A combined experimental and computational study of chrysanthemin as a pigment for dye-sensitized solar cells Reduction of emodin-8-O-ß-D-glucoside content participates in processing-based detoxification of polygoni multiflori radix Current knowledge of anthocyanin metabolism in the digestive tract: Absorption, distribution, degradation, and interconversion Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) Jabuticaba (Plinia sp.) Peel as a Source of Pectin: Characterization and Effect of Different Extraction Methods Natural Anthocyanins from Subtropical Fruits for Cardiac Disease Prevention Identification of drought-responsive phenolic compounds and their biosynthetic regulation under drought stress in Ligularia fischeri Antioxidant Activities of Co-Encapsulated Natal Plum (Carissa macrocarpa) Juice Inoculated with Ltp. plantarum 75 in Different Biopolymeric Matrices after In Vitro … Suppression of apoptosis in vascular endothelial cell, the promising way for natural medicines to treat atherosclerosis The monomer TEC of blueberry improves NASH by augmenting tRF-47-mediated autophagy/pyroptosis signaling pathway Current advances in anthocyanins: structure, bioactivity and human health. Dietary anthocyanins as potential natural modulators for the prevention and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A comprehensive review Antioxidant Effect of Lonicera caerulea L. in the Cardiovascular System of Obese Zucker Rats Anthocyanins: traditional uses, structural and functional variations, approaches to increase yields and products' quality, hepatoprotection, liver longevity, and … Purple Napiergrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schumach) Hot Water Extracts Ameliorate High-Fat Diet-Induced Obesity and Metabolic Disorders in Mice Protective Effects of Morus nigra and Its Phytochemicals against Hepatotoxicity: A Review of Preclinical Studies Anthocyanins: Promising natural products with diverse pharmacological activities Unveiling the Metabolic Modulatory Effect of Anthocyanin and Gut Microbiota Involvement Employ of anthocyanins in nanocarriers for nano delivery: In vitro and in vivo experimental approaches for chronic diseases Structural Activity and HAD Inhibition Efficiency of Pelargonidin and Its glucoside—A Theoretical Approach The activation of liver X receptors in Madin-Darby bovine kidney cells and mice restricts infection by bovine viral diarrhea virus Hypolipidemic and Anti‐Obesity Effect of Anserine on Mice Orally Administered with High‐Fat Diet via Regulating SREBP‐1, NLRP3, and UCP‐1 Targets and mechanisms of dietary anthocyanins to combat hyperglycemia and hyperuricemia: A comprehensive review Chemistry and pharmacological actions of delphinidin, a dietary purple pigment in anthocyanidin and anthocyanin forms Phytochemicals: targeting mitophagy to treat metabolic disorders Peach (Prunus Persica): Phytochemicals and Health Benefits Natural bioactive compounds as potential browning agents in white adipose tissue Role of polyphenols in combating Type 2 Diabetes and insulin resistance Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas L.) Iridoid and Anthocyanin Extract Enhances PPAR-α, PPAR-γ Expression and Reduces I/M Ratio in Aorta, Increases LXR-α … Targeting inflammation by anthocyanins as the novel therapeutic potential for chronic diseases: An update Single anthocyanins effectiveness modulating inflammation markers in obesity: dosage and matrix composition analysis Mediterranean Diet Polyphenols: Anthocyanins and Their Implications for Health Vascular protective effect and its possible mechanism of action on selected active phytocompounds: a review Anthocyanins-gut microbiota-health axis: A review Hepatoprotective potential of bioflavonoids Black corn (Zea mays L.) whole flour improved the antioxidant capacity and prevented adipogenesis in mice fed a high-fat diet Computational insight into stability-enhanced systems of anthocyanin with protein/peptide Cytoprotective effects of iridoids from Gaultheria
Mechanisms for the hypotriglyceridemic effect of marine omega-3 fatty acids Evidence for mechanisms of the hypotriglyceridemic effect of n− 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids hypotriglyceridemic effect of corticotropin in man Eicosapentaenoic acid is primarily responsible for hypotriglyceridemic effect of fish oil in humans The hypotriglyceridemic effect of dietary n− 3 FA is associated with increased β‐oxidation and reduced leptin expression hypotriglyceridemic effect of Anka (a Fermented Rice Product of Monascus sp.) in Rats The hypotriglyceridemic effect of eicosapentaenoic acid in rats is reflected in increased mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation followed by diminished lipogenesis hypotriglyceridemic effect of dietaryn− 3 fatty acids in rats fed low versus high levels of linoleic acid Lack of hypotriglyceridemic effect of gemfibrozil as a consequence of age-related changes in rat liver PPARα The hypotriglyceridemic effect of fish oil in adult-onset diabetes without adverse glucose control. Can the hypotriglyceridemic effect of fish oil concentrate be sustained? Role of soy isoflavones in the hypotriglyceridemic effect of soy protein in the rat Antihyperlipidemic effect of flavonoids from Prunus davidiana effects of omega-3 fatty acids in hypertriglyceridemic states Metabolic basis of hypotriglyceridemic effects of insulin in normal men Metabolic effects of glucagon in endogenous hypertriglyceridemia Mitochondrion is the principal target for nutritional and pharmacological control of triglyceride metabolism The hypotriglyceridemic effect of chenodeoxycholic acid in type IV hyperlipemia. Estradiol is a potent inhibitor of the hypotriglyceridemic effect of levonorgestrel in female rats On the mechanism of the hypolipidemic effect of sulfur-substituted hexadecanedioic acid (3-thiadicarboxylic acid) in normolipidemic rats hypotriglyceridemic effect of globin digest on subjects with borderline hyperlipidemia. hypotriglyceridemic effect of dietary linseed oil in rats. effects of fructans-type prebiotics on lipid metabolism Experimental model of postprandial hypertriglyceridemia in sucrose-fed rats and the effectiveness of atorvastatin in the model Mechanism of the hypolipemic effect of clofibrate in postabsorptive man Potential on hypotriglyceridemic effect of Chloroform-Methanol Extract of Adlay Diabetic Rats hypotriglyceridemic effect of chenodeoxycholic acid after a short time of administration. Thiazolidinediones exert a hypotriglyceridemic effect by a distinct, but complementary mechanism relative to fibrates Clofibrate enhancement of mitochondrial carnitine transport system of rat liver and augmentation of liver carnitine and γ-butyrobetaine hydroxylase activity by thyroxine Can the hypotriglyceridemic effect of fish oil concentrate be sustained? Beneficial influence of dietary curcumin, capsaicin and garlic on erythrocyte integrity in high-fat fed rats Reciprocal responses to exercise in hepatic ketogenesis and lipid secretion in the rat Vitamin C and plasma triglycerides in experimental animals and in humans Atorvastatin increases hepatic fatty acid beta-oxidation in sucrose-fed rats: comparison with an MTP inhibitor The hypolipidemic action of bezafibrate therapy in hypertriglyceridemia is mediated by upregulation of lipoprotein lipase: no effects on VLDL substrate affinity to … The acute effects of a single very high dose of n− 3 fatty acids on plasma lipids and lipoproteins in healthy subjects effects of modest doses of omega-3 fatty acids on lipids and lipoproteins in hypertriglyceridemic subjects: a randomized controlled trial hypotriglyceridemic effect of the antler-shaped fruiting body of Ganoderma lucidum on the high-fat diet induced hyperlipidemia in Syrian hamsters
The factors related to a sedentary lifestyle: A meta‐analysis review Physiological and health implications of a sedentary lifestyle sedentary lifestyle: overview of updated evidence of potential health risks A step-defined sedentary lifestyle index:< 5000 steps/day sedentary lifestyle as a risk factor for low back pain: a systematic review Physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle and obesity in the European Union sedentary lifestyle and risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes The escalating pandemics of obesity and sedentary lifestyle: a call to action for clinicians sedentary lifestyle, poor cardiorespiratory fitness, and the metabolic syndrome. Physical activity and sedentary lifestyle in university students: changes during confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic The descriptive epidemiology of a sedentary lifestyle in adult Australians Nutritional status and sedentary lifestyle of individuals a review sedentary lifestyle and nonspecific low back pain in medical personnel in North-East Poland Contribution of a sedentary lifestyle and inactivity to the etiology of overweight and obesity: current evidence and research issues. New low back pain in nurses: work activities, work stress and sedentary lifestyle Prevalence of sedentary lifestyle and associated factors in adolescents 10 to 12 years of age sedentary lifestyle in Italian Regions sedentary lifestyle and its relation to cardiovascular risk factors, insulin resistance and inflammatory profile Disease prevention—should we target obesity or sedentary lifestyle? Endotoxin levels correlate positively with a sedentary lifestyle and negatively with highly trained subjects Portrait of the sedentary lifestyle among students from public health school Obesity and its relation to depressive symptoms and sedentary lifestyle in middle-aged women sedentary lifestyle in individuals with hypertension Prospective associations between sedentary lifestyle and BMI in midlife Cognitive–behavioral mediators of changing multiple behaviors: smoking and a sedentary lifestyle Associations of sedentary lifestyle, obesity, smoking, alcohol use, and diabetes with the risk of colorectal cancer High-intensity interval training for improving maximum aerobic capacity in women with sedentary lifestyle: a systematic review and meta-analysis Relationship of sedentary lifestyle with Obesity and Comorbidities Coupling aging immunity with a sedentary lifestyle: has the damage already been done?–a mini-review The role of the microbiota in sedentary lifestyle disorders and ageing: lessons from the animal kingdom Arterial stiffness and sedentary lifestyle: Role of oxidative stress Is sedentary lifestyle associated with testicular function? A cross-sectional study of 1,210 men Dietary behaviors, physical activity and sedentary lifestyle associated with overweight and obesity, and their socio-demographic correlates, among Pakistani … Fast food and sedentary lifestyle: a combination that leads to obesity sedentary lifestyle is associated with metabolic and cardiovascular risk factors independent of physical activity Physical exercise and sedentary lifestyle: health consequences. sedentary lifestyle in middle-aged women is associated with severe menopausal symptoms and obesity Television viewing and its associations with overweight, sedentary lifestyle, and insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables among US high school students … sedentary lifestyle and antecedents of cardiovascular disease in young adults Clinical indicators and aetiological factors of sedentary lifestyle in patients with arterial hypertension Comparison of the health aspects of swimming with other types of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle habits Relations between subdomains of physical
Resting energy expenditure: systematic organization and critique of prediction methods Relative changes in Resting energy expenditure during weight loss: a systematic review A new predictive equation for Resting energy expenditure in healthy individuals Dietary intake, Resting energy expenditure, weight loss and survival in cancer patients Resting energy expenditure in patients with pancreatitis Skeletal muscle metabolism is a major determinant of Resting energy expenditure. A new device for measuring Resting energy expenditure (REE) in healthy subjects Effect of different tumor types on Resting energy expenditure Comparison of Resting energy expenditure prediction methods with measured Resting energy expenditure in obese, hospitalized adults Assessment of Resting energy expenditure in mechanically ventilated patients Determinants of Resting energy expenditure in young children World Health Organization equations have shortcomings for predicting Resting energy expenditure in persons from a modern, affluent population: generation of a new … Resting energy expenditure in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Influence of methods used in body composition analysis on the prediction of Resting energy expenditure Resting energy expenditure and body composition in patients with newly detected cancer Measured Resting energy expenditure in children Cytokines, the acute-phase response, and Resting energy expenditure in cachectic patients with pancreatic cancer. Dietary intake and Resting energy expenditure in relation to weight loss in unselected cancer patients Prediction of Resting energy expenditure from fat-free mass and fat mass Increased Resting energy expenditure in patients with end‐stage renal disease Resting energy expenditure, activity energy expenditure and total energy expenditure at age 91–96 years Resting energy expenditure-fat-free mass relationship: new insights provided by body composition modeling Ascites increases the Resting energy expenditure in liver cirrhosis Raised Resting energy expenditure in Parkinson's disease and its relationship to muscle rigidity Metabolically active components of fat‐free mass and Resting energy expenditure in humans: recent lessons from imaging technologies Investigating heterogeneity in studies of Resting energy expenditure in persons with HIV/AIDS: a meta-analysis Measurement of Resting energy expenditure in a clinical setting Increased Resting energy expenditure and weight loss are related to a systemic inflammatory response in lung cancer patients. Total daily energy expenditure relative to Resting energy expenditure in clinically stable patients with COPD Validation of predictive equations for Resting energy expenditure in adult outpatients and inpatients Metabolically active components of fat free mass and Resting energy expenditure in nonobese adults Sex hormone suppression reduces Resting energy expenditure and β-adrenergic support of Resting energy expenditure The cystic fibrosis gene and Resting energy expenditure Estimation of Resting energy expenditure considering effects of race and diabetes status Resting energy expenditure should be measured in patients with cirrhosis, not predicted Resting energy expenditure in short-term starvation is increased as a result of an increase in serum norepinephrine Resting energy expenditure is increased in stable, malnourished HIV-infected patients Association between blood pressure and Resting energy expenditure independent of body size Resting energy expenditure and its determinants in hemodialysis patients Resting energy expenditure is sensitive to small dose changes in patients on chronic thyroid hormone replacement Resting energy expenditure and subsequent mortality risk in peritoneal dialysis
Exercise and insulin sensitivity: a review Influence of Exercise on insulin sensitivity Invited review: Effects of acute Exercise and Exercise training on insulin resistance Effects of Exercise and lack of Exercise on glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity Glucose, Exercise and insulin: emerging concepts Exercise, glucose transport, and insulin sensitivity The effect of physical Exercise on the dynamics of glucose and insulin Effect of physical Exercise on sensitivity and responsiveness to insulin in humans insulin resistance with aging: effects of diet and Exercise Role of Exercise training in the prevention and treatment of insulin resistance and non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus insulin signaling and insulin sensitivity after Exercise in human skeletal muscle. The effect of Exercise on insulin action in diabetes Muscle Glucose Metabolism following Exercise in the Rat: INCREASED SENSITIVITY TO insulin Effects of Exercise and lack of Exercise on insulin sensitivity and responsiveness Effect of Exercise on insulin action in human skeletal muscle Human muscle glycogen resynthesis after Exercise: insulin-dependent and-independent phases Invited review: effect of acute Exercise on insulin signaling and action in humans Interaction of Exercise and insulin action in humans Synergistic interaction between Exercise and insulin on peripheral glucose uptake. Intense Exercise has unique effects on both insulin release and its roles in glucoregulation: implications for diabetes Effects of Exercise intensity on insulin sensitivity in women with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Effects of Exercise on insulin sensitivity in humans Effects of Exercise on glucose tolerance and insulin resistance: brief review and some preliminary results Exercise in the Management of Non—insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus Effect of Exercise on insulin action, glucose tolerance, and insulin secretion in aging Effective Exercise modality to reduce insulin resistance in women with type 2 diabetes Effects of leg Exercise on insulin absorption in diabetic patients Glucoregulation during moderate Exercise in insulin treated diabetics Exercise-induced changes in expression and activity of proteins involved in insulin signal transduction in skeletal muscle: differential effects on insulin-receptor … Glucoregulation and hormonal responses to maximal Exercise in non-insulin-dependent diabetes Effect of brief Exercise on circulating insulin-like growth factor I Eccentric Exercise induces transient insulin resistance in healthy individuals The effect of different diets and of insulin on the hormonal response to prolonged Exercise insulin signalling, Exercise and cellular integrity Effects of insulin and Exercise on muscle lipoprotein lipase activity in man and its relation to insulin action. Increased muscle glucose uptake after Exercise: no need for insulin during Exercise Invited review: Exercise training-induced changes in insulin signaling in skeletal muscle Exercise modulates postreceptor insulin signaling and glucose transport in muscle-specific insulin receptor knockout mice Effects of prior high-intensity Exercise on glucose metabolism in normal and insulin-resistant men Circulating insulin-like growth factor I mediates effects of Exercise on the brain insulin signalling: effects of prior Exercise Prolonged increase in insulin-stimulated glucose transport in muscle after Exercise insulin signaling in human skeletal muscle: time course and effect of Exercise Adiponectin is not altered with Exercise training despite enhanced insulin action Exercise induces recruitment of the “insulin-responsive glucose transporter”. Evidence for distinct intracellular insulin-and Exercise-recruitable
Smoking induces insulin resistance—a potential link with the insulin resistance syndrome Acute pain induces insulin resistance in humans High uric acid directly inhibits insulin signalling and induces insulin resistance Altered glycan-dependent signaling induces insulin resistance and hyperleptinemia Physical inactivity rapidly induces insulin resistance and microvascular dysfunction in healthy volunteers Long-term treatment with interleukin-1β induces insulin resistance in murine and human adipocytes Consumption of a fat-rich diet activates a proinflammatory response and induces insulin resistance in the hypothalamus A single night of partial sleep deprivation induces insulin resistance in multiple metabolic pathways in healthy subjects CD36 deficiency increases insulin sensitivity in muscle, but induces insulin resistance in the liver in mice Olanzapine induces insulin resistance: results from a prospective study Central resistin overexposure induces insulin resistance through Toll-like receptor 4 Activation of the hexosamine pathway by glucosamine in vivo induces insulin resistance of early postreceptor insulin signaling events in skeletal muscle. High-salt diet enhances insulin signaling and induces insulin resistance in Dahl salt-sensitive rats Palmitate induces insulin resistance in H4IIEC3 hepatocytes through reactive oxygen species produced by mitochondria Porphyromonas gingivalis induces insulin resistance by Increasing BCAA Levels in Mice Angiotensin II induces insulin resistance independent of changes in interstitial insulin Lactate induces insulin resistance in skeletal muscle by suppressing glycolysis and impairing insulin signaling Interleukin-6 (IL-6) induces insulin resistance in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and is, like IL-8 and tumor necrosis factor-α, overexpressed in human fat cells from insulin … The Estrogenic Effect of Bisphenol A Disrupts Pancreatic β-Cell Function In Vivo and induces insulin resistance In vivo glucosamine infusion induces insulin resistance in normoglycemic but not in hyperglycemic conscious rats. Benzene exposure induces insulin resistance in mice Acute noradrenergic activation induces insulin resistance in human skeletal muscle Deficiency of adrenomedullin induces insulin resistance by increasing oxidative stress High Uric Acid induces insulin resistance in Cardiomyocytes In Vitro and In Vivo ROS-mediated glucose metabolic reprogram induces insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes Hyperinsulinemia induces insulin resistance in dorsal root ganglion neurons Palmitate induces insulin resistance in human HepG2 hepatocytes by enhancing ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation of key insulin signaling molecules Increased tumor necrosis factor α–converting enzyme activity induces insulin resistance and hepatosteatosis in mice Resistin: a hormone which induces insulin resistance is increased in normal pregnancy Acute mTOR inhibition induces insulin resistance and alters substrate utilization in vivo Ethanol feeding induces insulin resistance with enhanced PI 3-kinase activation Hyperhomocysteinemia induces insulin resistance in male Sprague–Dawley rats Long-term exposure to ambient fine particulate pollution induces insulin resistance and mitochondrial alteration in adipose tissue Glucosamine induces insulin resistance in vivo by affecting GLUT 4 translocation in skeletal muscle. Implications for glucose toxicity. A high-selenium diet induces insulin resistance in gestating rats and their offspring High glucose inhibits myogenesis and induces insulin resistance by down-regulating AKT signaling Loss of fibroblast growth factor 21 action induces insulin resistance, pancreatic islet hyperplasia and dysfunction in mice Resistin is expressed in human hepatocytes and induces insulin resistance Iron induces insulin resistance in cardiomyocytes via regulation of oxidative stress Tumor necrosis
Many ceramides Ceramides and skin function Chain length-specific properties of Ceramides Ceramides–lipotoxic inducers of metabolic disorders Ceramides and depression: A systematic review Ceramides in the skin barrier Roles of diacylglycerols and Ceramides in hepatic insulin resistance Role of Ceramides in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease The composition of the Ceramides from human stratum corneum and from comedones Ceramides of pig epidermis: structure determination Ceramides in insulin resistance and lipotoxicity Ceramides modulate programmed cell death in plants Mammalian Lass6 and its related family members regulate synthesis of specific Ceramides Ceramides as modulators of cellular and whole-body metabolism Serum sphingomyelins and Ceramides are early predictors of memory impairment Role of Ceramides in barrier function of healthy and diseased skin Circulating Ceramides predict cardiovascular outcomes in the population-based FINRISK 2002 cohort Ceramides and glucosylCeramides are independent antagonists of insulin signaling Ceramides in the skin lipid membranes: length matters Relationship between covalently bound Ceramides and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) Synthesis and degradation pathways, functions, and pathology of Ceramides and epidermal acylCeramides Quantitative analysis of Ceramides using a novel lipidomics approach with three dimensional response modelling Ceramides and sphingomyelinases in senile plaques Plasma Ceramides are elevated in obese subjects with type 2 diabetes and correlate with the severity of insulin resistance Long chain Ceramides and very long chain Ceramides have opposite effects on human breast and colon cancer cell growth Elevated plasma Ceramides in depression Quantification of stratum corneum Ceramides and lipid envelope Ceramides in the hereditary ichthyoses Potential applications of phyto-derived Ceramides in improving epidermal barrier function Hydroxylation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Ceramides requires Sur2p and Scs7p Quantitative determination of the neutral glycosyl Ceramides in human blood Epidermal sphingomyelins are precursors for selected stratum corneum Ceramides Modulation of cell signalling by Ceramides CERT mediates intermembrane transfer of various molecular species of Ceramides Serum Ceramides increase the risk of Alzheimer disease: the Women's Health and Aging Study II Ceramides in phospholipid membranes: effects on bilayer stability and transition to nonlamellar phases Human epidermal glucosylCeramides are major precursors of stratum corneum Ceramides Decreased level of Ceramides in stratum corneum of atopic dermatitis: an etiologic factor in atopic dry skin? Key role for Ceramides in mediating insulin resistance in human muscle cells Rapid Transbilayer Movement of Ceramides in Phospholipid Vesicles and inHumanErythrocytes Link between plasma Ceramides, inflammation and insulin resistance: association with serum IL-6 concentration in patients with coronary heart disease Association of Ceramides in human plasma with risk factors of atherosclerosis Properties of Ceramides and Their Impact on the Stratum Corneum Structure: A Review: Part 1: Ceramides FTIR spectroscopy studies of the conformational order and phase behavior of Ceramides Intercellular and intracellular functions of Ceramides and their metabolites in skin Ceramides are bound to structural proteins of the human foreskin epidermal cornified cell envelope The structure, function, and importance of Ceramides in skin and their use as therapeutic agents in skin-care products Skeletal muscle triglycerides, diacylglycerols, and Ceramides in insulin resistance: another paradox in endurance-trained athletes? Apoptosis in skeletal muscle myotubes is induced by Ceramides and is positively
Ceramides in insulin resistance and lipotoxicity Obesity predisposes individuals to the development of insulin resistance in skeletal muscle and the liver, and researchers have recently proposed two mechanisms by which excess adiposity antagonizes insulin action in peripheral tissues. First, when adipocytes exceed their storage capacity, fat begins to accumulate in tissues not suited for lipid storage, leading to the formation of specific metabolites that inhibit insulin signal transduction. Second, obesity triggers a chronic inflammatory state, and cytokines released from either adipocytes or from macrophages infiltrating adipose tissue antagonize insulin action. The sphingolipid ceramide is a putative intermediate linking both excess nutrients (i.e. saturated fatty acids) and inflammatory cytokines (e.g. tumor necrosis factor-alpha, TNFalpha) to the induction of insulin resistance. Moreover, ceramide has been shown to be toxic in a variety of different cell types (e.g. pancreatic beta-cells, cardiomyocytes, etc.), and review of the literature reveals putative roles for the sphingolipid in the damage of cells and tissues which accompany diabetes, hypertension, cardiac failure, atherosclerosis, etc. In this review, I will evaluate the contribution of ceramides in the development of insulin resistance and the complications associated with metabolic diseases. Lipotoxicity What is Lipotoxicity? Lipotoxicity: when tissues overeat Lipotoxicity in the heart Lipotoxicity in the liver Oxidative stress and Lipotoxicity Insulin resistance, obesity and Lipotoxicity Diabetes and apoptosis: Lipotoxicity Fatty liver and Lipotoxicity Lipotoxicity in the heart Molecular mechanisms of Lipotoxicity and glucotoxicity in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Obesity and Lipotoxicity New aspects of Lipotoxicity in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis Mechanisms of Lipotoxicity in the cardiovascular system Lipotoxicity in the pathogenesis of obesity-dependent NIDDM: genetic and clinical implications Lipotoxicity, overnutrition and energy metabolism in aging Renal lipid metabolism and Lipotoxicity Lipotoxicity and glucotoxicity in type 2 diabetes: effects on development and progression Mitochondrial dysfunction and Lipotoxicity Lipid homeostasis, Lipotoxicity and the metabolic syndrome Role of Lipotoxicity in endothelial dysfunction The role of ER stress in lipid metabolism and Lipotoxicity Lipotoxicity in NASH Fatty acids, Lipotoxicity and insulin secretion Underlying mechanisms of renal Lipotoxicity in obesity Lipid accumulation in non-adipose tissue and Lipotoxicity Molecular mechanisms of Lipotoxicity in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease Mechanisms of Lipotoxicity in NAFLD and clinical implications Cardiac Lipotoxicity: molecular pathways and therapeutic implications Saturated with fat: new perspectives on Lipotoxicity Role of obesity and Lipotoxicity in the development of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: pathophysiology and clinical implications The role of adipose tissue and Lipotoxicity in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes Role of glucotoxicity and Lipotoxicity in the pathophysiology of Type 2 diabetes mellitus and emerging treatment strategies Ceramides in insulin resistance and Lipotoxicity Adipose tissue expandability, Lipotoxicity and the metabolic syndrome—an allostatic perspective Gluttony, sloth and the metabolic syndrome: a roadmap to Lipotoxicity Insulin resistance, Lipotoxicity, type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis: the missing links. The Claude Bernard Lecture 2009 Lipotoxicity in type 2 diabetic cardiomyopathy Oxidative capacity, Lipotoxicity, and mitochondrial damage in type 2 diabetes Triglyceride accumulation protects against fatty acid-induced Lipotoxicity Lipotoxicity: effects of dietary saturated and transfatty acids Dysfunctional fat cells, Lipotoxicity and type 2 diabetes Lipid signaling and Lipotoxicity
Flavonoids with gastroprotective activity Role of prostaglandins in gastroprotection . Traditional medicine and gastroprotective crude drugs gastroprotective effects of flavonoids in plant extracts Role of prostaglandins in gastroprotection and gastric adaptation A review of the gastroprotective effects of ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) gastroprotection BY PENTOXYFILLINE AGAINST STRESS gastroprotective effects of 'Amla'Emblica officinalis on in vivo test models in rats Ghrelin-a new gastroprotective factor Investigations on the gastroprotective and antidiarrhoeal properties of ternatin, a tetramethoxyflavone from Egletes viscosa Mechanisms of gastroprotection The relative efficacies of gastroprotective strategies in chronic users of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs Thymoquinone: Novel gastroprotective mechanisms Canadian consensus guidelines on long‐term nonsteroidal anti‐inflammatory drug therapy and the need for gastroprotection : benefits versus risks Anti-oxidant mechanisms involved in gastroprotective effects of quercetin gastroprotective effect of Benincasa hispida fruit extract gastroprotective effect of Dodonaea viscosa on various experimental ulcer models The gastroprotective activity of the ethanol extract of Ageratum conyzoides gastroprotection induced by capsaicin in healthy human subjects gastroprotective and antioxidant effects of usnic acid on indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rats gastroprotective effect of Copaifera langsdorffii oleo-resin on experimental gastric ulcer models in rats NSAIDs, risks, and gastroprotective strategies: current status and future In vivo gastroprotective effects of five Turkish folk remedies against ethanol-induced lesions Role of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in prostaglandin-mediated gastroprotection in the rat Turmeric (curcumin) remedies gastroprotective action gastroprotective role of glucocorticoid hormones gastroprotective effect of cardamom, Elettaria cardamomum Maton. fruits in rats gastroprotective effects of phenylpropanoids from the rhizomes of Alpinia galanga in rats: structural requirements and mode of action gastroprotective effect of fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenum graecum) on experimental gastric ulcer in rats gastroprotective and ulcer-healing mechanisms of ellagic acid in experimental rats Principles of root bark of Hippocratea excelsa (Hippocrataceae) with gastroprotective activity Anti-inflammatory, gastroprotective , and cytotoxic effects of Sideritis scardica extracts Anti-inflammatory, gastroprotective , free-radical-scavenging, and antimicrobial activities of hawthorn berries ethanol extract gastroprotective effects of Nigella Sativa oil on the formation of stress gastritis in hypothyroidal rats gastroprotective effect and mechanism of amtolmetin guacyl in mice gastroprotective effect of a traditional Chinese herbal drug “Baishouwu” on experimental gastric lesions in rats gastroprotective and blood pressure lowering effects of dietary nitrate are abolished by an antiseptic mouthwash Studies on AI-77s, microbial products with gastroprotective activity. Structures and the chemical nature of AI-77s Antiulcer and gastroprotective effects of quercetin: a gross and histologic study gastroprotective and cytotoxic effect of dehydroabietic acid derivatives Antioxidative and gastroprotective activities of anti-inflammatory formulations derived from chestnut honey in rats Capsaicin-sensitive afferents and their role in gastroprotection : an update gastroprotective and ulcer healing effect of ferruginol in mice and rats: assessment of its mechanism of action using in vitro models Antioxidant and gastroprotective activities of Andrographis paniculata (Hempedu Bumi) in Sprague Dawley rats gastroprotective effect of carnosic acid γ-lactone derivatives Gastric cytoprotection beyond prostaglandins: cellular and molecular mechanisms of gastroprotective and ulcer healing actions of antacids gastroprotective effects of a crude extract of Baccharis illinita DC in rats gastroprotective flavonoid constituents from Oroxylum indicum Vent. Exogenous and
Pregabalin reduces cocaine self‐administration and relapse to cocaine seeking in the rat The 5-HT2C receptor agonist lorcaserin reduces cocaine self-administration, reinstatement of cocaine-seeking and cocaine induced locomotor activity Transcranial magnetic stimulation of medial prefrontal and cingulate cortices reduces cocaine self-administration: a pilot study Pharmacological stimulation of group ii metabotropic glutamate receptors reduces cocaine self-administration and cocaine-induced reinstatement of drug seeking in … The 5-HT2C receptor agonist Ro60-0175 reduces cocaine self-administration and reinstatement induced by the stressor yohimbine, and contextual cues Injection of CART (cocaine-and amphetamine-regulated transcript) peptide into the nucleus accumbens reduces cocaine self-administration in rats PPL-138 (BU10038): A bifunctional NOP/mu partial agonist that reduces cocaine self-administration in rats Systemic delivery of a brain-penetrant TrkB antagonist reduces cocaine self-administration and normalizes TrkB signaling in the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal … Cebranopadol, a mixed opioid agonist, reduces cocaine self-administration through nociceptin opioid and mu opioid receptors Modified single prolonged stress reduces cocaine self-administration during acquisition regardless of rearing environment The hypocretin–orexin system regulates cocaine self‐administration via actions on the mesolimbic dopamine system The glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist exendin-4 reduces cocaine self-administration in mice Potent and selective NOP receptor activation reduces cocaine self‐administration in rats by lowering hedonic set point Cebranopadol reduces cocaine self-administration in male rats: Dose, treatment and safety consideration LSP2-9166, an orthosteric mGlu4 and mGlu7 receptor agonist, reduces cocaine self-administration under a progressive ratio schedule in rats The effects of aerobic exercise on cocaine self-administration in male and female rats Hypocretin/Orexin regulation of dopamine signaling and cocaine self-administration is mediated predominantly by hypocretin receptor 1 Naltrexone–buprenorphine interactions: effects on cocaine self-administration Gamma-hydroxybutyric acid decreases intravenous cocaine self-administration in rats (-)-Stepholidine reduces cue-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking and cocaine self-administration in rats Amphetamine maintenance therapy during intermittent cocaine self-administration in rats attenuates psychomotor and dopamine sensitization and reduces addiction … Hypocretin neurotransmission within the central amygdala mediates escalated cocaine self-administration and stress-induced reinstatement in rats Doses of GBR12909 that suppress cocaine self‐administration in non‐human primates substantially occupy dopamine transporters as measured by [11C] WIN35,428 … Oxytocin reduces cocaine seeking and reverses chronic cocaine-induced changes in glutamate receptor function Selective inhibition of M5 muscarinic acetylcholine receptors attenuates cocaine self‐administration in rats Knockdown of hypocretin attenuates extended access of cocaine self-administration in rats Cholinergic influence on intravenous cocaine self-administration by rhesus monkeys Neuroadaptations in the cellular and postsynaptic group 1 metabotropic glutamate receptor mGluR5 and Homer proteins following extinction of cocaine self … α4β2 Nicotinic receptor desensitizing compounds can decrease self-administration of cocaine and methamphetamine in rats Ibudilast attenuates cocaine self-administration and prime-and cue-induced reinstatement of cocaine seeking in rats The effects of chronic buprenorphine on intake of heroin and cocaine in rats and its effects on nucleus accumbens dopamine levels during self-administration The melanin-concentrating hormone system modulates cocaine reward Reciprocal inhibitory effects of intravenous d-methamphetamine self-administration and wheel activity in rats Agents in development for the management of cocaine abuse Group II metabotropic glutamate receptors in the striatum of non-human primates: dysregulation following chronic cocaine self-administration Withdrawal from cocaine self-administration and Yoked cocaine Delivery