Bacopa Monnieri
December 18, 2017
Beet Root
January 2, 2018Bee Pollen

Be Pollen has been used as a holistic remedy throughout the ages by many different cultures around the world. Because bee pollen is a complete super food it contains the elements that animal products are unable to produce. Did you know that bee pollen is higher in proteins than any known animal source to date? It houses more amino acids than meats, eggs or cheese that have the same weight.
Just to give you a frame of reference of how hard these amazing honey bees work. One teaspoon of bee pollen takes a single bee eight hours a day for an entire month to generate! Every single bee pollen pellet has over two million flower pollen grains and when humans ingest one teaspoon, that has over 2.5 billion grains of flower pollen.
Benefits of Bee Pollen?

Antioxidant - Studies have found that bee pollen possess very high antioxidant properties that are similar to those of fermented foods. What is an antioxidant? It is naturally occurring chemicals that exist in plant-based foods which typically are red in color. (Article)
Stress Relief - Bee pollen has showed signs that it can increase the blood flow to the body's nervous system. (Article)
Immune System Booster - A study showed that when rabbits were administered bee pollen as a supplement in addition to their normal diet. They showed signs of a longer life span and greater success at reproduction. They even gave birth to stronger and healthier babies when compared to the test group that did not take the bee pollen supplement. (Article)
Liver Health - The liver is a vital part of our human body because it is the filter for the toxins within the body. A study showed on rats that when bee pollen was administers it greatly assisted with liver health and even assisted with the healing process of liver damage. This was noted that the rats showed no side effects when the bee pollen was consumed. (Article)
Wolverine Healing Factor - Research was performed and showed signs that when used on the skin it can increase the healing times and boost blood circulation , kill bacteria and even soften the skin. (Article)