The Fasting Phoenix: A Dance of Renewal In the realm where thirst and hunger dwell, A tale of trial and magic I shall tell. Of days when sustenance is but a dream, And life, a dry and desolate stream. A hopeful sprite in marrow's deep abyss, Clings to mirages of a water's kiss. Yet, finds not but the cruel, empty air, And echoes of a banquet that's not there. The specter, cloaked in shadows of the end, To mortal coil a message, it does send. But in the silence of the void and dearth, A key is found, a magic of rebirth. From what gear does this mechanism run? From survival's wheel, beneath the fasting sun. In the crucible of the body's plight, The fittest of the cells ignite. A purge of weakness, a cleansing fire, From the depths, a phoenix does aspire. No feeder of disease can find its keep, In this fortress where the strong do sleep. The non-essentials, in their vanity, Are reduced to mere inanity. Recycled, transmuted in the void, To sustain that which cannot be destroyed. A deep renewal, a cellular ballet, Unattainable by any other way. In the stark silence of the fasting dawn, A new creation, from the old, is drawn. So, in the riddle of the fasting night, Find the magic in the body's flight. For in deprivation, stark and bare, Lie the secrets of the life we dare. 22/2, 44/4, 66/6, 88/8: INTERMITTENT DRY FASTING WITH SUPERTONIC SCIENCE BASED ANTI-AGING HERBS FOR SUPREME HEALTH AND LONGEVITY DRY FASTING: THE ULTIMATE PATH TO LONGEVITY — A TRUE LIFE OR DEATH SCENARIO On extended dry fasts the first few days are the roughest as the body is still optimistically holding out for food or water but once it figures out that water and food are not coming and that death is imminent if it doesn't adapt and fast to given circumstance it switches gears into survival mode— this highly adapted state IS the magical key of dry fasting. Survival of the fittest. All weakness is eradicated. The option of supporting the diseased and parasitic is no longer viable. All non essentials are eliminated and recycled to sustain the essentials. This IS cellular renewal at the deepest level— unattainable by any other means. A 5 DAY DRY FAST SCIENTIFIC STUDY: "Background: Although there is considerable research in the field of fasting and fluid restriction, little is known about the impact of food and water deprivation (FWD) on body circumferences and vital parameters. Methods: During 5 days of FWD in 10 healthy adults, hemodynamic, metabolic, and renal parameters, such as weight, 5 circumferences at neck, waist, hip, chest at axilla, chest at nipples, and 1 new oblique hip circumference were measured daily. For each circumference, new quotients of daily circumference-to-weight decrease were calculated. The set of employed parameters quantified and monitored dieting persons' compliance and efficacy of the method. Results: The values of blood pressure, heart rate, hemoglobin oxygen saturation, glucose, K+, Na+, Cl-, urea,
Because there is a lot to cover to understand dry fasting its VERY IMPORTANT to read and reread the dry fasting section several times above to tie it all together. What's AUTOPHAGY? Why is it important? What's AMPK activation? Why is it important? What does mTOR inhibition have to do with longevity? What does mTOR stand for? What makes calorie restriction effective in promoting longevity? Why no water? How long does it take generally to enter ketosis on a dry fast and why is it superior to water fasting? What's the point of baking soda water? How do I avoid kidney stones? Why is excess insulin bad? Why is sugar bad and why does it lead to rapid aging? How might dry fasting enable one to overcome addictions? How does dry fasting promote high insulin sensitivity and why is that good? Why is juice fasting a waste of money and time? What's a ketogenic diet and why might that be important? What are ketones? What are ketostix? Why is ketosis important? What are lysosomes? How does the process called autophagy work? How is autophagy triggered? How long does it take to reach full tilt ketosis generally? How should I break my dry fast? What are glucose disposal agents and why might they be important? How do I start dry fasting? How many days should I fast? How do the blends compliment dry fasting? All this covered in the previous dry fasting blog posts. JOIN OUR FACEBOOK DRY FASTING GROUP: HERE
•Aegle marmelos Correa • Agaricus blazei Murill • Aloe emodin • American ginseng extract • Andrographolide • Angelica archangelica • Angelica sinensis extract • Bilberry extract Anthocyanin • Antrodia cinnamomea • Artemisinin Artemisia annua L. (Huanghuahao) • Artepillin C (Brazilian propolis) • Ashwagandha • Astragalus membranaceus extract • Belamcanda chinensis • Berberine (Cortidis rhizoma) • Camellia sinensis • Carnosine • Carnosol • Cat's Claw (Uncaria tomentosa) • Catharantus roseus • Celastrol (derived from Trypterygium wilfordii) • Celastrus Orbiculatus • Chenopodium ambrosioides L • Cinnamomum cassia • Commiphora myrrha • Coprinus comatus • Corchorus olitorius • Cordycepin • Cordyceps militaris • Crocus sativus (Saffron) • Curcuma wenyujin • Curcumin • Cycloastragenol • Cynara cardunculus • Dalbergia odorifera • EGCG • Eleutherococcus senticosus • Emblica officinalis • Epimedium koreanum • Euonymus alatus • Flammulina velutipes (enokitake) • Fomes fomentarius • Frankincense (Boswellia carteri) • Fucus vesiculosus (seaweed) • Gambogic acid (Garcinia hanburyi) • Ganoderma lucidum • Ganoderma tsugae • Genistein • Ginkgo Biloba • Ginseng extract• ginsenoside Rh • Glycyrrhiza glabra • Grape Seed Extract • Grifola frondosa — Maitake • Gynostemma pentaphylla extract • Hedyotis Diffusa Willd extract • Hericium erinaceus — Lions mane • Hibiscus sabdariffa • Honokiol • Humulone • Icariin • Inonotus obliquus — Chaga • Lactarius flavidulus • Lapacho (Tabebuia impetiginosa) • Lithospermum erythrorhizon • Livistona chinensis • Lupeol • Luteolin • Lycium barbarum—Wolfberry (goji) • Lycopene • Magnolia officinalis (Chinese magnolia tree) • Mangiferin (Mangifera indica) • Momordica cochinchinensis Spreng • Moringa oleifera • Noni (Morinda citrifolia) • Ocimum gratissimum oil • Oldenlandia diffusa • Oleanolic acid • Orthosiphon Stamineus • Osthol (Cnidium monnieri) • Oyster extract • Panax notoginseng extract • Patrinia scabiosaefolia • Pfaffia paniculata —Brazilian Ginseng (Suma) • Phellinus linteus • Phycocyanin • Phyllanthus urinaria • Pleurotus ostreatus • Pleurotus pulmonarius • Plumbago zeylanica L • Podophyllotoxin (Podophyllyum emodi) • Polygonum cuspidatum • Polyozellus multiplex • Poria cocos • Prunella vulgaris extract • Punica granatum (pomegranate) • Punicalagin (from pomegranate extract) • Quercetin • Rabdosia rubescens • Reineckia carnea (RCE ) • Resveratrol • Rhodiola rosea • Rhus verniciflua • Russula lepida • Salvia miltiorrhiza extract • Salvia officinalis • Schizophyllum commune • Scrophularia ningpoensis • Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi • Scutellaria barbata • Sea Cucumber (Cucumaria frondos) • Shiitake— Lentinula edodes mycelia extract • Silymarin• a flavonolignan from milk thistle (Silybum marianum) • Strychnos nux vomica L extract • Thymoquinone (Nigella sativa) • Trifolium pratense L. • Turkey tail mushroom —Trametesversicolor orCoriolusversicolor • Ursolic acid • Wedelia chinensis • Wogonin (Scutellariae radix) • Xanthohumol • Zerumbone (From Zingiber zerumbet) • Zingiber officinale Roscoe • Zizyphus mauritiana   Well it can survive with glucose, fructose and amino acids.... So what's left? Fat. What else is associated with that? Fasting—which leads to ketosis which leads to mTOR inhibition, AMPK activation, autophagy as well as p53, sirt1, foxo and a whole bunch of other anti cancer stuff. I would basically dry fast and hold deep level ketosis (160) along with KETOGENIC diet until I killed it.
FASTING RELEASES HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE "HGH secretion was assessed in 7 men during a control period and during starvation. Plasma samples were collected hourly for 24 hr in each period. Starvation for 72 hr increased growth hormone secretion in each individual. Overall, fasting resulted in a 2½ to 3-fold increase of growth hormone secretion. Secretion of hGH was greater in premenopausal women than in men during a control period, but no significant increase of hGH secretion occurred in women after 72 hr of fasting." SOURCE: HERE   TRUE KETOSIS VS FAKE KETOSIS True ketosis comes from starvation (fasting) or severe carbohydrate restriction. There are no high glucose levels under these conditions. The ketones come from the actual break down of body fat. False ketosis is the result of coconut oil or mct oil. These provide ketones while being able to eat massive amounts of carbohydrates. The ketones are NOT coming from body fat but the coconut or mct oil. Yes ketostix will say you are in ketosis but you are really in fake ketosis. You want TRUE not fake ketosis. Avoid coconut or mct oil until you are in TRUE ketosis and maintain less than 30g carbs a day. IF you are at optimal weight and not trying to lose fat then yes coconut or mct oil and low glycemic load carbohydrates is not a problem. *For someone on a KETOGENIC diet for epileptic purposes this gives them the advantage of more carbs. For someone trying to lose fat this is a disadvantage because your body will use the coconut oil ketones over body fat ketones for energy.   (CONTINUED IN THE NEXT BLOG "THE DANGERS OF ALCOHOL AND SUGAR INTAKE")
Ketones are the ideal fuel for our bodies unlike glucose – which is damaging, less stable, more excitatory and in fact shortens your life span. Ketones are non-glycating, which is to say, they don’t have a caramelizing ageing effect on your body. A healthy ketosis also helps starve cancer cells as they are unable to use ketones for fuel, relying on glucose alone for their growth. The energy producing factories of our cells – the mitochondria – work much better on a ketogenic diet as they are able to increase energy levels in a stable, long-burning, efficient, and steady way. Not only that, a ketogenic diet induces epigenetic changes which increases the energetic output of our mitochondria, reduces the production of damaging free radicals, and favours the production of GABA – a major inhibitory brain chemical. GABA has an essential relaxing influence and its favored production by ketosis also reduces the toxic effects of excitatory pathways in our brains. Furthermore, recent data suggests that ketosis alleviates pain in addition to having an overall anti-inflammatory effect. [7] The ketogenic diet acts on multiple levels at once, something that no drug has been able to mimic. This is because mitochondria are specifically designed to use fat for energy. When our mitochondria use fat as an energetic source, its toxic load is decreased, the expression of energy producing genes are increased, its energetic output is increased, and the load of inflammatory energetic-end-products is decreased. The key of these miraculous healing effects relies on the fact that fat metabolism and its generation of ketone bodies (beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate) by the liver can only occur within the mitochondrion, leaving chemicals within the cell but outside the mitochondria readily available to stimulate powerful anti-inflammatory antioxidants. The status of our mitochondria is the ultimate key for optimal health and while it is true that some of us might need extra support in the form of nutritional supplementation to heal these much needed energy factories, the diet still remains the ultimate key for a proper balance." SOURCE: HERE   (CONTINUED IN THE NEXT BLOG "HGH & TRUE KETOSIS VS FAKE KETOSIS")
FOR LONGER DRY FASTS 3+ DAYS (preparation) ALKALINIZE As the dry fast progresses urine ph will drop and continue to drop until you break fast. (Ketone bodies are acidic in nature.) ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS alkalinize urine before and again after TO PROTECT KIDNEYS AND AVOID KIDNEY STONES. This is easily accomplished by drinking 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 8oz water. *IF you foolishly skip this step don't cry about getting a kidney stone or having kidney pain in the group as you were STRONGLY WARNED TO ALKALINIZE and dissolve all acid formed crystals in urinary tract before hand. WHY USE BAKING SODA FOR PREVENTING KIDNEY STONES OR KIDNEY PROBLEMS? Because it works and fast! I recommend raising urine ph to an 8 NOT 7 as in study before long dry fasts and once again after. PH STRIPS TO TEST URINE: HERE Conclusions: Bicarbonate therapy remains an attractive option for the treatment of radiolucent kidney stones. The presence of hyperuricaemia or hyperuricosuria appears to influence the success rate. Further prospective randomised studies are needed to identify the most tolerable and effective treatment regime as well as the optimal duration of treatment. Dual-energy CT may hold the key to identifying patients most likely to benefit from treatment. SOURCE: HERE   CELLULAR ELECTRICITY I recommend "charging" cells with trace minerals via Fulvic acid. Use either Shilajit or Fulvic mineral source. Without electricity you have no energy. WATCH light bulb demo: HERE AMPK ACTIVATORS/ MTOR INHIBITORS I always utilize before hand to jump start the process SUPERTONIC HERBS that activate AMPK and inhibit mTOR and promote autophagy like what's in Interstellar Blend and Thermogenesis. THIRST AND HEAT The body heats up the longer you go because the cells are incinerating junk via autophagy. Thirst may become intense. I recommend ICE BATHS & ICE SHOWERS to cool down and keep going. You will find this blissfully rejuvenating.   STUDY THIS POST AND THE LINKS. The more informed you are the less fear you will have and the greater resolve to not quit.   DEHYDRATION WORRIES Skin tenting purportedly begins at 15% body water loss. At 7 days I had zero skin tenting still. NOBODY in group is in danger of dehydration in 72 hours. Nobody. Unless maybe you are in Death Valley, CA in 120+ degree heat sitting there sweating.   ****IF YOU GOT FAT YOU GOT WATER.**** So have ZERO FEAR of going 3 days your first time. Alkalinize and launch! What is skin tenting or skin turgor test??? Explained HER   BLOOD PRESSURE CONCERNS Be not overly concerned by blood pressure irregularities; the body as it acclimates itself to survival conditions corrects itself the longer you go. It may fluctuate up and down the first 3 days but by day 4 and onward it stabilizes.  Blood pressure and resting pulse without fail on all extended dry fasts (beyond 3 days) goes down and this is very positive.  Have no fear or worries; perfectly natural process. BUT WHAT ABOUT GLUCOSE REQUIREMENTS ON A
FASTING AND STEM CELL REGENERATION fasting downregulates a IGF-1/PKA pathway in stem cells Prolong fasting protects hematopoietic cells from chemotoxicity Prolonged fasting cycles promote HSC self-renewal to reverse immunosuppression Inhibition of IGF-1 or PKA signaling mimics the effects of prolonged fasting Immune system defects are at the center of aging and a range of diseases. Here, we show that prolonged fasting reduces circulating IGF-1 levels and PKA activity in various cell populations, leading to signal transduction changes in long-term hematopoietic stem cells (LT-HSCs) and niche cells that promote stress resistance, self-renewal, and lineage-balanced regeneration. Multiple cycles of fasting abated the immunosuppression and mortality caused by chemotherapy and reversed age-dependent myeloid-bias in mice, in agreement with preliminary data on the protection of lymphocytes from chemotoxicity in fasting patients. The proregenerative effects of fasting on stem cells were recapitulated by deficiencies in either IGF-1 or PKA and blunted by exogenous IGF-1. These findings link the reduced levels of IGF-1 caused by fasting to PKA signaling and establish their crucial role in regulating hematopoietic stem cell protection, self-renewal, and regeneration. SOURCE: METABOLIC TRIGGERS OF AUTOPHAGY In isolated cells, autophagy is generally induced by limitations in ATP availability or a lack of essential nutrients, including glucose and amino acids (i.e. FASTING or KETOGENIC diet). SOURCE: HERE (CONTINUED IN THE NEXT BLOG "RAMADAN IS DAILY INTERMITTENT DRY FASTING")
FASTING AND CARDIO-PROTECTION HORMESIS What's that? To understand dry fasting (deliberate dehydration and starvation) is to understand hormesis. "That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger." — Nietzsche "All things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison." —Paracelsus Even water and oxygen in excess can be deadly; as can their absence. What we are doing is deliberately stressing the body— to make it more resilient. "Hormesis is a biological phenomenon whereby a beneficial effect (improved health, stress tolerance, growth or longevity) results from exposure to low doses of an agent that is otherwise toxic or lethal when given at higher doses." Too much dry fasting can kill just as over eating or over drinking can kill. We are in a sense flexing our cells "muscles"; making them extremely adaptable and tough. "No water? No food? No problem. Wake me up when we got a real crisis on our hands." All about hormesis HERE ***INSULIN BLOCKS SIRT1*** SIRT1 stands for sirtuin (silent mating type information regulation 2 homolog) 1 (S. cerevisiae), referring to the fact that its sirtuin homolog (biological equivalent across species) in yeast (S. cerevisiae) is Sir2. SIRT1 is an enzyme that deacetylates proteins that contribute to cellular regulation (reaction to stressors, longevity). A major cause of aging is thought to result from the cumulative effects of cell loss over time. In yeast, caloric restriction (CR) delays aging by activating the Sir2 deacetylase. Here we show that expression of mammalian Sir2 (SIRT1) is induced in CR rats as well as in human cells that are treated with serum from these animals. Insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) attenuated this response. SIRT1 deacetylates the DNA repair factor Ku70, causing it to sequester the proapoptotic factor Bax away from mitochondria, thereby inhibiting stress-induced apoptotic cell death. Thus, CR could extend life-span by inducing SIRT1 expression and promoting the long-term survival of irreplaceable cells. SOURCE: HERE (CONTINUED IN THE NEXT BLOG TITLED "FASTING AND STEM CELL REGENERATION")
  DRY FASTING: THE ULTIMATE PATH TO LONGEVITY —A TRUE LIFE OR DEATH SCENARIO On extended dry fasts the first few days are the roughest as the body is still optimistically holding out for food or water but once it figures out that water and food are not coming and that death is imminent if it doesn't adapt and fast to given circumstance it switches gears into survival mode— this highly adapted state IS the magical key of dry fasting. Survival of the fittest. All weakness is eradicated. The option of supporting the diseased and parasitic is no longer viable. All non essentials are eliminated and recycled to sustain the essentials. This IS cellular renewal at the deepest level— unattainable by any other means. A 5 DAY DRY FAST SCIENTIFIC STUDY: "Background: Although there is considerable research in the field of fasting and fluid restriction, little is known about the impact of food and water deprivation (FWD) on body circumferences and vital parameters. Methods: During 5 days of FWD in 10 healthy adults, hemodynamic, metabolic, and renal parameters, such as weight, 5 circumferences at neck, waist, hip, chest at axilla, chest at nipples, and 1 new oblique hip circumference were measured daily. For each circumference, new quotients of daily circumference-to-weight decrease were calculated. The set of employed parameters quantified and monitored dieting persons' compliance and efficacy of the method. Results: The values of blood pressure, heart rate, hemoglobin oxygen saturation, glucose, K+, Na+, Cl-, urea, creatinine, and serum osmolality proved to be stable. The mean creatinine clearance increased up to 167%. The mean daily weight decrease (1,390 ± 60 g) demonstrated the effectiveness of FWD in weight reduction. The daily decrease of all measured circumferences and the values of the corresponding circumference-to-weight decrease quotients reflected considerable volume decrease in all measured body parts per day and kg of weight loss during FWD. Conclusion: The intervention of 5 FWD days in 10 healthy adults was found to be safe, decreased weight and all measured circumferences, and improved renal function considerably." While indeed longer duration dry fasts, 3 to 7 days and beyond, are best utilized to bring an ill or obese person back into balance—once homeostasis is restored daily dry (or zero calorie fluid restricted) fasting is the most effective disease preventive measure one can employ in maintaining optimal health and delaying aging.       IMPORTANT: The exact reason why fluid is TEMPORARILY restricted will be explained in depth below; ***the goal is NOT chronic dehydration***as that would obviously have negative consequences; downregulation of Klotho being one. WHAT IS KLOTHO? Klotho, a transmembrane protein, protease, and hormone mainly expressed in renal tissue counteracts aging. Overexpression of Klotho substantially prolongs the life span. Klotho deficiency leads to excessive formation of 1,25(OH)2D3, growth deficit, accelerated aging, and early death. Aging is frequently paralleled by dehydration, which is considered to accelerate the development of age-related disorders. The present study explored the possibility that dehydration influences Klotho expression. Klotho transcript levels were determined by