angiotensin …
- Noradrenergic receptor function and aging: beyond the binding.
- Noradrenergic influences on dopaminergic function and the pharmacology of dihydroxyphenylserine (DOPS): implication for Parkinson’s disease
- Noradrenergic and dopaminergic effects of nomifensine in healthy volunteers
- Effect of Noradrenergic denervation on task-related visual evoked potentials in rats
- Altered histofluorescent pattern of Noradrenergic innervation of the cerebellum of the mutant mouse Purkinje cell degeneration
- Electrical stimulation of ascending Noradrenergic tracts in the midbrain: suppression of steroid-induced luteinizing hormone release
- Mechanisms of 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan-induced adrenocorticotropin release: a major role for central Noradrenergic drive
- Possible role of alpha-2-Noradrenergic receptors in modulation of sexual behavior in female guinea pigs
- Noradrenergic function and tardive dyskinesia
- Effect of ischemia on Noradrenergic and energy-related metabolites in the cerebral cortex of young and adult gerbils
- Anticonflict-like effect of a prefrontal dopaminergic lesion in rats: permissive role of Noradrenergic neurons.
- Mechanisms of inhibitory Noradrenergic transmission in the rabbit facial vein
- Diminished α2-adrenoceptor-mediated modulation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the posterior hypothalamus of spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic dysfunction in the affective disorders
- Increased central Noradrenergic activity during benzodiazepine withdrawal: an electrophysiological study
- Electrical stimulation of the ventral Noradrenergic tract (VNAT) releases hypothalamic noradrenaline and stimulates prolactin secretion in ovariectomized female rats …
- Presynaptic serotonin receptors and alpha-adrenoceptors on central serotoninergic and Noradrenergic neurons of normotensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats.
- Influence of ischemia on Noradrenergic nerves in the terminal colon of humans and rats
- … on the sympathetic nerve fibres of the human saphenous vein: no evidence for involvement in adrenaline-mediated positive feedback loop regulating Noradrenergic …
- Neonatal 6‐hydroxydopamine destroys spinal cord Noradrenergic axons from the locus coeruleus, but not those from lateral tegmental cell groups
- Studies on the control of gonadotrophin release in the gonadectomized male rat: evidence for a lack of involvement of the hypothalamic Noradrenergic system in the …
- Responsiveness of Noradrenergic neurons in rat experimental hypertension.
- α1-and α2-Noradrenergic receptors in steroid-sensitive brain areas: development and response to estradiol-17β benzoate in neonatal guinea pigs
- Morphine increases locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neuronal activity in vitro
- Plasma growth hormone responses to microinfusion of Noradrenergic agents into or electrical stimulation of the hypothalamus and amygdala in baboons
- Differentiation of Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons in the cardiovascular system
- Effect of chronic antidepressant treatment on Noradrenergic modulation of [3H] dopamine release from rat nucleus accumbens and striatal slices
- Alpha 1 Noradrenergic antagonism decreases hormonally-induced and hormonally-independent lordosis
- Responses to novelty in rats with lesions of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- Neonatal monosodium glutamate administration alters Noradrenergic measures in the brainstem of the mouse
- Augmented Central Cholinergic Mechanisms in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats Involvement of Deranged Noradrenergic Mechanisms in the Brain
- Contrasting interactions of the locus coeruleus as compared to the ventral Noradrenergic bundle with CNS and pituitary pools of vasopressin, dynorphin and related …
- Noradrenergic reinnervation of the rat vas deferens after vasovasostomy following vasectomy
- Effect of 6-hydroxydopamine-induced lesions of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle on steady-state operant behaviour
- β-adrenoceptor mediated inhibition of behavioral action of desipramine and of central Noradrenergic activity in forced swimming rats
- Enhancement of spinal monosynaptic reflexes with phenylethylamine and related drugs through descending Noradrenergic neurons
- The effect of partial Noradrenergic denervation on corticosterone secretion in the rat
- The role of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic receptors in human TSH and LH release.
- Differences in monoamine oxidase activity between cultured Noradrenergic and cholinergic sympathetic neurons
- Spinal and locus coeruleus Noradrenergic lesions abolish the analgesic effects of 5-methoxy-N, N-dimethyltryptamine
- … of the neurotoxins N-chloroethyl-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine hydrochloride (DSP4) and 6-hydroxydopamine on hypothalamic Noradrenergic, dopaminergic and 5 …
- Selective mediation of ℵ-opioid central cardiovascular effects by ascending Noradrenergic pathways
- Ambient temperature modulates the differentiated cardiorespiratory pattern generated by the central Noradrenergic system, most likely via alterations of thyrotropin …
- … and human pancreatic growth hormone releasing factor (hpGRF) in stimulating chicken growth hormone (cGH) in vivo: Hypothalamic Noradrenergic mediation in TRH …
- Modification of alpha-adrenoceptor agonist antinociceptive activity by nisoxetine: a selective inhibitor of Noradrenergic uptake
- Pharmacological evidence for the involvement of 1-(2-pyridinyl)-piperazine (1-PmP) in the interaction of buspirone or gepirone with Noradrenergic systems
- Involvement of central Noradrenergic pathways in the control of intestinal motility in rats
- Orthograde and retrograde axonal transport of calmodulin in a cat Noradrenergic neurone
- The effect of clonidine on plasma MHPG: evidence against tonic alpha 2-adrenoceptor control of Noradrenergic function
- Effects of DU 24565 (6-nitroquipazine) on serotoninergic and Noradrenergic neurones of the rat brain and comparison with the effects of quipazine
- The consequences of loss followed by recovery of Noradrenergic nerve function on muscarinic receptors in the chick expansor secundariorum muscle.
- Reciprocal pre-and postsynaptic actions of cocaine at a central Noradrenergic synapse
- Central Noradrenergic innervation of cerebral microvessels: implications for an autonomic nervous system within the brain
- Effects of propranolol, clonidine and hydrochlorothiazide treatment and abrupt discontinuation on central and peripheral Noradrenergic activity in essential …
- Noradrenergic modulation of 4-aminopyridine-induced acetylcholine release from rat cerebral cortex
- Effects of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and saralasin on Noradrenergic and cholinergic transmitter release in guinea pig isolated atria.
- A comparative study of the behavioral effects of the locus coeruleus and the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle lesions in the rat
- (Na+, K+)-ATPase and Noradrenergic function: effects of chronic ethanol
- Relationship between hypothalamic Noradrenergic neuronal activity and serum 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethylene glycol in the rat
- Diminished sympathetic excitation of locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neurons in the conscious mature spontaneously hypertensive rat.
- Noradrenergic function and the dexamethasone suppression test in depression
- … function in the rat hippocampus as assessed by noradrenaline‐stimulated inositol phospholipid breakdown after destruction of Noradrenergic neurons by neonatal 6 …
- Are ascending Noradrenergic and serotonergic pathways necessary for effects of electroconvulsive treatment? Clonidine hypothermia and forced swim study.
- Inversion of the alpha-2 and alpha-1 Noradrenergic control of the cortical release of acetylcholine and gamma-aminobutyric acid in morphine-tolerant guinea …
- Effect of ventral Noradrenergic bundle transection and locus coeruleus lesions on urinary 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (MHPG) excretion in the rat
- Cold water stress abolishes hyperactivity produced by cortical suction lesions without altering Noradrenergic depletion.
- Distribution of Noradrenergic nerve fibers in canine nasal mucosa following selective neurectomies
- AF-DX 116 differentiates between prejunctional muscarine receptors located on Noradrenergic and cholinergic nerves
- Influence of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic systems on the release of opioid peptides in guinea-pig ileum
- Presynaptic serotonin receptors on peripheral Noradrenergic and central serotoninergic neurons of spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar-Kyoto rats.
- Effects of environmental temperature on the development of a Noradrenergic thermoregulatory mechanism in the rat
- Regional changes in brain Noradrenergic activity elicited by a decrease in blood pressure
- Stress-induced changes of the Noradrenergic transmitter release in adrenals and the influence of substance P.
- Dexamethasone and adrenalectomy alter (rain (Na+, K+)-ATPase responsses to Noradrenergic stimulation or depletion
- Noradrenergic innervation of the lingual papillae in certain rodents pre-treated with adriblastin. I. Comparative study on the filiform and fungiform papillae.
- Pre-synaptic 5-HT receptors mediating inhibition of transmitter release from peripheral cholinergic and Noradrenergic nerves
- Clonidine inhibits the isoproterenol-induced desensitization of the beta Noradrenergic activated adenylate cyclase system in astrocytes
- Phenylethylamine deamination in the Noradrenergic neurotransmitter system
- … -methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA) and (±) 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in the pigeon: interactions with Noradrenergic and serotonergic systems
- Alpha-and beta-adrenergic receptors of Noradrenergic innervation modulate the lower limits of cerebral and cerebellar blood flow autoregulation in spontaneously …
- Modulation by noradrenaline and yohimbine of Noradrenergic transmission in the guinea-pig mesenteric artery
- Headache and Noradrenergic involvement: study with alpha-2 stimulants and blockers
- Histochemical and immunohistochemical study of Noradrenergic, serotonergic and peptidergic innervation of the cerebral circulation.
- Noradrenergic hyperactivity in primary hypertension; central and peripheral markers of both behavioral pathogenesis and efficacy of sympatholytic and relaxation …
- Effects of the Noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP4 on growth and the gonadal steroid-and PMSG-induced release of LH in the prepubertal female rat
- Possible Noradrenergic involvement in naloxone potentiation of apomorphine-induced stereotypic climbing in mice
- Infusions of adrenaline stimulate Noradrenergic transmission in man, but adrenaline is not released later as a co-transmitter
- Corticotropin-releasing factor reverses the effect of pentobarbital through a β-Noradrenergic mechanism in rats
- Effects of drugs which influence Noradrenergic activity on metenkephalin levels in specific brain areas
- Noradrenergic innervation does not affect chronic regulation of [125I] pindolol receptors in fetal rat brain transplants or host neocortex
- Effects of lesions of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle on successive discrimination in the rat
- Local modulation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission in blood vessels of normotensive and hypertensive animals
- Neonatal 6-hydroxydopamine lesion of spinal Noradrenergic terminals: nociception, clonidine analgesia and spinal alpha two adrenoceptors
- Involvement of spinal Noradrenergic system in the mechanism of an antinociceptive effect of delta-sleep-inducing peptide (DSIP)
- Effect of ventral Noradrenergic bundle lesions on concentrations of monoamine neurotransmitters and metabolites in several discrete areas of the rat brain.
- Systemic phenoxybenzamine but not β-adrenergic antagonists block Noradrenergic inhibition of cerebellar Purkinje and hippocampal pyramidal neurons
- Cellular Mechanisms of Noradrenergic Enhancement of Long-Term Synaptic Potentiation
- Disproportionate amino acid diets and anorexic responses in rats: the role (s) of limbic brain areas and Noradrenergic and serotoninergic systems
- The most desirable conformation of phenylethylamine (PEA) moiety stimulating Noradrenergic neurons: effects of PEA, methamphetamine, phenelzine …
- Facilitation of lordosis in guinea pigs by an α-Noradrenergic agonist is independent of progestin receptor stimulation
- Increase in Penvascular Noradrenergic Nerve Density and Decrease in Acetylcholinesterase-Positive Sympathetic Nerve Density in the Kidneys of Spontaneously …
- Disinhibition by propranolol and chlordiazepoxide of nonrewarded lever-pressing in the rat is unaffected by dorsal Noradrenergic bundle lesion
- Noradrenergic modulation of cerebral cortical oxidative metabolism
- Predicting new effective treatments of alcohol addiction on the basis of their properties of inhibition of Noradrenergic activity and/or thromboxane or on the activation of …
- Influence of the alpha-2 agonist oxaminozoline (S3341) on firing rate of central Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons in the rat. Comparison with clonidine
- Pharmacological profile of β-phenylethylamine on dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurotransmission in rat cerebral slices: comparison with amphetamine and other …
- Tourette syndrome: a case for Noradrenergic and opiatergic mechanisms
- Aversive effects of subcutaneously injected vasopressin in the rat: independence of the ascending dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- Comments on review by Dr. Richard F. Walker: Relative roles of Noradrenergic and serotonergic systems
- Noradrenergic cerebral stimulation of sensorineural impaired subjects: yohimbine effects on speech intelligibility and the auditory brain response.
- Response of phasically firing paraventricular neurons to A1 Noradrenergic region stimulation and its attenuation by adrenoceptor antagonists
- Defective modulation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission by exogenous prostaglandins in aging spontaneously hypertensive rats.
- Effects of Adrenoceptor Agonists and Antagonists on the Firing, of Neurons in the Rat Al Noradrenergic Region
- A comparison of the effects of 6-hydroxydopamine and reserpine on Noradrenergic and peptidergic nerves in rat brown adipose tissue.
- Alteration of Na, K‐ATPase Regulation by Ethanol and Noradrenergic Manipulations In Vivo a
- Interaction of the prejunctional inhibitory action of 5-hydroxytryptamine on Noradrenergic transmission with neuronal amine uptake in rabbit isolated ear artery.
- Pimozide blocks the open-field hyperactivity produced by lesions of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle in rats
- Central Noradrenergic and serotonergic mechanisms in temperature regulation and adaptation
- Noradrenergic actions of Purkinje and locus coeruleus neurons in culture
- No increase in reaction-time after lesion of the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of norepinephrine and α-methylnorepinephrine in microdissected Noradrenergic cell groups of the rabbit brain
- Role of the central ascending Noradrenergic system in the regulation of luteinizing hormone responsiveness to testosterone negative feedback in the adult male rat
- Neurochemical characterization of the actions of 5-amino-2, 4-dihydroxy-alpha-methylphenylethylamine (5-ADMP): a selective neurotoxin to central Noradrenergic …
- Further characterization of brain 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol (DHPG) formation: dependence on Noradrenergic activity and site of formation
- The role of central Noradrenergic neurons in electroconvulsive shock-induced muricide inhibition in olfactory bulbectomized rats
- Increased serotoninergic and Noradrenergic activity in an experimental model of hepatic encephalopathy in rats
- Effects of the (+/-)-,(+)-and (-)-forms of propranolol, timolol and metoprolol on Noradrenergic transmission in the rat isolated right ventricle.
- The use of quantitative immunocytochemistry to study the regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase in Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neural systems
- The acute effects of 6-hydroxydopamine treatment on Noradrenergic function in the rat hippocampus in vitro
- Effects of Noradrenergic denervation on alpha-1 adrenoceptors and receptor-stimulated contraction of chick expansor secundariorum muscle.
- Plasticity of central Noradrenergic
- Electrical stimulation releases 3 H-betaxolol from rat atrial slices: Possible role of Noradrenergic nerves
- Long-lasting effects of the Noradrenergic neurotoxin N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP-4) on prevertebral sympathetic neurones in the rat
- Mechanisms of Noradrenergic modulation of dentate gyrus long-term plasticity
- Opioid peptides inhibit the Noradrenergic input to the rostral hypothalamus to reduce LH secretion in fasted rats
- Inhibition of guinea pig lordosis behavior by the phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) inhibitor SKF-64139: Mediation by α Noradrenergic receptors
- Long-term effect of antidepressant drugs and electroconvulsive shock on brain alpha 1-adrenoceptors following destruction of Noradrenergic or serotonergic nerve …
- The influence of some brainstem Noradrenergic structures on the stress-induced secretion of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH).
- Interactions between spinal Noradrenergic and cholingergic mechanism for antinociception
- Opioid Receptor Types at Noradrenergic Neurons and their Roles in Blood Pressure Regulation
- Influence of the Noradrenergic Coeruleospinal System on Recurrent Inhibition in the Spinal Cord and its Role During Postural Reflexes
- Effect of α-methyldopa on α-Noradrenergic receptor binding sites in the mouse brain
- Extracellular potassium controls responsiveness of the Noradrenergic cAMP system in the rat retina to fluphenazine
- Lesion of Noradrenergic neurones with DSP4 does not modify benzodiazepine receptor binding in cortex and hippocampus of rat
- Enhanced apomorphine-induced fighting in rats after prolonged oral treatment with drugs altering Noradrenergic transmission.
- Noradrenergic control of ascorbic acid and glutathione concentrations in brown fat of cold-exposed rats
- Subarachnoid haemorrhage produces differential effects on transmitter kinetics at cerebral periarterial Noradrenergic terminals
- Actions of angiotensin II on sympathetic Noradrenergic and purinergic trans-mission in the guinea-pig vas deferens
- Culture of rat locus coeruleus explants: a model to study transneuronal regulation of tyrosine hydroxylase in central Noradrenergic neurons
- Central Noradrenergic neurons and vascular non-collagen protein in the initial phase of two-kidney, one-clip renovascular hypertension
- Noradrenergic and non-Noradrenergic relaxation at basal and high tone levels in the guinea-pig tracheal smooth muscle.
- Noradrenergic modulation of acetylcholine release
- Participation of the central Noradrenergic system in the mechanisms of latent inhibition
- Action of high and superhigh doses of fission neutrons and gamma quanta on the central Noradrenergic formation of the brain–on the locus coeruleus (the blue spot)
- Ultrastructure of the innervation of the cat lingual artery in relation to Noradrenergic vasoconstriction, and to neurogenic vasodilation produced by cholinergic and …
- Noradrenergic and Cardiovascular Effects of Chronic S-Adenyosyl-Methionine in Healthy Volunteers
- The excretion of Noradrenergic metabolites, particularly MHPG, in obese children and adolescents.
- … by 4, α-dimethyl-m-tyramine (H77/77) and 4-methyl-α-ethyl-m-tyramine (H75/12) of the monoamine oxidase within serotonergic and Noradrenergic neurons in the rat …
- On steroid Noradrenergic system interaction during the hypothalamic differentiation period in the female rat
- Brain and peripheral Noradrenergic neuron activity in developing genetically hypertensive rats of the Lyon strain
- Direct assay of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxy-phenylglycol (MHPG) in human saliva; a new approach in the assessment of Noradrenergic function.
- Zoosocial behavior and the endocrine function of the gonads of male mice after destruction of the endings of the Noradrenergic neurons in the brain
- Alpha-Noradrenergic regulation of nutrient intake in genetically obese (ob/ob) and lean (+/?) mice
- Attenuation of vagal Noradrenergic tachycardia by naloxone
- Interrelation of heart rhythm disorders in acute myocardial ischemia with the activity of the limbic and Noradrenergic systems
- The Noradrenergic innervation of rat knee joint articular capsule and ligaments
- Desipramine-induced down regulation of beta-adrenergic receptors: effects of Noradrenergic and serotonergic neuronal activities and of alpha 2-adrenergic receptor …
- Age-Related Changes in Rat Hippocampal Noradrenergic Transmission: Insights from In Oculo Transplants
- Noradrenergic Mechanisms in
- Evidence that Noradrenergic activity does not mediate the inhibition of luteinizing hormone secretion caused by vasoactive intestinal peptide
- Plasma 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylethyleneglycol and 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol as indicators of central Noradrenergic activity
- Studies of the Development of Central Noradrenergic Neurons in Vitro
- Electrophysiologic analysis of the antiamnestic effect of activation of the dopaminergic and Noradrenergic systems
- Central Nervous Noradrenergic and Adrenergic Systems and their Functions
- Effect of thyroid hormone on the development of central Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Disorders of Noradrenergic pathways in anorexia nervosa. Results
- Noradrenergic innervation in mesenteric artery from SHRSP and M-SHRSP
- Effects of injured rat’s Noradrenergic system on synaptic configuration in hippocampus CA3 area
- The Noradrenergic locus coeruleus–the center of attention?
- Reorganization of Noradrenergic neuronal Systems following neonatal chemical and surgical injury
- The Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic Systems in Alzheimer-Type Dementia
- A pharmacological investigation of Noradrenergic receptor mechanisms in neophobia
- Relationship between Maintenance of Hypertension and Central Noradrenergic Nervous System Activity in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- Avoidance conditioning in rats following changes in activity of the Noradrenergic and cholinergic systems of the brain
- Modulation of Nociception by Brainstem Noradrenergic Neurons
- Headache and Noradrenergic involvement: The effects of! a₂-stimulants and! a₂-antagonists.
- The Effects of p-TA and p-OA on Noradrenergic Mechanisms of the Rat Vas Deferens
- Negative feedback regulation of Noradrenergic transmission in pithed rats
- Analysis of Noradrenergic transmission in in vitro slices and in oculo grafts
- Noradrenergic innervation of the sensory trigeminal nuclei
- Noradrenergic innervation of the pineal gland—histochemical basis of scintigraphic imaging?
- Characteristics of Central Noradrenergic Nervous System Response in SHR to Stimulation of Central
- Lack of presynaptic effects of ketanserin on cardiac Noradrenergic nerve terminals in the SHR
- Origins and terminations of descending Noradrenergic projections to the spinal cord of monkey
- Isolated Abnormality of Noradrenergic but not Angiotensinogenic Blood Pressure Regulation in Normotensive Members of Hypertensive Families
- Impaired Noradrenergic projection via baroreflex to hypothalamus in SHR
- The pharmaco-ontogeny of spinal Noradrenergic receptor systems mediating behavioral analgesia in the rat
- Involvement of Central Presynaptic Noradrenergic Neuron Activity in Head Twitches Induced by Bromo-criptine in Rats
- Sound pressure level and Noradrenergic influences on audiogenic seizures in DBA mice
- The pharmacological effects of acute and chronic clenbuterol treatments after lesions of central Noradrenergic nerve terminals.
- The role of central Noradrenergic neurons in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical axis of rats: with special reference to feeding cycle and biological rhythm
- Morphometric studies of the visual system of the rat following elimination of Noradrenergic afferent pathways with 6-hydroxydopamine
- Are cholinergic, Noradrenergic, and serotonergic neurons sufficient for understanding REM sleep control?
- Studies on the effect of opioid, Noradrenergic and serotonergic antagonists on the antinocisponsive effects of electroconvulsive shock
- Stress-relatedness of Noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus: Single unit studies in the behaving cat
- The role of the mid and hindbrain Noradrenergic system in the regulation of hypothalamic luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neuronal activity.
- Altered Noradrenergic Modulation of Dentate Granule Cell Firing and N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptors After Kindlung
- The Influence of Physiological Homeostatic Manipulations on the Single-unit Activity of Noradrenergic Neurons in the Locus Coeruleus of Freely Moving Cats
- Interactions of GABAergic and catecholaminergic neurotransmissions. Effects of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic agonists and antagonists on GABA turnover
- Greater Decrease of Sympathetic Outflow after Simultaneous Pharmacological Stimulation of Noradrenergic and Dopaminergic Neurons in the Brains of Patients with …
- Beta-adrenergic influences on the firing of raphe dorsalis neurons after neonatal Noradrenergic deafferentation in the rat
- Involvement of Noradrenergic system in a remarkably rapid tongue clonus produced by acute hypnotic doses of ethanol in Fischer F344 rats
- DSP 4, a neurotoxic agent that destroys Noradrenergic endings, selectively increases” expectancy” in the cat
- 104 Reduced Noradrenergic input to anterior hypothalamus underlies genetically mediated NaCl sensitivity in the spontaneously hypertensive rat
- Central Noradrenergic neurones and stress
- Abnormal Noradrenergic function in posttraumatic stress disorder
- Descending Noradrenergic influences on pain
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in stress and anxiety: II. Clinical studies
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in stress and anxiety: I. Preclinical studies
- Activation of the Noradrenergic system facilitates an attentional shift in the rat
- The effects of mirtazapine on central Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurotransmission.
- Atypical depression: clinical aspects and Noradrenergic function.
- Noradrenergic modulation of lymphohematopoiesis
- Peripheral nerve injury triggers Noradrenergic sprouting within dorsal root ganglia
- Active behaviors in the rat forced swimming test differentially produced by serotonergic and Noradrenergic antidepressants
- Alterations of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic innervations in motor cortex in Parkinson’s disease
- Organization of amygdaloid projections to brainstem dopaminergic, Noradrenergic, and adrenergic cell groups in the rat
- Adverse early experiences affect Noradrenergic and serotonergic functioning in adult primates
- GDNF prevents degeneration and promotes the phenotype of brain Noradrenergic neurons in vivo
- Noradrenergic and peptidergic innervation of the mouse femur bone marrow
- Nocturnal/daytime urine Noradrenergic measures and sleep in combat-related PTSD
- Evidence that the acute behavioral and electrophysiological effects of bupropion (Wellbutrin®) are mediated by a Noradrenergic mechanism
- The contribution of α2-Noradrenergic mechanisms to prefrontal cortical cognitive function: Potential significance for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
- Novelty seeking behavior in the rat is dependent upon the integrity of the Noradrenergic system
- The Locus Coeruleus as a Site for Integrating Corticotropin‐Releasing Factor and Noradrenergic Mediation of Stress Responses a
- Actions of norepinephrine in the cerebral cortex and thalamus: implications for function of the central Noradrenergic system
- Acute Noradrenergic activation induces insulin resistance in human skeletal muscle
- Detection of serotonergic and Noradrenergic antidepressants in the rat forced swimming test: the effects of water depth
- Noradrenergic function in panic disorder.
- Noradrenergic neurons
- Noradrenergic modulation of cat area 17 neuronal responses to moving visual stimuli
- Initiation and modulation of the locomotor pattern in the adult chronic spinal cat by Noradrenergic, serotonergic and dopaminergic drugs
- Discharge of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons in behaving rats and monkeys suggests a role in vigilance
- Central Noradrenergic lesioning using anti-DBH-saporin: anatomical findings
- Cholinergic and Noradrenergic modulation of the slow (approximately 0.3 Hz) oscillation in neocortical cells
- Noradrenergic control of thalamic oscillation: the role of α‐2 receptors
- Thermoregulatory effects of chlorpyrifos in the rat: long-term changes in cholinergic and Noradrenergic sensitivity
- Cannabinoid-induced antinociception is mediated by a spinalα2-Noradrenergic mechanism
- Reversal of sexual exhaustion by serotonergic and Noradrenergic agents
- Cardiac Noradrenergic nerve terminal abnormalities in dogs with experimental congestive heart failure.
- Involvement of corticotropin-releasing factor in chronic stress regulation of the brain Noradrenergic system
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic modulation of a hyperpolarization‐activated cation current in thalamic relay neurones.
- The origin of brainstem Noradrenergic and serotonergic projections to the spinal cord dorsal horn in the rat
- Organization of medullary adrenergic and Noradrenergic projections to the periaqueductal gray matter in the rat
- Distribution and origin of Noradrenergic and serotonergic fibers in the cochlear nucleus and inferior colliculus of the rat
- Specificity of ethanollike effects elicited by serotonergic and Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Noradrenergic modulation of midbrain dopamine cell firing elicited by stimulation of the locus coeruleus in the rat
- … and neuroendocrine responses to conditioned stimuli following ceruleocortical Noradrenergic lesions: support for an attentional hypothesis of central Noradrenergic …
- Central respiratory control of A5 and A6 pontine Noradrenergic neurons
- Central antinociceptive effects of mitragynine in mice: contribution of descending Noradrenergic and serotonergic systems
- … of the noradrenaline carrier increases extracellular dopamine concentrations in the prefrontal cortex: evidence that dopamine is taken up in vivo by Noradrenergic …
- Central Noradrenergic neurons: the autonomic connection
- Effects of long-term desipramine administration on Noradrenergic neurotransmission: electrophysiological studies in the rat brain.
- Activation of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons by hemodynamic stress is due to local release of corticotropin-releasing factor
- Evidence for divergent projections to the brain Noradrenergic system and the spinal parasympathetic system from Barrington’s nucleus
- Agonists of cholinergic and Noradrenergic receptors facilitate synergistically the induction of long-term potentiation in slices of rat visual cortex
- Spinal opioid analgesic effects are enhanced in a model of unilateral inflammation/hyperalgesia: possible involvement of Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Noradrenergic dysregulation during discontinuation of cocaine use in addicts
- Noradrenergic modulation of cognitive function: clinical implications of anatomical, electrophysiological and behavioural studies in animal models1
- Diabetes causes differential changes in CNS Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurons in the rat: a molecular study
- Immunocytochemical mapping of Noradrenergic projections to the rat spinal cord with an antiserum against noradrenaline
- Neurochemical, electrophysiological and immunocytochemical evidence for a Noradrenergic link between the sympathetic nervous system and thymocytes
- Nerve growth factor delivery by gene transfer induces differential outgrowth of sensory, motor, and Noradrenergic neurites after adult spinal cord injury
- Noradrenergic and adrenergic functioning in autism
- Activity of cat locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neurons during the defense reaction
- The function of Noradrenergic neurons in mediating antinociception induced by electrical stimulation of the locus coeruleus in two different sources of Sprague-Dawley …
- Importance of! b-Noradrenergic receptors in the olfactory bulb of sheep for recognition of lambs.
- Differences in modulation of Noradrenergic and serotonergic transmission by the alpha-2 adrenoceptor antagonists, mirtazapine, mianserin and idazoxan.
- Evidence for nonsynaptic serotonergic and Noradrenergic innervation of the rat dorsal horn and possible involvement of neuron-glia interactions
- Enhancement of behavioral and electroencephalographic indices of waking following stimulation of Noradrenergic β-receptors within the medial septal region of the …
- Evidence that extracellular concentrations of dopamine are regulated by Noradrenergic neurons in the frontal cortex of rats
- Evidence for a Noradrenergic component in the antinociceptive effect of the analgesic agent tramadol in an animal model of clinical pain, the arthritic rat
- Noradrenergic modulation of central serotonergic neurotransmission: acute and long-term actions of mirtazapine.
- Memory impairment induced by intraamygdala β-endorphin is mediated by Noradrenergic influences
- Cellular mechanisms underlying cholinergic and Noradrenergic modulation of neuronal firing mode in the cat and guinea pig dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus
- Interaction of GABAergic and β-Noradrenergic drugs in the regulation of memory storage
- Noradrenergic abnormalities in the genetically epilepsy-prone rat
- Serotonin selectively attenuates glutamate-evoked activation of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons
- Noradrenergic activity in rat brain during rapid eye movement sleep deprivation and rebound sleep
- Motor learning deficits in aged rats are correlated with loss of cerebellar Noradrenergic function
- Noradrenergic regulation of cholinergic differentiation
- Antidepressant actions on brain Noradrenergic neurons.
- Antinociception induced by electrical stimulation of spinally projecting Noradrenergic neurons in the A7 catecholamine cell group of the rat
- Release-enhancing glycine-dependent presynaptic NMDA receptors exist on Noradrenergic terminals of hippocampus
- Amygdala β-Noradrenergic influences on memory storage involve cholinergic activation
- The projection of Noradrenergic neurons in the A7 catecholamine cell group to the spinal cord in the rat demonstrated by anterograde tracing combined with …
- The projections of Noradrenergic neurons in the A5 catecholamine cell group to the spinal cord in the rat: anatomical evidence that A5 neurons modulate nociception
- Norepinephrine and brain damage: alpha Noradrenergic pharmacology alters functional recovery after cortical trauma.
- Ultrastructural relationships between Noradrenergic nerve fibers and non‐neuronal elements in the rat cerebral cortex
- Noradrenergic potentiation of excitatory transmitter action in cerebrocortical slices: evidence for mediation by an α1 receptor-linked second messenger pathway
- A5 Noradrenergic unit activity and sympathetic nerve discharge in rats
- Noradrenergic and peptidergic innervation of secondary lymphoid organs: role in experimental rheumatoid arthritis.
- Damage to ceruleo-cortical Noradrenergic projections impairs locally cued but enhances spatially cued water maze acquisition
- Baroreceptor inhibition of the locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neurons
- Estrogen regulation of Noradrenergic signaling in the hypothalamus
- Sources of Noradrenergic afferents to the hypoglossal nucleus in the rat
- The mechanisms of action of lithium: I. Effects on serotoninergic and Noradrenergic systems in normal subjects
- Immunohistochemical studies of Noradrenergic-induced expression of c-fos in the rat CNS
- Impaired exploratory behaviour after DSP-4 treatment in rats: implications for the increased anxiety after Noradrenergic denervation
- Noradrenergic neuronal dysregulation in panic disorder: the effects of intravenous yohimbine and clonidine in panic disorder patients
- Noradrenergic facilitation of the adrenocorticotropin response to stress is absent during lactation in the rat
- Noradrenergic modulation of the medullary respiratory rhythm generator in the newborn rat: an in vitro study.
- Anatomical evidence for genetic differences in the innervation of the rat spinal cord by Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons
- Postnatal development of the Noradrenergic projection from locus coeruleus to the olfactory bulb in the rat
- Neurotrophin-3 prevents the death of adult central Noradrenergic neurons in vivo
- Noradrenergic involvement in the discriminative stimulus effects of cocaine in squirrel monkeys.
- Noradrenergic activation of immediate early genes in rat cerebral cortex
- Serotonergic and Noradrenergic effects on respiratory neural discharge in the medullary slice preparation of neonatal rats
- Biochemical evidence for the regulation of central Noradrenergic activity by 5-HT1A and 5-HT2 receptors: microdialysis studies in the awake and anaesthetized rat
- Noradrenergic and cholinergic interactions in the amygdala and the modulation of memory storage
- Sleep increase after immobilization stress: role of the Noradrenergic locus coeruleus system in the rat
- Effect of estradiol implant on Noradrenergic function and mood in menopausal subjects
- Role of the locus coeruleus in the Noradrenergic response to a systemic administration of nicotine
- Patterns of co-existence of peptides and differences of nerve fibre types associated with Noradrenergic and non-Noradrenergic (putative cholinergic) neurons in the …
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in Parkinson’s disease
- Noradrenergic innervation of the thalamic reticular nucleus: a light and electron microscopic immunohistochemical study in rats
- Behavioral models in mice: Implication of the alpha Noradrenergic system.
- Noradrenergic innervation of the hypothalamus participates in adrenocortical responses to interleukin-1
- Noradrenergic lesioning with an anti-dopamine β-hydroxylase immunotoxin
- Noradrenergic inhibition of synaptic transmission between mitral and granule cells in mammalian olfactory bulb cultures
- Noradrenergic and locus coeruleus modulation of the perforant path-evoked potential in rat dentate gyrus supports a role for the locus coeruleus in attentional and …
- CSF monoamine levels in normal-weight bulimia: evidence for abnormal Noradrenergic activity
- Bladder distention activates Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons by an excitatory amino acid mechanism
- Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic modulation of amphetamine-induced changes in auditory gating
- Noradrenergic Modulation of Cholinergic Nucleus Basalis Neurons Demonstrated by in vitro Pharmacological and Immunohistochemical Evidence in the Guinea‐pig …
- Serotonergic and Noradrenergic dysregulation in alcoholism: m-chlorophenylpiperazine and yohimbine effects in recently detoxified alcoholics and healthy …
- A5 Noradrenergic neurons and the carotid sympathetic chemoreflex
- The evidence for astrocytes as a target for central Noradrenergic activity: expression of adrenergic receptors
- Efferent connections of the A1 Noradrenergic cell group: a DBH immunohistochemical and PHA-L anterograde tracing study
- Demonstration of two separate descending Noradrenergic pathways to the rat spinal cord: evidence for an intragriseal trajectory of locus coeruleus axons in the …
- Origin of Noradrenergic projections to GnRH perikarya-containing areas in the medial septum-diagonal band and preoptic area
- The involvement of Noradrenergic ascending pathways in the stress-induced activation of ACTH and corticosterone secretions is dependent on the nature of stressors
- ATP mediates an excitatory Noradrenergic neuron input to supraoptic vasopressin cells
- Pre-and postnatal development of Noradrenergic projections to the rat spinal cord: an immunocytochemical study
- Immunohistochemical mapping of brain triiodothyronine reveals prominent localization in central Noradrenergic systems
- Distribution and synaptic organization of serotoninergic and Noradrenergic axons in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the rat
- The effects of mirtazapine on the interactions between central Noradrenergic and serotonergic systems
- Clozapine and Noradrenergic function: support for a novel hypothesis for superior efficacy.
- Noradrenergic pharmacotherapy, intracerebral infusion and adrenal transplantation promote functional recovery after cortical damage
- Selective effects of DSP-4 on locus coeruleus axons: are there pharmacologically different types of Noradrenergic axons in the central nervous system?
- Excitation of Noradrenergic cell firing by 5-hydroxytryptamine1A agonists correlates with dopamine antagonist properties.
- Noradrenergic activation in the paraventricular nucleus during acute and chronic immobilization stress in rats: an in vivo microdialysis study
- Glucocorticoids and the development of neuronal function: effects of prenatal dexamethasone exposure on central Noradrenergic activity
- Noradrenergic modulation of epileptiform activity in the hippocampus
- A longitudinal study of age-related loss of Noradrenergic nerves and lymphoid cells in the rat spleen
- Increased serotoninergic and Noradrenergic activity in hepatic encephalopathy in rats with thioacetamide—induced acute liver failure
- Noradrenergic response to acute ethanol administration in heathly subjects: comparison with intravenous yohimbine
- Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons: their distant connections and their relationship to neighboring (including cholinergic and GABAergic) neurons of the central …
- Restoration of cholinomimetic activity by clonidine in cholinergic plus Noradrenergic lesioned rats
- Restoration of ascending Noradrenergic projections by residual locus coeruleus neurons: Compensatory response to neurotoxin‐induced cell death in the adult rat …
- Noradrenergic agonists and locomotor training affect locomotor recovery after cord transection in adult cats
- Undernutrition and overnutrition in the neonatal rat: long-term effects on Noradrenergic pathways in brain regions
- Comparison of stress‐induced changes in Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons in the rat hippocampus using microdialysis
- Mutual interactions among cholinergic, Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons studied by ionophoresis of these transmitters in rat brainstem nuclei
- α-Noradrenergic agonists and antagonists affect recovery and maintenance of beam-walking ability after sensorimotor cortex ablation in the rat
- Involvement of the Noradrenergic afferents from the nucleus tractus solitarii to the supraoptic nucleus in oxytocin release after peripheral cholecystokinin octapeptide in …
- Disproportionate loss of Noradrenergic and cholinergic neurons as cause of depression in Alzheimer’s disease-a hypothesis
- Central nervous system Noradrenergic control of sympathetic outflow in normotensive and hypertensive humans
- Pharmacology of descending Noradrenergic systems in relation to motor function
- Possible Noradrenergic dysfunction in schizophrenia
- Hippocampal type I and type II corticosteroid receptors are modulated by central Noradrenergic systems
- The involvement of central Noradrenergic systems and corticotropin-releasing factor in defensive-withdrawal behavior in rats.
- Autoradiographic analysis of α1-Noradrenergic receptors in the human brain postmortem: effect of suicide
- Noradrenergic function in obsessive-compulsive disorder: behavioral and neuroendocrine responses to clonidine and comparison to healthy controls
- Noradrenergic and peptidergic nerves in the synovial membrane of the Sprague‐Dawley rat
- The role of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons and neighboring cholinergic neurons of the pontomesencephalic tegmentum in sleep-wake states
- Role of Noradrenergic hyperactivity in neonatal opiate abstinence
- Mapping study of Noradrenergic stimulation of vasopressin release
- A homeodomain protein selectively expressed in Noradrenergic tissue regulates transcription of neurotransmitter biosynthetic genes
- The Noradrenergic innervation of the spinal cord: differences between two substrains of Sprague-Dawley rats determined using retrograde tracers combined with …
- Noradrenergic system in the chicken brain: Immunocytochemical study with antibodies to noradrenaline and dopamine‐β‐hydroxylase
- c-fos expression in Noradrenergic A2 neurons of the rat during the estrous cycle and after steroid hormone treatments
- Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: changes of Noradrenergic and serotonergic transmitter systems in the spinal cord
- Immunocytochemical evidence of well‐developed dopaminergic and Noradrenergic innervations in the frontal cerebral cortex of human fetuses at midgestation
- Hyperactivity of central Noradrenergic and CRF systems is involved in social isolation-induced decrease in pentobarbital sleep
- Electrophysiology and neuropharmacology of Noradrenergic projections to rat PVN magnocellular neurons
- Hypothalamic regulation of circadian Noradrenergic input to the chick pineal gland
- Antikindling effects of locus coeruleus stimulation: mediation by ascending Noradrenergic projections
- Serotonergic mediation of spinal analgesia and its interaction with Noradrenergic systems
- Noradrenergic involvement in the consolidation of maternal experience in postpartum rats
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic abnormalities in depression: Stress-induced dysfunction?
- Fetal dexamethasone exposure interferes with establishment of cardiac Noradrenergic innervation and sympathetic activity
- Noradrenergic Abnormalities in the Central Nervous System of Seizure‐Naive Genetically Epilepsy‐Prone Rats
- Hypothesis linking the Noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems in depression
- Calcium responses of isolated, immunocytochemically identified rat pinealocytes to Noradrenergic, cholinergic and vasopressinergic stimulations
- Ontogeny and senescence of Noradrenergic innervation of the rodent thymus and spleen
- Recovery of central Noradrenergic neurons one year after the administration of the neurotoxin DSP4
- Adolescent development influences functional responsiveness of Noradrenergic projections to the hypothalamus in male rats
- Noradrenergic dysregulation in panic disorder.
- Noradrenergic and hormonal responses to physical exercise in adolescents
- Activation of serotonergic and Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the rat hippocampus after peripheral administration of bacterial endotoxin: involvement of the cyclo …
- Activation of Noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus by corticotropin-releasing factor
- Normal distribution of alpha 2‐adrenoceptors in the rat spinal cord and its modification after Noradrenergic denervation: a quantitative autoradiographic study
- Modulation of forebrain electroencephalographic activity in halothane-anesthetized rat via actions of Noradrenergic β-receptors within the medial septal region
- Injections of β-Noradrenergic substances in the flocculus of rabbits affect adaptation of the VOR gain
- Serotoninergic, Noradrenergic, and peptidergic innervation of Onuf’s nucleus of normal and transected spinal cords of baboons (papio papio)
- Noradrenergic excitatory inputs to median preoptic neurones in rats.
- Central Noradrenergic neurons signal via ATP to elicit vasopressin responses to haemorrhage
- The development of the Noradrenergic transmitter phenotype in postganglionic sympathetic neurons
- Presynaptic modulation of cholinergic and Noradrenergic neurotransmission: interaction between them
- Caffeine antinociception in the rat hot-plate and formalin tests and locomotor stimulation: involvement of Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Noradrenergic mediation of the memory-enhancing effect of corticotropin-releasing factor in the locus coeruleus of rats
- Effects of chronic and subchronic nicotine on tyrosine hydroxylase activity in Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurones in the rat brain
- Fine structure of Noradrenergic terminals and their synapses in the rat spinal dorsal horn: an immunohistochemical study
- Ultrastructural evidence for prominent distribution of the μ-opioid receptor at extrasynaptic sites on Noradrenergic dendrites in the rat nucleus locus coeruleus
- Possible Noradrenergic involvement in training stimulus intensity
- The response of Noradrenergic axons to systemically administered DSP-4 in the rat: an immunohistochemical study using antibodies to noradrenaline and dopamine …
- Spinal interactions between opioid and Noradrenergic agonists in mice: multiplicativity involves delta and alpha-2 receptors.
- Dopaminergic agonists impair latent learning in mice: possible modulation by Noradrenergic function.
- Activation of descending Noradrenergic system by peripheral nerve stimulation
- Evidence for a Noradrenergic projection to the subcommissural organ
- Agmatine, an endogenous modulator of Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the rat tail artery.
- Inhibition of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons by C1 adrenergic cells in the rostral ventral medulla
- Disturbances of Noradrenergic systems in normal weight bulimia: relationship to diet and menses
- Noradrenergic mechanisms and the cardiovascular actions of nitroglycerin
- Localization of neuronal nitric oxide synthase-immunoreactivity within sub-populations of Noradrenergic A1 and A2 neurons in the rat
- Intrahypothalamic implants of Noradrenergic antagonists disrupt lordosis behavior in female rats
- Noradrenergic function in depressive disorders
- A time course of altered thyroid states on the Noradrenergic system in rat brain by quantitative autoradiography
- Noxious stimulus-induced increase in spinal prostaglandin E2 is Noradrenergic terminal-dependent
- Noradrenergic denervation attenuates desipramine enhancement of aggressive behavior in isolated mice
- Participation of the central Noradrenergic system in the reestablishment of copulatory behavior of sexually exhausted rats by yohimbine, naloxone, and 8-OH-DPAT
- Pathway specificity of Noradrenergic plasticity in the dentate gyrus
- Noradrenergic modulation of the masseteric reflex in behaving cats. II. Physiological studies
- Effects of ω-toxins on Noradrenergic neurotransmission in beating guinea pig atria
- Noradrenergic innervation of vasopression-containing neurons in the rat hypothalamic supraoptic nucleus
- Effect of desipramine and amphetamine on Noradrenergic neurotransmission: electrophysiological studies in the rat brain
- Effects of dorsal rhizotomy and selective lesion of serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems on 5-HT1a, 5-HT1b and 5-HT3 receptors in the rat spinal cord
- Neurochemical studies of central Noradrenergic responses to acute and chronic stress: Implications for normal and abnormal behavior.
- Maternal insulin manipulations in rats organize body weight and Noradrenergic innervation of the hypothalamus in gonadally intact male offspring
- Axonal sprouting of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons following repeated stress and antidepressant treatment
- Activation of brain Noradrenergic neurons during recovery from halothane anesthesia. Persistence of phasic activation after clonidine.
- Fetal cocaine exposure causes persistent Noradrenergic hyperactivity in rat brain regions: effects on neurotransmitter turnover and receptors.
- Intraperitoneal administration of bacterial endotoxin enhances Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the rat preoptic area: Relationship with body temperature and …
- Distribution of histaminergic neurons and fibers in rat brain: comparison with Noradrenergic and serotonergic innervation of the vestibular system
- Sleep-inducing function of Noradrenergic fibers in the medial preoptic area
- Estradiol selectively regulates alpha 1B-Noradrenergic receptors in the hypothalamus and preoptic area
- Hypothalamic Noradrenergic pathways exert an influence on neuroendocrine and clinical status in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
- Changes in Noradrenergic sensitivity to tumor necrosis factor-α in brains of rats administered clonidine
- Noradrenergic modulation of retinogeniculate transmission in the cat.
- Pharmacological analysis of the Noradrenergic control of central sympathetic and somatic reflexes controlling the lower urinary tract in the anesthetized cat.
- Effect of vinpocetine on Noradrenergic neurons in rat locus coeruleus
- Evidence that the central Noradrenergic and adrenergic pathways activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in the sheep
- The role of cerebral Noradrenergic systems in the Fos response to interleukin-1
- Central Noradrenergic reactivity to stress in Maudsley rat strains
- Evidence for a Noradrenergic innervation to alpha 1A-adrenoceptors in rat kidney.
- Interactions between the Noradrenergic and opioid peptidergic systems in controlling the electrical activity of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone pulse generator …
- Involvement of coerulospinal Noradrenergic pathway in fentanyl-induced muscular rigidity in rats
- Noradrenergic intervention in Alzheimer’s disease.
- Noradrenaline uptake inhibition increases melatonin secretion, a measure of Noradrenergic neurotransmission, in depressed patients
- Effect of dexfenfluramine treatment on body weight, blood pressure and Noradrenergic activity in obese hypertensive patients
- Differential effects of Noradrenergic drugs on anxiety and arousal in healthy volunteers with high and low anxiety
- Modulation of central Noradrenergic function by RS‐15385‐197
- Lesions of bulbo‐spinal serotonergic or Noradrenergic pathways reduce nociception as measured by the formalin test
- Noradrenergic innervation of somatosensory thalamus and spinal cord
- Electrophysiological, behavioural and biochemical evidence for activation of brain Noradrenergic systems following neurokinin receptor stimulation
- Interactive dopaminergic and Noradrenergic systems in the regulation of thirst in the rat
- Effects of chronic total sleep deprivation on central Noradrenergic receptors in rat brain
- Reactive astrocyte formation in vivo is regulated by Noradrenergic axons
- Role of hypothalamic-renal Noradrenergic systems in hypotensive action of potassium.
- Sympathetic Noradrenergic neurons containing dynorphin but not neuropeptide Y innervate small cutaneous blood vessels of guinea-pigs
- Noradrenergic modulation of the masseteric reflex in behaving cats. I. Pharmacological studies
- Serotoninergic and Noradrenergic projections to the ventral posterolateral nucleus of the monkey thalamus
- Vasoactive intestinal peptide and neuropeptide Y coexist in non-Noradrenergic sympathetic neurons to guinea pig trachea
- Biochemical and behavioral effects of a sensorimotor cortex injury in rats pretreated with the Noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP-4.
- Oestrogen modulation of excitatory Al Noradrenergic input to rat medial preoptic gamma aminobutyric acid neurones demonstrated by microdialysis
- Pharmacological studies on lappaconitine: possible interaction with endogenous Noradrenergic and serotonergic pathways to induce antinociception
- Effects of discrete lesions in the ventral Noradrenergic ascending bundle on the corticotropic stress response depend on the site of the lesion and on the plasma levels …
- Noradrenergic and neuropeptide Y mechanisms in guanethidine-sympathectomized rats
- The mechanism of Noradrenergic alpha 1 excitatory modulation of pontine reticular formation neurons
- Rat vasopressin cell responses to simulated hemorrhage: stimulus-dependent role for A1 Noradrenergic neurons
- The Noradrenergic innervation of the rat thymus during pregnancy and in the post partum period.
- Noradrenergic enhancement of GABA-induced input resistance changes in layer V regular spiking pyramidal neurons of rat somatosensory cortex
- Noradrenergic inputs to sleep-related neurons in the preoptic area from the locus coeruleus and the ventrolateral medulla in the rat
- Uncoupling of the Noradrenergic-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in panic disorder patients
- Noradrenergic reinnervation of the rat spleen following chemical sympathectomy with 6-hydroxydopamine: pattern and time course of reinnervation
- Existence of glutamate in Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons of rodents
- Corticotropin-releasing factor activates the Noradrenergic neuron system in the rat brain
- Evidence for Noradrenergic-purinergic cotransmission in the hepatic artery of the rabbit.
- High basal expression of zif268 in cortex is dependent on intact Noradrenergic system
- Impairment of working memory induced by scopolamine in rats with Noradrenergic DSP-4 lesions
- Noradrenergic neurons modulate lateral hypothalamic chemical and electrical stimulation-induced feeding by sated rats
- Noradrenergic and peptidergic innervation of lymphoid organs in the beluga, Delphinapterus leucas: An anatomical link between the nervous and immune systems
- Neuropeptide Y, a putative cotransmitter in Noradrenergic neurons, induces mast cell degranulation but not prostaglandin D2 release
- Normal distribution of alpha‐1‐adrenoceptors in the rat spinal cord and its modification after Noradrenergic denervation: A quantitative autoradiographic study
- Noradrenergic mediation of spinal antinociception by 5-hydroxytryptamine: characterization of receptor subtypes
- Most ganglion cells in the rat adrenal medulla are Noradrenergic.
- CRH and the Noradrenergic system mediate the antinociceptive effect of central interleukin-1α in the rat
- Blunting of Noradrenergic-stimulated growth hormone release in mania.
- Antidepressant interactions with corticotropin-releasing factor in the Noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus.
- Depression by neuropeptide Y of Noradrenergic inhibitory postsynaptic potentials of locus coeruleus neurones
- Noradrenergic control of striatal dopamine release
- Distribution of Noradrenergic neurons in the female rat pelvic plexus and involvement in the genital tract innervation
- Analysis of brainstem A1 and A2 Noradrenergic inputs to the preoptic area using microdialysis in the rat
- Effect of Noradrenergic Lesions on Subtypes of α2‐Adrenoceptors in Rat Brain
- Assessment of central Noradrenergic functioning in irritable bowel syndrome using a neuroendocrine challenge test
- … corticotropin-releasing factor and arginine vasopressin into the hypophysial-portal circulation of the conscious sheep. II. The central Noradrenergic and neuropeptide Y …
- The ventrolateral medulla of the rat is connected with the spinal cord dorsal horn by an indirect descending pathway relayed in the A5 Noradrenergic cell group
- Visual P3-like potentials in squirrel monkey: effects of a Noradrenergic agonist
- Importance of Central Noradrenergic and Serotonergic Pathways in the Cardiovascular Actions of Rilmenidine
- Collateral axonal projections to limbic structures from ventrolateral medullary A1 Noradrenergic neurons
- Influence of the Noradrenergic state of the nucleus accumbens in basolateral amygdala mediated changes in neophobia of rats.
- Analysis of the potentiating action of NG-nitro-l-arginine on the contraction of the dog temporal artery elicited by transmural stimulation of Noradrenergic nerves
- Memory-modulatory effects of centrally acting Noradrenergic drugs: possible involvement of brain cholinergic mechanisms
- Suppression of central Noradrenergic neuronal activity inhibits hyperglycemia
- Renal sodium handling after Noradrenergic stimulation of the lateral hypothalamic area in rats.
- Effects of changes in rat brain glucose on serotonergic and Noradrenergic neurons
- Prenatal ethanol exposure alters immune capacity and Noradrenergic synaptic transmission in lymphoid organs of the adult mouse
- Comparison of the effects of single and combined neurotoxic lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis and dorsal Noradrenergic bundle on learning and memory …
- … immunolabelling with antisera against catecholamine biosynthetic enzymes: criteria for the identification of dopaminergic, Noradrenergic and adrenergic structures in …
- Regulation of Noradrenergic coerulean neuronal firing mediated by 5-HT2 receptors: involvement of the prepositus hypoglossal nucleus
- Multiple prejunctional actions of angiotensin II on Noradrenergic transmission in the caudal artery of the rat
- The selective α 2-adrenoceptor antagonist mirtazapine (Org 3770) enhances Noradrenergic and 5-HT 1A-mediated serotonergic neurotransmission
- Synergism between interleukins 1β and 6 on Noradrenergic nerves in rat myenteric plexus
- Diminished Noradrenergic stimulation reduces the activity of rolipram‐sensitive, high‐affinity cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase in rat cerebral cortex
- Facilitation of Noradrenergic transmission by angiotensin in hypertensive rats.
- Differential Ca2+ responses of adrenergic and Noradrenergic chromaffin cells to various secretagogues
- NMDA‐receptor‐mediated sensory responses of brain Noradrenergic neurons are suppressed by in vivo concentrations of extracellular magnesium
- Projections of substance P-immunoreactive neurons located in the ventromedial medulla to the A7 Noradrenergic nucleus of the rat demonstrated using retrograde …
- Noradrenergic regulation of type-I and type-II corticosteroid receptors in amygdala and hypothalamus
- Electrotherapy in mice: dopaminergic and Noradrenergic effects in the Tail Suspension Test
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in the central amygdalar nucleus and gastric stress ulcer formation in rats
- Oxytocin localization and function in the A1 Noradrenergic cell group: ultrastructural and electrophysiological studies
- Chromogranin A immunoreactivity in human cerebrospinal fluid: properties, relationship to Noradrenergic neuronal activity, and variation in neurologic disease
- Opioid and nonopioid conditional analgesia: the role of spinal opioid, Noradrenergic, and serotonergic systems.
- Noradrenergic and serotoninergic depression?
- A 5-hydroxytryptamine2 agonist augments γ-aminobutyric acid and excitatory amino acid inputs to Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons
- On the relationship between Noradrenergic stimulatory and GABAergic inhibitory systems in the control of luteinizing hormone secretion in female rats
- The behavioural effects of MK-801 in rats: involvement of dopaminergic, serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems
- … of amphetamine into the ventral tegmental area enhances dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens and the medial prefrontal cortex through Noradrenergic …
- Lesions to terminals of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurones do not inhibit opiate withdrawal behaviour in rats
- Effect of milnacdpran and desipramine on Noradrenergic α2-autoreceptor sensitivity
- Noradrenergic potentiation of cerebellar Purkinje cell responses to GABA: cyclic AMP as intracellular intermediary
- Tissue-specific Noradrenergic activity during acute heat stress in rats
- Opioid-Noradrenergic interactions in the control of oxytocin cells.
- Involvement of phospholipase A2 in axonal regeneration of brain Noradrenergic neurones.
- The role of descending Noradrenergic systems in regulation of nociception: the effects of intrathecally administeredt α-adrenoceptor antagonists and clonidine
- Central Noradrenergic and cholinergic modulation of formaldehyde-induced pedal inflammation and nociception in rats
- The effects of concurrent manipulations of cholinergic and Noradrenergic systems on neocortical EEG and spatial learning
- Functional influence of the central Noradrenergic system on the skin conductance activity in rats
- Organization and actions of the Noradrenergic input to the hamster’s superior colliculus
- … spectral analysis of electroencephalographic desynchronization induced by cocaine in rats: correlation with evaluation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission at the …
- Olfactory recognition of infants in laboratory mice: role of Noradrenergic mechanisms
- Activation of Noradrenergic and nitrergic mechanisms in the rat anococcygeus muscle by nicotine.
- Pharmacological manipulations of the α 2-Noradrenergic system
- Endothelium-derived relaxing factor modulates Noradrenergic constriction of cerebral arterioles in rabbits.
- Neurotrophic effects of cAMP generating systems on central Noradrenergic neurons
- Locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neurons as a micturition center.
- Differential sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurotransmission in rat brain slices
- Lesions of Noradrenergic neurons in rats with spontaneous generalized non-convulsive epilepsy
- Lactational alcohol exposure elicits long-term immune deficits and increased Noradrenergic synaptic transmission in lymphoid organs
- Pharmacological alleviation of combined cholinergic/Noradrenergic lesion-induced memory deficits in rats.
- Central Noradrenergic activity is responsible for nitroglycerin-induced cardiovascular effects in the nucleus tractus solitarii
- Assessment of Noradrenergic functioning in patients with noncombat-related posttraumatic stress disorder: a study with desmethylimipramine and orthostatic …
- Noradrenergic modulation of γ-aminobutyric acid outflow from the human cerebral cortex
- The Galway Study of Panic Disorder II: Changes in some peripheral markers of Noradrenergic and serotonergic function in DSM III-R Panic Disorder
- The possible role of Noradrenergic deficits in selected signs of Parkinson’s disease
- Lithium effects on Noradrenergic-linked adenylate cyclase activity in intact rat brain: an in vivo microdialysis study
- A combined immunocytochemical and retrograde tracing study of Noradrenergic connections between the caudal medulla and bed nuclei of the stria terminalis
- Antinociceptive interactions between intrathecally administered α Noradrenergic agonists and′ 5-N-ethylcar☐ amide adenosine
- Infusions of α-2 Noradrenergic agonists and antagonists into the amygdala: effects on kindling
- Young and old subjects matched for aerobic capacity have similar Noradrenergic responses to exercise
- Noradrenergic mechanisms for the anticonvulsant effects of desipramine and yohimbine in genetically epilepsy-prone rats: studies with microdialysis
- Spinal Noradrenergic pathways and pressor responses to central angiotensin II
- Noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus of birds express TrkA, transport NGF, and respond to NGF
- Effect of chronic administration of antidepressant drugs on 5-HT2-mediated behavior in the rat following Noradrenergic or serotonergic denervation
- Central Noradrenergic activity and the cardiovascular effects of nitroglycerin and amyl nitrate.
- Prefeeding release of paraventricular neuropeptide Y is mediated by ascending Noradrenergic neurons in rats
- Noradrenergic function in panic disorder effects of intravenous clonidine pretreatment on lactate induced panic
- Stimulatory effects of clonidine, cirazoline and rilmenidine on locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neurones: possible involvement of imidazoline-preferring receptors
- Involvement of the Noradrenergic system in the seizures of epileptic El mice
- Impairment of active avoidance by the Noradrenergic neurotoxin, DSP4: attenuation by post-training epinephrine
- Effects of dietary restriction on motor learning and cerebellar Noradrenergic dysfunction in aged F344 rats
- The effects of Noradrenergic neurotoxin, DSP-4, on the performance of young and aged rats in spatial navigation task
- Noradrenergic inhibition of canine gallbladder contraction and murine pancreatic secretion during stress by corticotropin-releasing factor.
- A selective role of brainstem Noradrenergic neurons in oxytocin release from the neurohypophysis following noxious stimuli in the rat
- Are NPY and enkephalins costored in the same Noradrenergic neurons and vesicles?
- Sympathetic Noradrenergic fibers as the source of immunoreactive alpha-neoendorphin and dynorphin in the guinea pig heart
- Cocaine inhibits central Noradrenergic and dopaminergic activity during the critical developmental period in which catecholamines influence cell development
- … localization of [125I-Tyr8] bradykinin receptor binding sites in the rat spinal cord: effects of neonatal capsaicin, Noradrenergic deafferentation, dorsal rhizotomy and …
- Effects of subacute exposure to noise on the Noradrenergic innervation of the cardiovascular system in young and aged rats: a morphofunctional study
- Noradrenergic and acetylcholinesterase-positive nerve fibres of the uterus in sexually immature and cycling rats
- Noradrenergic inhibition and voltage‐dependent facilitation of ω‐conotoxin‐sensitive Ca channels in insulin‐secreting RINm5F cells
- Noradrenergic innervation of the human adrenal cortex as revealed by dopamine-beta-hydroxylase immunohistochemistry.
- Non-Noradrenergic sympathetic neurons project to extramuscular feed arteries and proximal intramuscular arteries of skeletal muscles in guinea-pig hindlimbs
- Are the cognitive-enhancing effects of nicotine in the rat with lesions to the forebrain cholinergic projection system mediated by an interaction with the Noradrenergic …
- Voltage-dependent Noradrenergic modulation of ω-conotoxin-sensitive Ca 2+ channels in human neuroblastoma IMR32 cells
- Noradrenergic innervation of vasopressin‐and oxytocin‐containing neurons in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus of the macaque monkey: quantitative …
- The Noradrenergic innervation density of the monkey paraventricular nucleus is not altered by early social deprivation
- Olfactory bulb glycogen metabolism: Noradrenergic modulation in the young rat
- Development and distribution of Noradrenergic and cholinergic neurons and their trophic phenotypes in the avian ceruleus complex and midbrain tegmentum
- Transgenic mice with high levels of superoxide dismutase activity are protected from the neurotoxic effects of 2′-NH2-MPTP on serotonergic and Noradrenergic …
- Some Noradrenergic neurons of locus ceruleus-olfactory pathways contain neuropeptide-Y
- Distribution and relative proportions of neuropeptide Y-and proenkephalin-containing Noradrenergic neurones in rat superior cervical ganglion: separate projections …
- Evidence for antipyretic vasopressinergic pathways and their modulation by Noradrenergic afferents
- Dopamine is taken up from the circulation by, and released from, local Noradrenergic varicose axon terminals in zona glomerulosa of the rat: a neurochemical and …
- Calcitonin gene-related peptide in Noradrenergic transmission in rat hypothalamus.
- Challenge tests: assessment of the Noradrenergic and GABA systems in depression and anxiety disorders
- Acute and chronic effects of the atypical antidepressant, mianserin on brain Noradrenergic neurons
- Elevation of cAMP facilitates Noradrenergic transmission in submucous neurons of guinea pig ileum
- Noradrenergic and adrenergic systems in the brain of the urodele amphibian, Pleurodeles waltlii, as revealed by immunohistochemical methods
- Noradrenergic-induced expression of c-fos in rat cortex: neuronal localization
- Anatomical evidence for the presence of glutamate or enkephalin in Noradrenergic projection neurons of the locus coeruleus.
- Higher α-Noradrenergic receptors in paraventricular nucleus of obese Zucker rats: decline after food deprivation
- Autoradiographic localization of angiotensin II receptor binding sites on Noradrenergic neurons of the locus coeruleus of the rat
- Noradrenergic modulation of synaptic transmission between olfactory bulb neurons in culture: implications to olfactory learning
- Noradrenergic sympathetic innervation of lymphoid organs during development, aging, and in autoimmune disease
- Opposite effects on hippocampal corticosteroid receptors induced by stimulation of β and α1 Noradrenergic receptors
- Immunocytochemical evidence for Noradrenergic regulation of estrogen receptor concentrations in the guinea pig hypothalamus
- Noradrenergic and cholinergic reinnervation of islet grafts in diabetic rats
- Noradrenergic and peptidergic innervation of the amphibian spleen: comparative studies
- Diurnal rhythm in ornithine decar☐ ylase activity and Noradrenergic and cholinergic markers in rat submaxillary lymph nodes
- Adrenergic innervation of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons. A dual labeling immunocytochemical study in the rat
- Cholinergic and Noradrenergic nervous systems in the cynomolgus monkey cochlea
- DSP-4, a Noradrenergic neurotoxin, produces more severe biochemical and functional deficits in aged than young rats
- Noradrenergic hyperactivity after partial fornix section: role in cholinergic dependent memory performance
- Ovariectomy and age alter gonadotropin hormone releasing hormone Noradrenergic interactions
- Effects of the novel dopamine DA 2-receptor agonist carmoxirole (EMD 45609) on Noradrenergic and purinergic neurotransmission in rat isolated kidney
- Ultrastructural analysis of Noradrenergic nerve terminals in the cat lumbosacral spinal dorsal horn: a dopamine-β-hydroxylase immunocytochemical study
- The number of Noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons in the brain stem does not change with age in male Sprague-Dawley rats
- Noradrenergic innervation of the hypothalamus of rhesus monkeys: Distribution of dopamine‐β‐hydroxylase immunoreactive fibers and quantitative analysis of …
- Role of the Noradrenergic system in the secretory function of the corpus luteum.
- Involvement of Noradrenergic and 5-hydroxytryptaminergic systems in allylnitrile-induced head twitching
- Differential contribution of descending serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems to central Tyr-D-Ala2-Gly-NMePhe4-Gly-ol5 (DAMGO) and morphine-induced …
- Changes in VOR adaptation after local injection of β-Noradrenergic agents in the flocculus of rabbits
- Antagonization of fentanyl-induced muscular rigidity by denervation of the coerulospinal Noradrenergic pathway in the rat
- Systemic idazoxan impairs performance in a non-reversal shift test: implications for the role of the central Noradrenergic systems in selective attention
- CCK-8 excites oxytocin-secreting neurons in the paraventricular nucleus in rats—possible involvement of Noradrenergic pathway
- Effects of MDMA (‘ecstasy’) on firing rates of serotonergic, dopaminergic, and Noradrenergic neurons in the rat
- Anticonvulsant activity of the Noradrenergic locus coeruleus system: role of beta mediation
- Noradrenergic facilitation of motor neurons: localization of adrenergic receptors in neurons and nonneuronal cells in the trigeminal motor nucleus
- Involvement of the central Noradrenergic system in opioid modulation of luteinizing hormone and prolactin secretion in the pig
- The effects of suramin on purinergic and Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the rat isolated tail artery
- Increase of dopamine β-hydroxylase immunoreactivity in non-Noradrenergic nerves of rat cerebral arteries following long-term sympathectomy
- Effects of desipramine and maprotiline on the coeruleus-cortical Noradrenergic system in anaesthetized rats
- A fluorescence study of changes in Noradrenergic sympathetic fibres in experimental peripheral nerve neuromas
- Noradrenergic and dopaminergic interrelation in schizophrenia
- Noradrenergic modulation of noxious heat‐evoked fos‐like immunoreactivity in the dorsal horn of the rat sacral spinal cord
- Morphofunctional changes in the Noradrenergic innervation of the rat cardiovascular system after varying duration of noise stress
- Noradrenergic‐nitrergic interactions in the rat anococcygeus muscle: evidence for postjunctional modulation by nitric oxide
- Cardiac Noradrenergic function one year following cardiac transplantation
- Neuropeptide Y modulation of A1 Noradrenergic neuron input to supraoptic vasopressin cells
- Noradrenergic control of cerebello-vestibular functions: modulation, adaptation, compensation
- Effect of fluoxetine on Noradrenergic mediated growth hormone release: a double blind, placebo-controlled study
- Differential effects of corticotropin-releasing hormone on central dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurons
- Carotid body Noradrenergic sensitivity in ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia
- Splenic Noradrenergic and adrenocortical responses during the preclinical and clinical stages of adoptively transfered experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis …
- Sensoryr responsiveness of brain Noradrenergic neurons in modulated by endogenous brain serotonin
- Cocaine induced synchronous oscillations in central Noradrenergic neurons in vitro
- Memory following cholinergic (NBM) and Noradrenergic (DNAB) lesions made singly or in combination: potentiation of disruption by scopolamine
- Acute and chronic Noradrenergic regulation of neurotrophin messenger RNA expression in rat hippocampus: evidence from lesions and organotypic cultures
- Seizure development and noradrenaline release in kindling epilepsy after Noradrenergic reinnervation of the subcortically deafferented hippocampus by superior …
- The α2‐selective adrenoceptor antagonist org 3770 (mirtazapine, Remeron®) enhances Noradrenergic and serotonergic transmission
- Age-related changes of Noradrenergic-NPY interaction in rat brain: norepinephrine, NPY levels and α-adrenoceptors
- Dose-dependent glucocorticoid effects on Noradrenergic synaptogenesis in rat brain: ontogeny of [3H] desmethylimipramine binding sites after fetal exposure to …
- Nicotine-induced catecholamine synthesis after lesions to the dorsal or ventral Noradrenergic bundle
- Neurotoxin-induced lesions to central serotonergic, Noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems modify caffeine-induced antinociception in the formalin test and …
- Effects of local pontine injection of Noradrenergic agents on desynchronized sleep of the cat
- Interaction between the alpha2-Noradrenergic and muscarinic systems in the regulation of neocortical high voltage spindles
- The role of the Noradrenergic system in higher cerebral functions: experimental studies about the effects of Noradrenergic modulation on electrophysiology and …
- Cerebrovascular nerve fibers immunoreactive for tryptophan-5-hydroxylase in the rat: distribution, putative origin and comparison with sympathetic Noradrenergic …
- Trypanosoma cruzi infection in rats induced early lesion of the heart Noradrenergic nerve terminals by a complement-independent mechanism
- Noradrenergic activity in anticipatory nausea.
- The effects of dorsal Noradrenergic bundle lesions on spatial learning, locomotor activity, and reaction to novelty
- Unusual medication regimens in the treatment of dissociative disorder patients: I. Noradrenergic agents.
- Cholinergic and Noradrenergic stimulation in the rabbit flocculus have synergistic facilitatory effects on optokinetic responses
- Noradrenergic terminal fields as determinants of seizure predisposition in GEPR-3s: a neuroanatomic assessment with intracerebral microinjections of 6 …
- Some evidence that intrahippocampal grafting of Noradrenergic neurons suppresses spontaneous seizures in epileptic rats.
- Noradrenergic modulation of epileptiform bursting and synaptic plasticity in the dentate gyrus.
- Is the inhibitory action of estradiol on luteinizing hormone pulse frequency in anestrous ewes mediated by Noradrenergic neurons in the preoptic area?
- Characterization of cholinergic and Noradrenergic slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials from rat cerebral cortical neurons
- Noradrenergic innervation to the VMN or MPN is not necessary for lordosis
- Excitatory amino acid signal transduction in the hippocampus: role of Noradrenergic afferents and nitric oxide in cGMP increases in vivo
- The pharmaco-ontogeny of the paraventricular α2-Noradrenergic receptor system mediating norepinephrine-induced feeding in the rat
- Synaptic inputs of neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive Noradrenergic nerve terminals to neurons in the nucleus preopticus medianus which project to the paraventricular …
- Local application of bicuculline potentiates NMDA‐receptor‐mediated sensory responses of brain Noradrenergic neurons
- Complex maze performance in rats: Effects of Noradrenergic depletion and cholinergic blockade.
- Alpha2-Noradrenergic modulation of hippocampal theta activity
- Enhancement of Noradrenergic constriction of large coronary arteries by inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis in anaesthetized dogs
- Spinal Noradrenergic imidazoline receptors do not mediate the antinociceptive action of intrathecal clonidine in the rat.
- Noradrenergic innervation of juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
- ! b-phenylethylamine and Noradrenergic function in depression.
- The Maudsley rat strains as a probe to investigate Noradrenergic-cholinergic interaction in cognitive function
- Angiotensin II receptors involved in the enhancement of Noradrenergic transmission in the caudal artery of the spontaneously hypertensive rat
- Noradrenergic regulation of immediate early gene expression in rat forebrain: differential effects of αl-and α2-adrenoceptor drugs
- Inhibition by antibiotic tetracyclines of rat cortical Noradrenergic adenylate cyclase and amphetamine-induced hyperactivity
- Suppression of Noradrenergic innervation compensates for behavioral deficits induced by lesion of dopaminergic terminals in the lateral septum
- Effects of propranolol on, and Noradrenergic correlates of, the response to nonreward
- Noradrenergic processes in the behavioral actions of psychomotor stimulants
- Involvement of nitroxidergic and Noradrenergic nerves in the relaxation of dog and monkey temporal veins.
- Participation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the enhancement of baroreceptor reflex response by substance P at the nucleus tractus solitarii of the rat: a …
- Evidence for a Noradrenergic innervation to” atypical” beta adrenoceptors (or putative beta-3 adrenoceptors) in the ileum of guinea pig.
- Descending Noradrenergic neurones tonically suppress spinal presynaptic inhibition in rats.
- Noradrenergic system: effect of DSP4 and FLA-57 on ethanol intake in ethanol preferring rats
- Noradrenergic fibers in the pacinian corpuscles of the cat urinary bladder
- The effects of chronic treatment with N-tert-butyl-α-phenylnitrone on cerebellar Noradrenergic receptor function in aged F344 rats
- Alteration of neurotransmitter phenotype in Noradrenergic neurons of transgenic mice.
- α2-Adrenoceptor modulation of A1 Noradrenergic neuron input to supraoptic vasopressin cells
- Effects of selective neurotoxic lesion of lumbosacral serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems on autotomy behaviour in rats
- Hypothalamic cholinergic and Noradrenergic neurons in hyperglycemia induced by 2-deoxyglucose
- Effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid on corticosterone secretion: involvement of the Noradrenergic system
- Cortical hypometabolism in injured brain: new correlations with the Noradrenergic and serotonergic systems and with behavioral deficits
- Noradrenergic and purinergic involvement in spinal antinociception by 5-hydroxytryptamine and 2-methyl-5-hydroxytryptamine
- Isoproterenol infusion test in anorexia nervosa: assessment of pre-and post-beta-Noradrenergic receptor activity.
- Studies on the interaction between presynaptic α 2-adrenoceptors and adenosine A 1 receptors located on Noradrenergic nerve terminals
- Presynaptic M2-muscarinic receptors on Noradrenergic nerve endins and endothelium-derived M3 receptor in cat cerebral arteries
- The effect of selective Noradrenergic denervation on thyrotropin secretion in the rat
- Noradrenergic mechanisms appear not to be involved in cocaine-induced seizures and lethality
- Noradrenergic hyperinnervation in the heart of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP)
- Effects of GABAergic and Noradrenergic injections into the cerebellar flocculus on vestibulo-ocular reflexes in the rabbit
- Noradrenergic agents in the cerebellar vermis affect adaptation of the vestibulospinal reflex gain
- Sympathetic sprouting: time course of changes of Noradrenergic, cholinergic, and serotonergic markers in the denervated rat hippocampus
- Acute Noradrenergic effects of desipramine in depression.
- Blockade of Noradrenergic Neurotransmission with Diethyldithio-carbamic Acid Decreases the mRNA Level of Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone in the …
- Determination of the role of Noradrenergic and 5‐hydroxytryptaminergic neurones in postsynaptic α2‐adrenoceptor desensitization by desipramine and ECS
- Decreased sensory responsiveness of Noradrenergic neurons in the rat locus coeruleus following phencyclidine or dizocilpine (MK-801): role of NMDA antagonism
- The Noradrenergic innervation of the ovary in old rats
- Central Noradrenergic inhibition of gastric motility in rats
- G protine mRNA expression in immunohistochemically identified dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurons in the rat brain
- The integrity of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle (VNAB) is not necessary for a normal neuroendocrine stress response
- Transplantation of embryonic Noradrenergic neurons in two models of adult rat spinal cord injury: ultrastructural immunocytochemical study
- Estradiol regulates the number of α1 but not β or α2 Noradrenergic receptors in hypothalamus of female rats
- Functional evidence that [3H] acetylcholine and [3H] noradrenaline release from guinea pig ileal myenteric plexus and Noradrenergic terminals is modulated by …
- Prejunctional effects of cromakalim, nicorandil and pinacidil on Noradrenergic transmission in rat isolated mesenteric artery
- Modulation of opiate responses in brain Noradrenergic neurons by the cyclic AMP cascade: changes with chronic morphine
- Developmental changes in the Noradrenergic innervations of spinal motoneurons in neonatal rats
- Autoradiographic localization of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic receptors in the bovine pineal gland
- Interaction between Noradrenergic and histamine-containing neurons in the rat vas deferens.
- Formation of synaptic graft-host connections by Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons transplanted into the adult rat hippocampus
- Noradrenergic innervation to the adrenal cortex is responsible for control of basal glucocorticoid secretion: a model
- Adenosine mediates calcium-induced antinociception and potentiation of Noradrenergic antinociception in the spinal cord
- Noradrenergic, but not adrenergic chromaffin cells in the adrenal gland express neuromodulin (GAP‐43)
- GABAergic regulation of Noradrenergic spinal projection neurons of the A5 cell group in the rat: an electron microscopic analysis
- Interaction of angiotensin II with the cholinergic and Noradrenergic systems in the rat pineal gland: regulation of indole metabolism
- Intraventricular injection of neostigmine increases dopaminergic and Noradrenergic nerve activities: hyperglycemic effects and neurotransmitters in the hypothalamus
- Histamine, a neuromodulator of Noradrenergic transmission in uterine horns from mice in diestrus
- Noradrenergic α-1 and α-2 antagonists block l-DOPA-induced air-stepping in neonatal rats
- Noradrenergic control of the synthesis of two rat pineal proteins
- Functional reorganization of the Noradrenergic system after partial fornix section: a behavioral and autoradiographic study
- Ultrastructural organization of the Noradrenergic innervation of the superficial gray layer of the hamster’s superior colliculus
- Castration reduces the nocturnal rise of pineal melatonin levels in the male rat by impairing its Noradrenergic input
- Cholinergic/Noradrenergic interactions and memory
- Noradrenergic hyperactivity in hippocampus after partial denervation: pharmacological, behavioral, and electrophysiological studies
- The stimulatory effect of clonidine through imidazoline receptors on locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neurones is mediated by excitatory amino acids and modulated by …
- Evidence that activation of the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis by electrical stimulation of the Noradrenergic A1 group is not mediated by noradrenaline
- Anxiogenic β-carboline FG 7142 produces activation of Noradrenergic neurons in specific brain regions of rats
- Cocaine effects on brain Noradrenergic neurons of anesthetized and unanesthetized rats
- Effects of a potential antipsychotic, BMY 14802, on firing of central serotonergic and Noradrenergic neurons in rats
- Effects of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic mechanisms on the neuronal activity of the isolated pineal organ of the trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss
- Involvement of hypothalamic Noradrenergic systems in the modulation of intestinal motility in rats.
- Clozapine attenuates N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor complex-mediated responses in vivo: tentative evidence for a functional modulation by a Noradrenergic …
- The Noradrenergic innervation of spinal cord blood vessels in old rats
- Noradrenergic modulation of avian kidney function
- Effects of grafts containing cholinergic and/or serotonergic neurons on cholinergic, serotonergic and Noradrenergic markers in the denervated rat hippocampus
- Cocaine actions in a central Noradrenergic circuit: enhancement of cerebellar Purkinje neuron responses to iontophoretically applied GABA
- Naloxone-induced hypoalgesia: Effects of Noradrenergic antagonists and agonist
- Noradrenergic agents into the cerebellar anterior vermis modify the gain of vestibulospinal reflexes in the cat
- Evidence for verapamil-induced functional inhibition of Noradrenergic neurotransmission in vivo
- Anatomy of the Noradrenergic Pathways in the Primate Brain Alteration in Parkinson’s Disease
- Modulation of the migrating myoelectric complex by brain Noradrenergic systems in rats
- Alterations of locus coeruleus Noradrenergic activity in relation to pituitary secretion after hemorrhage in cats
- Contribution of Noradrenergic neurons to 3, 4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid concentrations in the regions of the rat brain containing incertohypothalamic dopaminergic …
- Conflict behavior in Maudsley reactive and nonreactive rats: effects of Noradrenergic neuronal destruction
- A clinical test of Noradrenergic involvement in the therapeutic mode of action of an experimental antidepressant
- Selective loss of the uncoupling protein from light versus heavy mitochondria of brown adipocytes after a decrease in Noradrenergic stimulation in vivo and in vitro
- Effect of the centrally acting muscle relaxant tizanidine on spinal reflexes: involvement of descending Noradrenergic systems
- Intraspinal Noradrenergic-rich implants reverse the increase ofα1 adrenoceptors densities caused by complete spinal cord transection or selective chemical …
- Reversal of learning and memory impairments following lesion of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis (NBM) by concurrent Noradrenergic depletion using DSP4 in the …
- Acute morphine induces oscillatory discharge of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons in the waking monkey
- Comparison of the effect of morphine on locus coeruleus Noradrenergic and ventral tegmental area dopaminergic neurons in vitro
- Cardiovascular functions of central Noradrenergic neurons in rabbits.
- Temporal changes in tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA levels in A1, A2 and locus ceruleus neurons following electrical stimulation of A1 Noradrenergic neurons
- Opioid peptide inhibition of endogenous norepinephrine release from the A2 Noradrenergic cell group in vitro
- Platelet and plasma catecholamine levels in migraine patients: evidence for a menstrual related variability of the Noradrenergic tone
- HIV‐1 envelope protein gp120 potentiates NMDA‐evoked noradrenaline release by a direct action at rat hippocampal and cortical Noradrenergic nerve endings
- Noradrenergic transmission in the tail artery of hypertensive rats transgenic for the mouse renin gene Ren‐2
- Effects of phospholipase A2 inhibitors on the antidepressant‐induced axonal regeneration of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons
- Activation of Noradrenergic neurons projecting to the diencephalon following central administration of histamine is mediated by H1 receptors
- Subcellular localization of synaptophysin in Noradrenergic nerve terminals: A biochemical and morphological study
- Central Noradrenergic hyperactivity early in life: a hypothesis on the origin of morpho-functional brain disorders induced by malnutrition
- Deletion of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle obliterates the early ACTH response after systemic LPS, independently from the plasma IL-1β surge
- Discriminative-stimulus effects of morphine in combination with α-and β-Noradrenergic agonists and antagonists in rats
- Cholinergic and Noradrenergic neurotransmission: impact on REM sleep regulation in healthy subjects and depressed patients.
- Noradrenergic and opioid systems interact to alter the detection of noxious thermal stimuli and facial scratching in monkeys
- Control of spinal motor system by descending Noradrenergic neuron
- Auditory-evoked response of the cortex after yohimbine administration: phase advance effect of central Noradrenergic activation
- Postnatal development of adrenergic terminals in rat locus coeruleus, with special reference to growth of Noradrenergic neurons
- Noradrenergic response to intravenous yohimbine in patients with depression and comorbidity of depression and panic
- Evidence that Noradrenergic neurons in the A1 and A2 nuclei are lesioned by low doses of 6-OHDA injected into the locus coeruleus
- L1 cell adhesion molecule is expressed by Noradrenergic but not adrenergic chromaffin cells: a possible major role for L1 in adrenal medullary design
- Effects of α-Noradrenergic substances on the optokinetic and vestibulo-ocular responses in the rabbit: a study with systemic and intrafloccular injections
- The role of histaminergic-Noradrenergic axis in naloxone-induced withdrawal symptoms in mice
- Long-term effects of imipramine on striatal dopamine autoreceptor function: involvement of both Noradrenergic and serotonergic systems.
- Serotonergic, Noradrenergic and galaninergic projections to the nucleus parafascicularis.
- … effect of desipramine on basal and naloxone-stimulated cortisol secretion in humans: interaction of two drugs acting on Noradrenergic control of adrenocorticotropin …
- Neurophysiological consequences of combined cholinergic and Noradrenergic lesions
- Noradrenergic and neuropeptide Y-immunoreactive nerves in the pancreatic islets of spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Modulation of Noradrenergic transmission by neuropeptide Y and presynaptic α2-adrenergic receptors in the hypothalamus of spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Influence of 6-OHDA lesion of central Noradrenergic systems on corticosteroid receptors and neuroendocrine responses to stress
- 3-Methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylethyleneglycol concentrations in discrete hypothalamic nuclei reflect the activity of Noradrenergic neurons
- The dorsal Noradrenergic bundle modulates DNA remodeling in the rat brain upon exposure to a spatial novelty
- Interaction of Noradrenergic and Cholinergic Agonists with Ligands Increasing K‐conductance of Guinea Pig Hippocampal Neurons, in vitro
- Memory impairment induced by combined disturbance of Noradrenergic and dopaminergic neurotransmissions: effects of nootropic drugs.
- Mutual interaction of histamine H 3-receptors and α 2-adrenoceptors on Noradrenergic terminals in mouse and rat rain cortex
- Perinatal influence of β-adrenergic drugs on the Noradrenergic system of the rat brain
- The effects of α2-adrenoceptor stimulation on neocortical EEG activity in control and 6-hydroxydopamine dorsal Noradrenergic bundle-lesioned rats
- Estrogen uncouples Noradrenergic activation of Fos expression in the female rat preoptic area
- Retarded acquisition of a temporal discrimination following destruction of Noradrenergic neurones by systemic treatment with DSP4
- Chronic arthritis increases tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA levels in the pontine Noradrenergic cell groups
- Noradrenergic nerve fibers of the rectal mucosa in autonomic disorders: comparison of histochemical study with clinical severity and changes in plasma noradrenaline …
- GABA-ergic and substance P-ergic double-innervation to Noradrenergic neurons in the rat locus coeruleus.
- Do Noradrenergic descending tract fibres contribute to the depression of transmission from group II muscle afferents following brainstem stimulation in the cat?
- Naloxone potentiation of novelty-induced hypoalgesia: Characterization of the α-Noradrenergic receptor subtype
- Histaminergic neurons mediate restraint stress-induced increases in the activity of Noradrenergic neurons projecting to the hypothalamus
- A presynaptic excitatory M1 muscarine receptor at postganglionic cardiac Noradrenergic nerve fibres that is activated by endogenous acetylcholine
- Sustained prejunctional facilitation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission by adrenaline as a co-transmitter in the portal vein of freely moving rats.
- Disruption of Noradrenergic, but not serotonergic or opiate, functioning blocks both cardiac and behavioral components of the orienting response in preweanling rats
- Modulation of Noradrenergic action by neuropeptide Y in dogfish (Squalus acanthias) hearts
- Consequences of selective blockade of septal Noradrenergic afferents on anxiety and spatial working memory performance in mice
- Influence of Noradrenergic input into the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus on fever in the guinea-pig
- Noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems in the central nervous system of the hedgehog (Erinaceus europaeus).
- Long-latency responses of brain Noradrenergic neurons to noxious stimuli are preferentially attenuated by intravenous morphine
- Modulation of Noradrenergic but not angiotensinergic blood pressure control by beta-blockade with carteolol.
- Catecholaminergic systems and amygdala kindling development. Effects of bilateral lesions of substantia nigra dopaminergic or locus coeruleus Noradrenergic …
- Age-related changes of the Noradrenergic and acetylcholinesterase reactive nerve fibres innervating the pigeon bursa of Fabricius
- Effects of Noradrenergic DSP4 lesion on the effectiveness of pilocarpine in reversing scopolamine-induced amnesia
- Effects of intraseptally injected Noradrenergic drugs on hippocampal sodium-dependent-high-affinity-choline-uptake in ‘resting’and ‘trained’mice
- Noradrenergic glomus cells in the carotid body: an autoradiographic and immunocytochemical study in the rabbit and rat
- … 2-adrenoceptor densities after intraspinal Noradrenergic-rich implants on adult rats bearing complete spinal cord transection or selective chemical Noradrenergic …
- Action on Noradrenergic transmission of an anticholinesterase: 9-amino-1, 2, 3, 4-tetrahydroacridine
- Lesions of the ventral Noradrenergic bundle prevent the rise in blood pressure induced by social deprivation stress in the rat
- Influence of aging on tissue-specific Noradrenergic activity at rest and during nonexertional heating in rats
- Immunohistochemical localization of neurotensin in a subpopulation of Noradrenergic chromaffin cells of the adrenal gland of the flat snake (Waglerophis merremii)
- Ocular dominance plasticity in kitten visual cortex: integration of Noradrenergic and cholinergic regulation
- Deficient Noradrenergic response to oral glucose in hypertensives
- The σ ligand rimcazole activates Noradrenergic neurons projecting to the paraventricular nucleus and increases corticosterone secretion in rats
- NS-3, a TRH-analog, reverses memory disruption by stimulating cholinergic and Noradrenergic systems
- Acute administration of the antidepressant trazodone increases Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neuronal firing in rats.
- Experimental approaches for testing the cholinergic-Noradrenergic imbalance hypothesis of affective disorders
- Noradrenergic innervation of human inferior olivary complex
- Lateral olfactory tract input to dentate gyrus is depressed by prior Noradrenergic activation using nucleus paragigantocellularis stimulation
- Dependence of sensorimotor cortex neuron activity on Noradrenergic and serotoninergic transmission in unspecific thalamic nuclei
- Inhibition of sympathetic Noradrenergic transmission by guanabenz and guanethidine in rat isolated mesenteric artery: involvement of neuronal potassium channels
- Noradrenergic hyperinnervation in the heart of stroke‐prone spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Neurochemical Characterization of the Alterations in the Noradrenergic Afferents to the Cerebellum of Adult Rats Exposed to X‐Irradiation at Birth
- Central and peripheral Noradrenergic responses to 14 days of spaceflight (SLS-2) or hindlimb suspension in rats.
- Schedule-induced polydipsia increased both mesotelencephalic-dopaminergic and pontine-Noradrenergic activities in the rat brain.
- Effects of experimental diabetes in the Noradrenergic and cholinergic nerves of the rat small intestine
- Postnatal development and laminar distribution of Noradrenergic fibers in cat visual cortex
- Central nervous system Noradrenergic and dopaminergic turnover in response to acute neuroleptic challenge
- Evidence for Noradrenergic involvement in mediating the FG 7142 discriminative stimulus
- Neurochemical evidence that 5-hydroxytryptaminergic neurons tonically inhibit Noradrenergic neurons terminating in the hypothalamus
- Tyrosine hydroxylase messenger ribonucleic acid levels increase in A1 but not locus ceruleus Noradrenergic neurons in proestrous rats but not in diestrous or …
- L-Tyrosine-induced antinociception in the mouse: involvement of central δ-opioid receptors and bulbo-spinal Noradrenergic system
- Effects of the selective dopaminergic D2 agonist quinelorane on the activity of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurons projecting to the diencephalon of the …
- Noradrenergic responses to clonidine in acute and remitted depressed male patients
- Behavioral effects of concurrent lesions of the nucleus basalis magnocellularis and the dorsal Noradrenergic bundle
- The Noradrenergic component contributing to spinal fentanyl-induced antinociception is supraspinally mediated.
- Activation of adenylate cyclase attenuates the hyperpolarization following single action potentials in brain Noradrenergic neurons independently of protein kinase A
- Injections of beta-Noradrenergic substances in the cerebellar anterior vermis of cats affect adaptation of the vestibulospinal reflex gain.
- The yohimbine-induced anticonflict effect in the rat, part I. Involvement of Noradrenergic, serotonergic and endozepinergic (?) mechanisms
- Neuroprotection by R (−)-deprenyl and N-2-hexyl-N-methylpropargylamine on DSP-4, a neurotoxin, induced degeneration of Noradrenergic neurons in the rat locus …
- Involvement of alpha-and beta-Noradrenergic receptors in the effects of hippocampal vasopressinergic treatment on retrieval and relearning
- Afferent and efferent fiber connections of histaminergic neurons in the rat brain: comparison with dopaminergic, Noradrenergic and serotonergic systems
- Baclofen and Noradrenergic function in the rat frontal cerebral cortex
- Influence of angiotensin II, α‐ and β‐adrenoceptors on peripheral Noradrenergic neurotransmission in canine gracilis muscle in vivo
- Noradrenergic and cholinergic modulations of corticocerebellar activity modify the gain of vestibulospinal reflexes.
- Ultrastructural localization of the kainate selective glutamate receptor in Noradrenergic perikarya and dendrites of the nucleus locus coeruleus in the rat brain
- 5‐Methoxypsoralen enhances plasma melatonin concentrations in the male rat: Non‐Noradrenergic‐mediated stimulation and lack of effect in pinealectomized …
- Central Noradrenergic lesion impairs the adrenocorticotrophin response to release of endogenous catecholamines
- Lasting effects of early Noradrenergic receptor occupation on brain noradrenaline turnover and on beta-receptors
- Alpha-1-Noradrenergic inhibition of growth hormone secretion is mediated through the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus in male rats
- Preferential location of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors on postsynaptic membranes and on non-Noradrenergic nerve terminals of the rat brain cortex
- σ receptor modulation of Noradrenergic‐stimulated pineal melatonin biosynthesis in rats
- Plasma monoamine metabolites and spontaneous recurrence of methamphetamine-induced paranoid-hallucinatory psychosis: relation of Noradrenergic activity to the …
- Sprouting of central Noradrenergic fibers in the dentate gyrus following combined lesions of its entorhinal and septal afferents
- Spinal cord alpha-2 Noradrenergic receptors mediate conditioned analgesia
- Microinjections of beta-Noradrenergic substances in the cerebellar vermis of decerebrate cats modify the gain of the vestibulospinal reflexes.
- Treatment with carbamazepine may enhance α2-Noradrenergic autoreceptor sensitivity
- Effects of Foetal Treatment with Methylazoxy methanol on Noradrenergic Synapses in Rat Cerebral Cortex
- Noradrenergic and Dopaminergic Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease
- A single dose of nicotine is sufficient to increase tyrosine hydroxylase activity in Noradrenergic neurones
- α2 Autoreceptor-mediated modulation of tyrosine hydroxylase activity in Noradrenergic regions of the rat brain in vivo
- Masticatory‐salivary reflexes mobilize Noradrenergic, non‐cholinergic secretory mechanisms in parotid glands of conscious rats
- NaCl does not affect hypothalamic Noradrenergic input in deoxycorticosterone acetate/NaCl and Dahl salt-sensitive rats.
- … and its metabolite, 1-(2-pyrimidinyl)-piperazine—II. Effects of acute administration of 1-PP and long-term adminstration of tandospirone on Noradrenergic …
- Dietary sodium-induced changes in renal Noradrenergic and dopaminergic responses in rats.
- Neuronal metabolism and DOPA decarboxylase immunoreactivity in terminal Noradrenergic sympathetic axons of rat.
- Roles of sympathetic Noradrenergic neurons supplying the gastrointestinal tract
- Vascular uptake of catecholamines in perfused lungs of the rat occurs by the same process as Uptake1 in Noradrenergic neurones
- Role of Noradrenergic innervation of brown adipose tissue in thermoregulatory deficits following prenatal alcohol exposure
- Peripheral Noradrenergic function during chronic lithium treatment in the rat
- Ascending Noradrenergic and serotonergic systems in the human brainstem
- Effect of corticosterone on Noradrenergic nuclei in the pons-medulla and [3 H] NA release from terminals in hippocampal slices
- Cardiac Noradrenergic mechanisms mediate GABA-enhanced ouabain cardiotoxicity
- Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the ventral spinal cord: basic characteristics and effects of denervating lesions, as studied in the awake rat by microdialysis
- Septal Noradrenergic and glutamatergic influences on hippocampal cholinergic activity in relation to spatial learning and memory in mice
- 125I-[Tyr0, D-Trp8] somatostatin-14 binding sites in the locus coeruleus of the rat are located on both ascending and descending projecting Noradrenergic cells
- Levocarnitine acetyl treatment promotes iris reinnervation following 6-hydroxydopamine-induced Noradrenergic denervation in rats.
- Suppression of oocyte release in rats by local administration of the Noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP4
- Perivascular blood attenuates Noradrenergic but not cholinergic effects on piglet pial arterioles.
- Biochemical and anatomical analysis of cholinergic, Noradrenergic and serotonergic innervation of fetal neocortical transplants placed in excitotoxin-induced …
- Participation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the suppression by substance P ofα2-adrenoceptors at the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis involved in central …
- Innervation pattern of Noradrenergic and acetylcholinesterase-positive nerves in the extracranial internal carotid artery and cerebral arterial tree of the Japanese quail
- Electrophysiological effects of ethanol on hippocampal and cerebellar neurons cografted with locus coeruleus in oculo: role of the Noradrenergic circuitry.
- Adrenocortical activation by herpes virus: involvement of IL-1 beta and central Noradrenergic system.
- … postnatal elevation of norepinephrine content and turnover in brain regions of rats exposed to terbutaline prenatally: evidence for autoregulation of Noradrenergic …
- LH release in ovariectomized rats is maintained without Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the preoptic/anterior hypothalamic area: extreme functional plasticity of …
- Properties of” possibly” cholinergic neurons ascending from the rat ponto-mesencephalic area: comparison with Noradrenergic and serotonergic neurons.
- Effect of the central Noradrenergic system on carotid sinus reflex in rats
- Differential influence of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic afferents on their target cells in the rat prefrontal cortex
- The effects of dorsal and ventral Noradrenergic system lesions with DSP-4 on emotional-defensive behavior and regional brain monoamines content in the cat
- Ipsapirone and 1-(2-pyrimidinyl)-piperazine increase rat locus coeruleus Noradrenergic activity
- Changes in pre-and postsynaptic components of Noradrenergic transmission in hippocampal kindling in rats
- Transitory Noradrenergic and peptidergic nerves in the cat kidney
- Effect of Noradrenergic denervation by neonatal DSP-4 on peptide neurotransmitter systems in the rat brain
- Relationship between hypothalamic Noradrenergic activity and the sympathetic activity in interscapular brown adipose tissue after cold-swim stress in rats
- Responsiveness to environmental stimuli after destruction of the locus coeruleus Noradrenergic system: A review
- Noradrenergic innervation of nasal polyps and polypoid mucosae
- Noradrenergic receptor binding during sleep-waking states in the rat.
- Thyroxine 5’‐deiodinase type II activity in chick pineal and Harderian gland: Nyctohemeral rhythmicity and its regulation by Noradrenergic input
- Noradrenergic modulation of albumin expression in growth‐stimulated adult rat hepatocytes in primary culture
- Effect of VA-045 on central Noradrenergic neuronal system in rats
- SNAP-25 is differentially expressed by Noradrenergic and adrenergic chromaffin cells
- Noradrenergic vasorelaxation of porcine coronary arteries is enhanced by direct, acute exposure to 17 beta-estradiol.
- Influence of diazepam on rat cardiac Noradrenergic innervation in response to noise stress.
- Fat mobilisation in short days is not associated with altered Noradrenergic sensitivity of adipocytes in Djungarian hamsters
- Age-dependent salt-induced hypertension in the rat: prevention with DSP-4, a selective Noradrenergic neurotoxin
- Presynaptic α-autoadrenoceptors on peripheral Noradrenergic neurones of newborn rabbits and dogs
- Noradrenergic regulation of c-jun expression in the rat pineal gland in culture: positive and negative components
- Relationship Between Tyrosine Hydroxylase Content and Noradrenergic Cell ‐Reactivity to Piperoxane: an In Vivo Voltammetric Approach in the Rat Locus …
- Phenotypic plasticity of avian embryonic sympathetic neurons grown in a chemically defined medium: direct evidence for Noradrenergic and cholinergic properties in …
- Alterations in Noradrenergic physiological characteristics with DOCA-hypertension: interaction between norepinephrine and GABA in rat lateral hypothalamus
- … of neuroprotection by R(−)‐deprenyl and N‐(2‐hexyl)‐N‐methylpropargylamine on DSP‐4‐induced degeneration of rat brain Noradrenergic axons and terminals
- Decrease of pre‐synaptic Noradrenergic fiber density in rat hippocampus after transient ischemia
- Noradrenergic involvement in pinealectomy induced convulsions in gerbils
- Control of the maturation and the survival of central Noradrenergic neurons in culture.
- 5-HT1A agonists uncouple Noradrenergic somatodendritic impulse flow and terminal release
- Noradrenergic modulation of the medullary respiratory rhythm generator by the pontine A5 area
- Na+, K+-ATPase activity in CNS and Noradrenergic neurotransmission: time course of differential desipramine (DMI) effects
- Noradrenergic receptor mechanisms in neophobia
- Noradrenergic inputs enhance the response of neurosecretory cells to osmotic stimulation.
- Capsaicin-sensitive Noradrenergic and noncholinergic depressor response to spinal cord stimulation in the pithed rat
- Age-related changes in the Noradrenergic pattern and receptor responses of the rat cardiovascular system after repeated microwave exposure
- N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP-4) has differential efficacy for causing central Noradrenergic lesions in two different rat strains: comparison …
- Antidepressant effect of carbamazepine–the role of dopaminergic and Noradrenergic agents.
- Evidence for the presence of Noradrenergic neurons and their inhibitory action on luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone release in cultured fetal rat hypothalamic …
- Age-related changes in cholinergic and Noradrenergic transmission in the rat cerebellum. A histochemical and immunocytochemical study
- Presynaptic beta-adrenoceptors in guinea pig papillary muscle: evidence for adrenaline-mediated positive feedback on Noradrenergic transmission.
- Opioid binding in the rostral hypothalamus is reduced following lesion of the ventral Noradrenergic tract in female rats
- Centpropazine affinity to cortical Noradrenergic receptors and effect on their responsiveness in the rat
- Brain Noradrenergic systems modulate the ceco‐colonic myoelectric activity in rats
- Phenotypic plasticity of locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neurons after transplantation into the dopamine-depleted caudate in the rat
- Therapeutic effect of THA on hemicholinium-3-induced learning impairment is independent of serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems
- Neurotransmitter feedback is not important in modulating the Noradrenergic component of responses of rat vas deferens to twin pulse electrical field stimulation.
- Isolated failure of Noradrenergic transmission in a case with orthostatic hypotension and hyperactivity of gastro-colic reflex
- The effect of regional differences in Noradrenergic neuron growth patterns on juvenile kindling
- Reduced Turnover of Dopamine and 5‐Hydroxytryptamine in Discrete Dopaminergic, Noradrenergic and Serotonergic Rat Brain Areas after Acutely Administered …
- Tetraethylammonium selectively stimulates secretion from Noradrenergic bovine chromaffin cells
- Evidence for a role of Noradrenergic neurons in the increase in concentration of preprocholecys-tokinin-mRNA after cerebral cortex injury in rats
- Influence of the Alpha2 Noradrenergic Antagonist Piperoxane on Longevity in the Fischer-344 Rat: A Preliminary Report
- Action of chronic choline administration on behavior and on cholinergic and Noradrenergic systems
- Spinal cord localization of the motoneurons innervating the sacrococcygeus dorsi lateralis muscle and their Noradrenergic nerve terminals in rats
- Noradrenergic receptor mechanisms in stress adaptation
- Noradrenergic-GABAergic interaction in anterior hypothalamus from normotensive and sinoaortic denervated rats.
- Noradrenergic mediation of spinal analgesia of ketorolac tromethamine, a NSAID [J]
- Sympathetic Noradrenergic Neural Contacts with Lymphocytes and Macrophages in the Splenic White Pulp of the Rat: Site of Possible Bidirectional Communication …
- Altered Noradrenergic projection to hypothalamus via baroreflex in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Participation of presynaptic Noradrenergic fibers in the suppression of α2‐adrenoceptor activity by substance P at the nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis of the rat
- Long-term effects of thyroid hormone deficiency on Noradrenergic circuitry: electrophysiological changes in intraocular hippocampus–locus coeruleus double …
- Noradrenergic inhibition of the goat carotid body
- The role of the Noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus in modulating P300-like potentials.
- Noradrenergic peripheral denervation of the female rat accelerates the positive feedback mechanisms resulting in pubertal ovulation, and blocks the modifications …
- Electrophysiological and electrochemical responses of NMDA in the cerebellum: Interactions with Noradrenergic pathway
- Noradrenergic innervation and receptor responses of cardiovascular tissues from young and aged rats after acute microwave exposure
- Role of the spinal serotoninergic, Noradrenergic and dopaminergic systems in the mechanism of analgesia
- Impaired escape reaction from noxious and nannoxious heat in rats treated with the selective Noradrenergic neurotoxin DSP-4
- Differential role of brain ascending Noradrenergic bundles in the circulatory effects of alpha-methyldopa and clonidine.
- Microinjections of alpha 1-and alpha 2-Noradrenergic substances in the cerebellar vermis of decerebrate cats affect the gain of the vestibulospinal reflexes.
- Role of adenosine in Noradrenergic neurotransmission during hemorrhagic hypotension.
- Evidence for enhanced inhibitory modulation by cyclooxygenase products of Noradrenergic neurotransmission in the mesenteric vasculature of young …
- CSF Noradrenergic activity and sleep EEG in clinically stable schizophrenic patients after haloperidol withdrawal.
- The effects of angiotensin II and other Noradrenergic vasoconstrictors on the blood flow in Yoshida rat ascites hepatoma AH 109 A at same electrode position
- Modification of Noradrenergic innervation in the cerebellum of mutant rats with Purkinje cell degeneration (jaundiced Gunn rats)
- Neurotoxic effects of DSP-4 on the Noradrenergic system of the goldfish brain
- Noradrenergic locus coeruleus influences on posture and vestibulospinal reflexes
- The effect of propranolol on the desipramine-induced regeneration of brain Noradrenergic axons in the rat
- Specific innervation of the rat thalamus by grafted Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons.
- Opioid peptides and Noradrenergic systems regulatecGnRH-I in avian species
- Noradrenergic innervation of the external granular layer of the rat following low-level X-irradiation
- The participation of brain Noradrenergic structures in thermoregulation during cold adaptation
- … liquid chromatography with multiple coulometric detector for analysis of active substance dynamics in central Noradrenergic, dopaminergic and serotonergic nervous …
- Noradrenergic innervation of ectopic granule cells following low-level X-irradiation
- Effects of (-) SPD and (-) THP on the firing of Noradrenergic neurons in locus coeruleus
- Stimulatory effect of long-term hypoxia on the posterior part of A2 Noradrenergic cell group in nucleus tractus solitarius of rat
- Estimation of noradrenaline concentrations in the axoplasm of Noradrenergic neurones in man
- Effects of hypophysectomy on purinergic and Noradrenergic contractility of the rat vas deferens.
- Responses of Noradrenergic nerves in rabbit ear‐artery before and after experimental frost‐bite
- Cholinergic-Noradrenergic and Cholinergic-serotonergic Interactions in Measures of Working and Reference Memory of the Rat
- MK-801 enhances Noradrenergic neurotransmission in rat vas deferens
- Caffeine enhances sympathetic purinergic and Noradrenergic transmission in the guinea-pig isolated vas deferens
- Noradrenergic Inhibition and α2‐Adrenergic Stimulation of Melatonin Secretion in the Pigeon
- Effects of α 2-and β-adrenoceptor agonists on growth hormone secretion following lesion of the Noradrenergic system of the rat
- Modulation of Noradrenergic transmission in the rat isolated portal vein: Role of prejunctional α2-adrenoceptors and β-adrenoceptors
- The effect of nicotine on Noradrenergic transmission in the rat central nervous system.
- Relationship between spinal PCP receptor on cardiovascular effect and Noradrenergic system
- The role of Noradrenergic transmission in the mechanism of action of classical and novel antidepressant drugs
- α1-Noradrenergic receptor binding in suicide victims
- Relationship between 3, 15-diacetylbenzoylaconine-induced analgesia and central Noradrenergic system
- Resistance of hippocampal CA-1 Noradrenergic fibers to five minutes of transient cerebral ischemia in the gerbil
- 6-Hydroxydopamine treatment of neonatal rats. I. Effects on the development of the spinal cord Noradrenergic system
- GDNF prevents degeneration and promotes the pheno-type of brain Noradrenergic neurons in vivo
- Characterization and dynamics of neurotransmitter release from locus coeruleus-Noradrenergic neurons in the central nervous system.
- Age-related changes of the Noradrenergic innervation of the uterine vasculature: a fluorescence histochemical study
- Narrow-band changes in the the EEG spectral composition under the influence of an agonist and an antagonist of Noradrenergic neuromediation
- Noradrenergic excess in primary hypertensives with reduced oxidative deamination: a syndrome mimicking pheochromocytoma.
- Regultion of adrenergic receptors in intraocular hippocampal transplants: Role of Noradrenergic Innervation
- Measurement and Regulation of Central Noradrenergic Neurotransmission
- Plasma MHPG, peripheral Noradrenergic marker and hormonal plasma levels of cortisol-T3-T4-TSH in depressive syndromes
- BR-16A does not interfere with alpha-2 Noradrenergic and dopamine postsynaptic receptor functioning
- Noradrenaline synthesis by locus coeruleus neurons transplanted in rat frontal cortex–influence of denervation of intrinsic Noradrenergic projection
- Carteolol is a useful tool to prove the tonically functioning nature of presynaptic β-adrenoceptors on peripheral Noradrenergic neurons but not on central …
- Noradrenergic Neurons
- Measurement and Regulation of Central Noradrenergic Receptors
- Enhanced central Noradrenergic neuronal activity and hypertension.
- Stress-induced alterations of the central Noradrenergic system of the rat.
- Descending Noradrenergic influences on pain
- Noradrenergic Modulation of Excitotoxicity
- Central Noradrenergic mechanism in the regulation of blood pressure in SHR
- Pontospinal enkephalinergic and Noradrenergic pathways of the cat: Anatomical and electrophysiological studies
- Interaction of U-50,488 H and Noradrenergic systems on isolated right atria.
- Central Noradrenergic neurons: the autonomic connection
- The Noradrenergic innervation of the kidney in old Wistar rats
- The postnatal development of the spinal Noradrenergic system in the rat.
- Modulation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission by prejunctional auto-and heteroreceptors in the freely moving rat
- Assessment of the effects of vasopressinergic and Noradrenergic drugs on cognitive processes using novel behavioral tasks
- Effect of central Noradrenergic neurons on the development of brain edema: An experimeatal study
- The Noradrenergic Basis of Early Olfactory Plasticity
- Role of Noradrenergic inputs on rat trigminal motoneurons.
- Opioid influences on Noradrenergic development in rat brain
- Role of the central Noradrenergic neuron system in the vestibulo-autonomic reflex
- Modulation of certain 5-HT-related behaviours by serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems
- Role of centro-renal Noradrenergic systems in the development of salt-induced hypertension
- Modulation of Brain Prostaglandin Synthesis by the Noradrenergic System
- Effect of Testosterone on Central Noradrenergic Nervous System and LHRH
- Estrogen regulation of Noradrenergic signalling in hypothalamus.
- Experimental Approaches for Testing the Cholinergic-Noradrenergic Imbalance Hypothesis
- Ovarian steroid regulation of signal transduction by Noradrenergic receptors.
- Response to Combination Cholinergic/Noradrenergic Treatments in a Patient With Alzheimer’s Disease
- Noradrenergic modulation of epileptogenesis in the rat hippocampal slice
- An anatomical, biochemical and intracellular analysis of the effects of chronic stress on the Noradrenergic system: Implications for depression research
- there pharmacologically different types of Noradrenergic axons in the central nervous system?
- D. Chronic Effects of Ethanol on Noradrenergic and Dopaminergic Activity
- Assessment of Noradrenergic Involvement in the Discriminative-Stimulus Effects of Morphine in Rats
- Early separation events and Noradrenergic status during major depression
- Evidence for Noradrenergic Mechanisms in Cocaine-Induced Suppression of Renin Secretion
- Modulation of the Noradrenergic receptor at uterine level by the 17. beta.-estradiol influence. Modulacao dos receptores Noradrenergicos a nivel uterino sob influencia …
- Noradrenergic Mechanisms in the Discriminative Stimulus Effects of Cocaine: Influence of Training Dose
- Regulation of Neocortical Electrical Activity by Cholinergic and Noradrenergic Systems
- The participation of brain Noradrenergic structures in thermoregulation during cold adaptation
- α1-Noradrenergic Receptor Binding in Suicide Victims-Reply
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic influences on serotonin type 2 receptor regulation in the rat: Implication for the mechanism of action of antidepressant drugs.
- Spinal projections of brainstem serotonergic and Noradrenergic nuclei: Quantitative analyses in the rat.
- The masseteric reflex: A model system for studying functional consequences of Noradrenergic transmission: Pharmacological and physiological studies in the …
- Alloxan Diabetes Blocks Noradrenergic Tachyphylaxis in the Isolated Rabbit Kidney-Effects of Insulin
- Immunocytochemical Observations of Noradrenergic Innervation of Neurosecretory Neurons in the Paraventricular and Supraoptic Nuclei of the Rat
- Modulation of attention and working memory by Noradrenergic, serotonergic and cholinergic systems: An experimental neuropsychopharmacological study.
- Inhibitory effect of Noradrenergic hyperinnervation on degenerative change of smooth muscle cells in middle cerebral artery
- Role of Noradrenergic pathways in the antinociceptive effect of N-carboxymethyl-Phe-Leu
- Anatomical and cytochemical studies on the contribution of brainstem Noradrenergic neurons to descending antinociceptive controls.
- The anatomy and function of Noradrenergic projections from locus coeruleus to the vestibular nuclei
- Functional analysis of intracerebral dopaminergic and Noradrenergic transplants: A study of their release properties and cellular interactions with the host brain.
- The Role of Brain α2-Adrenergic System in Noradrenergic Projection to Hypothalamus in SHR
- Relationship between the regulation of blood pressure and in vivo Noradrenergic neural activities in the locus coeruleus of young Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- Meta-chlorophenylpiperazine amplifies Noradrenergic stimulation of the pineal gland activity in rats
- Fine structure of Noradrenergic termenals and their synapses in the rat spinal dorsal horn: An: mmunohistochemical study
- Cholinergic and Noradrenergic triggers’ in soman induced convulsions
- The role of the descending serotonergic and Noradrenergic pathways in the regulation of nociception–with special emphasis on the development of appropriate tests …
- Relation between myocardial damage and Noradrenergic activities in the central and peripheral nervous systems in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Interaction between Noradrenergic, cholinergic and histaminergic neuron system in the vestibulo-autonomic reflex.
- Regulation of brain stem serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems: A study using transmitter-specific anatomical tracing and in vivo microdialysis in the rat.
- Brain cholinergic, Noradrenergic and opioid correlates of spatial memory impairment in aged rat
- Effects of electroconvulsive shock on Noradrenergic and serotonergic receptors and their associated second messenger systems.
- Noradrenergic and locus coeruleus modulation of the perforant path-evoked potential in rat dentate
- The effect of acute and chronic stress on the release and synthesis of norepinephrine in the locus coeruleus-Noradrenergic system.
- Passive cigarette smoke exposure during pregnancy: Noradrenergic-mediated alterations in adult and mid-aged offspring.
- Response to clonidine-haloperidol association in schizophrenic relapse predicts outcome of haloperidol-Noradrenergic or serotoninergic antidepressant association
- Functional role of pre-and postsynaptic AT (1) receptors in purinergic and Noradrenergic vasoconstriction in the mesenteric artery.
- Effects of neuropeptide Y injected into A1 Noradrenergic nucleus on blood pressure and catecholamines in plasma of cats.
- Postnatal development of adrenergic terminals in rat locus coeruleus, with special reference to growth of Noradrenergic neurons
- Central nervous mechanisms in restraint induced gastric erosions: Emphasis on the locus coeruleus Noradrenergic system and corticotropin-releasing factor.
- The subcortical deafferentation of the hippocampus and Noradrenergic lesions as experimental models of dementia: Hippocampal electrophysiology.
- Pharmacology of Noradrenergic-mediated changes in pineal gland N-acetyltransferase activity in adult and developing rats
- Nociceptive stimulation, opioid, and adrenergic drug effects on rat brain Noradrenergic and adrenergic neurons: a voltammetric approach.
- Functional disorders in luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone and A1 Noradrenergic neurons in androgen-sterilized rats.
- Serum anti-dopaminergic, anti-Noradrenergic and anti-serotonergic activity in schizophrenics receiving haloperidol medication
- Reflex Noradrenergic control of renal function: implications of sodium intake, and intrarenal adrenergic mechanisms
- Differential Contribution of Descending Serotonergic and Noradrenergic Systems to Central Tyr-D-A1a2-Gly-NMePhe4-Gly-(DAMGO) and Morphine-Induced …
- Effects of blockade of Noradrenergic and serotonergic transmission in the CM-Pf complex on neuronal activity in the motor thalamus in cats
- Availability of calcium for Noradrenergic contraction of the mouse isolated vas deferens is not altered during tolerance to and dependence on morphine.
- Noradrenergic and dopaminergic therapy in Parkinson’s disease: preclinical studies on L-threo-DOPS, decarboxylase inhibitors and transdermal lisuride
- Central Noradrenergic transmission, alpha (2)-adrenoceptors and sensory reflexes are involved in the cardiovascular effects of organic nitrates and amyl nitrite
- Influence of 17. beta.-estradiol over the modulation of Noradrenergic receptors at hypophyseal level in immature rats. Influencia do 17. beta.-estradiol sobre a …
- Effects of 6-OHDA lesions of the bilateral dorsal Noradrenergic bundle on learning-dependent long-term synaptic potentiation in dentate gyrus
- … of insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin-14 secretion from dispersed, perifused anglerfish islet cells by a cholinergic agonist, Noradrenergic agonists, and neuropeptide …
- Modulation of certain 5-hydroxytryptamine-related behaviours by serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems.
- The new antidepressant Org 3770 (mirtazapine) modulates Noradrenergic and serotonergic transmission by blocking [alpha] 2-adrenergic autoreceptors
- Dissociation: Vol. 3, No. 3, p. 144-150: Unusual medication regimens in the treatment of dissociative disorder patients: part I: Noradrenergic agents
- Thursday, May 18, 11: 15 am Efficacy and safety of an unnatural noradrenaline precursor in the treatment of orthostatic hypotension in patients with a Noradrenergic …
- In vivo Presynaptic Interaction Between 5-HT and Adrenergic Antagonists on Noradrenergic Neurotransmission
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in neurodegenerative diseases: a theory
- Control of Noradrenergic differentiation and Phox2a expression by MASH1 in the central and peripheral nervous system
- Noradrenergic regulation of inflammatory gene expression in brain
- Noradrenergic modulation of cognitive flexibility in problem solving
- Participation of Noradrenergic pathways in the expression of opiate withdrawal: biochemical and pharmacological evidence
- Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as a Noradrenergic disorder
- Role of serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems in the pathophysiology of depression and anxiety disorders
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic function in posttraumatic stress disorder
- Noradrenergic changes, aggressive behavior, and cognition in patients with dementia
- The locus coeruleus–Noradrenergic system: modulation of behavioral state and state-dependent cognitive processes
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in the pathophysiology of post-traumatic stress disorder
- Differential expression of plasticity-related genes in waking and sleep and their regulation by the Noradrenergic system
- The serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems of the hippocampus: their interactions and the effects of antidepressant treatments
- Noradrenergic suppression of synaptic transmission may influence cortical signal-to-noise ratio
- Stimulation of the Noradrenergic system enhances and blockade reduces memory for emotional material in man
- Noradrenergic regulation of cyclic GnRH secretion
- Noradrenergic regulation of synaptic plasticity in the hippocampal CA1 region
- Specification of the central Noradrenergic phenotype by the homeobox gene Phox2b
- A Noradrenergic and serotonergic hypothesis of the linkage between epilepsy and affective disorders
- Noradrenergic modulation of emotion-induced forgetting and remembering
- Topographic architecture of stress-related pathways targeting the Noradrenergic locus coeruleus
- Glucocorticoid enhancement of memory storage involves Noradrenergic activation in the basolateral amygdala
- Inhibition of rat liver fibrogenesis through Noradrenergic antagonism
- … and subcellular sites for Noradrenergic action in the monkey dorsolateral prefrontal cortex as revealed by the immunocytochemical localization of Noradrenergic …
- Simplified dynamics in a model of Noradrenergic modulation of cognitive performance
- Noradrenergic lesions differentially alter the antidepressant-like effects of reboxetine in a modified forced swim test
- Mirtazapine: an antidepressant with Noradrenergic and specific serotonergic effects
- The serotonergic and Noradrenergic effects of antidepressant drugs are anticonvulsant, not proconvulsant
- Genetic reduction of Noradrenergic function alters social memory and reduces aggression in mice
- Noradrenergic depletion potentiates β-amyloid-induced cortical inflammation: implications for Alzheimer’s disease
- The Noradrenergic system in pathological anxiety: a focus on panic with relevance to generalized anxiety and phobias
- Short-term blood pressure, Noradrenergic, and vascular effects of nocturnal home hemodialysis
- Noradrenergic regulation of parvocellular neurons in the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus
- Effects of Noradrenergic and serotonergic antidepressants on chronic low back pain intensity
- Noradrenergic excitation and inhibition of GABAergic cell types in rat frontal cortex
- Noradrenergic depletion increases inflammatory responses in brain: effects on IκB and HSP70 expression
- Modulation of the firing activity of Noradrenergic neurones in the rat locus coeruleus by the 5‐hydroxtryptamine system
- Effects of Noradrenergic activity on temporal information processing in humans
- Potent excitatory influence of prefrontal cortex activity on Noradrenergic locus coeruleus neurons
- PDE4 inhibitors induce emesis in ferrets via a Noradrenergic pathway
- Stressor categorization: acute physical and psychological stressors elicit distinctive recruitment patterns in the amygdala and in medullary Noradrenergic cell groups
- Activation of the locus ceruleus brain Noradrenergic system during stress: circuitry, consequences, and regulation
- The neural correlates of the Noradrenergic modulation of human attention, arousal and learning
- Disruption of reconsolidation but not consolidation of auditory fear conditioning by Noradrenergic blockade in the amygdala
- Difference in serotonergic and Noradrenergic regulation of human social behaviours
- Basolateral amygdala Noradrenergic influences on memory storage are mediated by an interaction between β-and α1-adrenoceptors
- The distribution of Noradrenergic nerves in the human lower urinary tract
- Glucocorticoid effects on memory retrieval require concurrent Noradrenergic activity in the hippocampus and basolateral amygdala
- Noradrenergic action in prefrontal cortex in the late stage of memory consolidation
- Patterns of cerebrospinal fluid catechols support increased central Noradrenergic responsiveness in aging and Alzheimer’s disease
- Brain-derived neurotrophic factor is essential for opiate-induced plasticity of Noradrenergic neurons
- Chronic cold stress sensitizes brain Noradrenergic reactivity and Noradrenergic facilitation of the HPA stress response in Wistar Kyoto rats
- Hypocretin (orexin) activation and synaptic innervation of the locus coeruleus Noradrenergic system
- Serotonergic and Noradrenergic reuptake inhibitors: prediction of clinical effects from in vitro potencies
- Decision making in humans: the effect of manipulating the central Noradrenergic system
- A high-efficiency synthetic promoter that drives transgene expression selectively in Noradrenergic neurons
- Noradrenergic stimulation enhances human action monitoring
- The bed nucleus of the stria terminalis: a target site for Noradrenergic actions in opiate withdrawal
- Modulation of Noradrenergic neuronal firing by selective serotonin reuptake blockers
- Noradrenergic alterations in posttraumatic stress disorder
- Corticotropin-releasing hormone directly activates Noradrenergic neurons of the locus ceruleus recorded in vitro
- Noradrenergic inhibition of midbrain dopamine neurons
- Dose-dependent Noradrenergic and serotonergic properties of venlafaxine in animal models indicative of antidepressant activity
- Noradrenergic system of the zebra finch brain: Immunocytochemical study of dopamine‐β‐hydroxylase
- Noradrenergic and cholinergic innervation of the bone marrow
- Enhancing recovery after stroke with Noradrenergic pharmacotherapy: a new frontier?
- Catecholaminergic involvement in the control of aggression: hormones, the peripheral sympathetic, and central Noradrenergic systems
- Regulation of Noradrenergic function by inflammatory cytokines and depolarization
- Stress reactivity of the brain Noradrenergic system in three rat strains differing in their neuroendocrine and behavioral responses to stress: implications for …
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in the prefrontal cortex
- Amygdala β-Noradrenergic influence on hippocampal longterm potentiation in vivo
- Reciprocal autoreceptor and heteroreceptor control of serotonergic, dopaminergic and Noradrenergic transmission in the frontal cortex: relevance to the actions of …
- Evidence for co-release of noradrenaline and dopamine from Noradrenergic neurons in the cerebral cortex
- The Noradrenergic α2 agonist clonidine modulates behavioural and neuroanatomical correlates of human attentional orienting and alerting
- Infarction alters both the distribution and Noradrenergic properties of cardiac sympathetic neurons
- Alteration of brain Noradrenergic activity in rhesus monkeys affects the alerting component of covert orienting
- Electrophysiological evidence that Noradrenergic neurons of the rat locus coeruleus are tonically inhibited by GABA during sleep
- Role of Noradrenergic projections to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in the regulation of the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis
- Coexpression of cholinergic and Noradrenergic phenotypes in human and nonhuman autonomic nervous system
- Noradrenergic control of auditory information processing in female canaries
- A review of the efficacy of serotonergic and Noradrenergic reuptake inhibitors for treatment of major depression
- Basolateral amygdala Noradrenergic influence enables enhancement of memory consolidation induced by hippocampal glucocorticoid receptor activation
- Is there a role for a pure Noradrenergic drug in the treatment of depression?
- Consolidation of memory after its reactivation: Involvement of ß Noradrenergic receptors in the late phase
- Autoradiographic study of α1‐ and α2‐Noradrenergic and serotonin1A receptors in the spinal cord of normal and chronically transected cats
- Ontogeny and innervation patterns of dopaminergic, Noradrenergic, and serotonergic neurons in larval zebrafish
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic blockade inhibits BDNF mRNA activation following exercise and antidepressant
- Blockade of Noradrenergic receptors in the basolateral amygdala impairs taste memory
- The control of responsiveness in ADHD by catecholamines: evidence for dopaminergic, Noradrenergic and interactive roles
- Noradrenergic induction of selective plasticity in the frequency tuning of auditory cortex neurons
- REM sleep–like atonia of hypoglossal (XII) motoneurons is caused by loss of Noradrenergic and serotonergic inputs
- The involvement of opioidergic and Noradrenergic mechanisms in nefopam antinociception
- Effects of aging on cerebellar Noradrenergic function and motor learning: nutritional interventions
- Origin of Noradrenergic afferents to the shell subregion of the nucleus accumbens: anterograde and retrograde tract-tracing studies in the rat
- Noradrenergic inputs mediate state dependence of auditory responses in the avian song system
- Mechanism of peripheral Noradrenergic stimulation by clozapine
- Brain Noradrenergic responses to footshock after chronic activity-wheel running.
- Enhancement of Bistability in Spinal Motoneurons In Vivo by the Noradrenergic α1 Agonist Methoxamine
- Brain Noradrenergic receptors in major depression and schizophrenia
- Modulation of the respiratory rhythm generator by the pontine Noradrenergic A5 and A6 groups in rodents
- Adolescent nicotine exposure produces immediate and long-term changes in CNS Noradrenergic and dopaminergic function
- Anxious and depressive disorders and their comorbidity: effect on central nervous system Noradrenergic function
- No effect of a Noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor on performance in trained cyclists.
- The SSRIs drug Fluoxetine, but not the Noradrenergic tricyclic drug Desipramine, improves memory performance during acute major depression
- Serotonergic and Noradrenergic function in pathological gambling
- Interaction of brain Noradrenergic system and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis in man
- Dopamine activates Noradrenergic receptors in the preoptic area
- The influence of specific Noradrenergic and serotonergic lesions on the expression of hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor transcripts following voluntary …
- Efficacy of duloxetine, a potent and balanced serotonergic and Noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor, in inflammatory and acute pain models in rodents
- From laboratory to clinic: Noradrenergic enhancement of physical therapy for stroke or trauma patients.
- Activation of the locus coeruleus Noradrenergic system by intracoerulear microinfusion of corticotropin-releasing factor: effects on discharge rate, cortical …
- Noradrenergic and GABAergic systems in the medial hypothalamus are activated during hypoglycemia
- Differential effects of neurotoxic destruction of descending Noradrenergic pathways on acute and persistent nociceptive processing
- Noradrenergic approaches to antidepressant therapy
- Alterations of central Noradrenergic transmission in Ts65Dn mouse, a model for Down syndrome
- Antinociceptive action of nitrous oxide is mediated by stimulation of Noradrenergic neurons in the brainstem and activation of α2B adrenoceptors
- Anxiety disorders: Noradrenergic neurotransmission
- Stress impairs α 1A adrenoceptor-mediated Noradrenergic facilitation of GABAergic transmission in the basolateral amygdala
- Peripheral markers of serotonergic and Noradrenergic function in post-pubertal, caucasian males with autistic disorder
- Reduced activity of the Noradrenergic system in the paraventricular nucleus at the end of pregnancy: implications for stress hyporesponsiveness
- Noradrenergic and peptidergic innervation of lymphoid organs.
- Progressive attenuation of the firing activity of locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neurons by sustained administration of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
- Serotonergic, Noradrenergic, and dopaminergic measures in suicide brains
- Clonidine blocks stress‐induced reinstatement of heroin seeking in rats: an effect independent of locus coeruleus Noradrenergic neurons
- Serotonergic and Noradrenergic markers of post-traumatic stress disorder with and without major depression
- The α-2a Noradrenergic agonist, guanfacine, improves delayed response performance in young adult rhesus monkeys
- Hindbrain Noradrenergic lesions attenuate anorexia and alter central cFos expression in rats after gastric viscerosensory stimulation
- Dopaminergic and Noradrenergic influences on cognitive functions mediated by prefrontal cortex.
- Augmentation strategies with serotonergic-Noradrenergic combinations
- The role of the serotonergic and Noradrenergic neurotransmitter systems in the treatment of psychological and physical symptoms of depression
- Association of an odor with an activation of olfactory bulb Noradrenergic β-receptors or locus coeruleus stimulation is sufficient to produce learned approach …
- Noradrenergic control of locomotor networks in the in vitro spinal cord of the neonatal rat
- Development of Noradrenergic neurons in the zebrafish hindbrain requires BMP, FGF8, and the homeodomain protein soulless/Phox2a
- Noradrenergic modulation of functional selectivity in the cat visual cortex: an in vivo extracellular and intracellular study
- Effect of the selective Noradrenergic reuptake inhibitor reboxetine on the firing activity of noradrenaline and serotonin neurons
- Long-term stress degenerates, but imipramine regenerates, Noradrenergic axons in the rat cerebral cortex
- Noradrenergic neurons in the rat solitary nucleus participate in the esophageal-gastric relaxation reflex
- Frontotemporal dementia: evidence for impairment of ascending serotoninergic but not Noradrenergic innervation
- Multiple symmetric lipomatosis may be the consequence of defective Noradrenergic modulation of proliferation and differentiation of brown fat cells
- Evaluation of reboxetine, a Noradrenergic antidepressant, for the treatment of fibromyalgia and chronic low back pain
- Serotonergic and Noradrenergic neurobiology of alcoholic suicide
- Opposing roles for medial and central amygdala in the initiation of Noradrenergic cell responses to a psychological stressor
- Effects of Intrathecal α1- and α2-Noradrenergic Agonists and Norepinephrine on Locomotion in Chronic Spinal Cats
- Blockade of stress-induced but not cocaine-induced reinstatement by infusion of Noradrenergic antagonists into the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis or the central …
- The influence of spike rate and stimulus duration on Noradrenergic neurons
- Noradrenergic neuronal development is impaired by mutation of the proneural HASH-1 gene in congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (Ondine’s curse)
- Noradrenergic excitation of magnocellular neurons in the rat hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus via intranuclear glutamatergic circuits
- Clinical improvement with fluoxetine therapy and Noradrenergic function in patients with panic disorder
- Plasticity in respiratory motor control: intermittent hypoxia and hypercapnia activate opposing serotonergic and Noradrenergic modulatory systems
- Nicotinic enhancement of the Noradrenergic inhibition of sleep-promoting neurons in the ventrolateral preoptic area
- The role of descending Noradrenergic and serotoninergic pathways in the modulation of nociception: focus on receptor multiplicity
- Chronic mild unpredictable stress after Noradrenergic denervation: attenuation of behavioural and biochemical effects of DSP-4 treatment
- Noradrenergic control of central oxytocin release during lactation in rats
- Central Noradrenergic mechanisms underlying acute stress responses of the Hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis: adaptations through pregnancy and lactation
- Effects of nitric oxide and Noradrenergic function on skin electric resistance of acupoints and meridians
- Noradrenergic receptor mRNA expression in adult rat superficial dorsal horn and dorsal root ganglion neurons
- Noradrenergic mechanisms in ADHD children with and without reading disabilities: a replication and extension
- Recovery of locomotion after ventral and ventrolateral spinal lesions in the cat. II. Effects of Noradrenergic and serotoninergic drugs
- Increased Noradrenergic activity in prefrontal cortex slices of an animal model for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder—the spontaneously hypertensive rat
- Noradrenergic neurons in the zebrafish hindbrain are induced by retinoic acid and require tfap2a for expression of the neurotransmitter phenotype
- Catecholaminergic systems in the zebrafish. III. Organization and projection pattern of medullary dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurons
- Noradrenergic-Specific Transcription of the Dopamine β-Hydroxylase Gene Requires Synergy of MultipleCis-Acting Elements Including at Least Two Phox2a-Binding …
- A genotype-controlled analysis of plasma dopamine β-hydroxylase in healthy and alcoholic subjects: evidence for alcohol-related differences in Noradrenergic …
- Role of descending Noradrenergic system and spinal α2‐adrenergic receptors in the effects of gabapentin on thermal and mechanical nociception after partial nerve …
- Changes in EEG spectral power in the prefrontal cortex of conscious rats elicited by drugs interacting with dopaminergic and Noradrenergic transmission
- Neurochemical interaction between dopaminergic and Noradrenergic neurons in the medial prefrontal cortex
- Long‐term effects of decreased Noradrenergic central nervous system innervation on pain behavior and opioid antinociception
- The effects of Noradrenergic re-uptake inhibition on memory encoding in man
- α-1 Noradrenergic receptor stimulation impairs prefrontal cortical cognitive function
- Neuronal-associated tumor necrosis factor (TNFα): its role in Noradrenergic functioning and modification of its expression following antidepressant drug administration
- Initiating or blocking locomotion in spinal cats by applying Noradrenergic drugs to restricted lumbar spinal segments
- Specific sound-induced Noradrenergic and serotonergic activation in central auditory structures
- An antidepressant mechanism of desipramine is to decrease tumor necrosis factor-α production culminating in increases in Noradrenergic neurotransmission
- Central Noradrenergic system modulates plasma interleukin-6 production by peripheral interleukin-1
- Noradrenergic alpha-2 receptor agonists reverse working memory deficits induced by the anxiogenic drug, FG7142, in rats
- Paired‐Like Homeodomain Proteins, Phox2a and Phox2b, Are Responsible for Noradrenergic Cell‐Specific Transcription of the Dopamine β‐Hydroxylase Gene
- Satellite‐cell‐derived nerve growth factor and neurotrophin‐3 are involved in Noradrenergic sprouting in the dorsal root ganglia following peripheral nerve injury in the …
- Prolactin-releasing peptide-immunoreactivity in A1 and A2 Noradrenergic neurons of the rat medulla
- Synergistic sedative effects of Noradrenergic α1-and β-receptor blockade on forebrain electroencephalographic and behavioral indices
- Behavioral reactivity to stress: amplification of stress-induced Noradrenergic activation elicits a galanin-mediated anxiolytic effect in central amygdala
- Interactions between the presynaptic α2-autoreceptor and presynaptic inhibitory heteroreceptors on Noradrenergic neurones
- Psychopharmacological profile of the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, paroxetine: implication of Noradrenergic and serotonergic mechanisms
- Effect of number of tailshocks on learned helplessness and activation of serotonergic and Noradrenergic neurons in the rat
- Viscerosensory activation of Noradrenergic inputs to the amygdala in rats
- … intrabasolateral amygdala infusions of dopamine modulate consolidation of inhibitory avoidance memory: involvement of Noradrenergic and cholinergic systems
- Orexins/hypocretins cause sharp wave-and θ-related synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus via glutamatergic, gabaergic, Noradrenergic, and cholinergic signaling
- Alpha2‐adrenoceptor mediated co‐release of dopamine and noradrenaline from Noradrenergic neurons in the cerebral cortex
- Galanin/GMAP‐and NPY‐like immunoreactivities in locus coeruleus and Noradrenergic nerve terminals in the hippocampal formation and cortex with notes on the …
- Presynaptic Noradrenergic regulation of glutamate inputs to hypothalamic magnocellular neurones
- BDNF is necessary for maintenance of Noradrenergic innervations in the aged rat brain
- Noradrenergic blockade and numeric working memory in humans
- Editorial I: Central Noradrenergic neurones and the mechanism of general anaesthesia
- Direct excitation of mitral cells via activation of α1-Noradrenergic receptors in rat olfactory bulb slices
- Age may affect response to antidepressants with serotonergic and Noradrenergic actions
- Noradrenergic function and clinical outcome in antidepressant pharmacotherapy
- Chronic constriction injury of sciatic nerve induces the up-regulation of descending inhibitory Noradrenergic innervation to the lumbar dorsal horn of mice
- Chronic intermittent cold stress sensitises the hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal response to a novel acute stress by enhancing Noradrenergic influence in the rat …
- Noradrenergic modulation of hemiplegia: facilitation and maintenance of recovery
- Hypoglycemia-induced Noradrenergic activation in the VMH is a result of decreased ambient glucose
- Noradrenergic antidepressants: does chronic treatment increase or decrease nuclear CREB-P?
- The effects of Noradrenergic activation of the nucleus tractus solitarius on memory and in potentiating norepinephrine release in the amygdala.
- Origin of the Noradrenergic innervation of the superior olivary complex in the rat
- The Noradrenergic innervation of identified hypothalamic magnocellular somata and its contribution to lactation‐induced synaptic plasticity
- Noradrenergic versus serotonergic antidepressants: predictors of treatment response
- Receptor-mediated local fine-tuning by Noradrenergic innervation of neuroendocrine and immune systems.
- The Noradrenergic system influences the fate of Cajal–Retzius cells in the developing cerebral cortex
- Uterine contractile activity stimulates supraoptic neurons in term pregnant rats via a Noradrenergic pathway
- Central Noradrenergic control of penile erection
- Neuroadaptive responses in brainstem Noradrenergic nucleic following chronic morphine exposure
- Reduced Noradrenergic tone to the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus contributes to the stress hyporesponsiveness of lactation
- Noradrenergic agonists and antagonists influence migration of cortical spreading depression in rat—a possible mechanism of migraine prophylaxis and prevention of …
- Mirtazapine-induced corelease of dopamine and noradrenaline from Noradrenergic neurons in the medial prefrontal and occipital cortex
- Coupling between serotoninergic and Noradrenergic neurones and γ-motoneurones in the cat
- Additive effect of three Noradrenergic genes (ADRA2A, ADRA2C, DBH) on attention‐deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disabilities in Tourette syndrome …
- The antinociceptive effect of mirtazapine in mice is mediated through serotonergic, Noradrenergic and opioid mechanisms
- Simultaneous modulation of retrieval by dopaminergic D1, β-Noradrenergic, serotonergic-1A and cholinergic muscarinic receptors in cortical structures of the rat
- Lactation-induced reduction in rats’ acoustic startle is associated with changes in Noradrenergic neurotransmission.
- Noradrenergic modulation of the prefrontal cortex as revealed by electron microscopic immunocytochemistry
- Attenuated Noradrenergic sensitivity during local cooling in aged human skin
- Effects of serotonergic and Noradrenergic antidepressants on auditory startle response in patients with major depression
- Growth hormone secretagogue activation of the arcuate nucleus and brainstem occurs via a non‐Noradrenergic pathway
- Histamine excites Noradrenergic neurons in locus coeruleus in rats
- Brain-derived tumor necrosis factor-α and its involvement in Noradrenergic neuron functioning involved in the mechanism of action of an antidepressant
- Noradrenergic inhibition of TNF upregulation in hemorrhagic shock
- Altered prejunctional modulation of intestinal cholinergic and Noradrenergic pathways by α2‐adrenoceptors in the presence of experimental colitis
- Genetic manipulation of Noradrenergic neurons
- The effect of acute, chronic and chronic intermittent stress on the central Noradrenergic system
- Antinociceptive effects of tricyclic antidepressants and their Noradrenergic metabolites
- α2-Noradrenergic effects on ERP and behavioral indices of auditory information processing
- Noradrenergic influences on prefrontal cortical cognitive function: opposing actions at postjunctional α1 versus α2-adrenergic receptors
- Effects of Noradrenergic lesions on MPTP/MPP+ kinetics and MPTP-induced nigrostriatal dopamine depletions
- Reduced cortical Noradrenergic neurotransmission is associated with increased neophobia and impaired spatial memory in aged rats
- The locus coeruleus Noradrenergic system in the rat brain studied by dual-probe microdialysis
- Electrophysiological characterization of the effect of long-term duloxetine administration on the rat serotonergic and Noradrenergic systems
- Y‐27632, an inhibitor of Rho‐kinase, antagonizes Noradrenergic contractions in the rabbit and human penile corpus cavernosum
- Medullary Noradrenergic neurons projecting to the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis express mRNA for the NMDA-NR1 receptor
- Seasonal changes in the densities of α2‐Noradrenergic receptors are inversely related to changes in testosterone and the volumes of song control nuclei in male …
- Effect of novel stressors on gene expression of tyrosine hydroxylase and monoamine transporters in brainstem Noradrenergic neurons of long-term repeatedly …
- Role of the lateral septal Noradrenergic system in the elaboration of male sexual behavior in rats
- Noradrenergic modulation of tactile responses in rat cortex. Current source-density and unit analyses
- Effects of lesioning Noradrenergic neurones in the locus coeruleus on conditioned and unconditioned aversive behaviour in the rat
- Tonic regulation of the activity of Noradrenergic neurons in the locus coeruleus of the conscious rat studied by dual-probe microdialysis
- Intrathecal adenosine interacts with a spinal Noradrenergic system to produce antinociception in nerve-injured rats
- Total neurochemical lesion of Noradrenergic neurons of the locus ceruleus does not alter either naloxone-precipitated or spontaneous opiate withdrawal nor does it …
- The α-2A Noradrenergic receptor agonist guanfacine improves visual object discrimination reversal performance in aged rhesus monkeys.
- Noradrenergic modulation of human cortex excitability by the presynaptic α2-antagonist yohimbine
- Engrailed genes control developmental fate of serotonergic and Noradrenergic neurons in mid-and hindbrain in a gene dose-dependent manner
- Treatment with the Noradrenergic alpha-2 agonist clonidine, but not diazepam, improves spatial working memory in normal young rhesus monkeys
- Noradrenergic neurotransmission at PVN in locus ceruleus-induced baroreflex suppression in rats
- Preservation of Noradrenergic neurons in the locus ceruleus that coexpress galanin mRNA in Alzheimer’s disease.
- Purinergic and Noradrenergic cotransmission in the rat pineal gland
- Agmatine attenuates neuropathic pain in rats: possible mediation of nitric oxide and Noradrenergic activity in the brainstem and cerebellum
- Testosterone-dependent antidepressant-like effect of Noradrenergic but not of serotonergic drugs
- Noradrenergic modulation of serotonin release in rat dorsal and median raphe nuclei via α1 and α2A adrenoceptors
- Neurturin is a neuritogenic but not a survival factor for developing and adult central Noradrenergic neurons
- The effect of Noradrenergic drugs on the recovery of walking after spinal cord injury
- Acute and chronic effects of desipramine and clorgyline on α2‐adrenoceptors regulating Noradrenergic transmission in the rat brain: a dual‐probe microdialysis study
- Effects of β-amyloid protein on serotoninergic, Noradrenergic, and cholinergic markers in neurons of the pontomesencephalic tegmentum in the rat
- Selective alteration of personality in response to Noradrenergic and serotonergic antidepressant medication in depressed sample: evidence of non-specificity
- Noradrenergic activity is associated with response to pindolol in aggressive Alzheimer’s disease patients
- Dual role for Noradrenergic innervation of lymphoid tissue and arthritic joints in adjuvant-induced arthritis
- Endogenous Noradrenergic tone controls symptoms of allodynia in the spinal nerve ligation model of neuropathic pain
- The specification of Noradrenergic locus coeruleus (LC) neurones depends on bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs)
- Involvement of Noradrenergic system within the central nucleus of the amygdala in naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal-induced conditioned place aversion in …
- Bidirectional modulation of nociception by GABA neurons in the dorsolateral pontine tegmentum that tonically inhibit spinally projecting Noradrenergic A7 neurons
- … , tyrosine hydroxylase, and Phox2 transcription factors in sympathetic neurons: evidence for common regulation during Noradrenergic induction and diverging …
- Use of sibutramine and other Noradrenergic and serotonergic drugs in the management of obesity
- Norepinephrine transporter expression and function in Noradrenergic cell differentiation
- P2‐receptor modulation of Noradrenergic neurotransmission in rat kidney
- Induction of food intake by a Noradrenergic system using clonidine and fusaric acid in the neonatal chick
- A1 Noradrenergic modulation of AV3V inputs to PVN neurosecretory cells
- Involvement of medullary A2 Noradrenergic neurons in the activation of oxytocin neurons after conditioned fear stimuli
- Unipolar–bipolar dichotomy of mood disorders is supported by Noradrenergic brainstem system morphology
- Noradrenergic control of cognition: global attenuation and an interrupt function
- The antinociceptive effect of moclobemide in mice is mediated by Noradrenergic pathways
- Noradrenergic Pathways Involved in the Development of Vertigo and DizzinessA review
- Noradrenergic pathology in psychiatric disorders: postmortem studies
- Noradrenergic and serotonergic projections to the superior olive: potential for modulation of olivocochlear neurons
- Crucial role of TrkB ligands in the survival and phenotypic differentiation of developing locus coeruleus