… IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC WITH THE FAMILY-CENTERED NURSING APPROACH AND THE UTILIZATION OF FAMILY MEDICINAL PLANTS: A … … of potent inhibitors of COVID-19 main protease (Mpro) and angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) from natural products: Quercetin, hispidulin, and … … search for potential COVID-19 drugs from FDA-approved drugs and small molecules of natural origin identifies several anti-virals and plant products … to as black elder; Sambucus nigra). 9 Often marketed for immune system support due to its high content of vitamin C, fibre, and flavonoids, it has shown to … … USING NATURAL PRODUCTS TO PROVIDE INNATE IMMUNITY TO AGEING POPULATIONS AS PREVENTIVE MEASURE FOR COVID-19 A complementary note to Baldini's article “The impact of COVID-19 crisis on Plant Taxonomy: will we be able to approach to plant taxonomy as in the past?” A drug repurposing approach towards elucidating the potential of flavonoids as COVID-19 spike protein inhibitors A Molecular Docking Study against COVID-19 Protease with a Pomegranate Phyto-Constituents' Urolithin'and Other Repurposing Drugs: From a Supplement to … A pharmacology‐based comprehensive review on medicinal plants and phytoactive constituents possibly effective in the management of COVID ‐19 A Possible Role of Medicinal Plants in finding a Cure for COVID-19 A preliminary report on plant based immunity against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 ) in pandemic 2020 A review of South Indian medicinal plant has the ability to combat against deadly viruses along with COVID-19 ? A review on identification of antiviral potential medicinal plant compounds against with COVID-19 A REVIEW STUDY ON PATHOGENESIS OF COVID-19 AND EFFECTIVE MEDICINAL PLANTS A systematic review on COVID-19 pandemic with special emphasis on curative potentials of Nigeria based medicinal plants Advanced Material Against Human (Including COVID ‐19) and Plant Viruses: Nanoparticles As a Feasible Strategy Aloe vera (L.) burm. F. as a potential Anti-COVID-19 plant: a mini-review of its antiviral activity An in silico perception for newly isolated flavonoids from peach fruit as privileged avenue for a countermeasure outbreak of COVID-19 Anti-COVID-19 drug candidates: a review on potential biological activities of natural products in the management of new coronavirus infection Anti-COVID-19 natural products are spotlights for drug discovery and development Anti-SARS-CoV natural products with the potential to inhibit SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19 ) Antiviral Activity Of Indian Medicinal Plants: Prventive Measures For COVID-19 Antiviral efficacy of medicinal plants against respiratory viruses: Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Coronavirus (CoV)/COVID 19 Ayurveda and its Medicinal Plants: Halting the Surge of COVID-19 Battle against Coronavirus: Repurposing old friends (Food borne polyphenols) for new enemy (COVID-19 ) Biomedicines-Cina against COVID-19 : Controlled Plant Diseases Enriched Science and Technology Communication Green Economy Blue Scope is warning it may never recover if it's forced to shut down its Port Kembla plant as a result of tougher measures to combat COVID-19 . Can medicinal plants contribute to the cure of Tunisian COVID-19 patients? Can Natural Polyphenols Help in Reducing Cytokine Storm in COVID-19 Patients? Can phytotherapy with polyphenols serve as a powerful approach for the prevention and therapy tool of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19
… , Autophagy and Cell Death: G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics and impairs myostatin-mediated autophagy in muscle … … cycle regulation of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle of the blackback land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, and the differential expression of a myostatin-like factor during … … Deprivation Regimen Preserves Protein Metabolism During Fasting and Accelerates muscle Recovery after Refeeding Through Constantly Suppressing myostatin … of skeletal muscle myofibrillar protein synthesis, p70 S6 kinase phosphorylation, and ribosomal protein S6 phosphorylation by inhibition of myostatin in mature mice … quiescence. Focus on “High concentrations of HGF inhibit skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation in vitro by inducing expression of myostatin: a possible mechanism … … skeletal muscle androgen receptor content in men: subsequent effects on the mRNA expression of insulin-like growth factor peptide and myostatin in skeletal muscle. … upregulated kyphoscoliosis peptidase and phosphatidic acid signaling pathways in muscle hypertrophy generated by transgenic expression of myostatin … " muscle hypertrophy induced by myostatin inhibition: a new therapeutic approach of muscle atrophy [Ca. sup. 2+]/calmodulin-based signalling in the regulation of the muscle fibre phenotype and its therapeutic potential via modulation of utrophin A and myostatin … 1065. AAV2 Vector-Delivered myostatin Propeptide Improves muscle Healing after Injury 202. Differential dietary regulation of placental and muscle myostatin in a transgenerational rat model of maternal under-nutrition 32. Improvement of muscle Mass Using shRNA Targeting myostatin or Activin Receptor IIb 63 myostatin SHORT INTERFERING HAIRPIN RIBONUCLEIC ACID GENE TRANSFER INCREASES muscle MASS AND REDUCES INTERSTITIAL … 840 myostatin Deficiency Inhibits muscle Wasting and Improves Bacterial Clearance and Survival in Septic Mice A comparative evaluation of crowding stress on muscle HSP90 and myostatin expression in salmonids A comparative examination of cortisol effects on muscle myostatin and HSP90 gene expression in salmonids A comparative proteomics approach to studying skeletal muscle mitochondria from myostatin knockout mice A comparative study of myostatin, follistatin and decorin expression in muscle of different origin A comparison study of prabotulinumtoxinA vs onabotulinumtoxinA in myostatin‐deficient mice with muscle hypertrophy A deletion in the bovine myostatin gene causes the double–muscled phenotype in cattle A Limousin specific myostatin allele affects longissimus muscle area and fatty acid profiles in a Wagyu-Limousin F2 population, A missense mutant myostatin causes hyperplasia without hypertrophy in the mouse muscle A mouse anti-myostatin antibody increases muscle mass and improves muscle strength and contractility in the mdx mouse model of Duchenne muscular … A muscle-tissue culture system to study myostatin function in fish A mutation in the myostatin gene increases muscle mass and enhances racing performance in heterozygote dogs A myostatin inhibitor (propeptide-Fc) increases muscle mass and muscle fiber size in aged mice but does not increase bone density or bone strength A nonsense mutation in the porcine myostatin gene is a candidate causative variant for a recessive leg weakness syndrome and affects muscle depth A Novel Nanobody Directed against Ovine myostatin to Enhance muscle Growth in Mouse A potential indicator of denervated muscle atrophy: the ratio of myostatin to follistatin in peripheral blood
… , Autophagy and Cell Death: G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 regulates mitochondrial bioenergetics and impairs myostatin-mediated autophagy in muscle … … a spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) discordant family identifies a novel mutation in TLL2, an activator of growth differentiation factor 8 (myostatin): a case report … activity of follistatin isoforms and follistatin-like-3 is dependent on differential cell surface binding and specificity for activin, myostatin, and bone morphogenetic … … BEHIND DECORIN'S EFFECT ON MYOBLAST DIFFERENTIATION: INTERACTION BETWEEN DECORIN AND THE MYOGENIC GENES myostatin AND … … cycle regulation of protein synthesis in skeletal muscle of the blackback land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, and the differential expression of a myostatin-like factor during … … Deprivation Regimen Preserves Protein Metabolism During Fasting and Accelerates Muscle Recovery after Refeeding Through Constantly Suppressing myostatin … exercise-induced muscular stress using neat and processed bee pollen: oxidative markers, mitochondrial enzymes, and myostatin expression in rats … FLOW RESTRICTION AND CREATINE SUPPLEMENTATION ON PLASMA LEVELS OF SPHINGOSINE-1-PHOSPHATE AND myostatin IN YOUNG TRAINED … … Growth Restriction and Preeclampsia Complicated Pregnancies and Alterations to Cytokine Production by First-Trimester Placental Explants Following myostatin … … Interval Training with and Without Blood Flow Restriction at Different Intensities on Endurance Performance, Strength and Serum Level of myostatin in Male Athletes … Lyme Arthritis by Borrelia burgdorferi Arthritis–Associated Locus 1 Is Dependent on Localized Differential Production of IFN-β and Requires Upregulation of myostatin … of Concurrent Training Order (Resistance-Aerobic) on Some Factors of Physical Fitness, Functional Capacity and Serum Levels of myostatin and Follistatin Hormones … … of resistance exercise intensity on the expression of PGC-1α isoforms and the anabolic and catabolic signaling mediators, IGF-1 and myostatin, in human skeletal … … of skeletal muscle myofibrillar protein synthesis, p70 S6 kinase phosphorylation, and ribosomal protein S6 phosphorylation by inhibition of myostatin in mature mice … quiescence. Focus on “High concentrations of HGF inhibit skeletal muscle satellite cell proliferation in vitro by inducing expression of myostatin: a possible mechanism … … skeletal muscle androgen receptor content in men: subsequent effects on the mRNA expression of insulin-like growth factor peptide and myostatin in skeletal muscle. … to:'Inhibition of myostatin protects against diet-induced obesity by enhancing fatty acid oxidation and promoting a brown adipose phenotype in mice'and'myostatin … … upregulated kyphoscoliosis peptidase and phosphatidic acid signaling pathways in muscle hypertrophy generated by transgenic expression of myostatin … " Muscle hypertrophy induced by myostatin inhibition: a new therapeutic approach of muscle atrophy [Ca. sup. 2+]/calmodulin-based signalling in the regulation of the muscle fibre phenotype and its therapeutic potential via modulation of utrophin A and myostatin … [Hereditary muscular hypertrophy: genesis of dominant negative alleles of murine myostatin (GDF-8)[Growth and Differentiation Factor-8]].[Spanish] [Retracted] myostatin is a novel tumoral factor that induces cancer cachexia [Retracted] Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor β/δ induces myogenesis by modulating myostatin activity [Withdrawn] Regulation of insulin resistance by myostatin 02.27 myostatin-induced mechanisms of inflammatory bone destruction by invasive fibroblast-like synoviocytes 1,25(OH)2Vitamin D3 Stimulates Myogenic Differentiation by Inhibiting Cell Proliferation and Modulating the Expression of Promyogenic
Phytoecdysteroids are plant-derived ecdysteroids. Phytoecdysteroids are a class of chemicals that plants synthesize for defense against phytophagous (plant eating) insects. These compounds are mimics of hormones used by arthropods in the molting process known as ecdysis. When insects eat the plants with these chemicals they may prematurely molt, lose weight, or suffer other metabolic damage and die. Chemically, phytoecdysteroids are classed as triterpenoids, the group of compounds that includes triterpene saponins, phytosterols, and phytoecdysteroids. Plants, but not animals, synthesize phytoecdysteroids from mevalonic acid in the mevalonate pathway of the plant cell using acetyl-CoA as a precursor. Over 250 ecdysteroid analogs have been identified so far in plants, and it has been theorized that there are over 1,000 possible structures which might occur in nature.[1] Many more plants have the ability to "turn on" the production of phytoecdysteroids when under stress, animal attack or other conditions.[2] The term phytoecdysteroid can also apply to ecdysteroids found in fungi, even though fungi are not plants. Some plants or fungi that produce phytoecdysteroids include Achyranthes bidentata,[3] Tinospora cordifolia,[4] Pfaffia paniculata,[5] Leuzea carthamoides,[6]Rhaponticum uniflorum,[7] Serratula coronata,[8]Cordyceps, and Asparagus.[9] … Behavioral Parameters during Learning of Rats in an Operant Feeding Task and Evaluation of Biochemical Indexes after Dietary Consumption of the phytoecdysteroid … … carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin and Serratula coronata L. with insects-phytophagans Part 2. Variability of the composition of phytoecdysteroids in agrocoenosis and their … … Rhaponticum carthamoides (Willd.) Iljin and Serratula coronata L. with herbivorous insects report 2. Composition variability of phytoecdysteroids in agrocenoses and … 24 (241)[Z]-dehydroamarasterone B, a phytoecdysteroid from seeds of Leuzea carthamoides 29-NORSENGOSTERONE AND 29-NORCYASTERONE, NEW C-28 phytoecdysteroids FROM AJUGA REPTANS (LABIATAE) 3α,14α,22R,25-Tetrahydroxy-5β(H)-cholest-7-en-6-one, a phytoecdysteroid from Acanthophyllum gypsophiloides possessing anti-inflammatory and analgesic … 7, 8beta-dihydroponasterone A, a new phytoecdysteroid from the needles of the Japanese Yew, Taxus cuspidata A furostanol saponin and phytoecdysteroid from roots of Helleborus orientalis A new family of phytoecdysteroids isolated from aerial part of Ajuga reptans var. atropurpurea A new phytoecdysteroid A new phytoecdysteroid from Ajuga taiwanensis A new phytoecdysteroid from the roots of Achyranthes bidentata Bl. A new phytoecdysteroid from the stem bark of Vitex cienkowskii A QSAR STUDY OF THE ANABOLIC ACTIVITY OF phytoecdysteroids Absolute Configuration and Docking Study of Canescensterone, a Potent phytoecdysteroid, with Non‐Lepidopteran Ecdysteroid Receptor Selectivity Acceleration of Blue Swimming Crab (Portunus pelagicus) Larval Development by phytoecdysteroid Action of phytoecdysteroids on the bile-secretory function of the normal liver and in experimental hepatitis Additional Minor phytoecdysteroids of Serratula wolffii An experimental study of the hepatoprotective properties of phytoecdysteroids and nerobol in carbon tetrachloride-induced liver lesion Analysis of phytoecdysteroids in Cultured Plants of Ajuga Nipponensis Makino Application of phytoecdysteroids in sericulture Biochemistry of sterols, cardiac glycosides, brassinosteroids, phytoecdysteroids and steroid saponins Biological activity of natural phytoecdysteroids from Ajuga iva against the sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci and the persea mite Oligonychus perseae Biological activity of phytoecdysteroids and their derivatives inin vitro tests onDrosophila melanogaster cells Biological effects of phytoecdysteroids and chronic low-dose irradiation Biosynthesis of phytoecdysteroids in Ajuga hairy roots: clerosterol as a precursor
2-Methylene-19-Nor-1Α-Hydroxyvitamin D3 Analogs Inhibit Adipocyte Differentiation And Pparγ2 Gene Transcription A 45 Kda Protein Related To Pparγ2, Induced By Peroxisome Proliferators, Is Located In The Mitochondrial Matrix A Effect Of Pparγ2 Genetic Polymorphism On Dietary Intervention In Hyperglycemia People. A Novel 3T3-L1 Preadipocyte Variant That Expresses Pparγ2 And Rxrα But Does Not Undergo Differentiation A Novel Screening Method Identifies Usp7 As A Pparγ2 Regulator A Novel Splicing Variant Of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor-Γ (Pparγ1Sv) Cooperatively Regulates Adipocyte Differentiation With Pparγ2 A Population-Based Study Of Pparγ2 Gene Polymorphism For Type 2 Diabetes A Pro 12 Ala Substitution In The Pparγ2 Polymorphism May Decrease The Number Of Diseased Vessels And The Severity Of Angiographic Coronary Artery A Pro12Ala Substitution In Pparγ2 Associated With Decreased Receptor Activity, Lower Body Mass Index And Improved Insulin Sensitivity Aberrant Hepatic Expression Of Pparγ2 Stimulates Hepatic Lipogenesis In A Mouse Model Of Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Dyslipidemia, And Hepatic Steatosis Activation Of Pparγ2 By Pparγ1 Through A Functional Ppre In Transdifferentiation Of Myoblasts To Adipocytes Induced By Epa Adiponectin Gene Activation By Thiazolidinediones Requires Pparγ2, But Not C/Ebpα—Evidence For Differential Regulation Of The Ap2 And Adiponectin Genes Adiponectin Inhibits Lps-Induced Nf-Κb Activation And Il-6 Production And Increases Pparγ2 Expression In Adipocytes Adrb3 And Pparγ2 Gene Polymorphisms And Their Association With Cardiovascular Disease Risk In Postmenopausal Women Alcohol Intake Modulates The Genetic Association Between Hdl Cholesterol And The Pparγ2 Pro12Ala Polymorphism An Evi1-C/Ebpβ Complex Controls Pparγ2 Expression To Initiate White Fat Cell Differentiation An Increase In Liver Pparγ2 Is An Initial Event To Induce Fatty Liver In Response To A Diet High In Butter: Pparγ2 Knockdown Improves Fatty Liver Induced By High … Analysis Of Pgc-1Α Variants Gly482Ser And Thr612Met Concerning Their Pparγ2-Coactivation Function Antiadipogenesis Of Oroxylum Indicum (L.) Kurz Extract Via Pparγ2 In 3T3-L1 Adipocytes Aronia Melanocarpa Extract Ameliorates Hepatic Lipid Metabolism Through Pparγ2 Downregulation Association Between Pro12Ala Polymorphism At The Pparγ2 Gene And Insulin Sensitivity In South Indian Population With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Association Of Mthfr And Pparγ2 Gene Polymorphisms In Relation To Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Cases Among North Indian Population Association Of Pparγ2 (Pro12Ala) And Neuropeptide Y (Leu7Pro) Gene Polymorphisms With Obstructive Sleep Apnea In Obese Asian Indians Association Of Pparγ2 Gene C1431T Polymorphism To Serum Adipokines In Women With Poly Cystic Ovary Syndrome Association Of Pparγ2 Gene Pro12Ala Polymorphism With Abdominal Obesity Index Whr In Liaoning Population Association Of Pparγ2 Gene Pro12Ala Polymorphism With Over Weight And Obesity Of Older Persons Association Of Pparγ2 Gene Pro12Ala Polymorphism With Overweight And Obesity. Association Of Pparγ2 Gene Variant Pro12Ala Polymorphism With Hypertension And Obesity In The Aboriginal Qatari Population Known For Being … Association Of Pparγ2 Polymorphisms With Carcass And Meat Quality Traits In A Pietrain X Jinhua F2 Population Association Of Pro12Ala And C1431T Polymorphisms Of Pparγ2 Gene With Metabolic Syndrome In Xinjiang Kazakh [J] Association Of Pro12Ala Polymorphism Of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma 2 (Pparγ2) Gene With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus In Ethnic Kashmiri … Association Of The Human Pparγ2 Pro12Ala Polymorphism With Obesity
  - Hippocampal NMDA receptors play a central role in emotionality and cognition, impacting fear, anxiety, and depression. - NMDA receptor antagonists affect anxiety and depression by targeting NMDA receptors in the hippocampus, especially the ventral part. - The ventral hippocampus is crucial for anxiolytic effects and is linked to emotional processing areas like the prefrontal cortex and amygdala. - Studies show that hippocampal lesions, particularly in the ventral hippocampus, reduce anxiety. - The hippocampus, traditionally known for memory, is implicated in anxiety and depression, with the ventral region being particularly relevant. - Genetically modified mice lacking specific NMDA receptor subunits in the hippocampus exhibit reduced anxiety, supporting the role of hippocampal NMDA receptors in anxiety regulation. - Cellular mechanisms underlying anxiety and depression, emphasizing the importance of further studies with genetically modified mice to uncover these mechanisms. - Interactions between NMDA receptors and other neurotransmitter systems, such as glycine-B receptors, serotonin receptors, and GABA(A) receptors, also play a role in modulating anxiety and depression. - Various behavioral tests, including the elevated plus maze and conditioned fear conditioning paradigms, have been used to assess the effects of NMDA receptor modulation on anxiety and depression-related behaviors. A Calcineurin/Akap Complex Is Required For Nmda Receptor–Dependent Long-Term Depression A Computational Study On The Role Of Glutamate And Nmda Receptors On Cortical Spreading depression Using A Multidomain Electrodiffusion Model A High-Dose Of Fentanyl Induced Delayed Anxiety-Like Behavior In Rats. Prevention By A Nmda Receptor Antagonist And Nitrous Oxide (N2O) A Neurotrophic Hypothesis Of Depression: Role Of Synaptogenesis In The Actions Of Nmda Receptor Antagonists A Translational Approach For Nmda Receptor Profiling As A Vulnerability Biomarker For depression And Schizophrenia Aberrant Nmda Receptor Dna Methylation Detected By Epigenome-Wide Analysis Of Hippocampus And Prefrontal Cortex In Major Depression Abnormal Striatal Expression Of Transcripts Encoding Nmda Interacting Psd Proteins In Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder And Major Depression Acetylcysteine Against Alcohol Abstinence-Induced depression By Regulating Biochemical And Grin2A, Grin2B Gene Expression Of Nmda Receptor Signaling Pathway … Activation Of Nmda Receptors Reduces Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor-Induced Long-Term depression In The Nucleus Accumbens Via A Camkii-Dependent Mechanism Activation Of Nr2B-Containing Nmda Receptors Is Not Required For Nmda Receptor-Dependent Long-Term Depression Adaptation Of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (Nmda) Receptors Following Antidepressant Treatment: Implications For The Pharmacotherapy Of Depression Age Dependence Of Homosynaptic Non-Nmda Mediated Long-Term depression In Field Ca1 Of Rat Hippocampal Slices Alleviation Of Cognitive Deficits And High Copper Levels By An Nmda Receptor Antagonist In A Rat depression Model Alterations In Nmda Receptor Subunit Densities And Ligand Binding To Glycine Recognition Sites Are Associated With Chronic anxiety In Alzheimer'S Disease Ameliorating Treatment-Refractory depression With Intranasal Ketamine: Potential Nmda Receptor Actions In The Pain Circuitry Representing Mental Anguish Ampa And Nmda Currents Show Different Short‐Term depression In The Dorsal Lateral Geniculate Nucleus Of The Rat An Investigation Of Two Animal Models Of Anxiety: Central Administration Of Corticotropin-Releasing Factor On The Behaviour And Neurochemistry Of Rats, And The … An Nmda-Receptor Antagonist, Mk-801 Blocks The Suppressive Vasopressin Response To Fear-But Not To Anxiety-Related Stimuli In
27 Viral Infections And Adiposity A Blood Glucose Level Between 72 Mg/Dl (4 Mmol/L) And 108 Mg/Dl (6 Mmol/L) Is Considered Normal For A Healthy Adult. A Deeper Look Into Adenovirus-36 And Obesity A Framework For Identification Of Infections That Contribute To Human Obesity A Microbiological Explanation For The Obesity Pandemic? A Polymerase Chain Reaction Method For The Detection Of Selenomonas Noxia A Review Of “Fat: A Cultural History Of Obesity” Gilman, Sander L., Malden, Ma: Polity Press 200 Pp., $22.95, Isbn 978-0-7456-4441-7 Publication Date: November … Accurate Identification Of Neutralizing Antibodies To Adenovirus Ad36,-A Putative Contributor Of Obesity In Humans Adenovirus 36 And Its Effect On Vitamin D Levels In Obese And Overweight Patients Adenovirus 36 Antibody Detection: Improving The Standard Serum Neutralization Assay Adenovirus 36 As An Obesity Agent Maintains The Obesity State By Increasing Mcp-1 And Inducing Inflammation Adenovirus 36 Infection And Daycare Starting Age Are Associated With Adiposity In Children And Adolescents Adenovirus Type 9 Enhances Differentiation And Decreases Cytokine Release From Preadipocytes Adiposity Induced By Adenovirus 5 Inoculation An Infection Of Human Adenovirus 31 Affects The Differentiation Of Preadipocytes Into Fat Cells, Its Metabolic Profile And Fat Accumulation And Nikhil V. Dhurandhar Anti-Obesity Effects Of Medicinal And Edible Mushrooms Antiviral Effects Of Ethyl Acetate Fraction Of Distylium Racemosum Leaf Extract On Adenovirus 36 Are Intestinal Parasites Associated With Obesity In Mexican Children And Adolescents? Are intestinal parasitic infections associations with Obesity in Mexican children and adolescents? Association Between Helicobacter Pylori Infection And Overweight Or Obesity In A Chinese Population Association Between Human Adenovirus-36 And Lipid Disorders In Korean Schoolchildren Association Of Human Adenovirus-36 In Overweight Korean Adults Association Study Of Neuronal Apoptosis Inhibitory Protein Gene In Overweight And Obesity Behavioral Research Agenda In A Multietiological Approach To Child Obesity Prevention Binding Of Adenovirus Type 36 To Human Adipocytes (Sgbs Cells) Can Obesity Be An Infectious Disease? Cardiac Heart Disease In The Era Of Sucrose Polyester, Helicobacter Pylori And Chlamydia Pneumoniae Children With Moderate‐High Infection With Entamoeba Coli Have Higher Percentage Of Body And Abdominal Fat Than Non‐Infected Children Chlamydia Trachomatis Promotes 3T3 Cell Differentiation Into Adipocytes Conceptual Profiling And The English Medical Neology Constructing Halitosis Sensor For Early Detection In Periodontal Diseases Contagious Obesity: From Adenovirus 36 To Rb Dysfunction Correlation And Comparison Of Body Mass Index And Oral Health Status Among Urban South Indian Population: A Pilot Study Development Of A Polymerase Chain Reaction Assay For The Rapid Detection Of The Oral Pathogenic Bacterium, Selenomonas Noxia Disconnection Notices: Networks And Power At The Intersection Of Technology, Biology, And Finance Disease Management For Adenovirus 36-Induced Obesity. Jemi-Pearls. 2: 40-46 Distribution Of Helicobacter Pylori Infection And Abnormal Body-Mass Index (Bmi) In A Developing Country Effect Of Feeding Methods On Modeling Of Gut Microbiota Of Infants Effect Of Using Breakfast Cereals On Reducing Weight An D Body Mass Index In Obese And Over-Weight Individual S Effects Of Adipogenic Adenovirus Ad-36 In Adipocytes And Their Progenitors Effects Of Chronic Electronic Vapor Exposure On Body Weight, Appetite, And Metabolism
Recent evidence underlines the role of Western diet in the pathogenesis of acne.   💥Acne is absent in populations consuming Palaeolithic diets with low glycaemic load and no consumption of milk or dairy products. Two randomized controlled studies, one of which is presented in this issue of Acta Dermato-Venereologica, have provided evidence for the beneficial therapeutic effects of low glycaemic load diets in acne. Epidemiological evidence confirms that milk consumption has an acne-promoting or acne-aggravating effect. Recent progress in understanding the nutrient-sensitive kinase mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) allows a new view of nutrient signalling in acne by both high glycaemic load and increased insulin-, IGF-1-, and leucine signalling due to milk protein consumption.  💥Acne should be regarded as an mTORC1-driven disease of civilization, like obesity, type 2 diabetes and cancer induced by Western diet. Early dietary counselling of teenage acne patients is thus a great opportunity for dermatology, which will not only help to improve acne but may reduce the long-term adverse effects of Western diet on more serious mTORC1-driven diseases of civilization. 5-Α Reductase Inhibitory Effect And Astringent Activity Of Green Apple Rind Extract On Human Keratinocytes And Fibroblast Cells A Chemotherapeutic Efficacy Of Some Antibiotics And Punica Grantum L. Extracts Against Propionibacterium Acnes Isolated From Acne Vulgaris Case A Comparative Study Of Physiological Activity Of Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Fischer Stems And Leaves By Processing Methods A Comparative Study Of Phytochemical Constituents And Antioxidant Activities Of Rhizomes Of Curcuma Aeruginosa Roxb. And Kaempferia Parviflora Wall. A Comparison Of Microwave Assisted Medicinal Plant Extractions For Detection Of Their Phytocompounds Through Qualitative Phytochemical And Ftir Analyses A Comparison Of The Effects Of Topical Green Tea And Lotus On Facial Sebum Control In Healthy Humans A Comparison Of Total Antioxidant Capacities Of Concord, Purple, Red, And Green Grapes Using The Cuprac Assay A Complete Review On Medicinally Active Herbal Weed: Commelina Benghalensis L.(Commelinaceae) A Comprehensive Review Of Phytochemistry And Biological Activities Of Quercus Species A Comprehensive Review On Commelina Benghalensis L.(Commelinaceae) A New Aryltetralin Lignan And Other Phytoconstituents From Atractylis Humilis A New Flavonoid From Stellera Chamaejasme L., Stechamone, Alleviated 2, 4-Dinitrochlorobenzene-Induced Atopic Dermatitis-Like Skin Lesions In A Murine Model A New Idea For Formulations Of Multifunctional Cosmetics Intended For Acne-Prone Skin A Novel Extraction Of Polyphenols, Flavonoids And Tannins Obtained From Argania Spinosa Hulls: Modeling And Optimization Of The Process Using The Response Surface … A Phytopharmacological Review On The Omani Medicinal Plant: Ziziphus Jujube A Quest For Staunch Effects Of Flavonoids: Utopian Protection Against Hepatic Ailments A Review Of Phytotherapy Of Acne Vulgaris A Review Of The Potential Therapeutic And Cosmetic Use Of Propolis In Topical Formulations A Review Of Therapeutic And Non-Therapeutic Properties Of Sea Buckthorn A Review On Herbal Medicinal Plant For Treatment Of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (Pcos) A Review On Lawsonia Inermis: A Potential Medicinal Plant A Review On Pharmacological Activity Of Juglans Regia A Review On Phytoconstituents: The Potent Synergistic Approach In Antimicrobial Formulations A Review On Potential Of Novel Vesicular Carriers For Carrying
SCIENTIFIC STUDIES 2-Methyl-3-Phenylaminomethylquinolin-4-One As Potential Antidepressant With Nootropic Properties A Brief Introduction Of Docosahexaenoic Acid And Its Nootropic Effect [J] A Carbon-13 Nmr Spin-Lattice Relaxation Study Of The Molecular Conformation Of The Nootropic Drug 2-Oxopyrrolidin-1-Ylacetamide A Clinical And Neurophysiological Trial On Nootropic Drugs In Patients With Mental Decline. A Combination Of Nootropic Ingredients (Caf+) Is Not Better Than Caffeine In Improving Cognitive Functions A Comparative Analysis Of The Effect Of Nootropic Preparations With Different Chemical Structures On The Failure Of The Escape Reaction In Rats A Comparative Study Of The Nootropic Properties Of Piracetam And Oxiracetam A Natural And Broad Spectrum Nootropic Substance For Treatment Of Sdat--The Ginkgo Biloba Extract. A New Method For Testing The Psychopharmacologic Pupil Oscillation Hypothesis Following Administration Of A Nootropic Substance A New Nootropic Aniracetam: Its Prevention Of Scopolamine-Induced Retrograde Amnesia And Its Possible Action Mechanisms A New Substance With Nootropic Activity--N-5 (Hydroxynicotinoyl)-L-Glutamic Acid A Nootropic Adrenocorticotropin Analog 4-10-Semax (L5 Years Experience In Its Design And Study) A Novel Effect Of Bifemelane, A Nootropic Drug, On Intracellular Ca2+ Levels In Rat Cerebral Astrocytes A Practical Synthesis Of The Chinese" Nootropic " Agent Huperzine A: A Possible Lead In The Treatment Of Alzheimer'S Disease A Simplified Route To A Key Intermediate In The Synthesis Of The Chinese Nootropic Agent Huperzine A A Study Of Nootropic Drugs For Anti-Anxiety Action. A Study On Nootropic Activity Of Methanolic Extract Of Brassica Oleraceae Var. Caulorapa Bulb In Rodents A Study To Evaluate The Effect Of Nootropic Drug—Piracetam On Dna Damage In Leukocytes And Macrophages A Traditional Approach To Herbal Nootropic Agents: An Overview A Weird Concept With Unusual Fate: Nootropic Drug Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition In Cognition-Relevant Brain Areas Of Mice Treated With A Nootropic Amazonian Herbal (Marapuama) Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Activity Of Thai Traditional Nootropic Remedy And Its Herbal Ingredients. Action Mechanism Study Of The Nootropic Peptide Semax For The Development Of New Therapeutic Solutions Action Of Nootropic Drugs On Transcallosal Responses In Rats Activity Guided Synthesis And Sar Study Of Flavonols As Nootropic Agents Adaptogenic And Nootropic Activities Of Aqueous Extract Of Carum Carvi Linn.(Caraway) Fruit: An Experimental Study In Wistar Rats Adaptogenic And Nootropic Activities Of Aqueous Extract Of Vitis Vinifera (Grape Seed): An Experimental Study In Rat Model Adaptogenic And Nootropic Activities Of Aqueous Extracts Of Carum Carvi Linn (Caraway) Fruit: An Experimental Study In Wistar Rats Adaptogenic And Nootropic Activity Of Mimosa Pudica In Albino Wistar Rats Age-Related Changes Of Cyclic Amp Phosphodiesterase Activity In Rat Brain Regions And A New Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor--Nootropic Agent Adafenoxate. Age-Related Changes Of The Effects Of A Group Of Nootropic Drugs On The Content Of Rat Brain Biogenic Monoamines. Age-Related Differences In Memory And In The Memory Effects Of Nootropic Drugs. Agonist-And Subunit-Dependent Potentiation Of Glutamate Receptors By A Nootropic Drug Aniracetam Allosteric Potentiation Of Quisqualate Receptors By A Nootropic Drug Aniracetam. Along-Term-Potentiation-Like'Facilitation Of Hippocampal Synaptic Transmission Induced By The Nootropic Nefiracetam Ameliorative Influence Of A Nootropic Drug On Motor Activity Of Rats After Bilateral Carotid Artery Occlusion Amino-Acid Composition And Nootropic
Molecular regulation of adipogenesis Transcriptional regulation of adipogenesis Regulating adipogenesis New developments in adipogenesis Inhibition of adipogenesis by Wnt signaling Regulation of Wnt signaling during adipogenesis Angiogenesis modulates adipogenesis and obesity C/EBPα induces adipogenesis through PPARγ: a unified pathway adipogenesis and WNT signalling adipogenesis and obesity: rounding out the big picture Transcriptional control of adipogenesis Transcriptional control of adipogenesis Differential activation of adipogenesis by multiple PPAR isoforms. Adipogenesis: forces that tip the scales Adipogenesis: cellular and molecular aspects Stimulation of adipogenesis in fibroblasts by PPARγ2, a lipid-activated transcription factor Transcriptional regulation of adipogenesis by KLF4 Mitotic clonal expansion: a synchronous process required for adipogenesis Regulation of PPAR γ activity during adipogenesis Chemerin, a novel adipokine that regulates adipogenesis and adipocyte metabolism Inhibition of adipogenesis through MAP kinase-mediated phosphorylation of PPARγ CREB activation induces adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 cells Transcription coactivator TRAP220 is required for PPARγ2-stimulated adipogenesis Myostatin knockout in mice increases myogenesis and decreases adipogenesis Retinaldehyde represses adipogenesis and diet-induced obesity Transcriptional activation of adipogenesis Wnt and PPARγ signaling in osteoblastogenesis and adipogenesis Wnt/β-catenin signaling in adipogenesis and metabolism The regulation of adipogenesis through GPR120 Insulin stimulates adipogenesis through the Akt-TSC2-mTORC1 pathway New role of bone morphogenetic protein 7 in brown adipogenesis and energy expenditure Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma: from adipogenesis to carcinogenesis PPARγ and the control of adipogenesis Retinoic acid blocks adipogenesis by inhibiting C/EBPbeta-mediated transcription. Chemerin—a new adipokine that modulates adipogenesis via its own receptor MicroRNAs induced during adipogenesis that accelerate fat cell development are downregulated in obesity Vitamin D and adipogenesis: new molecular insights adipogenesis and aging: does aging make fat go MAD? Myostatin signals through a transforming growth factor β-like signaling pathway to block adipogenesis MicroRNA let-7 Regulates 3T3-L1 Adipogenesis A nuclear receptor atlas: 3T3-L1 adipogenesis Modulation of Rho GTPase signaling regulates a switch between adipogenesis and myogenesis Resveratrol induces apoptosis and inhibits adipogenesis in 3T3‐L1 adipocytes Genetic analysis of adipogenesis through peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ isoforms PPARγ knockdown by engineered transcription factors: exogenous PPARγ2 but not PPARγ1 reactivates adipogenesis An essential regulator of adipogenesis and modulator of fat cell function: PPARγ Endocrine-disrupting organotin compounds are potent inducers of adipogenesis in vertebrates Specific inhibitors of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase block 3T3-L1 adipogenesis A role of miR‐27 in the regulation of adipogenesis CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein β is required for mitotic clonal expansion during adipogenesis Controlling the balance between osteoblastogenesis and adipogenesis and the consequent therapeutic implications Evidence of impaired adipogenesis in insulin resistance NRF2 modulates aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling: influence on adipogenesis Inhibition of adipogenesis by ghrelin Reciprocal regulation of adipogenesis by Myc and C/EBPα Peroxisome proliferator activated receptors: transcriptional regulators of adipogenesis, lipid metabolism and more… Cross-regulation of C/EBPα and PPARγ controls the transcriptional pathway of adipogenesis and insulin sensitivity Feridex labeling of mesenchymal stem cells inhibits chondrogenesis but not adipogenesis or osteogenesis Wnt signaling inhibits adipogenesis through β-catenin-dependent and-independent mechanisms The Otto Aufranc Award. Lovastatin prevents steroid induced adipogenesis and osteonecrosis. Acetate and propionate short chain fatty acids stimulate adipogenesis via GPCR43 Krox20 stimulates adipogenesis via C/EBPβ-dependent and-independent