Cornus Fruit
January 26, 2018
Cynomorium Root
January 26, 2018Cuscuta Seed

It can be found in many tropical and temperate regions of the world and is native to many countries. This plant has no true roots and the leaves are like the scales on the stems.
It is utilized as an excellent tonic for the kidney, liver and spleen. When used in combination with other ingredients it can assist with various ailments such as impotence, nocturnal emission, alopecia areata, frequent urination and lower back pain caused by kidney deficiency.
When speaking for the medicinal purposes of the plant it is generally referred to the seed of the Cuscuta. Other names of this plant are witch's hair, hail weed, angel hair, goldthread, strangleweed, devil's ringlet, love vine. The seeds are generally used raw, cooked or mashed.
The Cuscuta plant is an annual parasitic herb, the flower cluster in leaf axils with scaly bracts and bracteoles. Flowering time is from July to September and fruiting can happen between August and October.

Benefits of Cuscuta Seed