Chronic, low-grade inflammation is a hallmark of many age-related diseases, including heart disease, arthritis, and Alzheimer's. Flavonoids and polyphenols, found abundantly in fruits, vegetables, and beverages like tea and coffee, come to the rescue with their potent anti-inflammatory properties. These natural compounds can dampen the activity of inflammatory enzymes and signaling molecules, reducing the body's inflammatory response. By keeping inflammation in check, they offer a promising strategy to promote overall health and potentially slow down the aging process. Research suggests that consuming a diet rich in these flavonoid and polyphenol-rich foods may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve cognitive function in later life. While the exact mechanisms are still being explored, the anti-inflammatory effects of these dietary components are a key area of research in promoting healthy aging. A hydroxyl group of Flavonoids affects oral Anti-inflammatory activity and inhibition of systemic tumor necrosis factor-α production A lipidomic study on the regulation of Inflammation and oxidative stress targeted by marine ω-3 PUFA and polyphenols in high-fat high-sucrose diets A New Clerodane Diterpene, Flavonoids and Sterols from Cassia nodosa Growing in Egypt: Anti-inflammatory Activity of Plant Extracts A New Cytotoxic Sesquiterpene and Three Anti-inflammatory Flavonoids from Egyptian Tanacetum Santolinoides A new flavan-3-ol and the Anti-inflammatory effect of Flavonoids from the fruit peels of Wisteria floribunda A new lignan and Anti-inflammatory Flavonoids from Kerria japonica A Review: The Anti-inflammatory, Anticancer, Antibacterial Properties of Four Kinds of Licorice Flavonoids Isolated from Licorice Actions of Flavonoids and the novel Anti-inflammatory flavone, hypolaetin-8-glucoside, on prostaglandin biosynthesis and inactivation Advance in Studies on Anti-inflammatory Mechanism of Flavonoids Advances in Research on the Common Mechanisms of Anti-inflammatory Activity and Antitumor Activity by Flavonoids [J] Advantages of a combination of proteolytic enzymes, Flavonoids and ascorbic acid in comparison with non-steroid Anti-inflammatory agents. An in vitro study of Anti-inflammatory effect of Quercetin and Resveratrol polyphenols in ocular surface epithelial cells. An in vivo study of Anti-inflammatory effect of Quercetin and Resveratrol polyphenols in a desiccating stress mouse model of dry eye. An Investigation of the Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Nigella sativa Seed polyphenols An overview on immunoregulatory and Anti-inflammatory properties of chrysin and Flavonoids substances Analgesic and Anti-inflammatory Effects of an Extract and Flavonoids from Artemisia Herba-Alba and Their Mechanisms of Action Analgesic and topical Anti-inflammatory activity of terpenoids and Flavonoids from species of the genus Teucrium and Salvia in mice Angiogenesis and Inflammation signaling are targets of beer polyphenols on vascular cells Antagonism by bioactive polyphenols against Inflammation: a systematic view Anti inflammatory Activities of Selected Flavonoids A Pathophysiological Studies in Guinea Pigs Anti inflammatory activity of Cynodon dactylon Linn. In carrageenan induced paw edema in rats and its comparison with some standard Flavonoids Anti-atherosclerotic activities of Flavonoids from the flowers of Helichrysum arenarium L. MOENCH through the pathway of anti-Inflammation Anti-atherosclerotic and Anti-inflammatory activities of catecholic xanthones and Flavonoids isolated from Cudrania tricuspidata Anti-hypertensive effect of total Flavonoids of cydonia oblonga leaves and its mechanism based on Anti-inflammatory function Anti-inflammatory Action of Blueberry polyphenols
Inflammation, our body's natural defense system, plays a crucial role in healing and fighting infection. However, chronic,low-grade inflammation is linked to various health problems, including heart disease, Alzheimer's, and even depression.This type of inflammation disrupts cellular function and weakens the body's resilience. Studies suggest chronic inflammation may be a key factor in aging, as it accelerates cellular damage and contributes to age-related decline [1]. Anxiety, while a normal human response to stress, can become problematic when excessive or persistent. Chronic anxiety disrupts the body's stress hormone balance, which can weaken the immune system and contribute to inflammation. This inflammation, in turn, can worsen anxiety symptoms, creating a vicious cycle. Research indicates that managing anxiety through relaxation techniques or therapy may help reduce inflammation and improve overall health [2]. Adolescent Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis, Anxiety and Mood Predicts Function Whereas Life Event Stressors in the Older Adolescent Predicts inflammation … association of somatic and cognitive symptoms of depression and Anxiety with inflammation: findings from the Netherlands Study of Depression and Anxiety … … depression after percutaneous coronary intervention are associated with decreased heart rate variability, impaired endothelial function and increased inflammation … from chronic unpredictable mild stress mice donors affects Anxiety-like and depression-like behavior in recipient mice via the gut microbiota-inflammation-brain axis … inflammation is Associated with Decreased Amygdala to Ventromedial Prefrontal Functional Connectivity in Association with Symptoms of Anxiety in Patients with … … minocycline treatment reverses the effects of neonatal immune activation on Anxiety-and depression-like behaviors, hippocampal inflammation, and HPA axis activity … … of Anxiety and cognitive dysfunctions in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): possible associations with inflammation … 201. inflammation and endothelial dysfunction in depression and Anxiety disorders 85. Environmental mold, brain inflammation, cognitive deficits, and increased Anxiety and fear A Rodent Model of Anxiety: The Effect of Perinatal Immune Challenges on Gastrointestinal inflammation and Integrity Abstract# 2071 A rodent model of Anxiety: The effect of perinatal immune challenges on gastrointestinal inflammation and integrity Altered temporal variance and functional connectivity of BOLD signal is associated with state Anxiety during acute systemic inflammation Antidepressant imipramine diminishes stress-induced inflammation in the periphery and central nervous system and related Anxiety-and depressive-like behaviors Anxiety associates with pain and disability but not increased measures of inflammation for adolescent patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis Anxiety disorders and inflammation in a large adult cohort Anxiety in relation to inflammation and coagulation markers, among healthy adults: the ATTICA study Anxiety independently contributes to elevated inflammation in humans with obesity Anxiety levels parallel changes in inflammation over time in ovarian cancer patients Anxiety, depression, and inflammation after restorative proctocolectomy Anxiety, gingival inflammation and periodontal disease in non‐smokers and smokers–an epidemiological study Anxiety, inflammation and duration of operation: is there a relationship? Assessment of mouse cognitive and Anxiety-like behaviors and hippocampal inflammation following a repeated and intermittent paradoxical sleep deprivation … Association between Depression and Anxiety Scores and inflammation in Patients with Isolated Coronary Artery Ectasia Association between depression and Anxiety scores
Inflammation and depression are increasingly recognized as significant factors influencing human health and aging.Chronic, low-grade inflammation disrupts healthy cellular function and is linked to various age-related diseases like heart disease and Alzheimer's. Research suggests a two-way street between inflammation and depression. Chronic inflammation can trigger the release of molecules that disrupt neurotransmitter production, essential for mood regulation, potentially leading to depression. Conversely, depression can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections and further inflammation. This complex interplay highlights the importance of managing both conditions for healthy aging. A biological pathway linking inflammation and depression: activation of indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase A human in vitro model to investigate the effects of inflammation on adult hippocampal neurogenesis in the context of depression A new paradigm for depression in new mothers: the central role of inflammation and how breastfeeding and anti-inflammatory treatments protect maternal … A new perspective on cancer-related fatigue: Negative affectivity, depression, and inflammation leading to increased effort expenditure A prospective evaluation of the directionality of the depression–inflammation relationship A role for inflammation-related molecules in behavioral depression induced by repeated stress in mice A32 ASTHMA AND ALLERGY CLINICAL STUDIES: Relationships Between depression And Bronchodilator Response And Airway Or Systemic inflammation In … Abstract MP074: Pathway Linking depression & inflammation: A 5-year Longitudinal Twin Difference Study Abstract P247: Combination of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome is Associated With Highest Rate of depression Secondary to Increased inflammation Abstract P288: Dietary inflammation is Associated With depression Independent of Traditional Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in the National Health and … Abstract# 1724 depression and inflammation are independent predictors of fatigue in breast cancer survivors Abstract# 1767 Combined influence of depression and systemic inflammation on cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: Evidence for differential effects by … Abstract# 1811 Is there a causal association between inflammation and depression? Abstract# 1859 A new LPS-based mouse model of chronic inflammation and depression Abstract# 3091 inflammation is Associated with Decreased Amygdala to Ventromedial Prefrontal Functional Connectivity in Association with Symptoms of Anxiety in … Abstract# 3112 Childhood adversity predicts changes in inflammation, fatigue, and depression during breast cancer survivorship Abstract# 3141 Association between depression and inflammation among bereaved adults Acculturation, inflammation, and depression Among Hispanic Adults in the United States Acute Clinical Deterioration With Increased Systemic inflammation as a Risk Factor for depression: An Alternative Interpretation of the Data Adolescent-onset depression: are obesity and inflammation developmental mechanisms or outcomes? Adolescent-onset depression: the interplay between family relationships, brain development and inflammation Adrenarchal status as a moderator of a depression–inflammation relation in children Adverse childhood experiences and adult risk factors for age-related disease: depression, inflammation, and clustering of metabolic risk markers Aging leads to prolonged duration of inflammation-induced depression-like behavior caused by Bacillus Calmette-Guerin Airway inflammation and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity in asthmatic adults with depression Alcohol, inflammation, and depression: The Gut-Brain Axis Alexithymia, depression, inflammation, and pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis Alkaloid Compounds For Treating depression, Substance Addictions, And Indications Associated With Chronic inflammation Altered expression of genes involved in
Genistein Genistein, a specific inhibitor of tyrosine-specific protein kinases. Neonatal Genistein chemoprevents mammary cancer Genistein, a dietary-derived inhibitor of in vitro angiogenesis Genistein suppresses mammary cancer in rats Antioxidant and antipromotional effects of the soybean isoflavone Genistein Genistein arrests cell cycle progression at G2-M Molecular effects of Genistein on estrogen receptor mediated pathways Uterine adenocarcinoma in mice treated neonatally with Genistein Mechanisms of cancer chemoprevention by soy isoflavone Genistein Daidzein and Genistein content of fruits and nuts Quantification of Genistein and genistin in soybeans and soybean products Protection against breast cancer with Genistein: a component of soy [30] Use and specificity of Genistein as inhibitor of protein-tyrosine kinases Genistein inhibits both estrogen and growth factor-stimulated proliferation of human breast cancer cells. Enhancement of experimental colon cancer by Genistein Genistein as an anti-inflammatory agent Genistein inhibits protein histidine kinase. Genistein alters methylation patterns in mice Effect of Genistein on in vitro and in vivo models of cancer Genistein exerts multiple suppressive effects on human breast carcinoma cells Inhibitory effects of the tyrosine kinase inhibitor Genistein on mammalian DNA topoisomerase II The antioxidant activity of Genistein in vitro Genistein inhibits NF-kB activation in prostate cancer cells Cancer chemoprevention agent development strategies for Genistein Daidzein is a more bioavailable soymilk isoflavone than is Genistein in adult women Genistein, a dietary ingested isoflavonoid, inhibits cell proliferation and in vitro angiogenesis The soy isoflavone Genistein decreases adipose deposition in mice Effect of dietary Genistein on antioxidant enzyme activities in SENCAR mice Evaluation of the biochemical targets of Genistein in tumor cells The phytoestrogen Genistein reduces bone loss in short-term ovariectomized rats Genistein, daidzein, and their. beta.-glycoside conjugates: antitumor isoflavones in soybean foods from American and Asian diets Intestinal uptake and biliary excretion of the isoflavone Genistein in rats Metabolism of daidzein and Genistein by intestinal bacteria Genistein chemoprevention: timing and mechanisms of action in murine mammary and prostate Prepubertal Genistein exposure suppresses mammary cancer and enhances gland differentiation in rats Genistin (an isoflavone glucoside) and its aglucone, Genistein, from soybeans Daidzein and Genistein content of cereals Genistein: does it prevent or promote breast cancer? Prepubertal exposure to zearalenone or Genistein reduces mammary tumorigenesis Isoflavone Genistein: photoprotection and clinical implications in dermatology Direct action of Genistein on CFTR Biochemical targets of the isoflavone Genistein in tumor cell lines Radical scavenging properties of Genistein Dietary Genistein: perinatal mammary cancer prevention, bioavailability and toxicity testing in the rat. Induction of apoptosis in breast cancer cells MDA-MB-231 by Genistein Genistein treatment protects mice from ionizing radiation injury Estrogenic and antiproliferative properties of Genistein and other flavonoids in human breast cancer cells in vitro Absorption and excretion of the soy isoflavone Genistein in rats Inhibition of tumor Promoter‐induced hydrogen peroxide formation in vitro and in vivo by Genistein Genistein, a soy isoflavone, is a potent α‐glucosidase inhibitor Genistein inhibition of the growth of human breast cancer cells: independence from estrogen receptors and the multi-drug resistance gene The phytoestrogen Genistein induces thymic and immune changes: a human health concern? Effect of
Centenarians, individuals reaching 100 years or beyond, offer a wealth of information for researchers studying human health and aging. Their unique biology provides clues to exceptional longevity and resilience against diseases. By studying their genes, researchers can identify genetic variants that promote healthy aging and potentially counteract age-related illnesses like heart disease and Alzheimer's. Additionally, centenarians' immune systems often show a remarkable ability to function well into extreme old age. Understanding the mechanisms behind this immune resilience could lead to the development of therapies that promote a healthier immune response throughout life. In essence, centenarians serve as a living testament to the potential for extended healthspan, and unlocking the secrets of their biology holds immense potential for improving health and well-being for the broader population. (Cd45Ra+) And Memory (Cd45R0+) Cells Between Cd4+ And Cd8+ Lymphocytes-T In Humans-A Study From Newborns To Centenarians 166: Out-Of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (Ohca) In Centenarians In Japan 56Demographics Of Centenarians Admitted Through Medical Receiving In Raigmore Hospital A Baseline Investigation Of Independence Among 100 Community-Dwelling Centenarians In Turkey A Census‐Based Comparison Of Centenarians In New Zealand With Those In The United States A Comparative Analysis On Healthy Longevity Phenotypes Between Chinese And Italian Centenarians A Comparative Study On The Health Status And Behavioral Lifestyle Of Centenarians And Non-Centenarians In Zhejiang Province, China——A Cross-Sectional Study A Comparison Of Anthropometry, Biochemical Variables And Plasma Amino Acids Among Centenarians, Elderly And Young Subjects A Comparison Of Perceived Uselessness Between Centenarians And Non-Centenarians In China A Comprehensive Phenotypic And Genetic Analysis Of Centenarians From 13 Villages Located In The Sardinian Region Of Barbagia-Mandrolisai A Cross-Section Analysis Of Ft3 Age-Related Changes In A Group Of Old And Oldest-Old Subjects, Including Centenarians' Relatives, Shows That A Down-Regulated Thyroid … A Cross-Sectional Study Of Compositional And Functional Profiles Of Gut Microbiota In Sardinian Centenarians A Demographic And Health Profile Of Centenarians In China A Functional Exo1 Promoter Variant Is Associated With Prolonged Life Expectancy In Centenarians A High Plasma Concentration Of Tnf-Α Is Associated With Dementia In Centenarians A Panel Of Multibiomarkers Of Inflammation, Fibrosis, And Catabolism Is Normal In Healthy Centenarians But Has High Values In Young Patients With Myocardial Infarction A Serum Protein Signature Of Apoe Genotypes In Centenarians A Shift To Th0 Cytokine Production By Cd4+ Cells In Human Longevity: Studies On Two Healthy Centenarians A Social And Clinical Evaluation Of Centenarians A Sociological Assessment Of Centenarians From Central Illinois Cemeteries, 1825–1985 A Study Of French Centenarians: Are Ace And Apoe Associated With Longevity? A Study Of The Living Environment And Activities Of Daily Living In Centenarians A Study On Chronic Diseases And Other Related Health Indicators Of Centenarians In Longevity Areas In China A Survey Of Centenarians In Shanghai City And Its Genetic Analysis A Survey Of Habitual Snoring In Centenarians A Survey Of The Dietary Nutritional Composition Of Centenarians. A Survey On Hearing Acuity Of Centenarians In Hainan Province Abstract P119: Prevalence And Coincidence Of Arterial Hypertension And Orthostatic Hypotension In Pre And Centenarians: Preliminary Results Of Moscow
Inflammation is a crucial part of our body's defense system, but it can also play a villainous role in both aging and cancer.Acute, short-term inflammation helps heal wounds and fight infections. Chronic inflammation, however, lingers and disrupts healthy cellular processes. This disarray creates an environment ripe for cellular mutations, a key driver of cancer development. Furthermore, chronic inflammation fuels the growth and spread of existing cancers. Inflammatory cells release molecules that promote tumor cell proliferation, blood vessel formation for tumors to thrive, and even metastasis, the ability of cancer to travel to other parts of the body. This complex interplay between inflammation and cancer highlights their critical influence on our health and lifespan. 042P Prospective Study Evaluating White Adipose Tissue Inflammation And Clinicopathologic Features In Endometrial Cancer 109 The Wolf In Sheep'S Clothing: The Role Of Interleukin-6 In Immunity, Inflammation And Cancer 120 Airway Epithelial Control Of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Infection In … 113Pcould A Systemic Inflammation Response Index (Siri) Predict Overall Survival (Os) In Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer (Pc)? 12.1 Enhanced Proatherogenic Inflammation After Recombinant Human Tsh Administration In Patients Monitored For Thyroid Cancer Remnant 127P A Model Based On A New Inflammation–Nutrition Score And Tnm Stage For Predicting Overall Survival Of Patients With Colorectal Cancer 128. The Relationship Between Inflammation And Fatigue Development In Patients With Head And Neck Cancer Receiving Imrt 133P Sarcopenia And Inflammation Predicts Survival In Advanced Stage Cancer Patients (Pts) Treated With Immunotherapy (Io) 139: Hck Drives Pulmonary Inflammation Via Il-6 And Promotes Alternative Activation Of Macrophages And Cancer Progression 139P Prognostic Usefulness Of Advanced Lung Cancer Inflammation Index In Locally-Advanced Pancreatic Carcinoma Patients Treated With Radical Chemoradiotherapy 140Pmetabolic Syndrome And Inflammation In Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (Crpc) Patients (Pts) Treated With Abiraterone (Abi) And Enzalutamide (Enza) 143P A Systemic Inflammation Response Index (Siri) Correlates With Survival And Could Be A Predictive Factor For Mfolfirinox In Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer (Pc) 151. Redirected T-Cells For Adoptive Immunotherapy Of Cancer And Autoimmune Inflammation: Lessons From Transgenesis 1565Passociation Between Systemic Inflammation And Symptoms In Advanced Cancer Patients 180P A Novel Prognostic Score Based On Inflammation And Nutrition In Colorectal Cancer Patients 18Fdg Pet/Ct & Arterial Inflammation: Predicting Cardiovascular Events In Lung Cancer 18F-Pbr06 Pet/Ct Imaging Of Inflammation And Differentiation Of Lung Cancer In Mice 18Α-Glycyrrhetinic Acid Targets Prostate Cancer Cells By Down-Regulating Inflammation-Related Genes 1908. Normocytic Anaemia Is Associated With Systemic Inflammation And Poorer Survival In Patients With Colorectal Cancer Treated With Curative Intent 193P Prognostic Implication Of Inflammation-Based Scores In Patients With Metastatic Pancreatic Cancer (Mpc) Treated With First-Line Nab-Paclitaxel Plus Gemcitabine … 198: Inflammation And Nitric Oxide Synthase 2 In Driving Poor Prognosis In Era (-) Breast Cancer 19F Mri Tracking Of Inflammation For Earlier Prediction Of Colitis-Associated Cancer 2153 The Relation Between Systemic Inflammation And Incident Cancer In Patients With Stable Cardiovascular Disease; A Cohort Study 3, 5-Disubstituted Isoxazole Derivatives: Potential Inhibitors Of Inflammation And Cancer 31 Loss Of P53 Drives Systemic Neutrophilic Inflammation In Breast Cancer 339Phypoxia, Inflammation And Redox Status As Determinants Of Malignant
Inflammation plays a crucial role in human health, acting as our body's defense system against injury and infection. Acute inflammation, a short-term response, is beneficial, but chronic, low-grade inflammation can be detrimental. Obesity is a major contributor to chronic inflammation. Fat tissue, particularly visceral fat around organs, releases inflammatory molecules that disrupt normal cellular function. This disrupts how our body regulates blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol, all of which are risk factors for diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and some cancers [1, 2]. This link between obesity and inflammation is especially concerning for aging. Both processes are associated with a heightened inflammatory state, and research suggests they may reinforce each other. Chronic inflammation can accelerate age-related decline, while obesity itself increases the risk of developing age-related diseases. By understanding this connection, researchers are exploring ways to manage inflammation and potentially slow the aging process, with a focus on maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise [3]. A Berberis Microphylla Extract Prevents Obesity, Modulates Inflammation And Promotes Thermogenesis In Mice Fed On A High Fat Diet (P06-055-19) A Case Of Xanthogranulomatous Inflammation Of Terminal Ileum Presenting As A Mass In A Woman With Severe Obesity A Combination Of Omega-3 Pufas And Cox Inhibitors: A Novel Strategy To Manage Obesity-Linked Dyslipidemia And Adipose Tissue Inflammation A Dysregulated Acetyl/Sumo Switch Of Fxr Promotes Hepatic Inflammation In Obesity A Genetic Score Of Predisposition To Low-Grade Inflammation Associated With Obesity May Contribute To Discern Population At Risk For Metabolic Syndrome A High Ratio Of Dietary N-3/N-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids Improves Obesity-Linked Inflammation And Insulin Resistance Through Suppressing Activation Of Tlr4 In Sd … A Macrophage Activation Marker Chitotriosidase In Women With Pcos: Does Low-Grade Chronic Inflammation In Pcos Relate To Pcos Itself Or Obesity? A Macrophage Nbr1-Mekk3 Complex Triggers Jnk-Mediated Adipose Tissue Inflammation In Obesity A Major Role Of Insulin In Promoting Obesity-Associated Adipose Tissue Inflammation A Mathematical Model Of The Immune System'S Role In Obesity-Related Chronic Inflammation A Novel Anti‐Inflammatory Role For Spleen‐Derived Interleukin‐10 In Obesity‐Induced Hypothalamic Inflammation A Novel Anti-Inflammatory Role For Spleen-Derived Interleukin-10 In Obesity-Induced Inflammation In White Adipose Tissue And Liver A Novel Isoquinoline Alkaloid, Attenuates Obesity-Associated Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease In Mice By Suppressing Lipogenesis, Inflammation And … A Novel Regulator Of Macrophage Activation: Mir-223 In Obesity-Associated Adipose Tissue Inflammation A Novel Resveratrol Analog Pa19 Attenuates Obesity‑Induced Cardiac And Renal Injury By Inhibiting Inflammation And Inflammatory Cell Infiltration A Platelet-Activating Factor (Paf) Receptor Deficiency Exacerbates Diet-Induced Obesity But Paf/Paf Receptor Signaling Does Not Contribute To The Development Of Obesity-Induced Chronic Inflammation A Polyphenol-Rich Cranberry Extract Protects From Diet-Induced Obesity, Insulin Resistance And Intestinal Inflammation In Association With Increased Akkermansia Spp … A Potential Role For Dendritic Cell/Macrophage-Expressing Dpp4 In Obesity-Induced Visceral Inflammation A Proposed Model Linking Inflammation To Obesity, Diabetes, And Periodontal Infections A Qtl On 12Q Influencing An Inflammation Marker And Obesity In White Women: The Nhlbi Family Heart Study A Role For 5-Lipoxygenase Products In Obesity-Associated Inflammation And Insulin Resistance A Role For Adipocyte-Derived Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein
Cytokines are tiny but mighty messengers in the body, acting as signal flares between cells, particularly those of the immune system. They play a critical role in both inflammation and pain. When tissues are injured or infected, immune cells release pro-inflammatory cytokines, triggering the classic signs of inflammation: redness, swelling, heat, and pain.These cytokines directly stimulate nerves, contributing to the pain sensation. However, cytokines are a double-edged sword. While they cause discomfort during inflammation, they also help heal and repair damaged tissue. The key lies in a balanced response. This balance becomes disrupted with aging. A chronic, low-grade inflammatory state termed "inflammaging" sets in,fueled by an increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines. This disrupts normal tissue function and is linked to various age-related diseases like arthritis and Alzheimer's. Research suggests that targeting cytokine activity could hold immense potential for promoting healthy aging and managing chronic pain and inflammation. 127. B2-And B3-Adrenergic Receptors Drive The Development Of Comt-Dependent PAIN By Increasing Release Of No And Innate Immune CYTOKINES 2078: Ngf And Tnf-Α Contribute To Oral Cancer PAIN By Regulating Pro-Inflammatory CYTOKINES A Cohort Study Comparing The Serum Levels Of Pro-Or Anti-Inflammatory CYTOKINES In Patients With Lumbar Radicular PAIN And Healthy Subjects A Feasibility Study Of Genotype-To-Phenotype Analyses Of PAIN And CYTOKINES In Patients With Advanced Cancer At The End-Of-Life A Mechanism For Sciatic PAIN Caused By Lumbar Disc Herniation--Involvement Of INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES With Sciatic Pain A P38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Inhibitor, Scio-469, Inhibited The Production And Expression Of CYTOKINES And Pain-Related Molecules By Human Intervertebral Disc Cells A Pilot Study On The Effect Of Tai Chi Exercise On Peripheral Blood CYTOKINES Assoicated With Nociceptive PAIN In Healthy Volunteers. A Role For PROINFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES And Fractalkine In Analgesia, Tolerance, And Subsequent PAIN Facilitation Induced By Chronic Intrathecal Morphine A Traditional Chinese Medicine Xiao-Ai-Tong Suppresses PAIN Through Modulation Of CYTOKINES And Prevents Adverse Reactions Of Morphine Treatment In Bone Cancer PAIN Patients Ab165. The Role Of INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES And Mapk Signaling In Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic PAIN Syndrome With Related Mental Health Disorders Abnormalities In INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES Confer Susceptible To Chronic Neuropathic Pain-Related Anhedonia In A Rat Model Of Spared Nerve Injury About The Participation Of PROINFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES Tnf-Α And Il-Β In Pathogenesis Of Diskogenic PAIN Syndromes Activated Glia Increased The Level Of PROINFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES In A Resiniferatoxin-Induced Neuropathic PAIN Rat Model Activation And The Production Of PROINFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES Predicts The Development Of Neuropathic PAIN After Spinal Cord … Acupuncture For Chronic Pelvic PAIN Syndromes (Cpps) And Its Effect On CYTOKINES In Prostatic Fluid Adult Sickle Cell Anaemia Patients In Bone PAIN Crisis Have Elevated Pro-Inflammatory CYTOKINES Ameliorative Effects Of Green Tea Seed Extract With Rose Hip Powder (Rosa Canina L.) On Regulation Of PAIN And INFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES In A Rat Model Of Monosodium … Amitriptyline Inhibits The Mapk/Erk And Creb Pathways And PROINFLAMMATORY CYTOKINES Through A3Ar Activation In Rat Neuropathic PAIN Models Analysis Of The Drift Of Th1/Th2 Type CYTOKINES Of Peripheral Blood Cd4+ T Lymphocytes In Patients With Cancer Pain Animal Studies On Neuropathic
  13C, 15N CP-MAS as well as FT-IR studies of gossypol derivatives with aromatic substituents in solid 13C, 15N CP-MAS, FT–IR and PM5 studies of some Schiff bases of gossypol in solid 13C, 15N NMR and CP-MAS as well as FT-IR and PM5 studies of Schiff base of gossypol with l-phenylalanine methyl ester in solution and solid 145 Inhibitory effects of gossypol on bovine in vitro embryo production 1H and 13C NMR Experiments and Chemical Shifts Calculations on gossypol: a Compound Extracted from Cottonseeds 1H AND 13C NMR Studies of Tetrabutylammonium Salts of gossypol in Chloroform Solution 1H‐ and 13C‐NMR, FTIR, UV‐VIS, ESI‐MS, and PM5 studies as well as emission properties of a new Schiff base of gossypol with 5‐methoxytryptamine and a new hydrazone of gossypol with dansylhydrazine 1H and13C NMR spectra of transformation products of gossypol in solutions 1H NMR studies of gossypol and its complexes with some organic compounds 1H NMR study on the solvent effect on imine-enamine tautomerism of the condensation product of gossypol with 4-aminoantipyrine 1H NMR, FT‐IR and MS studies and PM5 semiempirical calculations of complexes between the Schiff base of gossypol with 2‐(aminomethyl)‐15‐crown‐5 and Ca2+, Pb2+ … 1H, 13C and 15N NMR, FT-IR as well as PM5 studies of a new Schiff base of gossypol with 3, 6-dioxadecylamine in solution 1H, 13C NMR, FT-IR as well as PM5 semiempirical studies of new hydrazone of gossypol with 2, 2′-diethoxyethyl hydrazine 3‐amino‐1‐propanol as a complexing agent in the determination of total gossypol A beam of dawn light of study on gossypol as a safe, effective, and reversible male antifertility contraceptive--evaluation of the studies by using low dose gossypol combined with steroid hormone for male contraception A bioenergetic model of gossypol action: effects of gossypol on adult rat spermatogenic cells A circular dichroism study of (+) gossypol binding to proteins A combined regimen of gossypol plus methyltestosterone and ethinylestradiol as a contraceptive induces germ cell apoptosis and expression of its related genes in … A Comparative Study on Rapid and Slow Loading of gossypol in Treatment of Gynecological Diseases [J] A COMPARATIVE STUDY ON THE INHIBITORY EFFECT OF gossypol ON SPERM ATPASE IN DIFFERENT ANIMAL SPECIES [J] A comparison between the cytotoxicity induced by gossypol in two testicular cell lines A developmental toxicity evaluation of gossypol A gossypol biosynthetic intermediate disturbs plant defence response A HISTOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF gossypol ON THE ANTERIOR LOBE OF PITUITARY OF CASTRATED HOGS. A histopathologic study of the effects of gossypol on the female rat A liposomal delivery vehicle for the anticancer agent gossypol A method for the preparation of labelled gossypol by the incorporation of 14C acetate A method for the preparation of labelled gossypol by the incorporation of sup 14 C acetate A Microbial Fermentation of Soybean and Cottonseed Meal Increases Antioxidant Activity and gossypol Detoxification in Diets for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus A mixture of cottonseed meal, soybean meal and animal byproduct mixture as a fish meal substitute: growth and tissue gossypol enantiomer in juvenile rainbow
Adipose tissue, often referred to as fat, plays a crucial role in our health by storing energy, regulating hormones, and insulating our bodies. However, as we age or experience obesity, adipose tissue undergoes a complex change known as senescence. This process creates senescent cells that release a harmful cocktail of molecules called the Senescence-Associated Secretory Phenotype (SASP). SASP disrupts the healthy functioning of adipose tissue. It promotes inflammation, hinders the formation of new fat cells,and disrupts the body's ability to regulate blood sugar. This dysfunction contributes to a cascade of age-related diseases including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and even Alzheimer's. Understanding how SASP and adipose tissue senescence interact is a promising avenue for researchers seeking to develop interventions to promote healthy aging and combat chronic diseases. Exercise prevents diet-induced cellular senescence in adipose tissue Physiological aging: links among adipose tissue dysfunction, diabetes, and frailty Unbiased analysis of senescence associated secretory phenotype (SASP) to identify common components following different genotoxic stresses Aging and adipose tissue: potential interventions for diabetes and regenerative medicine Roles of chemokine ligand-2 (CXCL2) and neutrophils in influencing endothelial cell function and inflammation of human adipose tissue Ablation of XP-V gene causes adipose tissue senescence and metabolic abnormalities The emerging role of senescent cells in tissue homeostasis and pathophysiology Cellular senescence and the senescent secretory phenotype in age-related chronic diseases JAK inhibition alleviates the cellular senescence-associated secretory phenotype and frailty in old age Growth hormone action predicts age-related white adipose tissue dysfunction and senescent cell burden in mice Aging-related inflammation in osteoarthritis Cellular senescence in type 2 diabetes: a therapeutic opportunity The fat cell senescence hypothesis: a mechanism responsible for abrogating the resolution of inflammation in chronic disease Feast and famine: adipose tissue adaptations for healthy aging Macrophages in age-related chronic inflammatory diseases Proposed metabolic vicious circle in patients with large myocardial infarcts and high plasma-free-fatty-acid concentrations Perspective: targeting the JAK/STAT pathway to fight age-related dysfunction Effect of low-dose rapamycin on senescence markers and physical functioning in older adults with coronary artery disease: results of a pilot study. Systemic DNA damage response and metabolic syndrome as a premalignant state Stem cell senescence and regenerative paradigms Cellular senescence in ageing, age-related disease and longevity Contribution of adipose tissue inflammation to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus Phytochemicals suppress nuclear factor-κB signaling: impact on health span and the aging process Effect of lipopolysaccharides on adipogenic potential and premature senescence of adipocyte progenitors Developments in our understanding of the effects of growth hormone on white adipose tissue from mice: implications to the clinic Cellular senescence in aging and age-related disease: from mechanisms to therapy Deleted in B reast C ancer 1 regulates cellular senescence during obesity Growth differentiation factor 6 derived from mesenchymal stem/stromal cells reduces age-related functional deterioration in multiple tissues Mitochondrial dysfunction induces senescence with a distinct secretory phenotype Impact of growth hormone on regulation of adipose tissue Senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP) involvement in the development of cancer, aging, and age related diseases Clearance of p16Ink4a-positive senescent